"It’s now commonly used by politicians, the media, Hollywood and government agencies. But make no mistake: 'Sex work' is hardly a sign of liberation. Why, you might wonder, does exchanging money for sex need a rebrand? Derogatory terms like 'hooker' and 'whore' were long ago replaced by the more neutral 'prostitute.' But 'sex worker' goes one step further, couching it as a conventional job title, like something plucked out of 'What Color Is Your Parachute?' Its most grotesque variant is the phrase 'child sex worker,' which has appeared in a wide range of publications, including BuzzFeed, The Decider and The Independent. (Sometimes the phrase has been edited out after publication.)... In recent years, language has undergone drastic shifts in an effort to reduce harm. Sometimes these shifts result in contorted language that obscures meaning. Sometimes these shifts make people feel better without changing anything of substance. And sometimes they do move the needle toward positive change, which is always welcome. But the use of 'sex work,' however lofty the intention, effectively increases the likelihood of harm.... To help people hurt by the sex trade, we need to call it like it is."
Writes Pamela Paul, in "What It Means to Call Prostitution 'Sex Work'" (NYT).
६१ टिप्पण्या:
Surfaced about the same time as "Just do the work." They meld beautifully.
If your "sex work" involves minors, the FBI will protect you.
I'm reminded of the old joke:
God: “Ok. You’re a whore.”
The NYT is just figuring this out now?
Now do "climate change" and "climate denier."
"Why, you might wonder, does exchanging money for sex need a rebrand?"
To define deviancy down.
"But the use of 'sex work,' however lofty the intention, effectively increases the likelihood of harm."
Which implicitly expresses a prog dilemma: anything-goes "morality" vs. women's and children's rights.
The lofty intention is to break down the social order good and hard. As the transgender movement shows, women and children are there to be bullldozed.
It’s now commonly used by politicians, the media, Hollywood and government agencies.
This makes total sense once you recognize most leftie political agendas originate in places like Davos, dictated by the wealthy globalists who get to skip the lines at the metal detectors. It isn’t hard to speculate at least one of those guys has a thing for diddling young children…
It also helps to recognize the handful of EU countries where sex work is a legitimate enterprise, like something straight out of What Color is Your Parachute…
At 70+ years old sex is work.
The never-ending-failure of a lefty utopian dream: Change the world and become a happy person by changing language.
Guaranteed failure #852,968,214. This. Doesn't. Work.
Negro -> Colored -> Black -> Afro-American -> Black -> African-American -> Person of Color -> Black
San Francisco has long used "sex workers", per the Beach Blanket Babylon stage show, per the open prostitution "Erotic Massage" businesses downtown, and various efforts to tax and regulate sex work. It still doesn't change the fact that AIDS got a foothold in SF's gay bath houses as covered in blood and fluids, and the many successful lawsuits against those involved with under-age sex (Boy Scouts, Catholic Church, etc.).
There is a dark side. There are sex crimes. There is mental illness. There are criminals of all types.
'Child sex worker' sounds so much better than "Children being raped for the entertainment of some sorry human beings."
Let's just call a hoe a hoe.
Funny happening from the Ukraine war:
Some of you may have seen articles recently that there are rumblings in Germany, Poland, Serbia, Romania, etc. about the large number of Ukrainian refugees taxing the social system in those countries. The unspoken subtext though - and what they only hint at - is that the real problem is with the large number 'nubile' under 25 Ukrainian refugees that fled the fighting a year plus ago and have decided to take up prostitution, man-snatching, and onlyfans to pay the bills while they're living abroad. Talk to people on the ground, but apparently these Slavic kittens are causing a lot of marital and family problems.
It reminds me of the old joke regarding US immigration. Just imagine for a second if all US refugees and immigrants were young Eastern European, Asian, or Latino women between the ages of 17-25 with appropriate BMIs. AWFLs would go from the welcome wagon to forming ShutzStaffel Bandenbekampfung units complete with Barbie-pink, Hugo-inspired thigh-highs and velvet-wired concentration camps so fast your head would spin. They’d create diversion lanes at airports and seaports for any woman under the age of 30 to check her social media and marital history and they’d install autocannons at the border and fill the Rio Grande with alligators.
