Normalcy only returns when we've held every Jeffrey Epstein associate to justice.
Gates = a textbook wolf-in-sheep's-clothing brutal psychopath. This was his reputation by the 1990s. His later charity work...a distraction and cover-up or a come-to-Jesus conversion? Hmmm.
The sheer idiocy of Gate's statement. This isn't smallpox, it's a coronavirus. This is what's wrong with thinking by analogy. Analogies can act as heuristics, guiding your thinking towards the truth, but they aren't logic. Wasn't this the guy who was supposed to have read every line of code that Microsoft produced in the early years?
Oh wait, I forgot! DeSantis was too busy trying to kill off Floridians by his failure to mandate masks, close the schools or shut down the state's economy. He even made the vaccine available to anyone who wanted it, but then refused to issue a blanket edict on vaccines. Even after all the political pressure put on by the media and the Feds he refused to budge. How stupid is that? It's almost as if he looked at the Diamond Princess data and realized that, out of 3500 passengers and crew, crammed together without masking, social distancing or vaccinations, only 13 elderly passengers who had multiple comorbidities succumbed to Covid. Isn't a virus with a mortality rate of 0.0037 still a pandemic of deadly magnitude, worthy of shutting down the economy, turning the kids out of the schools, letting grandma die alone and forcing an untested "vaccine" on the entire population? More importantly, the Democrats had an election to win and that would have been very iffy without the mail-in votes and the vote harvesting which the mail-ins facilitated.
Okay, that was sarcasm. But three serious questions: how can anyone vote for Slow Joe or believe anything the press or CDC publishes after seeing the manipulative, coordinated propaganda stitched together in that montage? Secondly, which other politician had the courage of conviction to go against that tidal wave of propaganda? Trump? No, he was at most a bystander. Thirdly, why were Inga's expert medical harangues omitted? She should have occupied a place of honor among the more famous covidiots.
I watched the whole 11-plus minutes. Not something I usually do.
We have dear friends, a family of four ranging from 19 to 54yo, all in good health, who never got vaccinated. They all eventually got COVID, and all recovered quickly. We have dear friends, another family of four, about the same age range, who have had every shot offered. They all got COVID and also recovered quickly. We got the first two-shot series and then stopped. We eventually got COVID and recovered quickly.
That second family - the wife's mother came to live with them for about half year; she's in her 80s and in good health for that age, but refused to get vaccinated on religious grounds. The husband gritted his teeth for six months about having her in the house - and I never got the impression that he was concerned for her. (If she's had COVID, I haven't heard about it - I strongly suspect she would refuse to test, but our friends haven't said anything like, "She claims it's just a cold, but we know!")
In case you can't already figure it out, our first friends are conservative and our second friends are progressive.
I received my second dose of vaccine and had a stroke about a week later. I'm fine now except for some tattoos and scars indicating that I might have possibly joined some sort of mercenary outfit for a short time. I also have some scribbled notes on what I assume is tactical paper, all I can make out though is "No One Is Safe, The Musical" followed by a lot of these "!!!!!!!!!!!" I think I might have collaborated with one of my fellow mercenary stroke victims, but I think them/hers were more interested in going the hippy route like Jesus Christ Superstar. Now Andrew Lloyd Webber is a great guy, but I was thinking Tommy. We came to blows and now one of us is dead. I looked at the batch I got, it wasn't especially deadly. I think like around 250 injuries reported; some batches had over a thousand. Thank you Lord for making the stroke benign that you sent. I know it was you Lord because you also sent me 140 thousand dollars worth of tests that showed me to be a particularly healthy person. No plaque deposits in my 50s; I found I was immune to bacon (which you also sent and I am forever grateful for). The protagonist has to be flawed of course so we can have a proper character arc. We'll make him retarded or something, and then later he'll still be retarded but people won't call him that any more. His growth will come from his recognition that people need to switch up the labels on their contempt to make themselves feel better. Once he recognizes that, normalcy returns, which means a pillow over the mouth of our pneumonic philanderer and an autopsy denied. Were Warren Harding's last words really "That's good. Go on, read some more" or was it more like "What the hell honey...ummpphh...uhhh.."? Only Florence knew for sure and she won't tell because normalcy came for her just a year later.
I understand I fail the brevity and substance tests, but I feel I have exceeded expectations regarding the personal attacks and repetition repetition.
