Said Rose Montoya, in video I watched at "White House Condemns 'Disrespectful' Trans Model for Baring Breasts at White House Pride Event/'Individuals in the video will not be invited to future events,' a White House spokesperson tells The Messenger of footage Rose Montoya posted to social media" (The Messenger).
I transcribed the quote, only some of which appears at The Messenger, which is a new publication to me. It's been around since May and was started by the former owner of The Hill. I'll keep an eye on it. Here, it seems focused on protecting President Biden, who invited Montoya to a White House event and apparently needs distance from this kind of exuberance.
Under lesbian, the school stated a definition in the glossary: "A non-man attracted to non-men. While past definitions refer to ‘lesbian’ as a woman who is emotionally, romantically, and/or sexually attracted to other women, this updated definition includes non-binary people who may also identify with the label."
In contrast, the school listed "gay men" in its glossary as: "A man who is emotionally, romantically, sexually, affectionately, or relationally attracted to other men, or who identifies as a member of the gay community."
"At times, 'gay' is used to refer to all people, regardless of gender, who have their primary sexual and or romantic attractions to people of the same gender. 'Gay' is an adjective (not a noun) as in 'He is a gay man,'" it continued.
It was as though there was a taboo on saying "woman."
J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter books series who's been critical of transgender inclusion, mocked the definition on Twitter Tuesday. "Man: no definition needed. Non-man (formerly known as woman): a being definable only by reference to the male," the author wrote in a tweet that included an image of the glossary. "An absence, a vacuum where there's no man-ness."
The article leads with a quote from the schools "director of media relations":
"Upon becoming aware of the language in question, we have begun working to determine the origin and context of the glossary’s definitions. We have removed the page from our website while we gather more information."
So, here too, The Messenger is assisting institutional insiders who need distance from more radical voices.
१०३ टिप्पण्या:
I don't suppose you can blame narcissistic exhibitionists with poor impulse control for living their true life.
Especially when you throw a party specifically designed to energize them psychologically.
This person's behavior is completely in keeping with who they are. Inviting them was the mistake, one for which the White House will never acknowledge.
Quite literally the perfect meme. No other words need to be said. No Tl;dr. It is chef's kiss perfection. Wish it was one of mine.
They're not real, and they're spectacularly horrible.
Because it’s the White House in Washington, DC, not summer at Rehobeth Beach. Asshole.
The LGT+ are the biggest annoying narcissistic people of all time. No one cares about your preference. Ellen Page just outdid Jussie Smullett
"I don't suppose you can blame narcissistic exhibitionists with poor impulse control for living their true life."
Hippies would have done the same thing if they'd been invited onto the White House premises.
I don't blame the demonstrators at all. This is 100% the responsibility of the White House people who are choosing — in their own quest for power — to use these young people as a photo op.
Old Joe's a pretty good Catholic, wouldn't you agree?
trans/Slut Walk
Classless and piggish...Typical Progressive anymore.
"Woman" derives from OE wif-man, or wife-man. Make of that what you will.
Hippies would have lit joints and peed in the bushes.
What is the legal definition of a woman in Washington DC. If a transgender woman is legally a women, then what constitutes indecent exposure in Washington DC. If it is illegal for a “woman” to expose “her” breasts in Washington DC, then “she” should be arrested and prosecuted.
"This is 100% the responsibility of the White House people who are choosing — in their own quest for power — to use these young people as a photo op."
I'm not quite sure why the "young people" used as a "photo op" aren't included as being "in their own quest for power" too. As if there isn't a symbiotic parasitism at play here.
Neoliberals are among the greediest, most materialistic, emptiest, ruthlessly social-climbing asshats on planet earth. As if these comfort-craving, status-obsessed NPCs wouldn't naturally find each other like flies find excrement.
Yes, Prof. A: It is the politicians that are doing this. No one cares about the bare chest of a man. I've bared my chest on the beach and at the pool for 80 years, and nobody complained -- or cared.
The Whitehouse thinks they can abort the baby, cannibalize her profitable parts, sequester her carbon pollutants, and have her, too. With the brayers from the fourth estate, yes, he can.
"...100% the responsibility of the White House people..." Well, yes. And how stupid do you have to be, to invite these obviously deranged exhibitionists into your space, and expect anything but a fiasco that will disgust at least half the country? Whether or not intended, the effect here is to send the electorate a message: "You're chumps, we despise you but we need your votes and taxes, so when we can mock you and shock you and drag your values through the dirt, we seize the moment and rejoice in it."
