Writes Adam Kotsko, in
"Moralism Is Ruining Cultural Criticism/The left has embraced an approach long favored by the evangelical right" (The Atlantic).
And of course we are a long way from having anything like the real-world thought police of Stalinism.... By contrast, it seems relatively harmless to hope that films and TV shows might reflect one’s own politics and to lament when they fail to do so. Yet the very fact that the demand is so open-ended that it is impossible to imagine an artwork meeting its largely unstated and unarticulated standards shows that something has gone wrong here....
Political problems cannot be solved on the aesthetic level. And it’s much more likely that people are consuming politics as a kind of aesthetic performance or as a way of expressing aesthetic preferences.... Just as the reduction of art to political propaganda leads to bad art, the aestheticization of politics leads to bad, irresponsible politics.....
८५ टिप्पण्या:
"And of course we are a long way from having anything like the real-world thought police of Stalinism."
Stopped reading. Clearly this guy doesn't think before he writes.
From the article:
"And of course we are a long way from having anything like the real-world thought police of Stalinism..."
This person is so intent on not insulting anyone (except Christians, even though they weren't the ones listening to "Paul is dead") that he ends up saying nothing.
WHEN will people Realize? That ALL People Must Think EXACTLY THE SAME THOUGHTS?
That is The Definition of Diversity
Any outsider, that does NOT Think EXACTLY THE SAME THOUGHTS, Must be Excluded
That is The Definition of Inclusion
All People Must OBEY the Same
That is The Definition of Equity
DIE People... DIE !!
"And of course we are a long way from having anything like the real-world thought police of Stalinism"
Yet the commissars are busy.
"Yet the very fact that the demand is so open-ended that it is impossible to imagine an artwork meeting its largely unstated and unarticulated standards shows that something has gone wrong here"
Not at all. The vagueness is a feature, not a bug. Makes it a more useful tool.
"Political problems cannot be solved on the aesthetic level."
Depends on the meaning of problem and solution. The main problem in all politics, and especially prog politics, is control, preferably aboslute control. Aesthetics help to legitimate that power and cow the deplorable populace into willing submission.
"Just as the reduction of art to political propaganda leads to bad art, the aestheticization of politics leads to bad, irresponsible politics"
A nice sentiment. Now sell it to fellow progs. Start with the museums that are turning their exhibits into propaganda. Check with Heather Mac Donald while you're at it.
Yet the very fact that the demand is so open-ended that it is impossible to imagine an artwork meeting its largely unstated and unarticulated standards shows that something has gone wrong here....
I don't have a degree, but I often read and translate complicated stuff.
But I have no idea what this sentence means. Actually the entire snippet is gibberish to me.
How can undefined standard not be met?
“And of course we are a long way from having anything like the real-world thought police of Stalinism.... ”
These people pretend the Twitter Files was… I don’t know a Russia disinformation story?
I stopped reading right there.
Couldn't get past the paywall, so only got to see a few paragraphs of speculation and rant. Had to look this fellow up!
From his Wikipedia page:
In 2015, Kotsko was the subject of controversy when he tweeted that all white people, regardless of their ancestry or whether their ancestors owned slaves, are "complicit" in slavery.[17] While the tweets were later deleted, Kotsko has said he stands by his statements.[17] Due to this controversy, Kotsko was named in an online "watch list" of college professors who discriminate against conservative students.
High quality thinker. Wish I could have spent more time on his article.
And of course we are a long way from having anything like the real-world thought police of Stalinism
Of course we are. Of. Course.
Here's to my sweet Satan.
the hell?
Leftists are the new Stalinists. They demand strict obedience to the Covid jab, strict obedience to the Chi Com-D party lies about the covid virus origin, Strict adherence and blind faith to the idea Biden is a good man and not a criminal - even though Biden is a criminal.
etc.. (lol - spell-check even demands that covid be in all-caps)
Be happy, oh leftist Stalinists everywhere - the Barbie movie - which I understand is a vapid angry anti-male sh*t show - it doing well at the box office. Pink rage is an aesthetic Americans want to buy.
Variations on a corny old joke. Playing heavy metal backwards yields Satanic content. Actually forwards might work as well; "Black Sabbath." Rock that seems innocuous might have to be played backwards.
