৭ মে, ২০২৩
The enigmatic, paradoxical rhetoric of Ramaswamy.
A screenshot of recent texting at Meadhouse:
At Twitter, you'll find video and the completion of that last sentence: "The Administrative state more effectively controls its puppets when they are hollowed-out husks of themselves."

৬১টি মন্তব্য:
I’ll see Vivek in Iowa this week. Super excited.
I've assumed I'd be voting for Desantis in the for quite awhile but Ramaswamy is making a good case to switch.
I've assumed I'd be voting for Desantis in the primary for quite awhile but Ramaswamy is making a good case to switch.
Fixed it
"The Administrative state more effectively controls its puppets when they are hollowed-out husks of themselves."
Good line. Vivek seems to know what's happening. Comes across as very smart. Even more on the mark in his public statements than in his book.
Though I'm surprised Althouse did not complain about the bug/feature cliche.
What's in the hollowed-out husk of a bloviating fool? I'd vote for Vivek just to see him debate Joe. No way Dems would let that happen.
"Dementia Joe" is a moniker United States President Joe Biden has earned, more than qualified for, and deserves. Any Repbulican not using "Dementia Joe" every time the current president is mentioned deserves to lose. It isn't pretty, but it is true, and it will work against the senile old man.
He's doing Twitter wrong. Never write past the ellipses.
It is an obvious truth- Biden isn't running anything in his government- he isn't making any decisions that are truly important. Nobody with an IQ in the triple digit range can look at Biden and claim he is being allowed to set the direction of his administration's policy.
However, I do think the Democrats realize the danger of running Biden a second time, and are looking for an exit ramp.
Is Ramaswamay just another one of those public figures who are not what they want you to believe they are?
Wikipedia Editor Says They Were Paid To Change Vivek Ramaswamy’s Page
“Vivek Ramaswamy, an entrepreneur vying to be the Republican candidate for president in 2024, allegedly paid to change the Wikipedia page about him, according to a disclosure made on the community encyclopedia. The changes include scrubbing the fact that Ramaswamy received the Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans in 2011 and Ramaswamy’s role in the Ohio Covid-19 Response Team.”
Vivek is right. He's a breath of fresh air. And Trump and DeSantis (and the latter's Rove/McPub corporate backers) know it, too.
"On the stone that remains
Carved next to his name
His epitaph plain:
Only a pawn in their game"
Ooh! I think Althouse has found, not one, but TWO notTrump hearthrobs with Bobby and Vivek! How dreamy. If only Pete Buttibutt could gay up the menu a little.
The emperor has no clothes; hasn't for years. Yet the Dems foisted him on the country and we will be very lucky if we are not at war with Russia before he goes. From recent polling it would appear that " The People" are catching on finally.
I think Biden is making at least some decisions. He's got a macho streak ("nobody fucks with a Biden")and needs to think he is the Man. No knowledgable manager class member would have withdrawn from Afghanistan the way he did or recommend parading around with Hunter. Thats moron quality.
Ask an AI to do a “deep fake” using Ramaswamy’s speech coming out of the mouth of Rand Paul.
We might see something interesting or we might not.
I would buy his campaign merch if it just had a simple "Vote Vivek" on it instead of the "stop wokeism" stuff. (Which I don't disagree with, but don't think it's a good slogan.) Maybe I'll go with the "Excellence over politics". I like that one.
I think Ramaswamay is one of the smartest guys around. I'm not sure what the future holds for him, but if the GOP by some miracle takes the White House, I hope he will be put into a senior-senior level policy-setting position. He has a broad perspective; he is articulate as hell; and he sees though all of the nonsense that the other side keeps throwing against the wall.
We shall see - -
I believe it was presidential scholar Richard Neustadt who once said that the main task of the president was not to run the government, but to prevent--as much as possible--the government from running without him.
Ramaswamy's diction and vocabulary are immediately recognizable as a product of the sophisticated subset of people who understand money and media. That works, up to the point at which he has to connect with the working class. He needs a visceral element. Cerebral isn't enough.
President SloJo and the Whitehouse Chief of Staff.
He just speaks common sense and everyone thinks he's a genius.
He's undoubtedly very smart, but doesn't call attention to it.
Dems do the opposite; the D politicians who aren't very bright try to use big words to sound smarter.
It always backfires...
Inga believes Wikipedia on a political topic?
'However, I do think the Democrats realize the danger of running Biden a second time, and are looking for an exit ramp.'
However, I do think the Democrats realize the danger of running Biden a second time, and Obama is looking for an exit ramp.
Fixed it.
"The Administrative state more effectively controls its puppets when they are hollowed-out husks of themselves."
No one should be sworn in as president until they completed a 27B/6 form.
"Is Ramaswamay just another one of those public figures who are not what they want you to believe they are?"
Ad hominem fallacies. How do they work?
You mean the Waukeska hillbilly racist is crying about a POC again?
