Said Joe Rogan, quoted in "Joe Rogan claims Biden scandals being exposed ‘on purpose,’ Dems ‘want to get rid of him'" (NY Post).
Rogan noted that the “20 million dollars” of foreign money paid to the Bidens is “f—king bananas,” as is “the fact that this isn’t all over the New York Times and The Washington Post and mainstream news — that they’re not blaring it from the rooftops, because you know they would be if it was Trump.”
५७ टिप्पण्या:
$20m is a low price to sell out your country. But what did Judas get?
There are mediocre NFL quarterbacks and MLB pitchers who make more money. Yeah, Hunter is dumber than most dogs.
Rogan's trying to have it both ways. If the Dems wanted rid of him, it would be all over the NYT, WaPo, and other mainstream news.
He's like a great grandpa trying to make sense of a world that's changed without him.
If they wanted to get rid of Biden, the Dems would not be trying to bury the story, as the NYT and WaPo are clearly trying to do. The problem is that if you get rid of Biden, the Dems are left with Kamala the Kackling Loon. It's not that the Dems (the voters anyway) aren't desperate for an alternative to Biden. It's that their own obsession with identity politics uber alles makes it impossible to do anything about it.
To put $20m in perspective, NextEra Energy proposes to spend $200m in capex on worthless wind turbines in Greeley County, Nebraska.
The Cornhusker football coach will make $5.5m this season.
Now that Comer's committee has caught on to the "Robert L Peters" scam.
NARA, of course, is trying to hide Biden's crimes.
Dems want to get rid of Joe? Two words: Kamala Harris.
"Rogan noted that the “20 million dollars” of foreign money paid to the Bidens is “f—king bananas,” as is “the fact that this isn’t all over the New York Times and The Washington Post and mainstream news — that they’re not blaring it from the rooftops, because you know they would be if it was Trump.”"
Oh, but there's ZERO evidence! (Yeah, 7 zeros, to be exact.)
The lefty's dishonesty on this issue is shameful.
"Hunter is dumber than most dogs."
Hunter's just the bag man.
Ruh roh, joe Rogan will be indicted soon.
Hunter Biden should just declare he’s running for the Republican nomination, which as I understand it requires that all charges against him be immediately dropped.
Ivanka Trump received 16 trademarks from the Chinese government in record time and both her and her husband Jared Kushner received $2 Billion from the Saudis. There appears to be an epidemic of trading on family names in politics.
I'm sorry Joe Biden's son is a hot mess. It must cause a parent a lot of pain to see his child flounder so much. But I didn't vote for Hunter Biden. He holds no public office. His behavior is tawdry and cringy, but not significant to my life.
The point is not whether Hunter Biden is guilty of trading on his family name. Republicans and Democrats basically agree on that. The point is whether President Biden did anything wrong, and so far there is zero evidence that that is the case.
Blogger JPS said..."If the Dems wanted rid of him, it would be all over the NYT, WaPo, and other mainstream news."
That's right. It may still come to pass that that's what happens, but so far all the evidence has had to have been clawed out by Comer, Grassley, and others. The MSM is in "nothing to see here" mode.
Nah, Joe's wrong. They don't want to get rid of Biden, if they wanted that it would be very easy to have someone of his age die in a tragic accident like falling down some stairs in the WH or at the Biden manse. They have to keep him because they've got no one who could get any national traction. Barak can't run again, Schumer, Pelosi, Warren and Bernie all have the age issue, Kamala is a dud and no one in their right mind is going to vote Swalwell, Schiff, or AOC into the White House. No one wants to get within 100 miles of Hillary, either. It's like she's got a smell or something. If anything, they're at the point where letting the corruptions come out in dribs and drabs is a much better look than trying to cover it up or letting it all come out at once.
I disagree with Joe Rogan: This isn't mere corruption. It's FELONY CRIMES.
Joe Biden and the Biden family are committing felony crimes to enrich themselves at our expense and to avoid discovery of their riches so that they can violate our tax laws. They operate exactly how the Mafia operates - and if Rudy Guiliani was the US Attorney for the District of New York, he'd be indicting them for felony offense under our RICO statutes.
That's some massive projection right there.
Our side needs to stop this bs that Slow Joe is going to be kept from being the Democratic nominee. The small part of his brain still functioning will not let this ego slight happen. And no other party bigwig is going to convince him.
"$20m is a low price to sell out your country. But what did Judas get?"
