Biden falls described by Van Rooten (sound-alike French)
Humpty Dumpty Sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty Had a great fall. And all the king’s horses And all the king’s men Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty Together again.
Un petit d’un petit S’étonne aux Halles Un petit d’un petit Ah! degrés te fallent Indolent qui ne sort cesse Indolent qui ne se mène Qu’importe un petit d’un petit Tout Gai de Reguennes.
A child of a child Is surprised at the Market A child of a child Oh, degrees you needed! Lazy is he who never goes out Lazy is he who is not led Who cares about a child of a child Like Guy of Reguennes
Internet: "James Van Der Beek, best known for his role in the 1990s’ teen drama “Dawson’s Creek,” recently shared a video on social media where he slams Biden and the Democrats over Biden’s refusal to participate in a Democrat primary debate."
Well, I can't say I would recommend that sequel to Less Than Zero, Imperial Bedrooms, to anybody, as it is pretty disturbing and gruesome, but it was written in 2010, and the "protagonist," Clay, seems to have turned into Harvey Weinstein, which is pretty funny, #MeToo was just revealing a widely known and accepted truth about Hollywood.
My theory of "where ideas come from" is that the people who are really good at having them are really people who recognize when some accidental juxtaposition of concepts creates value. Other people have these juxtapositions, but they don't recognize their potential, and shrug them off.
lonejustice: "Interesting analysis over at Legal Insurrection on the Trump / Kayleigh kerfuffle."
There is zero "analysis" in the linked article.
Its all pure conjecture since Mathews has no insider info or contacts to ask so is left to simply toss in the tweets of others!
Come to think of it, simply listing the tweets of others and considering that "analysis" is very on-brand for lonejustice. Or should I say LLR lonejustice?
Word is the woman in charge of trust and safety, who supposedly was behind the threat to throttle the Twitter airing of "What is a woman" the movie has been dismissed. (I only heard that in the Daily Wire space discussion)
Apparently, Twitter was having an insurrection and Musk has stepped in to put it down?
The movie is up but if you want to share it, comment on it, retweet it, like it or bookmark it, you won't be able to.
Man, the Bad Lip Reading guy started this stuff 10 years ago. Time really flies.
Anyway, here is Trump interview. I thought that was hilarious.
Biden's state of the union is long but funny in parts. I loved angry Mitt Romney, and Kamala's solo clap cracked me up. And then the ligers had me going too. Good stuff.
Wife and I watched Ted Lasso series finale last night. Will miss it. Not certain I can pinpoint what attracted me, but wife and I enjoyed watching the show. And we don't both enjoy many shows.
Goldbergs and Marvelous Mrs. Maisel also going off the air. Damn.
I felt bad seeing Biden fall. Even though I did not and would not vote for him, seeing the U.S president fall like that in a public gathering is eyebrow raising. Poor old fella! Break out the smelling salts!
DARK BRANDON falls down, BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN falls up, the world goes hmmm! In the meantime all the "made up "we are concerned about the debt" drama is over DARK BRANDON pulls it out over something that needs no cheering it's just common work(until now) just did this 3x last group, no drama) but it is what it is. The serfs just got to watch and try to salvage a "win for their side" The TEA PARTY sobbing and conniving on how to oust the speaker, (see Chip Roy).DARK BRANDON who cant find his pants and falls down has been touted by repubs as the guy who beat out the speaker. We are trying to figure out which is it, the blithering fool, or the DEBT CEILING genius? Hard to tell with the rhetoric being tossed. Sleepy Joe will be on the tele to tell ya what he did tomorrow (may want to think about a comfy chair to sing his song from and Bruce might be time to hang up the touring phase(especially after watching him trying to get up after the fall) ah the joys of aging and balance and flexibility takes a daily hit.
Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman has been running an ad here on SWFL cable TV for about a week now. The concept is ridiculous enough on its face, but what is particularly hilarious is the beach shot that is offered up. You're bragging about THAT beach to SWFL?
Apparently, Twitter was having an insurrection and Musk has stepped in to put it down?
A Whitmer event? Digital or progressive hate? Was anyone aborted in a prone position, in cold blood? Kicked until she was no longer viable? Sequestered with a Democratic mask. Hunted under a social justice construct.
"Internet: "James Van Der Beek, best known for his role in the 1990s’ teen drama “Dawson’s Creek,” recently shared a video on social media where he slams Biden and the Democrats over Biden’s refusal to participate in a Democrat primary debate."
Whenever I want sharp political analysis, James van Der Beek ( best known for his role in the 1990s’ teen drama “Dawson’s Creek) is always my go to guy.
Lem the misspeller said... Twitter: Jamie Foxx Left 'Paralyzed and Blind' From 'Blood Clot in His Brain'
I am unsure why the common word "stroke" was not used. Ischemic strokes, in which blood flow to the brain is blocked, happen to more than a half million people every year.
