The Justice Department has reached an agreement with Hunter Biden for him to plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax charges and avoid prosecution on a separate gun charge, according to a court filing on Tuesday, moving to close a long-running and politically explosive investigation into the finances, drug use and international business dealings of President Biden’s troubled son.Oh, this will not be enough to end the political pressure! I want to hear more about those "international business dealings."
The NYT clearly knows this. To quote some more:
[I]t would by no means end the superheated politics of the case. Republicans have sought for years to make the case that Hunter Biden committed an array of crimes that should put him behind bars and call into question the honesty of his father.
Coming less than two weeks after the Justice Department indicted former President Donald J. Trump... an agreement that allows Hunter Biden to walk free is also sure to bring a torrent of criticism.... As president, Mr. Trump had long sought to tie Hunter Biden’s business deals and personal troubles to his father....
After his father became vice president, [Hunter Biden] built relationships with wealthy foreigners that brought in millions of dollars, surfacing concerns inside the Obama administration and among government watchdog groups that he was cashing in on his family name.... But the questions about what occurred during that period never led to conduct that prosecutors believed could win them a conviction in court.
In Ukraine, Hunter Biden sat on the board of Burisma, which was led by an oligarch who at the time was under investigation for corruption. He was paid tens of thousands of dollars a months for the position, which he held while his father was vice president and overseeing the Obama administration’s Ukraine policy.
Republicans have also pointed to an equity stake that Hunter Biden took in a Chinese business venture, and to his failed joint venture with a Chinese tycoon who had courted well-connected Americans in both major parties — at one point he gave the younger Mr. Biden a large diamond as a gift — but who was later detained by Chinese authorities....
९८ टिप्पण्या:
sweet deal. Just like Gen Flynn and Carter Page got...Thank God
Right, because there’s one system of justice…
“In the courtroom of honor, the judge pounded his gavel
To show that all’s equal and that the courts are on the level
And that the strings in the books ain’t pulled and persuaded
And that even the nobles get properly handled
Once that the cops have chased after and caught ’em
And that the ladder of law has no top and no bottom”
Most important items in the plea deal are the scope of activities and time periods covered and which would now be immune from any future prosecution. And any exclusions, if any, from that scope - of course, I'm assuming nothing excluded or conditions on the immunity.
“Oh, but you who philosophize disgrace and criticize all fears
Bury the rag deep in your face
For now’s the time for your tears“
And no jail time. Must be great to be a corrupt lying progressive today. We live in upside down world, where you get a slap on the wrist for corruption, as long as you are a progressive.
I wonder what Obama now thinks of his former running mate, Joe Bribe’m.
So I guess gun crimes are no problem compared to tax crimes.
"I want to hear more about those "international business dealings."
You'll need to expand your news sources beyond the NYT. Not intended as snark. Has the NYT reported on the FBI shenanigans hiding the allegations of a $10M bribe to the Bidens and the claim that the (former?) head of Burisma has audio recordings of Hunter and Joe accepting the bribe?
The deal rephrased...
Prosecutor: If you promise to plead guilty to meaningless charges so that the liberal newspapers can crow "See, justice IS equal" we promise to shield you from any real criminal charges.
Hunter: So, if Republicans scream about any other crimes we can sue them for defamation?
Prosecutor: Right.
for willfully not paying taxes - 2017 and 2019 . Just in time for him to say "Immunity" when it comes out in Public how many more millions he reaped and gave the Big Guy a cut, and " The Family" ? Details i want to know - What amount of Penalty dollars does he have to pay ? What amount of interest ? What is his final declarations of income for each of the years covered ?
What is the amount of back taxes is he being charged to pay ? And, how many foreign and domestic enem... I mean Go Fund me pages will be setup to pay all those bills off ?
Asking for a friend.
Oh, but you who philosophize disgrace and criticize all fears
Bury the rag deep in your face
For now's the time for your tears
Or, maybe not.
At least we don't have to pretend laws are applied equally anymore.
For those that don’t know, for two years, Hunter Biden failed to pay $100,000 in taxes on a reported $1.5 million in earned income. For this, he gets a misdemeanor and no jail time. This wasn’t during the pandemic when time were tough, this was 2017 and 2018.