LMFAO. He's the Carly Fiorina of 2024.
Trump is pleased that Ramaswamy is polling right up there with Pence. (I'm not making this up.)
You know that your run for the GOP primary nomination is over, when Trump is saying how pleased he is with your campaign.
That ought to be enough, to have said about Ramaswamy, but I can't resist adding this; Ramaswamy is running against a GOP front-runner who is facing multiple criminal indictments, and Ramaswamy won't criticize that front-runner for the activity that led to the investigations/indictments.
What a joke.
LMFAO. He's the Carly Fiorina of 2024.
Trump is pleased that Ramaswamy is polling right up there with Pence. (I'm not making this up.)
You know that your run for the GOP primary nomination is over, when Trump is saying how pleased he is with your campaign.
That ought to be enough, to have said about Ramaswamy, but I can't resist adding this; Ramaswamy is running against a GOP front-runner who is facing multiple criminal indictments, and Ramaswamy won't criticize that front-runner for the activity that led to the investigations/indictments.
What a joke.
Trump is having difficulty with his former appointees:
"Bill Barr was a weak & slovenly man who was ill-equipped to be Attorney General . . . "
We need only ask who appointed Billy as Attorney General to understand that "the pot is calling the kettle black." But a slip of the past tense infers that General Barr is no longer "weak and slovenly," so his recent criticism of TFG is obviously valid.
I'm all for new faces in both parties, given that we aren't getting new parties anytime soon, and a bright wonk like Vivek (vi-vake) will go far--if not to the WH in any future I can plausibly envision.
I think he's more right than wrong on who is really running things (or not). Him and Kunstler and I are on the same page in that regard.
Inga is on board with the democrat party mob situation.
Inga and Maddow soon to nonsense that Ramaswarmy is a RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA.
"The Administrative state more effectively controls its puppets when they are hollowed-out husks of themselves."
It also doesn't hurt that the crook is kept out of prison because the "administrative state" operates like the mob.
But loyal leftists like Inga DO NOT CARE. Corruption on the left is non-existent according to loyalists on the left.
It's neither wordy nor terse. It's concise.
I'm starting to think I might jump on the Vivek bandwagon. How cool would it be if both the U.K. and the U.S. were both be being governed by those of Indian descent?
Ramaswamy's diction and vocabulary are immediately recognizable as a product of the sophisticated subset of people who understand money and media. That works, up to the point at which he has to connect with the working class. He needs a visceral element. Cerebral isn't enough.
Keri Lake as V.P..
Original Mike: "Inga believes Wikipedia on a political topic?"
Oh, its MUCH worse than that.
Inga is the Ron Burgundy of Althouse blog. All you have to do is put anything, and I mean anything, into a hoax dossier and Inga will buy into it so completely she can never extricate herself from the conspiracy downward spiral.
When the cracks in the conspiracies inevitably appear, as they must, Inga flexes to her mind-reading schtick to act as conspiracy spackle to patch those cracks.
If Wikipedia was paid to change his page, frankly I'm more outraged that Wiki do it than I am at Vivek for attempting it.
What really helps billionaires control the government is when the president is cravenly and openly corrupt. That’s the real reason that Biden was chosen.
Mueller was another hollowed out husk used by Democrats.
"Inga and Maddow soon to nonsense that Ramaswarmy is a RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA."
Yes, Ramaswamy is just his code name.
I saw Ramaswamy take on Don Lemon and refuse to allow Lemon to back him down even when Lemon played the race card. He's quick and though he stays nice, he doesn't back down, he goes forward with his challenges.
He sounded great on Michael Malice's podcast. If he can run the gauntlet, I hope he delivers. Unfortunately, I fear he is a real long shot.
“When the cracks in the conspiracies inevitably appear, as they must, Inga flexes to her mind-reading schtick to act as conspiracy spackle to patch those cracks.”
The Moscow Trained Propagandist doesn’t just want you to think he can read minds, he LIES and repeats the LIE often and hopes you internalize the lie until it becomes a truth in your mind. That is what a Moscow Trained Propagandist would do and is trained to do. If Drag Queen doesn’t want to sound like a Moscow Trained Propagandist and is merely a LIAR, he might consider that lying and repeating the LIE as often as he can doesn’t turn the lie into a truth with everyone. Some people can see the underhanded manipulation and won’t give him any credibilty.
Gahrie: "I'm starting to think I might jump on the Vivek bandwagon. How cool would it be if both the U.K. and the U.S. were both be being governed by those of Indian descent?"
I am utterly opposed to identity politics and am only concerned with policy positions and the willingness and ability to fight for those positions.
So it wouldnt be "cool" at all, particularly since Sunak is a complete globalist sellout and just presided over horrendous local elections, is trying to sell a theme of "no longer a shambles" to the electorate as a description of the backstabbing Tory leader betrayal of its base AND, as if that wasnt enough, it appears Sunak and crew will be handing back lots of seats to Labour in the industrial north that turned Tory in the several elections. A 100 year goal tossed away...