Strokes are the number one cause of disability in the United States and the third leading cause of death. Anyone that has family members with heart disease or hypertension will also have a hereditary risk of strokes.
“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” - Ephesians 6:12
---Trump 'Will Be Charged' With Espionage, Former Special Counsel Predicts
---Oh Lordy there are tapes.
She's trying to be useful!
This open-and-shut violation of the Espionage Act is supposedly being reported "by multiple outlets."
The drumbeats quicken. Arrest is imminent?
Well, no. Better to drag it out some more, in fact. And make sure the trial will be going on next summer, 2024, so the Republican Convention can only nominate Trump when he is actively in the dock being prosecuted for treason against his own country. Or something they can refer to in such terms.
Biden falls up Air Force One steps, Biden crashes bike while tooling around on vacation, Biden trips exiting a commencement address, Biden can't find the exit after concluding a speech (multiple times). Fetterman and Feinstein nod, Putin and Xi Jinping hide their laughter.
Lem said: "“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” - Ephesians 6:12"
Franklin Graham: "It seems like every demon in hell has been turned loose.”
Tactical nukes being moved to the Ukraine theater by both sides.
US wanted to wrest control of the Black Sea from Russia. Ukraine hyper nationalists wanted to expand the borders of their smallish nation-state to fill all of the land that fell into their hands with the collapse of the USSR. So we took up common cause with nazis.
Russia wanted to keep its 200 year hold on the Black Sea and keep NATO weapons and 2nd largest army in Europe from joining the aggressive NATO military alliance (George, Libya, Syria, Iraq) off its borders.
Russia has now referred to Ukraine as "the territory known as Ukraine," the same Russia that wanted a peace deal at the start of the war, while Biden preferred this war.
This is brilliant diplomacy by Joe Biden. This is not going to end at the bargaining table. It's on rails to total war, and *both* sides have policies that include battlefield nukes if things go badly on the conventional front. At this point, I think that Russia would be happy if Ukraine got glassed, and the US wants to provoke Russia to use nukes in order to completely isolate Russia diplomatically, because what we are trying so far isn't working. The problem is that the US is seen as the aggressor in most of the world, the vast majority of the world that is not under complete US domination, in fact, so I am not sure that those people are going to blame Russia.
The problem too is that the slightest miscalculation, with nukes going off so close to Moscow, will lead to an apocalyptic nuclear war.
But it will all be worth it, because it matters so much that Kiev rules over the ethnic Russians who live in Donbas and Crimea who have been successfully fighing off Kiev for eight years.
open the pod bay doors hal.. US Air Force official says, 'It killed the operator because that person was keeping it from accomplishing its objective' The AI system learned that its mission was to destroy SAM, and it was the preferred option. But when a human issued a no-go order, the AI decided it went against the higher mission of destroying the SAM, so it attacked the operator in simulation. Then the system was taught to not kill the operator because that was bad, and it would lose points.. So, rather than kill the operator, the AI system destroyed the communication tower used by the operator to issue the no-go order.
There are descriptions of tapes by the same FBI that lied to us for years about Russiagate. Journalists have not been allowed to hear the tapes for themselves, which suggests that there has been some highly implausible interpretations of the conversation that even the trusted CNN would not swallow, going on here.
Meanwhile Joe Biden left classified documents in cardboard boxes where his crackhead foreign agent son had easy access to them, oh yeah, and at the Penn Center, Chinese nationals had access to them, and not the slightest whiff of interest by the FBI. Oh yeah, and Joe Biden's crackhead son managed to write remarkably coherent analyses of the political situation in foreign countries, which he sent out to paying clients, almost as if he had access to classified State Department documents...
Our legal system is a joke, and the FBI is the DNC's private gestapo. Who else is the DoJ going after? Why the Republican Senate Candidate in West Virginia who is leading Manchin in the polls by several lengths. Who would have thunk that Joe Biden would use his Department of Justice to keep Democrat hold on the Senate. Remember when they had Bob Menendez, D-NJ dead to rights on a statutory rape and child trafficking charge, then suddenly lost interest?
Remember when the DoJ not only killed investigations into the Clinton Foundation as soon as Biden took office, but destroyed all evidence gathered?
Inga. The President of he United States has no restrictions with who HE chooses to share information. Classification is a function of the President of the United States...ONLY. Some dip wad SC lacks the Constitutional Power to even question the intention of the President of the United States.
violation of the law if they "willfully" retain the information and fail "to deliver it to the officer or employee of the United States entitled to receive it."
Guess what. The President of the United States is more than entitled to receive any information.
violation of the law if they "willfully" retain the information and fail "to deliver it to the officer or employee of the United States entitled to receive it."
This would seem to relate more to the Wray withholding docs from Congress situation.
