Writes Tayo Bero in "Why are Black rappers aligning themselves with the right? Ice Cube has joined a long list of rappers who have cuddled up with conservative pundits and politicians" (The Guardian).
"We know that Black wealth hoarding can’t save us and that recreating the violent architecture of capitalism – but with Black people in the positions of power, of course – does nothing for the plight of everyday African Americans. Still, hip-hop legends like Jay-Z continue to peddle this demented lie because that is the very function of capitalism: keep the poorest in society busy providing cheap labor while they chase an impossible dream. Then there’s the pseudo-intellectual bunch, who mask their self-serving motivations as elevated political awareness.... As many rappers gain inordinate wealth and power, they’re increasingly exposed to the ways that all of that can also be a gateway to political influence and social dominance. These men don’t want a better America for Black people, they want one where their worldviews are advanced, regardless of which enemies they have to sleep with in order to make that happen...."
What a banal Marxist word salad of seething bigotry. Almost a caricature of fear and loathing.
Maybe the rappers just don't want to be forced to allow their children to be horribly mutilated. Oh, and I don't hate any rappers, don't care for the music but that is because I'm an old fart.
Also, Joe Rogan isn't a conservative.
Maybe they don’t like the idea that they’re owned by the left? Just sayin’
"the poorest in society busy providing cheap labor"
Slightly OT: how much labor do "the poorest" actually provide?
The failure of rappers and conservatives to conform to my preconceptions proves there's something wrong with rappers and conservatives.
I sense a panic that black people are going to vote Republican in droves in 2024.
"rightwing populism threatens to destroy their communities....".
Tayo Bero is also the author of "I'm tired of watching Black men like Tyre Nichols die. This shouldn't be normal", in January of this year. So she can't plead total ignorance.
I've just started watching the Carlson interview and it's fucking amazing.
“Even enemies talk to each other”, rapper Ice Cube said to Tucker, when Tucker asked why are you talking to me?
Cube went on (I’m paraphrasing) “Im sure even the Russians and the Ukrainians have some communication with each other”
What could be something worse than an enemy?
"who have all put themselves in dangerous proximity to conservative politicians."
The Castro Soviet racist left can go fuck its racist self.
Weird that these guys anti-cop pasts are conveniently forgotten by people who are decrying BLM protests.
I have a tote bag (courtesy of Mark Steyn) that warns that I am a dangerous conservative.
that interview is beautifully lit
real cinematography
looks way better than his Fox show
The struggle is fake, and the projection is strong.
White left lying liars who lie ACTUALLY threaten black communicates.
The white left's lie in Ferguson MO - inspired the burning and riots that transpired. Black communities burned to the ground over a complete lie. Even Holder's justice dept knew the truth.
The white left media still lie about it to this day.
Assuming the white left care about black people - it like assuming a poisonous snake cares about the mouse it is about to devour.
I love the assumption on the left that conservatives hate black people.
even as rightwing populism threatens to destroy their communities
So that's the source of their problems, not crime, ignorance, and immigration.
Teyo Baro sounds like an idiot. A complete idiot.
Ice Cube is an Uncle Tom? Now I've heard everything.
Sounds like somebody is upset that folks are not keeping to The Narrative...
Taya Bero is a black Canadian Journalist. I could not find a bio of her ancestry but I would bet that her roots are via the is Caribbean, not US.
Always nice to have Canadians who know little of our culture preach to us like this. Especially in a British newspaper.
Should we pay any attention to her at all?
In fairness to the Guardian, they are often a source for US News that the US media ignores.
John Henry
One of my favorite issues of National Lampoon was the one where blacks and poor whites realized their common economic interests, and started a revolution. It’s important for the people who have seized control of our government to keep us divided.
Is the real problem buddyng up to conservatives (Joe Rogan is conservative? Who knew?)
The real problem is that they are not condemning our president emeritus and might even support him!!!
She is a true subject of King Chuck
John Henry
"Conservatives," like Tucker Carlson, get so tumescent at the thought of pop-culture stars talking to them that they willingly, even happily, ignore their blatant antisemitism--the one ism they'd never ignore if it were any other kind of hatred except Jew hatred.
In Carlson's case, Cube's antisemitism is a feature, not a bug.
"Why are Black rappers aligning themselves with the right?"
Reality...rather getting mugged by reality...forces any person of any political persuasion to have firm understandings of what works vs. what doesn't. Just like soldiers or cops or anybody that is death/injury/trauma adjacent, you only care about what you 100% know for a certainty, because that knowledge about what works and what doesn't can literally save your life.
