Do we really need more common sense gun laws? There are currently over 300,000 state and federal gun laws on the books. What could possibly be added that is not already covered?
The MIL had a stroke so we were stuck flying cross country this summer and we got the shakedown. Cancelled flights, rebooked for days later, no compensation for failure to proved timely service. Fuck you, they say. What's funny is half the plance boards before First Class and frequent flyers- disabilities, need more time to get down the jetways, families with strollers, families with children under two, active duty military thankyouforyourservice, then uber mileage customers. First class is alls what's kleft. Suckers
I'm convinced the Blackrocks and the State Streets are torturing us just for their entertainment.
MEAGAN WOLFE HAS SERVED as administrator of the Wisconsin Elections Commission since 2018, guiding the state’s more than 1,800 municipal clerks through a series of nationally significant elections. The Associated Press calls her “one of the most respected elections leaders in the nation.” She is unanimously supported by the bipartisan elections commission’s three Republican and three Democratic members. So, naturally, Republican members of the state legislature want her gone. ... Cory Tomczyk, a Republican state senator, in a letter to colleagues in May, admitted that removing Wolfe was about the perceptions of wrongdoing. “All of us have heard from Wisconsinites that have their doubts about the election procedures in our state,” he wrote. ”Anything that creates doubt about election integrity needs to be responded to and corrected, to ease the minds of our constituents.”
It's a remarkably complicated and interesting story, well written as usual by Leuders.
Grateful again for the Free Speech forum that Ann Althouse provides here.
I got kicked off of Twitter again. I have the name CreightonAlum. I have effectively attacked NE Dems; especially on this trans business. The screaming and chanting redhead Sen Machala Cavanaugh really disliked me as I routinely gave it to her good and hard. (“I’ve seen your behavior on social media.”)
Under Dorsey’s regime I had been suspended for disagreeing with liberals. I’m guessing that a NE Dem reported me to Twitter. They can’t handle any dissent. It’s always harassment.
The weird thing is that the Dems got together in some secret online forum and passed on the word that Begley is CreightonAlum. So they would use my real name in reply to CreightonAlum tweets.
What a bunch of cry baby weenies. They can’t debate an effective conservative advocate so they cancel and censor me.
A Milwaukee Common Councilman today called all Wisconsin Republican's "enemies". All because the state legislature gave Milwaukee the power to raise sales taxes to support their own incompetence...and they did. Extra 2% on furniture, cars, etc... City council threatened that fire and police would have to be cut if the tax increase didn't pass. Ironic, because the wanted to defund the police anyway. It's a tax increase on Wisconsin's poorest residents who suffer daily, that the Ivory Tower white people in Madison pretend to care about and protect.
Nice thing about living in Madison vs. Milwaukee, is Madison has a never ending stream of revenue coming in via taxes from all over that state, and student loans/debt. Assholes that parade naked in front of children to "protect the environment" while everyone is shopping at the farmer's market. 200 plus, naked, bicycle riding psychos. Do that in Sussex, and you're going to get arrested, after you get your ass rightfully kicked.
Living in Waukesha County, and seeing Madison's naked parades, and Milwaukee's drug and violence addictions that bled over into our community at the Waukesha Christmas Parade, I'm baffled. I've lost hope for unity. Go fuck yourself. Milwaukee has free wheeling crack and heroine dealers that deliver their goods faster than a Domino's Pizza. But, at least the crack and heroine isn't affected by the sales tax increase. There's always and upside, isn't there?
You know what the liberal PhDs and Administrators that "teach" at University of Wisonsin-Milwukee and Marquette will do? They'll shop for high end items in Waukesha County to avoid the extra 2% tax. And...they'll probably have it delivered in a fossil fueled powered delivery truck, and not tip the underpaid minority delivery guys that carry it into their Ivory Tower apartment.
But when they get on line...they'll wave that shaming finger westward toward Waukesha County.
The deterioration of Milwaukee breaks my heart. It used to be so safe fun...
Today, Starbuck reported that Campos is an illegal alien:
BREAKING: Homeland Security has now confirmed that soccer coach Camilo Campos was an illegal immigrant. He was jailed after a Franklin, TN pizza shop employee found his phone filled with videos of Campos raping kids. He had at least 10 victims and that list is likely to grow.
How many victims would’ve been saved if businesses had checked his immigration status before employing him? Anyone that had the opportunity to use everify on him and didn’t should be held responsible with monetary damages paid to victims.
How many victims would’ve been saved if businesses had checked his immigration status before employing him? Anyone that had the opportunity to use everify on him and didn’t should be held responsible with monetary damages paid to victims.
Bill Leuders? I've forgotten why I hold him in disdain, but hold him in disdain I do.
And as the object of praise from our resident LLR (LOL), I am confident that the reason for my disdain is well founded, even though I can't remember what it is.
"NEWS: Twitter has filed a lawsuit against 4 entitities located in Dallas, Texas, accusing them of scraping large amounts of data.