I'd like to think the country has now reached the supercritical state with the alphabet gender bender business and is answering: "Enough. Shut up. Go away. Destroy yourselves on your own dime and your own time."
What is the legal definition of a woman in Washington DC
In the District of Corruption, the state-established religion is Pro-Choice. Beware that you are not judged and labeled as politically congruent ("="), equitable, and inclusive is a many ethical, selective, opportunistic thing. That said, we need a "hero", a Democrat "hero", and he has to shoot first, and ask questions later, never.
Me: It's not that complicated: if you present as, and claim to be, a woman, then live by the same rules of decorum that actual women live by.
Trans-woman: Oh, but that wouldn't be any fun, or attract any attention to me. So, no can do!
(Breast implants by Allergan [TM], large quantity discount applied.)
It's not illegal for a woman to go topless in D.C.. It was not illegal for this man pretending to be a woman to go topless in D.C.. It was just vulgar and in poor taste.
But then violating social mores is what it's all about isn't it?
"Why is my chest now deemed inappropriate or illegal when I show it off?
Because it's the fricking White House! And you damn well know that's the issue.
"I was simply living in joy — living my truth".
I truly detest this idea of my truth. You do not have a "truth" separate from the rest of us.
Barney Fife asked about the legality of exposing one’s breasts in Washington DC
“it’s entirely legal to expose one’s breasts (for many years, there was even an annual “go topless” event outside the White House).”
Shades of E.E. Cummings' EIMI: A Journey Through Soviet Russia.
These "unmen", as Cummings piquantly calls them, address the poet as "Comrade Kemminkz" and justify "from soup to nuts the ways of Marx to man".
Women from the Isle of Lesbos were fertile and heterosexual looking for a man. When was the lesbian label appropriated to socially distance homosexuals from others in the transgender spectrum?
"No other words need to be said."
Joe's right, you know.
How low has the Democrat party sunk to. Sexual deviant narcissist on the White House lawn flaunting their boobs.
Normalizing the abnormal.
Yes it is the face of the Democrat party.
Reap what you sow.
How low has the Democrat party sunk to. Sexual deviant narcissist on the White House lawn flaunting their boobs.
Normalizing the abnormal.
Yes it is the face of the Democrat party.
Reap what you sow.
What I don't get is why is the freaking White House making such a big deal about gays/trans. Who cares? Why are they so special that they get an invite to the White House? How about they invite wounded veterans with missing limbs and treat them as royally as the trans dudes? Certainly they have sacrificed so much and in a real way for this country. It's so wrong on so many levels what they are doing. Makes me sick to my stomach.
So, were the fake dicks and twats on display, too?
"What I don't get is why is the freaking White House making such a big deal about gays/trans."
To demonstrate their power. "We're going to force *whatever* on you, and there's nothing you can do about it."
"How about they invite wounded veterans with missing limbs and treat them as royally as the trans dudes?"
If they could find some wounded trans veterans, they would.
Lewis: "What I don't get is why is the freaking White House making such a big deal about gays/trans. Who cares? Why are they so special that they get an invite to the White House? How about they invite wounded veterans with missing limbs and treat them as royally as the trans dudes? Certainly they have sacrificed so much and in a real way for this country. It's so wrong on so many levels what they are doing. Makes me sick to my stomach."
Biden explicitly said no one has ever been braver and more courageous than the Trannsies. That obviously includes D-Day participants and the warriors in every other battle throughout our history.
Perhaps that's why Biden and the dems raised the flag of their religion, the LGBTQalphabetagammadelta to the same level as the American flag itself, and put that flag at he center of the flag arrangement.
Team Groomer is in all out war against everyone else and there's really no walking it back now.
Maybe Joe could have given her a tasteful blow-job in the rose garden. Assuming she still has a dick. Hell, Joe shakes hands all the time with people who aren't there. He should have no problem sucking on a ghost penis.
A "woman" is a "non-man".
A "man" is a "non-woman".
--leftists & LLR's
What is a man?
What is a woman?
I have no idea, I am not a biologist--leftists and LLR's
living my truth
In Joe Biden's America, everyone gets their own truth. Except for Donald Trump.
I wouldn't blame the "demonstrators" either!
I'd guess blow jobs in the Oval Office are the established current Liberal measure of presidential qualifications.
