Interesting use of the word "cohesively." Did he mean "coherently"?
In context, his point was that the new strains aren't severe, it's mainly the people with other conditions that are going to have serious problems, and we can just keep doing things like washing our hands, wearing masks if we have symptoms, and getting booster shots.
६३ टिप्पण्या:
It would be nice if the booster shots came without heart damage and death as potential side effects.
Every one of us has covid stuck to our lungs for the rest of our lives, whether we feel it or not. It's incoherent, but very cohesive.
"and we can just keep doing things like washing our hands, wearing masks if we have symptoms, and getting booster shots."
Brought to you by Pfizer.
No, he meant what he said. "Cohesively." As in "All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state."
Also, no distinction between hospitalized because of covid and hospitalized with covid.
The latter makes the former easier.
Masks and booster shots! They’re colossal!
The original shot was matched to an unstable part of the virus, which was largely ineffective to prevent infection and transmission. The booster shots are as effective as flu shots, which is to say they are likely mismatched and ineffective. The masks have been demonstrated clinically, and recently confirmed, to offer false assurance, and actually increase risk beyond a limited frame of use.
How about we all do what we've always done to avoid colds and flu? If you think a shot or mask helps with that, be my guest. I'll be over here eating (fairly) well, exercising, taking my vitamins, and staying home when I'm sick - just like I've done since I was a child. I've had Covid at least once and it certainly wasn't anything to worry me, so why would my plans change? Go ahead and be as scared as you like; just don't expect me to do anything to help ameliorate that fear for you.
"It would be nice if the booster shots came without heart damage and death as potential side effects."
Nearly every medical intervention to prevent, mitigate, or help cure an ailment has its own risks, (e.g., there is risk, though relatively low--that one may die on the table with every surgery that requires the patient be anesthetized). In comparison (or contrast), how great or low, statistically, is the risk of heart damage and/or death as potential side effects of the COVID vaccines/booster shots?
Interesting use of the word "cohesively." Did he mean "coherently"?
Good question.
Being coherent seems to have taken a back seat to demanding cohesiveness in many areas of public policy. A defense mechanism of the incompetent perhaps?
“Did he mean "coherently"?”
Say… who’s the doctor here?
The problem with the Covid vaccine shots is that the danger from Covid is low to zero in most age groups and is very low even among older people if they are healthy. As a result the danger from vaccine side effects to most people surfaces and rises high above the danger from Covid to most people. All vaccines have side effects but in many cases the danger from the side effects is much, much, much lower than the danger from the disease - from polio or smallpox, for example. In the case of Covid the danger from side effects is much, much, much higher since healthy people are not really in danger from Covid so that any risk at all from the vaccine is an unnecessary risk. That is what is disturbing - that the government is trying to force people to take an unnecessary risk.
In the Tuskegee syphilis experiment the government denied treatment to a group of Blacks because it wanted a control group of persons with untreated syphilis in order to establish a statistical baseline. Madness. One of the doctors involved in this study was Raymond A Vonderlehr 1947-1951 the first director of the CDC when it began to function under that name
"Dr. Raymond Vonderlehr was chosen for the field work [of the Tuskegee Syphilis experiment] that began in October 1932. Dr. Vonderlehr began his work in Alabama by spreading the word that a new syphilis control demonstration was beginning and that government doctors were giving free blood tests. ... As Dr. Vonderlehr approached the end of his few months of study, he suggested to his superior, Dr. Clark, that the work continue for five to 10 years because "many interesting facts could be learned regarding the course and complications of untreated syphilis." Dr. Clark retired a few months later and in June 1933 Dr. Vonderlehr was promoted to director of the Division of Venereal Diseases of the PHS. ... This promotion began a bureaucratic pattern over the next four decades that saw the position of director go to a physician who had worked on the Tuskegee Study. Dr. Vonderlehr spent much of the summer of 1933 working out the study's logistics, which would enable the PHS to follow the men's health through their lifetime. "
Due to his excellent work at the Division of Venereal Diseases, Raymond Vonderlehr became first head of the CDC when various Federal public health agencies, including the Division of Venereal Diseases, were merged in the single entity we now know as the CDC.
Now the CDC is again misusing statistics for an unknown end. Plus ca change, plus ca la meme chose.