"These requests have severely burdened X Corp’s servers. and degraded the user experience for millions of X Corp.’s customers,” the suit says.
Last week many mainstream media outlets spread theories that Twitter rate limiting was due to missed server payments, despite the evidence contradicting this and Twitter's servers being on-prem anyway.
Hopefully these lawsuits can reveal the full truth of what happened."
"Several entities tried to scrape every tweet ever made [trillions!] in a short period of time. That is why we had to put rate limits in place."--Elon Musk
On Sunday, [off the coast of Santa Cruz, California], a 5-year-old female otter known to local officials as Otter 841 attacked a surfboard and, after a brief struggle back and forth, hijacked it from its rightful owner. It then cruised around triumphantly on the board and only disbanded when a nearby catamaran spooked it off. When the surfer was reunited with his board, it had several bite marks in it.
Boy the NATO summit did not go well for the former comedian, now el presidente of Ukraine. The only thing missing was him pounding the table and stomping his feet. Surely this was not presidential behavior. He keeps it up, it will rival our own fumbler and stumbler, who missed the NATO dinner as tapioca was not on the menu.
Dave Begley was kicked off of Twitter again! He could just bop on over to Truth Social and say anything and everything he wants. And just for spite he can also join Threads and Mastodon and post the same comments to all these other Twitter-like sites simultaneously to maximize exposure of his Jesuit religious thinking.
"I got kicked off of Twitter again. I have the name CreightonAlum. I have effectively attacked NE Dems; especially on this trans business."
You got kicked off Elon Musk's Twitter? What exactly did you do? Were you harassing an individual — doxxing? libeling? threatening? You must admit there are things that should still get people kicked off. At this blog, you have less opportunity to go after an individual and keep dogging them with unfair and personal things. I would like to know what gets a person kicked of Twitter in the Musk era, and "effectively attacked NE Dems; especially on this trans business" doesn't give the right level of detail.
Page Six regrets to report that a press dinner to boost Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s presidential campaign devolved into a foul bout of screaming and polemic farting on Tuesday night.
The gaseous exchange — to which Page Six bore reluctant witness — began after a guest asked Kennedy, founder of the ecological organization Waterkeeper Alliance, about the environment.
And it seems that the mere inquiry was enough to set off apparently drunk gossip-columnist-turned-flak Doug Dechert, the host of the event, who became enraged and screamed at the top of his lungs: “The climate hoax!”
Here, it seems, Dechert sensed the need for a new rhetorical tack, and let rip a loud, prolonged fart while yelling, as if to underscore his point, “I’m farting!”
(Regrettably, we may assure readers that there was no room for doubt that the climate changed in the immediate environs of the dinner table).
“I got kicked off of Twitter again. I have the name CreightonAlum. I have effectively attacked NE Dems; especially on this trans business. The screaming and chanting redhead Sen Machala Cavanaugh really disliked me as I routinely gave it to her good and hard. (“I’ve seen your behavior on social media.”)”
Has anyone seen a more abysmal performance in front of a congressional committee than our beloved FIB's director executed yesterday? Talk about embarrassing. Now do something about it GOP. BTW, Krispey Kreme Christie remains a fanboy.
I don't know if this flooding will be up there with the "Year Without a Summer," which defines "catastrophic" for Vermont, and which happened during the Little Ice Age, when Vermont lost ten percent of its population, as farmers decided that the climate was too cold for farming. That was "catastrophic." Had there been no "blade" on the "Hockey Stick," had temps just continued their downward trends the way the "handle" on the Hockey Stick shows, years without summers would have been more common.
I didn’t do any of the things you listed. And no specific Tweet was flagged. With respect to libeling, a former state Senator (Adam Morfeld) is representing a current state Senator (Megan Hunt) in a libel action against some conservatives for tweets. They called Sen Hunt a groomer and pedo. I never did that or anything like that. I did, however, write a blog post that could be used as a brief in support of a motion to dismiss and that was tweeted out by me. I cited NY Times v. Sullivan and Countermand v. Colorado.
The backstory is that Sen. Hunt is a bisexual and she claims her 13 year old daughter is a transsexual. Hunt therefore worked with Cavanaugh to filibuster every single bill last session.
I think what happened is that some Dem contacted Twitter and said that you suspended Begley and Begley is CreightonAlum.
Ann, you are free to go through my CreightonAlum tweets. I did nothing contrary to Twitter’s rules. Under Twitter’s prior management, the tweet that got me kicked off was what Nikita said at the UN, “We will bury you.”
rehajm said...The MIL had a stroke so we were stuck flying cross country this summer and we got the shakedown. Cancelled flights, rebooked for days later, no compensation for failure to proved timely service.
