["Notorious"] was first used in the 16th century with the neutral meaning "well or widely known," but very early it came to be used with nouns of unsavory meaning—one of the earliest uses is the combination "notorious sinners." Frequent use with nouns of this kind colored the subsequent use of the word with a pejorative connotation, leading to the word's most frequently used sense, "widely and unfavorably known."
… Charlie Gasko turned out to be James "Whitey" Bulger, the notorious Boston gangster, and longtime fugitive who is now in prison serving two lifetime sentences. — Lesley Stahl, speaking on CBS, 10 July 2016Although notorious is always pejorative when linked with a noun for an undesirable person, there are instances when the word is applied to people in a playful or witty way....
In the judicial context, we naturally think of "The Notorious RBG" — a nickname for Ruth Bader Ginsberg (based on the name of the rapper The Notorious B.I.G."). I still hear negativity, and I think the Hunter's lawyer is attempting to smear the reputation of the child who might come into existence, the girl named Navy Biden.
I must say I don't think it's in the child's interest to change her last name from the last name of the mother, with whom she lives, and to draw even more attention to what we already know, that the girl is Hunter Biden's daughter. Do we want the little girl deferred to? Given special treatment? Secret Service protection? It's too much pressure. Let her be low profile. Let her develop her own identity and be as independent as possible.
६९ टिप्पण्या:
But for this little girl, this thing is funny.
Hunter is the smartest guy Joe knows.
All I can say to Hunter is: How was your time in Lunden?
Yes, I'm certain Hunter's lawyers are most concerned about the well being of the child.
They don't want some hillbilly stripper child in Arkansas running around with the Biden name. They don't want her recognized as part of the family at all. That's the concern.
If Hunter were concerned about the well being of the child, he would set up a financial trust for her and tell his dad to invite her to spend time with the other grandchildren. Denying someone's existence pubilicly is not in *their* best interest.
This defense that the Biden name would “rob the child of his peaceful existence” may be the stupidest I’ve ever heard anywhere. The name Biden is now and forever attached to this kid. I’d say Hunter just lost his case with this idiotic stance but who knows, in today’s justice world it’s all about the refs and their biases and not about the law or logic. Every case is OJ redux now.
I don’t follow a whole lot of Hunter Biden news.
What I heard a day ago was that the original, agreed support agreement had Hunter paying $20,000 a month. That was per a Fox News report. Hunter is seeking a modification of that amount. Which, by the way, Hunter has been paying faithfully in accordance with the agreement.
Not much of a “deadbeat dad” is he, Mr. Toobin?
wait wait wait ... we were told that Hunter's child with a stripper was Russian dis-information... ... from Moscow.
If the Bidens were Republicans, there'd already be a movie in development--with an automatic green light after casting--about the mother and daughter's struggle to get what's rightfully theirs. And the Bidens would be every bit the conscienceless Machiavellians seen in movies like Philadelphia and The Verdict.
The traditional prefix for the illegitimate offspring of royalty is "Fitz-", such as Fitzroy. Fitz is also derived from the proto-Indo-European word for "to suck."
How about Fitz-Biden?
Honor, respect, and no notoriety here! ;)
I agree with Mr. Langdon, but for different reasons. Keeping the child from being named a "Biden" is the surest and best way of keeping her grandad from showering with her.
It doesn't get more "best interests of the child" than that.
Let her develop her own identity and to be as independent as possible.
It seems like strong advice but when there's asymmetry of its application it the person saying it is just a panderer...
Let’s go Brandon!
Biden's hack lawyers: We care about the best interests of the child.
Biden's hack lawyers: Hunter should not have to pay so much for the child.
It's too much pressure. Let her be low profile. Let her develop her own identity and to be as independent as possible.
4 year olds can choose their gender. They should be able to choose their last name. It is stupid to let them suffer with the identity assigned to them at birth.
After all this time it is heartwarming that Hunter is so concerned with the child’s welfare that he is paying lawyers $850 per hour to argue the fine points of what her name should be.
