That last sentence is true. The media want to support him. I don't think you have to convince him of that. The extraordinary thing is that he knows he has their support and he still won't even approach a normal amount of contact with them.
৯ মে, ২০২৩
The Washington Post Editorial Board closes in on Biden: "Biden no longer does press conferences. That’s not acceptable."
"Mr. Biden is turning into a news media evader, and it’s harmful to his presidency and the nation.... (A news conference involves the president taking questions from multiple reporters; a one-on-one interview with a handpicked journalist doesn’t count.)
So far in 2023, Mr. Biden has done zero solo news conferences.... It is widely known that Mr. Biden is gaffe-prone and that news conferences are not his forte. But as he runs for a second term, he should be eager to show he can handle all aspects of the job.
Pick up the microphone, Mr. President. The media is not your enemy."
এতে সদস্যতা:
মন্তব্যগুলি পোস্ট করুন (Atom)
৬৪টি মন্তব্য:
They want some news to suppress!
If he goes and she stays, we're f**ked.
Karine Jean-Pierre is doing a heck of a job.
Respectfully; the President has one job. Beat Trump. WaPo won’t disagree with that, when that becomes the binary choice.
It would not be such a critical thing, if the near-certain nominee were not Trump. But that is where we are. Any questions? Ask the Trump dead-enders.
Asa Hutchinson condemned Trump’s behavior today. He is now the GOP candidate I like best. It is not necessary to follow Trump off a cliff.
Good. Keep it up.
Note to the Washington Post: Everyone (including your own reporters) knows you now exist for the sole purpose of propping up the Democratic Party. Why play the charade of objectivity any longer? In the nineteenth century virtually every newspaper in America was closely associated with a political party; many stated that explicitly in their names. Have the courage of your convictions and rename your paper The Washington Post-Democrat — the truth will set both you and us free.
AZ - 11,000
GA - 12,000
WI - 21,000
Those were Biden's margin of victory. If Trump had won those three states, he'd be president right now. I don't buy the notion of some massive, overarching fraud of millions; I think that the fraud was last minute and a lot smaller. Biden legitimately got millions of voters who turned out on the promise that he would somehow be more competent than the Trump admin, and return this country to some sort of "normalcy" after the insanity that the left had put us through for four years. Instead, we've seen nothing but utter incompetence and hard-left stupidity. How many Biden voters in AZ would be willing to stay home this time around, or vote for Trump. How many in GA or WI regret their votes?
Biden is perceived as being more honest and trustworthy than Donald Trump? In which institute for the criminally insane was this poll taken?
We are going to need a bigger Voter Fraud!!!
Orders come down from Barry, Soros,and Davos?
Biden was only made POTUS because he was useful to the liberal/left establishment. If they feel he's too far gone, they will move on to Kam Harris.
Biden, himself, as always been irrelvant. He was there to rubberstamp whatever the liberal/left wants, and let his cabinet members and the Democrats in Congress run the country. That's the beauty of the Democrats. Unlike the R's, they have almost perfect party discipline. Which Democrat is POTUS doesn't really matter.
Time to pretend ther neutral again.
I have to say, if I wanted information about what Joe Biden is going to do, I sure as Hell wouldn't ask Joe Biden. Maybe WaPo should try to figure out who-all is pulling Joe's strings. Somebody is programming that teleprompter.
NOW they care????
The NYPost is making quite a stink that they were denied a press conference seat with room to spare. It's possible the WaPo fears how damaging Biden's fragility looks.
With the legal stink that Trump keeps running into and with the clear dementia Biden exhibits neither deserves the vote of the American people. The Dems are stuck with dragging Biden over the finish line unless something extraordinary happens. Harris will lose to the dog catcher; she is an embarrassment. I have a hard time understanding the hard core Trumpies. They don't seem to understand that Trump has a difficult time with independents and they are the voters who determine the elections. They seem to have blinders on re the realities of electoral politics. Of course they have a point when they say that many of the members of the GOP are weak and in many cases have a hard time identifying their principles and standing up for them when they do identify them. I am very leery of Bobby Jr. I think he's a flake, but I would love to see him force Biden out of the basement and into some kind of verbal confrontation.
