১৮ জুলাই, ২০২৩

Sunrise — 5:26, 5:38.



৩২টি মন্তব্য:

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Trump indictments are the new Covid variants.

Narr বলেছেন...

Earlier I mentioned "De arte venandi cum avibus," without adding that RFKj was referring--of course--to the rules for falconers attributed to the Emperor (not king) Frederick II in the 13th C.

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

When the DC, NYC or FL jury is deliberating, will the MAGA crowd surround the courthouse and intimidate the jury and judge? The Dems did that in MPLS.

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

Trump indictments are the new Covid variants.

And so passe' now that they don't even interest lawcentric bloggers so much. But boy do the talking heads on cable enjoy them! Jack Smith sent an "unmistakable signal to Trump" by not commenting to the media today, and John King even interpreted the silence into a message for Trump that CNN gave voice to. Creative! Dude didn't even "no comment" and they got a whole nonverbal communique' out of it. People who watch language have a feast of overstatement to dissect now.

And that's just the DNC media, before we even get to "too much drama Haley" and her command to move on from Trump so the Left can devour his carcass in peace. Strange days indeed.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Donald Trump must terrify Christopher Wray, Merrick Garland, Jack Smith, and the rest of Biden Crime Family. I wonder what crimes they’ve committed that they’re so frightened of real justice that they have to invent phony charges against Trump? Charges that fool no one who isn’t desperate to be fooled. Hopefully we’ll find out where the corruption lies eventually.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

"Newly released chats and emails between the authors of a crucial scientific paper leave no doubt: an unprecedented official disinformation campaign accompanied the arrival of Covid-19" -Matt Taibbi Substack.

So, the science colluded to lie?

farmgirl বলেছেন...

Striated sky- lovely…

NorthOfTheOneOhOne বলেছেন...

Apropos of one of Althouse's posts from last week; Tracy Chapman has released a statement in support of Luke Comb's cover of 'Fast Car'.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Rogan's Reddit: "On July 13, 2023 a 60 meter asteroid was the closest to hitting Earth than any other close call we’ve had, and was completely undetected until after it missed. The meteor to cause the Arizona crater was only 30-50 meters, this asteroid had the power to flatten all of NYC."

Joe Biden came that close to postponing the election indefinitely

"This asteroid was hard to see earlier because it approached Earth from the direction of the sun..."

NKP বলেছেন...

The Biden Administration is out of control.

Using the cover of Jan 6 (the insurrection that wasn't), a corrupt Justice Department and a bottomless local jury pool of fools, our government now prosecutes and incarcerates as it pleases.

Is "Bastille Day - The Sequel" nearing release?

Chuck বলেছেন...

So HERE is the charging affidavit in the Michigan felony case against the 16 fake Republican electors. I know, I know; you're welcome.

Some of the back story on the Michigan case. This came as a bit of a surprise, timing-wise, for many of us closely following Republican politics here. Craig Mauger (great reporter for the Detroit News) called one of the fake electors yesterday to ask if he had heard of any new developments; the elector said no. This afternoon when Craig called the guy back when news of the felony charges had broken, the poor old guy had no idea. Craig essentially informed him that he had been charged with multiple felonies.

Some of these ceremonial/figurehaed electors are a bit like being ambassadors to Luxembourg; you get it by being loyal, being a donor, being a player. And my information is that many of the charged individuals had been fully cooperative with state and federal investigations. I'm honestly surprised that they got charged. Not that what they did wasn't really shitty. It was. They just didn't quite know how shitty.

But some knew. Former MI Secretary of State, Terri Lynn Land, a respected senior MI GOP leader and a duly appointed elector as of the 2020 election, apparently refused to be involved in the plot. She was summarily replaced as an elector by the plotters. And former MIGOP Chairwoman Laura Cox, her husband Mike a former Michigan Attorney General, told the J6 Select Committee that she made it clear to the plotters that what they had in mind was "insane and irresponsible."

Others -- I'll single out the Ultra-MAGA former MIGOP Co-Chair Meshawn Maddock -- have been notoriously combative, determined to support Trump and all of his insane election conspiracy theories. they knew that what they were doing was not legal and they did it anyway, willfully. I expect easy proofs of illegal activity, proven through documents, with clear criminal intent.

Still others -- the Michigan and Trump/national campaign lawyers who schemed the thing -- aren't even charged as of this writing. Now, in the spring of 2022, MI AG Dana Nessel said that she was referring the matter to the DoJ. Many MIGOP electors and others have been interviewed by DoJ, by the House Select Committee, and by the MI AG's office. One other MAGA maniac in Michigan, the losing GOP nominee for AG in 2022 (MAGA Matt DePerno) appears to be heading toward multiple felony charges on other election-related charges.

