May 15, 2023
"John H. Durham... accused the F.B.I. of having 'discounted or willfully ignored material information' that countered the narrative of collusion between Donald J. Trump and Russia..."
"... in a final report made public on Monday.
Mr. Durham’s 306-page report revealed little substantial new information about the inquiry, known as Crossfire Hurricane, and it failed to produce the kinds of blockbuster revelations accusing the bureau of politically motivated misconduct that former President Donald J. Trump and his allies suggested Mr. Durham would uncover.
Instead, the report — released without substantive comment or any redactions by Attorney General Merrick B. Garland — largely recounted previously exposed flaws in the inquiry, while concluding that the F.B.I. suffered from confirmation bias and a 'lack of analytical rigor' as it pursued leads about Mr. Trump’s ties to Russia. 'An objective and honest assessment of these strands of information should have caused the F.B.I. to question not only the predication for Crossfire Hurricane, but also to reflect on whether the F.B.I. was being manipulated for political or other purposes,' he wrote. 'Unfortunately, it did not.'"
That isn't politically motivated misconduct?? We are so fucked.
Russia is several hoaxes old by now.
What prevented Durham from releasing the same report in September of 2020?
This is the work of Hillary Clinton, the heroine of feminism.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. So much for your prize thesis, prof, that the stereotype of women is a form of bigotry.
Renounce the Satanic ideology of feminism, prof. It's driven us to the brink of nuclear war. Feminism is now the spearhead of U.S. imperial wars around the world. At home, it's the foundation ideology of transgenderism, i.e., child sexual mutilation.
Your 60s nostalgia for bigot hunting has backfired outrageously. Feminism is pagan, Satan worship. You got conned by Satan. He tricked you by flattering you about your intellect. The story of Adam and Eve repeated.
It's not Trump who's weird. It's you, Weird Sister.
I just want to throw up my hands … and weep. 😪
Something we already knew. If there aren't people jailed for this (cough, Hillary Clinton among others) then the report is meaningless.
The Durham report makes it clear that the Steele Dossier was never substantiated yet was used by the FBI to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on a political campaign. Also the Durham report substantiates various misconduct by the FBI but has a conclusion that it not be used to make any wholesale changes to the FBI. It's like a mirrored bookend of the whole rotten affair.
confirming 'competence in dishonesty' as key traits of FBI agents and DOJ superiors
BYW, is there anything in the report about the FBI’s appalling treatment of General Flynn?
Can we now agree that the 2020 election was rigged?
The only solution is to defund the entire Department of Justice. Th FBI is only part of it.
"Durham Finds Fault With F.B.I. Over Russia Inquiry/The special counsel’s final report nevertheless did not produce blockbuster revelations of politically motivated misconduct, as Donald J. Trump and his allies had suggested it would"
Instead of reporting it in the form of a mea culpa, even this report refuting years of prog and NYT BS they have to frame as somehow negative for Trump. They are scum.
So Durham found fault, but not fault fault, to paraphrase Whoopi.
Either way, the FBI stinks in this episode. But this way, everyone can keep their jobs.
Does not sound like there is much in this report that was not known a year ago by the end of the Sussman trial. I suppose now there will now be another round in the battle of interpretations between Durham and the IG who find that the opening of the Trump-Russia probe was appropriate, and predated the availability of the Steele dossier.
I recall all the “Just wait for Durham report!”
Long lost Achilles and Drago…
According to the Durham Report, the plan by Hillary Clinton to create a false story linking Donald Trump to Russia was briefed in August of 2016 by CIA Director John Brennan to President Obama, VP Biden, AG Loretta Lynch, and FBI Director Comey.
Sounds pretty bombshellish to me
Dunham is still alive? I thought he died years ago.
What a worthless Bill Barr "investigation".
Look at Techno Fog Substack.
The Hillary campaign paid for lies about Trump to distract from her email server. The Fake News and FBI used the lies to suggest that Russia was trying to interfere with the election. But it was the FBI that was trying to steal the election for Hillary.
After Trump won, the FBI kneecapped the Trump presidency. The newspapers went along with lies.
