"And according to polling, no other Republican is even close. That man you were so upset to hear from last night, he may be president of the United States in less than two years. And that audience that upset you, that's a sampling of about half the country. They are your family member, your neighbors, and they are voting.... Maybe you've been enjoying not hearing from him thinking it can't happen again. Some investigation is going to stop him. Well, it hasn't so far. So if last night showed anything, it showed it can happen again. It is happening again. He hasn't changed, and he is running hard.
You have every right to be outraged today and angry and never watch this network again. But do you think staying in your silo and only listening to people you agree with is going to make that person go away?"
ADDED: And here's what Trump saw fit to post at Truth Social:
AND: Just after he passed along that humor, he put up this very serious ad, which makes it crushingly clear how vulnerable Biden is to Trump:
৬২টি মন্তব্য:
It’s so bad on the Left now they don’t even want to acknowledge we on the right exist. Well, we do and we’re seething; mad as hell.
The vulgarity taboo has been removed from domestic politics. Will international relations be next?
"The man you were so disturbed to hear from last night . . . You have every right to be outraged today"
It's telling, isn't it--the blithe assumption that his audience is all-prog and that of course all PC people are "outraged."
Of course, we deplorables assume progs calculate, and that with Trump they calculate that, being a clown who is reviled by all nice people, he's their weakest and therefore best opponent, so that it serves their interest to boost his stature. CNN did that. But sometimes one wonders, when progs start emoting about the horrors of the orange man.
That's a decent rip-off of Hal Riney's "Morning in America" spot for Reagan.
May as well steal from the best.
1. Trump is no Reagan.
2. Biden's not Biden anymore.
3. Anderson Cooper remains an ass.
Anderson Cooper: "But do you think staying in your silo and only listening to people you agree with is going to make that person go away?"
Not sure what he's suggesting, but it involves screaming at people who dare to disagree, or launching a new round of Antifa protests, he probably is fine with that...but those things won't make Trump (I dare to use his name) go away. Contrariwise, the DNC probably doesn't want Trump to go away. He's their best choice for ginning up enough anger with the base and convincing the undecided to vote for anyone but him.
Trump was POTUS for 4 years. He gave us peace and prosperity. The Liberal/left screeched "Fascism is upon us" "He's a Nazi!!!" for 4 years.
And nothing bad happened. So, what's all this Scary crap about "It could Happen again"?
Are liberal/leftists insane? Or are they just willing to lie in the most shameless way possible?
As stated above, CNN's Anderson Cooper seems to assume only Liberal/leftist who hate Trump watch his show. And they're all upset.
Does this mean Cooper no longer considers CNN or himself engaged in objective journalism?
The left will try to turn that snippet of the drag queen into Trump's Willy Horton.
“1. Trump is no Reagan”
I know this is painful for my never-Trump brothers and sisters to hear but even Reagan wasn’t Reagan.
Unfortunately, Clinton really was Clinton, Bush really was Bush, and Obama certainly was Obama.
Fortunately (or unfortunately), Trump really is Trump. He might not be who you want. He might not even be sufficient.
But in your heart of hearts, you know that he’s right.
Donald Trump
He's our man
Biden belongs in the garbage can
Trump is good when he isn't shitting on DeSantis.
Hopefully he'll keep it up.
@Althouse, why do you care? You were proud to inform us in November 2020 that you had not voted, meaning, obviously, that you didn't much care which man won. So why do you care which man wins this time around?
That man you were so upset to hear from last night, he may be president of the United States in less than two years. And that audience that upset you, that's a sampling of about half the country. They are your family member, your neighbors, and they are voting....
Looking at the polls, right now Joe Biden's floor seems to be a solid 31%, so "that audience that upset you" is more like 60% of the voting population, if not even higher. And you're damned right the normies that Anderson Cooper and his fellow Progs hate so much are going to vote!