It is the complete, utter collapse of the Michigan Republican Party. The Party now has a grand total of $93,000 of cash on hand. They won't be meeting expenses in two months. The building where the fake electors went to do their fake unconstitutional ceremony (after being denied entry to the Capitol), which had essentially been donated to Party, has been abandoned because they can't support it. The super-MAGA Chair, Kristina Karamo (Trump called her "Kristina Karano" when he was here last), has alienated every senior/mainstream/donor class Republican in the state. The most reliably influential conservative newspaper columnist in the state, Nolan Finley of the Detroit News, has called for a "takeover" of the MIGOP.

No Republican -- most particularly Trump -- can win Michigan's critical 16 electoral votes in 2024. The state party is completely dysfunctional now bordering on the nonexistent.

walter বলেছেন...

"Lem the misspeller said...
Trump indictments are the new Covid variants. "
Multiple jabs causing adverse events the only response allowable.
Wear a mask while doing so.

gadfly বলেছেন...

Israel lent several antiquities to the White House in 2019, including ancient clay lamps for a White House Hanukkah event. Unfortunately, Donald Trump was president at the time, which means the artifacts are now at Mar-a-Lago, and Israel can’t figure out how to get them back, Haaretz reported on Tuesday.

Somehow, the former president stealing ancient Israeli artifacts isn’t surprising when racketeering is his way of life. Grift, graft, and RICO!

wendybar বলেছেন...

Collin Rugg
NEW: Country Music Television has pulled Jason Aldean’s music video ‘Try That In A Small Town’ in response to media outrage.

In the music video, Aldean calls out left-wing violence, specifically violence against law enforcement.

Apparently this is ‘controversial’ and hateful according to the left.



tim maguire বলেছেন...

Chuck said...So HERE is the charging affidavit in the Michigan felony case against the 16 fake Republican electors. I know, I know; you're welcome

Seems like yet another case of over-charging. There was a dispute at the time and it was prudent for the challengers to put their electors together and proceed as though they had won so that they would be ready in case they did. The crime, if there was one, was by the person trying to file it—though even that is questionable if there were deadlines in play. Which there probably were.

BUMBLE BEE বলেছেন...

Canada's fires are ruining our skies.

wendybar বলেছেন...

THIS is why people don't trust the GOPe...

"Lisa Murkowski is the perfect mascot for Senate Republicans. She is a Democrat in all but name, an aristocrat who inherited her office, and a beneficiary of rigged elections. She has more in common with Nancy Pelosi than the average Republican voter, and every time Alaskan Republicans attempt to throw her out of office, Mitch McConnell's minions manipulate the rules to save her."


BUMBLE BEE বলেছেন...

As a practical matter...

"People are more violently opposed to fur than leather because it's safer to harass rich women than motorcycle gangs". Unknown

From Ace.

BUMBLE BEE বলেছেন...

Remember "Do It For The Children"?


A new twist by Democrats.

Rusty বলেছেন...

Big Mike said...
"Donald Trump must terrify Christopher Wray, Merrick Garland, Jack Smith, and the rest of Biden Crime Family. I wonder what crimes they’ve committed that they’re so frightened of real justice that they have to invent phony charges against Trump? Charges that fool no one who isn’t desperate to be fooled. Hopefully we’ll find out where the corruption lies eventually."

He scares the shit out of the DC establishment. Which is just about everybody in DC and surroundings. As I have said before. He interrupted the flow of graft without which DC cannot function. And that is unforgiveable. He must be lynched by any means available. He was right when he said it wasn't him they were after. It is you. They fear an informed electorate. That is why they are working hard to destroy your rights now. Before another popular Republican gets elected.

Leland বলেছেন...

The silence from chuck is deafening.

MadTownGuy বলেছেন...

wendybar said...

"THIS is why people don't trust the GOPe...

"Lisa Murkowski is the perfect mascot for Senate Republicans. She is a Democrat in all but name, an aristocrat who inherited her office, and a beneficiary of rigged elections. She has more in common with Nancy Pelosi than the average Republican voter, and every time Alaskan Republicans attempt to throw her out of office, Mitch McConnell's minions manipulate the rules to save her.

Paul Fanlund: Why Having Adam Kinzinger at Cap Times Idea Fest Is a Big Deal

"The Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol had not yet convened when I spoke with Adam Kinzinger just before Christmas 2021, less than a year removed from the insurrection.