“Federal prosecutors have obtained an audio recording of a summer 2021 meeting in which former President Donald Trump acknowledges he held onto a classified Pentagon document about a potential attack on Iran, multiple sources told CNN, undercutting his argument that he declassified everything.
The recording indicates Trump understood he retained classified material after leaving the White House, according to multiple sources familiar with the investigation. On the recording, Trump’s comments suggest he would like to share the information but he’s aware of limitations on his ability post-presidency to declassify records, two of the sources said.
The revelation that the former president and commander-in-chief has been captured on tape discussing a classified document could raise his legal exposure as he continues his third bid for the White House. Trump has denied any wrongdoing.“
Seen on Instapundit, originally from Lawtence Person's Battleswarm blog: No. And no.
"Former Vice President Mike Pence is evidently getting into the 2024 Presidential race next week.
So evidently is former New Jersey Chris Christie.
No. And no.
Both men had their time in the sun, and neither’s time extends to 2024. Pence’s was 2016, when he provided a dull, predictable counterweight to Trump’s wild ride. Christie’s was 2009-2010, when his unexpected election as governor of deep blue New Jersey gave him a high profile platform to criticize the Obama Administration’s many unpopular policy failures.
Neither has a prayer of beating Ron DeSantis or Donald Trump for the Republican nomination in 2024.
Pence combines the dynamic personal charisma of Jeb Bush with the national electoral chances of Jeb Bush.
Christie combines the personal likeability of J. Edgar Hoover with the weight of a second J. Edgar Hoover.
And Christie has no excuse running again, having already run a dismal 2016 campaign that earned him exactly zero delegates (one less than Carly Florina).
All these political coelacanths are going to do is prevent the anti-Trump vote from consolidating around DeSantis.
Both should give up on their quixotic campaigns and retire to the cushy corporate board and college President circuit."
Times like these almost make me wish the RNC would manage the crowd of contenders with the efficiency shown by the DNC. Almost, except for the DNC's undemocratic anointing of their chosen leader regardless of how the caucuses and primaries play out.
“Mr. Parlatore said the question of whether the documents had been declassified was not relevant because Mr. Trump was being investigated for “willful retention of national defense information” under statutes that did not depend on classification status.” NYT
Sharing information about war planning is a violation of the Espionage Act. The document does not even need to be classified, however the document Trump was discussing was classified.
Inga, I recently noticed that you were back as a full time conspiracy theorist which caused me to wonder if you would now use the blog comments section to apologize for your multiyear, rabid advocacy of lock downs, masks, "vaccines" and school closures during the covidiocy. I'm not sure how much damage you did, given your credibility and proven wide misses on so many other subjects, but an apology could certainly be a first step in getting others on this blog to actually read and consider your posts. What say you?
MadTownGuy: "Times like these almost make me wish the RNC would manage the crowd of contenders with the efficiency shown by the DNC."
What makes you think the RNC is not managing this crowd of contenders?
Each new entrant requires a team of paid GOPe insider consultants and lots of billionaire donor funded ads which goes a long way to paying off consultant summer homes.
And each new GOPe entrant indicates the GOPe insiders fully believe their democratical allies will "Lawfare" Trump out of the race.
Inga, you believed everything the press and the Government told you about RUSSIA
They were lying to you.
Your source fails to differentiate between classified (Wholly under control of the President of the United States. Vs Defense intelligence information. Wholly under control of the Commander in Chief.
The mere actions of leaving the White House with any and all documents declassifies documents. Or to put much more accurately. The Government of the United States lacks constitutional power to Challenge the claims of the outgoing President. If you are any of your leftist friends have found such power in the constitution, they would be lying, because the Constuttution speaks only to powers of the Three branches. Secret Documents and Classification is an invention of the President of the United States.
Kai Akker said, "Well, no. Better to drag it out some more, in fact. And make sure the trial will be going on next summer, 2024, so the Republican Convention can only nominate Trump when he is actively in the dock being prosecuted for treason against his own country. Or something they can refer to in such terms." Yeah. That makes more sense. The last time I saw such blind, naked hatred for somebody Jews were involved. Even though he's out of office. Still a president.
Treasonous Inga passing along the next round of Dem talking points that will be used by the media to distract from Biden's demonstration of his unfitfulness for office - which was caught on video.
We should be hearing the same talking points from America haters Chuck and Gadfly in four...three...two...
Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary/FBI Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "Also, in regard to classification…
“Mr. Parlatore said the question of whether the documents had been declassified was not relevant because Mr. Trump was being investigated for “willful retention of national defense information” under statutes that did not depend on classification status.” NYT
Sharing information about war planning is a violation of the Espionage Act. The document does not even need to be classified, however the document Trump was discussing was classified."
