२५ ऑगस्ट, २०२३

At the Friday Night Café...

 ... you can write about whatever you want.

४६ टिप्पण्या:

Rusty म्हणाले...

It has cooled of considerably here today.
I finished tearing down the Honda Element to install a new timing chain. Thyat took three days. Tomorrow I start putiing it back together. Lots of fiddly bits that need to get back in the same order. Fun.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

'I have a foreboding of an America in my children’s or grandchildren’s time—when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the key manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what’s true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness. The dumbing down of America is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30-second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance.'


But they're worried about black crime,....

AlanKH म्हणाले...

Does Chapter III from Brave New World seem prescient?

Mikey NTH म्हणाले...

The great storm went through Lansing, and I got twigs in my yard. The silver maple I worry about is still there and not on the house.

And tomorrow's my dad's 93 birthday, so all is well with him and I'll see him tomorrow!

rcocean म्हणाले...

Remember Amy Biehl? She was the daughter of rich liberals who graduated from Stanford in 1993 and went to South Africa (univited) to "fight aparthied". She went as the lone white person to Black Township. She was then dragged from her car, stoned and stabbed to death.

Her killers were set free by the New south African regime. And her parent "forgave" her killers. The parents even set up a foundation to help the people in the township where she was murdered. Several of the men who killed her were given jobs at the foundation.

Wow, I thought. that's some weird Christianity. but I guess I was wrong. The Biehl's were actually Jewish.

Congregation B’nai Israel of Tustin will present, as a prelude to its Selichot services today, a program titled “Qualities of Mercy: a True Story of Forgiveness” with Peter and Linda Biehl.

The Biehls will discuss their involvement in South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission and their commitment to helping black South Africans after the killing of their daughter, Amy, in 1993.

It reminds me of Jackie Mason joke: "You don't have many Dumb Jews. But when you find one, he's REALLY dumb".

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

The music world has been tornus under by reports that an earlier version of the beloved rock band the Beatles "All You Need Is Love" has been discovered in an abandoned warehouse do to be demolished to make way for a golf course.

Here is a live transcript of hastily gathered press conference where people were not handed press releases. Somebody just read aloud what the early version of the song said, and we all had to make sure we didn't miss the next thing they were saying because no cameras and phones were allowed. It was the most bizarre presser since Gennifer Flowers announced she had an affair with the president.

(Trump) Nothing you can make that can't be made
(Trump) No one you can save that can't be saved
(Trump) Nothing you can do, but you can learn how to be you in time
It's easy

All you need is Trump
All you need is Trump
All you need is Trump, Trump
Trump is all you need

Of course, as to be expected, given the gravity of this finding, the remaining Beatles could not be reached for comment.

Mutaman म्हणाले...

Johnathon Turley's never ending quest for attention has really blown up in his face.

Drago म्हणाले...

Mutaman: "Johnathon Turley's never ending quest for attention has really blown up in his face."

Johnathon Turley's steadfast adherence to truth, standards, norms, consistency and the Constitution has inevitably made him an enemy of the left/libs/dems/GOPe.

Mark म्हणाले...

Crack, that happened in 2017.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

Carl Sagan. Crack - good find. He was looking thru a time tunnel and he could see it all clearly.

Gahrie म्हणाले...


Sagan was a climate hysteria kook. He's the perfect example of a man expert in his field and over his head everywhere else.

Mike of Snoqualmie म्हणाले...

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) says we should have only two drinks a week instead of the current standard of 1 a day. I'll be sure and follow the new guidelines! NOT.

The Federal government has turned into a rogue operation whose mission is to benefit the elites and grind down everyone else.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

Towards the end of a thread on post from days ago, someone wrote:

"People say you can judge a society by how it treats children, old people, and animals."

And I responded as follows:

In Maui the Democrat politicians in charge let children burn to death by the hundreds, and none of them thought to evacuate the Hale Mahaolu Eono senior-living complex. How should we judge the Democrats of Maui?

