২২ জুন, ২০২৩

"Shame" chant in Congress echoes the "Shame!" chants heard in Wisconsin in 2011.

I want to remind the world that the "shame" chant was a major feature of the Wisconsin protests of 2011 — the so-called "uprising" — as documented on this blog at "Protesters chant 'Shame! Shame!' after Gov. Walker reads the MLK Day proclamation" and "Weary Wisconsin Democrats surprised by late-night vote, rush at the Republicans "pumping their fists and shouting 'Shame!' and 'Cowards!'", and "Next to the meat, concern for the fish... and for fraud... chanting 'shame'... yelling 'Koch suckers!' at a 14-year-old girl... laughing at Andrew Breitbart's 'Go to Hell!'" 

From that last link:

I've clipped out the "Shame!" chant. There's much more on the video I recorded and edited, and the highlights are identified in the post. To hear the voice of Andrew Breitbart, scroll to 3:36.

৪৭টি মন্তব্য:

Kate বলেছেন...

Koch suckers? Classy.

And goat checkers. I sense ... a THEME. (Said in the voice of the teacher in A Christmas Story.)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

There are not enough Fuck-yous for fucking lying liar who lies - Adam Schitt(D-Nazi)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Funny to reminisce about the left's precious obsession with the Kochs.

Now that it's clear as day the DEMOCRAT party is the party of Black Rock, WAR, Thought-crime, Big Pharma, jack-ass hack press(D), and corporate whore.

Sebastian বলেছেন...

They're right. It's a shame Schiffty gets exposed this way. Since he lied in a good cause like a good prog, that isn't supposed to happen.

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

Two movies on one screen.

Schiff repeatedly lied about Trump and Russia and the Dems are okay with it.

We have a President who is both senile and who has been bribed.

The Dems support child mutilation.

2 + 2 = 5. This is from Orwell's "1984." In high school, I had a classmate who would stick his head into classrooms and say that. We all thought it was funny. Now, it's the norm.

Critter বলেছেন...

Sure seems like an action based on narcicism. Is the party obsessed with disinformation really arguing that it is shameful to hold to account someone who knowingly propagated disinformation for four years? Perhaps Republicans should introduce a bill making it illegal to impede the dissemination of disinformation. Call it the Shiff Bill.

wendybar বলেছেন...

Communist psychos on the House floor. https://twitter.com/MonicaCrowley/status/1671668220263034881?s=20

Unknown বলেছেন...

I remember that the constant chant was "this is what democracy looks like." Apparently, disorder is democracy when the favored political party does it.

wendybar বলেছেন...

The Late Great Andrew Breitbart summed it up in one word...WAR!


Michael Fitzgerald বলেছেন...

Comity is dead, murdered in its sleep by Democrat Party members and their supporters. Preston Brooks, a nation turns its angry eyes to you.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

The corrupt Democrat party stick together.

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

Democrats who finger wave at everyone else, and chant shame, are the people who have no shame.

Adam Schiff is a malicious liar. No surprise. They guy represents Hollywood.

And the WI protest, which were really temper tantrums, were ridiculous. The voters elected Scott Walker. Then he survived the bullshit recall. And then was re-elected again.

Shame on the Education Establishment and their greed. Pay part of your health insurance premium like every other tax payer. Put up some money for your retirement like every other tax payer. Big fucking deal.

And for God's sake. PLEASE get over yourselves. The only other industry that kisses it's own ass more the educators is Hollywood. Puke.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

We now know with certainty that Schiff lied though his teeth. Not a single democrat had the integrity to vote for censure. Very disappointing. Shame, indeed.

Michael K বলেছেন...

The LA Times is out today with an article (written by an intern) supporting Schiff and confirming that the Times still believes that <a href="https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2023-06-21/house-republicans-censure-adam-schiff-senate'> the Russians helped Trump in 2016.</a>

<i>Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation into Russian interference did not identify evidence that Trump’s campaign illegally “conspired or coordinated” with Russia though it benefited from Moscow’s efforts.</i>

The intern, of course, is a Yale man.

Wince বলেছেন...

Were they trying to echo Cersei's naked Walk of Shame in Game of Thrones?

Ampersand বলেছেন...

the core of it is here: "Whereas the allegation that President Donald Trump colluded with Russia to interfere in the 2016 Presidential election has been revealed as false by numerous in-depth investigations, including the recent report by Special Counsel John Durham, which documents how the conspiracy theory was invented, funded, and spread by President’s Trump’s political rivals;

Whereas Representative Adam Schiff, who served as ranking minority member and then Chairman of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives (the “Intelligence Committee”), occupied positions of extreme trust, affording him access to sensitive intelligence unavailable to most Members of Congress;

Whereas, for years, Representative Schiff abused this trust by alleging he had evidence of collusion that, as is clear from reports by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz, and Special Counsel Durham, never existed;"

Schiff then stood up and claimed that the censure resolution was "a falsehood".

If it was a falsehood, now is the time for Schiff to explain why.

hombre বলেছেন...

Adam Schiff is an habitual liar, which Democrats applaud and enable during those brief periods when they are not whining.

The government has spent $36 million or so to debunk the Russia, Russia, Russia nonsense that he continues to peddle.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

The “shame” is that the Democrats gave such a despicable individual positions of responsibility in their party and in the People’s House.

But Democrats do not understand the meaning of the word. It is an emotion they do not ever feel.

gspencer বলেছেন...

Odd that the Democrats chant "Shame" since their behavior demonstrates that they have none.

