NPR airs a piece about how the Asians weren’t actually being discriminated against by Harvard etc and were just being used by white people who wanted to end Affirmative Action while interviewing exactly zero people who dissent from that view
— Katie Herzog (@kittypurrzog) July 2, 2023
July 2, 2023
The narrative that Asian-American students were just used by white people who wanted to end affirmative action.
affirmative action,
Katie Herzog,
race and education
University of California Berkeley is 35% Asian American students.
Harvard is half that.
There was never a doubt that Harvard discriminated against Asian Americans.
Asian Americans as a group have the highest median income in the United States.
The White Supremacy and Systemic Racism Myth is bullshit.
The US is much less white than in 1965.
If whites and blacks and Hispanics in the US can’t compete with Asian Americans, too fucking bad.
Asians prove that white people are not white supremacists.
NPR(D) = lol.
Defund NPR. Use antitrust law to break up their franchise monopoly at the local level. Problem goes away and then they can talk about rainbow mafia issues 24/7 as they do already to an increasingly geriatric but shrinking audience.
I dare you to turn on NPR wherever you are and not hear some lgbt tripe every hour on the hour. It would make a great drinking game.
Labeling anti-Asian discrimination “a myth” does not make it objectively untrue. I have a Chinese-American daughter-in-law (and now a half-Chinese, 3/16 German, 1/8 Croatian, and 3/16 Scots-Irish granddaughter) and the daughter-in-law might just have a different take on whether anti-Asian discrimination is mythical.
Demonstrably true that Asians were discriminated against. Katiepurrzog? Is she a furry?
Yet another minority group that lacks agency in the progressive hive mind.
So that's how it's being spun. Ho-kay. Those sneaky white people, and those culpable Asians!
Asian brains are the best. The Indians are craftier since their culture is more divide. The Scots Irish are everyone’s enemy since they will fight and win when threatened. And the beat goes on.
National Poop-lic Radio is only talking about Conservative white people "using" Asians.
I don't see many white on Asian crimes in America. Every time I see some Asian getting robbed, beaten up, or just bitch slapped out of the's not conservative white people doing it. Let's just say that.
But if you're a liberal white administrator or tenured professor at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, you weren't using affirmative action, and massive student loan debt thrust upon minorities to promote your agenda and blister free cush career. You're just altruistic.
How much is that UW endowment? Four Billion? I'm sure the gainfully employed liberal white people there are turning in sabbatical research proposals to get their hands on some of it in order to promote diversity.
I thought the case was brought by Asian students.
Maybe the Asian students are not real.
If you ain't supporting Affirmative Action, you ain't Asian.
Didn’t Harvard literally argue in their defense that Asians have personality defects?
If you’re surprised that National Propaganda Radio did this, you haven’t been paying attention.
RideSpaceMounain @ 12:35: “…great drinking game.” Nah. There would be way too much alcohol poisoning. Within the first hour.
Gusty Winds said...
National Poop-lic Radio...
National Propaganda Radio, actually.
NPR went off the rails a while back. Their news readers have no compunction about labeling any statement that Donald J Trump makes an out an out lie. They make no pretense to objectivity any more.
"NPR airs a piece about how the Asians weren’t actually being discriminated against by Harvard etc"
Isn't the evidence for admission discrimination against Asians obvious from the numbers? I found what I think is the NPR article referenced. Nowhere is this claim backed up. Just a bunch of assertions.
Attacking the messenger rather than the message is an old tactic. Alas, hasn’t gotten any more persuasive by frequent repetition. Edward Blum, who founded SFFA, was repeatedly slimed by Harvard in its PR campaign during the case, and along the same lines as NPR is just repeating.
What was interesting about the briefing in the Harvard /UNC cases is that lots of grassroots Asian-American groups submitted amicus briefs supporting plaintiffs while most of the establishment groups supported Harvard. Same in the NYC litigation over the former mayor’s attempt to drop a merits-based admissions system for the City’s selective high schools. In NYC the Asian parents’ groups were mostly East Asian. In the similar case about TJ High School in N. Virginia, the plaintiff groups were largely S. Asian. The TJ case may be the next one to make it to SCOTUS. In that one, the D Ct ruled for plaintiffs finding ample proof that the admissions system was changed to screw the Asian students, and the 4th Circuit reversed in a 2-1 decision. The majority opinion was quite weak. If the Circuit doesn’t grant rehearing en banc (don’t know where that stands), the case may well be the next chapter in this story. No doubt, the plaintiffs in that case will be slimed by the lefties running NPR as well.