I hope your MIL recovers. It's astonishing to me how we manage air travel today and I don't see how it can continue. I haven't flown since before COVID, my family is planning a trip to Europe next summer and I'm not looking forward to it. It's not just that you surrender your human rights at the door for no good reason and are abused, physically violated, and pushed around as a matter of normal policy (9/11 was a one-off; it will never happen again), but the airlines have no sense of responsibility to their customers and are exempt from all normal consumer protection laws. Ticket pricing is nuts--you can pay two or three times what the person next to you is paying for the exact same service.
What other business operates this way? What other business is allowed to operate this way? How did we get to this place, why do we allow it, and why, despite the fact the everyone hates it, is there so little interest in making it better?
It's amazing how no threat to Joe Biden's second term, no matter how slight, fails to stir our LLR in his defense. Human caused global warming is a bunch of errant nonsense, but we need to re-elect the guy who is going to take away our gas powered cars and gas stoves. It's a matter of fierce urgency!
Recall back in March when a small reasonable change to the defective and convoluted censorious dumb lefty twitter 1.0 code led to larger problems.
“A small API change had massive ramifications. The code stack is extremely brittle for no good reason” Musk wrote at that time on Twitter.
“Will ultimately need a complete rewrite,”--Musk
So very true.
X./twitter 2.0 code will need to become as robust as the rapid iterative processes, systems, designs and performance as they are at Tesla, Tesla Robotics, X.AI and SpaceX, to name a few.
Who me? I’m innocent I tells ya! When even Musk’s Twitter has had enough of Begley, Begley might want to do some self reflection. Relentlessly attacking gay and trans mothers and children might make people (even Twitter) see you as loathsome.
2. The tweet that got me kicked off the first time was, “We will bury you.”
3. Many of the same SF libs still work at Twitter.
4. Nothing about 13-year-old Ash Hunt, but I repeatedly told her mother to file a lawsuit in federal court in order to get an injunction against the bill that “harms her family.” Sen. Hunt is insane. Look at her tweets.
5. The NE Dems hate me with a passion. They tweeted that one of my kids went to Santa Clara. I was doxxed. I got death threats via email. I’ve got an entire email file of threats. People called me at work and left messages. I answered the phone one time and the guy screamed at me. One Dem even sent me a signed hard copy letter saying I should be in jail. All over this trans business.
Thankfully those Dem lunatics never found out that I comment here as they would have gone wild. The Dems hate Free Speech and anyone who doesn’t share their radical opinions.
A Republican majority in the Senate and House wouldn’t give President Trump 4 billion dollars for the wall - but the same Republican Party has no problem sending 50x that much money to Ukraine.
Re: Begley My guess is “we will bury you” sounds like a threat. The algorithms are clueless as the real meaning of the phrase. I got banned a while ago for telling someone to go jump in the lake. The response was that was threatening language. Plus, if you have a whole cabal of lefties reporting you the system has to cut you off. Only human intervention will correct the situation. And David keep up the good work!
William50 said... "Do we really need more common sense gun laws? There are currently over 300,000 state and federal gun laws on the books. What could possibly be added that is not already covered?"
If we really do need more common sense gun laws, then clearly most of the existing ones are nonsensical.
Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary/FBI Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "Relentlessly attacking gay and trans mothers and children might make people (even Twitter) see you as loathsome."
Anyone willing to break down this latest stupidity?
Lets start here: define "gay and trans mothers".
For a crew that cant define "woman" as they push for more and more irreversible child mutilation and sexualized grooming for small tots, this should be hilarious!
I did not delete any tweets. I invite anyone who wants to spend the time to read my entire 2023 @CreightonAlum Twitter feed.
I got kicked off of AMZN book reviews because of a negative review about climate change. A dozen years of book reviews were deleted.
I got kicked off a Creighton fan website. It had an OT section and I'm opposed to the CAGW scam and a conservative. The thing that got me kicked off was a post about free speech. No lie.
I have a bare knuckles style and the Dems can't handle it.
Ann has NEVER deleted a single one of my comments and she's let them all through. That's why I appreciate Ann's free speech forum. Nothing I did at Twitter broke the rules. Same for AMZN and the Creighton fan site.
Begley: "3. Many of the same SF libs still work at Twitter."
There's a new sheriff in town so I wouldnt worry too much about the few holdovers that are being overseen by the borrowed Tesla/Tesla Robotics/X.AI/SpaceX folks.
Our next Commander In Chief" The real joke is that when the party nominates him you and your buddies will sprint to the polls to vote for him. No questions asked.
Hang in there, Dave. Judging by the responses of our usual suspects you're making the right enemies. And thank you for fighting the good fight against the monsters who would destroy childhood.
Ann Althouse said... ... ...You must admit there are things that should still get people kicked off. At this blog, you have less opportunity to go after an individual and keep dogging them with unfair and personal things...
When you wrote that, Althouse, were you actually being serious? Or were you laughingly thinking of the sorts of moderated unfair and personal attacks that I see, aimed at me, on this very page!