Dave, I believe the clever retort is, "But for Wales?"
Come on, every politician profits on selling the access of their elected position. But it is only Trump that lies about winning an election he clearly lost. That's the crime we should focus on, read the indictment. There is no indictment on Biden because nobody has proven anything in a court of law.
Don't rinse, but repeat often...
Explains why Joe Rogan has a bigger audience than major legacy news organizations.
Then-VP Joe Biden used PSEUDONYM 'Robert L. Peters' in emails to Hunter about Ukraine business: GOP ramps up Biden family corruption probe and demands National Archives hand over records
If the Dems wanted rid of him, it would be all over the NYT, WaPo, and other mainstream news.
Why would you say that? Why would they show their hand like that? At present they might just get away with getting rid of Biden without revealing that Biden is not in charge.
And no, I don't know who "they" are. But someone certainly seems to be pulling the strings, either with thorough coordination and planning or just with a common generalized goal in mind.
Joe (Rogan) is ignoring the obvious, that all these revelations have only come since the Republicans took the House at the beginning of this year. Or is he suggesting that the Republican House members investigating and exposing all the Hunter/Joe corrupt payments are actually doing the bidding of The People Who Run Everything?
Thieves gonna thieve. Being a Dem politician is a license to collect bribes. It is like being a sex worker. Very little work other than keeping payoffs secret except when extorting the shills with threats o tell on them.
Ambition is useful only if you have some competency. If Beiden had remained in the senate he could have stolen more money, Hunter would have been ignored, the shower with kids story would have remained hidden, and he could have bitched at everyone else for being evil while retaining some dignity. He did not understand his limitations.
robother gets it at 4:40.
There are other factors recently coming into play, and some on the left may be taking advantage of the work by the House, but that is the primary and obvious reason for the timing.
Jamie, 4:37:
"Why would you say that? Why would they show their hand like that? At present they might just get away with getting rid of Biden without revealing that Biden is not in charge."
Not sure if my ambiguous "it" threw you. I certainly don't believe the media would be running "Dems Want To Get Rid of Biden!" headlines at the request of the DNC.
I do believe that if the Party wanted rid of him in the fashion Rogan implies, they would ask their media friends, who would absolutely comply, to run an escalating series of stories on the possible influence-peddling, self-dealing, and foreign influence.
Why would they do that? Well, actually I don't think they would, because it reflects too badly on all of them. The party for putting him forward (this stuff isn't new), the media for their studied, highly selective incuriosity.
So I don't believe that "this stuff that's coming out slowly" is being orchestrated by Biden's own party to lay the groundwork for his departure. I think if they were going to pull him offstage, his health (physical or mental) would be the story. Everyone's blameless, would be the line; especially the poor president, whom we all owe a debt for stepping up. Just too bad.
No amount of evidence, other than a confession, would convince the MSM that they had to admit that Joe Biden was a bribe taker.
In private, those with brains can see that he's a crook, but he's their crook. The more his presidency hangs by a frail reed, the less is the likelihood that he won't do the bidding of the Left.
At some point before November, Gavin Newsom will declare his candidacy, and he will defeat Biden easily in the primaries. If no other Democrat decides to run, I give RFK about 50% chance of beating Biden. You have to remember Biden couldn't win a single primary in 3 presidential runs without the DNC basically rigging the Democrat primaries after New Hampshire in 2020. The DNC will not do that to Gavin Newsom, and they probably won't do it to RFK either.
Democrat primary voters are basically waiting to see how many alternatives they have to Joe Biden, and they will pick one of those alternatives.
The point is whether President Biden did anything wrong, and so far there is zero evidence that that is the case.
My eyes rolled for ten minutes straight.
2016 Presidential candidate is the cackling Queen of corruption Hillary Clinton.
2020 Presidential candidate is corrupt handsy pervert Joe Biden.
2024 ???
Great party you have there Dumbocrats.
One of the things that drives me crazy about Joe Rogan is his hesitancy in calling a spade a spade. It's not "bananas" that Biden took $20 million in bribes -- it's criminal. He will often talk about some leftist corruption like the lab leak theory being labeled racist and refer to such slander as "weird". No Joe, it's not weird -- it's evil.
Rogan is a smart guy with one of the biggest megaphones on the planet. He needs to stop pulling his punches.
