Writes Jia Tolentino in "What to Do with Climate Emotions/If the goal is to insure that the planet remains habitable, what is the right degree of panic, and how do you bear it?" (The New Yorker).
११ जुलै, २०२३
"Climate therapy, I had come to think, could help people find this place of acceptance, shifting them into engagement or allowing them to remain there without losing their marbles."
"But the practice seems rooted in a faith that the world and the future will be best served by us maintaining our sanity—a sensible enough creed, though I don’t always share it."
८८ टिप्पण्या:
we all NEED to be TERRIFIED!!! And to accept ANY Thing the government media tell us!!!
The world is ENDING!!!!
{When in Danger, or in Doubt.. Run in Circles, Scream and Shout!}
The New Yorker says, "You are reading your last free article."
What is the right degree of panic, and how do I bear it?
I won't click through and read that, but people need to realize that CAGW is a total scam. It is the biggest scam in the history of the world. Every single climate prediction about doom has been wrong. Why are they right now?
But there is too much money to be made on the scam.
Today, I heard the energy expert of Goldman Sachs on CNBC. $6t was been spent on solar and wind, but fossil fuels remain at 82% of our energy production.
Maybe you could think about the fact that a couple of hundred thousand years ago the planet was far warmer than today, for thousands of years. So warm that the Maldives were underwater, and yet not only humanity, but the polar bears survived. 20,000 years ago the sun was shining directly down on the arctic at noon in summer, surely melting the ice cap, and finishing off the glaciers, and we survived, and the polar bears survived.
Maybe you could think about the fact that the era of glaciations has only been around for 4 million years, with interglacial warm periods like the present, and the Eemian, referenced above, interrupting it, and glaciation would be far worse than what we are experiencing, and are likely to experience.
Maybe one could reflect on the fact that before the period of glaciations started, the planet was *far* warmer than today for tens of millions of years, actually since the age of the dinosaurs came and went, and that for millions of those years, there were 30 species of great apes, you know, like us, which survived and thrived.
We are living amongst a cult, and a cult controls its adherents with thought stopping clichés, designed to prevent their minds from exploring trains of thought like the ones I have outlined above.
You will see that there are no replies to the points I have made above, just japes and insults intended to scare off anybody who might actually think about them, to abort any actual thinking.
With Covid, we saw how easy it was for the Left to scare the hell out of people and then make a pile of cash. Same deal with CAGW.
I have a plan to stop this insanity in Nebraska. And I will stop it.
Honestly, if you are panicking about the climate, the best thing to do is to kill yourself. Saves you a lot of anguish, completely aligns your carbon footprint with your belief system, and frees up valuable resources for the not crazy people.
Or, just "Stop it!!!!" Your choice.
"What to Do with Climate Emotions"
Sorry to be predictable: ask Dr. Bob.
"Climate emotions" consist of the fear that someone, somewhere is happy not to give a damn about the climate and climate alarmism.
1960s – Oil gone in 10 years
1970s – Another ice age in 10 years
1980s – Acid rain will destroy all crops in 10 years
1990s – The ozone layer will be gone in 10 years
2000s – Ice caps will be gone in 10 years
2010s – We’ll all be dead in 10 years
2020s – We almost died from covid instead, but seriously we'll all be dead in 10 years
None of this happened. All resulted in more taxes and government oversight. The people trying to remain in this place of fear already lost their marbles, nevermind keeping them.
I have no 'Climate Emotions.' I try to stick to 'Climate Facts.' I try to verify the 'Climate Allegations' I am bombarded with. Call it a species of 'cruel neutrality.'
"What to Do with Climate Emotions/If the goal is to insure that the planet remains habitable, what is the right degree of panic, and how do you bear it?"
You're wasting your time on navel gazing. Even assuming global warming/climate change is an issue (it's not) that you can do something about (you can't), you'll just find some other crisis to obsess over.
A few of the wrong predictions and statements of fact.
The smoky Canadian fires were caused by climate change. The report challenged that. “This is false. Data and history show that wildfires in Canada have not increased number or severity, and that, driven by prevailing winds, smoke from Canada’s annual wildfire season has darkened U.S. skies multiple times in the past.”