Because Joe Biden isn't finished! Remember when it was some sort of conspiracy theory that the Biden administration is coming for our gas stoves? Well, turns out that yet another "conspiracy theory" was absolutely correct -- they really are coming for our gas stoves, and on top of that, now they also want us to start buying dishwashers that won't use enough water to, you know, clean the dishes.
But there's a risk that Anderson Cooper isn't seeing. If CNN viewers exit their silos and start exposing themselves to other viewpoints, what if a few of them start being persuaded by those other viewpoints? Nah, that's just crazy talk.
1. Trump is no Reagan.
For better and for worse.
Terrific ad.
But this is just the start.
The differences between the two men will only grow more stark in the next 18 months.
Well. I would say, "Fuck Anderson Cooper". Except, you probably shouldn't fuck Anderson Cooper. He's likely got sexually transmitted diseases.
Anderson is upset that his show was preempted for the Trump town hall, which pulled in way more viewers that Anderson could have managed. Up till this it's been CNN pundits going: "Haw! Haw! That moron from Queens really screwed the pooch this time! The walls a closing in for sure! We got him now!" all day long.
I had avoided Truth Social until tonight. Congratulations Prof, you made me look.
Cooper more honest when joking about T-nagging. Speak to what you know.
Oh! Almost forgot. What happened in Texas a couple years back, in February 2021? The power crisis and blackouts? That freeze to death in the dark shit? Under new power plant regulations proposed by Biden’s EPA we can expect that to become a routine occurrence in the future everywhere throughout the country.
One thing the left doesn't realize is that most of the right now understands that political trials and a state controlled press are now part of American politics. Charges brought or verdicts obtained by Alvin Bragg and his ilk, don't suggest to us that someone is guilty; they suggest someone is on the right and making trouble for the Monster State.
Trump is THE MASTER BLASTER and it is just fantastic to see the meltdown!
Remember those "Hate has no place" signs on all the progressive lawns? What they forget to include was "Except for those MAGA Republicans. Then it's open season." They says Trump is an evil man and must be stopped by any means necessary. No, Trump has his faults, many faults. But, his policies were good for America. Unlike, Demented Joe, whose sole goal in life it to make America poor again.
The progressives in their unreasoning hate, can't see that. So they turn to slander and riots to undermine the very fabric of this country. Neobarbarians all.
Anderson Cooper should enjoy having a second asshole.
I don't believe Biden is vulnerable to Trump. I'll again vote Biden over Trump in a heartbeat. Not over any other GOP nominee under 70.
Nice! Anderson giving their regular 100,000 viewers in the prime demo permission to switch CNN off forever because 3000% more people tuned in on Wednesday night. What an idiot. And thanks to a link on Althouse I paid my first visit to Truth social. Cool.
It won't be Biden. It will be someone wonderful, they will tell us, with a track record so obscure that he or she could be anything. Trump vs. a chimera. Bad Orange Man vs. a wonderful future for everyone.
About the CNN townhall--why did CNN not attack him with the questions a Republican should ask? He appointed Fauci. Why? H appointed Wray. Why? He appointed Wray. Why? He appointed Bircx. Why? He approved trillions is government payouts. Why? He kicked lockdowns to the states rather than fighing them. Why? He appointed Milley. Why?
rcocean said...
Trump was POTUS for 4 years. He gave us peace and prosperity. The Liberal/left screeched "Fascism is upon us" "He's a Nazi!!!" for 4 years.
And nothing bad happened. So, what's all this Scary crap about "It could Happen again"?
Are liberal/leftists insane? Or are they just willing to lie in the most shameless way possible?
5/12/23, 7:28 PM
Meade said...
“1. Trump is no Reagan”
I know this is painful for my never-Trump brothers and sisters to hear but even Reagan wasn’t Reagan.
Unfortunately, Clinton really was Clinton, Bush really was Bush, and Obama certainly was Obama.
Fortunately (or unfortunately), Trump really is Trump. He might not be who you want. He might not even be sufficient.
But in your heart of hearts, you know that he’s right.