To all who thinks that if they want to get rid of Biden they would let all this information out now are not thinking it through. To take down Biden so openly would hurt the "never a scandal" projection of the Dems. This is a slow roll so Biden finds out the he need to 'spend more time with his family."
Biden will fight back by imposing a limited draft and putting American boots on the ground in Ukraine in early 2024. He will promise the draft will end soon, maybe in six months, and there will be a draw-down of U.S. troops by say November.
The Nixon playbook, more or less. Back to war as a way of unifying a country--Vietnam the great exception for the U.S. Kaus keeps saying the draft was one of the institutions that put Americans of various background into the same situation: social equality, and in a way unity or fraternity.
Trans soldiers will never have to see a day of real service: psychological therapy, hormone therapy, surgery, rehab of various kinds--perhaps a condo in Hawaii (post fires), as in Private Benjamin. Women have been known to get pregnant at the first scent of buckshot, as it were. Gays and addicts can spend a lot of time in therapy. Who does that leave to go fight in Ukraine?
"Rogan noted that the “20 million dollars” of foreign money paid to the Bidens is “f—king bananas,” as is “the fact that this isn’t all over the New York Times and The Washington Post and mainstream news"
For the time being, they're still protecting him. They don't want to get rid of him just yet.
Dave Begley said...
"$20m is a low price to sell out your country. But what did Judas get?
There are mediocre NFL quarterbacks and MLB pitchers who make more money. Yeah, Hunter is dumber than most dogs."
What can I tell you, Dave? 81 million people voted to put white trash in the White House.
Can't wait to hear the wisdom of our usual suspects.
A President's ne'er-do-well siblings and children will receive a whole slew of opportunities for corrupt behavior. Remember Neil Bush? This man got $ 2 million in stock and $ 10,000 for every board meeting he attended with Grace Semiconductor, a Chinese (!) company. Neil Bush is exceptionally stupid, borderline retarded. Nobody would discuss business with this fool. This was straight up bribery! But no one complained, no one went to jail, etc.
So why the double standard about Hunter Biden? So much hypocrisy.
"If the Dems wanted rid of him, it would be all over the NYT, WaPo, and other mainstream news." It's all about the timing. Kamala out. Hillary in as VP. (but doesn't that require House approval?) Then Biden out.
Blogger Spiros said...
A President's ne'er-do-well siblings and children will receive a whole slew of opportunities for corrupt behavior. Remember Neil Bush? This man got $ 2 million in stock and $ 10,000 for every board meeting he attended with Grace Semiconductor, a Chinese (!) company. Neil Bush is exceptionally stupid, borderline retarded.
I don't trust your account as you are a far leftist but I never saw Neil Bush's laptop or the evidence of his incompetence so flagrantly displayed. That is not to say that I consider the Bushes clean.
The goal is to install Gavin Newsome. Elections don't matter, neither does your vote.
Spiros (6:19) has never heard of “Whataboutism.”
Having a cognitively impaired meat-puppet at the helm who doesn’t know where he is half the time is the DNC’s (or whoever is running this administration) dream come true. No way they give that up. Not now. Not ever.
So why the double standard about Hunter Biden? So much hypocrisy.
I guess whataboutism is back in vogue? But to your point, Bush left office 15 years ago, the time to have gone after that would have been during or shortly after he was in office (which I do not recall you doing). Biden is in office now, so it would behoove us to give his situation greater scrutiny at this point in time.
"You have to remember Biden couldn't win a single primary in 3 presidential runs without the DNC basically rigging the Democrat primaries"
Fucking riggers!!
Hey Spiros, are there recorded phone conversations and emails with the Brothers Bush mentioning each other with regards to Grace Semiconductor? Are there shell companies set up to transfer funds from Grace Semiconductor to the Brothers Bush?
No there aren't.
Pull your head out of your ass.
What does James Clyburn have to say about this? I think he was kingmaker last time around. Biden will promise more Blacks on the Supreme Court, Cabinet, etc., and Clyburn will tell the Blacks who to vote for in the primary.
The Nixon playbook was to reduce, not increase, us troops in VN
536m in 68
475m 69
334m in 70
156m in 71
24m in 72
50 as in 50 in 73
He also ended the draft. The number of draftees dropped every year of his presidency
From 283m in 69 to 49m in 72.