Gunner বলেছেন...

"John Lewis would not like this"

Yes, we know he approved of lying as well to smear his political opponents.

Sydney বলেছেন...

I am disappointed to learn through Google that the only consequence for the censured is shame. That only works if someone is capable of feeling shame. Based on that video, and the last seven years, I would say Democratic politicians in general aren’t capable of feeling shame.

gilbar বলেছেন...

just to Remind You ALL..
When the democrats disrupt proceedings.... It's PATRIOTISM!!
When the republicans disrupt proceedings.. It's SEDITION!!!!

Goldenpause বলেছেন...

I’m skeptical that in 2023 Democrats believe that shame is even possible.

rcocean বলেছেন...

As usual the Center-right misses what's important. "Oh, haha look at those Democrats, how silly". This shows the Democrats have party discipline and they won't throw anyone under the bus (except for breaking the party line).

Meanwhile, the "principled Republicans" are constantly breaking ranks, reaching accross the aisle, attacking each other, and trying to win some sweet MSM Love. They do nothing when you give them power, because they have no party discipline.

The other takeaway, for those who are slow learners, is the Democrats just don't care. They don't care about tradition, "rules", "the rule of law", fairness, ethics, being hypocritical or the good of the country. They want power, the want to use power to implement their agenda, and that's it.

So go ahead and write your 45 page memo to the Liberal/left and Democrats, showing how "unreasonable" they are acting and its against some law or tradition or "They'll be sorry". They.Do.Not.Care.

Greg the Class Traitor বলেছেন...

This looks like an insurrection to me.

Clearly every single shouting person should get the Ashli Rabbit treatment.

Not my rules, not my preferred rules. But I don't get to make the rules, I just get to make sure that everyone plays by the same set

Temujin বলেছেন...

The script doesn't change much. Nor do the tactics.

Rocco বলেছেন...

About 4 minutes in during a lull, a woman can be clearly heard saying "Fight the power!", "Fight the power!"

who-knew বলেছেন...

Interesting that a group of people who promote an entire month of Pride in acts any decent person would be ashamed of (at least based on the evidence of fetish gear, etc. at the pride parades), attempts to shame people who are censuring a shameless liar.

AlbertAnonymous বলেছেন...

They’re children. You can tell by their actions…

Smilin' Jack বলেছেন...

Democracy is degenerating into cacaphonocracy.

PB বলেছেন...

Democrats just love an outragious liar and Schiff is the unrepentant king.

JAORE বলেছেন...

Ought to hear that chant every time Schiff enters the chamber.

Sauce for the goose....

rehajm বলেছেন...

The right thing to do would be to expel Schiff from the House then censure the scumbags refusing order….

…all while impeaching Joe Biden. Uniparty cowards the lot of ‘em are…

mikee বলেছেন...

What was it Pee Wee Herman used to say about rubber and glue, and mean statements?

wildswan বলেছেন...

The penalty for obstructing Congress. Solitary confinement, no bail, six year sentence for insurrection - if you wear the letter of shame - R. No penalties for obstruction if you are on Team D. as we always say: if Team D didn't have a double standard, it wouldn't have any standards at all.

NMObjectivist বলেছেন...

Schiff is the one who should be ashamed and the Democrats who supported him. But the tribes are strong.

So we're reduced to the following:
"Shame on you."
"No, shame on you."

Leland বলেছেন...

I think Republicans should have joined in, making it clear the shame is on Congress for not acting sooner.

Free Manure While You Wait! বলেছেন...

"Democrats throw a 5 minute temper tantrum in the well of the House chamber"

Toddlers all.

Kevin বলেছেন...

I prefer to view this as the Democrats announcing their shame for not doing this themselves.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

If the Democrats actually had a sense of shame Biden wouldn't be president but rather in jail along with Hillary, Bill and a number of DOJ and FBI officials. Noe McCarthy has to do the same with the rest of the House Democrats on that committee.

Iman বলেছেন...

Fuck those Wisconsin lefties!

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

That was all about the Teacher’s Union’s powers. They are a religious cult .

JK Brown বলেছেন...

Ah well, Judeo-Christian is a guilt culture. Islamic and middle school are shame cultures.

That democrats are seeking to use the collectivist shame is telling. But I doubt McCarthy will feel guilt or worry about the group opinion

"Most guilt/innocence cultures are individualist (i.e., Western). We measure everything with the yardstick of right and wrong."

"Honor/shame cultures are generally collectivist. The issue isn’t right or wrong but honorable or dishonorable. Acquiring honor and avoiding shame are the highest goals. Self-expression and fulfillment are less important than group success and honor. Shame comes from failing to fulfill the group’s expectations. Individuals sacrifice for the good of the team, family, village, or country."

source: https://nancylucenay.com/how-to-recognize-different-cultures-guilt-shame-and-fear/

Jim at বলেছেন...

Shameless people screeching 'Shame!!!' Like a bunch of first-graders.

That's today's left. It's all they've got.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"Comity is dead, murdered in its sleep by Democrat Party members and their supporters."

The Republicans killed comity in Washington, and are still kicking the corpse, to make it deader.

Bunkypotatohead বলেছেন...

Schiff will be a Senator after the next election.

Greg the Class Traitor বলেছেন...

Robert Cook said...
The Republicans killed comity in Washington, and are still kicking the corpse, to make it deader.

Yeah, right.

Cookie, you keep projecting that insanity, we'll keep laughing at you