WHITE DEMOCRATS: "Hey! Stop using our minorities to advance your political agenda!"
Derbyshire yesterday distinguished East Asians (China, Japan, Korea) from the others who are not so smart on the average, as Fancy Asians and Jungle Asians.
He's married to a Chinese lady so has a fondness for the former.
Harvard and UNC never denied they practiced race-based admission policies, they both argued that their policies and preferences were just and good because blah, blah, blah (translation: racism is good when directed at chinks, slants, nips, wogs, and crackers). There's absolutely no possible room for this myth myth. Katie Herzog is either an ignorant slut (thank you, Dan Aykroyd!) or a fucking liar.
Defund NPR.
This is additional evidence in favor of the hypothesis that affirmative action is not really about African Americans, or racial "equity" (whatever that hell that means at any given moment), or "diversity." It's about the desire for a system in which there are no objective standards, so that you can admit, hire, promote, fire, reward, and punish people based on your feelings about them. In the end, this boils down to politics and patronage, but in the long middle-game, from 1969 until now, it has allowed institutions and individuals to put a thumb on the scale for all kinds of reasons and never have to answer for it. The result is the rapid decline in standards and competence that we see all around us.
Ironically, we would be massively better off if in 1969 we'd adopted a true "quota" system to benefit African Americans only--morally wrong as that might be--because that at least wouldn't have been a stalking horse for destroying all objective measurement that the current "let's pretend" system has been.
Of course, this Katie Herzog person is, in fact, a comedian and not a fucking liar, she's a fucking Litte Eva Braun coddling her 5-year-old son, Little Hitler.
NPR has Long Been both Balanced, and Objective..
They USUALLY give you two viewpoints for Every issue.. a Left viewpoint, and a FAR left viewpoint
"The narrative that Asian-American students were just used by white people who wanted to end affirmative action."
I realize that there is the belief that using vulgarity is indicative of an inarticulate mind. And generally that's true. But every now and then it needs to be utilized. So, to that end,
Fuck you, and fuck your racist propaganda.
"I thought the case was brought by Asian students.
Maybe the Asian students are not real."
“You've got more questions?” Biden replied. “Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for discrimination or Liberty, then you ain't Asian.”
In the past 3 years the News Media have gone from twisting truth into bias over to writing 100% fiction and reading it as Breaking News. They had to. Because a half truth is easily exposed these internet days. But just assert a created fictional account over and over and censor the opposition views and that’s all the CIA needs to control us until the next fake crisis.
Whatever your position AA, that's just propaganda from NPR.
Begin by setting up a hate object/devil, Blum, selectively use stats (almost everybody admitted to Harvard graduates, or is graduated), selectively use quotes, cite biased (paid) "experts", avoid the principal counter-argument of the importance of merit and earned, not given, privilege, and so on and so on.
And then, of course, bring back the hated and hateful devil periodically to distract from the weaknesses in the argument and prompt readers to the need to be the good people on the good side. Present it all as an objective, factual analysis. Use the imprimatur of official government sponsorship (even if not full funding) and authority to bolster the position. Nothing new in the form.
I'm ready for the war to begin. But I don't think it will. We're just not up to it anymore. Too much prosperity, too much to lose in the short term. Certainly not this old, increasingly worn out old man.
Good luck to you younger folks. Chains aren't so bad once you get used to wearing them.
Remember when NPR told us that Biden's corrupt business dealings with Ukraine were a "distraction," and now here we are on the brink of WW3 over that country?
Politicians and Racial Activist groups in California claim ending Affirmative Action will harm the Black and Latino communities ability to pursue higher education. AA has been banned in California since 1998. A record number of minorities attend California State Colleges and Universities.
I've listened to the local NPR station since about 1980 and the local programming was actually further left than the national network. When I gave them my first (and only) donation I was subscribed to the monthly publication of some socialist worker's party. No problem they still were informative. First time I had a problem with hem was the Clarence Thomas hearings, but I still listened. It was finally when Trump was elected in 2016 that it became completely unlistenable. They had a 3-day wake and I haven't listened for more than a few minutes at a time since then.