Banned Commenter, LLR-democratical and Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck: "When you wrote that, Althouse, were you actually being serious? Or were you laughingly thinking of the sorts of moderated unfair and personal attacks that I see, aimed at me, on this very page!"
Banned commenter Chuck has thoughts regarding Althouse blog moderation.
Banned commenter Chuck also appears to be upset some recall his demented publicly spewed homosexual rage rape fantasies that he shared freely and proudly on this very blog.
Chuck said... "Ann Althouse said... ... ...You must admit there are things that should still get people kicked off. At this blog, you have less opportunity to go after an individual and keep dogging them with unfair and personal things...
When you wrote that, Althouse, were you actually being serious? Or were you laughingly thinking of the sorts of moderated unfair and personal attacks that I see, aimed at me, on this very page!"
Chuck. You're in a special class of 'deceitful' and 'liar'. Since you admittedly came here to deceive and to lie you aren't considered trustworthy in any context. So it is safe to impugn your motives. Nothing you say or post here will ever be taken seriously. Ever. Now have a nice day and fuck off.
It's pretty plain these days that anybody who wants to, can pretend that "We will bury you" is a death threat, and use it to silence a speaker, memories of Krushchev banging his shoe on the podium notwithstanding. I think of lots of things that I could say that I just keep to myself, because if somebody is determined to misconstrue my words, they certainly can. This is the power they have, and one has to respect it. The power we have is reason, which they have no answer for, since they only care about having the power to work their will, but we have to be careful how we present reason, because it infuriates them so.
"In Soviet Uniion, they disappeared you. In America, we make you invisible,"
Inga said... “I got kicked off of Twitter again. I have the name CreightonAlum. I have effectively attacked NE Dems Even Musk’s Twitter… -- Imagine Inga's Twitter How's the rapey hostel thing going?
- Chuck was banned. - Chuck referred to himself as a LLR. - Chuck has made it explicitly clear he is a democratical policy supporter (and democratical supporter) across the board, including in terms of weaponization of government (he is a huge supporter of Pelosi, Adam Schiff and Whitmer) - Chuck, loudly and proudly, proclaimed he was only here at Althouse blog for 2 reasons: to "lie about" and "smear" Trump and conservatives AND to "drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers". - Chuck, of his own volition, loudly and proudly penned a violent homosexual rage rape fantasy on Althouse blog (it was quite an eye-opener for those of us on Team NOT-Groomer
Naturally, like all leftists, Mutaman despises truth in advertising.
Exit observation: there sure are alot of far left lefties going to bat for LLR-democratical Chuck! Teammates have a tendency to do that.
Mutaman's whiteknighting for Chuck turned out not to be the sort of flex Mutaman thought it would be.
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५६ टिप्पण्या:
The record high July 12th temperature for Madison Wisconsin is 104 deg F set in 1936.
Do we really need more common sense gun laws? There are currently over 300,000 state and federal gun laws on the books. What could possibly be added that is not already covered?
Law Info - Number of gun laws in the United States
The MIL had a stroke so we were stuck flying cross country this summer and we got the shakedown. Cancelled flights, rebooked for days later, no compensation for failure to proved timely service. Fuck you, they say. What's funny is half the plance boards before First Class and frequent flyers- disabilities, need more time to get down the jetways, families with strollers, families with children under two, active duty military thankyouforyourservice, then uber mileage customers. First class is alls what's kleft. Suckers
I'm convinced the Blackrocks and the State Streets are torturing us just for their entertainment.
Bill Leuders, writing at The Bulwark:
MEAGAN WOLFE HAS SERVED as administrator of the Wisconsin Elections Commission since 2018, guiding the state’s more than 1,800 municipal clerks through a series of nationally significant elections. The Associated Press calls her “one of the most respected elections leaders in the nation.” She is unanimously supported by the bipartisan elections commission’s three Republican and three Democratic members. So, naturally, Republican members of the state legislature want her gone.
Cory Tomczyk, a Republican state senator, in a letter to colleagues in May, admitted that removing Wolfe was about the perceptions of wrongdoing. “All of us have heard from Wisconsinites that have their doubts about the election procedures in our state,” he wrote. ”Anything that creates doubt about election integrity needs to be responded to and corrected, to ease the minds of our constituents.”
It's a remarkably complicated and interesting story, well written as usual by Leuders.
Grateful again for the Free Speech forum that Ann Althouse provides here.
I got kicked off of Twitter again. I have the name CreightonAlum. I have effectively attacked NE Dems; especially on this trans business. The screaming and chanting redhead Sen Machala Cavanaugh really disliked me as I routinely gave it to her good and hard. (“I’ve seen your behavior on social media.”)
Under Dorsey’s regime I had been suspended for disagreeing with liberals. I’m guessing that a NE Dem reported me to Twitter. They can’t handle any dissent. It’s always harassment.
The weird thing is that the Dems got together in some secret online forum and passed on the word that Begley is CreightonAlum. So they would use my real name in reply to CreightonAlum tweets.