Experimental jazz played backwards yields experimental jazz.
Country music played backwards: your pickup truck, your dog, your gun and your woman all come home. Or maybe all the Japanese cars disappear, it is mostly American-made pickups with big engines on the road, and few enough of them that you can kick it, and you live in a small homogeneous community in which very few people are actually racists.
There is a man living in Russia. His name is Edward Snowden. 10 years ago he told people that the US government and others within the 5 Eyes Alliance weren't just creating, but had already created a vast array of cyber and psychological warfare weapons that with "the push of a button" could be turned against foreign nations but most especially their own people.
That button was pushed in 2016. And this guy, Adam Kosko, has the audacity to say "we are a long way from having anything like the real-world thought police of Stalinism," even after everything that has happened since 2013, the Twitter files, the election, everything.
Some people cannot be saved. It's not that they can't tell. They're bring deliberately opaque. Complete intellectual dishonesty. It's all they have left.
"And of course we are a long way from having anything like the real-world thought police of Stalinism"
A rapidly shrinking "long way."
Remember Al Gore’s wife? She was an evangelical Christian who merely wanted a labeling system for music records akin to what the movie industry used. She was treated by the Left as a book banning censor. The Left today actually seeks to prevent publication of academic research. Books and films that challenge its orthodoxy. An honest writer would point out the vast difference in kind.
The American Left moves between Puritanism and Liberty just like the American Right; sadly Progressive Puritanism has prevailed lately.
The real problem is that the leftist “art” in support of their positions never even scratches the impact and sheer emotion of a “Triumph of the Will”, “Battleship Potemkin” or “Birth of a Nation”. The message gets muddled in all of the intersectionality conflicts and ever changing woke doctrine diktat. But to leftist logic it makes total sense - the right has the Devil as director and he always makes the BEST stuff.
This Adam Kotsko fellow is a bit slow on the uptake. We are not at all a long way from real-world thought police. Has this guy not heard of the Twitter files or any of Biden’s various attempts to stand up “disinformation” agencies in his administration? The latest news is that they have moved on from merely blocking social media posts to blocking bank accounts; except that’s not even news. Banks have been blocking accounts and banking activity for several years now for such legal activities as buying a gun or financing an oil and gas development. If you are just now noticing this is happening in the world of art, then you are at least a decade behind. Just one example in the realm of art is the “sad puppies” of the Hugo Awards.
"And of course we are a long way from having anything like the real-world thought police of Stalinism."
Are we really? Not from where I sit. From where I sit, the legacy press advocating for censorship and lying by omission as much as commission, and a plurality/majority of college students believing that professors who purvey ideas which run contrary to The Narrative ought to be punished suggests we may be only a few years away from "real-world thought police of Stalinism."
I would love to get a bunch of Zennials into a focus group and play for them Mario Savio's 1964 speech on the steps of Sproul Hall in Berkeley: "There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part! You can't even passively take part!" and find out what they think it's referring to.
Why are polls revealing that 60%+ of gen whatever want more speech-crimes and suppression of free speech - that they themselves get to define as "misinformation"? The left are delighted to have the one party government to do it. The word "misinformation" is used by the Stalinist D-party left to ban and suppress speech they do not like. You will obey the singular narrative.
Don't worry - leftists insist banning free speech is for your own good.
CNN, Microsoft NBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, NPR, NYT, WaPoo, and The silly Nation all agree.
Earnest Prole.
Do give us some examples of the American Left's pro-Liberty stances and agendas? I'm curious.
The left now says that the "OK" hand symbol is political hate speech...the left went headlong into "recovered memories" and "channeling ancestors" and New Age crystals back in the 1980s too. This isn't a partisan thing, rather, it is the superstitious and supernatural easy answers common with astrology, fortune telling, saints, spirits, and demons.
Magical thinking = cartoonish easy all-in-one solutions that do not comprehend the tough, dirty, and hard engineering that is required to actually solve problems. They'll reform only after magical thinking fails...
Funny how the Stalinist left are touchy about being called "Stalinists"
Deflection, denial, poor arguments and uncomfortable squirming... right on Q.