The evidence of anti-Asian discrimination produced in the early phase of litigation was actually pretty devastating. On that, The Social Science Is Settled. The question was whether institutions should be able to get away with it for the sake of diversity.
Affirmative action hurts Asian Americans at least an order of magnitude more than it hurts whites. Asian Americans would be admitted at 2-3 times the current rate, if admissions was purely merit based. Whites would pick-up a percent or two. The affirmative action slots being given to Hispanics, Blacks and Native Americans, are coming primarily out of slots which would have gone to Asian Americans.
National Peoples' Radio.
I'm old enough to remember when they had actual experts on to talk about important matters once in a while. For a time, they had a satirical "Sensitive Male Hotline" segment that was pretty funny.
But that was decades ago; now the youngsters who infest the place are all AA hires, and it shows.
(I can't easily get classical music elsewhere though, so there is that.)
That NPR article continues to shred their credibility.
I taught AP Physics for 25 years in a suburban school in flyover country. My Asian-American students are very aware that prestigious universities discriminate against them. Most of their parents didn't seem very political, but now they can see that NPR is lying about their experience.
NPR seems to suggest that Asian-Americans were pulled into the affirmative action debate because there isn't anything wrong with discriminating against White folks.
From the NPR article:
A recent Gallup poll found that Black and Latino students are more at risk for dropping out, not because they aren't capable or prepared.
They leave because they are caretakers for children, parents, or other family members.
NPR made up that racist stereotype on their own. Nothing in the Gallup Report addresses students dropping out to take care of abuela.
Asian Americans take a break from studying to celebrate affirmative action win, Babylon Bee more or less.
NPR had a great Sunday afternoon jazz program with Marion McPartland. She was jamming on her piano into her 90’s, and telling stories about......well........every jazz man. Hell, I think she might have slept with more than one.
She died about 10years ago, and I haven’t listened to NPR since!
“I'm ready for the war to begin. But I don't think it will. We're just not up to it anymore.”
No. No calls to violence.
It’s important to remember that the only revolution that succeeded was the American Revolution. And that’s because it wasn’t a revolution at all. It was a struggle to maintain the status quo. It was the justification for the struggle that was revolutionary. In other words the ideas underpinning the struggle were revolutionary. The colonists didn’t want the monarchy to change the way the colonies had organized themselves.
That’s where we are now. We don’t want the changes that the Biden Administration and Democrats are seeking. They are the ones fomenting discord between us on the basis of race, sex, religion, economics. Anything that holds us together as one nation they are attempting to destroy.
“We’re just not up to it anymore.” That’s because we’re not stupid. We’ve seen who is being destroyed in Ukraine. It’s not the elites who started the war who are being destroyed. It’s the hoi polloi who are being killed, losing their futures and any prosperity that used to be within their grasps.
We’re not falling for that. Trump 2024.
almost everybody admitted to Harvard graduates, or is graduated
My ex-husband was at Stanford back in the mid-1980s. He's Latino, but - in my opinion - deserved his spot there on his own merits.
He left to "be with me" at the state college I ended up at through my total naivete about applying for financial aid (you can be really smart and also really dumb; in this respect, he and I were a matched set). But before he took that drastic step, he deliberately tried to fail a GenEd class. He seldom attended lectures, skipped most assignments, didn't study for exams, made a nuisance of himself when he did attend... and got a B, IIRC. It convinced him that Stanford wouldn't let him fail, and I think that was a contributor to his leaving: he was too proud to be a diversity graduate.
I wonder if he regrets that now. His life has not been a Stanford-grad life.
(I can't easily get classical music elsewhere though, so there is that.)
How is Spotify for classical music? It might be worth checking out - yes, the free version has ads, but there will probably be less scolding.
It is all getting so tiresome. Meanwhile, evidence that the President’s drug addled son was running a grift involving his father’s influence is ignored in lieu of this HORSE SHIT. What THE FUCK. We live in banana republic.
When I went to Harvard College (Class of 1965) I can think of only one Asian-American class mate that I knew even slightly. When I went to my 25th Reunion (the last time I was there), I saw quite a few Asian/Asian-Americans on campus (but the Reunion was after the end of classes and exams, so I don't know if this was a representative sample).
