From "Why the Durham Report Matters/It is a damning account of the corruption of the FBI and its accomplices" by The Editorial Board of The Wall Street Journal.
"The report lays out several instances in which the FBI was concerned that agents of foreign governments were seeking influence by donating to the Clinton campaign or the Clinton Foundation. Yet in one case in 2014 the FBI dawdled over obtaining a warrant from the secret FISA court because -- according to an agent -- '[T]hey were pretty "tippy-toeing" around HRC because there was a chance she would be the next President" and the FBI was concerned about interfering with a coming presidential campaign.'...The report lays out numerous examples of the FBI ignoring evidence that it was being used by the Clinton campaign to execute a political dirty trick. This included intelligence the government received in July 2016 alleging that Mrs. Clinton had approved "a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian security services." Former CIA director John Brennan briefed this material to President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Mr. Comey, yet the FBI ignored it. It did the same when it learned that collusion dossier author Christopher Steele was working for the Clinton campaign and that Mr. Steele and oppo-research team Fusion GPS were spreading disinformation to the press."
ALSO in today's WSJ, a column by Holman W. Jenkins, Jr., "Durham and a Presidency in Crisis."
If there wasn't a "Clinton plan" -- the phrase used 65 times in Monday's published report by Justice Department special counsel John Durham -- to tar then-rival Donald Trump as a Russian agent, there may have been a plan about what to say if anybody asked if there was a Clinton plan. "Ridiculous" was the word used by campaign chairman John Podesta when interviewed by the special counsel. "Ridiculous," said foreign-policy adviser Jake Sullivan. Mrs. Clinton at least mixed it up, calling the notion of a deliberate smear campaign "very sad" and a "rabbit hole."
For a plan that didn't exist, it was remarkably effective. The Steele dossier was a tissue of lies made up by a Clinton-paid investigator who "simply fabricated" sources and information....
१३१ टिप्पण्या:
So from now on "Far-right MAGA Crazy Conspiracy Theory" can be interpreted as "The Truth".
Nothing to see here, move along.
Well, not all is lost. At least Durham thinks that those dangerous FBI crooks should get a severe tongue-lashing.
Lois Lerner could not be reached for comment.
The consequences of this truly unconstitutional conspiracy by the Democratic party, and the administrative state, most especially the national security and justice apparatus, to subvert two elections and the presidency of a duly elected president: none.
The damage to the rule of law and the Republic from the lack of consequences for the Democrats and the national security state's conspiracy to subvert elections and a duly elected administration: fatal.
The conspiracy Durham documents should result in long prison sentences and decades in the political wilderness.
The Democrats and the administrative state will inherit the wind... we're moving towards a time of tumbrils, tar, feathers and rails...perhaps even heads on pikes....
The FBI should be dismantled. No new headquarters and replace it with another agency, like the Marshal's service. It is irredeemably corrupt. The CIA needs to have the top 20% amputated.
"At this point, what difference does it make?"
Our lefty contributors will excuse it.
The NYT and WAPO will not return the Pulitzers.
No one will be punished.
People will still vote to put corrupt leaders into office.
We get the government that we deserve.
I knew all that, but then I was paying attention. Nice to have it confirmed.
So are all the MSM Reporters who won awards/prizes showing how Trump did Russiagate going to return them? Is Andrew McCarthy of NRO going to apologize for constantly telling us how serious Russiagate was, how honorable the FBI was, and how ridiculous it was to think it was all made up?
Do I need to make the boring tedious point that if Republicans had did this...
Amazingly peter Stzork and James Comey came out of all this with no jail time, and richer than ever. Even after they lied to congress and the FBI IG.
How much of Trump's time, our time, the medias time, that should have been spent debating immigration or Trump's POlICIES, were spent on this madeup fake Conspiracy?
Are "Moderates" going to finally finally finally stop imputing good faith to the MSM or the FBI? I doubt it.
So are all the MSM Reporters who won awards/prizes showing how Trump did Russiagate going to return them? Is Andrew McCarthy of NRO going to apologize for constantly telling us how serious Russiagate was, how honorable the FBI was, and how ridiculous it was to think it was all made up?
Do I need to make the boring tedious point that if Republicans had did this...
Amazingly peter Stzork and James Comey came out of all this with no jail time, and richer than ever. Even after they lied to congress and the FBI IG.
How much of Trump's time, our time, the medias time, that should have been spent debating immigration or Trump's POlICIES, were spent on this madeup fake Conspiracy?
Are "Moderates" going to finally finally finally going to stop imputing good faith to the MSM or the FBI? I doubt it.
The FBI props up Crook Biden.... and more.
The FBI should have come down hard on Hillary. She set up a private Server while serving as Obama's Secretary of State and she used her Private Server to hide her Biden-esque personal international pay-to-play financial enrichment.
The FBI is probably in on the game - at least those at the top.
The mob rules(D+FBI)
I'm actually an informant for the FBI. Since 2016 I call them all the time to inform them that they are gay and that I and my descendants will work tirelessly to remove their funding and abolish their organization.
Same lying assholes on the left want to make it illegal to say 2020 was stolen by these same corrupt Biden-in-the basement /Biden at 34% approval... yet Biden "wins" by insane numbers...
... after days and days or "counting"
and we are not allowed to say anything about Soros and Zuckerburg funding much of it.
Hillary's real lesson learned from Watergate: If you're going to go full Nixon on your opponent (wiretaps, leaking smears, etc.) have the DOJ and FBI do your dirty work. Or more simply, be a Democrat. It's legal when WE do it.
why keep saying FBI instead of using names and job titles for choice makers?
Oldest trick in the Security Services playbook: initiate an interview and write up a report that the target said totally untrue fictions. Then leak the false report to 50+ media that simultaneously publish it 24/7 for years as bombshell truths.
