"The alleged victim, who can’t be named, insists she did not consent to have sexual contact with a girl.... Bilham was approximately 15 or 16 when she first posed as 'George' online, but 19 when the alleged sexual activity took place.
Whenever the pair met, Bilham, who is from Chester, disguised her long blond hair by keeping her hood up, even when in bed. She wore male clothing and put on a deep voice with a Birmingham accent, the court heard, and always took her alleged victim’s glasses off as soon as they met.
On Thursday, another young woman told the jury she too had met 'George' online in 2021 when 'he' added her on Snapchat.... She told police there was something 'strange' about George that 'I couldn’t put my finger on,' but had no idea he was a girl.... 'I caught a glimpse of him at one point, then my face got pushed away,' she said, explaining that George pushed her away. She considered it 'strange behaviour' and never saw him again...."
'I caught a glimpse of him..." she testified.
How is this happening at the same time we — at least here in America — feel compelled to regard a person who presents as a man to actually be a man? We'd feel socially constrained not to call this "deceiving" or "pretending." I didn't think we could say "posed" or "disguised" or "put on." And yet, in Northern England, it is the basis of a criminal prosecution. Lovers and would-be lovers deceive each other all the time. What deceit deserves criminal prosecution?
Call Bud Light. See if you can monetize your scam
Remember Gayle Mewland?
From news reports in 2015:
Her 25-year-old victim told Chester Crown Court that she had kept the blindfold on during about 10 sexual encounters. She remained blindfolded when the pair were sunbathing together and even when they “watched” a film at her flat. The deception, she said, only ended when she pulled off the blindfold while they were having sex to see her friend Gayle wearing a strap-on prosthetic penis.
Gayle exclaimed: “It’s not what you think.”
Lesbians call it "the disappearing L", as in lesbianism is being wiped out by female-to-male transvestitism and a general reduction in the culturally understoond methods by which lebians have always hooked up (lebian only bars, online dating, etc.).
As this continues, expect to see something rather unusual, more predatory lesbianism. Not two words you would expect to see together, but if you know or have heard anything about the domestic life most lesbians (ahem...) enjoy this shouldn't come as a surprise.
I'm still trying to get past the wearing a hoodie to bed part. I hear the voice of Madeline Kahn as Lili Von Shtupp: "How Womantic".
Unhinged doctrines of victimhood start contradicting.
"Victimhood: the condition of having been hurt, damaged, or made to suffer, especially when you want people to feel sorry for you because of this or use it as an excuse for something"
We may very well be compelled to believe 2+2=5, but it still isn’t true.
The above story is clearly a deception. Should deception not be a criminal act, or does it is the answer ‘it depends’?
Despite the pervasiveness of "sex education," we have young females who can't tell that the person they are in bed with is also female. Does this suggest that the sex educators aren't doing it the right way? Does it suggest that the transgender thing has so thoroughly confused people, with anatomy and gendered pronouns that don't go together, that basic understanding at a biological level no longer exists?
Maybe Matt Walsh should be alerted that he has his next project already lined up: the movie, "What is a Boy?" I'll take a 10% residual for coming up with the concept.
Interesting that this level of catfishing can be criminal. I guess because it involves sex. All those old sex laws are still on the books I presume.
The Birmingham accent was the giveaway.
These themes always come back to Seinfeld. One involved Elaine telling Jerry she had faked her orgasms. Jerry referred to it as sexual perjury. And, of course, Jerry questioned whether Sidra's breasts were real, as surgical enhancements would have ruined to for him. It turns out they were real and... spectacular! So no trans in Seinfeld, but concerns about sexual deception.
These themes always come back to Seinfeld. One involved Elaine telling Jerry she had faked her orgasms. Jerry referred to it as sexual perjury. And, of course, Jerry questioned whether Sidra's breasts were real, as surgical enhancements would have ruined to for him. It turns out they were real and... spectacular! So no trans in Seinfeld, but concerns about sexual deception.
Looking at the pictures of Georgia Bilham, she is way more attractive than I expected. She also isn't claiming to be transgender. So why bring up gender bending as an excuse? She tricked someone with poor vision into lesbian sex under false pretenses.
"We'd feel socially constrained not to call this 'deceiving' or 'pretending.'"
The Emperor's New Clothes kind of missed the whole point, which was the power of the Emperor to make people say whatever he wanted them to say, howsoever ridiculous. The Emperor was not deceived, he was out gaslighting his own people to enforce his dominance and rule. In real life, he would have had a bunch of his operatives at the troll farm frame the kid as a crazy believer in "conspiracy theories," and then the kid would have been disappeared, or at least made invisible, which is how America does it.
