This is a 10-minute show, launching straight into the top news story of the day — the Ukrainian dam.Ep. 1
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) June 6, 2023
I said out loud at 3:46: "Ew. Creepy."
Carlson went from talking about the news of the day from Ukraine to discussing many aspects of what he presents as propaganda coming from mainstream media. Some of this resonated with something I'd just said IRL this morning: The news has not been flowing in its usual way lately.
Trying to think of what tags to put on this post, I rediscovered an old one that I wish I'd remembered to use over the years: "shut up and believe."
I hadn't used that tag since 2016, for "Lawprof scholarship examining whether lawprof scholarship is politically biased indicates that lawprof scholarship by liberals slants leftward but lawprof scholarship by conservatives does not slant rightward."
Actually, I'd only used it one other time. Here's the post that caused me to create the tag, from August 2008: "Barack Obama on the Born Alive Infant Protection Act." Obama was running for President,"
Actually, shut up and believe worked. He was elected President, and we were trained to believe what we're supposed to believe. And now, here's Tucker on Twitter — reduced to Twitter — pointing it out... and in his own way telling us what to believe.He's been asked a civil question by Rick Warren — this is just after the Saddleback Forum — and has an opportunity to reach the very people who are being stirred up by those who are going around saying he voted in favor of infanticide. He should have explained clearly why the Born Alive Infant Protection Act was not what his opponents say it was. I can understand why he's angry at those who present it in a form that makes him look monstrous, but the only workable remedy is to convince us to believe his interpretation of the law — and at least to teach us exactly what it was. He was a law professor. He should be able to bring us along so we can all understand.
In this video clip, all he does is vouch for his own interpretation and demand that we accept it. This is like the way he insists that we not "question his patriotism" when what we're doing — some of us — is trying to learn about and process some things we have questions about. It's delusional to think that millions of people will obey a command to put this behind us. We want to know the details of his relationship with former terrorist Bill Ayers. We want to know the details of the text of the Born Alive Infant Protection Act and the politics that surrounded it. The campaign season, for many Americans, is just getting started. It won't do to get pissed off and say that you've already explained this and we need to move on. Move on to what? These are the questions that concern us! And you won't deign to answer.
८१ टिप्पण्या:
Tucker needs to learn the art of v-blogging.
Here's a short re-edit by an experienced YouTuber.
Tucker argues by sarcasm, the trope of teenagers and women. "Something's wrong and you have to figure out what it is."
Just say what it is. It's sort of a lit. crit. skill though.
Lindsay "my lust for dead russians helps dispel rumors that I'm gay" Graham does not come off looking good in that conversation. Maximum awkward. Yikes.
Getting this war going has been a project in the works for a long time.
Lindsey Graham & John McCain in Ukraine - Preparing for a proxy war with Russia (2016)
I hadn’t expected Carlson to completely ignore Sy Hersh’s reporting making the case that the US did what Biden virtually promised to do — namely blow up Nordstream. Recall that the first official propaganda story was that Russia did it, on the theory that blowing it up somehow helped Russia. Then (after Hersh’s story) the official version changed to three Ukrainian sympathizers in a rented boat did it because it somehow hurt Russia.
For some reason, Carlson seems to swallow version two of the official story hook, line, and sinker.
Last night I read it had 20 million views in the first 4 hours. That's far more than any of his show episodes had on Fox. Twitter is changing how information is available. At least for's available.
Tucker will have a huge impact. But...there will be others to come, many whom we don't even know about yet. And, even the Left, when they quit whining about the other side getting their info out, will start to use it to their advantage.
The more I think about this, the more depressed I get. Obama really was an evil force. It's exhausting how much of the news is shut up and believe, and Althouse identified the fulcrum point with one little tag.
One thing that Tucker said that really hit home is how today's media refuses to cover real news stories.
OPPD is proposing to spend $2bn plus and raise rates at least 10% in order to achieve net zero and there has been exactly ONE story about it. People have no idea what is happening. OPPD "bribed" the media by running vague happy talk ads about the future.