No matter how dumb and gullible and easily misled and just generally ignorant of basic facts conspiracy kook Inga has demonstrated herself to be over the years, she always manages to prove conclusively she is actually more gullible and ignorant than you previously thought possible.
She STILL believes the hoax dossier was "mostly proven true"!
She STILL thinks Trump had Moscow hookers peeing on hotel beds!
This newest hoax will keep Inga busy for at least the next 2 years.
War is the health of the State. Goes double for Deep States.
Quasi-war with Russia is just the opportunity the DS need to consolidate their grip on power.
Every time America gets into a conflict with another power, the ratchet of spying and manipulation is moved a few notches towards full-on Fascism. It has happened before under regimes of both wings of the Permawar Uniparty, and we will watch it unfold in real time.
The Bulwark Retweeted Will Saletan @saletan · 5h One of the nuttiest things about the debt-limit fight was Republicans voting against the bill *because* Democrats were voting for it. Negative polarization has run amok. How can Congress unite on anything if one party opposes whatever the other supports? -- Conserving Conservatism
St. Crow take note, screen appropriately: James Thorp MD @jathorpmfm 40 sigma surge in Stillbirths aka fetal deaths in Fresno California Hospitals. Read this leaked email out of CRMC and Clovis Community Hospital in California. Instead of warning expecting mothers not to receive the covid vaccine, they are concerned about how to place a dead baby in a bucket. Pure evil."
No matter how dumb and gullible and easily misled and just generally ignorant of basic facts conspiracy kook Inga has demonstrated herself to be over the years, she always manages to prove conclusively she is actually more gullible and ignorant than you "previously thought possible.
She STILL believes the hoax dossier was "mostly proven true"!
She STILL thinks Trump had Moscow hookers peeing on hotel beds!
This newest hoax will keep Inga busy for at least the next 2 years.
And in 4 years she'll STILL believe it is true."
At some point, no matter how unbelievably thick you are, you become convinced that the world is indeed round.
Ultra Grateful Calvin 🇺🇸🐶🏒 🎶 @shoveitjack · Follow This is how bad at her job Karine Diversity-Hire is.
"We must kill babies to stop kids in communities from being killed."
Her programming is completely broken. @townhallcom KJP: "We can't continue to see our kids in communities being killed. We talk about Roe v. Wade, and really making that the law of the land."
Former Vice President Mike Pence will not be charged in the discovery of classified documents at his Indiana home. DOJ never appointed a special counsel for the Pence investigation despite the fact that the classified documents were found in the new Pence family home just outside of Carmel that was not purchased until June 2021. "Back Home Again in Indiana" is the favorite song of Hoosiers but Mikey had to have obtained the documents while living at Number One Observatory Circle NW, Washington, D.C. inside the U.S Naval Observatory complex where Vice Presidents, good and bad, are housed.
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६६ टिप्पण्या:
Biden falls described by Van Rooten (sound-alike French)
Humpty Dumpty
Sat on a wall.
Humpty Dumpty
Had a great fall.
And all the king’s horses
And all the king’s men
Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty
Together again.
Un petit d’un petit
S’étonne aux Halles
Un petit d’un petit
Ah! degrés te fallent
Indolent qui ne sort cesse
Indolent qui ne se mène
Qu’importe un petit d’un petit
Tout Gai de Reguennes.
A child of a child
Is surprised at the Market
A child of a child
Oh, degrees you needed!
Lazy is he who never goes out
Lazy is he who is not led
Who cares about a child of a child
Like Guy of Reguennes
Trump is the only candidate campaigning against stupidity. The rest are campaigning against evil.
That's how Trump got a deal with NK where nobody else could have.
The dems are uniformly against evil.
That brings up Arendt's law, that virtue that goes public turns into the worst sort of evil.
Stupidity, on the other hand, can be turned.
Fantastic. Shaking my head here...
Let's Remember - "None of this is new behaviour, it has been exacerbated by technology but it is not new behaviour. Sharing consensual imagery was the norm when I was growing up"
Hint: #Misdirection #Twitter #PossibleOffensiveMaterial
YouTube: Where Do Ideas Come From?
"Everything that I've worked on has failed, but in failing something better happens."
Lex clip of a talk with Neil Gershenfeld, the director of MIT Center for Bits and Atoms.
Interesting analysis over at Legal Insurrection on the Trump / Kayleigh kerfuffle.
Internet: "James Van Der Beek, best known for his role in the 1990s’ teen drama “Dawson’s Creek,” recently shared a video on social media where he slams Biden and the Democrats over Biden’s refusal to participate in a Democrat primary debate."
Link to video
"What is a woman" the movie is being censored by... hold on to your hat... Twitter.
link to discussion with free speech luminaries
Well, I can't say I would recommend that sequel to Less Than Zero, Imperial Bedrooms, to anybody, as it is pretty disturbing and gruesome, but it was written in 2010, and the "protagonist," Clay, seems to have turned into Harvey Weinstein, which is pretty funny, #MeToo was just revealing a widely known and accepted truth about Hollywood.