Yeah, Grab 'em by the Pussy just ain't brash enough to protest.
Paul: "How low has the Democrat party sunk to. Sexual deviant narcissist on the White House lawn flaunting their boobs."
Still not as bad as Joe showering with his adolescent daughter, despite gadfly's and victoria from pasadena's passionate defense of said behavior and claiming it was perfectly normal.
Note: I've removed Inga from the Triumvirate of Usual Idiocy (gadfly/Inga/victoria) because in this case because Inga, after a mere 3 years of pondering this situation, finally, decided that she was not really in favor of any of that fathers showering with daughters stuff and, finally, saying so some weeks/months ago.
Credit where credit is due I always say.
Pride goeth before a fall. Especially after Brendan realized he needed a fall guy.
This is just more of the insanity of the ruling class. Wounded veterans would not be appropriate as someone suggested because they are serious. None of this stuff is serious. Even the tranny bomb threats to Target are not serious. If they tried, they would blow themselves up.
The White House made the mistake of assuming that people over adult age (pick a number between 12 and 30 since the left has debased every definition it touches) would act like responsible adults. Of course, it’s gotten to the point among leftists that asking someone to be responsible amounts to white privilege oppression.
Understood as normative by a societal class naming Lori Lightfoot a Senior Leadership Fellow.
It is the best a contemporary liberal can muster.
Of all places, just outside of Boston........
“Students wore red, white and blue clothing, chanted ‘my pronouns are USA’ and destroyed rainbow decorations at the school.”
BWAHAHAHAHA!!! When so much of that shit gets jammed down you throat........
We are going to be OK.
Why is Biden making campaign ads for the Republicans?
I think America will breathe a sigh of relief once this trailer-park double-wide disaster of a YouPorn family is kicked out of the White House and sent back to their Fleetwood in Rehoboth.
Don't see blaming the White House. It holds a gazillion of these events. But how did this idiot not see that it would be a bad look?
Why was the event on the White House lawn? My guess it was to include the photo op of Pride flag displayed (incorrectly) with the US flag. Would Rose Montoya flashed her breasts if it was an event in the White House itself?
Awesome that the White House it now not family-friendly!! Good job, Joe and Jill!!
Why hand the trans an easy victory like that?
Could it be that critics haven’t thoroughly thought it through?
We got bigger boobs… I mean fish, bigger fish to fry.
WHY are Women putting up with this?
It's Almost as If..
Women are Stupid.
The GBTIQ+ people are out to destroy YOU
Fuck that disgusting creep. The trans guy’s kinda cute. 🤪 I don’t think I'd have known if the post didn't make it clear.
To Lewis: Anyone who serves the cause can get an invite. Remember the radio boy who took the guts out of a radio alarm clock and put it into a cardboard box as his “scienc-y” project? Got himself invited to the Obama WH. Great Moments in Science!
I'm not quite sure why the "young people" used as a "photo op" aren't included as being "in their own quest for power" too. As if there isn't a symbiotic parasitism at play here.
Or, in keeping with the times, call it one big circle-jerk. In drag.
I'm still trying to figure out when the Victoria's Secret models became fat, and ugly.
"I had zero intention of trying to be vulgar or be profane in any way. I was simply living in joy — living my truth and existing in my body."
Self-absorbed moron has difficulty understanding that other people are living *their* truth.
Imagine if those boys who stormed Normandy were as brave as this Montoya character.
What I don't get is why is the freaking White House making such a big deal about gays/trans.
It's the MSM-Democrat feedback cycle.
I'll help you invent headlines, and you keep my buffoonery off the front page.
Little boobs, big boobs, amended to his chest; but, is he scalped, carved, and otherwise physiologically feminine gender-affirmed? This is a big day for trans/social plastic surgeons, their medical adjuvant practitioners, and psychiatric psychotics of diverse colors. Are the feminists gay and proud to march with their trans/neo-sisters?
Since no one is being given special legal treatment for this incident, then I no longer care, except “pass the popcorn”. How dare the activists disrupt and distract from the White House message for the event! Ahh ha ha ha! Pass the popcorn please.
Yes it is the face of the Democrat party.
Sterilization, Abortion, and Diversity (SAD)
The back... black hole... whore h/t NAACP of the modern Democrat. Let us bray to receive bennies for babies.
Fake woman selfie with fake president.
I no longer can pretend to be interested in this bs any longer.