This is the story of Crossfire Hurricane.
Now it’s over because they cleared his name.
Of something that he never done.
He could have been a two term President!
They knew.
Obama, Biden the FBI, the DOJ, the CIA, they all knew that the whole thing was a fraud. They knew that it was concocted by the Hillary campaign and planted with the FBI with her approval.
They knew since June 2016. Informed at an NSC meeting by John Brennan, according to Durham.
And one of them is now in the White House saying that he's going to save our soul.
Holy fuck- you fuckers held up the news cycle with this bullshit for three years. If you had any self respect you’d all have a final Zabars lunch, take an Uber black to the Whitestone Bridge, then jump off it.
It’s time to apply the RICO statutes to the Democratic Party. In an honest world it would have been long ago.
Techno Fog
Replying to
The FBI and DOJ restricted two investigations into Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election:
1) The Clinton Foundation investigation
2) Illegal foreign contributions to the Clinton Campaign
"No investigative activities occurred for months
Some on the left remain resolute in the Maddow-Hillary-Schitt Russia Russia Russia Trump collusion bs.
Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, along with a number of his fellow Republicans, launched a flurry of criticism at the FBI following Monday's release of Special Counsel John Durham's report on the origin's of the Trump-Russia investigation.
"The Durham Report confirmed what we already knew: weaponized federal agencies manufactured a false conspiracy theory about Trump-Russia collusion. It reminds us of the need to clean house at these agencies, as they've never been held accountable for this egregious abuse of power," DeSantis wrote on Twitter.
He was joined by Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., who simply wrote, "Defund and dismantle the FBI," and Rep. Byron Donalds, R-Fla., who wrote, "These liars worked hand-in-hand to interfere in our election. They MUST be held to account."
residential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy called the report "a scathing indictment of the FBI," and repeated his calls for the agency to be shut down.
"Enough is enough. Root out the corruption & shut down the FBI. This is achievable. At the local level, we have police & prosecutors. At the federal level, we have U.S. marshals & the DOJ. An intermediary bureaucracy is rife with risk for politicized corruption & it’s been happening since J. Edgar Hoover in the 60s," he wrote.
I guess the NY Times doesn't count the fact that the FBI worked overtime to elect Biden as a "blockbuster" finding. But to half of America, the damage is done. The FBI is exposed as being institutionally corrupt, and changing that will require some radical surgery.
Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, wrote that the FBI's actions according to the Durham report "can't be dismissed as mere carelessness or even a severe example of garden-variety misconduct," and described its reported actions "corrupt and as subversive of the Constitution as it gets."
DOJ 'turning a blind eye' as Biden corruption informant reportedly goes missing, says GOP rep
Durham proves that Hillary and the FBI tried to rig the 2016 election
Special counsel John Durham exposed Monday how the FBI and Justice Department plotted to rig the 2016 presidential election.
His 316-page report proves federal law enforcement was weaponized by shielding the Hillary Clinton campaign and persecuting the Donald Trump campaign.
Yet despite the damning evidence, most of the media are treating the Durham report as a “nothingburger.”
FBI racketeering repeatedly rescued Hillary Clinton.
The Clinton Foundation raked in hundreds of million dollars of squirrely foreign contributions while she was secretary of state and revving up her presidential campaign.
whether the F.B.I. was being manipulated for political or other purposes
Oh, the poor FBI. It was duped!
They've certainly learned their lesson. They're not falling for any of that "Biden's taking money from the Chinese" stuff....
Hunter could openly exchange money with a bunch of known Chinese agents in the office of the FBI Director and they wouldn't fall for it.
"The Durham report found that “senior FBI and Department officials placed restrictions on how [the Clinton Foundation investigation was] handled such that essentially no investigative activities occurred for months leading up to the election.”
On top of that dereliction, “the FBI appears to have made no effort to investigate . . . the Clinton campaign’s purported acceptance of a [illegal] campaign contribution that was made by the FBI’s own long-term [confidential human source] on behalf of Insider-I and, ultimately, Foreign Government.”