Ozzy Osbourne’s song Crazy Train could be Hunter’s theme song, good lyrics.
When It was originally released, well before the internet, I thought it was Gravy Train.
Either way, crazy or gravy train both work for Hunter. He’s going off the rails.
Pity the person who is disappointed to find ideologically slanted film criticism in a publication called the Jacobin.
Was Tipper Gore a Conservative Christian back then?
And of course we are a long way from having anything like the real-world thought police of Stalinism...
The inclusion of language like "of course" is the kinder, gentler way of saying "I say without evidence..."
“And of course we are a long way from having anything like the real-world thought police of Stalinism.... ”
I have Complete Freedom of Speech; and can say, Any Thing i want..
I Know this is True! 'cause the Stalinists told me i could
merely wanted a labeling system for music records akin to what the movie industry used
Of Course, NOW; TV shows that show TOBACCO SMOKING are rated M for MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY..
Of Course, NOW; TV shows that encourage little boys to chop off their dicks, and become sex toys for adults, are made by Disney for ALL Audiences
Universal Leftist message: Christians suck.
Universal Leftist message: Obey and worship the left.
My friend, Gen X, spent years in a Siberian work camp for mocking the government, yet emerged incredibly sanguine and not crazy. That's pretty recent, and we should note this.
He says The Americans is the most accurate show depicting ordinary infiltration of America by Russian agents. He also says that academia and Washington here are so far gone, without one bullet fired, that it shocks him.
He's been deplatformed, banned, testified in Congress, to no avail, and keeps fighting our homegrown communist revolution.
Because he knows where it goes and that we're well on the way.
And of course we are a long way from having anything like the real-world thought police of Stalinism....
Not far at all, judging from the de-banking of Dr. Mercola and others. However the model is more closely aligned with the approach pioneered by Hitler, right down to the open anti-Semitism. Their shock troops, who misleadingly (make that deliberately misleadingly) call themselves “Antifa,” wear all black instead of brown shirts, but they’re the ones breaking windows and cracking skulls on behalf of their cause. These days they even go about openly armed with ARs and handguns, and they do so with the apparent acquiescence of the police, at least in large, Democrat-run cities. I don’t suggest they try that in a small town. Two dead and one crippled for life in Kenosha; they probably thought they were in Madison.
You don't have to play records backward to find the presence of Satan in modern American culture. It's right there in your face.
Spirit Cooking
Pedophilia and the sexualization of children
Whatever the fuck happed on Epstein's Island
Promoting unnecessary wars
The Grammys
The "Science Tree" displayed at the WI State Capitol during Christmas
mRNA mandates
Anthony Fauci
Adam Schiff
Pope Francis
I feel like the prudes on either side of the political aisle have been ascendant over the last four decades or so. Seems like it started with the herpes scare of the early eighties and Nancy Reagan’s “Just say no” campaign, picking up speed when the media decided to convince us that AIDS was a threat to heterosexuals (who didn’t share needles). Then later in the eighties sexual harassment suits got the green light.
Political Correctness and speech codes flourished on college campuses, along with the gradual destruction of the use/mention distinction around the “n-word”. Then Bill Clinton was elected while lying about his affair with Gennifer Flowers, and sexual harassment claims against him by Paula Jones led to his perjury about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, and his impeachment, acquittal and disbarment.
The terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 ushered in a sense of national piety in which all cops, firefighters, and military personnel are “heroes”, a department of Homeland Security doesn’t sound Orwellian, and we’re still taking our shoes off twenty years later.
Now “it’s okay to be white” is hate speech, and if the SPLC types have their way “question authority” will be, too (white supremacy).
On the other hand, maybe the 1960’s were just an anomalous period of free love, protest against the establishment, and hope for a colorblind society.
"Obviously leftists do not have to be as paranoid in their quest for messages supportive of the status quo as Christians playing their records backwards in the hopes of finding satanic content."
Obviously. They just listen for dog whistles and QAnon instead.
"we are a long way from having anything like the real-world thought police of Stalinism"
No we're not.
iowan2 said...
Yet the very fact that the demand is so open-ended that it is impossible to imagine an artwork meeting its largely unstated and unarticulated standards shows that something has gone wrong here....