I'm going on NE's biggest radio station this PM to talk about this.
The real shocker here is that OPPD is going to be asking poor people to subsidize Mark Zuckerberg. Both FB and Google have giant data centers in Omaha.
Tucker had 51m views last I looked.
"Creepy" doesn't begin to explain it.
What a mess our democrat friends have gotten us into. Let's stop giving them money and materiel.
The news has not been flowing in its usual way lately.
What do you mean, Professor? I'd like to read more about this perception.
Sure, skip right over the UFO stuff. In the next episode, Tucker may reveal that spontaneous human combustion is real.
"I want to believe."
It's good that he's broadcasting again, free of network fetters. I found his tone a little different than his normal one, from Fox world. And I'm glad he wasn't using that stupid, frat-boy, braying laugh, deployed to amplify his own jokes. Here's hoping it takes off and he makes a success of it, at the direct expense of the networks.
I watched last night too and thought it was a standard Tucker monologue. Probably of lower quality than what I usually see, but I usually only watch the viral ones.
I thought the Lindsay Graham potshot was gratuitous until he rolled the tape. Yeah, pretty shocking. The neocons are out of their minds.
Glad you posted this. Good to see Tucker back, even if its on Twitter. As for Lindsey Graham, he's a coward - look at his hysterical behavior on J6. When you combine that with his constant warmongering, his flabby face and body and the fake tough-guy attitude, its quite disgusting.
The creepy in-union war machine happy covid media are just that - creepy.
that so many Americans blindly obey is downright..
The First Amendment explicitly states..
That we are REQUIRED BY LAW to accept ANYTHING the democrat government tells us. ANYTHING!!
Read the Constitution sheeple!!
Is this “The medium is the message” truism? In both cases we are being told “ my image “ is sufficient for you. And any further in depth analysis would be a distraction.
Maybe that’s all Television has time for. Smiles and good humor from beautiful people is all we are going to get. No accept the narrative they espouse, or else. After all they have a narrative of high sounding credentials that we must accept too.
To get better we will have to sample podcasts. Listen to Joe Rogan’s guests…for hours, not minutes.
And now, here's Tucker on Twitter — reduced to Twitter
So far Tuckers first Twitter airing is at 20 million views. As the top rated show on Fox he pulling in two to three million viewers.
Where's the reduction??
When the Biden corruption excusing Press want to push something - they are coordinated, narratives are linked, and they all use the same language and words, in uncanny lock-step.
Best example here.
The black-rock gatekeepers.
The soros gatekeepers.
The war machine gatekeepers.
Biden is a crook - and the whole of the MSM are perfectly fine covering for him.
He had 51 million views, I am not sure what type ( if any ) monetization there is on twitter, but Musk ( or his new CEO ) needs to figure it out pretty quickly. I do see that Gen Flynn has a twitter subscription deal going, but that's not the same at all.
55 million downloads and counting...
The news has not been flowing in its usual way lately.
What do you mean, Professor? I'd like to read more about this perception.
Tucker Carlson is now just a few steps behind Alex Jones.
“ What do you mean, Professor? I'd like to read more about this perception.”
I’m following my 20-year practice of reading the news and blogging. I can’t explain how I do this because it’s intuitive but in recent weeks I’ve felt that things are not coming out the way they should. I suspect something is being suppressed. But what?
Tucker Twitter will be “the short wave under the covers.”
Bob Boyd - 8:30
Crikey - War Machine John McCain lives on.
"The news has not been flowing in its usual way lately."
Sure it has. It is as misleading as always.
I usually only watched Tucker's monologue so this was good. I'm glad to see him back. Now to figure out how to monetize this. You'd think some corporations would want to get 50 million eyes but so many are "Woke" and afraid to deviate from the deviate's script.
While Lindsey Graham is still creepy as ever, Tucker Carlson is still a shill for Putin.
"I suspect something is being suppressed. But what?"
And you only now feel this way?
The mainstream media is an arm of the government now. Perhaps it was always this way, but I have literally known this for over 3 decades now. I can blame my naivete during the first two decades of my life on being young and ignorant. Anyone who lived through the COVID bullshit storm has no excuses any longer.