I understand that a "highly selective" college wants some flexibility in their selections, and I think they should have that. But isn't Harvard's reputation based on the idea that its graduates are the "really top" people?
Back in my youth, when I applied to law school, and then went out job hunting, Asian Americans weren't my competition, so who even thought about how many of them graduated from Ivy League colleges? But I now have several Asian and Asian-American members of my extended family -- I think a lot of "WHITE" folks could say the same thing.
When I went to Harvard College (Class of 1965) I can think of only one Asian-American class mate that I knew even slightly. When I went to my 25th Reunion (the last time I was there), I saw quite a few Asian/Asian-Americans on campus (but the Reunion was after the end of classes and exams, so I don't know if this was a representative sample).
I understand that a "highly selective" college wants some flexibility in their selections, and I think they should have that. But isn't Harvard's reputation based on the idea that its graduates are the "really top" people?
Back in my youth, when I applied to law school, and then went out job hunting, Asian Americans weren't my competition, so who even thought about how many of them graduated from Ivy League colleges? But I now have several Asian and Asian-American members of my extended family -- I think a lot of "WHITE" folks could say the same thing.
When I went to Harvard College (Class of 1965) I can think of only one Asian-American class mate that I knew even slightly. When I went to my 25th Reunion (the last time I was there), I saw quite a few Asian/Asian-Americans on campus (but the Reunion was after the end of classes and exams, so I don't know if this was a representative sample).
I understand that a "highly selective" college wants some flexibility in their selections, and I think they should have that. But isn't Harvard's reputation based on the idea that its graduates are the "really top" people?
Back in my youth, when I applied to law school, and then went out job hunting, Asian Americans weren't my competition, so who even thought about how many of them graduated from Ivy League colleges? But I now have several Asian and Asian-American members of my extended family -- I think a lot of "WHITE" folks could say the same thing.
Local NPR (KQED SF) is particularly leftist. I think because of another even more lefty local, KALW Pacifica radio.
If you want a giggle, check out the program *Left, Right, and Center*.
Yes, NPR occupies a high transracial prospect from which they can see just how those bland, passive, malleable Asians were so easily manipulated by the new devil race.
Oh NPR, teach us how not to be racist.
Crackers are just the worst.
That's an Althouse Red Meat special for her Commertariat. Meritocracy is the only way to go. Otherwise we'll keep revisiting the question forever.
Now, if the losers in this AA business are sore, here's a solution. Beat the Asians at their own game. Study, get As & Bs, >700 SATs, and as a general piece of advice, stop complaining about life.
I am glad to see some Katie Herzog today. She co-hosts the podcast Blocked and Reported, which generally covers the more insane news items regarding transgenderism. Worth a listen.
Quite a few of my medical students were Asian, including Indian-American. One was a Chinese national who was married to a white man from Chile who was a grad student in Engineering. She may have been my best medical student. Her mother was a professor at Beijing U. Her father was physicist but worked as an auto mechanic because he was Christian. She had a brother and I asked her about the "one child policy." She replied "They aren't very smart." I suspect her mother's high status had something to do with it.
Quite a few students were Asian-American. Some of them had a bit of trouble asking patients personal questions. The one who had the most r=trouble that way was an Arab student who turned out to be one of the most empathetic.
The Ivy League should be abolished as they now provide a crappy education. It is just a badge of elite status. A study a few years ago showed Harvard freshmen knew more than seniors.
Oh Yea @ 3:31: "...[NPR] became completely unlistenable..." Steel yourself. Do not deprive yourself of an important source of information about the other side. Yes, it is hard and even dangerous --how many times have I almost driven off the road because I was consumed in shouting at the car radio?-- but it is very revealing. At a minimum, one gains a better understanding of how deluded they are, how they can twist things inside out on every single topic, and how their bubble seems indestructible. And, very rarely, you can watch them melt down over a Prog defeat such as the Supremes' shut-out this week.
In Venezuela, the bolivar bills blow around in the street and collect in the gutter, that is the extent to which the Venezuelan rulers and politicians have abased their currency, as the downward trajectory of the Bolivarian Revolution continues - what a miracle, eh? The currency, carrying the same name as this miraculous social revolution, blows around in the street, worth less than trash, worth so little that people no longer have any use for them - a burden to carry.