Why are we worried about booster shots for new virulent strains of covid that have mild effects? Booster shots did not prevent Biden or Fauci from obtaining and spreading covid. Although, who knows if either washes their hands enough for the number of people they touch on any given day. Maybe they just need to stop touching people.
Covid is always going to be around.
And, thus, so will the Civil Rights restrictions that enabled the Biden residency.
Covid is a cold virus. As long as there are cold viruses, we'll just have to
keep having mail in voting
not require voter ID or signature verification
allow Voting Month to be expanded into Voting Season
just allow proxy voting like stock companies do. Your vote will be ASSUMED democrat; IF You have a problem with that.. Just go to your polling station on Voting hour and manually cast your write in vote (assuming that the voting station has paper, or is open, or Even exists)
Robert Cook said... great or low, statistically, is the risk of heart damage and/or death as potential side effects of the COVID vaccines/booster shots?
I nominate Robert Cook for lead lab rat. Go get the new mRNA booster as soon as it's available and report back.
In comparison (or contrast), how great or low, statistically, is the risk of heart damage and/or death as potential side effects of the COVID vaccines/booster shots?
In comparison To WHAT? Do you mean in comparison to the likelihood of death from Covid?
How high the likelihood of Covid WITHOUT the "vaccine" to the likelihood of Covid WITH the "vaccine"?
Looks like less than 100 people a day are dying in the US with Covid. Of those how many:
were vaxed?
Of THOSE people.. How many WOULD NOT HAVE DIED if they had taken the New Wonder Vax?
THEY are willing to shut down the country and impose martial law.. To save HOW MANY PEOPLE??
Final Followup question. How much money has the Biden Family received THIS YEAR from Big Pharma?
Is Ivermectin still an off limits word or did the politicians satisfy their part of the deal with the drug companies?
The purpose of the vaccine was to reduce risk of hospitalisation and death. Which it did quite successfully.
there is risk, though relatively low--that one may die on the table with every surgery that requires the patient be anesthetized
True, but I don't generally put myself under anesthesia when I don't have an issue requiring surgery.
"The purpose of the vaccine was to reduce risk of hospitalisation and death. Which it did quite successfully."
No, that was the purpose they finally settled on when the other attributes of a "vaccine" ('you won't catch it', 'you won't transmit it') were not met. I have leukemia and carefully followed the whole progression of rationals.
He's thinking of coexist.
"'there is risk, though relatively low--that one may die on the table with every surgery that requires the patient be anesthetized'
"True, but I don't generally put myself under anesthesia when I don't have an issue requiring surgery."
You're evading the point. Infectious illnesses can strike anyone at anytime. So, given the risk factors of contracting any given infectious illness, as compared/contrasted with the probability of the risks of harm by undergoing the standard/recommended medical intervention to prevent infection, how does the COVID vaccine/booster compare with actually contracting COVID? How likely is it that getting the COVID vaccine or boosters may lead to serious or fatal consequences vs. contracting COVID? It seems a rational person should research this question and make their choice based on the best available data, rather than just going on "feel" or by uncritically accepting possibly exaggerated claims of harm from the measures for preventing contraction of the virus.
I have no problem when covidiots wear masks all day every day and get 50 booster shots. My wife’s friend Janet falls into that category and, strangely, has had Covid three times in spite of it all. Just don’t tell me what to do or where I can go if I do otherwise.
I’ve probably had Covid too, as most of us have, but just never worried about it. That’s called building natural immunity.
But, she says, you might catch it and give it to me(again). She who resides at the center of the universe.
My assignment to the class is to look around for clues to this kind of thinking.
You can’t use a plastic straw because it might pollute the water and give me cancer.
Except that recent studies have characterized the proof that this is can happen weak (“further study is required”) and that paper straws are no safer.
The list goes on.
Rich said...
The purpose of the vaccine was to reduce risk of hospitalisation and death. Which it did quite successfully.
did it? Did it, REALLY?
I'd be IMPRESSED, if you posted some data for that.. Go ahead, i'll wait while you make some up.
I probably got the latest strain recently, or at least the COVID test insisted it was COVID. This is the second time I have had COVID, the first being several years ago. The symptoms were different this time around, other than my sense of smell approaching 5% which happened both times. What I got was a constant headache that lasted for several days accompanied by a minor fever, followed by a day of snot and cough, and then a productive cough that lingered for several weeks. Basic flu stuff. Once the main symptoms broke, my sense of smell came back. Last time it was more like a weak cold, other than the sense of smell going away and staying away for months.