What a bunch of cry baby weenies. They can’t debate an effective conservative advocate so they cancel and censor me.
Hunter should give seminars on how to avoid being thrown in prison while completely ignoring FARA requirements.
A Milwaukee Common Councilman today called all Wisconsin Republican's "enemies". All because the state legislature gave Milwaukee the power to raise sales taxes to support their own incompetence...and they did. Extra 2% on furniture, cars, etc... City council threatened that fire and police would have to be cut if the tax increase didn't pass. Ironic, because the wanted to defund the police anyway. It's a tax increase on Wisconsin's poorest residents who suffer daily, that the Ivory Tower white people in Madison pretend to care about and protect.
Nice thing about living in Madison vs. Milwaukee, is Madison has a never ending stream of revenue coming in via taxes from all over that state, and student loans/debt. Assholes that parade naked in front of children to "protect the environment" while everyone is shopping at the farmer's market. 200 plus, naked, bicycle riding psychos. Do that in Sussex, and you're going to get arrested, after you get your ass rightfully kicked.
Living in Waukesha County, and seeing Madison's naked parades, and Milwaukee's drug and violence addictions that bled over into our community at the Waukesha Christmas Parade, I'm baffled. I've lost hope for unity. Go fuck yourself. Milwaukee has free wheeling crack and heroine dealers that deliver their goods faster than a Domino's Pizza. But, at least the crack and heroine isn't affected by the sales tax increase. There's always and upside, isn't there?
You know what the liberal PhDs and Administrators that "teach" at University of Wisonsin-Milwukee and Marquette will do? They'll shop for high end items in Waukesha County to avoid the extra 2% tax. And...they'll probably have it delivered in a fossil fueled powered delivery truck, and not tip the underpaid minority delivery guys that carry it into their Ivory Tower apartment.
But when they get on line...they'll wave that shaming finger westward toward Waukesha County.
The deterioration of Milwaukee breaks my heart. It used to be so safe fun...
Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) July 12, 2023
Today, Starbuck reported that Campos is an illegal alien:
BREAKING: Homeland Security has now confirmed that soccer coach Camilo Campos was an illegal immigrant. He was jailed after a Franklin, TN pizza shop employee found his phone filled with videos of Campos raping kids. He had at least 10 victims and that list is likely to grow.
How many victims would’ve been saved if businesses had checked his immigration status before employing him? Anyone that had the opportunity to use everify on him and didn’t should be held responsible with monetary damages paid to victims.
How many victims would’ve been saved if businesses had checked his immigration status before employing him? Anyone that had the opportunity to use everify on him and didn’t should be held responsible with monetary damages paid to victims.
— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) July 12, 2023
Bill Leuders? I've forgotten why I hold him in disdain, but hold him in disdain I do.
And as the object of praise from our resident LLR (LOL), I am confident that the reason for my disdain is well founded, even though I can't remember what it is.
‘I’m Farting!’ NY Post Gives WILD Account Of ‘Gaseous’ RFK Jr. Press Dinner*ebfrij*_ga*MTAyMzAyNjUzOS4xNjUwOTk5NDE4*_ga_0DZ7LHF5PZ*MTY4OTIyNjI5Ni4yMTMuMC4xNjg5MjI2Mjk2LjAuMC4w&_ga=2.173507809.396627392.1689226291-1023026539.1650999418
Our next Commander In Chief
Blogger Dave Begley said...
" What a bunch of cry baby weenies. They can’t debate an effective conservative advocate so they cancel and censor me. "
when are you going to demonstrate some of that effectiveness around here?
LLR-democratical and Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck: "Bill Leuders, writing at The Bulwark:..."
The Bulwark!
Too funny.
Uh oh.
"NEW: CA Assembly Republicans to Force Floor Vote Thursday on Bill Increasing Penalties for Child Human Trafficking"
Team Groomer at The Lincoln Pedophile Project and The Bulwark are NOT going to like that.
Obviously David French will also be appalled.
Interesting news and context:
"NEWS: Twitter has filed a lawsuit against 4 entitities located in Dallas, Texas, accusing them of scraping large amounts of data.
"These requests have severely burdened X Corp’s servers. and degraded the user experience for millions of X Corp.’s customers,” the suit says.
Last week many mainstream media outlets spread theories that Twitter rate limiting was due to missed server payments, despite the evidence contradicting this and Twitter's servers being on-prem anyway.
Hopefully these lawsuits can reveal the full truth of what happened."
"Several entities tried to scrape every tweet ever made [trillions!] in a short period of time. That is why we had to put rate limits in place."--Elon Musk
On Sunday, [off the coast of Santa Cruz, California], a 5-year-old female otter known to local officials as Otter 841 attacked a surfboard and, after a brief struggle back and forth, hijacked it from its rightful owner. It then cruised around triumphantly on the board and only disbanded when a nearby catamaran spooked it off. When the surfer was reunited with his board, it had several bite marks in it.