But that is just the IRS tax stuff. How does a regular American get one deal that covers failure to pay taxes, illegal possession of drugs, and illegal possession of a firearm with drugs? Unless the $1.5 million was from his drug running operation, how are those cases related other than the defendant?
I want to hear more about those "international business dealings."
@Althouse, I suggest you check in with commentators such as Inga, Vicki from Pasadena, Mutaman, Freder Frederson, et. al. I believe that you shall find that the Democrats will deny you access to that information on grounds that you have no need to know.
so, this will be what? a $150 dollar fine? will The Big Guy have to chip in $15?
Meanwhile, President Trump will be GOING TO PRISON, for being the President of the United States
i mean, SURE; Hunter was a crack head, that illegally possessed firearms..
BUT; what democrat ISN'T a crack head, that illegally possesses firearms?
If we penalized Hunter, wouldn't we have to imprison EVERY democrat in the country?
Including Inga and gadfly and Mark (and Chuck)??
You mean that the same violation of lying on his application for a handgun that would have landed anybody here in Leavenworth, is pleaded away as a misdemeanor, and throwing a gun in a public trash can, the ill-gotten gun, that would have gotten Donald Trump Jr thrown in prison for life is just, well, poof, it's gone? Without even a public airing of the evidence?
This is why our government has now become an illegitimate government of men, and not of laws. Things like this show it beyond the shadow of a doubt.
The Biden administration recently promulgated and implemented a rule on firearms "stabilizing braces" that suddenly made millions of otherwise law-abiding gun owners vulnerable to felony charges for doing absolutely nothing, except following previously published ATF guidance. But the ATF just did a 180 on that guidance, in a purely political move ordered by the Biden Admin.
And at the same time, the president’s crackhead degenerate offspring gets no jail time for lying on a firearms purchase background check form (ATF Form 4473). And yet, according to almost all Democrats, these background checks are so bloody important that those Democrats insist that they be applied to all gun sales, even between private parties. And yet the consequence-free resolution of the Hunter Biden case shows that they really don’t care about them at all.
This is not how a rule-of-law society behaves. This is a banana republic, without the bananas.
From the top of the form:
"WARNING: The information you provide will be used to determine whether you are prohibited by Federal or State Law from receiving a firearm, or
whether Federal or State Law prohibits the sale or disposition of a firearm to you. Certain violations of the Gun Control Act, 18 U.S.C. § 921 et. seq., are
punishable by up to 15 years imprisonment and/or up to a $250,000 fine. Any person who exports a firearm without a proper authorization from either the
Department of Commerce or the Department of State, as applicable, is subject to a fine of not more than $1,000,000 and up to 20 years imprisonment.
Read the Notices, Instructions, and Definitions on this form. Prepare in original only at the licensed premises (including business
temporarily conducted from a qualifying gun show or event in the same State in which the premises is located) unless the transaction qualifies
under 18 U.S.C. § 922(c)."
General Flynn gets his children threatened for a typo, ruined. Biden gets a slap. Really good to be a democrat with our corrupt DOJ. It must be abolished.
"WARNING: The information you provide will be used to determine whether you are prohibited by Federal or State Law from receiving a firearm, or
whether Federal or State Law prohibits the sale or disposition of a firearm to you. Certain violations of the Gun Control Act, 18 U.S.C. § 921 et. seq., are
punishable by up to 15 years imprisonment and/or up to a $250,000 fine. Any person who exports a firearm without a proper authorization from either the
Department of Commerce or the Department of State, as applicable, is subject to a fine of not more than $1,000,000 and up to 20 years imprisonment.
Read the Notices, Instructions, and Definitions on this form. Prepare in original only at the licensed premises (including business
temporarily conducted from a qualifying gun show or event in the same State in which the premises is located) unless the transaction qualifies
under 18 U.S.C. § 922(c)."
21 g. Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?
Warning: The use or possession of marijuana remains unlawful under Federal law regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized for medicinal or recreational purposes in the state where you reside.