Twitter: Jamie Foxx Left 'Paralyzed and Blind' From 'Blood Clot in His Brain'
My theory of "where ideas come from" is that the people who are really good at having them are really people who recognize when some accidental juxtaposition of concepts creates value. Other people have these juxtapositions, but they don't recognize their potential, and shrug them off.
lonejustice: "Interesting analysis over at Legal Insurrection on the Trump / Kayleigh kerfuffle."
There is zero "analysis" in the linked article.
Its all pure conjecture since Mathews has no insider info or contacts to ask so is left to simply toss in the tweets of others!
Come to think of it, simply listing the tweets of others and considering that "analysis" is very on-brand for lonejustice. Or should I say LLR lonejustice?
Word is the woman in charge of trust and safety, who supposedly was behind the threat to throttle the Twitter airing of "What is a woman" the movie has been dismissed. (I only heard that in the Daily Wire space discussion)
Apparently, Twitter was having an insurrection and Musk has stepped in to put it down?
The movie is up but if you want to share it, comment on it, retweet it, like it or bookmark it, you won't be able to.
The movie is being throttled.
Man, the Bad Lip Reading guy started this stuff 10 years ago. Time really flies.
Anyway, here is Trump interview. I thought that was hilarious.
Biden's state of the union is long but funny in parts. I loved angry Mitt Romney, and Kamala's solo clap cracked me up. And then the ligers had me going too. Good stuff.
Wife and I watched Ted Lasso series finale last night. Will miss it. Not certain I can pinpoint what attracted me, but wife and I enjoyed watching the show. And we don't both enjoy many shows.
Goldbergs and Marvelous Mrs. Maisel also going off the air. Damn.
Trump 'Will Be Charged' With Espionage, Former Special Counsel Predicts
Oh Lordy there are tapes.
oh man
now he's going after our Congress!
I felt bad seeing Biden fall. Even though I did not and would not vote for him, seeing the U.S president fall like that in a public gathering is eyebrow raising. Poor old fella! Break out the smelling salts!
DARK BRANDON falls down, BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN falls up, the world goes hmmm! In the meantime all the "made up "we are concerned about the debt" drama is over DARK BRANDON pulls it out over something that needs no cheering it's just common work(until now) just did this 3x last group, no drama) but it is what it is. The serfs just got to watch and try to salvage a "win for their side" The TEA PARTY sobbing and conniving on how to oust the speaker, (see Chip Roy).DARK BRANDON who cant find his pants and falls down has been touted by repubs as the guy who beat out the speaker. We are trying to figure out which is it, the blithering fool, or the DEBT CEILING genius? Hard to tell with the rhetoric being tossed. Sleepy Joe will be on the tele to tell ya what he did tomorrow (may want to think about a comfy chair to sing his song from and Bruce might be time to hang up the touring phase(especially after watching him trying to get up after the fall) ah the joys of aging and balance and flexibility takes a daily hit.
Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman has been running an ad here on SWFL cable TV for about a week now. The concept is ridiculous enough on its face, but what is particularly hilarious is the beach shot that is offered up. You're bragging about THAT beach to SWFL?
Apparently, Twitter was having an insurrection and Musk has stepped in to put it down?
A Whitmer event? Digital or progressive hate? Was anyone aborted in a prone position, in cold blood? Kicked until she was no longer viable? Sequestered with a Democratic mask. Hunted under a social justice construct.
"What is a woman" the movie is being censored by... hold on to your hat... Twitter.
The Nits Twit in darkness.
"Oh Lordy there are tapes."
Pee tapes? Please let there be pee tapes! We finally have the pee tapes!
Blogger Lem the misspeller said...
"Internet: "James Van Der Beek, best known for his role in the 1990s’ teen drama “Dawson’s Creek,” recently shared a video on social media where he slams Biden and the Democrats over Biden’s refusal to participate in a Democrat primary debate."
Whenever I want sharp political analysis, James van Der Beek ( best known for his role in the 1990s’ teen drama “Dawson’s Creek) is always my go to guy.
Lem the misspeller said...
Twitter: Jamie Foxx Left 'Paralyzed and Blind' From 'Blood Clot in His Brain'
I am unsure why the common word "stroke" was not used. Ischemic strokes, in which blood flow to the brain is blocked, happen to more than a half million people every year.
Strokes are the number one cause of disability in the United States and the third leading cause of death. Anyone that has family members with heart disease or hypertension will also have a hereditary risk of strokes.
“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” - Ephesians 6:12
---Trump 'Will Be Charged' With Espionage, Former Special Counsel Predicts
---Oh Lordy there are tapes.