Hunter says, Bury the kid and keep her hands off my money.
As long as Hunter pays up. And his goon father should ACKNOWLEDGE her, instead of telling the rest of us that all children belong to all of us, while he pretends she doesn't exist. I wouldn't want my kid to have that nasty name. She will be considered a liar right from the start with that name.
...and the astonishing- nay, unnatural- perfect correlation continues: the best, most responsible, sensical, practical, most intelligent solution to any problem is the outcome that will most help Democrats in the next election. Amazing...
I suspect dump truck loads of Biden corruptocrat money will not be in the best interest of the child, either...
See Inga's comment from a few days ago. She had it exactly right. The Bidens (including the Big Guy) should embrace this little granddaughter. It is not her fault she was sired by the son of POTUS.
Instead, they treat their pets better than their granddaughter (see Christmas stocking story).
Of course this story completely fits with my long-time belief, asserted here often, that Smilin' Joe is stupid, empty, and vicious.
Okay, so on the one hand, this child through her mother should not be allowed to identify as a Biden, the last name of her biological father.
Yet, a child alone should be allowed to identify as the opposite sex and without her parents consent to surgery that will sterilize him or her for life?
Navy is the granddaughter of a President of the United States. Why should she be denied access to one of the most exclusive clubs in the world? There is no normal life for this child; her money-grubbing parents have seen to that. Let her enjoy a benefit.
What we want is irrelevant. She is entitled to carry her father's last name if her custodial parent wants her to have it. The judge need look no further than the genetic test for her decision.
A tale of Pro-Choice mothers, socially liberal fathers, social progress, and the babies, children trapped in their wake.
Let her develop her own identity
Her identity is predetermined. She is the daughter of Hunter Biden and denying her the right to use the name is a deliberate insult, especially given her treatment by the Biden family so far.
and to be as independent as possible.
She is not independent, legally she is dependent on her mother and father, and will be until the age of 18 or a judge's emancipation ruling.
Is this the new face of Humble Bragging?
In a more routine situation, Lunden Roberts would not have had difficulty putting Hunter on the birth certificate as Navy's father and Biden as the preferred last name. Hunter fought to conceal his paternity. He doesn't get to argue it's too late now to change the name.
I read the NYT article. This story somewhat parallels that of the Carroll case, although clearly the mother has the more substantial case.....I get the impression that the mother is a bit of a gold digger. The article states that Hunter has been paying $20,000 a month for child support. He probably can afford more, but it's still a tidy sum. Maybe he should just offer her a few million more and an NDA. The mother probably feels that silence is golden.....I think the case is more about politics than child support or the child's best interests. I also think the Carroll case is more about politics than it is about rape, and that Carroll's motives are also somewhat pecuniary. In both cases their legal fees are being funded by party donors. No woman ever went broke accusing a Republican of sexual misconduct. Carroll will probably end up richer and celebrated. The Biden mother might pick up a few bucks, but she won't be celebrated as some kind of champion of woman's rights. She won't be sitting for an in depth interview with Oprah about her brave struggles during this ordeal.
So at what age should the child be able to make that decision? About the same age that it's being argued by some that children should be able to have sex change operations and take hormone blockers? IIRC, some argue as early as 4 or 5. Then she may qualify already to make her own decision.
LLR-democratical and Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck comes out swinging in defense of Corruptocrat Dear Leader's addled son and against a 4 year old innocent girl.
It could not be a more on-brand performance by our LLR-democratical, could it?
The only remaining question now is how long it will take for lonejustice to pop in with a totally "spontaneous" and "independently" conceived similar hot take....
You have to look at this from Hunter's perspective.
Twenty grand a month buys a lot of crack.
If Trump was not the candidate opposing Joe Biden would this story be in the news. Probably not. Let me explain, if it’s not obvious. The story of a president of the United States son as a dead beat dad is not comparable to any of notorious stories about Donald Trump.
There are 6 other Biden grandchildren. Should they not be Bidens either, for the sake of their independence?