Rappers are trauma-adjacent, mostly (some create a lot of drama for 'cred'). Cube was definitely trauma-adjacent, there's nothing fake about his 'street cred'. He's seen the death and the misery and the undignified way people in his own community growing up chose to live during the height of the crack craze.
None of this should come as a surprise to anyone.
Leader of the pack
I remember when Chuck D said Public Enemy was backing Bernie Sanders
and Flavor Flav was not on board with that
In discussions about money, gender identity, public health and a variety of social issues, rappers and rightwingers have a lot more in common than you’d immediately think. Many people from both groups share hypermasculinity, conservative Christian values, and a distrust of social institutions (justified or not)
I would be extremely interested to hear in what specific instances Tayo Bero acknowledges that "Rightwingers" have a justified distrust in social institutions.
I actually agree with her main point though but for different reasons: the concepts of "hypermasculinity" and "conservative Christian values" are very different between WASPs and black rappers even if the opposition (and even occassionally, the fellow travelers) lump them under the same name, and pedestalizing rappers is a fool's errand for white conservatives that they nonetheless can't help themselves doing.
This is indeed a very dangerous alliance and will almost certainly backfire on any candidate that tries to take this route.
Mr. Bero (or is it Ms?) says that "rightwing populism threatens to destroy their communities". It seems to me that left wing paternalism and democratic party political calculations are the actual culprits here.
Shorter Guardian: Stick with Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton, Black people!
@Crack, I always think "vroom vroom" after reading comments such as your 1028 AM one!
How dare an influential Black Rapper stray!
"The notion of building individual wealth as a means of collective liberation is as sinister as it is stupid."
One of many strawmen displayed in a farrago of non sequiturs.
The notion of building individual wealth was never about collective anything, let alone "liberation". It's about being responsible and thinking of the future. Everyone can do this--just work and systematically save a little bit every month.
Unsurprisingly, almost every article she's written is infected with he own racism which is often projected, incorrectly, onto others.
Why is Tayo Bero working for a UK newspaper? Aren't the British the ultimate in Honkyness?
– who have all put themselves in dangerous proximity to conservative politicians even as rightwing populism threatens to destroy their communities....
A city council member of Washington DC, just demanded the Washington DC National Guard be called up to enforce Martial Law!
DC can never be mistaken as run by rightwing populism
My last vote for a Democrat was in 2000.
Americans who think, and aren't brainwashed and indoctrinated you mean. If you haven't noticed...ALL of the left wing Propagandists have the same exact vocabulary, and talking points daily. They are like Robots, spewing the daily musings of the Obama apparatus hiding behind the scenes running things into the ground, to destroy America as fast as they can.
The black voters have been in the firm, caring busom of the Democrats for going on 100 years now. At some point, Democrat-supporting writers like Tayo Bero have to start taking some fucking responsibility for their plight. This is what people like Ice Cube, Kanye West, and others might be starting to wake up to- that the Democrats are the problem, not the solution.
So easily do the left-minded drop the pejorative term "right wingers."
And by left-minded I mean those who love big government and want even more government oversight so that more and more can be controlled, with the controlled forced to pay for the chains placed on them.
As for me, I simply want to be left alone. Stop bothering and taxing me.
See Overview of America,
I am confused by the equivalence between "talking to" and "aligning with". To talk with someone, even a non-conservative such as Piers Morgan, does not equate with "aligning with". That Bero conflates the two tells us why this is column is in the disreputable Guardian rather than somewhere that people with a brain would read it.
How far to the left must you be to believe that Joe Rogan and Piers Morgan are conservatives.
So, poor people shouldn't have to work, to contribute to the economy or society???? So, they shoukd be thought of as, what, parasites? Freeloaders??? Takers??? What does this pea brained pseudo intellectual contribute??? Also, the promise of advancement through work or school is not a false one. See, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Kanye West, Bob Johnson and a million other examples, all real.
"Dangerous proximity" indeed. The lack of understanding is impressive. Althouse has landed on two of the Guardian articles that caught my eye this morning, or perhaps it's the other way around.
Tucker Carlson is a fantastic interviewer. Up there in Joe Rogan's class, but quicker and faster. He really wants to know what Ice Cube thinks.
And I love when he explodes in laughter.
"What's your view of the police at this point?"