William50 said...
The record high July 12th temperature for Madison Wisconsin is 104 deg F set in 1936.
During the "Dirty 30s", record heat was just another dusty hot day. Now, triple-digit temperatures all indicate record-setting climate change.
But temperature changes track directly to solar irradiance. Yes, temperatures are rising here but Mars and even Pluto are also warmer nowadays.
Boy the NATO summit did not go well for the former comedian, now el presidente of Ukraine. The only thing missing was him pounding the table and stomping his feet. Surely this was not presidential behavior. He keeps it up, it will rival our own fumbler and stumbler, who missed the NATO dinner as tapioca was not on the menu.
Dave Begley was kicked off of Twitter again! He could just bop on over to Truth Social and say anything and everything he wants. And just for spite he can also join Threads and Mastodon and post the same comments to all these other Twitter-like sites simultaneously to maximize exposure of his Jesuit religious thinking.
This reminds me of one of my favorite songs by an incredible band.
"I got kicked off of Twitter again. I have the name CreightonAlum. I have effectively attacked NE Dems; especially on this trans business."
You got kicked off Elon Musk's Twitter? What exactly did you do? Were you harassing an individual — doxxing? libeling? threatening? You must admit there are things that should still get people kicked off. At this blog, you have less opportunity to go after an individual and keep dogging them with unfair and personal things. I would like to know what gets a person kicked of Twitter in the Musk era, and "effectively attacked NE Dems; especially on this trans business" doesn't give the right level of detail.
Camelot it ain’t.
Page Six regrets to report that a press dinner to boost Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s presidential campaign devolved into a foul bout of screaming and polemic farting on Tuesday night.
The gaseous exchange — to which Page Six bore reluctant witness — began after a guest asked Kennedy, founder of the ecological organization Waterkeeper Alliance, about the environment.
And it seems that the mere inquiry was enough to set off apparently drunk gossip-columnist-turned-flak Doug Dechert, the host of the event, who became enraged and screamed at the top of his lungs: “The climate hoax!”
Here, it seems, Dechert sensed the need for a new rhetorical tack, and let rip a loud, prolonged fart while yelling, as if to underscore his point, “I’m farting!”
(Regrettably, we may assure readers that there was no room for doubt that the climate changed in the immediate environs of the dinner table).
“I got kicked off of Twitter again. I have the name CreightonAlum. I have effectively attacked NE Dems; especially on this trans business. The screaming and chanting redhead Sen Machala Cavanaugh really disliked me as I routinely gave it to her good and hard. (“I’ve seen your behavior on social media.”)”
Even Musk’s Twitter…
Has anyone seen a more abysmal performance in front of a congressional committee than our beloved FIB's director executed yesterday? Talk about embarrassing. Now do something about it GOP. BTW, Krispey Kreme Christie remains a fanboy.
I don't know if this flooding will be up there with the "Year Without a Summer," which defines "catastrophic" for Vermont, and which happened during the Little Ice Age, when Vermont lost ten percent of its population, as farmers decided that the climate was too cold for farming. That was "catastrophic." Had there been no "blade" on the "Hockey Stick," had temps just continued their downward trends the way the "handle" on the Hockey Stick shows, years without summers would have been more common.
"The deterioration of Milwaukee breaks my heart. It used to be so safe fun..."
Obvious fascist.
I didn’t do any of the things you listed. And no specific Tweet was flagged. With respect to libeling, a former state Senator (Adam Morfeld) is representing a current state Senator (Megan Hunt) in a libel action against some conservatives for tweets. They called Sen Hunt a groomer and pedo. I never did that or anything like that. I did, however, write a blog post that could be used as a brief in support of a motion to dismiss and that was tweeted out by me. I cited NY Times v. Sullivan and Countermand v. Colorado.
The backstory is that Sen. Hunt is a bisexual and she claims her 13 year old daughter is a transsexual. Hunt therefore worked with Cavanaugh to filibuster every single bill last session.
I think what happened is that some Dem contacted Twitter and said that you suspended Begley and Begley is CreightonAlum.
Ann, you are free to go through my CreightonAlum tweets. I did nothing contrary to Twitter’s rules. Under Twitter’s prior management, the tweet that got me kicked off was what Nikita said at the UN, “We will bury you.”
I wonder what Begley really said to get kicked off Twitter. Too much posting about rapist Andrew Tate?
rehajm said...The MIL had a stroke so we were stuck flying cross country this summer and we got the shakedown. Cancelled flights, rebooked for days later, no compensation for failure to proved timely service.
I hope your MIL recovers. It's astonishing to me how we manage air travel today and I don't see how it can continue. I haven't flown since before COVID, my family is planning a trip to Europe next summer and I'm not looking forward to it. It's not just that you surrender your human rights at the door for no good reason and are abused, physically violated, and pushed around as a matter of normal policy (9/11 was a one-off; it will never happen again), but the airlines have no sense of responsibility to their customers and are exempt from all normal consumer protection laws. Ticket pricing is nuts--you can pay two or three times what the person next to you is paying for the exact same service.