Florida strawberries are threatened by climate change. Said the report, the Department of Agriculture said, “Florida’s strawberry harvests increased by nearly 50 percent between 2001 and 2019, from approximately 135 million pounds per year to 195 million pounds per year. The strawberry news is even better nationally.”
Climate change is causing a honey bee die-off by raising temperatures too early, even in January, during which the Associated Press said Washington, D.C., hit 80 degrees. According to the monthly report, “First, honeybee colony survival depends on a number of things, especially beekeeper hygiene. Next, Washington, D.C. has never had an 80°F day in January, per the National Weather Service. While Washington D.C. has had January days in the 70s, they date as far back as 1907.”
Therapist to climate-fearing patient: "I'm going to tell you something that I want you to believe because it's true, something that will allow you to get on with your life in exactly the same way you did after you understood that there were no monsters under your bed or hiding in your closet. Ready? Okay. The world is not going to become uninhabitable. The world is not going to become uninhabitable. Everything's going to be fine. There will still be summer, just as there will be winter and spring and fall. You will die of old age, comfortably in your bed, surrounded by your loved ones--but only if you get over the fucking nonsense that the best thing you can do for the world is not to have kids. Now get the fuck out of here and go live your life."
Obsessed with the climate porn served up daily by journalists who couldn't differentiate y = x if their life depended upon it?
In other words how do you reconcile your large carbon footprint with you AGW religion? How about admitting that you only thing you believe in AGW because you are swept up in the Spirit of the Age and you aren't willing to make any accomodations. If you were a serious devotee you would sell your suburban house, your SUVs, move to a condo in the city and take all your vacations on AMTRAK. Pay indulgences to plant trees they don't want in Mexico. Didn't think so.
You reap what you sow.
Some have created and politically exploited anxiety among (young women) for generations. It started with abortion, moved on to nuclear war, nuclear winter, acid rain, child abuse, homelessness, global warming, and transgender rights. See Kahneman and Tversky on the human tendency to overestimate baseline risks.
The left has created a mass of quaking, shivering, and paranoid followers. They'll either become hermetic nuns or strategize to destroy the world in order to save the world.
"Today, I heard the energy expert of Goldman Sachs on CNBC. $6t was been spent on solar and wind, but fossil fuels remain at 82% of our energy production."
For us to reach carbon-zero by 2050 requires the building of one nuclear plant every day between now and then. Or 2000 windmills every day.
Choose to lose your mind over that if you want.
When I execute on my plan to stop the CAGW insanity in NE, I will inform the Althouse community. It will start in about 60 days. No lie. I give you my word as a Begley.
We have an Enviromental science class at the high school I teach history at. For the last ten years I have had a standing invitation to him and all of the other science teachers to debate AGW and climate change in front of the students. No takers so far.
“The smoky Canadian fires were caused by climate change. The report challenged that. “This is false. Data and history show that wildfires in Canada have not increased number or severity, and that, driven by prevailing winds, smoke from Canada’s annual wildfire season has darkened U.S. skies multiple times in the past.””
Those fires appear to have been intentionally set - apparently by Climate Activists. There have been several arrests. People became suspicious, because the fires broke out almost simultaneously in a semicircle.
The funny thing here though is that if they had been naturally caused, the primary culprits would still have been Environmental Activists, who, at least in this country, prevented most logging in the National Forests, etc, while ruthlessly controlling fires, until that became, essentially impossible. The climax trees through much of the US West, and lower part of much of CA are Evergreens (pine, spruce, fir, etc) which evolved to survive ground fires every decade or so, burning out the underbrush. They have thick bark, and cones that can survive fires. Controlling fires, while eliminating logging, has resulted in up to a century’s worth of fuel on the ground, and with all that fuel, you get crown fires that burn much hotter, hot enough to burn through the protective bark. Luckily for us, over the last decade, we had two decent sized fires several miles north of town, protecting us in that direction, and to the South by one of the larger tributaries to the Columbia River.
To me, the Environmental Activists setting those fires were just nuts. Their fires just released huge amounts of Carbon into the atmosphere.
The science that is not dependent on taking modeled hypotheses as "data" shows that in all cases and in every way for life on earth warmer and wetter is better. Hands down.
If there is global warming, I am all for it. Bring it on!
Median price for a home in Alliance, Nebraska: 160k
Median price for a home in Bristol, Tennessee: 250k
Median price for a home in Manchester, New Hampshire: 400k
Median price for a home in Astoria, Oregon: 550k
The appropraite time to panic is when these flip.
to insure that the planet remains habitable
Climate science lacks adult peer review.