Top FBI officials also saved Hillary Clinton by scorning the federal statute book and treating her pervasive, perpetual violations of federal laws on classified documents as a harmless, unintentional error."
***I will dance and sing and throw a huge party after the horrible lying money grubbing hag from hell drops dead.
Please Lord - soon. Planet earth needs some Karma.
"Shortly after FBI chief James Comey announced no charges against Hillary, “Clinton allegedly approved a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to tie Trump to Russia as a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server,” according to the Durham report.
CIA chief John Brennan briefed President Barack Obama and other top officials on “alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26, 2016 of a proposal . . . to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services.”
The Clinton campaign helped bankroll the notorious Steele dossier, which made sweeping, unsubstantiated and salacious accusations against Trump."
"The FBI discounted or willfully ignored material information that did not support the narrative of a collusive relationship between Trump and Russia,” the report noted.
As FBI analysts began to recognize that the Steele dossier was a hoax, FBI bosses ordered “no more memorandums were to be written” analyzing its claims.
The FBI subsequently used the unverified Steele dossier to snare a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court warrant to spy on the Trump campaign, paving the way to special counsel Robert Mueller and his two years’ antics.
The FBI’s profound bias in the 2016 presidential election has been undeniable for almost five years. A June 2018 inspector general report exposed top FBI agents’ venomously anti-Trump messages and machinations."
'An objective and honest assessment of these strands of information should have caused the F.B.I. to question not only the predication for Crossfire Hurricane, but also to reflect on whether the F.B.I. was being manipulated for political or other purposes,' he wrote. 'Unfortunately, it did not.'"
No shit Sherlock.
"But that report did nothing to curb the FBI’s power to meddle in the 2020 presidential election by playing “hide and seek” with the Hunter Biden laptop that could have demolished Joe Biden’s presidential chances.
Nothing has been done by Congress or federal courts to revoke the FBI’s prerogative to fix the 2024 election. Perhaps the only thing that would awaken the American media is if the next president’s inaugural address invokes “the will of the FBI” instead of “the will of the people.”
But considering the slavishness of the Washington press corps, maybe they would stand up and cheer for the FBI."
Most leftists are sincerely thrilled with a corrupt FBI.
No revelations.. just
'An objective and honest assessment of these strands of information should have caused the F.B.I. to question not only the predication for Crossfire Hurricane, but also to reflect on whether the F.B.I. was being manipulated for political or other purposes,' he wrote. 'Unfortunately, it did not.'"
Just to be CLEAR, The motto of the FBI is: "Shield and Sword of the Party" (Schild und Schwert der Partei)
Oh WAIT! that was the motto of the East German Stasi.. They AREN'T the same group, are they?
When I think back over the last six years of the things done to Get Trump it staggers me. Almost takes my actual, literal, physical breath away. I’m not exaggerating. Then when I think of Watergate by comparison… it’s almost farcical. Nixon’s plumbers stole a Dem playbook unbeknownst to him. Dems bugged Trump, spied on him, fabricated evidence against him that spread like gangrene through the media, institutions … all under Obama’s open knowledge and even direction. Daryl Cooper of MartyrMade podcast believes the Russia/Ukraine war would never have happened without this toxic, poison lie. Our own nation completely divided, hatreds formed that will last generations. The lying, polluted response to Covid hinged on this whole Russian collusion lie. It’s lies all the way down to Hell. And Nixon resigned, many of his men went to prison while this vile, monstrous cohort of Trump-getters parties on, laughing at this final report.
My hope and faith in some kind of justice operating here in the US is in its hospice stage … but still I hope. Belshazzar’s knees knocked together when a disembodied hand — the moving fingers of fate — began writing: Mene, mene, Tekel, upharson.. Please, Lord, bring back this moment, these moving fingers. I need to see chaos on the defensive, order restored even if just a little.
What the NYT narrative omits is that Durham listed several politically delicate investigations in which the FBI exercised "considerable caution" during the 2016 campaign. One guess who they all benefited?
What was the impeachment effort about?