It is more like 1000 ways from Sunday. They are the Secret State created with NO BALANCE OF POWERS to stop their crimes overseas. Beginning with the JFK murder they have run amuck in the USA.
The best we can hope for is a GOP president next year who will reform FBI, DOJ.
Nice to see a take by alternative media for a change. Still no mea culpa from The Dispatch ot National Review or any of the formerly "conservative" media who somehow had to conserve conservatism by destroying their reputations over Trump. Fat tub of useless lard Jonah Goldberg (big fav of our own LLR!) still insists it was Trump's fault that "conservative" media fell for an obvious dirty trick that had already been exposed as BS by Mueller over three years ago and still cannot just admit being wrong about trusting the Deep State over Trump. The whole "they both lie" gaslighting they do now is sad. Of politicians and law enforcement officers ONE is supposed to be above reproach generally and the other is a known profession for shady speakers. Sand that the people allegedly "conserving conservatism" now want to play no part in "restoring muh norms."
The only suggestion I have is to eliminate the FBI and the Crime Lab, give the assets to the states, and create a group under the Uniformed Coast Guard to provide extra criminal investigation services to states with no authority to arrest, apply for warrants, or act within borders without the state’s permission.
Certain people who believed the hoax now claim a position of of course I knew they were corrupt you just were too unsophisticated to recognize my subtle, nuanced expression of my positon…
The same people still believe coordinated, widespread election fraud is bullshit but if we ever get to look into that…well, see position B above…
The most damning part of this story is how basically nobody expects there to be any consequences. Not for the DOJ who lied to the FISA court, not for the FBI who undermined a president, not for the media who divided a nation, not for the Democratic congressmen who used their government resources and prestige to push the lie.
What a sad statement about our institutions.
Can Flynn get his conviction vacated?
And can Flynn get his defense monies back?
Swarming locusts can deploy a chemical to avoid being cannibalized
If the shoe fits...
The Clinton Plan and the FBI's actions would not have been possible if not for the active support of the mainstream press; NYT, WaPo, CNN, PBS, etc. I truly do not understand their behavior.
(I posted the below in a photo open thread. It makes more sense to post it here. I hope no one minds the repost.)
Well, the Durham Report is out.
Yay, I guess.
A little... late in the game, but it's out.
I saw there was a thread on the report below, but I missed it.
Anyway, glad we have a little more evidence that our country and our government is shit.
But not a single person will go to jail, or even be charged. When what this report really documents is treason. People should be executed for this, or barring that, imprisoned for life. Government agencies should be razed to the ground. Journalists should at the very least lose their jobs, or their precious Pulitzers. But nothing will happen, and life goes on.
There was a period of time during Trump's presidency when I thought the truth would prevail. I thought the whole plot would be exposed in time for Trump's second term. I was never a Q follower, but I did believe that there was a plan that would bring everything to light. I thought Sessions, or Huber, or Durham, or someone would produce the irrefutable evidence that would shock the country awake to our government's corruption. And the Democrats would fall into the very trap they set for Trump. There would be karma, or poetic justice of some kind.
I will never be that naive again. Maybe some good can still come out of Durham's report, or subsequent developments. But the damage to the country, and the world, is irreparable.
(Someone responded in the comment thread that this was still naive, to believe that good will come of this, since there will be zero consequences for the perpetrators. I kind of agree. But I'm hoping that at least some of the public who were not paying close attention will at least learn the truth. Not everyone is a political junkie, or gets their news from alternative sources. The Durham Report can't be completely ignored, even by the MSM. I hope that at least a few more citizens wake up, and vote accordingly.)
Loyal radical extremist leftists want to believe all the lies they are fed.
That is what is truly sad.
"The FBI lacked 'any actual evidence of collusion'"
Well, as was clear from the outset, they didn't need no stinkin' evidence. They eagerly made it up. They colluded to create the collusion hoax.
"it violated its standards and jumped over several steps..."
No. Its standard was to do the Dems' bidding. They followed it effectively.
"For a plan that didn't exist, it was remarkably effective."
True. Lesson: Dem collusion works. Jenkins is the best commentator today.
"The Steele dossier was a tissue of lies made up by a Clinton-paid investigator who "simply fabricated" sources and information"
They were all brazen. In the beginning, I wondered why they would lie so obviously, expose themselves to easy refutation. Cynical as I was, I wasn't cynical enough. They did it because they could, they face no repercussions, and it mostly worked.
The collusion hoax demonstrates the long-running theme among commentators on this blog: the oppressive and lawless supercollusion of our ruling class.
And now folks... for those who voted for Biden (or just sat on the fence)... REAP WHAT YOU SOW!!!
The Democrat party is just full of Hillarys and Bidens.. You vote for any Democrat.. you vote for them.
@ Wa St Blogger: "We get the government that we deserve."
No, we don't,and I'm tired of this cliche. We get the government created by (legal or illegal) ballots harvested and mixed into vote counts in a handful of deep blue precincts in a few swing states.
You knew how damning it was by just how angry Laurence Tribe got over it.
go full Nixon on your opponent (wiretaps, leaking smears, etc.) have the DOJ and FBI do your dirty work
Obama, Biden et al.
"Former CIA director John Brennan briefed this material to President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Mr. Comey, yet the FBI ignored it. It did the same when it learned that collusion dossier author Christopher Steele was working for the Clinton campaign and that Mr. Steele and oppo-research team Fusion GPS were spreading disinformation to the press."