The reality is that the lack of press conferences are only an indicator that Biden no longer retains the mental facility to handle them or anything else about the job. Think what that means to the rest of the world, as countries that have long been allied with us drift away because they can see that the US has no one in a position of leadership, just a bunch of flunkies propping up a phantom and doing whatever they wish.
why would you need your mob husk to talk to you? Just pimp the narrative, MSNBC & Wapoo.
The left wing media would so love to annoint a second (Obama) Biden presidency that they threw all in with Russia Collusion and Hunter Laptop lies. Now that Biden is obviously sinking in the polls AND demented AND incompetent in foreign affairs the media realizes they have to ‘pretend’ to be objective or forever lose to Fox News or whatever Elon Musk creates
Where was the Washington Post Editorial Boards during last presidential election??
I'm sorry to write this, because it comes off as paranoid. But I honestly think that whether the charges against Hunter Biden are trivial or serious, whether the origin of "Middle Class Joe's" wealth gets examined deeply or swept under the rug as so much partisan mudslinging, is going to come down to whether the powers behind his presidency think he can win.
If they conclude he cannot, look for President Biden to find himself in the kind of potential trouble where party elders can approach him discreetly, thank him for his service, and tell him it's time to let someone new carry the torch. All the while, the DoJ can brag that it follows the facts wherever they lead, and make recommendations in the name of pure justice, even where their ultimate boss is concerned.
He can run but he can't hide.
Ann Althouse cannot figure out: "But why this editorial now?"
I'll tell you why. But you won't believe me. Are you ready, Ann?
The answer is: Bud Light.
And Trump being convicted of raping a woman he never met, who cannot remember when he raped her. And she admits she didn't scream, just sat there and took it. For 30 years. Until a billionaire paid for her to sue him. And she hates him.
There are barriers, Ann.
Bud Light crossed it.
And so have the Democrats.
You get on the winning team when you see the losers losing. Bud Light is losing. But Trump isn't losing. Today was probably the biggest win he ever had.
At this stage only an idiot or a hack would defend the proposition that Biden is cognitively fit for office.
The House of Representatives has announced a big press release tomorrow on Biden family corruption.
It seems misguided. Biden isn't running anything, and the press questions are stupid anyway.
You'd want his advisors running press conferences if you want to inform the public, and that's assuming the press is interested in that in the first place. What they want is ratings.
So I think they're meaning to sabotage Biden here.
FJB will soon die in his sleep; no autopsy whatsoever. Camel-a will get primaried and whipped soundly by Fill In The Blank. Trump is president.
Who does Post/ABC have in the bullpen?
It does make me suspect their internal polling has them underwater larger than a deficit they are comfortable with when they include cooking the vote…
32% of voters are so committed to the left ideology that they would vote for Stale Cupcake(D). About 30% of the voting public is too ignorant to vote but will vote for whoever they are told to vote for, either by a vote collector or the news media. That is the battle space. The dems have the better ground game. So the right fights over whether Trump should be the nominee. It won't matter if they can't win more of those middle 30. Trump did it once and then lost to vote collectors. Foolish people think a better candidate will make a difference. It won't until the right solves the vote collecting problem.
Joe lies
Joe lies
Joe lies
when he squints
when he squints
He'll tell you what you want to hear, but it's never the truth
He says he wants some unity but it's not with you
You'll never find another geezer like Joe
You'll never want another geezer like Joe
Cause Joe lies
Joe lies
Joe lies
when his lips move
when his lips move
He tells me things are good, but that’s bullshit
He reads he’s an honorable man… off the teleprompter
You’ll never find another geezer like Joe
You’ll never vote for a stuttering, dishonest, malevolent grifting geezer like Joe
Shouldn't be a problem.
As long as he has the questions in advance.. and can read an answer off a teleprompter..
Mr President...Mr President...
Is your plan for the next four years just as good as the last four years?
Or, if possible, even better?
It is widely known that Mr. Biden is gaffe-prone
In other news, water is wet and your dog wants steak.
Watching Pres. Biden live right now as he makes comments about the debt ceiling discussion he just had with Congressional leaders. He sounds terrible. Coughing and weak voiced. Not very confidence inspiring.