Respiratory diseases are extremely difficult to eliminate, as they spread quickly and tend to mutate a lot. The fortunate thing is they tend to mutate into weaker diseases over time, as diseases that kill their hosts before they can spread the disease tend to burn out quickly, and weak diseases tend to spread as the sick are less likely to avoid others. At this point, trying to get rid of COVID is a fool's errand.
COVID is an annoyance for most people. Unless a person has an underlying condition, it is generally not a danger, though some people will only discover they have an underlying condition when it is too late. The "vaccine" does not stop you from getting COVID and it does not prevent you from spreading COVID, though it (probably) lessens the symptoms. I'm not sure I believe the latter anymore, given it is obvious that the push for the vaccines is more of a money making deal for the pharmaceutical companies than anything scientifically motivated.
Omg. The NYT is riddled with misinformation, disinformation and malinformation.
The horror.
The paper of record.
Please make me laugh some more.
Robert Cook, I agree that all medical treatments can have negative side effects and this needs to be considered when deciding on treatment. There has been no such concern with the government pushing the "vaccine." They should not have recommended the "vaccine" for children unless they had an underlying condition, given that the risk to children is basically zero and the side effects are probably more of a concern, the heart issues potentially being quite severe. For young adults, you make it available if they want it - they are adults, after all - but you make it clear what the risks are and that the danger of the disease to them is minimal in most cases. You don't take an experimental drug that can kill you in order to treat a mild cold, even if the drug is very effective against the cold.
When someone is acting irrationally, which the government is most certainly doing in this case, it brings into serious question any prior claims of expertise.
As long as the vaccine isn't mandated, I say people should do what they want in regards to it. I, for one, will let others continue to be the Phase III trial arm of m-RNA vaccines.
If FJB tries to mandate masks or boosters, he is going to find low compliance. Probably all Democrats.
“The original shot was matched to an unstable part of the virus, which was largely ineffective to prevent infection and transmission. The booster shots are as effective as flu shots, which is to say they are likely mismatched and ineffective. The masks have been demonstrated clinically, and recently confirmed, to offer false assurance, and actually increase risk beyond a limited frame of use.”
Maybe. At a high level. The jabs contained ModRNA (Modified mRNA) that generated the Wuhan (originally decoded gene sequence from 1/2020) variant spike proteins. They became ineffective with the Omicron variant (12/21 in the US) with spike proteins mutated sufficiently from the Wuhan variant. It has been theorized that the Omicron variant mutated around the vaccines that way. The good news was that those spike proteins are how the virus attaches to cells, and the original spike proteins were optimized to tightly attach to human ACE2 receptors (the “human” part is why it is almost certain that the virus was created in a lab). By mutating the spike proteins, the Omicron spike proteins don’t apparently attach as tightly to our cells, reducing the deadliness of the virus. But in order for one variant to push out another, it usually means that the new variant is also more transmissible. The increased transmissibility of Delta (8/21) made herd immunity mathematically improbable, assuming that the vaccines prevented the spread of the virus, and Omicron made it mathematically almost impossible. Of course, we all knew that the vaccines were not completely effective by the time of the P Town Superspreader Event (7/21),, which meant that even that early, herd immunity through vaccinations was mathematically almost impossible.
My point there is that there never was a medical reason to get most of the population vaccinated, nor to have more than one jab. The public health authorities should have allowed maybe a single shot of those say 60 and over, with comorbidities. Maybe a bit younger with serious comorbidities- like the 400 pounder on O2 in the motorized cart at Walmart. Multiple injections might have helped them, until Omicron pushed out the Wuhan spikes in 12/21, by having Wuhan spike antibodies in the body when the virus was encountered. Of course, that’s not how vaccines usually work - instead, they imprint the memory of an antigen (such as a virus) on the immune system, and then the immune system more quickly recognizes the antigens, and generates the appropriate antibodies. That level of imprinting, for most, appears to occur with the first jab.
So, if there is no medical reason to provide most of the population more than one jab, and much of the population even a single jab, then why did our government push so hard for Vaxing, Boosting, etc? It’s mostly financial. There is a revolving door between the big pharmaceutical companies and the agencies that regulate them. Another top bureaucrat just jumped to Pfizer a week or two ago. It’s called “agency capture”. But this time around, they found a way to bribe the bureaucrats while they are still working for the government, by kicking back royalties to them for technology they helped develop working for the government. Top public health bureaucrats like Fauci had salaries well above what Congress is making, augmented by those royalties. As a good friend always says: “Follow the money”.