They review their own stuff instead of letting experts on the mathematical tools they're using review it, producing a practice of accepted errors.
The best test is not the hottest spot on earth but the coldest spot on earth.
The only way to get coldness is radiation into space, and that's limited by the supposed blocking that CO2 does.
The coldest recorded temperature on earth happened in 2022.
Do what a good chunk of us have done - find and read climate skeptic websites where you learn that the models all this is based on are garbage, ask questions like “What exactly do we have to show for the trillions of dollars spent so far on climate change?”, “What exactly is the goal and the plan to get there with all the money they want to spend? and “Why do we never get any details about the problem?” You’ll soon understand it’s not real, it’s a scam to scare you to give up your hard earned money to random political factions, you’ll realize you can live your life as you earlier planned, and you’ll know for a fact that your government actors see you as a means to an end - you working your ass off for them.
Then go and share your insights with your frightened friends and family and live your best life.
I have a plan to stop this insanity in Nebraska. And I will stop it.
Dave, the hail storms have done a lot to simplify the solar farms. Not all states have hail storms but Nebraska should be relieved that the crazies are going to have a hard time.
There are trillions of dollars at stake with the Climate Scam and the Biden Crime Family is not interested in ending the graft.
There is a new book out by some nut who says the AGW was known in the 1950s and denial kept people from knowing about it. I recall a global cooling scam in the 70s but the 1950s were remarkably sane.
"...what is the right degree of panic?"
Suicidal. Got climate emotions? Just off yourself. It's inevitable, so why wait? Your own priesthood told you we had ten years to save the planet thirty years ago. Ten minus thirty is negative twenty, so there's no saving it now. Therefore, end it now. Why suffer? There are those who'll tell you that negative twenty years could mean something else, but don't listen. Pay no heed to the voices that speak calmly. Jump! Jump! Jump!
Ensure, not insure.
Where is the scientific evidence the world is progressing to becoming uninhabitable? Not with the IPCC. It is in the heads of these neurotics, put there by money grubbing policy makers and hopeful recipients of the blessings of the US Treasury.
Fuck you all…
I used to think that the CAGW scam was perpetuated by scientific illiterates, like Greta Thornberg (who finally graduated this last month form HS, in her mid 20s), AlGore (2 bonehead science courses at Harvard), etc. Then my daughter got her PhD in Boulder (NOAA, NCAR, NIST, NREL, etc), which has long been at the center of the scam (cousin there at NOAA was good friends with one of the ClimateGate principals, from Climate confabs over the years) and stayed with him whenever he was in England). What turned her into a believer was an Atmospheric Chemistry class. She learned all about the effects of concentration of CO2 in a closed system (and uses that in her work). Yes, in a closed system, the temperature rises with an increase of CO2. The basic problem is that they try to expand that to the wide open global climate, and try to guess at the feedback systems involved, which they don’t understand very well. And that is the problem with their models - they consistently underestimate the negative feedback - of such things as deep ocean temperature flows, cloud types over different parts of the world, etc. They are getting better, but still consistently overestimate the effects of CO2 on global temperatures (which are badly calculated in the first place). Thus most of the models run hot, and the IPCC helpfully averages the results of the various hot running models for public consumption. GIGO.
Way back, there was a badly executed survey by a grad student, that showed that 97% of Climate Scientists believed that CO2 had some effect on global climate. Turns out he arbitrarily classified some respondents as Climate Scientists, and some as not. Tree ring counters were in, while Physicists and Astrophysicists were out. Why was that important? Because the latter know what the real drivers of climate temperature and variability actually are. Multivariate regression shows that the primary drivers of global temperature are: distance of the Earth to the sun, Sunspot cycle, Earth’s tilt and wobble, and El Niño/La Niña cycle. Except for the last, they all involve how much solar energy is received by the Earth and where. The latter involves those deep ocean temperature flows mentioned above. The effects of CO2 concentration is less than the statistical noise in the primary drivers.
So we spent $6T on renewables. That is now producing 4,200 TWh of electricity. We could have bought 1000 nuclear power plants for that $6T and be producing 10,000 TWh. Two and a half times as much power and it is available whenever we want it.