"I certify that my answers in Section B are true, correct, and complete. I have read and understand the Notices, Instructions, and Definitions on ATF Form
4473. I understand that answering “yes” to question 21.a. if I am not the actual transferee/buyer is a crime punishable as a felony under Federal law,
and may also violate State and/or local law. I understand that a person who answers “yes” to any of the questions 21.b. through 21.m. is prohibited from
receiving or possessing a firearm. I understand that a person who answers “yes” to question 21.n.1. is prohibited from receiving or possessing a firearm,
unless the person answers “yes” to question 21.n.2. and provides the documentation required in 26.d. I also understand that making any false oral or
written statement, or exhibiting any false or misrepresented identification with respect to this transaction, is a crime punishable as a felony under Federal
law, and may also violate State and/or local law. I further understand that the repetitive purchase of firearms for the purpose of resale to predominantly
earn a profit without a Federal firearms license is a violation of Federal law."
"Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case."
James Comey (speaking about Hillary Clinton), July 5, 2016
I rest my case.
“ Meade said...
I wonder what Obama now thinks of his former running mate, Joe Bribe’m”
I expect he is thinking corrupt joe is a better crook than he thought. Secretly giving him daps. And talking to him about current deals he can get in on
This was predictable. It’s how corrupt regimes operate.
How much more of corruption from Biden's DoJ, before the Center-Right stops making wry comments, and takes action? Or are they so demoralized and apathetic, they will do nothing?
Funny how Bill Barr and all of GOPe are SILENT on the DoJ corruption. But they will attack Trump and support either explicity (or implicitly) Trump's prosecution. Has Mitt Romney or Mitch McConnell said one word attacking Merrick Garland? I don't think so.
Things get worse and worse as we move to America 2.0. - maybe people will wake up or maybe not. I've got my escape plan, so I'm Ok.
Anyone still saying "No one is above the law!" is not paying attention.
The Democratic Party's expertise in case management is on full display. This is a variation on the well-developed "sue and settle" tactic.
"I wonder what Obama now thinks of his former running mate, Joe Bribe’m."
Have you considered that he brought Joe on because of Joe's singular talent and skills at corruption, to "learn from the best", as it were?
Wait a doggone minute. The NYT says Hunter’s misdemeanors could “ call into question the honesty of his father.”
That’s the funniest thing I’ve read this year. The assumption that Biden has a reputation for honesty is absurd. He is the all time slickest liar ever seen.
A single letter filed by the U.S. Attorney gives a vague explanation of the deal.
The U.S. Attorney has decided that there are two separate cases, one involving taxes and the other involving the gun possession and presumably lying on the gun application.
According to the letter, Biden will plead guilty (or no contest) to the tax case but be given an opportunity to do pretrial diversion on the gun case without having to plead guilty.
This allows Biden to fight the gun case if he fails to complete the drug program. I wonder if there are any perjury counts in the gun case regarding lying on the gun application. The doctrine of res judicata might be used as a shield to keep perjury charges from becoming a problem for him.
As I predicted- a cushy plea agreement with no jail time, which the media can now use to dismiss all the other allegations against Hunter and The Big Guy.
Ben Shapiro
Remember folks, you -- a law abiding citizen owning a gun -- are a danger to the republic. Hunter Biden, a crack addict who lied on gun forms, and whose then-girlfriend threw his gun in a dumpster across from a high school, barely did anything wrong.
9:55 AM · Jun 20, 2023
"tim in vermont said...
You mean that the same violation of lying on his application for a handgun that would have landed anybody here in Leavenworth, is pleaded away as a misdemeanor, and throwing a gun in a public trash can, the ill-gotten gun,"
ot going to find the data again, but we don't enforce the gun laws on the books. why add more to selectively jail folks
number of attempted, but foiled gun purchases: 100,000
Number investigated: 10,000
number referred to Prosecutors: 1,000
number charged: 100
convictions: 12
The clown world of the Justice Department strikes again. The end of the "embarrassment" of Joe Bribem.
Democrats can take their gun control pleas and stick them up their asses now.
Guy Benson
Democrats loudly proclaim their passionate commitment to “gun safety” & “tax fairness.” After an investigation that (inexplicably) dragged on for years, the Biden DOJ has handed a no-jail deal to a repeat tax cheat who also lied on a gun purchase form—whose last name is Biden.
