July 23, 2023

Coneflower at 6 a.m.



Meade said...


Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Amazing pinks and reds. Lucius.

planetgeo said...

Coneflower Descending a Spiral Staircase

Breezy said...

Love coneflowers! They have a wide range of colors, a variety of heights, long lasting blooms, attractive to bees, non invasive, etc…. Perennial perfection!

Narr said...

So that's what those are called. Thanks.

Owen said...


Lem the artificially intelligent said...

JF needs time to figure out if he wants to go the Damar Hamlin route and be welcomed back at a movie set. Or, become the first worldwide celeb to come out against big pharma's Covid jab and start a podcast on Rumble. It's the biggest decision of his life.

So far, signs point to the Damar Hamlin route.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Musk is changing Twitter name to X.

My gut instinct says it's a terrible move.

Lyle Sanford, RMT said...

That pic is a mood enhancer - just feels good to look at.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

YouTube: Your brain doesn’t detect reality. It creates it.

Hint: I'm intuiting this presentation as true. For now.

With a brain that can be so easily fooled, boggles the mind what an unshackled AI could do.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

I've been invited to go and see Oppenheimer.

Barbie was closed.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

When becoming the first black is not so hot.

Bob Boyd said...

It looks like it has a question.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

At the theater waiting for the movie start I see a hilarious Musk tweet


Original Mike said...

Jonathan Turley today.

"The key about that 1023, is that it mirrors perfectly what the House committees have found. It describes how the Bidens prefer to use a labyrinth of accounts and banks to hide payments; that no payments would go to what’s referred to as ‘the big guy,’ a term we’ve seen on the laptop and that this was all an effort to conceal these transactions. That’s exactly what the committees have found in looking at transactions from the banks. So there’s no reason why this would be withheld, because it confirmed independent information that they had access to.”

"This scandal is becoming one of the most significant in my lifetime."

Deborah said...

Is that Echinacea? I love coneflowers. This one looks like it’s waving good morning to you.😀🩷

madAsHell said...

My daughter was married several months ago in Paris.

At the time, he said he would like to be celebrate their marriage in her childhood church. Ok, how quaint, and romantic. How hard can that be??

For the last few weeks, it's been a constant stream of "you-are-going-to-ruin-your-daughters-wedding-plans", and she won't be able to live happily ever after.

Every time I make a move, "What are you doing??", "Don't screw this up!!".

Mutaman said...

Meade said...

" Pinky "

That's the word Meade uses to describe anyone who is against reducing Social Security.

rehajm said...

The CPA/MST wife says the modern way to launder money is through multiple entities through multiple jurisdictions. Government bureaucrats are lazy.

gadfly said...

Original Mike said...
Jonathan Turley today.

"The key about that 1023, is that it mirrors perfectly what the House committees have found.”

"This scandal is becoming one of the most significant in my lifetime."

In their panic to do something to stave off the Hunter Biden guilty plea next week — and perhaps to bail Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler (who are represented by lawyers tied to Chuck Grassley) out of wild and in some cases inconsistent claims they made in their House Oversight debut — Grassley and James Comer have released the FD-1023 form on which they’ve hung their latest conspiracy theories about an attempt to bribe Joe Biden.

Virtually anyone bound by the principles of physics, by time and space, who has looked at the FD-1023 closely has recognized that the allegation in the report does not match known reality.

Original Mike said...

"" Pinky "
That's the word Meade uses to describe anyone who is against reducing Social Security."

What's the matter? Didn't save any money? You trusted them?

Original Mike said...

Went to your link, Gadfly. Read this claim there: "ABC provided multiple ways the allegations conflict with reality" and they provided a link that was, presumably, meant to backup their statement. I went to that link and read it. There are no "multiple ways the allegations conflict with reality" listed at that link. Emptywheel (whatever that is) is blowing smoke.

Mutaman said...

Original Mike said...

"What's the matter? Didn't save any money? You trusted them?"

Want to translate that into English, Sparky?

iowan2 said...

Gadfly, instead of talking in riddles, just tell us one or two things that are not true.

You and your leftists just declare something debunked...never saying what is not true/accurate.
You need to get down to what the 1023 has wrong.

iowan2 said...

Gadfly brought up Turley's take on the "Big Guy" taking 10%, and how it is a huge scandal.

Here is Andy McCarthy, laying out all the cash flowing from Europe to the 30 Biden Shell companies. Companies that have no source of income, except those entities in Europe.

McCarthy and Turley vs ABC whose headlines aren't supported by the body of the story.

Mutaman said...

iowan2 said...

"Here is Andy McCarthy, laying out all the cash flowing from Europe to the 30 Biden Shell companies. Companies that have no source of income, except those entities in Europe.

The know Nothings actually cite something here about once per year. And then when they do its behind a firewall.

Rusty said...

Original Mike said...
"" Pinky "
"That's the word Meade uses to describe anyone who is against reducing Social Security."

What's the matter? Didn't save any money? You trusted them?"
It's OK. Mutaman is compassionate. He'll make up the difference from his own pocket.
Tell ya what, Mutaman. Just give me my money back. With interest, of course. I'll even make it easy for you. You don't have to give it back in money. I'll take any federal asset. Even B LM land. I'll make it work.

Mutaman said...

Blogger Rusty said...

"It's OK. Mutaman is compassionate. He'll make up the difference from his own pocket.
Tell ya what, Mutaman. Just give me my money back. With interest, of course. I'll even make it easy for you. You don't have to give it back in money. I'll take any federal asset. Even B LM land. I'll make it work."

Hey Rusty- stick to subjects that you have some expertise in-like Hunter Biden's ding-dong.