Brennan used his personally retained notes of a meeting from August 2016 to claim this and support it, but I and others doubt this story from Brennan, and believe he altered his notes before doing his 8 hour interview with Durham and his team. There is a passage in the Durham report describing Joe Pientka's interview where Durham showed him this testimony from Brennan- it describes Pientka's being very angry on "learning" of it and leaving the room before returning a short while later. Now, I found this passage hilarious because I am pretty fucking sure everybody on Crossfire Hurricane knew that the Clinton Campaign was behind the entire story- it is even admitted in the first Carter Page FISA warrant application, from, I think October 2016, though the admission is hidden in a footnote, and doesn't explicitly name the Clinton Campaign, just that the Steele Dossier was bought and paid for by an opposition presidential campaign in the 2016 election. My theory is that Pientka wasn't angry because he wasn't informed about the Clinton ties to the Steele Dossier and the Russian Collusion story as a whole, but that it was an unspoken plan by everyone involved to deny that they knew the origins of the story but, then, Brennan, to make himself not look guilty as hell, decided to cut the rest of the team loose. In short, Brennan decided to tell Durham, "Look, I told everybody this was coming from the Clinton people, but no one was listening to me and taking the appropriate actions." Brennan is and was a fucking liar.
Think about Trump sitting down in Mar-a-Lago, and reading this, and knowing that none of the people who literally weaponize the power of the state to personally persecute him are going to be punished?
I imagine he is incandescent with rage.
And that’s not really great, since he has a reasonable shot of being the next President. Or maybe it is, and this will be his impetus to actually do something about that swamp.
Saint Obama started it all when he told us he was going to fundamentally transform America. Saint Obama spied on Trump BEFORE he was even elected, and set his guard dogs of the Intel agencies to set up a fake Russian Collusion along with Hillary and the Pravda media.
Wa St Blogger: "Our lefty contributors will excuse it."
Completely incorrect.
Our lefty "contributors", and lefties/LLR-lefties in general, actually STILL believe collusion occurred, Trump was conspiring with Putin, Putin changed votes to install Trump, Putin hacked the DNC, the hoax dossier was proven "mostly" true and Trump has been an Active Russian asset since the 80's.
And there are about 50 sub-russiagate conspiracies (for example, the Trump Tower Secret Server -Alfa Bank Server "ping" communications conspiracy) thay are embedded within the larger lies.
And they are never going to stop believing every bit of all of it.
Obama knew it was phony.
They all knew it was phony.
But they stood by and watched the country get torn apart because that suited their political aims.
This is the definition of treason.
This should mean the death penalty for a lot of people.
I'm fucking dreaming...
Yes, the FBI (and the rest of the security state) is corrupt as hell, and more than likely, will get away with it, scot-free, to meddle in next year's election without consequences. In doing so, the FBI is merely reflecting its roots. The Bureau that Hoover took over back in the day was and continues to remain corrupt as hell. The only difference between then and now is that Hoover screwed over anyone or any organization that he deemed a threat; the current crop of FBI drones are merely deep state/establishment elitists who reflexively lean democratic and who regard anyone who espouses or supports MAGA principles, particularly Trump, as domestic terrorists.
The FBI should have been ripped out, root and branch, long ago, and the "Patriot Act" should have been de-authorized. However, I won't hold my breath waiting for our current Congress composed of Uniparty-establishment lackeys to do anything. The Rubicon has been crossed and I fear our republic is in existential danger.
Diane Feinstein announced that She, has All the qualifications to be President that the current resident has..
Feinstein Doesn’t Recall Being Absent From The Senate. She Was Gone For 10 Weeks.
when the reporter asked about her recent return to the Senate and whether her colleagues had offered much in the way of well-wishes, the interview took a turn.
“What have I heard about what?” Feinstein asked.
“About your return,” the reporter prompted.
“I haven’t been gone. You should … I haven’t been gone. I’ve been working,” Feinstein insisted.
The reporter assumed that the California Senator meant she had been working from home, and said as much — but Feinstein insisted that she had not been gone at all.
“You’ve been working from home is what you’re saying?” the reporter attempted to clarify.
“No, I’ve been here. I’ve been voting. Please, either know or don’t know,” Feinstein said, and brought the interview to an abrupt close.
Pravda being Pravda. The NYT's and WAPO are about as real a news source as the National Enquirer.
Full agreement from me, that one of Trump's most successful disinformation initiatives in his entire personal history of malign public affairs massaging, has been his "No collusion!" misdirections and lies.
See y'all in court!
(A) The Durham investigation trials*, and;
(B) The Trump/Manhattan trial; the Trump/Georgia trial; the Trump/classified documents trial; the Trump/Insurrection trial; and the Trump/wire fraud trial.**
* Woops, there won't be any.
**2024, 2025 and 2026.
The Papadopoulos story really would make a hilarious movie: a mook caught in the crosshairs of the FBI mafia, with its nefarious hidden agenda.
Are the Coen brothers still around? Right up their alley.
Durham: FBI failure to investigate the Clinton Intelligence Plan was "inexplicable."
Trying to decide if he's pulling punches even at this late date, or making the obvious point subtly but unmistakably.
The Nazi-like Dems & others who like secret police going after innocents, as so many commies have done and keep doing, the Durham Report is like a "good talking to".
"Stop it!" Or else we will say "Stop it!" again.
Bah. Ann Althouse supports the liars who did this by continuing to focus on NYT liars and especially half-truth tellers.
can't We ALL Agree? that repubs are EVIL, and that anyone Not a democrat should be imprisoned?
This is a Free Country.. You are FREE, to be a democrat; or be sent to jail (or the gallows).
Our lefty "contributors".. actually STILL believe collusion occurred,
Let's Find OUT!
Inga? Mark? gadfly? what Are YOUR thoughts on this? Inquiring minds want to know?
Coney knew, set up the “briefing” with Trump, then leaked the “briefing” so that the press could report the investigation that they knew was phony as “news.”
“Despicable” doesn’t do justice to the evil involved.
Original Mike said:
The Clinton Plan and the FBI's actions would not have been possible if not for the active support of the mainstream press; NYT, WaPo, CNN, PBS, etc. ...