But I have no idea what this sentence means. Actually the entire snippet is gibberish to me.
I completely agree. It reads like something the Vice President might say.
I think "Don't Say Gay" came from lefties listening to the Florida law banning trans surgery for minors backwards.
The leftmedia is a haven for neurotics. I have been a Christian my entire life. I have never met anyone who played a record backward looking for a satanic message. Can it even be done?
Any wacky story about conservatives or Christians must be offered up as a counterbalance to the genuine lunacy of people who claim that men can get pregnant, that open borders are a good thing, that slaughtering babies in the womb is moral, that mutilating the genitals of children is health care and that the sky is falling because "FOSSIL FUELS".
Oh. I see. He is a neurotic lefty prof, not a neurotic lefty journalist. LOL!
You have to be a contortionist to read these leftists pieces.
The left's word: "MISINFORMATION" is the big tell. (Tina Trent ---> tells the story of what is really going on)
Creepiest Stalinist word on the leftist Stalinist market.
Earnest Prole: "The American Left moves between Puritanism and Liberty just like the American Right; sadly Progressive Puritanism has prevailed lately."
Like a wind up toy.
BTW, I couldn’t read very far before hitting a paywall. Anyone who can get past the paywall care to say what the author’s point is? Is he just hating on Christians because he remembers his life growing in a Christian community? Is he acknowledging that modern politically correct art — stuff in museums and galleries, as well as theater and movies and literature, simply sucks? Perhaps he looks forward to the day when paintings by Van Gogh could be labeled “degenerate art” (Entartete Kunst)?
"Blogger RideSpaceMountain said...
"And of course we are a long way from having anything like the real-world thought police of Stalinism."
Stopped reading. Clearly this guy doesn't think before he writes."
looks to me like implied definition??!!
demand is open-ended = largely unstated and unarticulated standards
so maybe he want demand be specific??
God forbid the Leftists become as paranoid as those deplorable Christians. And we all should be thankful that we are a long way from having real-world Stalinist thought police. Got it, Atlantic. Speaking hypothetically, however, if your political problem is common sense skepticism in the face of State authority, oppressive aesthetics in art is as effective a tool of the State as many others.
How absurd, we have "Stalinism" in everything but name. Go talk to Tucker Carlson. Go talk to Mel Gibson. Go talk to Nigel Farage. Go talk to the guy who just got his song banned from CMT.
Go talk to zillion youtubers and people on Social media who've gotten bouned and banned because they displeased the Leftwing censors. Go talk to someone who's been fired from their job because of "racism" or "antisemitism" or whatever. Or people who've gotten their "Gofundme" page closed down, because they wanted money for the "Wrong reason".
Go read or watch the MSM and see how march in lockstep on every Goddamn issue and refuse to give a platform to anyone who disagrees with them.
As for the Entertainment Industry. Its always censored and gatekeeped and blacklisted anyone or anything that disagreed with its current party line. Ever wonder why "Darkness at Noon" never got made into movie? Ever wonder why Passion of Christ made a billion dollars but Hollywood never jumped on the religious movie bandwagon?
Some people are just now noticing. That's because the Leftwing censorship has become so excessive and insane, that even Dumbo's can't ignore it. Its even affecting their sportsball. Whether they will ever do anything about it, is doubtful.
Btw, that title sentence makes the right out to be inclusive and tolerant. And if they can’t see that it could be because they have become a cult, truly.
Quite a challenge for a talented sentence diagrammer.
My best call is that the open-ended "demand" in that sentence refers to "hope" in the previous one - an unjustified twist if so - and the rest of the sentence is just screaming at the clouds because he is unable to clearly define the hope/demand that is the basis for the article because it exists only in the airspace inside his head. Or maybe it references something behind the paywall.
I grew up in a conservative but not evangelical Christian family and the idea of Satanic messages hidden in music was largely seen as a joke or a Bat Boy level of mildly interesting absurdity.
A pre-internet version of clickbait.
"And of course we are a long way from having anything like the real-world thought police of Stalinism...."
Loudoun Co., Waukesha Co., Rochester Schools, Rockwood Schools, Oberlin, Duke...