5/12/23, 7:50 PM
If anyone would know about ripping assholes (new or used) it would be Anderson Cooper.
Donald Trump claims, on national television, that he will negotiate a peace deal between Ukraine and Russia “in 24 hours” if he again becomes President. (But not before; apparently he has to be President to even describe how it might occur.)
And Althouse uses the occasion to pull out the “Trump Derangement Syndrome” tag.
Anderson Cooper should enjoy having a second asshole.
in next StarWars Universe 3tits woman meets this avatar of ACooper??
Readering said...
I don't believe Biden is vulnerable to Trump. I'll again vote Biden over Trump in a heartbeat. Not over any other GOP nominee under 70.
5/12/23, 11:48 PM
So you are okay with the suiciding of America under Biden?? YOU deserve him. How many illegals are YOU taking in??
Readering, tell us exactly, the top three attributes of Biden.
OH! She named the cat Vagina T. Fireball! Perhaps Mr. Cooper was confused. Too many details to keep up with.
biden and his mob bosses (aided by the H-D party press) stole the 2020 election in targeted precincts in blue counties.
don't forget that.
Readering said...
"I don't believe Biden is vulnerable to Trump. I'll again vote Biden over Trump in a heartbeat."
Now I know for a fact that you are paid by the taxpayers.
"Yeah. I know the Titanic is sinking. I have ice cold water up to my ankles, but I'll have the Baked Alaska, please."
I mean. How divorced from reality can you be?
Anderson proves again why CNN is a sewer.
Readering (11:48) believes in washing machines that don’t clean clothes, dishwashers that don’t clean dishes, no more gas stoves, no more gasoline-powered cars, but reduced electrical generation capacity,
Yes, Readering, you stink. If you survive eating from unclean dishes you can count on freezing to death in the dark.
Chuck - your war machine grifting crook of a president resides over Putin's war. (*see industrial money making war complex)
Putin invaded Crimea during Obama. Your hack leftist press calls that take-over an "Annexation" Why do they do that? It's not "annexation" - It's stolen land. Period.
Why does Putin wait until there is a corrupt democrat in the Oval Office to make his deadly war-machine moves?
With mail in ballots, 3am ballot dumps, & the dead voting it may not matter. They stole one election & the loyal opposition did nothing. They jailed without bond anyone who protested to make sure we shut up.
But no one with a brain should be able to pull the lever for Biden. That ad is devastating because it's true.
CNN is promoting Trump for:
A. ratings.
B. To make sure he runs because they think they can beat/cheat him.
Chuck said...
Donald Trump claims, on national television, that he will negotiate a peace deal between Ukraine and Russia “in 24 hours” if he again becomes President. (But not before; apparently he has to be President to even describe how it might occur.)
No, maybe it's because Biden might have his political opponent Trump arrested under the pretext of the Logan Act?
Readering - ha.
Yes PLEASE - proudly vote for crook BIDEN. He is perfect for you. Peas in a pod.
Once upon a time, the MSM could have completely blocked this ad from being seen by more than a few Trump die-hards.
"The problem with the internet is that there are no gatekeepers." - HRC (During the Lewinsky scandal.)
"Staying in your silo" was never the reason for silos. You would climb up the chute on the rungs of a series of doors that would be removed one a time as the level of silage dropped. The chute started about six feet above the ground and you would stop pitching when you could still see a little daylight between the tube and the pile you provided the cows. You would then exit the silo, climb down the chute and slide on your coveralled back down the slanted feed trough startling the cows.
"But no one with a brain should be able to pull the lever for Biden."
No one with a brain voted for him the first time.
I ask myself, "Self, do you really like Trump or do you just like to see Anderson Cooper whimper and Rachel Maddow cry?" I'm torn.
Embrace "and"
Watching the left lose their shit is always entertaining.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
Why does Putin wait until there is a corrupt democrat in the Oval Office to make his deadly war-machine moves?
Because Trump was so useful to Putin, Putin didn't want to cause any trouble for Trump. Putin was hoping that Trump would do more damage to NATO than the Russian Army ever could.