YES. voted bold.
Obama to Biden-gate with an assist from the fourth leg: WaPo, NYT et al. in progress.
Back around 1970 Richard Nixon tried to enlist federal agencies, notably including the FBI and IRS, to attack people on his enemies list, and they told him to go pound sand. Forty-odd years later we have Lois Lerner and the IRS falling all over itself to shut down political action groups opposed to Barack Obama, and four years later the FBI under James Comey attempted a coup against a duly-elected President while acting on behalf of Hillary Clinton. So what happened in the intervening forty-plus years to change things so radically? Is it just party affiliation? If Hubert Humphrey had won in 1968, would those agencies have been more willing to play along?
Two questions:
Some have said that nothing in the Durham report points to a crime. Isn’t suborning perjury a crime, and isn’t that well documented in the Durham report? Whether they knew the source of the Steele Dossier or how much of it was true; they knew much of it couldn’t be corroborated and yet used it and the “fifth paragraph” as valid evidence to obtain warrants.
I understand statute makes it near impossible to sue a government official for defamation. I also understand news agencies, duped into spreading false information by government officials, have an out for being sued for defamation. However, these news agencies failing to retract their Pulitzer winning article based on what is clearly a lie; are they not continuing a defamation and open to lawsuits?
On the first question, General Flynn was prosecuted for a less consequential lie to FBI agents that lied about their purpose for meeting with him.
On the second question, suing for defamation seems to be popular. I wonder with Trump living in Florida, what a jury there might think about WaPo and NYT about their statements on the Trump campaign. Doesn’t the media also have an obligation to validate evidence before publishing it as truth? I get the defense would say, but the government validated it, but Trump was also the government, called a liar, and we have plenty of evidence overtime that the government officials were lying thus better validation was required. I think that should be tested with a jury.
'And can Flynn get his defense monies back?'
The only way is to go full Democrat and sue like crazy.
The hard part will be moving the trial to Idaho...
You'll notice that our usual suspects are awaiting their talking points on this.
California voters should be reassured that Senate candidate Schiff is confident that the Durham investigation missed important evidence that Trump was Putin's puppet.
No kidding.
What's amazing is it took 4 years of investigation to publish this AND practically no one was punished in the process.
When people bypass their own process, they are looking for an excuse to behave a certain way. They WANTED to spy on a presidential candidate. They WANTED to prosecute that candidates close circle. And they WANTED to hide it and deny it at every step of the way.
That is plain as day.
The executive needs to uphold the laws of the land. But the executive has some freedom to do that in the way it needs.
20+ years ago, DHS was created. It's time for the next big revolution here - it's time to re-imagine federal investigation and law enforcement.
The Papadopoulos story really would make a hilarious movie: a mook caught in the crosshairs of the FBI mafia
In an alternate universe Papadopoulos took the $10k he left in Greece back home with him and Mueller charged him with a FARA violation. He outsmarted the FBI.
Brennan is and was a fucking liar.
That's because Brennan was likely the one that told Mifsud, which Downer then extracted from Papadopolous.
The CIA provided the "key" for the FBI to target and spy on a Presidential campaign.
Tuberville on Durham report: ‘If people don’t go to jail ... let’s don’t have elections anymore’
So Republicans should stay home in protest or should Republicans not run candidates, what is Tuberville suggesting?
The above report was sort of vague so I followed the embedded link to the interview as reported by Newsmax…
“Newsmax also asked for Tuberville's insight regarding the just-released Durham Report into predicate for spying on Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign. The senator, with a raised voice, called it "a shame" people do not go to jail for failing to have "actual evidence."
"There is a whole list of people that lied about this [Russian collusion]," he said. "There are some congresspeople that lied about this."
"If people don't go to jail for this, the American people should just stand up and say, 'Listen, enough's enough. Let's not have elections anymore,'" he added. "It is what it is. I hate that it's happened."”
Dozens of federal officials making more than a hundred thousand dollars per year, each, spent years actively using their officially-granted power to pursue a scheme designed to harm a politician they didn't like. Along they way they perverted the course of justice, deceived some of the highest courts in the land, and intentionally injured, in terms of time, money, stress, and reputation, many American citizens in the pursuit of their improper goal.
All of this, to reiterate, was funded by your tax dollars.
Will the Nice People care? I doubt it. The stated goal of all of this effort was to "get Trump" and the Nice People understand that Trump is a bad guy, so something like the Deputy Director of the FBI using his position to improperly go after a bad guy like Trump probably won't bother them.
The fun thing to consider is that we only know what we know about Strozk and Page because they were stupid enough to text one another on their government issue phones (while having an affair, again on taxpayer-funded time and in clear violation of gov HR regs). What we know, in other words, is almost certainly the tip of the iceberg in terms of the depth and breadth of corruption, political weaponization, and official misconduct with the FBI and DOJ.
Oh well. Isn't that family man Biden so nice? It'll be great for things to get back to normal with good people like him in power.
George Soros admits Nazi collaboration in 60 Minutes interview - 1998
Anyone that has seen Comey and had an IQ knew he was a total fraud. He got the job because he is tall. He’s dumber than a brick
"The FBI should be dismantled. No new headquarters and replace it with another agency, like the Marshal's service. It is irredeemably corrupt. The CIA needs to have the top 20% amputated."
Wow! You've actually said something that is not insane and that I actually can agree with, (except I'd probably amputate a greater percentage of the CIA).
holdfast said...
Think about Trump sitting down in Mar-a-Lago, and reading this, and knowing that none of the people who literally weaponize the power of the state to personally persecute him are going to be punished?
I imagine he is incandescent with rage.
If so, it's without justification.
Because HE let it happen.