Joe is much more like FDR poking and poking at Germany. From repealing the neutrality act, to selling Britain arms in 39,to giving them arms in 40 to invading Iceland, to scouting for brit antisub patrols in 41 and finally a "shoot on sight" order to the us navy in 41. (meaning we shoot first no questions asked)
All the while campaigning on the slogan "he kept us out of war" and claiming the us was strictly neutral.
Eventually the Germans had enough and declared war on us in mid December 41 citing the reasons above.
Brandon keeps poking Russia escalating and escalating until Russia declares war on us.
That, not Nixon, is the model I am seeing.
John Henry
slowly but surely? what?
The hack-D press tells the loyal left base "THERE IS NO PROOF THAT JOE AND HUNTER EVERY WORKED TOGETHER TO LINE THEIR POCKETS." even though - there is tons of evidence. Tons of proof. but the simply say "oh no - no proof" over and over and poof it's gone.
You'll notice Rich obeys the media(D) narrative. Rich probably still buys the Russia Russia Trump is Russia Bs.
Biden, Inc.
I still think Biden will be the left's nominee. The D-hack Mob-money whore machine is deeper than puppet Joe.
It's not "bananas
what if it is bananas peel >> waiting for someone to slip on?
Don't forget Michelle Obama peeking out from behind the curtain. Barak's 3rd term. Or is the current administration Barak's 3rd term? So confusing.....
It's not "bananas
maybe it is bananas peel >> waiting for someone to slip on?
Then-VP Joe Biden used PSEUDONYM 'Robert L. Peters' in emails to Hunter about Ukraine business:
Obedient collective left in unison :::--> "YOU DON'T HAVE ANY PROOF!"
bushman 7:11 - that.
George Skelton has written a column for the LA Times for 25 or more years. He writes about California politics from his perch in Sacramento. He offers a solution to the Dim's problems. Feinstein at age 90 is incompetent to serve as California's Senator. Kamala Harris is (correctly) perceived as incompetant as Vice President.
Skelton's solution? Feinstein resigns. Newsome appoints Kamala Senator to fill the Feinstein vacancy. Biden taps Governor Newsom as the new Vice President. But Skelton has to admit that it probably wouldn't work. Feinstein won't resign. Harris won't resign, and the feeble old geezer Slow Joe doesn't have the energy or the ability to make it happen. Of course Harris is gambling that the Dims won't find some way to force her off the ticket if Biden runs in 2024.
A leftist nincompoop said: Ivanka Trump received 16 trademarks from the Chinese government in record time and both her and her husband Jared Kushner received $2 Billion from the Saudis. There appears to be an epidemic of trading on family names in politics.
Both of them had legitimate businesses offering goods and services of value, and did not set up a web of offshore shell companies to conceal their ownership, and paid all taxes due on their earnings in a timely fashion, and did not have Trump use the power of his elected office to dispose of inconvenient investigators in other countries.
Hunter Biden had nothing to sell but political pull. Reportedly he never attended a single board meeting of Burisima, nor did he write so much as a single memo for his colleagues.
If the stuff coming out today about the Bidens instead pertained to the Trumps, the media would be braying about it with one voice, around the clock.
JPS said... Rogan's trying to have it both ways. If the Dems wanted rid of him, it would be all over the NYT, WaPo, and other mainstream news.
They're attempting to show Biden where this is heading. So first a leak, then a trickle of licks, then evidence of other crimes, etc. They want him to agree to leave, and they'd rather expose as little Democratic malfeasance as possible. They wouldn't blare everything from the rooftops all at once.
BINGO table #8 "But it is only Trump that lies about winning an election he clearly lost. That's the crime we should focus on, read the indictment. There is no indictment on Biden because nobody has proven anything in a court of law." That used to be the way legal issues were settled, not so much today, it's conspiracies without court documented proof.
Darkisland: "Brandon keeps poking Russia escalating and escalating until Russia declares war on us."
Agree with the entire post.
But I believe the russkis are wise to not take the escalation bait.
This is a pivotal moment in history where I suspect Russia, not just Putin but the entire Russian leadership, believes they are seeing the extent and real limitations of American power after being stretched so thin over the last 50 years.
So they will wait us out, keeping their simplified and contained and sufficiently buffered (from western sanctions) rolling and continuing to develop ever increasing Trade and foreign policy arrangements with other 3rd party nations that have had quite enough of the western globalists, bankers and societal architects.
Brandon would love an escalation heading into 2024...along with another COVID ramp up (already underway)...and for all the obvious reasons.
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