WHY is it, that they were So insistent that we got the "vaccine" seriously? WHY? because they wanted us to not get it? But the "vaccine" doesn't (DOESN'T) stop you from getting it because they wanted to stop the spread? But the "vaccine" doesn't (DOESN'T) stop the spread because they wanted our case to be mild? But our case WAS going to be mild
someone, Any One, give me One reason WHY they wanted us to take the "vaccine"? Now, explain why they INSISTED that we got the "vaccine" The majority of people in the USA that They Say died of Covid, THEY SAY died WITH the "vaccine"
I have been reading the the Healthy Skeptic throughout the entire Covid thing. His point all along was that there is no way to deter a respiratory virus from spreading throughout the population until the bulk of the population has gained natural immunity -masks, social distancing and, most assuredly, lockdowns were pointless.( See also the Great Barrington Declaration). He is currently displaying tables - and has been for some time - showing that the vaccinated and boosted are now more susceptible to contracting Covid than the unvaccinated. It turns out that the "management" of Covid was like the Salem Witch Trials at the national level. We haven't gotten any smarter or wiser since the 1690s and look what it has done for us.
As a trial run of mRNA vaccines, Covid was a success. The vaccine was developed within days, and didn't kill all that many people with side effects, and maybe sorta helped even if only temporarily with resistance to infection and reduction of symptoms. But Covid was a fairly benign disease virus, with lab enhanced transmission capability but not too bad an effect upon hosts. Most deaths were in folk with serious comorbidities, especially age.
So now picture a future Chinese government deciding to use a really nasty virus on the world. They have to factor in the reality of near-instantaneous vaccine availability with some level of efficacy. At least good enough for nukes to be used in retLiation. Hopefully that deters them from their genoci
I don't expect to see this as a movie plot any time soon.
I think there is a subversive campaign going on right now, and the presidential run is bringing it closer to the spotlight. The campaign is to whitewash and dilute the menacing, painful memories of public policy abuse, by re-distributing it indiscriminately.
I can accept that almost nothing was commonly known about the disease in its early days, accept the ill-informed panic that swept across populations everywhere. I can accept that most politicians and public figures did their honest best to roll out measures that would protect the public health. I don't automatically assume their intentions were bad, Trump, DeSantis, or others.
What I don't accept is the rush to approve vaccines before they had been through the process, and the longer-term steamrolling insistence that any challenges should be met with the official force of law. I don't accept the corruption of the scientific / medical databases by labeling everything 'COVID' as a cause of death. I don't accept the long-term insistence, in defiance of scientific evidence and CDC data, that children should be vaccinated and kept out of school at the expense of their lifetime development. I don't accept the shifting definitions of 'vaccine' to accommodate the faltering performance of the RNA therapuetics, while the pharmaceutical companies raked in mandated fortunes.
Playing the blame game with campaigning politicians is just a way to absolve the rest of the people that did some really horrible, tyrannical things to the general populations. They're trying to fade back into the bushes, or alternatively advance new chapters in their own public careers (looking at you, Jacinda). There needs to be an accounting with no quarter given.
If you took the mRNA shots, for whatever reason, how does a montage like this make you feel today?
-Do you now feel lied to and manipulated? -Are you still firm in you mRNA shot conviction, and continue to receive boosters when available? -Have you now opted out of any mRNA boosters? -Do you still support injecting mRNA shots into children and young adults?
gilbar asked...WHY is it, that they were So insistent that we got the "vaccine" seriously?... WHY?WHAT THE HELL WAS IN THAT "VACCINE"???
The answer to those questions is probably much more sinister than anyone wants to absorb or admit. Especially if you are part of the educational establishment trying to force mRNA shots on children and young people. Also, if you are in the mRNA money making supply chain. Talk about blood diamonds.
It amazes me that people actually believe in the benevolence of Bill Gates, Klauss Schwab, Joe Biden, Teachers Unions, Liberal University Administrators and Professors, and, sadly, now Medical Doctors.
Too many people sold their souls to push the mRNA shots. Understanding human nature, even if they know they were wrong, they will double down rather than reverse course.
The way people freaked out about people who wouldn't get vaccinated- including the president of the United States- really opened my eyes about how willingly people will turn their lives over to the politicians.
Nobody is being held to account for what they did. We barely even talk about it.
"someone, Any One, give me One reason WHY they wanted us to take the "vaccine"?"
I struggle to understand this episode. I tend to give them the benefit of the doubt early on when we didn't know much. There's logic to the idea that you taking the vaccine protects everybody. It true for diseases like measles and such.