For that matter, how should we judge Democrats, period? Back when hurricanes like Irma, Maria, and Michael came through I noted that under Trump's administration FEMA must be performing very well because the press would be ready to jump all over any little error that anyone associated with FEMA made, in order to have mud to throw at Trump. Conversely, in the immediate aftermath of the Maui wildfires I speculated that we would be able to tell whether FEMA was screwing up if the press did not write about what they were doing. And so it has come to pass. Under the Biden administration FEMA's performance in the aftermath of the fire, 9 days after the fire even the Washington Post had to report that FEMA's response basically sucked.

The only thing you worthless scum Democrats can do is steal elections and burn down cities in riots. You can't actually govern when the people foolishly give you power.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

I would donate to Trump, if it was anonymous. Otherwise, I can't afford it.

I mean, if they can do what they are doing to him, a former president, I can't even imagine what they could do to me.

Enlighten-NewJersey म्हणाले...

Tomorrow is my dad’s 97th birthday, August 26.

Original Mike म्हणाले...

"Johnathon Turley's never ending quest for attention has really blown up in his face."

It's called being over the target.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

The flights of Biden’s Airforce Two with his son Hunter tagging along. It’s so wonderful to see a father take his son-to-work days, weeks, serving as an example to all American dads. Showing dads how’s done. So what if they raise a little cash along the way to cover the cost of jet fuel and flight snacks. Republicans are so mean, knocking Hunter for being entrepreneurial.

Inga म्हणाले...

“Johnathon Turley's never ending quest for attention has really blown up in his face.”

Turley has been an opportunistic attention seeker for several years now. He hitched his wagon to the wrong mules. He’s never going to be nominated for Supreme Court no matter how hard he crawls up certain groups’ butts. He’s going down the same road as Dershowitz.

Tina Trent म्हणाले...

Enough, Crack. I can hold two thoughts in my head at the same time, and black criminals (and the whites who fetishize and infantilize them) have taken away too many things from me, forever.

You do you. If you do black versus white, I'm going to have to hold you responsible for those things, and you weren't there.

You can only pick one.

Don't chase the fetishization and infantilization either.

wendybar म्हणाले...

"Johnathon Turley's never ending quest for attention has really blown up in his face."

Why?? Because the left wing nuts on his site say so?? Are you one of them??

wendybar म्हणाले...

Best Meme of the day..

The Bidens are like that Mob that rushes into a San Francisco Walgreens, tosses a shelf full of merchandise into a duffel bag, and runs out of the store.

The GOP is like the citizen who stands by and films it, and comments, "someone should do something."

wendybar म्हणाले...

Just imagine if the members of the Ohio National Guard who shot 4 students at Kent State University were given gold medals by Congress, and then promoted afterwards. Wouldn't people have been offended?? It's like they are poking the hornets nest to get a reaction to their corrupt murderous hatred.


tim maguire म्हणाले...

Mutaman said...Johnathon Turley's never ending quest for attention has really blown up in his face.

Being an honest intellectually consistent liberal is a good way to stand out. There aren’t many of them and they are all inevitably reviled by the rest of the left.

wendybar म्हणाले...

"Never Trumpers are back stabbers. The two previous Republican presidential nominees — McCain and Romney — never attacked Obama personally as they were grateful to lose to the first black president.

But in 2016, these losers openly attacked Trump for more than a year showing absolutely no loyalty to the party or grace in defeat."


Captain BillieBob म्हणाले...

8/26. The date thirteen service members died so Biden could have a photo op.

They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs म्हणाले...

Moral courage has always been rare, I think. What has changed in my lifetime is the erosion of simple decency. Contrast the Republicans' response to Nixon's (relatively minor) crimes in the 1972 election with their response to Trump's attempted coup in 2000. Nixon was forced to resign. Trump was (and is) almost universally defended by his party, from top to bottom. The difference, I believe, is that the great majority of ordinary Americans knew that what Nixon did was plainly wrong. This simple criterion seems to have vanished. What matters now is whether your side holds power. Without it, a law-governed democracy is in grave peril.

Mike of Snoqualmie म्हणाले...

"Tomorrow is my dad’s 97th birthday, August 26."

That's my dad's birthday. He would be 100, unfortunately he died of pancreatic cancer 35-years ago.