9:58 AM · Jun 20, 2023
If the likely truth comes out that Joe Biden took a $5 million bribe and and $5 mill went to other family members, the consequences should be severe. Biden should resign, Harris as well, because she is obviously the most incompetent VP in modern history, to be replaced by a Gerald Ford like caretaker president and VP. The Bidens should be tried and if convicted sent away for the longest sentences possible. I am sure there is a suitable Club Fed medical facility for the demented Biden where he can serve the rest of his life in shame. And 15-20 for the rest of the most criminal political family Since the Clintons. Harris can be an adjunct professor at Harvard because that's what happens to failed democrat apparatchiks.
How many state laws has he broken and how many local DA's would like to be on cable news every night and make a name for themselves? Asking for a friend.
So how about this from
"Deja Taylor was charged last week with illegally using drugs while owning a firearm and making a false statement about using marijuana when she purchased the gun, court records show. Her son used the weapon to shoot first grade teacher Abby Zwerner in January. [in Newport News]
Taylor, who is also charged in state court in connection with the shooting, could have faced up to 25 years in prison on the federal charges, but Taylor’s attorneys settled with prosecutors on an agreement that calls for and [sic] 18- to 24-month sentence. Sentencing is set for October. [emphasis added].
Meade said...
I wonder what Obama now thinks of his former running mate, Joe Bribe’m.
Probably not much. Barak's too busy trying to convince everyone he's more authentically black than Tim Scott.
Doing the reporting the MSM won't:
"We lack the insight because this money flowed to Joe and Jill Biden by way of two S-corporations that they set up shortly after he left office in 2017, CelticCapri Corp. (his) and Giacoppa Corp. (hers). Despite claims that their tax returns had been released, the truth was that they only released their individual returns — not the upstream S-corporations’ returns. Without those documents, it’s simply impossible to know the sources of this anomalous income. What can be ascertained with basic math is that his dismal book sales could not have yielded that kind of money. "
“This plea deal does have all the makings of an avoidance of any jail time, but more importantly, it was an evasion of the more serious allegations facing Hunter Biden and the Biden family,” Jonathan Turley said.
“This is gonna look like you ticketed the getaway driver after a bank robbery,” he said.
Can't wait for the "Republicans pounce on misdemeanor charges in dishonest attempt to demonstrate favoritism shown to Joe Biden's son by Joe Biden's IRS and DoJ."
can the Arkansas child custody judge cheekly/meekly ask for a peek at the financial details from IRS?
This is like pleading guilty to going 30 in a 25 mph zone when you just ran down 20 people at a Pride parade.
Remember when Cheryl Mills, who was involved pretty plainly in obstruction of justice, with regards to destroying evidence on Hillary's destruction of Federal records, was given both immunity, despite the fact that she didn't give any evidence, and was given the protection of attorney client privilege, despite the fact that she was involved, as Hillary's attorney, in criminal activity?
"With liberty, and Just Us, for all."
The Democrats have seized power, and they are not afraid to use it. All we can do is everything we can to undermine the legitimacy of the regime that controls our government.
But don't worry, they are not lying to you about the war in Ukraine, even though it has been a goal, since the fall of the USSR, to prevent Russia from ever again recovering from its humiliating defeat in the Cold War.
Our first objective is to prevent the re-emergence of a new rival, either on the territory of the former Soviet Union or elsewhere, that poses a threat on the order of that posed formerly by the Soviet Union. This is a dominant consideration underlying the new regional defense strategy and requires that we endeavor to prevent any hostile power from dominating a region whose resources would, under consolidated control, be sufficient to generate global power. - Wolfowitz
So yes, we have been working for thirty years to create this war, intended to weaken Russia, and we have been treated to a firehose of anti-Putin propaganda, even though what Putin does in Russia has nothing to do with us, and charges that he interfered with our election have been shown to be baseless, doesn't matter. What's important is that you hate Putin.
It's like Gell-Mann, the press gets everything wrong on any subject you actually understand by personal experience, but you believe everything else that they say about all other areas. And the most amazing part is how completely the neocons have co-opted the former party of peace, the Democrats, and made them their preferred governing party, the party of war.
If you think that this is like a "banana republic," just remember that those banana republics were run by our own CIA, and this is how the CIA runs governments that it controls.
How many of those people not charged also committed a second crime with the gun?
Two systems of justice on full display. "How do ya like them apples, sucker!"
This judgement falls upon Hunter like the gentle rain from heaven. But consider the extrajudicial aspects. Hunter was unable to accompany Blinken on his recent trip to China. That's a loss of millions to Hunter and his family. Well, he's young yet and everyone deserves a second chance. Perhaps during Biden's second term, he can turn things around.