But what really bowls me over is that when the Covid results were shown to be diametrically opposed to this model; when we learned that people taking the vaccine does NOT protect anyone else, it didn't faze them one bit. Public officials and the media kept up the messaging and the strong-arm tactics. Is it as simple as refusing to admit they were wrong or is it something more sinister?
I almost didn't watch that, it be 11 minutes, but it was worth it. A montage of sociopaths. None have even fake expressed regret or taken accountability for their calls for violence against the unvaccinated.
You really do have a talent for over-analyzing single words and details.
What should he have said instead - no one is “protected?” At some point there actually are people who don’t want to get sick or contribute to others getting sick and his responsibility is to communicate to them, not to people so weird that they’d rather trust a guy who suggests putting bleach inside the body or affiliates with witch doctors who would use de-wormers.
As a trial run of mRNA vaccines, Covid was a success. The vaccine was developed within days, and didn't kill all that many people with side effects...
Actually they have been working on mRNA vaccines for years. It was just a stroke of luck that this virus came along and gave them a chance to try it out on a large sample of people, the entire world.
The jury is still out on the number of people killed by the vaccine since they are still dying. Ever wonder why there are so many relatively young people just dropping dead all of a sudden with no warning and no reason for the death is given?
Oh, and now a scientist has found while checking remnants of one batch that it was contaminated with double stranded DNA! There is supposed to be NO DNA in the vaccine. Maybe it was only this one batch, then again maybe not.
Aggie said... ... I can accept that almost nothing was commonly known about the disease in its early days, accept the ill-informed panic that swept across populations everywhere. ...
A mistake. They deliberately used the term, and emphasized it over and over again, that it was a "Novel Coronavirus". Novel is a triggering word when used in that context. From Merriam-Webster- strange or unprecedented..
It was, and is, a coronavirus. A new mutation. Probably lab created. Novel in this context means to some of us- "Gee, we haven't seen this one before!" Do you get the flu shot every year? Many do. Know what's in it? Stuff to develop antibodies against "novel influenza viruses". There are, literally, tens of thousands of ways to build an influenza virus. Each year new and therefore "novel" influenza viruses appear. Nobody panics. And they're not referred to as "novel", simply identified by strain. There are 4 basic types- quick lesson:,global%20epidemics%20of%20flu%20disease). Simple and easy to understand. Can't find anything similar with a QUICK internet search for coronaviruses in general. Everything point to the different covid-19 variants. Which is just a variant of coronaviruses.
The panic was deliberately ignited by health authorities. measures ordered- such as masking and shutting down and compolete isolation- were all ideas that HAD BEEN REJECTED as ways to fight pandemics because- they were and are ineffective.
Masking thorughout history has been, and was in context in the covidiocy, a means of social control Only the inferior ever need to mask. There are, literally, hindreds of pics of the elites- including Saint Fauci - donning masks only after they notice someones's taking pictures. THere are pics of dinner parties of the elite where the servers- the inferiors- are all masked up, but the elite aren't. If you believed that the masking was ordered for health reaons, you were duped. If you STILL believe that, you're a fool. There are pics of DemoncRAT pols, all unmasked, posing with children- all masked. Here's an article and video with Stacey Abrams
I noticed that most of those clips were from CNN and MSNBC. I could always tell what news my patients consumed the most by their reactions to COVID. The most fearful were the CNN and MSNBC watchers. They are still afraid to go to the grocery store. At the other extreme, we’re people who got all their news from selective blogs and YouTubers and podcasts, who think the whole thing was made up, even the virus.
The vaccine(s) was a definite advantage when it was introduced. I got vaccinated mostly because I would not otherwise be able to visit my aging mother. I would argue that many, many people benefited by being vaccinated. The benefits were vastly overstated and there should never have been mandates. And to introduce it into children was further evidence of madness.
You can learn all you need to know about mRNA "vaccine" technology by following the money. They invested (Big Pharma...) literally billions of dollars into the idea, starting back in the 1990s. They saw the payoff steadily receding into the future, such that they'd never recoup their investments.
Then, came COVID. Conveniently enough that you could almost begin to make a case for it being planned, they used mRNA to create a "vaccine" that didn't really vaccinate, and made billions in windfall profits. Way more than they invested, BTW.
So... Knowing those two facts, what do you suppose the connections might be?