Go ahead and panic about wasting money on something we already know how to fix for less. Alternately, go advocate for nuclear power.
Just... Flush the Fashion!
Eat more bugs!
Pay higher taxes!
Maybe Al would give us Ten More Years...
For a price, of course.
Stop making War?
---When I execute on my plan to stop the CAGW insanity in NE, [Dave Begley]
I hope you can bus it all to San Francisco, Dave.
"You will see that there are no replies to the points I have made above, just japes and insults intended to scare off anybody who might actually think about them, to abort any actual thinking."
Well. 20,000 years ago, the Sun was not directly overhead in the Arctic. I don't know where you got that idea.
For hundreds of years man has adapted to his climate. Man has developed air conditioning, central home heating, insulation, weatherstripping, etc all to make earth more habitable. The hot, humid, muggy south is more than livable and people continue to migrate there. Similarly, the north is more habitable, now that people aren’t chopping wood for fires, though shoveling the snowy driveway still gets them. The climate alarmists seem to think man will become incapable of adapting in the future.
These climate crybabies need to get a grip and be confident in man’s capabilities. If they can’t, let’s all pray they will join the crowd refusing to have children so we can get on with Darwin’s thinning of the weak from the herd.
If you need "climate therapy" you probably need electric shock therapy too, and might even consider a getting a lobotomy.
"Maybe one could reflect on the fact that before the period of glaciations started, the planet was *far* warmer than today for tens of millions of years, actually since the age of the dinosaurs came and went, and that for millions of those years, there were 30 species of great apes, you know, like us, which survived and thrived.
George Carlin addressed this:
Thank you Scott Gustafson.
Natgas and nuclear are the answer. And coal will be with us for decades.
She learned all about the effects of concentration of CO2 in a closed system
Earth's atmosphere isn't a closed system. Volcanoes add CO2 to the system and plants pull it out. Earth is getting greener.
Ask your daughter if they account for increased vegetation pulling more CO2 out of the system, and if so, how.
"While Washington D.C. has had January days in the 70s, they date as far back as 1907.”"
Fun Fact:
Nineteen states in the heartland of the United States became a vast dust bowl. With no chance of making a living, farm families abandoned their homes and land, fleeing westward to become migrant laborers.
Source: The Library of Congress
The Dust Bowl happened nearly a century ago. We're not in one now. How does climate science square that? And more importantly, what did we humans do back then to make it go away?
"The left has created a mass of quaking, shivering, and paranoid followers. "
You left off hate-filled.
For the Chicken Little Cult the time for "maintaining sanity" is long since past.
Computer models are not science, particularly computer models not supported by facts.
What is the perfect temperature of the Earth?
When did it happen?
How will we know if/when we've 'defeated' climate change?
Blogger Original Mike said...
"Today, I heard the energy expert of Goldman Sachs on CNBC. $6t was been spent on solar and wind, but fossil fuels remain at 82% of our energy production."
For us to reach carbon-zero by 2050 requires the building of one nuclear plant every day between now and then. Or 2000 windmills every day.
Choose to lose your mind over that if you want.
Going on I-80 and seeing the windfarms fills me with despair. True, they're interesting pieces of technology but they're the WRONG THING if you're looking to keep the power on 24/7/365. They'll last for 10-15 years, then need replacement.
China, meanwhile, is STILL building coal plants. We could drop our CO2 output to zero and the world CO2 levels will continue to rise. Europe could drop CO2 to zero - and it's still going to increase worldwide.
How much are we willing to spend to keep normal warming (Remember, we exited the 'Little Ice Age' less than 200 years ago) from happening - especially when some countries are completely ignoring any CO2 limits?
"If the goal is to insure that the planet remains habitable..."
Category error.
Thinking mankind has to stop the climate from changing is absurd. Are we going to eliminate Tornadoes, Hurricanes, and Flooding too?
First - Be Not Afraid.
Pretty much everything else can be handled from there, including the fate of a planet scheduled to die when the sun goes red giant.
It is an interesting article. It takes for granted a lot of things that educated people know are not true. By "educated", I mean, anyone who read the latest IPCC report or its summary. Which is alarmist, but not as alarmist as these people. It considers climate change a big problem, but not an existential threat.
Do these people know that, that mainstream science considers them just as wrong as the ones who deny that there is any problem?