(that question makes it obvious that Carlson has done his homework)
and Ice Cube says, "It's the same."
and Tucker laughs.
that's great!
What Crack said.
What's surprising to me is that more Black Americans don't leave the Democratic Party. I'm not sure many Republican have done the work or shown enough interest to gain the votes of many people- not just Black Americans. But to keep voting for the same people (Democrats) who have made it a conscious policy to destroy the Black family, lock poor kids in the worst schools, and try to make up for it by handing out pennies from time to time to buy votes?
How many decades can things still be going wrong? Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in awhile. Try voting for someone else, some other party. Or...just quit reflexively voting for the same party because....because they tell you the other guys are racists.
What do you think Mr. Chevrolet had to say about Mr. Ford? I mean- it's their competition. Of course they're going to tell you the other party is racist, homophobe, etc. At every turn they'll tell it to you as long as you keep slurping it up.
And then another decade goes by and the cities still suck, kids are shooting kids, drugs have taken over the 1-parent communities, and those that want out cannot get out because they're locked in the worst kind of situations, going to the worst schools in the nation's history.
You want change? Start changing how you vote. Ice Cube gets it.
Ice Cube's first dumb comment (and only one I've heard so far) was when he said that Kamala Harris is a "great politician" because she is vice president.
She was a horrible politician that lucked out.
Dan Quayle wasn't a great politician, either. What the fuck, man, the vice-presidency has been described as a warm bucket of piss, and that office is often filled by non-entities.
I feel like a pigeon. I want everybody to treat me like a pigeon"
- Ice Cube
- Krumhorn
"... even as rightwing populism threatens to destroy their communities...."
Please point out any disadvantaged minority community that resides under rightwing governance.
We do have to admit to racism by proxy for being afraid to say the truth to our friends and our politicians. That truth, that Democrats black and white practice a racial spoils system that keeps minorities poor, uneducated, and in fear of their lives.
violent architecture of capitalism
It IS the most violent system, except for all the others…
“Hyper-masculinity” is just masculinity, just like “right-wing” is really just right of center, but the fascists have seized power, and with it comes a certain power to control thinking by redefining terms, including “fascism.”
Translation = "Some Blacks are figuring out who their friends are. No many but it might be a trend. Who was president when black men made their best economic gains ?
doing a lap dance on Willie Brown does not make Kamala Harris a "great politician."
only in a cynical, ends-justify-the-means sort of way
Kamala Harris is the Monica Lewinsky of vice-presidents
it's like she was built in a lab to mimic Obama
even has the multi-ethnic background and "high yellow" skin tone
if she debates Tim Scott, that will be like George Tech playing Cumberland back in the day
222 to 0
Do people not realize that younger generations don't share the same world view as older people? My brother is close to Tucker's age. He loved NWA and Ice T and Body Count as a teenager. He's also a big Trump fan. Skaters hate the police as much as Cube did. I wouldn't be surprised if Tucker listened to NWA as a youth. It was very popular music. I remember Phil Donahue going off on NWA back in the day, was he a conservative? Things change.
Jay Z is a big lefty, but Cube's dad still lives in the same house in Compton that Cube grew up in. Who's more in touch?
Contrast Sarah Palin to Kamala Harris
Palin was a rock star in the 2008 election.
She overshadowed the top name on the ticket!
She got stadium crowds on the Republican side
when the fuck do you remember a vice president overshadowing a president?!
it was amazing
Sarah Palin unhinged the Democrats before she got into office
They went after her tooth and nail
and she blinked
and gave up
and decided not to run in 2012.
I believe she would have run away with it.
She would have (easily!) defeated Mitt Romney for the nomination.
And she had a good chance of upsetting Obama in 2012.
Our whole political world would have been radically different if this had happened.
Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. Ice Cube is waking to the realization that he is Zulu in a Mandela handmade tale.
For all the banal political talk, those rappers are truly transgressive by the way they chose to live their lives--specifically, by choosing to wait until they were married to have children, and then (by all accounts) by being involved, loving fathers to their children. Set everything else on fire, all the meaningless talk of who is going on who's podcast, but give special attention to their actual lives with their children. A world of engaged fathers is an especial danger to the worldview--and more importantly, to the livelihoods--of scores of thousands of people. Rage against that self-interest.
Capitalism is a democratic economic system of retained earnings... that has been undermined through labor and environmental arbitrage, abd monopolistic practices.
"As many rappers gain inordinate wealth and power, they’re increasingly exposed to the ways that all of that can also be a gateway to political influence and social dominance."