Of all the boobs at the WH, Rose Montoya's are the least concerning to me.
Those who started the transgender war failed to study their Sun Tzu.
"SUN TZU said:
i. War is a matter of vital importance ...; the province of life or death; the road to survival or ruin.2 It is mandatory that it be thoroughly studied.
Therefore, appraise it in terms of the five fundamental factors and make comparisons of the seven elements later named.' So you may assess its essentials.
The first of these factors is moral influence... By moral influence I mean that which causes the people to be in harmony with their leaders, so that they will accompany them in life and unto death without fear of mortal peril."
The powerful politicians and institutions that jumped on board the transgender war hysteria forgot that they could not control the terms of engagement, and that their generals were not going to be elite thinkers. Their generals were going to be, for want of a euphemism, nutso.
And as a consequence, it would gradually dawn upon the normies that, not only was this not a civil rights campaign on behalf of an immutably disfavored minority, it was yet another public demonstration of the intellectual incoherence and incompetence of the putative elite. The elite is out of harmony with the people. That will not change for a while.
"Johns Hopkins Says It Pulled Lesbian Definition from Its LGBTQ Glossary After Backlash/Critics accused the university of erasing women when it wrote that a lesbian is a 'non-man attracted to non-men.'"
It is nice that they have gone so woke as to reduce women to nothing but an adjunct to men. Freaking brilliant.
I recall a bar in Lee Vining, CA, in the shadow of the Sierra Nevada, with a sign that said "Get drunk and be somebody." I get there have always been people who didn't fit in their bodies. But this - this full-bore rush of transmania where a nobody can become a somebody with instant power - is unprecedented. Without question, a lot of young people are going to face a reckoning more difficult to undo than a bad night of Jack.
You can't flash your fake boobs at the White House.
Why is my chest now deemed inappropriate or illegal when I show it off?
This question reminds me of DeSantis being asked by the media with live television coverage, why was he banning LGBT books, and then he starts showing them the drawings in the particular book that caused the networks to cut away from the live coverage.
"it seems focused on protecting President Biden"
What, the MSM weren't doing the job? Or Biden is such a wretched president he can never have too much protection?
"here too, The Messenger is assisting institutional insiders who need distance from more radical voices"
Yes, and it's good to notice. But the distance is strictly a matter of temporary impression management. Philosophically, the "insiders" have already surrendered to prog priorities. Example: KBJ can't say what a woman is cuz she's not a biologist. No prog thinks of prog ideology, incuding transgenderism, as "radical."
If we can't trust these narcissistic degenerates to control their impulses and be appropriate and respect boundaries for 90 minutes in public, we sure as shit can't grant them access to children and expect them to be able to do it in private.
Such a proud moment.
Free the nippleless!
"trans, queer and brown"?
Are tanners joining the alphabett gang?
Rare clumbers or GTFO
Family guy as usual nailed it
Should have said her nipples identify as freckles.
1) I believe the White House has held events for wounded and disabled veterans and their families…probably far more often than any events such as this one.
2) The White House is the residence of the US head of state and, as such, deserves a display of respect at public events properly due to Americans who are represented internationally by the head of state and expected of foreign nations in their dealings with the US.
When I worked in D.C., I passed a young new hire (from S.F.; Harvard masters) waiting for the elevator and stopped to briefly say hello. It was a typically sweltering summer day in D.C., and he said he was going to a meeting at the White House. My eyebrows shot up because he was wearing short sleeves, khakis, and no jacket. And this was a meeting at the Bush-era White House! Thinking experience is the best teacher, I said nothing. I never, ever saw him dress so casually again. Going through security with more formally, and appropriately, dressed D.C. professionals must have been a real eye-opener.
3) People who begrudge gays and lesbians of a day, or even a month, of celebration may not realize the long and hard road to reach a life of dignity among the US citizenry and with respect to US law. It hasn’t always been such. It’s easy, and quite frankly flippant, to assume otherwise. When I was in high school in the 70’s, gay people were treated as feral creatures of the night and expected to behave accordingly. Only the most successful and famous and wealthy escaped complete ridicule. AIDs might be incorrectly regarded as an exclusively “gay” disease, but it was the gay population that coalesced to insist on funding research and take action on prevention. The eventual push for gay marriage among most gay people was an effort to have the larger society reflect what many of their families already knew…gay people were not just feral sex-crazed people, but pretty normal folks who could form beneficial social and economic units not just defined by attraction and intimacy. Even today, we have to be careful.