Tweet: "According to the Durham Report, the plan by Hillary Clinton to create a false story linking Donald Trump to Russia was briefed in August of 2016 by CIA Director John Brennan to President Obama, VP Biden, AG Loretta Lynch, and FBI Director Comey."
link to tweet
Nothing to see here, move along, says one of the co-conspirators.
Republicans pounce…
Durham exonerates FBI….
No evidence of FBI misconduct….
Wonder why the headlines will be
Never imagined I'd live to think that Watergate was mere jaywalking.
Did not produce blockbuster revelations?
It sure seems like the FBI opening a major investigation of a sitting President on the sole basis of his political opponents, lacking any other motivation to do so, is a pretty damning blockbuster revelation. That the FBI would discount and willfully ignore any information that countered the narrative devised by his political opponents is utterly shocking no matter how a person feels about Trump as a person or a candidate. That is pretty much affirming that the FBI is a political police force for Democrats.
Happy to hear any rebuttal about that, but given the difference in how Hillary was treated (clear evidence was dismissed on the basis of it being a election year) vs Trump (no evidence needed) seems really troubling and that the NYT is dismissive about it is likewise troubling. And I'm not anything close to a Trump fan!
Yes… Pulitzer prizes, promotions, CAREERS all built on lies and covert operations.
What was that happy horsesh*t the lefties in Congress were all repeating rotely… oh yeah… “reclaiming my time”.
I’d like to reclaim my faith in the future of our country, but with these menducious, gluttonous, unethical lefty pieces of excrement in the mix, it will be a short path to failure.
There was a coup attempt on Trump in 2017. That's why stealing the vote in 2020 is not such a far fetch idea.
I'm not sure we can run the country with only 40% of the people supporting the government. We live in dangerous times.
What WOULD have been a blockbuster? The report says that law enforcement, the Dem Party, and every MSM outlet conspired to trick the public into believing that the opposition candidate was a traitor, and thereby destroyed his presidency, along with the normies' faith in their political and cultural institutions.
Just another routine day at the office for the NYT.
What was it FBI agent in charge of the investigation Peter Strzok said to his lover Lisa Page who asked "[Trump's] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!", Strzok responded: "No. No he won't. We'll stop it."
But somehow that's not evidence of any partisanship by the FBI according to the NYT.
No matter how much things are supposedly worse than ever... everybody still trying to be a comedian
The NYT headline is reminds me of the Pravda headlines from the 1930s. For that matter, most of what the MSM vomits is not even as creative as Pravda.
The FBI, many in congress, HRC, and that God for leftist white women, obama, conspired to destroy a sitting president.
And nothing will be done about it. we have another, very expensive book report, that proves what most of us have know for years.
The talking heads will spend hours of Tee Vee time trying to sound interesting-selling soap is hard work.
But the result will be '0'. Apparently coups are only negative when they occur in third world countries. In America, we reward the plotters, and punish the victims.
The founding fathers, you know, those racist terrible white men, would have hanged most of those involved within the first days.
5 years later, durham hands in his million dollar book report. Big F deal.
Seriously? Did they bother to read the report? It basically said that the Steele dossier was not only BS but obvious BS, but the F.B.I. kept on chugging. Which is worse: that they were manipulated into following up on obviously phony charges, or they did it voluntarily? Either would mandate the death penalty for the organization. They are untrustworthy.
But then again, the New York Times wins Pulitzers for spreading disinformation, so, yeah, sure. whatever lies you want to tell yourself. This is fine.
nevertheless did not produce blockbuster revelations of politically motivated misconduct, as Donald J. Trump and his allies had suggested it would
Nothing to see here. Move along!!
Hillary, Comey and McCabe engaged in election interference. In AMERICA. And the NY Times does not see a problem with that. Shame.
Inga still believes.
and it failed to produce the kinds of blockbuster revelations accusing the bureau of politically motivated misconduct that former President Donald J. Trump and his allies suggested Mr. Durham would uncover.
Well, other than the fact the whole thing was made-up bullshit and completely fucked over Trump's entire first term.
And other than the fact the media spent the better part of three years screaming about this made-up bullshit ... all the while drooling, moronic, snot-nosed leftists like Inga STILL believe it.