Here is a recording of Joe Biden assuring his son's paymasters in Ukraine that the FBI investigation into bribery allegations had been shut down. It turned out that the informant sent the information to a Biden partisan in the Department of Just us.
There are many millions of dollars of income in shell corporations controlled by the Bidens, which are not reported in his personal tax return, and for which he has provided no disclosure. The only way we know about these corporations is through the laptop.
"Where's the money?!" - Joe Biden
That wold be a lot more convincing if he had fully disclosed his income.
Here is a recording of Joe Biden assuring his son's paymasters in Ukraine that the FBI investigation into bribery allegations had been shut down. It turned out that the informant sent the information to a Biden partisan in the Department of Just us.
There are many millions of dollars of income in shell corporations controlled by the Bidens, which are not reported in his personal tax return, and for which he has provided no disclosure. The only way we know about these corporations is through the laptop.
"Where's the money?!" - Joe Biden
That wold be a lot more convincing if he had fully disclosed his income.
Well, if the government's primary piece of evidence is a laptop that the government insisted to the public was a piece of Russian disinformation, it does make prosecution of the case a little more difficult.
Obviously that is Trump's fault. Time to move on. RFK Jr. is a nutcase. Gun violence!!
I see three possible outcomes in the mid-term future:
1. We re-elect Donald Trump.
2. We accept the unencumbered rule of the hard left.
3. Violence.
I expect number 2 to win out, but hope for number 1, and will deal with number 3 from a purely defensive position.
No wonder Hunter's baby mama wants Navy Joan to be able to use the Biden last name.
Trump should seek a similar deal from Smith on "his" documents.
Who paid Hunter Biden's 2 million dollar tax bill so that the charges could be swept away?
The funniest part is when his lawyers successfully argue that this is an area where people are seldom prosecuted, which raises the question, who else has ever been prosecuted in circumstances similar to the Mar-a-Lago case, where many many officials have retained documents that were classified, and none were prosecuted.
it seems like the whole case against Trump relies on mind-reading of his intentions with documents which we will never be allowed to see. Or at least we won't see them until Trump has long been dead and buried.
I'm no friend of Hunter Biden, but the gun thing was nonsense. Perhaps it should be a big deal, that's another question, but lying on the gun purchase form simply is not prosecuted for anyone. I am a prohibited gun owner (I do not own one), but I know that lying on the form is not a big deal unless "they" really want to get you.
What a joke! The possibility that this will shield him from other charges related to his bribery and influence peddling is probably the worst thing about this sweetheart deal. But what the heck, you would expect that from your sweetheart. I didn't realize living out my retirement in a banana republic would be so easy, I don't even have to move.
"[I]t would by no means end the superheated politics of the case. Republicans have sought for years to make the case that Hunter Biden committed an array of crimes...."
NYT bullshit. Republicans have "sought" for the corrupt DOJ to do its job.
Is this what it looks like? How does pleading to tax fraud misdemeanors reflect the gravamen of his offenses, particularly the firearms offense?
"The people won't like it."
"Fuck 'em. What're they going to do about it, vote for Trump?"
Joke of the Day:
"Congressional Republicans are livid about Hunter Biden plea deal."
This thread is from a former U.S. Attorney that probably knows what the Hell he's talking about.
Brett L. Tolman
DOJ is violating its own internal policies on this case. The Ashcroft Memo requires they charge the “highest provable offense” and seek consistent sentences with other cases brought by DOJ. This prosecution is an absolute laughable joke. Thousands have been sent to prison for long terms for the same charges.
Kash Patel on May 5: “I believe Hunter Biden will be charged, and soon, but I think they’ll roll it up into what we call this global plea agreement, where he basically gets charged with some Mickey Mouse lower-level offenses, walks into a super light sentence, and then they will cover up the cover-up.”
Almost no one is above the law.
The Biden Justice Department has reached an agreement with Hunter Biden for him to plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax charges and avoid prosecution on a separate gun charge, according to a court filing on Tuesday, moving to close a long-running and politically explosive investigation into the finances, drug use and international business dealings of President Biden’s troubled son.
Got to love the corruption, both by the Biden DoJ, and the NYT, that left out the "Biden" part
Meade said...