Women hate hate hate competition, and you couldn't get better evidence of this than the troubles the latest batch of EU refugee sex workers are causing across Europe.
Althouse's language posts are what roped me in long ago. I love this category of post. Today's subject matter is puzzling though, because I don't understand the rules for when we can discuss pertinent facts and when we cannot. For example, recently the decent movie Sound of Freedom was labelled right wing fantasy propaganda, although it told the Hollywoodized true story of a Fed busting child sex traffickers. Same with Epstein's client list: way too touchy a subject for "decent" NYT readers to see.
Then we get this. I guess, although I am a lover of the English language, the part that's puzzling me the most is how "talk" is so dangerous, but a wide open border and children actually being brought here by strangers for God-knows-what is off limits because not talking about it is the right thing to do.
When I first encountered the term in print I assumed it was meant to be broader than prostitution, and covered phone sex and webcam shows. Was I wrong, then?
Are presstitutes sex workers now?
They sure do fuck us around enough.
John Henry
This "sex work" terminology has been around for a while. It is one of the few remaining vestiges of the sex-positive feminism of the 80's and 90's. Soon it will vanish, and Andrea Dworkin and Catharine MacKinnon will get the last laugh.
I wonder how long the purse-mouthed, purple-haired cat ladies who are now our rulers will continue to permit things like OnlyFans?
its called degradation and exploitation,
how old are these "Sex workers"
i see we're supposed to say "child sex workers" for the new ones.. But the others, the 'regular ' "sex workers", how old were THEY when THEY started.
Anyone that thinks "sex work" is Great, needs to watch The Sound of Freedom..
Actually, Anyone that thinks "sex work" is Great, needs to be executed
There are more slaves in the world today, then there were back when slavery was legal.
And the USA is a major consumer of these slaves.
(yeah, i saw the movie last night. It was depressing. They saved a few hundred kids.. Out of MILLIONS)
Seriously, what was the starting age of the typical prostitute?
13 years old? SIX?
Agreed. Most of the prostitutes I know eventually found God, so nothing good seems to come of it.
The English language is now the battlefield for "wordfare" against normals by the left. And they're very good at it.
I think we should ask Senator Menendez. He may be familiar with the matter.
And if they are 'workers', then we can tax them, right? (government official in the wings drooling and rubbing hands together)
"Pimps" is racist and derogatory and White Supremecist-adjacent. Pimps shall now be called "Sex Bosses."
The idea is to make normal what Democrats are already doing illegally and immorally.
Pedophilia is next up.
Rationalization. Pure and simple. You see this all the time when people psychologically or physically violate very deeply genetically ingrained sex taboos, such as pedophilia or prostitution. Both are actually just symptoms of far deeper issues, mostly coming from places of deep self-mistrust and lack of self-worth. Prostitutes and strippers universally have very low self-esteem. You wouldn't think it to look at their bodies, but there's a whole ecosystem of self-esteem issues there. For the occasional moon rock that doesn't, it's usually just laziness and good old fashioned greed, but they're pretty rare.
Any prostitute that insists on using the term "sex work" has more than just daddy issues. Depend upon it.
sex worker
"History" for the fabulists at NYT is about 18 months. The terms "sex work" and "sex worker" have been around for decades and have no particular significance beyond politeness.
Remember when the Democratic Senator from New Jersey, Menendez was busted by the FBI for statutory rape of a “child prostitute”? The trafficked child, of course recanted, probably after a suitable payment to the child’s “pimp.” I always choked on the term “child prostitute” as it implies that the child has agency in the setup, well “child sex worker” is worse. It implies normalcy.
I think the first well-known person I heard use this term was Hillary Clinton. I assumed at the time that this was supposed to be some less pejorative way of describing an activity that is (a) not illegal everywhere and (b) to preserve the notion of autonomy, that women (and most sex workers are women) have authority over their own bodies and can choose to exchange sex for money.
It'similar to the rationale behind the right to abortion on demand and is an effort to be consistent in applying that rationale to other situations. So we have sex workers, a respectable choice of profession that reflects the liberation and empowerment of women who can monetize their bodies and do whatever they want. We are women hear us roar.