The then-member of Congress, who with Liz Cheney was one of only two Republicans who would serve on the committee, said in my interview that the liberals who dominate Madison needed to form an “uneasy alliance” with him and the relatively few other principled conservatives to prioritize protecting American democracy over any individual partisan squabble.

Today, redistricted out of his seat by Illinois Democrats and ostracized by the far right, Kinzinger is perhaps the nation’s most prominent conservative fighting that fight as a frequent commentator on CNN.

Shorter version: he's against Trump, so all else is forgiven...for now. After the major goals are accomplished, he'll be disposable. I wonder why they didn't invite David Blaska?

planetgeo বলেছেন...

I want to thank Canada for just sucking it up and not sharing their wildfire smoke with us the last couple of days, eh.

Rocco বলেছেন...

Lem the misspeller said...
"This asteroid was hard to see earlier because it approached Earth from the direction of the sun..."

Well, duh. Any WWI/WWII pilot knew to attack with the sun at his back.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

Somehow, the former president stealing ancient Israeli artifacts isn’t surprising when racketeering is his way of life. Grift, graft, and RICO!

Now do the Clintons.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Leland said...
The silence from chuck is deafening.

Leland is apparently criticizing me for my not hammering Hillary Clinton for her complaining about Donald Trump in the 2016 election.

~ I voted for Trump in 2016. I regret it now. But that is how little I thought of Mrs. Clinton's candidacy at the time.
~ Mrs. Clinton conceded her election loss to Trump within hours of the closing of the last polls. (It was technically the next morning, but basically as soon as all of the networks and others had "called" the election. Trump never did that.
~ Mrs. Clinton did not pursue any crazy election litigation. The narrowest margin of victory was in Michigan, less than 11k votes, and it was the Green Party -- not the Clinton Campaign -- that initiated a later-abandoned recall effort. Trump did.
~ Mrs. Clinton made no other efforts to overturn the results of election day. No rallies, no "stop the steal" campaigns. Trump is STILL doing that.
~ Mrs. Clinton attended the Trump inauguration; the clearest symbolic acknowledgement of a peaceful, legal transfer of power. Trump's running away from the Biden inauguration might be the least-significant legalism of Trump's insurrection efforts. But to me it was one of the most deeply offensive. Trump's sociopathic ego is so incredibly fragile.

You can continue this argument if you wish. I won't, because it is so stupid and unproductive.

Inga বলেছেন...

“So HERE is the charging affidavit in the Michigan felony case against the 16 fake Republican electors. I know, I know; you're welcome.”

Hopefully Wisconsin will be next.

wendybar বলেছেন...

"Rep. Victoria Spartz (R-IN) is the first Ukrainian-born member of Congress and the first member born in a form Soviet Republic. She is a Republican.

Last week Rep. Spartz tore into FBI Director Chris Wray over his KGB tactics he employs on the American people."


Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

Something interesting turned up in my Twitter feed: "John Podesta, role playing Joe Biden in Transition Integrity Project's summer 2020 simulation to ensure a Biden presidency even if Trump won the election, openly plotted sending a separate elector slate -- the same thing DOJ just indicted Trump electors for considering doing" - here's the link.

Does anyone think Podesta should be arrested? Or that any Democrat would have been arrested if they'd actually done this? Don't all speak up at once.

wendybar বলেছেন...

"The Internet is forever, as the saying goes. But what if something was done — something that would enrage American taxpayers — so that it never appeared in any official record accessible on the Internet?

“What if” indeed.

A long and thorough Internet search for Joe Biden Soto Cano Air Base Honduras 2012 yields nothing.

Likewise, a long and thorough Internet search for Joe Biden Palmerola Air Base Honduras 2012 also yields nothing.Likewise, a long and thorough Internet search for Joe Biden Palmerola Air Base Honduras 2012 also yields nothing.

And yet I flew into Soto Cano/Palmerola Air Base in Honduras in March 2012 with Vice President Joe Biden, so I know it happened.

But there’s no record of it on the Internet."


Temp Blog বলেছেন...

" Mrs. Clinton made no other efforts to overturn the results of election day. "

Apparently someone has forgotten the Russia Collusion Hoax, hatched in the Clinton campaign and executed against Trump with the assistance of the Obama regime and its traitors.

wendybar বলেছেন...

Mike Benz
John Podesta, role playing Joe Biden in Transition Integrity Project's summer 2020 simulation to ensure a Biden presidency even if Trump won the election, openly plotted sending a separate elector slate

-- the same thing DOJ just indicted Trump electors for considering doing"