What other business operates this way? What other business is allowed to operate this way? How did we get to this place, why do we allow it, and why, despite the fact the everyone hates it, is there so little interest in making it better?
A corduroy lake :0)
Dumb Lefty Mark: "I wonder what Begley really said to get kicked off Twitter. Too much posting about rapist Andrew Tate?"
It will take some additional time to replace all the censorious dumb lefty woke code left by the previous regime.
Hardly surprising.
"I think what happened is that some Dem contacted Twitter and said that you suspended Begley and Begley is CreightonAlum."
So there is a rule against coming back under a different name after you've been suspended and you did break that rule. Right?
So then the question is what did you do before under the old name that got the suspense.
And did you write things about a specific 13-year-old child?
It's amazing how no threat to Joe Biden's second term, no matter how slight, fails to stir our LLR in his defense. Human caused global warming is a bunch of errant nonsense, but we need to re-elect the guy who is going to take away our gas powered cars and gas stoves. It's a matter of fierce urgency!
Recall back in March when a small reasonable change to the defective and convoluted censorious dumb lefty twitter 1.0 code led to larger problems.
“A small API change had massive ramifications. The code stack is extremely brittle for no good reason” Musk wrote at that time on Twitter.
“Will ultimately need a complete rewrite,”--Musk
So very true.
X./twitter 2.0 code will need to become as robust as the rapid iterative processes, systems, designs and performance as they are at Tesla, Tesla Robotics, X.AI and SpaceX, to name a few.
Begley, Begley Begley…
Who me? I’m innocent I tells ya! When even Musk’s Twitter has had enough of Begley, Begley might want to do some self reflection. Relentlessly attacking gay and trans mothers and children might make people (even Twitter) see you as loathsome.
1. I don’t know if I broke a rule by coming back.
2. The tweet that got me kicked off the first time was, “We will bury you.”
3. Many of the same SF libs still work at Twitter.
4. Nothing about 13-year-old Ash Hunt, but I repeatedly told her mother to file a lawsuit in federal court in order to get an injunction against the bill that “harms her family.” Sen. Hunt is insane. Look at her tweets.
5. The NE Dems hate me with a passion. They tweeted that one of my kids went to Santa Clara. I was doxxed. I got death threats via email. I’ve got an entire email file of threats. People called me at work and left messages. I answered the phone one time and the guy screamed at me. One Dem even sent me a signed hard copy letter saying I should be in jail. All over this trans business.
Thankfully those Dem lunatics never found out that I comment here as they would have gone wild. The Dems hate Free Speech and anyone who doesn’t share their radical opinions.
Given that Begley can delete all his problematic tweets, his suggestion that we go look at his feed to see his innocence is total BS.
He seems to consider the blog host a fool by suggesting she do that.
Catturd ™
Reminder …
A Republican majority in the Senate and House wouldn’t give President Trump 4 billion dollars for the wall - but the same Republican Party has no problem sending 50x that much money to Ukraine.
Re: Begley My guess is “we will bury you” sounds like a threat. The algorithms are clueless as the real meaning of the phrase. I got banned a while ago for telling someone to go jump in the lake. The response was that was threatening language.
Plus, if you have a whole cabal of lefties reporting you the system has to cut you off. Only human intervention will correct the situation.
And David keep up the good work!
William50 said...
"Do we really need more common sense gun laws? There are currently over 300,000 state and federal gun laws on the books. What could possibly be added that is not already covered?"
If we really do need more common sense gun laws, then clearly most of the existing ones are nonsensical.
Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary/FBI Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "Relentlessly attacking gay and trans mothers and children might make people (even Twitter) see you as loathsome."
Anyone willing to break down this latest stupidity?
Lets start here: define "gay and trans mothers".
For a crew that cant define "woman" as they push for more and more irreversible child mutilation and sexualized grooming for small tots, this should be hilarious!
I did not delete any tweets. I invite anyone who wants to spend the time to read my entire 2023 @CreightonAlum Twitter feed.
I got kicked off of AMZN book reviews because of a negative review about climate change. A dozen years of book reviews were deleted.
I got kicked off a Creighton fan website. It had an OT section and I'm opposed to the CAGW scam and a conservative. The thing that got me kicked off was a post about free speech. No lie.
I have a bare knuckles style and the Dems can't handle it.
Ann has NEVER deleted a single one of my comments and she's let them all through. That's why I appreciate Ann's free speech forum. Nothing I did at Twitter broke the rules. Same for AMZN and the Creighton fan site.
Begley: "3. Many of the same SF libs still work at Twitter."
There's a new sheriff in town so I wouldnt worry too much about the few holdovers that are being overseen by the borrowed Tesla/Tesla Robotics/X.AI/SpaceX folks.
Mutaman said...