The day after the Mueller Report came out exonerating him, he should have gone to absolute war with the FBI. Fired Wray. Fired every single person at the top level. Told the next level down "you have one month to start firing people for the corrupt Crossfire Hurricane investigation, or you are fired."
made everything public, immediately. Fired anyone who got in the way of making anything public.
Because absolutely none of this is a surprises, or a revelation to anyone who was paying attention
Trump got rolled, because he let himself get rolled
And it screwed over the rest of us, which is why I'm full of incandescent rage at Trump, from dropping the ball.
Yes, they went after him as a prelude to going after us
And because Trump LET them go after him, now they can go after us
"The NYT's and WAPO are about as real a news source as the National Enquirer."
Actually, that is an insult to the National Enquirer.
"For a plan that didn't exist, it was remarkably effective."
Effective at what?
Subpoena Hillary. She needs another venue where she may shriek, "What difference does it make?"
Just wanted to point out as an actual IT and computer security expert that the whole story about a back door communications channel between a server in Trump Tower and an Alfa Bank server in Russia is obviously idiotic. If I wanted to setup a secure private channel over the internet I absolutely would not have a server I control communicating directly with a server controlled by my partner in crime so that anyone with access to the internet backbone (hello NSA) can trace the packets.
Why not encrypt any messages, then disguise them using steganography, and use a tor browser to post them on a hobbyist board?
Or maybe not use the internet at all, how about an old fashioned dead drop?
Or speaking of a tor browser, maybe encrypted or code phrase messages on a site in the dark web?
Was there one piece of new information in this.
I have not read it but what I have heard read on various
news and opinion people is all stuff that I already knew.
The FBI, NSA, and CIA in collusion with President Obama, the Clinton campaign, the DNC and most of the MSM spied on and persecuted a candidate and then POTUS with no repercussions in law or public opinion.
I hate this version of the simulation and I want to go back to a previous save point say 1987 or so and try again.
Isn't it amazing that anyone might have thought that the 2020 election was corrupt and another deep state operation. And of course why would ANYONE believe the DOJ with respect to the J6 patriots.
I don't, never will trust the fbi/cia/doj ever again. They are corrupt and need to be disbanded, forever.
CHRISTIAN TOTO: How Hollywood Made Russian Collusion Hoax a Million Times Worse. “Night after night, joke after joke, late-night satirists pummeled President Trump for allegedly stealing the election. When, in reality, Clinton’s dirty trick proved one for the ages. Some of the biggest stars in the industry rallied, over and again, to push the false narrative.”
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
Loyal radical extremist leftists want to believe all the lies they are fed.
That is what is truly sad.
5/17/23, 11:30 AM
And sadly some TDS Republicans believe it and spew it too...which is even sadder.
There are multiple NYT and other media outlet stories that were sourced to "current and ex intelligence officials" that are now known to be false or deceptive.
Media outlets could burn these sources and name and shame. That would be a good first step.
I was confidently assured by our Resident Dullard and her allies that we do not know what Bob Mueller knows and the walls are closing in on Trump.
I don't know what to think now, but I am sure that the corporate media will correct their errors and give me the real scoop.
The consequences of this truly unconstitutional conspiracy by the Democratic party, and the administrative state, most especially the national security and justice apparatus, to subvert two elections and the presidency of a duly elected president: none.
Maybe, maybe not.
Among my friends and family of a rightwards tendency, I am known for my disrespect for Federal law enforcement. I have hated the FBI and wished to see it disbanded ever since Ruby Ridge and Waco. A lot of those in my circle have ties to local and state law enforcement, and while they may share a beat cop's resentment of FBI arrogance, they are still "thin blue line" partisans at the end of the day.
That seems to be changing, however. I know for a fact that I am no longer alone in saying that the single most dangerous enemy of our American liberties is the intelligence and law enforcement establishment of the US Federal Government in general, and the FBI in particular - - worse than Putin, worse than Xi, worse than the Taliban, worse than the cartels. A gigantic, abusive, unaccountable Deep State secret-police force devoted to the partisan gain of the Democratic Party and its moneybags cronies, and lavishly funded by the American taxpayer.
I hope and expect that this diabolical scandal, a hundred times worse than Watergate, will go a long way towards undermining public support for these enemy scumbags among the Rotary Club Republicans. It may be too much to hope that the FBI may be disbanded, its leaders sentenced to lengthy prison terms or publicly hanged for their treason, its agents deprived of their weapons and pensions, and its headquarters slighted so that not one stone remains on top of another. But we can cheer for the prospect that Trump makes open warfare on them when he returns to office, and a Republican House and Senate may strip them of funding and enforcement powers.
From the article:
"Yet in one case in 2014 the FBI dawdled over obtaining a warrant from the secret FISA court because -- according to an agent -- '[T]hey were pretty "tippy-toeing" around HRC..."
Not because she might be president, but because of her history.
From the article:
"Yet in one case in 2014 the FBI dawdled over obtaining a warrant from the secret FISA court because -- according to an agent -- '[T]hey were pretty "tippy-toeing" around HRC..."
Not because she might be president, but because of her history.
The glass table in the UVA fraternity was the dead giveaway that the story was false. The pee episode the same. There was no point in looking further.
Let's review Watergate.
Nixon resigned 26 months after the break-in and 19 months after the conviction of the burglars. The Senate voted 77-0 to hold hearings. Nixon's AG resigned rather than fire the prosecutor. Objective news covered it objectively.
There are no similarities today and nothing like the above will happen unless some key people step up and no one sees that happening. 84 months after the alleged crime. AG Merrick resigning? NYT reporting? Senate Democrats responding for at least a investigation?
Wild chicken is right. This is Coen brothers movie ready to happen.
Get used to hearing this: "This has all the classic earmarks of a corrupted US Intelligence Service and DOJ/FBI disinformation operation."
why not accept this like D's/the Left/Clinton-Obama applying "stand your ground" principle to maintain power superiority?