She's trying to be useful!
This open-and-shut violation of the Espionage Act is supposedly being reported "by multiple outlets."
The drumbeats quicken. Arrest is imminent?
Well, no. Better to drag it out some more, in fact. And make sure the trial will be going on next summer, 2024, so the Republican Convention can only nominate Trump when he is actively in the dock being prosecuted for treason against his own country. Or something they can refer to in such terms.
Biden falls up Air Force One steps, Biden crashes bike while tooling around on vacation, Biden trips exiting a commencement address, Biden can't find the exit after concluding a speech (multiple times). Fetterman and Feinstein nod, Putin and Xi Jinping hide their laughter.
Lem said: "“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” - Ephesians 6:12"
Franklin Graham: "It seems like every demon in hell has been turned loose.”
^^^^ Good article for believers.
Tactical nukes being moved to the Ukraine theater by both sides.
US wanted to wrest control of the Black Sea from Russia.
Ukraine hyper nationalists wanted to expand the borders of their smallish nation-state to fill all of the land that fell into their hands with the collapse of the USSR. So we took up common cause with nazis.
Russia wanted to keep its 200 year hold on the Black Sea and keep NATO weapons and 2nd largest army in Europe from joining the aggressive NATO military alliance (George, Libya, Syria, Iraq) off its borders.
Russia has now referred to Ukraine as "the territory known as Ukraine," the same Russia that wanted a peace deal at the start of the war, while Biden preferred this war.
This is brilliant diplomacy by Joe Biden. This is not going to end at the bargaining table. It's on rails to total war, and *both* sides have policies that include battlefield nukes if things go badly on the conventional front. At this point, I think that Russia would be happy if Ukraine got glassed, and the US wants to provoke Russia to use nukes in order to completely isolate Russia diplomatically, because what we are trying so far isn't working. The problem is that the US is seen as the aggressor in most of the world, the vast majority of the world that is not under complete US domination, in fact, so I am not sure that those people are going to blame Russia.
The problem too is that the slightest miscalculation, with nukes going off so close to Moscow, will lead to an apocalyptic nuclear war.
But it will all be worth it, because it matters so much that Kiev rules over the ethnic Russians who live in Donbas and Crimea who have been successfully fighing off Kiev for eight years.
open the pod bay doors hal..
US Air Force official says, 'It killed the operator because that person was keeping it from accomplishing its objective'
The AI system learned that its mission was to destroy SAM, and it was the preferred option. But when a human issued a no-go order, the AI decided it went against the higher mission of destroying the SAM, so it attacked the operator in simulation.
Then the system was taught to not kill the operator because that was bad, and it would lose points..
So, rather than kill the operator, the AI system destroyed the communication tower used by the operator to issue the no-go order.
There are descriptions of tapes by the same FBI that lied to us for years about Russiagate. Journalists have not been allowed to hear the tapes for themselves, which suggests that there has been some highly implausible interpretations of the conversation that even the trusted CNN would not swallow, going on here.
Meanwhile Joe Biden left classified documents in cardboard boxes where his crackhead foreign agent son had easy access to them, oh yeah, and at the Penn Center, Chinese nationals had access to them, and not the slightest whiff of interest by the FBI. Oh yeah, and Joe Biden's crackhead son managed to write remarkably coherent analyses of the political situation in foreign countries, which he sent out to paying clients, almost as if he had access to classified State Department documents...
Our legal system is a joke, and the FBI is the DNC's private gestapo. Who else is the DoJ going after? Why the Republican Senate Candidate in West Virginia who is leading Manchin in the polls by several lengths. Who would have thunk that Joe Biden would use his Department of Justice to keep Democrat hold on the Senate. Remember when they had Bob Menendez, D-NJ dead to rights on a statutory rape and child trafficking charge, then suddenly lost interest?
Remember when the DoJ not only killed investigations into the Clinton Foundation as soon as Biden took office, but destroyed all evidence gathered?
It's the "Just Us" Department.
Camille Paglia on her controversial feminism
She calls herself an anti-feminist "feminist". A transgender person critical of some transgender fights.
Sometimes a butterfly is not an insect. Sometimes a butterfly is an insect albeit a bit divergent.
From Ace Of Spades...
Whatta Read!
Inga said
Oh Lordy there are tapes.
Inga is getting the football pulled...again.
Inga. The President of he United States has no restrictions with who HE chooses to share information. Classification is a function of the President of the United States...ONLY. Some dip wad SC lacks the Constitutional Power to even question the intention of the President of the United States.
violation of the law if they "willfully" retain the information and fail "to deliver it to the officer or employee of the United States entitled to receive it."
Guess what. The President of the United States is more than entitled to receive any information.