Don't these rappers know when they've gained too much power and wealth.
Don't these rappers know their place!
These rappers would be comfortably at home in an Ayn Rand world, very individualistic and not much interested in accepting someone else's idea of boundaries on how to live. Trump is the prime example of that FU approach on offer today. So it makes sense to me that these rappers would recoil from the lefty "cancel culture" model of things, where all the players are terrified of saying the wrong thing.
“What's surprising to me is that more Black Americans don't leave the Democratic Party.”
I think that it is finally changing. And all the rappers cozying up to Republicans, and esp Trump, are indicia of that. They get their name, and their fame, by being edgy. And that is what being edgy is right now in the Black community. Being a liberal or aligning with the Democrats is not edgy in the least. It’s what the older, non-confrontational Black elites do, because their leadership has been bribed by the Democrats for much of the last century. They are the ones who get the 8A contracts and elite college admissions, while much of the Black community pay the price, with the breakdown of the Black family, drugs, violence, etc.
The other thing is that the two parties have effectively switched places socioeconomically. The Dem party is the party now of the underclass, led by the uberclass, with the Republicans sandwiched between. The lower middle class has shifted hard to the right, while grads of the better colleges have shifted left. The problem is that you have to go through the Republican base to get from the lower class segment of the Dem party to its elite segment. And that typically takes several generations. I think that we are seeing this with Hispanics, who work hard, believe in strong family values, and embrace the American Dream. Blacks are lagging for probably several historical reasons. But the smart ones are waking up. The Dem party promises them a dysfunctional existence- poverty, dependency, violence, and deaths. They are the ones paying for BLM, defunding the police, no cash bail, the Great Society, free abortions, etc.
"Why are Black rappers aligning themselves with the right?"
Because they have money now? Or maybe because they realize that all of the bad shit that's going on in neighborhoods like theirs and mine is due to decades of Progressive policies?
Shorter Tayo Bero: How dare they venture off the plantation.
"I sense a panic that black people are going to vote Republican in droves in 2024."
That's why it will be interesting to see which major city in a swing-state will the media use to hyper-amplify a tangentially race-related incident in order to get black folk to riot next summer. Statistically, it won't be Minneapolis -- former home of George Floyd, the patron saint of Fentanyl. Right now, my money is on Milwaukee. Time will tell...
"The white left's lie in Ferguson MO - inspired the burning and riots that transpired. Black communities burned to the ground over a complete lie"
2012: Trayvon Martin
2016: Philando Castile
2020: George Floyd
2024: TBD
November 22, 2014 (two weeks after the mid-terms): Tamir Rice, clearly murdered. *crickets*
"...this demented lie because that is the very function of capitalism: keep the poorest in society busy providing cheap labor while they chase an impossible dream."
So sick and evil! The actual "demented lie" here is that somehow, people on the lower economic rungs can't have a dream; that they can't possibly make it in America. Bullshit on wheels!!
My own family all started working and lower classes. Several members struggled with single parenthood, abusive spouse, and substance abuse. And every.single.one.of.them. who just went to work at entry-level menial jobs, and stayed at their jobs, and were pleasant and responsible employees, and who left abusive partners if they had one, and who quit excessive drug and alcohol use, is now solidly middle-class. They own modest houses, they drive cars that aren't falling apart, they have stable marriages, they go camping with their pop-up campers and get away to Florida sometimes, etc. They're HAPPY!
And guess what---two of the people I am talking about are black. They followed the same pathways as my white relatives and achieved a good life.
Complete racist drivel based solely on grouping people by color. Rappers, and entertainers in general, tend to be people who became successful due to their hard work and talent. That naturally fits into the conservative ethos of hard work and self reliance. They also tend to be very tied to a local community.
And "right wing" tends to mean anyone just right of Bernie Sanders. I'm probably just right of center on most things, but the author would probably call me a Facist.
"The black voters have been in the firm, caring busom of the Democrats for going on 100 years now"
The black voters have been in the firm, caring bosom of the Democrats for over 400 years now
We know that Black wealth hoarding can’t save us and that recreating the violent architecture of capitalism – but with Black people in the positions of power, of course – does nothing for the plight of everyday African Americans.
I don't know that we do "know" that. Nice easy rhetorical trick, the assertion presented as fact with absolutely no evidence. If this person were speaking, that sentence would have been, "We know, right [little laugh], that Black wealth hoarding..." That interjected "right" drives me up the freaking wall.