Of course, this entire discussion ignores the dangers that we have almost assuredly seen with the experimental use of ModRNA.
"and getting booster shots."
That's a big "piss off" from me.
“The purpose of the vaccine was to reduce risk of hospitalisation and death. Which it did quite successfully.”
Keep spewing government propaganda. But as I point out above, there was no medical reason to vaccinate most of the population. The experimental ModRNA* utilized has surely killed many more people below 40-50 y/o, maybe even 60 y/o, than the vaccines have saved in those demographics. The unvaccinated death rate below 20 y/o is roughly 1/1,000,000 (1%%%). The ModRNA spike protein vaccines are not sterilizing. That means that you can catch and transmit the virus after being vaccinated. Worse, the continued use of Wuhan spike generating ModRNA up until now was counterproductive. Hospitalization rates for those catching it dropped significantly when the medical field discovered that one of the worst thing that you can do for most patients was to ventilate them. Venting was the big killer. It made a lot of money for the hospitals though… The whole thing was idiotic, and an illustration of the weakness and evil of big government. Which is why you are still spouting government and Big Pharma misinformation.
*ModRNA here is is mRNA that has had Uridines found in normal RNA with the much more stable N1 Methylpseudouridines, which hide the ModRNA from the immune system and other bodily defenses. Normally, RNA breaks down quickly, and mRNA is destroyed by the immune system when encountered outside cells. Instead of breaking down or being destroyed by the immune system, as is the case of mRNA, within maybe 15 minutes or so, the ModRNA from these vaccines has been detected for 60, even 90, days in the body, generating Wuhan, and then additionally Omicron, spike proteins the entire time.
Meanwhile, CDC data show a positive relationship between the number of doses received and the number of cases. Another reason for healthy people to NOT get any more mRNA boosters!
"and we can just keep doing things like washing our hands, wearing masks if we have symptoms, and getting booster shots."
"We"? You got a mouse in your pocket?
"The purpose of the vaccine was to reduce risk of hospitalisation and death. Which it did quite successfully" [i]in a limited cohort of people > 70 years of age with at least 3 of 7 identified comorbidities."[/i]
FIFY. But yeah, gotta give everyone the prophylactic shot that identifies as "vaccine".
Dunno, seems more like a trial run for 2024's public employee union election control.
Ivermectin is now allowed.
Masks do not prevent Covid. No mask of any kind has been shown to work.
Masks do store and concentrate bacteria on the inner surface of the mask from exhalation.
Still using misleading hospital metrics including overamplified PCR tests which the inventor said were useless for Covid.
Meanwhile, excess deaths in the jabbed continue.
Did the vaccines prevent deaths? Doubtful.
On December 31st 2020, the US had recorded 353,226 COVID deaths. Vaccination of the elderly started in that December and has continued to present day. In 2021, the US recorded 266,754 COVID deaths in the first half of the year, and 225,765 in the second half of the year. In 2022, the US recorded another 272,235 COVID deaths for the entire year, and 55,000 so far this year. To my mind a successful vaccine would have seen COVID deaths in 2021 run about half what they did in 2020, and at 10% in 2022 of what they did in 2021/2020.
What the above data looks like, instead, is what one would have predicted with no vaccine at all- a rise in 2020, a plateau in 2021, and then a slow decline to a low level of deaths for every year going forward. Remember- the elderly are the vast majority of the dead, and they are the most vaccinated group of Americans and of every other country on the planet. Unlike the US, most of the rest of the developed world suffered the vast majority of their COVID deaths after their populations were largely vaccinated. Like the flu vaccines- if the COVID vaccines were really successful, no one who is vaccinated should be dying at all, but like the flu vaccines, you can't really measure a beneficial effect in the dimension of deaths, and this is likely because the viruses like influenza and coronaviruses mutate very rapidly, and that the immune system is likely permanently imprinted with original strain the person first encountered- further vaccination against later strains only reactivates the same memory b-cells and the same antibodies you produced against the first strain you were infected with.
@Robert Cook: "In comparison (or contrast), how great or low, statistically, is the risk of heart damage and/or death as potential side effects of the COVID vaccines/booster shots?"