Yeah. Other than that and about a hundred other things, it was a big, fat nothingburger.
The Durham report confirms that the Clinton campaign engaged in a dirty trick to try to sabotage Trump's campaign and later his presidency by framing him as a Russian agent, and that the FBI took the handoff from the Clinton campaign and ran with with it even though they knew it was a crock of horse manure. Is framing your opponent for a terrible crime itself a crime or is it just a violation of one of the fundamental norms of democratic self-governance? The criminal law problem is two-fold. The Clinton campaign and Mr. Steele can't be charged with filing a false complaint with the FBI because they never filed a complaint with the FBI. They just turned over "information." The FBI and its agents can't be charged with a crime because law enforcement is given a huge amount of discretion in investigating "information" about possible crimes. The discretion is ever greater if the possible crime involves national security. I believe that this discretion is necessary. We don't want the FBI handicapped in pursuing criminals. But at the very least, if they can't be charged with crimes, everyone at the FBI who had anything to do with the bad faith "investigation" into Trump ought to be fired (if they are still working there) and their pensions terminated.
I know a lot of people will be disappointed that the violation of a fundamental democratic norm is not a crime. That's how a lot of people on the other side feel about Trump's campaign of lies about election fraud, which was certainly a violation of the fundamental norm in a democracy that the loser steps aside for the winner, but was not a crime. I for one would greatly prefer to return to a world in which our leading politicians abide by the norms of democratic governance and I will not vote for any who don't or won't do so.
No, the FBI and Hillary Clinton just conspired to steal the election for Hillary Clinton. The FBI had no basis for any of the FISA applications it made. They spied on the Trump campaign for the benefit of the Democrat Party. Barrack Obama and his minions knew that the Russia story was a hoax immediately, but did nothing to inform the American public that the Russian Collusion story was a hoax. That Hillary Clinton had paid foreigners to create a fictional narrative.
According to the NYT's spokesman, Frank Drebin, there's nothing to see in Durham's report. Just move along.
Hillary Clinton used the Secretary of State's office as the Clinton Foundation's contribution nexus. Give to the Foundation, and a foreign dignitary can get a meeting with her highness. Just like Joe Biden used his VP office to raise cash. Both of them are corrupt influence peddlers.
NYT: Mr. Durham’s 306-page report revealed little substantial new information about the inquiry..."
Durham: "the FBI's own records show that reports published by The New York Times in February and March 2017 concerning what four unnamed current and former U.S. intelligence officials claimed about Trump campaign personnel being in touch with any Russian intelligence officers was untrue."
So did the NYT always know it was lying?
How can Barr excuse the actions of the FBI when they explicitly violate the FBI's own code of ethics regarding involvement in political activity? Isn't Barr giving people an even greater reason to distrust institutions when they use the same double standard and lame excuses of "they didn't mean to" like when HRC violated the handling of classified emails.
Why bother quoting the Times. Everyone knows how they will report it before it happens.
And Nancy Pelosi et al are bent on doing the same maneuver against Trump all over again, using the carefully engineered -- but similarly fake -- "insurrection" event of the Jan. 6 protest as the equivalent of the Steele Dossier. Parallel even in the degree to which evidence suggests the protest was aided and abetted, if not provoked by, FBI agents and informants.
Now it appears they plan to arrest Trump and put him on trial, doubtless in an unfavorable jurisdiction, and thus attempt to destroy as much of Trump's potential electability as possible. Who will stop them? Who will even report it? Out of power, Trump has no one in his corner even to produce a vastly late report like this Durham review, coming now seven years after the events it documents.
Pete Strzok tweets:
Paul Manafort - guilty
Rick Gates - guilty
Mike Flynn - guilty
George Papadopoulos - guilty
Roger Stone - guilty
Michael Cohen - guilty
Konstantin Kilimnik - wanted, $250k reward
Michael Sussman - not guilty
Igor Danchenko - not guilty
Point me to the confirmation bias here?