If you think Biden is so terrible maybe find a nine monster to nominate against him? Advice applies to both parties.
LLR-democratical and Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck: "Donald Trump claims, on national television, that he will negotiate a peace deal between Ukraine and Russia “in 24 hours” if he again becomes President. (But not before; apparently he has to be President to even describe how it might occur.)"
In this US/NeoCon - Russia proxy war occurring in Ukraine where the US actually holds all the levers, yes a cease-fire could be forced in a day followed by negotiations..if the holder of levers was viewed as Trump is by allies and adversaries.
However, those adversaries and allies are also fully aware of the extraordinary corruption of the US govt and deep state actors (enough to make a Ukrainian or ChiCom bureaucrat blush) and would be factoring in the likelihood of another hoaxed up conspiracy and shampeachment possibility or even...something much worse...which makes an immediate cease-fire the actual first step while adversaries wait to see how successful the dems/GOPe/deep staters are in that next US-based domestic color revolution to remove Trump were Trump able to claw his way back into the White House despite astonishing levels of Gates/Richer-AZ and Raffensberger-GA + blue state democratical enabled voter fraud.
Exit questions: Did LLR-democratical Chuck give "lonejustice" the day off from work at Althouse blog?
Should we expect to see other "new" and totally "unique" "muh principles" "true conservative" experienced "lawyers" that parrot LLR-democratical and dem talking points at Althouse blog later today?
The continuing popularity of Trump speaks badly less of him (bad as he is) than it does of the woeful state of his supporters' knowledge and discernment. That Joe Biden is president and is apparently the favorite to run again by a majority of Democrats similarly speaks badly of the woeful lack of knowledge and discernment of the Democrats. That these two hollow mediocrities (at best) are the presumptive candidates for the two major parties in 2024 speaks badly about the woeful decrepitude and corruption of both major parties, and the near-terminal state of our republican system.
Blogger Readering said...
I don't believe Biden is vulnerable to Trump. I'll again vote Biden over Trump in a heartbeat. Not over any other GOP nominee under 70.
It's nice to see that Readering believes confession is good for the soul. He/she/zir is proud to be a government serpent. Those regulations don't write themselves, you know. Who would have thought that gas stoves were bad for you and gas powered cars and trucks would destroy the planet without the Biden regime to tell us so ? Humans survived the Dark Ages so we will survive the dominant left until another moral panic finishes us off like the dinosaurs.
I am stunned that truth social would require a login to view this. I have an account so I will view it. No other social media that I know of requires logins to view content. In this case, the owner should allow this completely free if a firewall.
Is Anderson Cooper a news anchor or a pundit? I actually don't know. Maybe that's a problem.
(Same with Jake Tapper)
Biden's not Biden anymore.
If only.
"(Y)ou probably shouldn't fuck Anderson Cooper. He's likely got sexually transmitted diseases."
He is very likely on a Medicine For Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), so it's all good.
Barely Tangential: I had friends and colleagues die from AIDS back in the early 90's. Why is Magic Johnson still alive? I'm not complaining, just curious.
Are liberal/leftists insane? Or are they just willing to lie in the most shameless way possible?
"So upset." My three year old daughter grew out of using this as a measure of the validity of her desires, as she aged to, oh, three and a half, if I remember correctly. Then she started with the multiple "Why" interrogations to get her way, and eventuall, around 5, got to the point where she'd talk calmly with us to explain rationally, her actions, her desires, and what she wanted us to do.
We got her to stop being "so upset" about not getting what she wanted by not giving it to her - whatever "it" might be at any given moment - when she was upset about "it."
Anderson Cooper, on the other hand, sees "so upset" as ratings, rather than immature and irrational behavior, so encourages it.
Readering would vote for Pol Pot in a heartbeat.
No problemo. They'll just steal it from him again. You watch.
Reading comprehension lacking if folks infer I'm a Biden fan. But I will vote against the monster on display at the town hall.
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