We don't know, because studies have been censored or politicized. It's difficult to know the truth of the matter, due to efforts of various public health authorities and corporations.
So: In the absence of a clear answer, people will just have to make up their own minds whether or not they want to get a shot. You know, like with flu shots. We don't mandate those, right?
I think he meant to say we ought to learn to live ‘adhesively’ with covid.
"Interesting use of the word 'cohesively' Did he mean 'coherently'?" How about none of the above?"
"Cohesively" is sticky from the base word "hesitation" and "coherently" finds its way to "hesitation" as well. The origin is the Old French word hesitacion or directly from Latin haesitationem "to adhere, stick, cling."
Perhaps "conjunctively" works. The conjunctive mode (Late Latin coniunctivus modus) is the mode that follows a conditional conjunction (words used in place of "if") or expresses contingency.
In comparison (or contrast), how great or low, statistically, is the risk of heart damage and/or death as potential side effects of the COVID vaccines/booster shots?
I don’t think we know this yet. Neither, of course, do our potential mandaters.
The vast majority of the US is beyond this. Covid was junk science and the response was horrible to children. If people on the coasts want to virtual signal, their choice. It was a political movement
I've been meaning to look this up for some time because in 1918, influenza was not curable, hard to prevent and quite deadly ... via Bing Chat:
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides estimates of COVID-19 infections, symptomatic illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths using statistical models to adjust for cases that national surveillance networks do not capture for a number of reasons. According to their estimates, from February 2020–September 2021, there were approximately:
146.6 million estimated total infections
124.0 million estimated symptomatic illnesses
7.5 million estimated hospitalizations
921,000 estimated total deaths
On the other hand, the CDC does not know the exact number of people who have been sick and affected by flu because flu is not a reportable disease in most areas of the United States. However, these numbers are estimated using a mathematical model, based on observed rates of lab-confirmed cases. According to their preliminary in-season estimates for the 2021-2022 flu season, as of August 7, 2023:
There were an estimated 3.8 million to 4.6 million flu illnesses
There were an estimated 1.9 million to 2.3 million flu medical visits
There were an estimated 26,000 to 31,000 flu hospitalizations
There were an estimated 2,400 to 3,100 flu deaths
It is important to note that these are just estimates and the actual numbers may be different.
As you can see from these estimates, COVID-19 has had a much greater impact on the United States than the flu in terms of infections, illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths.
The purpose of the vaccine was to reduce risk of hospitalisation and death. Which it did quite successfully.
If it did - which I think is not necessarily as "known" as you're implying, since by the time the vaccines came out and were widely deployed we were already seeing that the virus had mutated to become much less dangerous than the OG version - what's the purpose of it now, when the virus is very similar to a nasty cold?
The purpose of the vaccine was to reduce risk of hospitalisation and death. Which it did quite successfully.
You have absolutely no way of knowing that. Zero.
The virus impacts everybody differently. Some people who were vaxxed died. Others - like me, who weren't - came down with a couple days of sniffles and personally, a weird burning sensation in my nose.
I wish people like you would stop lying about the effectiveness of the 'vaccine' because you simply have no proof.
> how great or low, statistically, is the risk of heart damage and/or death as potential side effects of the COVID vaccines/booster shots?<
We will probably never know, because the initial "safety studies" deliberately did not count heart attacks and strokes among "side effects," even if the person had a heart attack or stroke immediately after getting vaccinated (as did Marvin Hagler, Hank Aaron, one of my colleagues ...). And then they unblinded the study, so the placebo controls went out and got vaccinated, so there is now no way we can know if there were lower (or higher) rates of circulatory or clotting issues in the control or vaccinated arms. What scientific reason would there be for doing such things? I can't think of one.
Also, did you know that when we test vaccines in the U.S., we don't use a true control (i.e., a saline injection?). No, we use an injection with all the adjuvants, etc., just without the vaccine part (in the case of Pfizer and Moderna, just the mRNA is different). It seems to me that taking this approach means we can never tell if the adjuvant itself causes problems, no? What would be the scientific reason for not having a pure placebo arm? And isn't it suspected that a bad or too-strong adjuvant in the anthrax vaccines was the cause of "Gulf War Syndrome"? (which of course never happened even if you personally know someone to whom it did).