"‘I’m Farting!’ NY Post Gives WILD Account Of ‘Gaseous’ RFK Jr. Press Dinner*ebfrij*_ga*MTAyMzAyNjUzOS4xNjUwOTk5NDE4*_ga_0DZ7LHF5PZ*MTY4OTIyNjI5Ni4yMTMuMC4xNjg5MjI2Mjk2LjAuMC4w&_ga=2.173507809.396627392.1689226291-1023026539.1650999418
Our next Commander In Chief"
The real joke is that when the party nominates him you and your buddies will sprint to the polls to vote for him. No questions asked.
Hang in there, Dave. Judging by the responses of our usual suspects you're making the right enemies. And thank you for fighting the good fight against the monsters who would destroy childhood.
Begley, go ahead and prove you didn't delete any tweets.
Ann Althouse said...
...You must admit there are things that should still get people kicked off. At this blog, you have less opportunity to go after an individual and keep dogging them with unfair and personal things...
When you wrote that, Althouse, were you actually being serious? Or were you laughingly thinking of the sorts of moderated unfair and personal attacks that I see, aimed at me, on this very page!
Twitter appeal denied. Which is good. Twitter is a huge time suck. My time is better spent on my favorite blog.
Anyway, I'll be filing a class action against OPPD so I need to focus on my work and use my time better. FACT.
Banned Commenter, LLR-democratical and Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck: "When you wrote that, Althouse, were you actually being serious? Or were you laughingly thinking of the sorts of moderated unfair and personal attacks that I see, aimed at me, on this very page!"
Banned commenter Chuck has thoughts regarding Althouse blog moderation.
Banned commenter Chuck also appears to be upset some recall his demented publicly spewed homosexual rage rape fantasies that he shared freely and proudly on this very blog.
"Even Musk’s Twitter…"
It beggars belief that Musk gets involved at this level. It's impossible.
And I have no doubt Twitter has its own Deep State problem.
Chuck said...
"Ann Althouse said...
...You must admit there are things that should still get people kicked off. At this blog, you have less opportunity to go after an individual and keep dogging them with unfair and personal things...
When you wrote that, Althouse, were you actually being serious? Or were you laughingly thinking of the sorts of moderated unfair and personal attacks that I see, aimed at me, on this very page!"
Chuck. You're in a special class of 'deceitful' and 'liar'. Since you admittedly came here to deceive and to lie you aren't considered trustworthy in any context. So it is safe to impugn your motives. Nothing you say or post here will ever be taken seriously. Ever.
Now have a nice day and fuck off.
“Twitter appeal denied. Which is good. Twitter is a huge time suck. My time is better spent on my favorite blog.”
Althouse is so lucky to have you!
Meanwhile, X/twitter ad revenue sharing goes live in 72 hours and will be cumulative from Feb when it was first announced.
It's pretty plain these days that anybody who wants to, can pretend that "We will bury you" is a death threat, and use it to silence a speaker, memories of Krushchev banging his shoe on the podium notwithstanding. I think of lots of things that I could say that I just keep to myself, because if somebody is determined to misconstrue my words, they certainly can. This is the power they have, and one has to respect it. The power we have is reason, which they have no answer for, since they only care about having the power to work their will, but we have to be careful how we present reason, because it infuriates them so.
"In Soviet Uniion, they disappeared you. In America, we make you invisible,"
Mark said...
Begley, go ahead and prove you didn't delete any tweets.
Heh. Go ahead, Mark, and prove you don't molest squirrels.
Ann Althouse said...
" At this blog, you have less opportunity to go after an individual and keep dogging them with unfair and personal things. "
Drago said...
"Banned Commenter, LLR-democratical and Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck: "
What planet is Althouse living on?
Inga said...
“I got kicked off of Twitter again. I have the name CreightonAlum. I have effectively attacked NE Dems
Even Musk’s Twitter…
Imagine Inga's Twitter
How's the rapey hostel thing going?
Mutaman: "Drago said...
"Banned Commenter, LLR-democratical and Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck: "
What planet is Althouse living on?"
- Chuck was banned.
- Chuck referred to himself as a LLR.
- Chuck has made it explicitly clear he is a democratical policy supporter (and democratical supporter) across the board, including in terms of weaponization of government (he is a huge supporter of Pelosi, Adam Schiff and Whitmer)
- Chuck, loudly and proudly, proclaimed he was only here at Althouse blog for 2 reasons: to "lie about" and "smear" Trump and conservatives AND to "drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers".
- Chuck, of his own volition, loudly and proudly penned a violent homosexual rage rape fantasy on Althouse blog (it was quite an eye-opener for those of us on Team NOT-Groomer
Naturally, like all leftists, Mutaman despises truth in advertising.
Exit observation: there sure are alot of far left lefties going to bat for LLR-democratical Chuck! Teammates have a tendency to do that.
Mutaman's whiteknighting for Chuck turned out not to be the sort of flex Mutaman thought it would be.
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