Guess what, Trump was no longer president at the time this tape was recorded.
violation of the law if they "willfully" retain the information and fail "to deliver it to the officer or employee of the United States entitled to receive it."
This would seem to relate more to the Wray withholding docs from Congress situation.
Trump captured on tape talking about classified document he kept after leaving the White House
“Federal prosecutors have obtained an audio recording of a summer 2021 meeting in which former President Donald Trump acknowledges he held onto a classified Pentagon document about a potential attack on Iran, multiple sources told CNN, undercutting his argument that he declassified everything.
The recording indicates Trump understood he retained classified material after leaving the White House, according to multiple sources familiar with the investigation. On the recording, Trump’s comments suggest he would like to share the information but he’s aware of limitations on his ability post-presidency to declassify records, two of the sources said.
The revelation that the former president and commander-in-chief has been captured on tape discussing a classified document could raise his legal exposure as he continues his third bid for the White House. Trump has denied any wrongdoing.“
Seen on Instapundit, originally from Lawtence Person's Battleswarm blog:
No. And no.
"Former Vice President Mike Pence is evidently getting into the 2024 Presidential race next week.
So evidently is former New Jersey Chris Christie.
No. And no.
Both men had their time in the sun, and neither’s time extends to 2024. Pence’s was 2016, when he provided a dull, predictable counterweight to Trump’s wild ride. Christie’s was 2009-2010, when his unexpected election as governor of deep blue New Jersey gave him a high profile platform to criticize the Obama Administration’s many unpopular policy failures.
Neither has a prayer of beating Ron DeSantis or Donald Trump for the Republican nomination in 2024.
Pence combines the dynamic personal charisma of Jeb Bush with the national electoral chances of Jeb Bush.
Christie combines the personal likeability of J. Edgar Hoover with the weight of a second J. Edgar Hoover.
And Christie has no excuse running again, having already run a dismal 2016 campaign that earned him exactly zero delegates (one less than Carly Florina).
All these political coelacanths are going to do is prevent the anti-Trump vote from consolidating around DeSantis.
Both should give up on their quixotic campaigns and retire to the cushy corporate board and college President circuit."
Times like these almost make me wish the RNC would manage the crowd of contenders with the efficiency shown by the DNC. Almost, except for the DNC's undemocratic anointing of their chosen leader regardless of how the caucuses and primaries play out.
--- Putin and Xi Jinping hide their laughter.
Putin perhaps, although his own situation is no laughing matter.
Xi definitely not. Why is he cranking up the nation for WWIII?
Formosa plans afoot?
What tim in vermont said @ 6:36 AM
--- and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms [from Ephesians]
How did Paul know what was going on in the heavenly realms?
Also, in regard to classification…
“Mr. Parlatore said the question of whether the documents had been declassified was not relevant because Mr. Trump was being investigated for “willful retention of national defense information” under statutes that did not depend on classification status.”
Sharing information about war planning is a violation of the Espionage Act. The document does not even need to be classified, however the document Trump was discussing was classified.
@Inga, go ahead. Take down Trump. You’ll enjoy Ron DeSantis a Hell of.a lot less.
Inga, I recently noticed that you were back as a full time conspiracy theorist which caused me to wonder if you would now use the blog comments section to apologize for your multiyear, rabid advocacy of lock downs, masks, "vaccines" and school closures during the covidiocy. I'm not sure how much damage you did, given your credibility and proven wide misses on so many other subjects, but an apology could certainly be a first step in getting others on this blog to actually read and consider your posts. What say you?
well if Igna believes it.. It MUST BE True. I mean, she's Never Been Misinformed.. In her Life
The walls are closing in on Trump!
LOL.nah - the left will name sure he faces the Crook again in 2024.
It’s a low energy blog without comments.
MadTownGuy: "Times like these almost make me wish the RNC would manage the crowd of contenders with the efficiency shown by the DNC."
What makes you think the RNC is not managing this crowd of contenders?
Each new entrant requires a team of paid GOPe insider consultants and lots of billionaire donor funded ads which goes a long way to paying off consultant summer homes.
And each new GOPe entrant indicates the GOPe insiders fully believe their democratical allies will "Lawfare" Trump out of the race.
Tell me again, that we live in America, because I just don't believe it anymore. America is gone. Progressives destroyed it.
Inga, you believed everything the press and the Government told you about RUSSIA
They were lying to you.
Your source fails to differentiate between classified (Wholly under control of the President of the United States. Vs Defense intelligence information. Wholly under control of the Commander in Chief.
The mere actions of leaving the White House with any and all documents declassifies documents.
Or to put much more accurately. The Government of the United States lacks constitutional power to Challenge the claims of the outgoing President.
If you are any of your leftist friends have found such power in the constitution, they would be lying, because the Constuttution speaks only to powers of the Three branches. Secret Documents and Classification is an invention of the President of the United States.