I wonder what Obama now thinks of his former running mate, Joe Bribe’m.
I wonder why far-right Margot Cleveland at The Federalist chose to claim that 17 Ukrainian audio tapes held by the FBI prove a Joe Biden bribe claim based upon a wild pitch from Sen. Chuck Grassley on the Senate floor that an FBI form FD-1023 acknowledges possession of tapes. The redacted FD-1023 has already been shown to Congress and that is where the classified information stops, but so far, this is just another MAGA-generated conspiracy.
Meade said...
I wonder what Obama now thinks of his former running mate, Joe Bribe’m.
I wonder why far-right Margot Cleveland at The Federalist chose to claim that 17 Ukrainian audio tapes held by the FBI prove a Joe Biden bribe claim based upon a wild pitch from Sen. Chuck Grassley on the Senate floor that an FBI form FD-1023 acknowledges possession of tapes. The redacted FD-1023 has already been shown to Congress and that is where the classified information stops, but so far, this is just another MAGA-generated conspiracy.
Old and slow said...
I'm no friend of Hunter Biden, but the gun thing was nonsense. Perhaps it should be a big deal, that's another question, but lying on the gun purchase form simply is not prosecuted for anyone. I am a prohibited gun owner (I do not own one), but I know that lying on the form is not a big deal unless "they" really want to get you.
6/20/23, 12:19 PM
Tell that to THIS woman, that William posted previously...
William said...
So how about this from
"Deja Taylor was charged last week with illegally using drugs while owning a firearm and making a false statement about using marijuana when she purchased the gun, court records show. Her son used the weapon to shoot first grade teacher Abby Zwerner in January. [in Newport News]
Taylor, who is also charged in state court in connection with the shooting, could have faced up to 25 years in prison on the federal charges, but Taylor’s attorneys settled with prosecutors on an agreement that calls for and [sic] 18- to 24-month sentence. Sentencing is set for October. [emphasis added].
Jason Whitlock
Good thing Hunter Biden didn't do anything serious like trespass at the Capitol while wearing a moose head.
The thing is, it wasn't just lying on the form, there was a second felony committed with the gun.
"first time tax offenders like this rarely get prosecuted and even rarer to get jail time". Memo to Paul Manafort and Richard Gates.. - Stephan McIntyre
Tucker Carlson
Ep. 5 As in most of the developing world, it's safer to be the president's son than his opponent.
"The redacted FD-1023 has already been shown to Congress and that is where the classified information stops, but so far, this is just another MAGA-generated conspiracy."
"The redacted FD-1023 has already been shown to Congress…"
Key word there being "redacted". Grassley claims to have seen the unredacted document.
"and that is where the classified information stops,"
Every reported I've read has said that FD-1023 is not classified.
@Rabel, embrace the power of 'and.'
With #1, we'll get #3 and likely widespread in large cities and starting the day after the results announced and continuing until the Electoral College votes.
With #2, I think we're likely to get #3 but it will take a while and will start much, much smaller.
Following up on my 10:44 am post, California diversion requires the defendant to plead to the charge but without the sentence being imposed there is no final judgment. So on completion of diversion, the plea is withdrawn and the case is dismissed. But if the diversion is not successfully completed, then the defendant is sentenced and judgment is final. This would be too big a risk for Biden.
Expect the U.S. Attorney to allow Biden to find his own diversion program that won't be doing drug testing. Or if testing is done, expect lax procedures allowing Biden to sneak in someone else's urine.
The bottom line is he'll get a pardon.
“ As president, Mr. Trump had long sought to tie Hunter Biden’s business deals and personal troubles to his father.”
Does the NYT mean that Trump was impeached for overtly pressuring Ukraines president to investigate Bidens son and that sons dealing in Ukraine, which is now the subject of “federal investigation” by a DOJ overseen by the Biden administration ?
You mean that type of corruption?
I can’t believe 4 years ago Trump was being impeached for this stuff; now a watered down version of it is front page news.
Misdemeanor charges to ignore a gun crime. Message received loud and clear.
same law for everybody:
except when prosecutors violate published DoJ standards fir the son of the President.
Blogger Old and slow said...