My concern with the TQ+ movement is the grandstanding of some individuals to gain media attention in a misguided effort toward “liberation”. Every social movement has had such individuals, but it can often be counterproductive to larger, beneficial goals. The line between camp and offensive is very thin.
I doubt sHe passed Biden's sniff test.
Rose Montoya’s father is a pastor in Idaho. She/he was raised in the church, what went wrong? At 4 years old she/he was on video saying she was a girl.
nice work by xer surgeon
how come 'woman' cannot be defined but 'man' has definition?
is all trans one-way?
Oh, yes- I totally get the feminine connection! I absolutely would cup and caress my bare breasts in public while being photographed. Doesn’t every woman?
Wait… is that not normal??
John Ashcroft had a different take on baring breasts and nipples
what would have made it even better- if Hunter popped out of the bushes, cracked up on crack, neck'ed, .. ready for some bump and grind with the ... pride.
UP next on MSNBC.
John Ashcroft had a different take on baring breasts and nipples
As Georgia Costanza might have said...
Was that wrong? Should I not have done that? I tell you, I gotta plead ignorance on this thing, because if anyone had said anything to me at all when I first started here that that sort of thing is frowned upon...
"All you are doing is affirming I’m a woman.
No, all YOU are doing is affirming that you are NOT a woman.
Because if you were a woman, you wouldn't be flashing your tits at a White House event.
What he also confirmed was he had no class. because even men dont' flash their bare chests at White House press events
Some activists argued that broadening the definition of who could identify as a lesbian "erased women."
How about: every honest person who looked at the paired definitions agreed that Johns Hopkins was "erasing women".
Since that's what they were doing.
Remember women: The Left hates you, and thinks that men are better than you in every respect, including being better "women" than you are
The parades of far from normal antics may be as celebatory as they are defamatory.
Maybe they should "be careful".
Sure thing, Professor. Keep one eye on The Messenger, and keep the other eye on those wonderfully subversive and progressive fake tits.
Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary/FBI Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "Rose Montoya’s father is a pastor in Idaho. She/he was raised in the church, what went wrong?"
It's often difficult to understand just how and when someone goes over the cliff and becomes a leftist.
I suspect its when Putin makes them do it, right Inga? Its always about Putin these days.
Readering: "Don't see blaming the White House."
Of course not. It's not like there is a White House which sets it all up down to the smallest detail, has the Secret Service completely review and sign off on the detailed plan, and has security at the ready for any and all situations which are designed to be handled at the drop of the hat.
So yeah, how could you possibly blame the White House under dem control for what happens there.
I suspect you'll add this to the next list of impeachable offenses for Trump since the pattern of holding Trump accountable for the actions of the Bidens is already well established in DC.
All you are doing is affirming I’m a woman. All you're doing is saying that trans women are women, because, for some reason, people like to sexualize women's bodies and say that they are inappropriate.
By that definition, wouldn't our friend Rose be affirming being a man by disrobing on the White House lawn? Legal or not, it isn't a ladylike thing to do.
Furthermore, the WH said the individuals--plural--in the video would not be invited back.
That means topless people with bolt-ons in tight, unlined white dresses and topless people without bolt-ons in overalls and bermuda shorts are being called out for "inappropriate" behavior, no? But Rose wants to play-act at being singled out.
Inga said...
“Rose Montoya’s father is a pastor in Idaho. She/he was raised in the church, what went wrong? At 4 years old she/he was on video saying she was a girl”
Why do you ask what went wrong? Are you saying there’s something wrong with being trans? By saying “she/he was raised in the church” are you implying being trans is morally wrong? By the way, it’s disrespectful not to use Rose’s preferred pronouns.
Passive aggression.
Cheating to get ahead.
Anti-social personality disorder.
A generation or two ago, "biological women" were considered highly subject to exploitation and thereby gained legal advantage through Title IX, anti-discrimination laws, etc. Some who identified as biological women...err Senator Elizabeth Warren...also doubled-down on racial identity distortions or self-delusions that resulted in further personal advantage.
Within any social group there are cheaters and dirty tricks. Cheating athletes are known to focus on enforcing the rule book, drug testing, etc. when they think they can get away with it. This is because an even playing field reduces their edge and chance of winning.