By the way, there were more heart attacks in the vaccinated than in the un-vaccinated group in the initial "safety studies, but this was never followed up, I assume because it was decided that only anaphylaxis was an actual negative reaction to the vaccine (You can see it for yourself in the materials released by Pfizer and Moderna directly).
Finally, though perhaps this has changed by now, as of this spring there was no official diagnosis code for an injury from the covid vaccines, so even if a doctor concluded that was what happened (i.e., if a young, healthy person got encephalitis--brain swelling confirmed on MRI 48 hours after the second shot, in the winter when there are no mosquitos, and with no infectious agent in the cerebrospinal fluid), there was no way to communicate that information to the big databases that we use to calculate morbidity statistics. So it is technically still possible to say that, as far as the statistics are concerned, there aren't any vaccine injuries. Similarly, if a previously healthy baby dies of SIDS 24 hours after a covid injection, there's no diagnosis code for that. So we have an "unexplained rise in SIDS deaths" that is "likely due to climate change" (which must have hit an inflection point precisely in 2021).
If people and organizations constantly ACT like they are hiding something, at what point should we conclude that they are hiding something?
P.S.: Think about how much danger we would be in if the covid vaccines had actually worked? (i.e., that they were a true sterilizing vaccine--what we used to call a "vaccine"--instead of the prophylaxis, which we now call a vaccine). THAT would be a Hobson's choice of risking a small but real chance of death or heart injury vs not just the personal risk of getting covid, but the risk of spreading it to others. Our current culture and institutions are absolutely incapable of making reasonable cost/benefit decisions, much less cost/benefit decisions with major ethical and moral components.
Hopefully we have dodged having someone who knows how to do real damage setting off a bunch of car bombs because his kid was forcibly vaccinated and died immediately afterwards. There might be angry people right now, but I think they haven't crossed over into crazy because they still technically had the choice (even though they were coerced).
I prefer not to find out what will happen if things are pushed further.
"No, that was the purpose they finally settled on when the other attributes of a "vaccine" ('you won't catch it', 'you won't transmit it') were not met."
The covidiots do so badly want you to forget the many reasons they initially gave you that turned out to not be true, but trust them- they mean well.
Hey people Inga said in another thread that the White House proclamations are to be believed, so lighten up. Besides, Covid-19 data collection is FUBAR.
BTW, anybody remember the Duck on "You Bet Your Life?
theyre working on it
The fentanyl and promoting voluntary castration cant get it all done by itself.
"I’ve probably had Covid too, as most of us have, but just never worried about it. That’s called building natural immunity."
Given that COVID is always mutating, I don't think one can build "natural immunity" to it, just as we do not build natural immunity to the common cold or the flu. One might become more or less immune to a specific strain, yet still be susceptible to the latest variants.
"I nominate Robert Cook for lead lab rat. Go get the new mRNA booster as soon as it's available and report back."
I have no qualms in doing that. I received the original two-shot vaccine and two subsequent boosters. Due to a move out of NYC I have not sought out any subsequent booster(s), through laxity on my part than rather than fear of the shots.
"Covid was junk science and the response was horrible to children."
Any specifics?
"The experimental ModRNA* utilized has surely killed many more people below 40-50 y/o, maybe even 60 y/o, than the vaccines have saved in those demographics."
Any quantitative stats or published studies supporting that "surely?"
"If people and organizations constantly ACT like they are hiding something, at what point should we conclude that they are hiding something?"
The "Election 2020 Fraud" people called- they want their meme back.
"We will probably never know, because the initial "safety studies" deliberately did not count heart attacks and strokes among "side effects," even if the person had a heart attack or stroke immediately after getting vaccinated (as did Marvin Hagler, Hank Aaron, one of my colleagues ...)."
The data exists to allow us to do the analysis- the US government definitely knows who got the first two doses in late 2020 through 2021, and by process of elimination, who did not. We also have very good electronic records of medical emergencies and deaths. It is completely possible to take those data sets and do a retrospective analysis looking for side effects.
Of course, it won't be done- the data do so will never be released by the US government under any circumstances short of a SCOTUS supported court order in a lawsuit, and maybe even that would work as the data would likely accidentally end up in the Potomac in a massive loss of hard-drives.
Just over Covid. My husband, too.
We’ve survived. This time.
Watch those troponins, (Baghdad Bob) Cookie. And keep an eye out for turbo cancers.
farmgirl said...