I presume it's probably a direct action on our part, but they are only willing to admit proxies,
it was a relatively low key release as opposed to the breaking news phantasmagoria
The "Shut Up and Believe" I'm currently focused on is the banning of gas stoves. It is the weirdest thing. Why is the average person in favor of this?
"I suspect something is being suppressed."
I suspect you would be closer to the truth if you used the plural here.
I’m following my 20-year practice of reading the news and blogging.
Exactly. And your very good at it. That's why I'm made so curious by your feeling something is off.
The canary in the coal mine isn't lying on its back with its feet in the air, but it does look a little woozy.
"I suspect something is being suppressed. But what?"
The house of cards is about to fall, and it's all going to blow up in our faces.
"I suspect something is being suppressed. But what?"
That Imperial DC has been taken over by warmongering knaves and ghouls, whose vain ventures are becoming increasingly counterproductive for Americans. The American Century is well and truly over--the frontiers are as porous as the treasury is empty; a dotard empire led by a holograph.
(That, and ALIENS!)
The partisan tautology of official MSM "factcheckers" has largely brought us to this Corryvreckan whirlpool. I recommend area expert Angelo Codevilla's 2019 piece, "What's Russia to Us?" in Claremont Review, to at least identify the long view and recent known actions.
But I do know Obama's voting record in the Illinois statehouse. Regarding his opposition to the "born alive" abortion bill of 2003, he lied that the bill lacked language to preserve Roe. It did not. He was on the committee that made that change. Even Politifact, usually ready to lie good and hard for Obama, found themselves unable to lie about his lies surrounding that bill, so they produced a masterpiece of deflection about what Obama meant he meant.
In Illinois, Obama voted "present" more frequently than any other State Senator, including on a bill to seal the court records of juvenile and some other rape victims. On crucial bills, he was often the only "present" vote, or one of two.
Obama's political career itself reads like a heavily redacted CIA file. Since then, the media whirlpool only grows stronger.
I’m following my 20-year practice of reading the news and blogging. I can’t explain how I do this because it’s intuitive but in recent weeks I’ve felt that things are not coming out the way they should. I suspect something is being suppressed. But what?
Of course you can explain it. Just admit that what you are experiencing is "truthiness"
I admire Tucker's courage, but his claimed certainty about responsibility for the Ukraine dam breach illustrates his tendency to believe what he wants to think is true. I'm inclined to believe that it was the Russians, given the impact that the breach will have on Ukrainian amphibious tactics, and also because it lowers the levels in the canal systems adjacent, thereby putting in jeopardy something like 20% of the Ukrainian harvest.
But, unlike Tucker, I have to admit I could be wrong.
Cable News will be dead soon.
Business Insider, "Sad 10 minute broadcast'
Rolling Stone, "Tucker is in his flop era, launches low budget news show"
Washington Post, "Just another social media conspiracy theorist"
And many more......
Interesting until he got to the UFO crap. He just assumes it's "true". Because. . . .? The person is a former intelligence officer? Yeah, sure, they're perfectly believable.
Field Marshall Freder: "Of course you can explain it. Just admit that what you are experiencing is "truthiness""
Freder was a big pusher of the russia collusion hoax.
Sounds like he's just the guy to lecture on "truthiness". Lets see what else he has to say.....
Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary/FBI Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "While Lindsey Graham is still creepy as ever, Tucker Carlson is still a shill for Putin."
Inga still thinks Trump paid hookers to pee on a bed in Moscow.
She also thinks Putin shut down the electrical grid in the northeast, Putin communicated directly to Trump via secret server pinging from Trump Tower to Alfa Bank and she still REALLY believes Putin installed Trump as President in 2016.
So, yeah. Inga "sees" lots of russkis all times....doing everything.
Left Bank of the Charles: "Tucker Carlson is now just a few steps behind Alex Jones."
You have pushed more conspiracy lies on Althouse blog in the last 7 years than Alex Jones did in a lifetime on his platforms.