My favorite moment of seeing Covid hysteria in full was the arrest of the paddle boarder in Los Angeles. Nothing compared with the overreaction. Not even the sanitizer obsession r. The six foot distancing rule (only more ridiculous by the European 2 meter 6.56168 feet rule. SCIENCE!). Fun times. Early on our hostess washed her running shoes to scrub off the virus (a close second). There is so much stupidity to be mocked. Never again.
"It's almost as if he looked at the Diamond Princess data and realized that, out of 3500 passengers and crew, crammed together without masking, social distancing or vaccinations, only 13 elderly passengers who had multiple comorbidities succumbed to Covid."
What should he have said instead - no one is “protected?” At some point there actually are people who don’t want to get sick or contribute to others getting sick and his responsibility is to communicate to them, not to people so weird that they’d rather trust a guy who suggests putting bleach inside the body or affiliates with witch doctors who would use de-wormers.
Puddinghead has a real talent for stupidity. The people so "weird" include most real epidemiologists. The "bleach" lie was just that. The "dewormer" got the Nobel Prize for its discoverer. It was also quite effective in those African countries with "witch doctors" more effective than Fauci and Birx who avoided the epidemiology literature like the plague.
If you took the mRNA shots, for whatever reason, how does a montage like this make you feel today?
-Do you now feel lied to and manipulated? -Are you still firm in you mRNA shot conviction, and continue to receive boosters when available? -Have you now opted out of any mRNA boosters? -Do you still support injecting mRNA shots into children and young adults?
I am very angry about how Covid has been handled. This video provides a good summary. I do still think it was good I got my first shot. My husband, however, feels manipulated and angry.
Neither of us have gotten any boosters (they might help high risk, but the trials haven't even been done to solidly show that).
Our two children under 5 have not gotten Covid vaccines. Their pediatrician has not even mentioned it when we bring them in for the standard vaccines.
I support mRNA Covid vaccines for children and young adults with say cystic fibrosis or immunocompromise.
There's likely no benefit for healthy children and the poor handling of myocarditis in young men has me very upset. Its not just that myocarditis happens (nothing is risk-free), its that it wasn't taken seriously, they didn't even take any steps to minimize it (space it out, no Moderna for young men, at least end mandates for the group most at-risk).
I talked to a woman with chronic leukemia. She's been getting boosters, but she's upset there's not better evidence it will help her.
I'm still shocked to find myself saying this, but the FDA and CDC would rather help Pfizer and Moderna increase profits by recommending it for the entire population with little evidence. It's not as profitable to do the research and find what helps the people who really need it.
Alot of people don't understand that. The people who do and still get it are very high-risk. When you have chronic leukemia as the person I mentioned before, you're willing to do things you wouldn't do when you're healthy.
I have chronic leukemia. I have gotten the boosters in the past because there is evidence that they attenuate the degree of sickness when you get covid, which may save my life. And I've gotten shit from Gusty Winds for doing so. (Why it's any of his business is beyond me.)
Whether I get another booster in the future is something I'll decide when the time comes.
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५७ टिप्पण्या:
Because they haven't killed off enough young athletes yet??
Lies, lies, lies, yeah
Lies, lies, lies, yeah
Lies, lies, lies, yeah
Lies, lies, lies, yeah (oh, you know I know)
Normalcy only returns when we've held every Jeffrey Epstein associate to justice.
Gates = a textbook wolf-in-sheep's-clothing brutal psychopath. This was his reputation by the 1990s. His later charity work...a distraction and cover-up or a come-to-Jesus conversion? Hmmm.
America is sick, and Ron DeSantis is the vaccine. No one is safe until everyone is vaccinated. Make DeSantis President!
Gates was wrong.
And how many times did he have sex with underage women supplied by Jeffery Epstein? Criminal.
Well done with the propaganda tag…
Every single one of those people should have body parts cut off till they bleed out. Every single one.
The sheer idiocy of Gate's statement. This isn't smallpox, it's a coronavirus. This is what's wrong with thinking by analogy. Analogies can act as heuristics, guiding your thinking towards the truth, but they aren't logic. Wasn't this the guy who was supposed to have read every line of code that Microsoft produced in the early years?
Where was DeSantis in that montage?