Just over Covid. My husband, too.
We’ve survived. This time.
“Given that COVID is always mutating, I don't think one can build "natural immunity" to it, just as we do not build natural immunity to the common cold or the flu. One might become more or less immune to a specific strain, yet still be susceptible to the latest variants.”
The first difference there is that the flu vaccines are whole virus vaccines. The COVID-19 ModRNA vaccines only provide identification of the two spike proteins. Mutate those two spike proteins, and these vaccines became worthless. That has been the case with them since 12/2021, when Omicron pushed out Delta in the US population. When you catch the virus (and haven’t had the vaccines*), you get whole virus imprinting by the virus, and other parts of the virus can trigger an immune response.
How does this virus differ from the flu? The flu virus is found every year around the world. There are many, many, strains, existing in various different animal host reservoirs. It then mutates and jumps to humans from these other species. Most common sources are from birds (esp apparently chickens and ducks) and pigs, all of which are raised for human consumption. WHO (etc) every year follow outbreaks from around the world, and try to guess a year ahead of which strains will be endemic, and build vaccines accordingly. COVID-19 was optimized to attach to human ACE2 receptors. When it jumps to different species, it has to mutate to deal with these other species, and the place it has to mutate the most is in the spike proteins that were optimized for attachment to human ACE2 receptors. If the virus jumps back to humans, that human optimization has been lost, and the new virus has, so far, been unable to compete successfully with the original virus and it’s purely human strains. Some day, it may succeed, jumping back from another species, but probably only after our natural herd immunity has waned through time (this happens with the flu viruses), and because of the human detuning, is likely to be significantly less deadly.
*This is called “vaccine innocence”. One problem with these COVID-19 vaccines is that of Original Antigenic Sin, which essentially means that our immune systems overimprint on the two ( Wuhan variant) spike proteins, and as a result, under imprint when confronted with the whole virus, or other, mutated, spike proteins. This isn’t usually a problem with the flu, because the various strains are different enough. Not so with COVID-19. Compounding the problem is that the every variant of these vaccines, until just now, has included Wuhan spike generating ModRNA (obsolete since 12/21). The problem is that every jab, after the first generates a huge immune reaction to te generated spike proteins, leaving scant resources for imprinting on other spie proteins, or other virus parts. Almost everyone has full Wuhan spike protein immune system imprinting after the first jab, which is why all of the subsequent jabs are counterproductive, and cause more har than good.
"The experimental ModRNA* utilized has surely killed many more people below 40-50 y/o, maybe even 60 y/o, than the vaccines have saved in those demographics."
This sort of thing was ruthlessly suppressed by the government and elite medical publications until this year. Papers were rejected, and approved publications were withdrawn. Social media was just as brutal, until Musk bought Twitter. It’s only maybe the last six months or so that it starting to be published. You could always do what Yancey has done so well all along, and integrate multiple data sources to derive out Excess Deaths, and the like, but until this year, you had better not try to publish your results. I should add, that while COVID-19 deaths were over reported, due to, among other things, financial incentives by government agencies, there was no real way to collect vaccine injury deaths. People would die of myocarditis, pericarditis, super fast growing cancers, etc, and there was no way to tie those deaths to vaccine status. No diagnosis code, nothing. Which is worrisome since these side effects were known by the Pharma companies and the FDA from the very beginning.
Here is apparently what is happening. The ModRNA survives in the body for upwards of two months, sorties even longer. It is injected into the injection site, then moves to the lymphatic system, then the circulatory system, thence the rest of the body. Where the ModRNA lodges, and enters cells, it starts producing those spike proteins, which were identified to the immune system on the first jab as antigens. Cells then exhibiting those (esp Wuhan) spike proteins are killed, when detected by the immune system. Kill enough of them in one place you have problems. If they concentrate in the heart muscle, you have myocarditis, after all the heart muscle cells expressing the spike proteins have been killed, etc.
What May have broken this open, this year, was the development of a stain that fluoresces in the presence of spike proteins. Using this technology in targeted autopsies (that test COVID-19 negative) very often show high concentrations of these spike proteins at the site of organ failures causing death. Also, interestingly, in some extremely fast growing cancers.
Robert - You can dutifully get Boosted some more, and trust in your government, but there is no rational reason to do so, and good reasons not to. I would prefer that you don’t - I enjoy having you around here.
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