I'm no friend of Hunter Biden, but the gun thing was nonsense. Perhaps it should be a big deal, that's another question, but lying on the gun purchase form simply is not prosecuted for anyone. I am a prohibited gun owner (I do not own one), but I know that lying on the form is not a big deal unless "they" really want to get you.
6/20/23, 12:19 PM
So which gun crimes do think should not be prosecuted? Should we do away with them, since 'no one' is prosecuted?
To your last point: doesn't that demonstrate that "they" really are not out to get him, perhaps maybe because he is of a protected class? This is the crux of the matter.
"Things get worse and worse as we move to America 2.0"
America 2.0 was the aftermath of the Civil War.
Vivek Ramaswamy
It’s no accident that the farcical Hunter Biden “plea deal” comes right after the Trump indictment: it’s the perfect fig leaf to pretend that “no one is above the law,” while absolutely putting certain people above the law. It’s an Orwellian gesture that gives the news media exactly the level of cover that they needed. Amazing to see how this game is played.
10:34 AM · Jun 20, 2023
"Should we do away with them, since 'no one' is prosecuted?"
The point of those laws is not to keep guns out of the hands of criminals.
Now Hunter can't take the Fifth in an impeachment inquiry.
No special prosecutor in the Trump documents case and no special prosecutor for the Bidens. No discussion of it from either party.
It's amazing how many Dems think this blatant legal double standard is a good thing...and not dummies either, smart people with very expensive and prestigious sheepskins. People who should understand that this is not a good thing at all. Their only moral compass seems to be, whatever makes their political opponents unhappy is the right thing to do and vice versa.
What happened to education? Is it all just TDS?
And speaking of derangement syndromes, KDS is being created in real time right before our eyes.
"Former FBI Director Louis Freeh gave $100,000 to a trust for two of President Biden’s grandchildren as he sought to pursue “some very good and profitable matters” with him, newly surfaced emails revealed Thursday.
Freeh apparently made the gift in April 2016 — when Biden was the outgoing vice president — and shortly before he told Biden’s son Hunter, “I would be delighted to do future work with you,” according to the emails."
If Biden had balls he would pardon Hunter tomorrow. But….
Rules for all or rules for none. Leftists demand rules for some.
Quickest way to rules for none.
Hope this is what you wanted
Hope this is what you had in mind
'Cause this is what you're getting
-Ticks and Leeches
“Equal justice under the law” is and always has been nothing more than a pretty lie told to schoolchildren. It never has been truem but it sure sounds pretty, doesn’t it? Why is anyone surprised by Hillary Clinton or Hunter Biden being given a pass where ordinary people would be facing serious jail time for doing the same things?
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the Chicago way. There ain't no corruption like political corruption.
So explain to me, Madam Law Professor, why should anyone go to law school? It doesn’t matter what the law says, it doesn’t matter what the case Las says itt to only matters who you know and who your Daddy is,
Okay, maybe there still is a need for behind-the-wheel classes to let your graduates safely pursue ambulances. Not much need for anything else, though.
We just need to vote harder next time.
For the DOJs next trick, they will make Dementia Joe’s classified documents problem disappear without a trace.
Does this mean Biden will not seek re-election? Did he cut a deal for himself and Hunter?
I knew this was coming, but I didn't see Hunter walking out of the child-support case looking so happy and dapper. What happened? Mom had him over a barrel, with a wormhole for financial disclosure that far exceeds anything that any other investigative authority has pierced. Was there an under the table payment for millions of dollars? A threat on her and her daughter's life? Both?
Baby Mama looks to have been threatened by the Big Guy's people. (my words, not anybody elses, but WHY??) Why else would she settle for $5,000 instead of more than the $20,000 she was getting, and there is a report that she had to drop using the Biden last name and Sounds too good to be true..for Hunter.
Again...must be nice to be one of the elite Progressives in this country. You can do and say whatever you want with ABSOLUTELY no consequences...EVER!!!
D.D. Driver said...
"How many state laws has he broken and how many local DA's would like to be on cable news every night and make a name for themselves? Asking for a friend."
Why? Are the cops looking for him?
Try not paying your taxes sometime,D.D. Just for fun.
“Good thing Hunter Biden didn't do anything serious like trespass at the Capitol while wearing a moose head.”
You can bet that if anyone protesting on January 6th had done the same they would still be sitting in a cell awaiting trial.
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