"Are the Coen brothers still around? Right up their alley."
Yeah. How about: Burn BEFORE Reading?
The silence of Inga, Frederson, and deafening. Ouch! My ears hurt with all that silence.
- Krumhorn
Waiting for the editorials from the NYT and Washington Post.
"Not because she might be president, but because of her history."
No one wants to become the victim of a suicide.
"I have not read it but what I have heard read on various news and opinion people is all stuff that I already knew."
You didn't know that Obama and the NSC were officially informed in Summer 2016 that the Russia collusion story was a fabrication and Hillary was behind it. You may have speculated as much but this was not "known" before the Durham report came out.
"Objective news covered it objectively."
Like Hell they did.
The day after the Mueller Report came out exonerating him, he should have gone to absolute war with the FBI. Fired Wray. Fired every single person at the top level. Told the next level down "you have one month to start firing people for the corrupt Crossfire Hurricane investigation, or you are fired."
I imagine his advisors told him he'd be impeached.
Unfortunately for the Dems, he won't have that fear the second time around.
Interesting that the person who screamed the most on this blog about Russian collusion is focusing on .... Tommy Tuberville.
Try admitting you were wrong in every way possible. Every. Day. You. Were. Wrong. For years. Admit that.
Then you can talk about other people.
Scum. Nothing but scum. Like Amadeus, I was paying attention. The Obama meeting was reported before, but it did surprise me a little when I first heard of it. But the past 7 years have made me deeply cynical.
I voted Democratic for most of my life, based on being an impressionable age when people (my parents included) objected to Goldwater's pity statement “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice, and…moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!”
I was a slow learner, but at least I voted for Ross Perot in an effort to shake things up. Now I'd crawl over glass to vote for Trump or anyone else who would purge the system.
My only fear is that I will get so old, I wont care anymore.
This has all the classic earmarks of a corrupted US Intelligence Service and DOJ/FBI disinformation operation.
The evidence still shows that Russia interfered in the 2016 election in favor of rump, as did Wikileaks, and the Trump campaign welcomed it. Jury still out out on collusion. In part because of obstruction of the investigation. The hoax was claim Obama wire-tapped Trump.
Inga said...
Tuberville on Durham report: ‘If people don’t go to jail ... let’s don’t have elections anymore’
So Republicans should stay home in protest or should Republicans not run candidates, what is Tuberville suggesting?
No, Inga, what we're thinking is "no justice, no peace".
So if people don't go to jail, instead of having elections perhaps we should just start shooting all Democrats, and keep on doing it until the remaining Democrats agree that all the corrupt Democrats should be in jail, and send them there.
Because two can play that game
Rabel said...
"I have not read it but what I have heard read on various news and opinion people is all stuff that I already knew."
You didn't know that Obama and the NSC were officially informed in Summer 2016 that the Russia collusion story was a fabrication and Hillary was behind it. You may have speculated as much but this was not "known" before the Durham report came out.
No, we knew that years ago.
This is from Feb 2022:!
The sources pointed to one key piece of declassified intelligence, which Fox News first reported in October 2020, revealing that intelligence community officials within the CIA forwarded an investigative referral on Hillary Clinton purportedly approving "a plan concerning U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump and Russian hackers hampering U.S. elections as a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server."
jim5301: "This has all the classic earmarks of a corrupted US Intelligence Service and DOJ/FBI disinformation operation."
As a lefty it is unsurprising you are getting your tenses wrong.
The russia collusion hoax HAD all the classic earmarks of a corrupted US Intelligence Service and DOJ/FBI disinformation operation.
The current classified documents kerfuffle hoax HAS all the classic earmarks of a corrupted US Intelligence Service and DOJ/FBI disinformation operation.
Whatever corrupted ploys the deep state is working on now for the 2024 election WILL HAVE all the classic earmarks of a corrupted US Intelligence Service and DOJ/FBI disinformation operation.
Kevin said...
Me: The day after the Mueller Report came out exonerating him, he should have gone to absolute war with the FBI. Fired Wray. Fired every single person at the top level. Told the next level down "you have one month to start firing people for the corrupt Crossfire Hurricane investigation, or you are fired."
I imagine his advisors told him he'd be impeached.
Of course they did. Because they were shitty "advisors", because that's all Trump knows how to pick.
DeSantis had "advisors" telling him not to pick a fight with Disney. DeSantis told them to get stuffed, and fought.
Trump's selling point is supposed to be "he fights". The problem is that he only fights with internet randos and other losers.
He didn't fight the Deep State, he rolled over and played dead.
And that I won't forgive
"Blogger Hassayamper said...
The consequences of this truly unconstitutional conspiracy by the Democratic party, and the administrative state, most especially the national security and justice apparatus, to subvert two elections and the presidency of a duly elected president: none.
Maybe, maybe not."
Well said sir, I have been encouraging my republican representatives to NOT do a debt deal until the FBI is disbanded. I am quite sure they do not have even a new-age males set of cajones to do it. But it IS that important. As you say.....
" I know for a fact that I am no longer alone in saying that the single most dangerous enemy of our American liberties is the intelligence and law enforcement establishment of the US Federal Government in general, and the FBI in particular - - worse than Putin, worse than Xi, worse than the Taliban, worse than the cartels. "
Readering said...
The evidence still shows that Russia interfered in the 2016 election in favor of rump
Ahh, but the strawberries! That's - that's where I had them.
We Trump supporters might have known that the whole Russia Russia was a Deep State operation as Trump said at the time and as many stories by Conservative Treehouse, Catherine Herrige and others explained. Point is: How many times have I been absolutely shouted down by people who accepted the FBI/NYT/WaPo lies and who now see they have been let down by those entities?