This isn’t just with w-f, but also m-w lesbians, or some such. Gay guys tranning to female. It is suggested that this is one reason that their life expectancy is lower - because it turns out to be quite dangerous, sometimes lethal, to pretend to be female, with straight dudes. And you get some straight dudes on the jury, they probably aren’t going to convict their killers.
You gotta grab 'em by the crotch. It's basic common sense.
Trust, but verify.
I e-mailed friends that part of the motive behind new trans activism must be that biological males want things to go a certain way. The whole evening is enjoyable. Perhaps a meal, lots of drugs and/or alcohol, dancing, laughing, touching here and there, then there and there, kissing, everything going extremely well. Eventually the clothes come off, and there is some suspense about what happens if an erect penis suddenly appears on a person of very female affect. Is this a gay who is hoping to win over a straight male? Someone who is bi-curious or something? My friend e-mailed back with a link to the great song "Lola."
This is what happens when you privilege vague concepts of consent to define sex crime.
Obviously, claiming to be younger than you are can result in statutory sex crime charges.
Claiming to not have VD (including AIDS) when you do and know it, can lead to civil or criminal charges.
The defense's claim here is that the nearsighted girlfriend knew she was sleeping with a woman all along. Why the defendant is not claiming that she identifies as a man must be prevented here by her behavior elsewhere. If she posed as a male all the time and had not sent text messages apologizing for the deception, I doubt there would be a case at all.
What's interesting to me is that this is not rape, because British law defines rape "as the non-consensual and intentional penile penetration of the victim's vagina, anus, or mouth by the perpetrator, and that the perpetrator does not have a reasonable belief in the victim's consent." Did the alleged victim consent to having sex with that person?
Reminds me of the Michelob Ultra tag line; "It is only worth it if you enjoy it." Apparently, the sex wasn't enjoyed, so now it is criminal.
Love the Guardian's comedy here: there was something “strange” about George that “I couldn’t put my finger on”. If you had tried to put your finger on it, you would have known.
Unfortunately, the Guardian only gives us a head and shoulder shot of Georgia, so we can't see her full figure. Hiding hair is one thing, but how did she hide her breasts?
Ann Althouse admitted: "How is this happening at the same time we — at least here in America — feel compelled to regard a person who presents as a man to actually be a man?"
Who's "we?"
Ann, if you "feel compelled" to do this, and you submit, then that's on you, Ann. That says nothing about them. It only says something about YOU.
"She told police there was something 'strange' about George that 'I couldn’t put my finger on.'"
She couldn't put her finger on what she couldn't put her finger on: George's dick.
In America, that would make her a transphobe.
How is this happening at the same time we — at least here in America
America is a backwoods, archaic place.. LOOK at the trans laws in Europe NOW
How is this happening at the same time we — at least here in America — feel compelled to regard a person who presents as a man to actually be a man? We'd feel socially constrained not to call this "deceiving" or "pretending."
What do you mean “we,” Professor? Madison is not America. You need to put aside your thoughts about moving elsewhere; Madison has embedded itself so deeply into your attitudes that you have no hope of culturally fitting into a place that isn’t just as extreme.
Lilly's right, this isn't a trans issue. She's a she.
It's a common thing among gay men that their ideal sexual partner is a straight man. Perhaps it's a thing among lesbians, at least some lesbians, that they really want to be with straight women.
When they’re trans they don’t let you grab them by the pussy.
So she wasn't really a man.
I'm not really a single, Texas cattle baron.
The fact that the target was a teenager seems of note.
"How is this happening at the same time we — at least here in America — feel compelled to regard a person who presents as a man to actually be a man?"
"We" feel no such compulsion, whatever. You used to be on this kind of statement like a lawyerly hawk, Althouse.
"What deceit deserves criminal prosecution?"
Golly, I dunno, a trans woman getting a fellow inmate pregnant?
"we — at least here in America — feel compelled to regard a person who presents as a man to actually be a man?"
I know what you're saying, but I think it's important to keep in mind that 65% of Americans do not feel compelled to do so.
I'd give the second girl a break. When she met her, she was under the impression that she was meeting a man so she would naturally say when I saw him. I don't think she was playing the stupid pronoun games that the alphabet mafia is trying to force on us.
Kevin said...
When they’re trans they don’t let you grab them by the pussy.
Space aliens are the same way. You just gotta be quick.
>""Georgia Bilham, 21, is on trial at Chester crown court for 17 sexual offences after allegedly deceiving a teenage girl into sex by pretending to be a boy.""<
Seventeen sexual offences, in a single "alleged sexual activity"?! My god, I'd sure like to know what they all were! I'm an older guy who has been around the block quite a few times but, y'know, it's never too late to learn some new tricks.