Fewer people would be hurt by the sex trade if it weren't illegal. If playing with the terminology helps remove the stigma, and in turn remove the laws around it, then that's a good thing.
Slightly OT but funny: When I was a kid in a Catholic family in a very Catholic part of Wisconsin, we were watching some police show on TV (this would have been late '60s/very early '70s) and near the end someone said something like "You're under arrest. . .for prostitution!"
I didn't know that word yet, and I thought it was 'protestantism' and I was all like "You can be arrested for not being Catholic???"
Yeah, isn't it AMAZING how a small group of leftists decide to change the language for political reasons and EVERYONE goes along. Even the center-right. Illegal aliens are now "migrants". Kiev is Keeve. BC/AD is now BCE/CE. Prostitute is now "sex worker". Handicapped = Disabled or is that been changed?
Never any pushback. never any resistance. Never a fucking clue about what the Left is doing. Just a bunch of dumb sheep. What's the big deal about words?- says the dumbo Right.
Has the Catholic church switched to BCE/CE? They will.
Yeah, isn't it AMAZING how a small group of leftists decide the change the language for political reasons and EVERYONE goes along. Even the center-right. Illegal aliens are now "migrants". Kiev is Keeve. BC/AD is now BCE/CE. Prostitute is now "sex worker". Handicapped = Disabled or is that been changed?
Never any pushback. never any resistance. Never a fucking clue about what the Left is doing. Just a bunch of dumb sheep. What's the big deal about words?- says the dumbo Right.
"In recent years, language has undergone drastic shifts in an effort to reduce harm."
Oh, yeah. Reducing harm, that's what they're up to. Lying shit-weasels.
"It's an unusual, unnecessary word. I'd avoid it."
Reducing harm, right?
Intimate Experience Consultant.
Physical Relations Manager.
Temporary Spouse Augmentation Professional.
Look up George Carlin's bit on Shell Shock for a description of how we soften terms over time while in many ways reducing the emotional weight of the issue being described.
How does Pamela Paul manage to keep her job at the Times, where other feature stories today criticize the Barbie movie for being too "binary" and claim to gague the degree of racism among "different" Republicans in an utterly bizarre, vast, and incoherent "chart" "breaking down" the "Six types of Republicans," which itself is wrong in every conclusion -- and smacks of prejudice itself.
While totallly failing to comprehend the voter base it claims to study.
Sex workers are like regular workers only if they have one of these,
Talk to people on the ground, but apparently these Slavic kittens are causing a lot of marital and family problems.
This explains why LAX-WAW has been defaulting on Google Flights and the Lot nonstop…
The author calls it the "sex trade." Is that really different from calling it "sex work?"
Clarity is good. "Sex work" and "sex worker" are straightforward, unambiguous terms, not positive or negative, convoluted, or euphemistic. Like most people, I have some opinions about sex work in various contexts, but I'd rather express my opinions directly and when I choose, not every time I have to use a word.
Pimps better be sending out 1099s in Jan.
Now do trafficing.
Black whores will never be lost in back..
black holes, again.
Barefoot, pregnant, and in the boardroom. #NoJudgmemt #NoLabels
The Chinese normalized sex work to compensate for forward-looking human deficits left by human rites... selective... one-child policy.
Wow. Someone actually thinks the women of Ukraine see refugee life as a fantastic business opportunity where they can prey upon hapless East European men. Because of course the penniless woman in the strip club in Krakow has all the advantages in that transaction.
In other words, all women are whores, just waiting for their chance.
Fewer people would be hurt by the sex trade if it weren't illegal.
This is the same argument that's made about legalizing drugs. I remain involved. I understand Portugal is rethinking this policy, and I'll bet it's being discussed behind closed doors in Portland too.
If you can convince me that children and teens and other vulnerable people won't be forced into sex work if we legalize it, maybe I'll change my mind about drugs too.
"Pimps" is racist and derogatory and White Supremecist-adjacent. Pimps shall now be called "Sex Bosses."
And Girl Boss Sex Bosses. The LA Times recently ran a long feature lovingly detailing the struggle of a Chinese immigrant who exploited other Chinse immigrants as their pimp.