But we need to get rid of the intelligence agencies - nor can we. It's my opinion that jail time for a sequence of intelligence criminals will have an amazingly renovative effect. So will firing really dishonest reporters. We should get up a Dirty Dozen list.
Readering said...
The evidence still shows that Russia interfered in the 2016 election in favor of rump, as did Wikileaks, and the Trump campaign welcomed it. Jury still out out on collusion. In part because of obstruction of the investigation. The hoax was claim Obama wire-tapped Trump.
5/17/23, 5:56 PM
You fool. Still spewing the propaganda you heard on CNN.
“Just because a narrative is completely discredited doesn’t mean it isn’t still useful to those who don’t mind lying and those who enjoy being lied to.”
Jonathan Turley
"The fact is, in this instance, Donald Trump was correct when he said he was the target of a political hitjob funded by the Clinton campaign and maintained by virtually every media outlet. There is a word for that: disinformation."
Blogger Readering said..."The evidence still shows that Russia interfered in the 2016 election in favor of rump, as did Wikileaks, and the Trump campaign welcomed it. Jury still out out on collusion. In part because of obstruction of the investigation. The hoax was claim Obama wire-tapped Trump."
Are you all taking about the same James Comey who threw the 2016 election to Trump being in cahoots with some Clinton Plan?Comey didn’t do it alone, of course. Putin sent the DNC emails he hacked to Wikileaks. And that’s how you conduct a Watergate burglary and get away with it. Let a foreign power to do your dirty tricks.
The Mueller investigation was set up by Tod Rosenstein to whitewash the Russia collusion issue. I think the reason Trump fought it so hard is that he honestly believed his campaign had actively coordinated with Russia, because he had paid people on the strength of them telling him they were coordinating with Russia, but may have just been bullshitting him.
wendybar (to readering): "You fool. Still spewing the propaganda you heard on CNN."
Readering still spewing the propaganda he/she heard on CNN....from 2016 and 2017!!!!!
Greg the Class Traitor: "He [Trump] didn't fight the Deep State, he rolled over and played dead.
And that I won't forgive"
The Senate Intelligence Committee chaired by Marco Rubio released its investigation [in 2020] into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
With over 200 witness interviews and roughly 1 million documents reviewed, the nearly 1,000-page report documents in detail the comprehensive campaign conducted by Russian President Vladimir Putin and his proxies to seek influence within President Donald Trump's campaign, help Trump win the 2016 presidential election and amplify polarization and division within American society.
Far from a hoax, as the president so often claimed, the report revealed how the Trump campaign willingly engaged with Russian operatives implementing the influence effort. For instance, the report exposes interactions and information exchanged between Russian intelligence officer Konstantin Kilimnik and then-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort. According to the report, campaign figures “presented attractive targets for foreign influence, creating notable counterintelligence vulnerabilities.” (Manafort was later convicted of tax and bank fraud.)
Special Counsel John Durham apparently had no interest in details compiled by the GOP-led Senate since he never mentioned the Intel Committee report or Konstantin Kilimnik or Paul Manafort in his report.
The nutballs are out in force repeating the talking points the Deep State gave to CNN and MSNBC. All it proves is that they are dumb, and blind.
@rcocean: Andrew McCarthy? Do you mean the Andrew McCarthy who wrote the book, “Ball of Collusion: The Plot to Rig An Election and Destroy a Presidency,” That Andrew McCarthy?
gadfly - what? You got a link?
Gadfly quotes from a three year old editorial on NBC News. Google a few sentences and you’ll find it.
It’s comedy gold.
You’ll be taken back to those good old days when Gadfly was stuck in whatever stage of grief it was when the Left was trying convince itself that Mueller would have gotten the goods on Trump if only he would have tried a little harder.
Here’s another quote from that report.
“Far from a hoax, as the president so often claimed, the report reveals how the Trump campaign willingly engaged with Russian operatives implementing the influence effort. For instance, the report exposes interactions and information exchanged between Russian intelligence officer Konstantin Kilimnik and then-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.”
Huge load of horseshit in the road!
Left Bank of the Charles said...
Are you all taking about the same James Comey who threw the 2016 election to Trump being in cahoots with some Clinton Plan?Comey didn’t do it alone, of course. Putin sent the DNC emails he hacked to Wikileaks. And that’s how you conduct a Watergate burglary and get away with it. Let a foreign power to do your dirty tricks.
5/17/23, 10:07 PM
Blogger Left Bank of the Charles said...
The Mueller investigation was set up by Tod Rosenstein to whitewash the Russia collusion issue. I think the reason Trump fought it so hard is that he honestly believed his campaign had actively coordinated with Russia, because he had paid people on the strength of them telling him they were coordinating with Russia, but may have just been bullshitting him.
5/17/23, 10:31 PM
Hillary conspired with Russian nationals to use Russian disinformation to smear her opponent in order to "distract the public from her email scandal," according to the official US record, including documentation that Obama and Biden wre briefed on "Hillary's scheme" to smear Trump. Comey should have arrested Hillary for treason based on LKefty's prior writing on this subject, after all, she is the one who conspired with Putin's team (after selling Putin all rights to US uranium mines she could, remember?) to sabotage the election. Comey should be in Congress right now under oath answering for extending immunity to Hillary and her staff without getting anything in return, even a statement under oath, after she had destroyed evidence that was under subpoena the actual definition for obstruction of Justice. Wonder why the Top Law Enforcement guy in the FBI would break so sharply with SOP and allegedly "ironclad" FBI rules and norms?
Finally, you despicable progressives who fault Trump for "fighting" these charges obviously don't believe in the rule of law or a vigorous defense for someone who we now know was unjustly accused. But even if Trump had been guilty like you still obviously believe (against all evidence), even then he would have deserved a defense against the charges. I'm glad you scum feel free enough to tell us what you really believe because it proves what we always say about the Left: y'all hate this country as founded and hate the constitution because it is an impediment to your lust for total control over the rest of us.