Oh wait, I forgot! DeSantis was too busy trying to kill off Floridians by his failure to mandate masks, close the schools or shut down the state's economy. He even made the vaccine available to anyone who wanted it, but then refused to issue a blanket edict on vaccines. Even after all the political pressure put on by the media and the Feds he refused to budge. How stupid is that? It's almost as if he looked at the Diamond Princess data and realized that, out of 3500 passengers and crew, crammed together without masking, social distancing or vaccinations, only 13 elderly passengers who had multiple comorbidities succumbed to Covid. Isn't a virus with a mortality rate of 0.0037 still a pandemic of deadly magnitude, worthy of shutting down the economy, turning the kids out of the schools, letting grandma die alone and forcing an untested "vaccine" on the entire population? More importantly, the Democrats had an election to win and that would have been very iffy without the mail-in votes and the vote harvesting which the mail-ins facilitated.
Okay, that was sarcasm. But three serious questions: how can anyone vote for Slow Joe or believe anything the press or CDC publishes after seeing the manipulative, coordinated propaganda stitched together in that montage? Secondly, which other politician had the courage of conviction to go against that tidal wave of propaganda? Trump? No, he was at most a bystander. Thirdly, why were Inga's expert medical harangues omitted? She should have occupied a place of honor among the more famous covidiots.
I watched the whole 11-plus minutes. Not something I usually do.
We have dear friends, a family of four ranging from 19 to 54yo, all in good health, who never got vaccinated. They all eventually got COVID, and all recovered quickly. We have dear friends, another family of four, about the same age range, who have had every shot offered. They all got COVID and also recovered quickly. We got the first two-shot series and then stopped. We eventually got COVID and recovered quickly.
That second family - the wife's mother came to live with them for about half year; she's in her 80s and in good health for that age, but refused to get vaccinated on religious grounds. The husband gritted his teeth for six months about having her in the house - and I never got the impression that he was concerned for her. (If she's had COVID, I haven't heard about it - I strongly suspect she would refuse to test, but our friends haven't said anything like, "She claims it's just a cold, but we know!")
In case you can't already figure it out, our first friends are conservative and our second friends are progressive.
This planet deserves better psy-ops.
Man. Were sold a bill of goods.
I received my second dose of vaccine and had a stroke about a week later. I'm fine now except for some tattoos and scars indicating that I might have possibly joined some sort of mercenary outfit for a short time.
I also have some scribbled notes on what I assume is tactical paper, all I can make out though is "No One Is Safe, The Musical" followed by a lot of these "!!!!!!!!!!!"
I think I might have collaborated with one of my fellow mercenary stroke victims, but I think them/hers were more interested in going the hippy route like Jesus Christ Superstar. Now Andrew Lloyd Webber is a great guy, but I was thinking Tommy. We came to blows and now one of us is dead.
I looked at the batch I got, it wasn't especially deadly. I think like around 250 injuries reported; some batches had over a thousand. Thank you Lord for making the stroke benign that you sent.
I know it was you Lord because you also sent me 140 thousand dollars worth of tests that showed me to be a particularly healthy person. No plaque deposits in my 50s; I found I was immune to bacon (which you also sent and I am forever grateful for).
The protagonist has to be flawed of course so we can have a proper character arc. We'll make him retarded or something, and then later he'll still be retarded but people won't call him that any more. His growth will come from his recognition that people need to switch up the labels on their contempt to make themselves feel better. Once he recognizes that, normalcy returns, which means a pillow over the mouth of our pneumonic philanderer and an autopsy denied. Were Warren Harding's last words really "That's good. Go on, read some more" or was it more like "What the hell honey...ummpphh...uhhh.."? Only Florence knew for sure and she won't tell because normalcy came for her just a year later.
I understand I fail the brevity and substance tests, but I feel I have exceeded expectations regarding the personal attacks and repetition repetition.
WHY is it, that they were So insistent that we got the "vaccine"
seriously? WHY?
because they wanted us to not get it? But the "vaccine" doesn't (DOESN'T) stop you from getting it
because they wanted to stop the spread? But the "vaccine" doesn't (DOESN'T) stop the spread
because they wanted our case to be mild? But our case WAS going to be mild
someone, Any One, give me One reason WHY they wanted us to take the "vaccine"?
Now, explain why they INSISTED that we got the "vaccine"
The majority of people in the USA that They Say died of Covid, THEY SAY died WITH the "vaccine"
I have been reading the the Healthy Skeptic throughout the entire Covid thing. His point all along was that there is no way to deter a respiratory virus from spreading throughout the population until the bulk of the population has gained natural immunity -masks, social distancing and, most assuredly, lockdowns were pointless.( See also the Great Barrington Declaration). He is currently displaying tables - and has been for some time - showing that the vaccinated and boosted are now more susceptible to contracting Covid than the unvaccinated. It turns out that the "management" of Covid was like the Salem Witch Trials at the national level. We haven't gotten any smarter or wiser since the 1690s and look what it has done for us.
cargo cult science
As Frank once said... "Here's one for mother"...