...in precisely the same way the GOPe wants ALL the icky working class voters to shut up and go away so the GOPe can return to 2004 thinking.
But, okay, "Indians" hurray!..I guess.
At least Vivek has the correct positions and isnt too "managed" to push those ideas.
One of Vivek's best lines thus far is claiming he will govern as a 2015 Trump. That's a very good line. Needs support of course but sets the bar exactly right.
Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary/FBI Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Infa: "The Moscow Trained Propagandist..."
What I love most about your lunacy on display every single day is that now, 7 FULL years after ALL your idiotic Russia Russia Russia conspiracies have been obliterated, you actually believe running with some "Moscow Trained" schtick actually helps instead of draw attention to the very thing that demonstrates your lunacy!
Hilariously fun!
Shorter Inga: How dare you accuse me of being a russia collusion truther and Hillary/FBI hoax dossier dead ender you...you...you...Moscow Trained Propagandist!!
Exit Question setup: as with the Mueller fake-investigation-actually-coverup when Inga presented herself at Althouse blog daily for several years to regale us with tales of what Mueller "was really thinking" and what was "really happening behind the scenes in the investigation" and how "surprised" we were all going to be "when the truth comes out", Inga now presents herself as an International Trained Propagandist Identification Expert!
Exit Question: Inga, where and when did you develop this "expertise" and is it similar to your geo-military-strategy "genius" that you somehow absorbed because you claim to have a daughter that serves in the Navy as a Corpsman?
Gahrie: "I'm starting to think I might jump on the Vivek bandwagon. How cool would it be if both the U.K. and the U.S. were both be being governed by those of Indian descent?"
I am utterly opposed to identity politics and am only concerned with policy positions and the willingness and ability to fight for those positions.
Lighten up Francis.
I am very excited about Vivek!
He fleshes out in splendid detail what I'd call Trumpism, which is what the nation & globe clearly needs.
The preparedness this wholesomely religious Hindu family man is bringing to the monstrous situation we face gives me hope that perhaps we are not yet lost to 400 years of darkness under a godless globalized police state.
G*dspeed, America
Unknown person wrote, "strangely simultaneously wordy and terse."
One thing I can see in that specific example is that Vivek didn't use very long sentences. He also uses some very short ones.
it was funny, I have to tell ya, I had seen that excellent tweet this morning and heard it through a few times. so good.
Then! when I saw your post this evening, the way it was worded I gasped, thinking for a moment that Meadehouse had actually gathered and HELD that meetup!
I was. So. Excited!!!
haha, .7 seconds later I was back on earth.
you folks! just ignore inga!
she comes out to divert our eyes & attention from the fine, fine, finest of ideas.
let us keep our eye on the ball. Individual Freedom is Key. Stay Free.
you folks! just ignore inga!
she comes out to divert our eyes & attention from the fine, fine, finest of ideas.
let us keep our eye on the ball. Individual Freedom is Key. Stay Free.
Vivek is a symptom of the problems he wants to fix.
It’s not just the illegal immigrants that mess things up for the people already here.
All the H1B’s like Vivek’s parents make it harder for working class people to climb up the economic ladder.
If businesses can bring in skilled professionals from overseas, they don’t lobby local governments to fix the schools, and they certainly don’t create their own OJT programs to develop the native workforce.
Having an Indian American President just 40 years after significant Indian immigration started, while we still haven’t had a president descended from pre-1865 blacks, is not progress.
Inga thinks we've all been to Moscow for training. Yes - she really thinks this.
All while she - like other hive-mind Maddow Colbert leftists, think Biden is amazing.
"The Administrative state more effectively controls its puppets when they are hollowed-out husks of themselves."
Or ... indistinguishable from dead.
Gahrie: "Lighten up Francis."
That did make me laugh!
Fair enough! But come on, enough with the skin color focus.
Inga quoted:
“Vivek Ramaswamy, an entrepreneur vying to be the Republican candidate for president in 2024, allegedly paid to change the Wikipedia page about him, according to a disclosure made on the community encyclopedia. The changes include scrubbing the fact that Ramaswamy received the Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans in 2011 and Ramaswamy’s role in the Ohio Covid-19 Response Team.”
It's Wikipedia, Inga. Left wing smear machine. Not to believed without receipts.
(Apologies to Chinatown. Much better story teller than Inga.
cf: "you folks! just ignore inga!"
I can't! My russian handler has directed me to monitor all Althouse blog commentary by "dangerous" anti-revolutionaries who pose a threat to the global dictatorship Putin is putting in place from his position of incredible financial and military power as the world's......(squints)...(checks notes)...... 11th ranked nation by GDP, AFTER Canada, Italy and Brazil.
Moscow is calling... quick all ye agents! - to the white paging telephone.
Funny tho - how Putin chose his war-timing to coincide with Inga's favorite hollow husk crook.
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