According to Vox: Bizarrely enough, when checking out one of [their conspiracy] theories — that Italian officials were somehow involved in launching the Trump-Russia investigation — Durham and Barr were instead presented with evidence linking Trump himself to potential financial crimes. “Mr. Barr and Mr. Durham decided that the tip was too serious and credible to ignore” . . . . Barr kept this new investigation of Trump in Durham’s hands, and it’s unclear what became of it.
Not my take but whatever
It was... important to limit the damage Trump could do. He was a disruptor - someone who didn't understand how DC worked (or doesn't - we've certainly had a master class in THAT the last few years) so he could NOT be allowed to challenge the system.
Frankly, from what I'm seeing it looks like the SMOD could hit DC and FBI HQ with Congress in session and it being a normal workday - and the only thing we'd miss are the museums and monuments.
Seems like they're not even concerned that the corruption's been revealed. That's really concerning - like they figure that with Biden as putative head everything's taken care of...
Color me shocked.
The real reason why they aren't going to do shit about this, is because they would have to indict Obama for spying on Trump before he was elected, and they know the left would go even more nuts than ever if they ever arrested the half black bastard who started all of this.
The treasonous bastard and his Intel Agents are traitors. They make me sick.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation failed at ... investigation, and their duplicity/ineptitude undermined our duly elected president.
I detest the press. They probably believe this kind of hairsplitting preserves the republic when it does the exact opposite.
The REAL fedsurrection. This was a soft coup, and nobody is going down for perpetrating it. We live in a banana republic. No wonder why Joe in importing illegal invaders.
The REAL fedsurrection. This was a soft coup, and nobody is going down for perpetrating it. We live in a banana republic. No wonder why Joe in importing illegal invaders.
THIS is why they are jailing us. To shut us up, and shut us down. How is this any different than what any other 3rd world country stops THEIR political opponents??
The corruption and illegal actions used by the DOJ against the Candidated, Pesident elect, President of the United States, are laid bare.
Now can you see the big flashing lights telling you the EXACT same actions are taking place right now in Georgia, NYC, and the phony Document scam at MAL
Durham report verdicts
Donald Trump- Innocent
Fisa Judges-Guilty
Gina Haspel-Guilty
Sally Yates-Guilty
Lisa Monaco-Guilty
John Carlin -Guilty
Michael Sussman-Guilty
Chrisopher Steele-Guilty
Stephen Halper-Guilty
Fusion GPS-Guilty
Mark Elias-Guilty
Hillary Clinton-Guilty
Bruce Ohr-Guilty
Nellie Ohr-Guilty
The American People- Robbed of Justice
- Kash Patel
revealed little substantial new information about the inquiry,
Yep, the media has known about this for years and helped cover it up.
What are the stages of left-wing scandal?
1) Ignore
2) Deny
3) Downplay
4) Dismiss as old news
We are now in stage 4
"I'm not sure we can run the country with only 40% of the people supporting the government. We live in dangerous times."
Actually, it's liberating if you know what's coming, and are prepared for it.
which was certainly a violation of the fundamental norm in a democracy
Take your 'norms' and shove them up your ass, Doug.
"But for the Russia Hoax, would the war on Russia even have been possible?"
"So NeverTrumps got their way. Trump is not president. Sure, maybe the policies they support are on the back burner for four years. Sure, some teens had to lose their genitals. Sure, our rights like free speech and equal justice under the law had to be eroded, but no mean tweets, no President Trump."
Bill Barr is mad that his Progressivism is getting called out, and Donald Trump was innocent of what HE and his henchmen are trying STILL to throw on him Bill Barr is the Deep State. "Under his leadership, lawbreakers within the DOJ have remained relatively unpunished. Andrew McCabe was never charged for committing the crime that he had charged Michael Flynn for. Kevin Clinesmith violated the civil rights of Carter Page when he falsified evidence against him. But he was charged for a lesser crime and can still practice law." But MSNBC and CNN are so happy with him...
"Middle East peace progress via the Abraham Accords,
energy independence,
secure borders,
economic prosperity,
enhanced national security — confronting threats and strengthening NATO, and
exposing that the D.C. swamp was working against the wishes of the self-governed — perhaps his greatest accomplishment."