And some of the Alex Jones' "conspiracies" turned out to be spot on. A result you have yet to experience with any of yours.
Of course the flow of news always involves suppression and distortion. What I’m saying is that lately the flow seems different. It’s been hard for me to find news stories that are worth blogging. And I like to blog the distortions and mistakes in the news.
That clip was edited to make it sound as though "Best money we ever spent" was about Russians dying. It's easy to find the unedited version online. Graham said that in response to Zelensky saying, "We are free." The remark about Russians dying was not unsympathetic; it was an acknowledgement of reality.
Carlson's free to keep hating Graham, as he has done for years, but showing a discredited misleading clip ought to be beneath him.
t’s been hard for me to find news stories that are worth blogging.
Here I am, listening to various podcasts that mention some news, then coming to see what Althouse and the community think about it, but finding no mention. At the same time, I’ve also noticed the past few weeks the news, even from the podcast has become quiet. I attributed some of this to summer vacations.
Anyway, big news breaking as the DOJ has decided to indict Trump on classified material mishandling. Something they refused to do with Hillary Clinton. That’s one way to disenfranchise half the country.
Tucker’s first monologue is a tour-de-force American fever-swamp motorcycle nitemare: The Jews, The Gays, The Aliens, The CIA, 9/11 Spare Change blah blah blah
We could never listen to Tucker Carlson before because we don't have cable. I watched last night. This morning my husband, who before wouldn't dream of going on Twitter, asked me how to join.
The Moscow Trained Propagandist ( or wanna-be) wants you to believe whatever he burbles forth.he counts on you to trust his “truthiness”, however anyone who has been reading his burbles over the years probably knows better than to just trust another Putin/ Trump shill like him and Tucker.
It’s amusing they keep trying though.
"I suspect something is being suppressed. But what?"
And you only now feel this way?
I feel the same way.
It's a feeling that there is something being discussed behind the scenes that all the players know but can't be trusted to the plebes.
That aspect isn't new as you rightfully point out, Yancey. However, the difference now is there seems to be a change in perception of confidence. The best way I can describe it is a juggler juggling balls and the juggler seems to have lost confidence that he can keep all those balls in the air. It's subtle but noticeable.
Speaking of blogging about distortions and mistakes in the news...
I wanted to see what made you go "eew" at 3:35, so I watched the clip of Graham and Zelenskyy, but to me it seemed obviously cut/edited.
Sure enough, it was. Graham was NOT saying that it's the best money we've ever spent to have the russians dying. Here's a video comparing the edited tape to the unedited tape:
One thing has definitely changed:
It's hard for the Gell-Mann Effect to kick in when the reader recognizes bullshit, lies and distortions in EVERY article, not just the ones he/she has some expertise in.
Tucker Carlson is still a shill for Putin.
Gee Inga, there was a time when mindless liberals loved the Russians. What happened?
1. The DNC Clinton machine decided it was time to tie their opponents to the bad Russians.
2. The Russians gave up on communism.
If she only had a brain, Inga would realize how she is being played for a sucker.
Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary/FBI Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "The Moscow Trained Propagandist ( or wanna-be) wants you to believe whatever he burbles forth.he counts on you to trust his “truthiness”, however anyone who has been reading his burbles over the years probably knows better than to just trust another Putin/ Trump shill like him and Tucker."
Did you go back and delete your 7 years of posting daily lunatic russki conspiracy theories and mindreading "details" of what "Mueller knows"?
Do you really expect long time readers of Althouse blog to just forget your thousands of collusion-y posts?
Too funny.
I'll bet you do.
80 million and counting, borscht belching Inga notwithstanding.
Ann Althouse said...
“ What do you mean, Professor? I'd like to read more about this perception.”
"I’m following my 20-year practice of reading the news and blogging. I can’t explain how I do this because it’s intuitive but in recent weeks I’ve felt that things are not coming out the way they should. I suspect something is being suppressed. But what?"