We certainly have decades of evidence, however, to indicate that massive transfer payments don't do it.
And here I was thinking that the Capitalists were supposed to need the races to hate one another, to keep them from uniting to overthrow the system.
You Commies need to get your talking points straight.
I have a tote bag (courtesy of Mark Steyn) that warns that I am a dangerous conservative.
With a HIDDEN AGENDA, yes?
People who write for the Guardian have no idea what (market) capitalism actually is or how it works.
Mark said, “Weird that these guys anti-cop pasts are conveniently forgotten by people who are decrying BLM protests.”
Two observations on Mark’s so on-brand bon mot:
1. Unlike the lefties who post here rappers and other people tend to mature over time and as the apostle Paul put it, set aside childish ideas.
2. Ice Cube has portrayed a cop on TV longer than he was a rapper.
Maybe they heard the news:
No Republican ever owned slaves.
The Republican party was created to free the slaves.
Jim Crow was Democrats trying to hang on to control of Blacks, if they couldn't own their actual bodies.
Gun control was started to keep Blacks unarmed and under control.
Welfare and Affirmative Action was Dems still trying to keep control of them through bribery.
I've never been a Republican, but I wish more Blacks knew more about what they refuse to vote for, and what they vote blindly for.
"I sense a panic that black people are going to vote Republican in droves in 2024."
I don't know why it still works, or can't admit it, but they fall for the racial demonizing of the Republicans every time, no matter how ridiculous.
Why is it seen as surprising that many black men sympathize with someone seen as victimized by bullshit and malicious police prosecutions? This seems quite expected, in fact. I listened to three black men in the rough part of Madison WI expressing great respect for DJT, and that stuck with me
Well, obviously Ice Cube is the new face of white supremecy. Am I doing this right?
You guys think blacks are going to vote Republican, but I've been independent since I left. Republicans are as boneheaded as Democrats, and it didn't take long to learn that.
Well, Crack, consider which side abhors New Age cultism. I don't like the current GOP either, but they're right about the failure of the welfare state. Vote for the least toxic candidate.
This Guardian reporter gets lots of stuff wrong. Rogan has never been conservative. He would still be the Ron Unz of podcasting if he didn't sell out to censors, but he has been hanging out with rappers for decades.
I don't think Kanye West fits with these other men. He's just nuts.
But yes, A strong sense that black masculinity has been diminished by the left; Christian upbringings, and work ethics make several rappers natural conservatives. More power to them. The white and black underclasses (both enamored to rap), need strong, fiscally responsible, male role models.
The Guardian likes keeping the underclass poor, dysfunctional, anti-religious, anti-responsible, and anti-social. Of course, these such aren't welcome in their offices.
It's almost quaint how they embrace the dream of anarchy leading to communism. Not for their three level townhouses with luxury kitchens, of course.
“You guys think blacks are going to vote Republican, but I've been independent since I left. Republicans are as boneheaded as Democrats, and it didn't take long to learn that.”
Actually not voting automatically for the Democrat would be sufficient. So, Independent is just fine.
My late father’s late junior law partner was Irish, and active in CO state politics. He had a framed picture of him with JFK in 1960 sitting on his front porch in rockers, maybe 4 blocks from us (along with one of the Archbishop. Just two Irish Dem political types. At the time he was the Dem party county chair for a western suburb. But later in life, he admitted that he hadn’t voted for a Dem in years (but was still a registered Dem). Most of his kids were Republicans.
Of course, it works the other way too. My mother’s family were Republicans by the election 100 years earlier, having been active in the Abolitionist movement before the Civil War. In his autobiography, noted Civil War historian Bruce Catton mentions my GG Grandfather as one of those who inspired him for his life’s work. She started to wobble when she became friendly with Gov Dick Lamm, and knew His successor, Roy Roemer from a church group. His father-in-law baptized me (decades before Gov Roy went into politics). She got to know Lamm from when she was the state legislative chair (and chief lobbyist) of the CO LWV. She never changed her party affiliation, but started voting for Dems at that time. Three of us are still proudly Republicans, 160 years after our first ancestors joined the party. One brother, as well as probably my daughter, never were, and are Democrats.
My point there is that switching to Independent from your group’s traditional political party is a good first step. That makes it more likely that you probably won’t vote in lockstep, out of group loyalty (I have a good Jewish friend in a very similar position as you).