Although I don't agree with the rationale, I do agree that changing her last name to Biden would make the kid's life a lot tougher. And with Navy for a first name she's going to have it tough enough.
Young women these days need counseling when it comes to naming children.
At some point I think the little girl should be able to decide what last name she wants. And I almost sort of question if she can even be legally prevented from claiming the Biden last name, but really don’t know the law on this… seems weird that anything would even exist on the books about not being able to keep the paternal name unless it’s hearkening back to some medieval common law stuff about bastards of royalty and nobles.
The Solomonic approach would be for Navy to retain the Lunden last name until she is of age to make the decision to be Navy Lunden, Navy Biden or Navy Lunden-Biden.
And then she’ll marry and it’ll possibly be moot!
“See Inga's comment from a few days ago. She had it exactly right. The Bidens (including the Big Guy) should embrace this little granddaughter. It is not her fault she was sired by the son of POTUS.”
Indeed and thanks for the mention. This child will benefit from the Biden name, she IS the daughter of a Biden, and she shouldn’t be cut out of the family. When she’s applying to colleges one day, the Biden name and that she is the granddaughter of a former POTUS, right or wrong, will open doors for her, this is the way it is. What sort of father tries to prevent his child from carrying his name? What a POS Hunter Biden is. The rest of the Biden’s should be ashamed.
"What we want is irrelevant. She is entitled to carry her father's last name if her custodial parent wants her to have it."
We are told that the relevant law here, for *changing* the child's name, is the best interest of the child. If that is so, than you are just plain wrong, because you're applying the wrong legal standard. There's no entitlement here because she already has a legal name. She's trying to do a name *change.*
I'm astonished that Hunter did not have his lawyers argue for gender affirming care for the child. That's what his father the President is advocating for, pushing every department of government to support and enforce against parents' wishes. Why the kid glove treatment for Navy Veteran Biden-Roberts? Why did she choose that middle name?
The Bidens continue to make themselves look like asses. The mother has full custody, so it is entirely up to her to choose what last name she wants for her daughter. If the daughter doesn't like it, she can change it when she is 18 years old, or convince her mother to allow a change before then. Unlike cutting off a dick and balls, or breasts, a name isn't a permanent change.
If the concerns about developing her own identity and being as independent as possible were a persuasive basis for not using her father's surname, those concerns would be at least as compelling for the children of celebrities generally. If your parents are celebs with surnames like Kennedy, Kardashian or Bush, your future can't be independent from your lineage. I recall that the children of atomic spies Ethel and Julius Rosenberg took new surnames. If a surname will expose you to shame and ridicule, I suppose a surname change would be justifiable. Is that where we are with the Biden surname?
The very public attempt to prevent the use of the irresponsible father's surname has already guaranteed the child a sort of lifelong notoriety. And a judicial order prohibiting her from using the surname of her father will be perceived as an acknowledgment that, as an illegitimate child, her claims to membership in the Biden family are illegitimate. It as as if the court were granting Hunter Biden the right to preemptively divorce his child before he has even gotten to know her. These Bidens appear to me to be nasty people. Something in me recoils from allowing nasty people to get what their nastiness compels them to seek. I fear that that there will be no good outcome for this child, regardless of the court's decision.
I'm assuming the mother named the child after the father, knavey Biden.
Who she is, is a child whose father, grandparents, and other family members have rejected. That damage is already done, and it is shocking that she is not included in the family on equal footing with the other grandchildren, including the privilege of access to the White House.
What kind of sick family rejects a four-year-old grandchild? And imagine how this would play if she were the daughter of a black mother, rather than easily disposable "white trash."
MayBee said...
"They don't want some hillbilly stripper child in Arkansas running around with the Biden name. "
Funny, I learned for a post by Jonathan Turley, that:
"Yes, Roberts was an exotic dancer. She used that job to go to one of the most expensive colleges in the country, George Washington University where I teach. When she became pregnant, she decided to have her child and raise her on her own. She has raised this child without a father and fought one of the most powerful families in the world.
"When Navy Joan is older, there is every reason for her to be proud of the struggle that her mother went through in seeking a college education and raising her against all odds."