Buckwheathikes said...
"The idea is to make normal what Democrats are already doing illegally and immorally. Pedophilia is next up."
Minor Attracted Persons (MAPs) has already been floated.
Jamie said...
"Fewer people would be hurt by the sex trade if it weren't illegal."
This is the same argument that's made about legalizing drugs.
In the last 20 years, we have experience with the government shutting down websites that solicit prostitution. Women who advertise on the internet can screen their customers in a way women on the street cannot. That's why it's more dangerous to make it illegal. There's good reason to think legalizing prostitution would reduce child sex trafficking in that it would reduce the influence of criminal gangs.
"And Girl Boss Sex Bosses."
Ghislaine Maxwell’s best customers are still running this clown show, lemme tell you!
Apparently no one has consulted the sex worker's equivalent of Corpus Juris Secundum.
Helpfully it can be found here,
"In recent years, language has undergone drastic shifts in an effort to reduce harm."
Whatever the intention, the result is often the opposite. It's essentially a form of the Streisand Effect, where some anodyne locution is so obviously trying to hide a pathalogical reality that it boomerangs very badly. "Sex worker" fails miserably given the grubby and degraded nature of the sex trade, the pathetic state of the prostitutes (female and male) who are exploited in the trade, and the drug addiction that usually goes with it. If you have doubts about that, just try to imagine that your son or daughter got caught up in the sex trade. Or if that's too taxing, just read American Pastoral to see how that might play out if it happened in your family. There's nothing liberating in trying to pretend that prostitution is just a paid version of the Summer of Love.
Pimpin' is easy. Bank rec in QuickBooks just wack.
“I didn't know that word yet, and I thought it was 'protestantism' and I was all like "You can be arrested for not being Catholic???"
A prostitute, well now, come home daughter, I thought you said you had become a Protestant!
Big Mike said...
"When I first encountered the term in print I assumed it was meant to be broader than prostitution, and covered phone sex and webcam shows. Was I wrong, then?"
No. That was part and parcel to the dilution of meaning; putting the outright corner whore on the same level of meaning as the phone sex worker.
This is how you get things like Germany counseling an unemployed woman to consider "sex work" and not at all referring to phone sex.
If the language is being changed in suc a manner, then, like everything elsr, ask "Who benefits?" Who benefits from changing prostitute to sex worker but the pimps and johns?
Blogger seems to be acting up again. A shortened version: If they are changing the language ask "Who benefits?" In this case the pimps and johns benefit.
From the Oxford languages dictionary, second (and first non-sexual) definition of the verb:
to put (oneself or one's talents) to an unworthy or corrupt use for personal or financial gain. "his willingness to prostitute himself to the worst instincts of the electorate"
Seems like a pretty clear reason people, including those who see women involved as victims, might not want to use what Pamela Paul in her usual feat of laziness calls "the more neutral “prostitute.”" Puts all the blame on the victim and her sins, while stigmatizing those few who may want to do it.
Impressive that she didn't even rise to the level of the middle school essay standard opening of "The dictionary defines x word as..."
Pitiful. Surprised to see a copy/paste here.
PS The term "child sex worker" is insane and should never cross anyone's lips. Nor should "the more neutral child prostitue".
at least one person here, has said something along the lines of:
just like drugs; we should just legalize sex work, then there would be less problems"
or "Fewer people would be hurt by the sex trade if it weren't illegal."
It's NOT that i think the people making those comments are pedophiles that want to enslave children..
It's Just that i REALLY can't think of ANY other reason WHY they would make those comments
Over the last few years, as drug-overdose deaths have skyrocketed in the state, as squalid homeless camps have proliferated in Portland and beyond, and as the treatment and recovery options Oregonians thought they were voting for failed to materialize, many residents have changed their views. Increasingly, they are saying that drug decriminalization hasn’t worked, and many believe that nibbling around the edges will not be enough to reverse the damage.
So the government wants to get the taxes from hooking now? OK, the pimps will be mad, but OK.
So husbands shouldn't mind if the wife makes a little extra money in the evenings?
How was work last night, honey?
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