Like waiting for the other shoe to drop? Maybe you're feeling what I've been feeling since 2020. That the train is careening down the grade and there's nobody in the cab. Everybody who is supposed to be running the train are in the passenger cars robbing the passengers.
The news has not been flowing in its usual way lately.
Dilute the sonofabitch.
Ollie I want every orifice in his
body flowing red.
(laughs, on the phone)
He's flowing, Gordo.
Since the news became entertainment it needs not contain actual news.
Yeah, the Russians blew up the dam because they wanted to decimate agriculture in Crimea, which they consider to be as Russian as we do Alaska, and the newly annexed territory in Donbas too. Until the dam is rebuilt, agriculture in Crimea will return to the state that it was in when Kiev cut off Crimea's agricultural water supply in 2014, after the CIA coup. One of the first things that Russia did after taking control of the dam, was to restore water flow to Crimea. Now this same problem will affect other areas that they control and presumably intend to keep.
Why Russia would infect long term, possibly permanent, economic pain on what they believe are their own lands and people, for a temporary tactical gain, when in fact, it's Russian defenses and fortifications that got flooded, is beyond me. If they wanted to flood the area downstream, they could simply open the gates, just like they could have turned off the pipeline, and perhaps this was the real problem for Ukraine, that they couldn't cross the river and attempt to retake Kherson with the threat of the Russians flooding their troops.
Honestly, why wouldn't Russia wait for Ukraine to try to cross the river before pulling something like this? That's the threat that needed to be destroyed, and Ukraine did, likely with one or two of those submersible drones that the UK gave them for just such operations. We will never know, because that much water will obliterate all evidence, they could have used a tactical nuke and we would never know.
The regime's ability to lie, and to get people to believe their lies is beyond the dreams of people like Stalin, Mao, and Hitler, well, maybe not Hitler.
Here is an interesting video about how they do it, how they simply blow smoke up our ass and use any differences to ramp up our hatred for each other so that we never even think about turning on them.
"Tucker Carlson is now just a few steps behind Alex Jones."
What he means Drago, is that they intend to destroy him, for pointing out stuff that is actually obvious if you simply refuse to believe the batshit crazy bullshit and gaslighting that the MSM has been inflicting on American for years.
Really cynical people are starting to speculate that NATO is going to nuke Kiev, blame Russia for it, maybe use one of those Ukrainian nukes that migrated themselves into the wild after the Soviet Union collapsed, to make the story plausible, and call it a day, and use that "war crime" to isolate Russia and split it off from China and Africa, where Russia is making significant diplomatic games. I would say that's a long shot, but I wouldn't rule it out.
My first mistake was to do some reading when the war started. I read The Guns of August, about how WWI started, then I read a fawning biography of Henry Kissinger. You start to understand how geo-strategy works, and it's pretty clear what is going on. We are rolling up the Soviet Empire (Serbia, Georgia, Iraq, Syria, Libya, now Ukraine) in a bid for world domination. The only question is, do you think that this is a good idea, and what America is supposed to be about, or are you more of a George Washington's Farewell Address kind of guy, and think we should enjoy the safety of our two oceans, and worry about out problems at home.
If we go into a full war with Russia, on its border, don't expect them to leave our homeland unscathed. Same with China.
"seems to have lost confidence that he can keep all those balls in the air."
I think that the Budweiser thing has caught them by surprise. Why can't they just leave the proles alone to live their lives, and buy some beer to take fishing? Instead they gave the proles something to rally around against them.
It wasn't too many months ago that, after having knocked out the Drudge Report as a source of non gate-kept news, they had complete control of what you saw on Twitter, and they have been a little knocked off their pins, since there propaganda is so ridiculous, the only way it works is if you suppress all questions of it. The New York Times and the Washington Post have been exposed as craven tools of the security state.
Also, it's pretty clear that Russia is winning this war that they expected to be a cakewalk after "crushing Russia with sanctions." Now they know that they are going to have to take some bigger risks, or face losing. You know, like risking cities in Europe. Ukraine can't fly F-16s in Ukraine, they have no facilities, and can't build them. They will have to fly from Poland, which they will probably do, and Poland will be a legitimate military target. Patriots can't defend them, look at Kiev.