Perhaps when the clown, I mean "author" of the Hacklantic piece by "long way" was refering to Ebenezer Place in Wick...
Iowan2, Wilbur:
That exact sentence led me to have a convo with my daughter this morning about the decline and fall of print journalism. We don't agree on much of anything, politically, but were in violent agreement about the tide of merely bad or actually mendacious writing we are drowning in.
And I quoted to her my saying from my days at Adobe, doing international product development: "Don't write to be understood. Write so that you cannot be misunderstood."
Of course, that presupposes one's purpose is to communicate, rather than to obscure, or stroke one's ego.
Rocco said...
"I think "Don't Say Gay" came from lefties listening to the Florida law banning trans surgery for minors backwards."
But they are simply wrong. I clearly heard "Turn me on, gay man."
Perhaps he meant a long way down the path of improving upon.
Can't read past paywall. But gee, it's getting so hard to relate...seems like everyone else was raised by evangelicals, whose influence they later reject.
While I was raised by a secular parent and the other parent was indifferent as well. My friends never talked about this stuff. I had to teach myself.
Did the whole world come to Jesus while I was at work?
I would say to commenters above ::: you are showing deep confirmation bias
ask yourself if essay published elsewhere! say Hillsdale college etc.
Adam Kotsko could be trolling y'all?
"Political problems cannot be solved on the aesthetic level. And it’s much more likely that people are consuming politics as a kind of aesthetic performance or as a way of expressing aesthetic preferences.... Just as the reduction of art to political propaganda leads to bad art, the aestheticization of politics leads to bad, irresponsible politics....."
You mean this guy gets paid for writing stuff like this?
Where can I sign up for that job?
If you play Bob Dylan backwards it sounds like Hell and we all know who lives there…
For the people who are always complaining about paywalls,
go to:
paste the URL you want to read into the "I want to search the archive for saved snapshots" tab and click search.
Most articles will pop up with results, and you can read the whole darned thing.
hombre said...
I have never met anyone who played a record backward looking for a satanic message. Can it even be done?
I don't know if it can literally be done, but in the late seventies my brother hooked the turntable to the reel-to-reel, recorded a song, then played the tape backwards. What came out was gibberish, but if someone told you 'It says X' you would say 'oh: now I hear it'
@Blastfax Kudos said:
"Some people cannot be saved. It's not that they can't tell. They're bring deliberately opaque. Complete intellectual dishonesty. It's all they have left."
Deliberately ignorant. And you are spot on.
"No, Biden is not suffering from dementia!"
"Hunter did not sell the influence of his father (for millions, and to the great benefit of his father)!"
"The FBI is not the Democrat party's gestapo!"
I am very tired of these stupid, boring people defending their stupid and gullible vote for a thoroughly corrupt (and dementia-addled) man. Some people cannot be saved, indeed.
Dear Jesus:
Please return soon.
Love, Darcy
The neat thing is that when you reject their axioms of what is "obviously", the whole thing just becomes jumbled word salad.
Do give us some examples of the American Left's pro-Liberty stances and agendas? I'm curious.
The Free Speech Movement, the Sexual Revolution, and drug liberalization — all projects of the Left that were eventually embraced to some extent by conservatives.
This guy's brains, such as they are, are stuck in a deep dark place where the Sun doesn't shine. They are also stuck in the 60s. Who plays records anymore?
iowan2 said...
"Yet the very fact that the demand is so open-ended that it is impossible to imagine an artwork meeting its largely unstated and unarticulated standards shows that something has gone wrong here....
But I have no idea what this sentence means. Actually the entire snippet is gibberish to me."
You too? I thought it was me.
“I expect to die in bed, my successor will die in prison and his successor will die a martyr in the public square. His successor will pick up the shards of a ruined society and slowly help rebuild civilization, as the Church has done so often in human history.”
-the late Cardinal George of the Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago.
Said the man who obviously never played Revolution Number 9 backwards and got creeped out hearing, "Turn me on, dead man."
I used to find a certain comfort in the thought that the US didn't have a class of educated censors, employed by Church or State to read closely for heretical thought. Now we have a crowd-sourced, amateur version, stupid, short-sighted, and vicious.