Gadfly is a good apparatchik. The Stolypin cars are full of good apparatchiki.
Good boy ,Gadfly. Good boy. Come and get your protein ration.
Inga breathlessly waiting for Adam Schiff to finally reveal the evidence of Trump collusion he's been sitting on.
Ever since Crossfire Hurricane, the DC Establishment (mostly Democrats, but certainly the John McCain / Mitt Romney / Liz Cheney Republicans too) have been playing a real-life version of a video game.
Some video games and fantasy adventure movies use falling bridge puzzles, where the protagonist must keep moving forward and jump to a safe space before the prior blocks drop away. This also resembles one episode of the Squid Games.
Ever since 2016, the establishment has run forward on nothing but an endless pile of lies. Forget the myths that Earth sits on an endless stack of turtles or the shoulders of Atlas -- new lies must distract from old lies to keep the cover-up going.
This dysfunctional regime will crash either internally (1) when some of the deluded liars find integrity and break way to partially drain the swamp, or externally (2) when investors run from the stinking, corrupt, ineffective USA and put their money elsewhere. The USA rode to global dominance on relative honesty, sincerity, and reliability, but who can trust the current political establishment?
The establishment will eventually fail either way. The law of gravity persists. We'll suffer less if #1 happens, but I'm not optimistic that the psychopaths in power can or will reform.
"It's better to rule in hell than serve in heaven."
The blockbuster revelations were known to anyone paying attention long ago, and were smothered and deflected by the political class and their media mouthpieces, in particular the NYT and WaPo. Many people should have been fired, charged, prosecuted and imprisoned, and the FBI should be dissolved.
Instead, Big Brother went after Emmanuel Goldstein with the orange hair.
Meh! More good faith arguments in a bad faith situation.
These same FBI mob-cretins will give Biden the election in 2024.
Why would someone at 34% in the polls be a viable candidate?
Answer: Corrupt FBI lie and cheat machine.(D)
Gadfly adores his fraud liar - the worm Peter STrozk
Cash flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
Real Russian Collusion and illegal insider profits?? Hillary Clinton.
Obama set the stage. Obama is the mob's favorite. with hs corrupt VP and his corrupt Secretary of State.
Obama is a WHITE LEFT embarrassment.
Peter Strozk is a disgrace... but he's just a sloppy insider peon.
the real mobsters of the FBI still need to be purged. The FBI should be shut down.
CNN'S Jake Tapper says the Durham report — which found the Russian collusion probe should've never been launched — is "devastating to the FBI"
CNN" Jake "I hate Trump he makes me cry" Tapper says what?
CNN'S Jake Tapper says the Durham report — which found the Russian collusion probe should've never been launched — is "devastating to the FBI"
As seen on Twittter:
"The FBI and CIA are American crime organizations worse than any mafia."
So, it turns out that the guys who flew a plane into the FBI building were heroes?
CNN on the Durham report: "The bottom line is this — the investigation found that the FBI failed in many, many ways" — and should've never launched the fake Russia probe.
To Douglas B. Levene, you don’t get to violate democratic norms first, and then whine about how you feel about Trump violating democratic norms. You’ve shown you’ll toss your democratic norms the moment they prevent you from having power. That makes you a dishonest hack. The normalcy you claim to want was destroyed by you. You’ll live now with the consequences.
Payback for crossing the Clintons usually ends up with a "suicide."
Family of Bill Clinton advisor who admitted Jeffrey Epstein into White House seven times has blocked release of files detailing the death scene after he was found hanging from a tree with a shotgun blast at a ranch 30 miles from his home. Well, the family doesn’t want to commit suicide by being shot in the back of the head.
"We joke about this stuff, but we really do live under a banana-republic gangster government, where questionable “suicides” are a common occurrence." -GR
Exactly Leland.
We are living in a tyranny. The NYT helped build it and they celebrate it.
“ The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.”
The boys and girls and all the other genders at the NYT "reporting" staff are busy with a bucket of whitewash.