WaPoo is worried. Brandon might not even be able to function with his handlers pulling all the stops. And who has been writing Harris' speeches ? ChatGPT?
"Mr. Biden is turning into a news media evader"
Basement Joe is "turning into" an evader?
"The media is not your enemy."
Their carrying water for him is so obvious, it's not even a gaffe.
And they just figured this out?
And they just figured this out?
It’s all play acting. WaPo has its reasons for this editorial but it sure isn’t the ostensible one.
minnesota farm guy: "Of course they [current Trump supporters] have a point when they say that many of the members of the GOP are weak and in many cases have a hard time identifying their principles and standing up for them when they do identify them."
Yeah, those "weak" members of the GOP.......dag gum it, just have a devil of a time "identifying their principles"! Shoot. Heck. Darn it! Boy howdy, if they could just figure it all out everything would be peachy!
Pro-tip: If you have a hard time "identifying" your don't have any principles.
Try to internalize this: The GOPe is 80% aligned with the democraticals across the board and actively works with the deep staters to weaponize the government and attack their own GOP base voters.
McConnell's performance with the IRS vs the tea party and the entirety of the GOPe working with the dems/national security state/media to set Trump up with russia collusion is all the proof any thinking person will never need. Of course, this list on policy and other issues where the GOPe openly betrayed the base is far too long to list in an exhaustive fashion.
Watch Comer's press conference Wednesday morn. He's gonna show the banking records for the family. Seems Biden Inc is a daisy chain of LLCs receiving money from hostile countries. Set up a lot like ACORN was/is shuffling dough on the QT. Looks like the prosecutor Joe fired is gonna have the last laugh too!
With coffee beans to be cancelled in the woke of climate progress, Decaffeinated Joe is a clear and progressive risk to the forward-looking viability of the Fourth Leg that may be amputated for lack of circulation.
Obama was the same way as I recall, went years without doing a press conference, and was a total dick to the sycophants of the Democrat Party media who only wanted the chance to be near him and be acknowledged by him, pathetic obsequious snivelers that they are.
The Bidens have been corrupt for decades. Joe is a serial fabulist, feeble and clearly suffering from dementia. He and his brother and crackhead son sold out our country, and he gave the Taliban billions in military equipment. He basically invited the Russians to invade Ukraine.
And they are fine with all of that.
But, in WaPo Land, they howl.... How DARE HE not talk to WaPo reporters!!!
The Bidens have been corrupt for decades. Joe is a serial fabulist, feeble and clearly suffering from dementia. He and his brother and crackhead son sold out our country, and he gave the Taliban billions in military equipment. He basically invited the Russians to invade Ukraine.
And they are fine with all of that.
But, in WaPo Land, they howl.... How DARE HE not talk to WaPo reporters!!!
"Look Fact.."
Team Juice hoping AI can deliver a more potent potion.
Pres. Biden is "more honest and trustworthy" than Pres. Trump? What a low bar. And yet Biden has been lying constantly for the last 50 years, so I do think he is in fact less honest than Trump.
The majority of Americans think neither man is "honest and trustworthy" How are these two men the frontrunners? Weird.
Press conferences are pseudoevents, and I don't care if they ever have another one again.
What is the point of these things? They're not real events. They don't matter. Professional liars come out and talk and answers questions, and that's supposed to be important. Give me a break. Go do actual reporting.
So 41% of Americans currently believe Biden is honest and trustworthy, and 33% feel the same way about Trump.
Wow, 150 years later, the wisdom of P.T. Barnum still prevails: "There's a sucker born every minute!"
Biden has just reached the point where giving him the cue cards with the pre-approved questions and answers, printed in large print, and an earpiece telling him what to say and do doesn't work any longer. That is why he doesn't do press conferences any longer.
The Democrats have a problem- you can't get rid of Biden on corruption charges. While the Democrats could run a horse against Jesus Christ in the next Presidential election and win with mail-in-voting, they can't win the House that way, and they might not be able to hold the Senate if the stink of having President taking bribes from foreign countries comes out. They need a way to get rid of him that doesn't tar the party at the same time. The best way outside of Biden dying might be to stop barring big name Democrats from running against him. Give Newsom the OK to take Biden out.