From Fox New:
"A former stripper at the Mpire Gentlemen's Club in Washington, D.C., Roberts had a brief affair with Hunter Biden about five years ago that resulted in a pregnancy, not long after he ended a torrid affair with Hallie Biden, the widow of his brother, Beau Biden. "
If there is "white trash" in this story, it is the Bidens.
And by today's social media standard of men should not date younger women, the 21 yr age difference, she being only ~27 at the time, it is grooming and pedophilia.
I'm going to also add my appreciation for Inga on this. It's absolutely spot on.
First, good for the mother to not abort their child. Second, bad for the father et al to socially, if not legally, distance from their child.
"The notoriety would no doubt rob this child of peaceful existence."
Would Hunter like to change his last name during this time of notoriety?
If not, why not?
Since "Nobody fucks with a Biden" I'd have to say the name change will be in her best interests.
Also, it appears that the decision about whether or not the name change is in the best interests of the child (when contested by one parent) rests entirely on the subjective opinion of the judge in the case.
JK Brown said...
Funny, I learned for a post by Jonathan Turley …
Haha. In my comment at 9:11, I wrote “Toobin,” intending “Turley.” Oh well. Freudian. Maybe.
This whole thing is disgusting on many levels, almost entirely on the behavior of the Bidens.
Let's give Joe Biden the benefit of the doubt that he can't control Hunter. He and his wife are still disowning and disavowing an "illegitimate" grandchild, publicly and repeatedly. They are about as rich and powerful as you can get. To disown in this way is to treat the child as not having worth to them.
Biden won’t acknowledge his granddaughter.
He’s a piece of shit. Hunter is a piece of shit. Jill is a piece of shit. Ashley is a piece of shit.
If they don’t want the mother to change the name, then pay her. That’s how it works.
Cheap pieces of shit.
The idea that having the last name Biden and being the acknowledged granddaughter of POTUS does not open up all sorts of opportunities in our “power” centers is ludicrous on its face. What exactly has Chelsea done for her opportunities, worked her way up the trenches??? Come on, seriously. I mean seriously.
Is Joe Biden still claiming to be Catholic? What a way to witness your faith, by disowning a child. A pillar of virtue, that one.
The positions of both parents seem more than a bit contorted on the issue of changing her last name. Navy needs a guardian ad litem.
I get the impression that the mother is a bit of a gold digger. The article states that Hunter has been paying $20,000 a month for child support. He probably can afford more, but it's still a tidy sum.
Well I get the impression you are not aware of the facts. Yes Hunter is paying $20K per month per a prior agreement, but Hunter asked for this hearing in order to REDUCE his child support, pleading poverty. But his lawyers redacted all names and amounts on his income statements and the judge is now tired of asking for the proof Hunter is in fact impoverished. To add insult to stupidity, Hunter decided this hearing was also the best venue to introduce his objection to the Biden name being sullied by association with a baby in Arkansas instead of the fine upstanding band of grifters clustered on the Eastern seaboard.
Now that you have the facts of the hearing assembled for you, is your impression still that the mother is a gold digger, and if so, why? Is child support considered a gold mine where you're from?
For some reason all of this reminds me of Captains and the Kings, by Taylor Caldwell.
Mr Wibble said...
Bottom line: what the hell are Hunter and his lawyers thinking, as this is unlikely to do anything but blow up in his face?
Unless there are other women out there with potential claims against Hunter?
A scorched-earth threat meant to deter?
Which also goes to the much vaunted "reproductive freedom" that Joe Biden extols.
Clearly, by their actions, the Bidens would have preferred this child were aborted.
But in this context, how much reproductive freedom does a woman truly have to choose if by not choosing abortion means you'll incur the wrath and retribution of a powerful family?
Hunter again reminds everyone that he is the same vile disgusting pig his old man and the rest of that family are. What garbage people they are. Don't even have the ethics to admit this child is one of theirs. What a waste of humanity they all are.