Question. Inga.
Why was Trump being recorded?
Kai Akker said,
"Well, no. Better to drag it out some more, in fact. And make sure the trial will be going on next summer, 2024, so the Republican Convention can only nominate Trump when he is actively in the dock being prosecuted for treason against his own country. Or something they can refer to in such terms."
Yeah. That makes more sense. The last time I saw such blind, naked hatred for somebody Jews were involved.
Even though he's out of office. Still a president.
Treasonous Inga passing along the next round of Dem talking points that will be used by the media to distract from Biden's demonstration of his unfitfulness for office - which was caught on video.
We should be hearing the same talking points from America haters Chuck and Gadfly in four...three...two...
Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary/FBI Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "Also, in regard to classification…
“Mr. Parlatore said the question of whether the documents had been declassified was not relevant because Mr. Trump was being investigated for “willful retention of national defense information” under statutes that did not depend on classification status.”
Sharing information about war planning is a violation of the Espionage Act. The document does not even need to be classified, however the document Trump was discussing was classified."
No matter how dumb and gullible and easily misled and just generally ignorant of basic facts conspiracy kook Inga has demonstrated herself to be over the years, she always manages to prove conclusively she is actually more gullible and ignorant than you previously thought possible.
She STILL believes the hoax dossier was "mostly proven true"!
She STILL thinks Trump had Moscow hookers peeing on hotel beds!
This newest hoax will keep Inga busy for at least the next 2 years.
And in 4 years she'll STILL believe it is true.
the media to distract from Biden's demonstration of his unfitfulness for office - which was caught on video
Neverending Handmade Tale
Wars without boders (e.g. ethnic Springs)
Dreams of Herr Mengele
Progressive prices (i.e. capital depletion)
Green blight spread over land and sea
Albinophobia celebrated in gay parade
Social corruption, social dysfunction
Collusion of authority with corporate governance
War of the Worlds
Mandates that cannot be wasted
Political congruence
Diversity, Inequity, Exclusion (DIEversity)
Human rites performed for social, redistributive, clinical, political, criminal, and fair weather progress
iowan2: "The mere actions of leaving the White House with any and all documents declassifies documents."
Wait till Inga hears about Bill Clinton's sock drawer documents and the court ruling about it!
War is the health of the State. Goes double for Deep States.
Quasi-war with Russia is just the opportunity the DS need to consolidate their grip on power.
Every time America gets into a conflict with another power, the ratchet of spying and manipulation is moved a few notches towards full-on Fascism. It has happened before under regimes of both wings of the Permawar Uniparty, and we will watch it unfold in real time.
The Bulwark Retweeted
Will Saletan
One of the nuttiest things about the debt-limit fight was Republicans voting against the bill *because* Democrats were voting for it.
Negative polarization has run amok.
How can Congress unite on anything if one party opposes whatever the other supports?
Conserving Conservatism
Whatever became of those docs joementia had laying around?
No document should be subjected to Bill's sock drawer.
St. Crow take note, screen appropriately:
James Thorp MD
40 sigma surge in Stillbirths aka fetal deaths in Fresno California Hospitals.
Read this leaked email out of CRMC and Clovis Community Hospital in California. Instead of warning expecting mothers not to receive the covid vaccine, they are concerned about how to place a dead baby in a bucket.
Pure evil."
No matter how dumb and gullible and easily misled and just generally ignorant of basic facts conspiracy kook Inga has demonstrated herself to be over the years, she always manages to prove conclusively she is actually more gullible and ignorant than you "previously thought possible.
She STILL believes the hoax dossier was "mostly proven true"!
She STILL thinks Trump had Moscow hookers peeing on hotel beds!
This newest hoax will keep Inga busy for at least the next 2 years.
And in 4 years she'll STILL believe it is true."
At some point, no matter how unbelievably thick you are, you become convinced that the world is indeed round.
Progressives NEVER make any sense....
Ultra Grateful Calvin 🇺🇸🐶🏒 🎶
This is how bad at her job Karine Diversity-Hire is.
"We must kill babies to stop kids in communities from being killed."
Her programming is completely broken.
KJP: "We can't continue to see our kids in communities being killed. We talk about Roe v. Wade, and really making that the law of the land."
Former Vice President Mike Pence will not be charged in the discovery of classified documents at his Indiana home. DOJ never appointed a special counsel for the Pence investigation despite the fact that the classified documents were found in the new Pence family home just outside of Carmel that was not purchased until June 2021. "Back Home Again in Indiana" is the favorite song of Hoosiers but Mikey had to have obtained the documents while living at Number One Observatory Circle NW, Washington, D.C. inside the U.S Naval Observatory complex where Vice Presidents, good and bad, are housed.
Even choir boy Pence receives more jabs from Jabfly vs internationally compromised Joementia.
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