We never should have gotten involved in this war. It's none of our business.
Denever said...
That clip was edited to make it sound as though "Best money we ever spent" was about Russians dying. It's easy to find the unedited version online. Graham said that in response to Zelensky saying, "We are free."
You know, speaking of Alex Jones -- he was personally liable for his lies about Sandy Hook. Fox News was liable for the Dominion lies, not Tucker. But now, Musk certainly isn't liable (the famous section 230). Tucker's on the hook for whatever he says. Interesting.
Fall-in-line leftists are probably thrilled with what Lindsey Graham said.
I cannot unsee that or unhear that. wow - just wow.
Wow, over 93 million views now. He's going to bust 100 million on a 10 minute broadcast.
A lot of people are sneering, that the broadcast doesn't have the slickness of Fox. What's the point of that? Fox is a major corporation with huge budgets, and matching overheads. They can afford a cast of dozens pumping up the production values with deep background research whims, the latest video feeds and other production services, the green screen tech and glitzy computer graphics featuring the latest red, white & blue animations of technical-looking, patriotic geometric figures. And of course the big, exciting soundtrack.
Yah, screw that. Tucker running his own teleprompter in his Maine lodge is just fine by me. Hey, it's better than watching the Red Green show, eh?
You know, speaking of Alex Jones -- he was personally liable for his lies about Sandy Hook. Fox News was liable for the Dominion lies, not Tucker. But now, Musk certainly isn't liable (the famous section 230). Tucker's on the hook for whatever he says. Interesting.
You lefties are so eager to criminalize speech. Too bad your ideas are so shitty.
Tucker can be crazy as Cooter Brown and still make more sense than his competition, who are star students all, entrusted to recite what Teacher requires and rewarded accordingly.
Tucker, like Trump, haunts the dreams of the Nomenklatura. That he's cheerfully spreading his take on things without Major Corporate Sponsors is a feature, not a bug, and why people will pay attention even if they don't agree with everything he says.
The second anyone mentions UFO's and aliens from outer space - and the vast coverup - I roll my eyes.
I love the red green show. Is that still on?
Inga is so Russian-collusion obsessed - she turned into the very thing she hates. A Soviet.
Anna Keppa: "One thing has definitely changed:
It's hard for the Gell-Mann Effect to kick in when the reader recognizes bullshit, lies and distortions in EVERY article, not just the ones he/she has some expertise in."
Thread winner.
As Narr said - Tucker is still superior to the Potato-Head Jussie Smolette Media(D)
Hillary Clinton lies... LIED.
Where is her prison time?
“I love the red green show. Is that still on?”
Engineer Bill’s red light/green light game!?!? I was a big fan.
Brian said…
It's a feeling that there is something being discussed behind the scenes that all the
players know but can't be trusted to the plebes… a change in perception of confidence.
Like the discovery of sentient extraterrestrial life with super-advanced technologies?
Fox News notified Tucker Carlson's lawyers yesterday that the former prime-time anchor violated his contract with the network when he launched his own Twitter show on Tuesday.
Fox News general counsel Bernard Gugar sent a letter to Carlson’s lawyers saying Carlson "is in breach" of his contract agreement.
"In connection with such breach and pursuant to the Agreement, Fox expressly reserves all rights and remedies which are available to it at law or equity.”
"Pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, Mr. Carlson’s 'services shall be completely exclusive to Fox.'"
Carlson is "prohibited from rendering services of any type whatsoever, whether 'over the internet via streaming or similar distribution, or other digital distribution whether now known or hereafter devised.'"
Tax payer funded: This news is both significant and mind-blowing. Congress and our intelligence agencies are trying to make it paltable and minor, but their actions speak differently.
I say this as someone with little to no interest in UFOs. It's just an observation by Tucker about how the media works in lockstep with the government.
"Pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, Mr. Carlson’s 'services shall be completely exclusive to Fox.'"
The agreement terminated by Fox News in April? LOL
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