At this stage only an idiot or a hack would defend the proposition that Biden is cognitively fit for office
Or a a llr Dick
John Henry
I understand Trump has a problem with "independents." And I understand why. "Independents" have been trained by the media to react with fear and anger to any mention of Trump. The media accuses him of treason, tax evasion, rape; brings court cases against him in NYC and meanwhile suppresses the laptop story and the facts on ballot harvesting in the media venues read by "independents." Biden is competent in the media the "independents: read and Fetterman is doing the job of US Senator. These poorly informed people were once the best-informed in America and thought leaders. Now they're little better than Pavlovian dogs, barking at the sound of the word TRUMP, as they've been trained to do. Yes, they are deciding our elections - they and the ballot harvesters. But we can't run the kind of people the "independents" have been trained to bark in support of. We can't run people who aren't mentally competent like Biden and Fetterman or people who profit while the black community collapses like any Chicago Democrat. Instead, "independents" have to come to understand current reality which Trump actually understands while they do not. Yes, my friends, Trump understood and understands better than you what is going on.
Look, Trump built up the weapons stock being used in the Ukraine; Trump gave us energy independence; Trump warned Europe that Russia would use the oil weapon and warned it to re-arm; Trump warned the media had lost its objectivity; Trump knew we had to rebuild US manufacturing. Meanwhile, you "independents" voted for Biden and Fetterman and de-policing and de-schooling and lockdowns and energy dependence and fentanyl coming across the border. And you still believe in NPR which told you to support all this. Get woke? Please do, "independents."
LLR-democratical and Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck: "Asa Hutchinson condemned Trump’s behavior today. He is now the GOP candidate I like best."
Small wonder, considering Asa supports the radical trans agenda, drag queen story hour for small children, etc.
Which is basically the ONLY things a "republican" has to "come out for" (see what I did there?) to get pro-Lincoln Pedophile Project fanboy Chuck's very strong endorsement.
I shall leave it with you dear readers as to why that might be...and to draw inevitable and obvious conclusions.
"Pick up the microphone, Mr. President. The media is not your enemy."
So say the WaPo editors."
This is the media who groveled at Obamas feet ready to lick them clean. They do the same for Biden. The point being, the real Powers to be don't want Biden to blurt out their REAL agenda, because America is deaf dumb and blind to the tranformation of America that Obama promised,which is happening...and is why it is TRUMP TV 24/7 to keep the ignorant, IGNORANT. They get what they deserve. NOTHING TO SEE HERE!!! I'm glad I am old, and have no offspring to worry about, because I would worry. The poor kids. They didn't sign up for what they are in store for.
Here's something to consider. This is how dumb Brandon voters are. If the democrats had slated Joseph Stalin to run in 2019 we'd be singing the "Internationale" right now. The mouth breathers, many post here, will vote like MSNBC and NPR and the WaPo tell them to.
You'll have noticed that none of the mouth breathers come here to praise anything that Brandon has done as president. They can only whine about Trump. They are taking a victory lap over a Trump loss in a civil court. Mean while Russia fondles it's nukes and China is denying select countrys access to the South China Sea. The countries economy is in ruins. But let's go after Trump. That's much more important.
Biden was born closer to Abraham Lincoln's Presidency than to his own.
Assuming Biden is still running at the NH primary (is it still 1st?), I foresee a really poor performance (even against the likes of Kennedy, Williamson) followed by him dropping out, as happened with Truman '52 and Johnson '68.
They come across as State-run media, not a news organization dedicated to facts and truth.
As I wrote here years ago, Joe Biden has dementia. Address this issue, WaPo. Or explain what you see that everyone else does not know about, to demonstrate he does not have ever-increasing senility of one sort or another.
God bless the angry, abused old man. And curse his wife. Nobody his age and with his mental problems should be put through this sort of torture.
"Mr. Biden is turning into a news media evader ..."
What do they mean "turning into"? This guy's evasion of the media and the American people in the midst of his campaign was so pervasive that we got a new word or phrase out if it - "calling a lid."
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