Heart Problems Detected... Whoda Thunk It?
How Serious Are They?
A severe flu season, all it was. Killing whoever coronaviruses kill.
As a trial run of mRNA vaccines, Covid was a success. The vaccine was developed within days, and didn't kill all that many people with side effects, and maybe sorta helped even if only temporarily with resistance to infection and reduction of symptoms. But Covid was a fairly benign disease virus, with lab enhanced transmission capability but not too bad an effect upon hosts. Most deaths were in folk with serious comorbidities, especially age.
So now picture a future Chinese government deciding to use a really nasty virus on the world. They have to factor in the reality of near-instantaneous vaccine availability with some level of efficacy. At least good enough for nukes to be used in retLiation. Hopefully that deters them from their genoci
I don't expect to see this as a movie plot any time soon.
At this point, if you take and mRNA shot or booster you're an idiot.
If you force it upon children and young adults as a requirement for attendance at an educational're stupid and evil.
Bill Gates is evil. Plain and simple...evil.
I think there is a subversive campaign going on right now, and the presidential run is bringing it closer to the spotlight. The campaign is to whitewash and dilute the menacing, painful memories of public policy abuse, by re-distributing it indiscriminately.
I can accept that almost nothing was commonly known about the disease in its early days, accept the ill-informed panic that swept across populations everywhere. I can accept that most politicians and public figures did their honest best to roll out measures that would protect the public health. I don't automatically assume their intentions were bad, Trump, DeSantis, or others.
What I don't accept is the rush to approve vaccines before they had been through the process, and the longer-term steamrolling insistence that any challenges should be met with the official force of law. I don't accept the corruption of the scientific / medical databases by labeling everything 'COVID' as a cause of death. I don't accept the long-term insistence, in defiance of scientific evidence and CDC data, that children should be vaccinated and kept out of school at the expense of their lifetime development. I don't accept the shifting definitions of 'vaccine' to accommodate the faltering performance of the RNA therapuetics, while the pharmaceutical companies raked in mandated fortunes.
Playing the blame game with campaigning politicians is just a way to absolve the rest of the people that did some really horrible, tyrannical things to the general populations. They're trying to fade back into the bushes, or alternatively advance new chapters in their own public careers (looking at you, Jacinda). There needs to be an accounting with no quarter given.
The vaxxxers do a disservice to conflate non-sterilizing shots/jabs with vaccines, then demand mandates for the general population.
If you took the mRNA shots, for whatever reason, how does a montage like this make you feel today?
-Do you now feel lied to and manipulated?
-Are you still firm in you mRNA shot conviction, and continue to receive boosters when available?
-Have you now opted out of any mRNA boosters?
-Do you still support injecting mRNA shots into children and young adults?
gilbar asked...WHY is it, that they were So insistent that we got the "vaccine"
The answer to those questions is probably much more sinister than anyone wants to absorb or admit. Especially if you are part of the educational establishment trying to force mRNA shots on children and young people. Also, if you are in the mRNA money making supply chain. Talk about blood diamonds.
It amazes me that people actually believe in the benevolence of Bill Gates, Klauss Schwab, Joe Biden, Teachers Unions, Liberal University Administrators and Professors, and, sadly, now Medical Doctors.
Too many people sold their souls to push the mRNA shots. Understanding human nature, even if they know they were wrong, they will double down rather than reverse course.
The way people freaked out about people who wouldn't get vaccinated- including the president of the United States- really opened my eyes about how willingly people will turn their lives over to the politicians.
Nobody is being held to account for what they did. We barely even talk about it.
And they're all still on TV, still telling us what to do.
WHY is it, that they were So insistent that we got the "vaccine"
You really want to get freaked out? Go read Rainbow Six by Tom Clancy.
"someone, Any One, give me One reason WHY they wanted us to take the "vaccine"?"
I struggle to understand this episode. I tend to give them the benefit of the doubt early on when we didn't know much. There's logic to the idea that you taking the vaccine protects everybody. It true for diseases like measles and such.
But what really bowls me over is that when the Covid results were shown to be diametrically opposed to this model; when we learned that people taking the vaccine does NOT protect anyone else, it didn't faze them one bit. Public officials and the media kept up the messaging and the strong-arm tactics. Is it as simple as refusing to admit they were wrong or is it something more sinister?