Bumblebee said:
"Stop making war?
Love and Strategic Rocket Forces?
They were awesome! I saw them at Pine Knob!
"To me, the Environmental Activists setting those fires were just nuts. Their fires just released huge amounts of Carbon into the atmosphere."
As always, with the left, the ends justify the means.
This is why i come to the Althouse blog; not for the moderator, but for the commentariate!
"what is the right degree of panic?"
Wiping your shoes with hand wipes should help.
Would the arrogant conservative AGW deniers take bets out against property losses that your residence is now at greater exposure to due to their need to prop up the fossil fuel execs? Of course not. Subjecting other people to risks that they like taking with their own lives is a feature of conservative sociopathy. They call themselves capitalists, but can’t use enough of their brains to figure out why the insurance industry has no further recourse but to respond to the risks that their idiotic, failed conservative policies expose more properties to every year.
But I’m sure they’ve got a stupid conspiracy to explain away that one, too. Remember, this is the political faction that believes in Q Anon. They literally think that Donald Trump is still the president and that JFK Jr is still alive and waiting to become their next leader, or something. They follow Alex Jones, who’s lost hundreds of millions denying away massacres of kindergartners - victims of more failed conservative policies. They live in a fantasy world and are too afraid to let you vote for competent leaders and leave their national freak show with a reality-based leadership.
Last week one of them told me that the reason space is colder than the earth is because there’s a sun. This is literally the level at which they operate. But they definitely know more than the military, the insurers, NASA, NOAA, farmers who experience the long-term trends that they aren’t aware of and basically anyone who relies on accurate data. Reality and people who acknowledge it offends their sole political purpose - which is to tell tales, live in denial, create catastrophes and impose them on you.
All the while they take money from blue states to support their inferior economies. They should be left to rot. The first order of business of the next congressional budget should be to reverse the federal outlay of cash flow to their backward states, and repatriate them back to the blue states. Let them eat their coal and gas.
Pretty much everything else can be handled from there, including the fate of a planet scheduled to die when the sun goes red giant.
Typical conservative stupidity and recklessness. It would take 5 billion years before the sun becomes a red giant. 5 billion more years of civilization. But this conservative finds that timeline too long to wait for and feels a need to usher in other forms of self-imposed destruction sooner. Typical conservative lack of problem-solving skills.
What is the perfect temperature of the Earth?
YMMV but intelligent, moral people would say “the one that gave rise to civilization.”
Of course conservatives have no use for civilization so it’s not unexpected that they would ask such a silly question.
Some of them pine for epochs hundreds of millions or even billions of years ago when the earth was too hot or cold to support civilization, just to prove their point of how little regard they have for it.
“She learned all about the effects of concentration of CO2 in a closed system
“Earth's atmosphere isn't a closed system. Volcanoes add CO2 to the system and plants pull it out. Earth is getting greener.”
“Ask your daughter if they account for increased vegetation pulling more CO2 out of the system, and if so, how.”
The open system was one of my points. And, no, the closed system doesn’t take into account changes in albedo, deep ocean temperature movements, etc. The modelers try to fake these things, but don’t do well at it, at least yet - so their models tend to rub hot.
With Covid, we saw how easy it was for the Left to scare the hell out of people and then make a pile of cash. Same deal with CAGW
Perfect example of how delusional and reckless the right is. COVID death rates following vaccine availability were highest in counties more supportive of Trump than those supportive of Biden. You could actually predict how bad the death rates would be by how dark their shade of political red. Something like a 10% spread. They seem to hate technology, facts and social morals and take in more money from the government than they have to tax. And they should give it back before the collections start. Clearly they don’t value their own lives anyway and are proud of how economically backward they are. I think we should start helping them achieve their economic federal independence from us by taking back what goes to them from the more prosperous blue states. Their bootstraps are too short to pull themselves up and make up the difference, but that’s ok.
Suicidal. Got climate emotions?
I think they have what Adam Smith called “moral sentiments,” in this case toward succeeding generations and their neighbors. But of course since conservatives don’t have morality they wouldn’t understand the concept of a moral sentiment - which Smith thought to be a requirement to even having a capitalist economy in the first place.