The Democrats’ Nonwhite Working-Class Problem Re-Emerges:
The latest New York Times/Siena poll has made an impact and underscored the Democrats’ vulnerabilities on many fronts. The poll found Trump and Biden tied in a 2024 trial heat 43-43, with 16 percent saying they are undecided, would vote for another candidate or not vote at all. There are many striking demographic patterns in this result but one of the most striking has been little talked about: Biden’s weakness among nonwhite working-class (noncollege) voters. Biden leads Trump by a mere 16 points among this demographic. This compares to his lead over Trump of 48 points in 2020. And even that lead was a big drop-off from Obama’s 67-point advantage in 2012.
This evolving weakness among nonwhite working-class voters is a direct threat to the massive margins Democrats need to maintain among nonwhite voters to achieve victory. That is because these working-class voters are two-thirds to three-quarters of the nonwhite vote so the direction they trend in will drive the nonwhite vote as a whole.
Mark said...
"Weird that these guys anti-cop pasts are conveniently forgotten by people who are decrying BLM protests."
God forbid, Mark, a black man has an opinion you disagree with.
You guys think blacks are going to vote Republican,
I don't. After all the Black vote switched from Republican to Democrat while the Democrats were still imposing and enforcing Jim Crow on the South. I have never understood. Perhaps it's some form of Stockholm syndrome?
We know that Black wealth hoarding can’t save us
What Black wealth hoarding? Every Black kid I know, including the "poor" ones, are wearing $200 tennis shoes, $150 air pods, gold chains, designer clothes and a $1,000 cellphone they pay $50 a month to use and carrying a $7 cup of coffee from Starbucks.
Conspicuous consumption is a major part of Black culture.
The black voters have been in the firm, caring bosom of the Democrats for over 400 years now
There was a brief period from 1865 to 1876 that the Republican Party and the army protected Black people in the South from the Democrats. (That ended with a corrupt bargain between the Democrats and Republicans)
Black people consistently voted Republican until 1932, when they switched to the Democrats even while the Democrats were imposing and enforcing Jim Crow.
"the violent architecture of capitalism"?
Can't be any worse than the "Violent Architecture" of Communism, with its over 100 million dead (and counting).
"the violent architecture of capitalism"?
Can't be any worse than the "Violent Architecture" of Communism, with its over 100 million dead (and counting).
No Republican ever owned slaves.
that sentence kind of blew my mind
usually absolutist sentences (i.e. "always" or "never" or "everybody" or "nobody") are exaggerations
but that sentence has a very strong chance of being true
The Republican party was created out of hostility to slavery. It was the anti-slavery party. Lincoln's party.
It seems to me the possibility that a Republican owned slaves is very remote.
Maybe some of the Yankee states that allowed slavery had Republicans who owned slaves for a period of time or something.
Hypocrisy is definitely a thing.
But it would certainly be strange for a slave-owner to join the anti-slavery party. It's always possible, but it seems very remote.
(great to see you back here, bagoh, I missed you brother!)
Every Black kid I know, including the "poor" ones, are wearing $200 tennis shoes
This is a racist sentence and beneath you. Seriously, brother. Why are you capitalizing a human being's skin color? How many black kids do you know, anyway? What are their names?
Lazy thinking, lazy writing, lazy argument. Stereotypes are dumb. Satanic, even. Satan gets you many ways but refusing to think is a major one.
I get the point you're making. I was in an athletic shoe store earlier this year to pick up a pair of Chuck Taylor's
and I was the only white guy in the place
very strange
reminded me of when I was in the fourth grade, and my little brother and I were the only white kids on our school bus
anyway, Nike is aware of its demographics and pays for racist advertising to try to keep black people buying its shoes
that's why they keep paying Colin Kaepernick, that dumb fucker, to sell their shoes
but treating black people as a monolith is racist as shit
that's what the media does
and the Democrat leadership does
anybody who knows humanity understands we all have free will and can think or say anything
watch Ice Cube again!
It is really pretty startling the crude level of rhetoric. I know it's the Guardian, but still. "Dangerous, dangerous, dangerous." Everything. From Trump, to hot weather, to rappers daring to side with Tucker Carlson -- or, that is, daring even to TALK to him. It's no wonder the left now speaks the therapeutic language of "harm," "hurt feelings," "unsafe feelings" even mere "proximity" to the many contagions out there, rightwingers being the super spreaders of such, I guess.
I suppose the Guardian would feel so much less in danger if these rappers would just stick to niggas and hoes. Too bad.
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