"The vagueness is a feature, not a bug. Makes it a more useful tool."
Bob Dylan figured that out very early on.
Stalin would disappear you, these guys just make you invisible, there’s nothing similar about it.
Leland said...
This Adam Kotsko fellow is a bit slow on the uptake.
No he's not. He's lying.
Sounds like this guy would disagree with Toni Morrison that all good art is political.
" the Barbie movie - which I understand is a vapid angry anti-male sh*t show"
Anyone else wonder when Ken will finally finish transitioning into Kendra? I mean, he's already had the surgery. What is she afraid of?
"Do give us some examples of the American Left's pro-Liberty stances"
Unfettered abortion?
Full enfranchisement of felons still on parole?
Political problems cannot be solved on the aesthetic level.
Do try and keep up, Mr. Kotsko. For Post-Modernism, and the modern Left has long left its orthodox Marxist roots for Post-Modernism, there is nothing but aesthetics.
The Post-Modern Left believes that we create our social reality (shit, they believe that we create ALL "reality", as all our knowledge is mediated). In co-opting the arts to their ideology, the Post-Modernists believe that they shape the consciousness of the consumers of those arts, and thus work to create the social reality they wish to see.
Now, do I believe that this is the nature of knowledge or culture? No, I do not, but I'm not a Post-Modernist. But, to believe at this point that this is not a willful ideological movement of the Left to shape political and social reality on par with classical Marxism is to deny history.
" along with the gradual destruction of the use/mention distinction around the “n-word”"
This is what I find so sad. The n-word has some potentially great uses. For example, someone such as Jussie Smollett, who fakes a racist attack for personal and financial gain should be forever rebranded as N-word Jussie.
And the funny thing about that idiot N-word Jussie is that he is now used as promo in commercials for Court TV. One commercial shows us clips of the Menendez Brothers, Jodi Arias, Jeffrey Dahmer, and N-word Jussie. Talk about epic fail.
Full disclosure: As a ghetto dweller I hear the n-word multiple times a day, so it bothers me not, and the only reason I don't write it out here is because Ann Althouse sensors that word for some reason.
"Obviously, leftists do not have to be as paranoid in their quest for messages supportive of the status quo as Christians playing their records backward in the hopes of finding satanic content."
Somebody needs to point out there are no longer "records" to play backward.
But we do have a revival of the space aliens. Two so-called experts who have never seen an alien from outer space testified before a joint Senate and House Intelligence Committee closed hearing for approximately 11 hours yesterday. Is this really what Congress is all about?
Indeed, there are crazies on both ends and in the middle of the political spectrum.
I have been saying for a while that the bomb factory that Disney and a couple of other studios have become is a result of them changing into the leftist version of Pure Flix.
They are so preoccupied with the message being in every movie that they have stopped telling good stories. Pure Flix is not bad per se but the movies they make are rigidly formulaic and will in large part only entertain the choir. Same with Hollywood of late.
Classic case of projection and denial at the same time.
The leftmedia is a haven for neurotics. I have been a Christian my entire life. I have never met anyone who played a record backward looking for a satanic message. Can it even be done?
Yes. The irony is the idea of recording and playing records backwards for hidden messages was a counterculture invention. Many bands including the Beatles did it intentionally. Soon people began "finding them" everywhere. One of the big ones was playing a Beatles' song called Revolution 9 backwards and you got the message "Turn me on dead man" and the inference is that it was talking about the death of McCartney.
This is crazy. Every political and policy decision that involves state coercion is essentially esthetic. Walter Blum used to make that point about the graduated income tax.
What is affirmative action other than an esthetic decision? The powers that be like the way it looks.
Huh. I had always assumed that the hidden messages in records thing was a marketing gimmick.
From the beginning.
BTW, Tipper Gore wasn't concerned about hidden messages or satanism. She was concerned about inappropriate language and subject matter being directly retailed to young children, without warning.
That battle has obviously been lost.
Somebody needs to point out there are no longer "records" to play backward.
Horseshit. Just purchased one. A new release from 2022.
Vinyl record sales top CDs for first time in more than 30 years: "Music lovers clearly can't get enough"
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