Conservatives are not capable of ethical reasoning and believe instead in hierarchies and strong institutions - no matter how tyrannical they are. They see the fossil fuel execs as lords (which they kind of are) and therefore offer fealty to them the same way they would have when they were serfs prior to their importation to America.
Old world values infecting the new world.
A great deal of this nonsense would fade away if we just repealed the 19th amendment.
A great deal of this nonsense would fade away if we just repealed the 19th amendment.
I've been making that argument here for at least a decade.
What is the perfect temperature of the Earth?
YMMV but intelligent, moral people would say “the one that gave rise to civilization.”
Global warming gave rise to civilization. The last glacial maximum ended around 20,000 years ago as the Earth got warmer. After 270,000 years of wandering around as cavemen, man developed agriculture, and surplus led to civilization. That interglacial is about to end, and the glaciers will advance once more.
@Yancey, I love that kind of comment.
Gahrie said...
That interglacial is about to end, and the glaciers will advance once more.
The end is actually Way Past Due.. It could be (it Just MIGHT BE!) that man made global warming IS real..
And that man made global warming is SAVING THE WORLD!!!!
Winter is Coming!!
"Conservatives are not capable of ethical reasoning and believe instead in hierarchies and strong institutions - no matter how tyrannical they are. They see the fossil fuel execs as lords (which they kind of are) and therefore offer fealty to them the same way they would have when they were serfs prior to their importation to America."
I notice you have failed to address the subject. Seems to be a theme with you.
What would the ethical use of coal look like?
"What is the perfect temperature of the Earth?"
There is no such thing. Such questions reveal either intellectual dishonest intent or just plain stupidity.
The correct question is: what is the optimal (or at least livable) temperature range for many or most of the plant and animal life forms currently extant? There have been many cycles of mass extinctions in the past, and there is no reason to assume this cycle of the dying out of old forms succeeded by the rise of new forms will not continue over and over.
In the eons left before the sun expands and engulfs our planet, perhaps only tardigrades will ultimately abide.
Climate Therapy is genius.
Make $$ off people with $$$$.
Until China (and India?) accepts its responsibility to mitigate its own CO2 production, it seems quite pointless for the "Western" world to beggar itself following a course of an economically suicidal attempt to reduce its carbon emissions to "net zero." Which, oh by the way, will result in drastically reduced quality of life unless paradigm shifts occur in energy resourcing, generation, storage, and transmission/distribution.
I'd also ask, where is a balanced discussion that includes positive factors resulting from climate "change"? Hmmm? There must be geographic and population areas on earth that might benefit from changes in local average(?) temperature? As in, increased plant/tree growth and agricultural production? Advantageous population migration?
"I notice you have failed to address the subject. Seems to be a theme with you."
He can't address the subject. It's clear to me, after several sincere attempts to engage him on the science, that his knowledge base is shallow to nonexistent.
Writes Jia Tolentino in "What to Do with Climate Emotions/If the goal is to insure that the planet remains habitable, what is the right degree of panic, and how do you bear it?" (The New Yorker).
The correct degree is "absolutely none"
Happy to help, sorry to ruin your desire to be a "world saver" in ways that don't actually save anything
The correct question is: what is the optimal (or at least livable) temperature range for many or most of the plant and animal life forms currently extant?
OK..what parts of the earth have the highest density of life? The warmest.
What parts of the earth have the lowest density of life? The coldest.
“Perfect example of how delusional and reckless the right is. COVID death rates following vaccine availability were highest in counties more supportive of Trump than those supportive of Biden. You could actually predict how bad the death rates would be by how dark their shade of political red. Something like a 10% spread. “
Junk science. They compared apples to oranges. One big problem was climate - the red states tend to be more southern, and thus, warmer. These days, almost all of those catching the virus are fully Vaxed and boosted. Initially, sure, the mRNA novel gene therapy product vaccines helped against the initial variants of the virus, and even against the Delta variant. But with Omicron, starting around the first of 2022, effectiveness of the vaccines against the virus plummeted. Why? Because by then, there was a 100% mismatch between the spike proteins in the vaccine and the Omicron spike proteins - because, as expected, the virus mutated around such a narrow (2 spike protein) vaccine in the Omicron variant.
hpudding said...
Conservatives are not capable of ethical reasoning
Says the fascist who supports censorship of all opposing views
Global warming gave rise to civilization.