Hunter again reminds everyone that he is the same vile disgusting pig his old man and the rest of that family are. What garbage people they are. Don't even have the ethics to admit this child is one of theirs. What a waste of humanity they all are.
Inga: "What sort of father tries to prevent his child from carrying his name? What a POS Hunter Biden is. The rest of the Biden’s should be ashamed."
Indeed, the Bidens SHOULD be ashamed. But they are not. Which just goes to show how abnormally shameless they are. They are creepy, awful people, in every way. Dishonest, corrupt, sexually deviant, and shameless.
So why do people vote for Creepy Joe?
JK Brown- I was saying what I imagine the Bidens were thinking. Not me.
Inga said...
“See Inga's comment from a few days ago. She had it exactly right. The Bidens (including the Big Guy) should embrace this little granddaughter. It is not her fault she was sired by the son of POTUS.”
Indeed and thanks for the mention. This child will benefit from the Biden name, she IS the daughter of a Biden, and she shouldn’t be cut out of the family. When she’s applying to colleges one day, the Biden name and that she is the granddaughter of a former POTUS, right or wrong, will open doors for her, this is the way it is. What sort of father tries to prevent his child from carrying his name?
I agree completely, Inga. This is an excellent point.
$240K for child support is pretty rich. Now I'm wondering if this whole deal about using the Biden name is about leveraging access to the Biden Family Empire, just a tiny slice if you please sir, because as anyone can see, I'm family.
How about 1%, for the Little Squirt? Is that what this is really about?
"The child should have the opportunity for input at a time when the disparagement of the Biden name is not at its height," Langdon said"
The child should have the same opportunity to make money off the Biden name that her father has had over the past couple of decades.
However, I disagree that the "disparagement of the Biden name" is at its "height". As more and more information is revealed, I can disparage the name even further and I expect most critical thinking people can do the same.
You never know how low the Biden family can go!
The kid is probably better off without the Biden name as they are a family of corrupt individuals who have betrayed this country. Only Gore Vidal could love Aaron Burr but it is amusing that the Biden trash makes this argument. Let the kid decided herself when she is an adult.
“So why do people vote for Creepy Joe?”
Because sadly, we have to consider the alternative.
“$240K for child support is pretty rich. “
As every man whose spouse has gotten young guy horny and power seeking knows, the amount of support is dictated by law as a percentage of income. So the ex gets a fixed percent, If you want a better deal, get a pre nuptial agreement in advance. If you are a stupid billionaire you could pay 40 million in child support. Get high priced legal advice guys. It will save a lot of money.
The Bidens have way more than enough money to have bought and paid for the kid to be taken care of for life and Mom to be shut up.
They handled this the same way they handle everything--"Let's get through this news cycle and it will blow over" and "someone else is going to pay for this."
Remember--after everything that we all know about Hunter Biden--and it is a near certainty that we don't know the really sordid stuff--Joe Biden brought him to Ireland and presented him as a public representative of our country. Last month!
Hunter should be quietly confined to an exclusive rehab center in Switzerland, and never heard from or about until 20 years from now, when he does a retrospective media tour.
But the Bidens are so absolutely impervious that they neither notice nor care that they are making themselves the gold standard of political trash.
BTW--did any of the major media cover Biden's calling a Muslim heckler "Boy" the other day?
Feminists would wish the child aborted, masculinists, too, or social distancing, and social progressives would advise gender-care from the bottom up. Splooge stooges, unite!
If my last name were Biden, I would be in court to change it to a different family surname. Maybe great-great grandparents. As long as it wasn’t Biden.
Supposedly when asked about his future plans while in college Oscar Wilde said "I will be famous or failing in that notorious." The Bidens have behaved shamefully in the way they treat Hunter's child. And why is Jonathon Turley's writing in the last few days the first I've heard that the woman involved was a student at Georgetown University. It changes the whole tone of the thing.
Having read his column, Chuck, where did Turley call Hunter "deadbeat"? I did not see him refer to him as one once, but maybe I missed it. I only searched for the word and found 3 matches, zero have to do with Hunter directly.
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