If you pose as the opposite sex, it's morally rape. The law should reflect that.
When can a person who consented to sex with X can point to some fact about X that she didn't know and say there was no consent?
It can't be that any sort of fact about X is good enough to nullify consent if the factfinder decides there wouldn't have been sex if the fact had been known.
Are there some categories of fact that are treated like this? Which ones? Is this a special rule for male/female genitalia? Are charges of sexual assault used compel disclosure of a fact some people prefer to keep secret?
Here's an article in The Independent from 2016: "Trans people could 'face rape charges' if they don’t declare sexual history, warns trans activist
'By forcing transgender people to disclose their history to prospective partners the law is not only infringing their human rights it’s also reinforcing the bigoted idea that trans people are in some way abhorrent.'"
"The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) says it will not automatically prosecute trans people for having sex by deception and each case is treated separately. CPS also has guidelines surrounding transgender equality. This has been disputed by LGBT activists who argue ambiguity in the system leaves it open to abuse and personal prejudice. Pervious [sic] cases in the public eye have highlighted these ambiguities. In November 2015, lawyers for Gayle Newland, the young woman jailed for eight years for duping a female lover into thinking she was a man to embark on a sexual relationship, lodged an appeal against her sentence. Legal experts warned at the time that the severity of the jail term created a “dangerous precedent” for transgendered people, pointing out that Newland’s sexual assault jail term was tougher than some given to people convicted of manslaughter or child rape.... “If trans people have to disclose this why shouldn’t everyone? Surely a racist could complain to a judge that he felt used after realising that the woman he slept with had previously had a black partner, or the homophobe object when discovering that his girlfriend had ‘experimented’ with other women at Uni.”"
The victim has to be really, really dumb.
It can't be that any sort of fact about X is good enough to nullify consent if the factfinder decides there wouldn't have been sex if the fact had been known.
HIV / AIDS, but actually that is no longer law either. Still, if you discovered the point was to cause detrimental harm to which you didn't consent, I can understand a nullification for consent. This would be similar in my mind to pretending to be using a condom or being on the pill, if those conditions were part of the consent. However, wanting to just get it on is the level of consent, then get it on. Perhaps if this was the case and no recourse existed to punish on perceived deceit, then people might spend a bit more effort understanding who they plan on having sex.
If they had sex, it is not mentioned in the article, but did Georgia where a strap-on? Otherwise, you may miss the hair (as if men can't have long hair) and breasts (men that thin don't have breasts unless on hormones), but I don't know you miss the penis.
On another level, this situation shows the insanity of forced use of preferred pronouns and maligned use of dead naming.
The alleged perpetrator is named Georgia, but she used a preferred name of George to obtain sex. In order to claim deception, one must ignore George's preference to be a boy when having sex and using the pronoun he/him in public. Otherwise, George is a trans-man, and the Guardian is dead-naming George by writing Georgia and misgendering when claiming "She wore male clothing". Note the alleged victim uses the preferred pronoun when stating "I caught a glimpse of him at one point", which suggests the victim still recognizes the perpetrator as a trans-man.
"How is this happening at the same time we — at least here in America — feel compelled to regard a person who presents as a man to actually be a man?"
I question the word "compelled." What do you think is compelling us Althouse? Outside pressure or personal belief. I think for those that do actually feel compelled it's primarily the former.
Diversity, homophobia, albinophobia, and toxic transgenderism started with homosexuals, it progresses with neo/quasi/pseudo genders, and trans/socials.
She should sue her for fraud, and The Guardian et al for defamation.
There is a form of rape which involves a man pretending to be the lady's lover in the dark.
And it seems ugly indeed for a man to pursue his fetish by giving oral sex to men while convincing them he's a woman.
"Maybe Matt Walsh should be alerted that he has his next project already lined up: the movie, "What is a Boy?" I'll take a 10% residual for coming up with the concept."
You're a bit late.
""How is this happening..."
We're very fortunate that the recent wave of migrants does not contain a great many Englishmen who would have brought their antiquated and repressive sexual biases with them as they barged into our beloved, tolerant country.
Althouse, you can genotype VD.
In case you didn't know.
Or don't keep up.
This surely isn’t the first time you’ve seen this. Google “exposed her penis” (well…be careful) if you really want to see how prevalent this issue is.
This surely isn’t the first time you’ve seen this. Google “exposed her penis” (well…be careful) if you really want to see how prevalent this issue is.
(Sorry if this posted twice. I had an error the first time I hit publish)
All cats are gray in the dark. And caveat emptor if you're looking for a tabby or calico without the lights on.
I'm sorry to be rude to the hostess.
The disfigured minutiae of evidentary rape prosecution chafes my ass.
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