Another dumb statement. Nuclear fusion gave rise to our sun and earth but only a fool decides to detonate h-bombs in his backyard.
Carbs gave rise to energy and life but only a mental defective decides to load up on them infinitely.
The dose makes the poison but I swear these right-wing schmucks can’t comprehend the difference between a necessary amount of something and overdosing. I’d love to see them pose as doctors (and why not? They already pretend to be experts on everything anyway) and advise that infinite amounts of any drug are better than ordinarily prescribed amounts. It’s almost like they could have been behind the Sackler family/Purdue pharma scandal ravaging red state America.
Real Americans are fed up won’t let the conservatives do to their countryside with the fossil extraction companies what they let the opioid manufacturers do to all the Americans they’ve killed and addicted.
Says the fascist who supports censorship of all opposing views
I definitely support ignoring and not sponsoring liars or their speech. They are free to lie on their own dime.
Fascists are nationalists who want to impose a patriarchal strongman on the country.
And of course a monkey can have an opposing view. Doesn’t mean it’s ethical or rational.
Bruce Hayden would benefit from reading comprehension classes. The vaccines were designed to decrease death and hospitalization, which they did. The conservatives who didn’t trust the vaccine were the ones who died in greater numbers. Warm weather has nothing to do with anything. The rest of his rant I can’t follow because it’s incoherent and seems to just throw a bunch of irrelevant or unrelated talking points in the air in an attempt to find a point.
It's clear to me, after several sincere attempts to engage him on the science, that his knowledge base is shallow to nonexistent.
Interesting to hear this coming from someone who never explains a single point and just throws out blanket, unsupported assertions with links to his favorite bloggers’ personal websites in an effort to praise them as heroes and show them off like baseball cards. “Please read my blogger!” Not much different from: “I really LOVE the Backstreet Boys, Mom - you just wouldn’t understand because you haven’t listened to them!” You should look in the mirror, Unoriginal Mike.
Like I said, the right-wing doesn’t reason. It praises arbitrary heroes and curses arbitrary enemies. And OM sure has got his arbitrary heroes he wants you to support and his arbitrary enemies he wants you to deplore. He proves me right yet again.
I notice you have failed to address the subject. Seems to be a theme with you.
I’ll address whatever you want once you demonstrate that you know what you’re talking about or at least bother to correct when you’re wrong. And at last count I recall you told me that the earth is warmer than space because the sun exists. Is that still your view or did you bother to educate yourself since then? The scoreboard shows that you’re behind on that one so I’ll wait until you catch up first.
Have thought about setting up a climate therapy practice here in Eugene: there are plenty of marks just waiting for the chance to talk about Climate and their feelings but I'd feel like a jerk taking their money. And, honestly, I doubt I could pull the theatre of it off.
The website puddin refers to is John Christy's. I'm sure all here (except puddin) recognize Christy as the developer of the satellite temperature record.
I'm sure all here (except puddin) recognize Christy as the developer of the satellite temperature record.
Appeal to authority = not relevant.
Famous example would be Einstein, who dismissed quantum mechanics - a field that wouldn’t have existed without relativity.
What kind of a nimrod in 2023 links to EInstein’s comments in order to refute the field? No one, but especially not other physicists.
So Unoriginal Mike is proving the point that right-wingers cannot separate arguments from their need to create hierarchies of authority based on the identity of the person they’re quoting. Or in, Unoriginal’s case - linking.
Why would I take seriously a hero worshipping right-winger who has no argument but instead just quotes a guy who says that CO2 levels are “low” as if that opinion had any bearing on how they interact with climate?
Finally, Unoriginal Mike doesn’t even remember which blog he linked to because it was run by three guys, I think one was a sociologist and two were journalists. Either way, the guy is beclowning himself but he wouldn’t know it because as I said, the facts and arguments don’t matter to him. Just the outcome and the fact that he can support the position of his Lord and Savior Fossil Fuel Exec.
hpudding said...
Me: Says the fascist who supports censorship of all opposing views
I definitely support ignoring and not sponsoring liars or their speech. They are free to lie on their own dime.
Whos' "spooning" people's speech, you little Nazi?
Social Media companies are SELLING their speech, not sponsoring it
Fascists are nationalists who want to impose a patriarchal strongman on the country.
You mean Joe Biden?
"strongman" == "scumbag who wants to censor the rest of us"
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