Take note people. Days like this the Left tells us exactly who they are. Stock up on guns and ammo. Sooner or later they will come for every patriot. One more thing: If Rosenstein was on Trump's side he would have named a Special Counsel to investigate the FBI.
@original Ike: The claim is often made that Mueller was unable to prove Trump conspired with Russia because Trump “obstructed” the investigation. You say the matter is undecided. Let’s interrogate that claim. What documents under Trump’s control was the special counsel unable to obtain and review? Which witnesses under Trump’s control was the special counsel unable to question under oath? What documents or other records did Trump alter, delete or destroy? So far as I can tell, the answer is none, none and none, but if you have any contrary information, let’s get it on the table.
Douglas Levene: "Do you mean the Andrew McCarthy who wrote the book, “Ball of Collusion:..."
Yes. In 2019. Gee, thanks Andy.
Also 2020: "Andy McCarthy@AndrewCMcCarthy
Sorry Judge Merrick Garland didn’t get day in the sun he deserves today, but he’s superb choice to be AG. He was as good as it gets as top DOJ official in 90s: smart, committed, patriotic, terrific lawyer, and gentleman. We’ll disagree on some policy, but DOJ in good hands.
4:28 PM · Jan 6, 2021
Solid. What would we do without the always-timely "johnny on the spot" Andy McCarthy?
You can always count on Andy to get "it" "right" years after the fact...after undermining those who actually got it right from the beginning.
Left Bank of the Charles said...
Are you all taking about the same James Comey who threw the 2016 election to Trump being in cahoots with some Clinton Plan?
If ever there was a bit if misinformation that needed to be driven from the public square, that is it
1: Hillary Clinton clearly and unequivocally violated US security laws with her private email server that carried, and exposed to the Russians and Chinese, US Classified and Top Secret data.
Comey intervened to illegitimately keep her out of jail
Without the corruption of the Biden Admin DoJ and FBI, there would have been no "Hillary" campaign for President
2: NY FBI agents who were not all corrupt discovered that there were emails from Hillary's illegal server on Weiner's laptop. They reported this to their bosses
Their bosses attempted to cover this up
The FBI agents let it be known that if their bosses didn't look at the data, they would leak the existence of that data to the public
So Comey announced at the end of October what we discovered at the beginning of October: That emails from Hillary;'s email server had been found.
Then he lied, and said they'd look at those emsils
Then, a week later, he lied and claimed the emails had all been examined. None of them were in fact examined
yes, Cookie, the same James Comey he did everything in his power to protect the Hillary campaign from the results of Hillary's criminal activity, also helped the Hillary campaign try to frame the Trump campaign
Because that's what left wing scum do
Readering said...
The evidence still shows that Russia interfered in the 2016 election in favor of rump
No, the evidence clearly shows that Putin wanted Hillary to be President
Because if he didn't want her to be President, he would have released copies of incriminating emails that she sent, and the Russian's intercepted
The left wing crazies at eh FBI obsessed over a Russian "October Surprise". but it didn't happen, because their candidate, Hillary, was Putin's candidate
That is the reality of the 2016 election, and none of your lies can change that
“Take note people. Days like this the Left tells us exactly who they are. Stock up on guns and ammo. Sooner or later they will come for every patriot.”
Sounds like paranoia.
Andrew McCarthy is no Trump loyalist, and he’s not an automatic Trump hater, he is just a very smart and experienced lawyer who gives you his honest view of the law. I gather that’s unacceptable for the Trump loyalists. I think our hostess calls this stance “cruel neutrality.”
“They all lie” is the excuse I hear frequently for not caring about Trump’s campaign of lies about election fraud. The answer is to not vote for any candidate who commits dirty tricks (like framing an opponent for a vile crime) or who tries to overturn an election though intentional falsehoods.
"The answer is to not vote for any candidate who commits dirty tricks (like framing an opponent for a vile crime) or who tries to overturn an election though intentional falsehoods."
WHICH is exactly what Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, the Intel Agencies and the media DID.
@Wendybar: Which is why I would never vote for Clinton or Obama or any candidate who promoted the Russia hoax. The national security agencies need to be fixed, although I’m not sure how to do that. Both the FBI and the CIA have a history of interfering in domestic politics. They used to target leftists. Today they are targeting right wing groups. We want them to focus on people who present a threat of violence—I have no problem if the FBI is following a potential Timothy McVeigh around. But that’s the key—they should be focused only on people who have committed or are threatening violence. In any event, we do not want them policing “disinformation” or providing their own disinformation to the media.
Douglas B. Levene: "Andrew McCarthy is no Trump loyalist, and he’s not an automatic Trump hater, he is just a very smart and experienced lawyer who gives you his honest view of the law. I gather that’s unacceptable for the Trump loyalists."
Nice try at a deflection.
Andy McCarthy has a proven track record of being wrong for years and defending his "muh principles" pals in the DOJ/FBI and vouching for them all the way right up to the moment when he finally figures out.....oh yeah, there really is unprecedented corruption coming out of those guys! See the Merrick Garland quote above.
This has zero to do with Trump, or at least, would have zero to do with Trump had McCarthy not allowed his personal distaste for Trump to override his critical faculties in recognizing multiple serial obvious and transparent frame-up jobs run against Trump and many others who dared to work with Trump by Andy's beloved DOJ/FBI.
In the same way that you, Levene, spent weeks hoping against hope the fake "secret weapons caches" could be tied to the Proud Boys (more FBI CHS and agent provocateurs than actual members for years prior to Jan 6) and then to Trump.
The "secret weapons caches" were needed since there was no insurrection, much less an armed one and the FBI run pipe-bomber clear hoax is another example.
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