I almost didn't watch that, it be 11 minutes, but it was worth it. A montage of sociopaths. None have even fake expressed regret or taken accountability for their calls for violence against the unvaccinated.
You really do have a talent for over-analyzing single words and details.
What should he have said instead - no one is “protected?” At some point there actually are people who don’t want to get sick or contribute to others getting sick and his responsibility is to communicate to them, not to people so weird that they’d rather trust a guy who suggests putting bleach inside the body or affiliates with witch doctors who would use de-wormers.
mikee said...
As a trial run of mRNA vaccines, Covid was a success. The vaccine was developed within days, and didn't kill all that many people with side effects...
Actually they have been working on mRNA vaccines for years. It was just a stroke of luck that this virus came along and gave them a chance to try it out on a large sample of people, the entire world.
The jury is still out on the number of people killed by the vaccine since they are still dying.
Ever wonder why there are so many relatively young people just dropping dead all of a sudden with no warning and no reason for the death is given?
Oh, and now a scientist has found while checking remnants of one batch that it was contaminated with double stranded DNA! There is supposed to be NO DNA in the vaccine. Maybe it was only this one batch, then again maybe not.
Russian roulette anyone?
Aggie said...
I can accept that almost nothing was commonly known about the disease in its early days, accept the ill-informed panic that swept across populations everywhere.
A mistake. They deliberately used the term, and emphasized it over and over again, that it was a "Novel Coronavirus". Novel is a triggering word when used in that context. From Merriam-Webster- strange or unprecedented..
It was, and is, a coronavirus. A new mutation. Probably lab created. Novel in this context means to some of us- "Gee, we haven't seen this one before!" Do you get the flu shot every year? Many do. Know what's in it? Stuff to develop antibodies against "novel influenza viruses". There are, literally, tens of thousands of ways to build an influenza virus. Each year new and therefore "novel" influenza viruses appear. Nobody panics. And they're not referred to as "novel", simply identified by strain. There are 4 basic types- quick lesson:,global%20epidemics%20of%20flu%20disease).
Simple and easy to understand. Can't find anything similar with a QUICK internet search for coronaviruses in general. Everything point to the different covid-19 variants. Which is just a variant of coronaviruses.
The panic was deliberately ignited by health authorities. measures ordered- such as masking and shutting down and compolete isolation- were all ideas that HAD BEEN REJECTED as ways to fight pandemics because- they were and are ineffective.
Masking thorughout history has been, and was in context in the covidiocy, a means of social control Only the inferior ever need to mask. There are, literally, hindreds of pics of the elites- including Saint Fauci - donning masks only after they notice someones's taking pictures. THere are pics of dinner parties of the elite where the servers- the inferiors- are all masked up, but the elite aren't. If you believed that the masking was ordered for health reaons, you were duped. If you STILL believe that, you're a fool. There are pics of DemoncRAT pols, all unmasked, posing with children- all masked. Here's an article and video with Stacey Abrams
Is it as simple as refusing to admit they were wrong…?
I noticed that most of those clips were from CNN and MSNBC. I could always tell what news my patients consumed the most by their reactions to COVID. The most fearful were the CNN and MSNBC watchers. They are still afraid to go to the grocery store. At the other extreme, we’re people who got all their news from selective blogs and YouTubers and podcasts, who think the whole thing was made up, even the virus.
Et tu, Bono?
The very rich always want to exterminate everyone else...
I'd be willing to bet most, if not all those assholes in the video are actually unvaccinated.
The vaccine(s) was a definite advantage when it was introduced. I got vaccinated mostly because I would not otherwise be able to visit my aging mother. I would argue that many, many people benefited by being vaccinated. The benefits were vastly overstated and there should never have been mandates. And to introduce it into children was further evidence of madness.
You can learn all you need to know about mRNA "vaccine" technology by following the money. They invested (Big Pharma...) literally billions of dollars into the idea, starting back in the 1990s. They saw the payoff steadily receding into the future, such that they'd never recoup their investments.
Then, came COVID. Conveniently enough that you could almost begin to make a case for it being planned, they used mRNA to create a "vaccine" that didn't really vaccinate, and made billions in windfall profits. Way more than they invested, BTW.
So... Knowing those two facts, what do you suppose the connections might be?