MadTownGuy म्हणाले...

Regarding the Trump mugshot: in the days after the 2016 election, I made a montage of newspaper front pages and magazine covers showing a black silhouette of Trump. His mugshot is the comeback.

It amazed me that so many print media outlets in this country and overseas would use the same sort of image. I never thought they would conspire to hold something like that in reserve in the unlikely event of Hillary's loss. Silly me.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

Gahrie said...

Sagan was a climate hysteria kook. He's the perfect example of a man expert in his field and over his head everywhere else.

But he nailed that quote.

Kai Akker म्हणाले...

--- The only thing you worthless scum Democrats can do is steal elections and burn down cities in riots. You can't actually govern when the people foolishly give you power.

Truer words, Big Mike.....

And let me add, one additional thing they can do is to assassinate their opponents legally, to try to make sure no one can ever stop their reign of terror. From the 1/6ers to PEDJT.

wendybar म्हणाले...

"Populism is anathema to fascism, and the last time we had a populist president, the government killed him—November 22nd, 1963.

The D.C. establishment is a warmongering machine, and the president of peace is an enemy; manufactured foreign wars must continue to provide Croesus-like riches to the Rich Men North of Richmond."


wendybar म्हणाले...

"The government did not sound sirens.

The government withheld water.

The government blocked the road.

But go ahead. Blame climate change. The climate that needs to be changed is voting Democrat."


BudBrown म्हणाले...

Maybe Trump was going for the Uncle Sam poster look with his mugshot.

wendybar म्हणाले...

"When all is said is done, they didn’t expose Trump at all. He’s exposed them. Trump never weaponized the justice system to lock her up. He never opened fire on protesters. He never threw protesters in solitary for years without charges. He never persecuted and prosecuted people for “spectral evidence.” There has to be some comfort in that.

The good news? Rome fell, and so too will their empire."


Old and slow म्हणाले...

Blogger Enlighten-NewJersey said...

Tomorrow is my dad’s 97th birthday, August 26.

Mine would have been 100 on August 2. He missed it by only a few months. We should all be so lucky.

Kai Akker म्हणाले...

-- Moral courage has always been rare, I think

Richie Rich? Only Chuck could write such false piety.

Courage comes only with a recognition of reality. Especially the "moral" variety of courage. But Chuckie Rich is too busy stroking himself to take an honest look at reality.

The comments do make for comical interludes.

Michael K म्हणाले...

Blogger Rich said...

Moral courage has always been rare, I think.

Yes, you are a good example of that loss.

They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs म्हणाले...

@ Kai Ajmer: In your own words, what was the purpose of the fake electors?

Narr म्हणाले...

"law-governed democracy is in great peril."

Indeed, it is barely alive despite the earnest unceasing efforts of the Imperial Blob to throttle it over the last 20+ years--I'm looking at you, Bush/Cheney, and Obama/Biden among others.

donald म्हणाले...

They don’t even know Turley’s a liberal and they don’t care.

Rusty म्हणाले...

Were the electors fake if you believed you'd won?

Mr. Forward म्हणाले...

"... two drinks a week ". Knew there was a reason I saved the Big Gulp™ cup from 7-11.

MadTownGuy म्हणाले...

donald said...

"They don’t even know Turley’s a liberal and they don’t care."

Anyone who goes off the reservation, regardless of bonafides, will be persecuted , as witness J.K. Rowling.

Gahrie म्हणाले...

@ Kai Ajmer: In your own words, what was the purpose of the fake electors?

Not Kai, but perhaps the same as the four sets of duplicate electors in 1876? And for the same reason, Democratic Party electoral fraud.

Kai Akker म्हणाले...

--- @ Kai Ajmer: In your own words, what was the purpose of the fake electors?

That's an interesting demand, Richie. "In your own words..." Do you say that because you spend so much time putting words into the mouths of at least three different stage names on this blog?

It must be frustrating to see your smarmy concoctions go by the wayside so often. But sometimes you do get the reactions you seem to crave so badly. So here is one more for you, LLR/Rich/lawyer.