Such is NPR's squandered reputation. Eventually, I think all of these media outlets and communication outlets are headed in the same direction. It's becoming a burden to even tune into NPR, aside from a few special music and gardening shows - just one disappointment after another, Fake News and Woke Propaganda, and 'Alphabet Soup' stories every hour, on the hour. Now that A.I. has begun providing the bylines, it's becoming even more ridiculous - seriously, try listening to the stories, they're completely preposterous. Nobody cares, and soon, nobody will be listening, either, because it has become a tiresome chore with no output value. They don't deserve any of our attention.
Are Filipino-Americans "hispanic-Americans" deserving of some AA help?
Or are they "Asian-ame" and undeserving?
John Henry
"Derbyshire yesterday distinguished East Asians (China, Japan, Korea) from the others who are not so smart on the average, as Fancy Asians and Jungle Asians."
It does appear that the average IQ in China, Japan and Korea is quite a bit higher than the average IQ in India or Viet Nam. But that does not mean the same IQ differences are found in the people who have managed to make it to the US from those countries. One way to cross the Pacific Ocean is to get in a canoe and start paddling. A safer way is to ace the GRE in a STEM subject.
For those of you who don’t think Herzog was poking fun at NPR (“While interviewing exactly zero people who dissented from that view “), read more carefully.
"No. No calls to violence."
If you read my comment carefully you'll see that there was no "call to violence." Simply a clear statement that I'm ready for it if and when it happens, or more likely doesn't happen, and that I will be a non-participant.
UC Berkeley is a case in point. On merit based applications. Berkeley winds up Asians claiming 40% or more of the seats in the undergraduate classes. For years there have been stories in the Bay Area newspapers about this "overrepresentation of Asian students at Berkeley".
Make no mistake--an affirmative action acceptance of a black or hispanic student with lower academic scores takes a seat away from an Asian kid.
Do you mean to tell me the press lies?? Noooooo.
My very white daughter graduated from a highly regarded Catholic girls high school with a 4.6 gpa and had a high 1300s SAT. She was accepted by every school she applied to excepting UCLA. She graduated from UC Berkeley which is great but it always chapped my ass the LA passed her over most likely because of her complexion.
I am not sure what you were expecting. Pretty much anything that a leftist does not agree with is "white supremacist" these days. It is basically a replacement for "racist" since everyone who has a modicum of dignity has noticed that "racist" no longer means anything other than "I'm a Leftist and I don't like you." It also dovetails nicely into the narrative of the current regime that white supremacy is the most dangerous thing currently facing the United States, despite the fact that the number of white supremacists is exceedingly small and they have to dress up FBI agents and Lincoln Project interns to play the part. If you haven't noticed, apparently any race can be white supremacist, other than people in good standing with the Left who get a pass even when they are explicitly and repeatedly racist. You know, like the current President.
I suppose I should mention this is another instance of the Democratic Party coalition being made up of blocs that do not like each other. It is inarguable that Asians are being discriminated against in admission to higher education, this discrimination is explicitly race based, and it is championed by the Democratic Party. We are also supposed to care about anti-Asian violence (for good reason) and then supposed to ignore the fact that most of it is performed by blacks, and the Democratic Party has zero interest in doing anything to rein the blacks in since that would be "racist." The LGBT community is surprisingly racist, but we are not supposed to notice. And so forth and so on. I continues to baffle me that these blocs manage to hold together while conflicting so much, just so they can advance the preferred policies of upper middle class neurotic white women who care deeply about these people as long as they don't have to actually interact with the rabble. It is always nice to hear them demand open borders so they can save money on maids and landscapers.
The statistics demonstrate that affirmative action screws Asian Americans. NPR demonstrates that it’s reporters don’t understand math. Instead they rely on feelings. My grand kids are 1/4 Chinese and I am grateful that it will now be a tad harder for the Harvards of the world to make them second class citizens.
(I can't easily get classical music elsewhere though, so there is that.)
KBAQ my local non-profit classical-only station. Also see KING-FM in Seattle.
acknowledging people have agency is awkward for all the modern movements
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