My favorite moment of seeing Covid hysteria in full was the arrest of the paddle boarder in Los Angeles. Nothing compared with the overreaction. Not even the sanitizer obsession r. The six foot distancing rule (only more ridiculous by the European 2 meter 6.56168 feet rule. SCIENCE!). Fun times. Early on our hostess washed her running shoes to scrub off the virus (a close second).
There is so much stupidity to be mocked. Never again.
"Bill Gates is evil. Plain and simple...evil."
N3ver trust a man who names his company after his penis. Never.
Never forget.
Blogger hpudding said..."At some point there actually are people who don’t want to get sick or contribute to others getting sick…"
Let me use little words: The vaccine does not prevent transmission of the Covid virus.
We've known this since at least the fall of 2021.
"It's almost as if he looked at the Diamond Princess data and realized that, out of 3500 passengers and crew, crammed together without masking, social distancing or vaccinations, only 13 elderly passengers who had multiple comorbidities succumbed to Covid."
This is the point where I tuned out the hysteria.
I assume that Pfizer wrote big checks to those politicians. What a scam !
I assume it will be up there with global warming and the great south seas bubble in history.
What should he have said instead - no one is “protected?” At some point there actually are people who don’t want to get sick or contribute to others getting sick and his responsibility is to communicate to them, not to people so weird that they’d rather trust a guy who suggests putting bleach inside the body or affiliates with witch doctors who would use de-wormers.
Puddinghead has a real talent for stupidity. The people so "weird" include most real epidemiologists. The "bleach" lie was just that. The "dewormer" got the Nobel Prize for its discoverer. It was also quite effective in those African countries with "witch doctors" more effective than Fauci and Birx who avoided the epidemiology literature like the plague.
Sure. Let's jab everybody with a 'vaccination' that neither prevents one from getting the disease nor spreading it.
Hell, I've never once even taken a test for this crap, let alone gotten the jab for it.
According to the 'experts' I should be dead a dozen times by now.
that they’d rather trust a guy who suggests putting bleach inside the body or affiliates with witch doctors who would use de-wormers.
And this comment here illustrates exactly what is wrong with half of the nation.
They're simply fucked in the head.
They are your enemy. Treat them as such.
Re: Gusty Winds
If you took the mRNA shots, for whatever reason, how does a montage like this make you feel today?
-Do you now feel lied to and manipulated?
-Are you still firm in you mRNA shot conviction, and continue to receive boosters when available?
-Have you now opted out of any mRNA boosters?
-Do you still support injecting mRNA shots into children and young adults?
I am very angry about how Covid has been handled. This video provides a good summary. I do still think it was good I got my first shot. My husband, however, feels manipulated and angry.
Neither of us have gotten any boosters (they might help high risk, but the trials haven't even been done to solidly show that).
Our two children under 5 have not gotten Covid vaccines. Their pediatrician has not even mentioned it when we bring them in for the standard vaccines.
I support mRNA Covid vaccines for children and young adults with say cystic fibrosis or immunocompromise.
There's likely no benefit for healthy children and the poor handling of myocarditis in young men has me very upset. Its not just that myocarditis happens (nothing is risk-free), its that it wasn't taken seriously, they didn't even take any steps to minimize it (space it out, no Moderna for young men, at least end mandates for the group most at-risk).
I talked to a woman with chronic leukemia. She's been getting boosters, but she's upset there's not better evidence it will help her.
I'm still shocked to find myself saying this, but the FDA and CDC would rather help Pfizer and Moderna increase profits by recommending it for the entire population with little evidence. It's not as profitable to do the research and find what helps the people who really need it.
Why are these people getting boosters, if they understand there's no evidence the boosters have any benefit?
hpudding is STILL pushing the "drink bleach" hoax?
Its May of 2023.
Alot of people don't understand that. The people who do and still get it are very high-risk. When you have chronic leukemia as the person I mentioned before, you're willing to do things you wouldn't do when you're healthy.
I have chronic leukemia. I have gotten the boosters in the past because there is evidence that they attenuate the degree of sickness when you get covid, which may save my life. And I've gotten shit from Gusty Winds for doing so. (Why it's any of his business is beyond me.)
Whether I get another booster in the future is something I'll decide when the time comes.
"Here's an article and video with Stacey Abrams"
Stacey Abrams is the Whore of Babylon.
"And to introduce it into children was further evidence of madness."
Just as with "gender affirming" surgery.
Gender affirming. What a fascinating term. It literally means humoring the mentally ill.
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