Naturally compassionate people (indeed, often biological women) have been eaten alive by wolf-in-sheep's-clothing predators who pretend to be their supporters. Err...Weinstein, Gates, Epstein, Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, and many more. Weaker males who were previously at a competitive disadvantage per their biological sex found the transgender female technicality and a way to regain a passive-aggressive competitive advantage. They had no need to win in their natural competitive class (males) but could against bio women.
Checkmate. Predators kill any way they can. Biological women must either be protected as a natural class or be eaten alive.
My only question is when the left admits they have a coherence problem and addresses the problem.
What’s the end game, here? It’s all pretty pathetic.
The transgender who bared his artificial breasts is nearly thirty. He's not a "youth." Of course Biden is to blame, but so is this adult exhibitionist.
And as a woman, I am angry, and I am doing everything I can do legislatively to fight this degradation of real womanhood. I encourage men to do the same, because it is right, and because the same will be done to you.
He knows why it was inappropriate. And that's exactly why he flashed his plastic tits: to be "transgressive."
(And no, I'm not going to use his "preferred pronouns." I don't subscribe to that cult; I live in the real world, not Cloud Cuckoo Land.)
Thanks Drago for pointing some of your gibberish my way.
Eva Marie said...
Why do you ask what went wrong? Are you saying there’s something wrong with being trans? By saying “she/he was raised in the church” are you implying being trans is morally wrong? By the way, it’s disrespectful not to use Rose’s preferred pronouns.
1: Of course it's it's wrong to be "trans". it's also wrong to think you're Joan of Arc, or Napoleon.
2: Denying reality is by definition a mental illness
3: Mutilating your body because of mental illness is wrong. Mutilating other people's bodies because of their mental illness is even worse.
4: Every single male claiming to be a female so he can compete in girls / women's sports is evil
5: Every single male claiming to be a female so he can go into women's private spaces to check out women who are changing clothes / naked / showering, or because they want to expose themselves to women / girls, is also evil.
6: Freedom of speech means you have no business trying to force me to pander to your mental illness / denial of reality. Were you born with a penis and a vagina? You're a hermaprhodite. Were you born with a penis? You're a "he". Were you born with a vagina? You're a "she".
Do you demand I ignore reality? You're a FOAD
7: The ultimate in "disrespect" is to try to force your mental illness on me
""Why is my chest now deemed inappropriate or illegal when I show it off? However, before coming out as trans, it was not."
"All you are doing is affirming I’m a woman. All you're doing is saying that trans women are women, because, for some reason, people like to sexualize women's bodies and say that they are inappropriate."
You know what else is inappropriate to do in public? Walking around with a massive strap-on.
"However, before coming out as trans, it was not."
[citation needed]
"""Why is my chest now deemed inappropriate or illegal when I show it off? However, before coming out as trans, it was not.""
93 "
Because when you became a "woman" it came with all of the pros and cons that of womanhood. If you truly were a woman, you'd understand that.
"Why is my chest now deemed inappropriate or illegal when I show it off? However, before coming out as trans, it was not."
Because when you became a "woman" it came with all of the pros and cons of womanhood. If you truly were a woman, you'd understand that.
"As if these comfort-craving, status-obsessed NPCs wouldn't naturally find each other like flies find excrement."
That makes me wonder. If you coated a thousand flies from wing-to-foot with excrement, and then released them, what would happen next?
"‘my pronouns are USA’ "
Mine are us and we.
""trans, queer and brown"?
Are tanners joining the alphabett gang?"
Brown is referring to anal sex exclusive enthusiasts, who also can't procreate.
Tangential: The Star Tribune did a story on a legally sold bondage device that accidentally killed a woman's daughter. The Star Tribune used the term "bondage community" throughout the story, which made me wonder. If the bondage community is now a recognized community, does that mean we'll have to teach about bondage in grade schools now?
I mean, if a kindergartener visits another kindergartener whose living room has a bondage swing, shouldn't the visiting kindergartener know in advance what it is before the visit?
And as a woman, I am angry, and I am doing everything I can do legislatively to fight this degradation of real womanhood.
I agree with you, and in fact I've posted pretty much the same thought many times on this blog and elsewhere.
I encourage men to do the same, because it is right, and because the same will be done to you.
It's been done to us. They've been calling us toxic, discriminating against us in family, divorce, and sexual abuse law, forcing us to allow women in formerly men only places and organizations, and been drugging us as children for decades.
On reflection, I think bare breasts should become mandatory on the White House Lawn.
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