So Trump had to be sued for rape, and charged by Bragg, and the Fox News/ Dominion case, and Clarence Thomas. And Now the Giuliani thing. And DOJ had to start the Catholic hate scare. And Trans. All to orchestrate stray voltage to counter this and the Beiden influence peddling. The only conclusion is that there is a deep state and that it hates our guts.
To me Trump’s pol numbers show that there is significant pushback in the only way people can respond now, they may not be fond of him but polls are their only voice. It is too late for the major media to break honest now, they have to go down with the ship. This is what Ruy Teixeira has been warning Democrats about.
But we have honest elections with no rigging.
John Henry
“We’ll always have Durham…”
4 yeas, $6,000,000 tax payer ,2 court cases that were lost and an opinion by the "just wait for the biggest case in history" guy fizzle. C'mon man Talk about weaponizing the system with Barr and Durham having cocktails and lunch together discussing how to come up with something. James Comer loses the whistleblower, Jim Jordon can't prove he is alive, Rudy drunk and depraved, trump a documented court adjudicated sexual predator and a loser again and again. C'mon man and all the kings' men will be forced to vote for the perp again and continue to LOSE! HOW'S THAT PHRASE ABOUT INSANITY GO,
ALL theories by the arm chair quarterbacks and never and Court driven proof, people just like to hear themselves talk. Over and over posting on nothing that ever has any court documented proof except bogus websites, personal opinion and flat-out delusion, C'mon man, take it to court and prove it, that's still (for now) how it works here in MERIKA! JUST WAIT...the walls are closing in! A once respected lawyer stained by the alignment with Barr, trump and the conspirators. Dunham now working at Office Max copying documents. Another Jim Gordon, James Comer dud. Hey just think law firm of Gordon,Comer and Durham with Rudy as top guy on the docket! Yikes.
Majority see FBI as Biden’s 'personal Gestapo' after Trump raid
The Democrat infrastructure has gotten used to living from once crisis to the next. “We need to lie enough to get by just one more time and then we are done. We will get caught but not till after we get the small prize we wanted, and people are so stupid they will forget and start loving us again. And we will never mention it or admit we were wrong.”
Are people happy sharing governance of a great nation with a faction who do these things over and over? Objectively I would begin to say that it may be better to just be in open warfare with them, that would be more honest anyway. Trying to create good feelings with our friendly Democrat opposition is not going to work, too much history.
Douglas Levene: "I for one would greatly prefer to return to a world in which our leading politicians abide by the norms of democratic governance and I will not vote for any who don't or won't do so."
You have been as complete a cheerleader and hack in support of one fed govt corrupted ploy after another launched to destroy those whose mere presence threatens our utterly corrupted establishment/deep state for years.
Who do you think you are fooling?
YOU and idiots like you are precisely why these corrupted thugs know they can get away with it.
So predictable. For four years the lefties deny, shout down and belittle anyone who dares to question the collusion hoax and the FBI role in it. Then magically, it's all "old news" and "nothing new here" and we should just move on to deal with the all the real problems we're facing.
Paging Frank Church. Paging Frank Church.
Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary/FBI Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "Inga said...
I recall all the “Just wait for Durham report!”
Long lost Achilles and Drago…"
No, you don't "recall" that at all...because it never happened. But that's never stopped you in the past from "recalling" "something", has it.
All we were hoping for was to fill in the last gaps in our knowledge of just how you democraticals pulled off this corrupt hoax to weaponize the entire federal government against your domestic political enemies.
And we have those details now.
'An objective and honest assessment of these strands of information should have caused the F.B.I. to question not only the predication for Crossfire Hurricane, but also to reflect on whether the F.B.I. was being manipulated for political or other purposes,' Durham wrote in the report.
No, no, no! The FBI was doing the manipulation. And it continued in the 2020 election when it went to Twitter to say "be ready for some more Russian games." Like the FBI, the people at Twitter were more than happy to play the game.
Russia! Is there anything it won't fix.
"the real mobsters of the FBI still need to be purged. The FBI should be shut down."
I've believed this since Waco. WAco where the wildly misnamed "FBI hostage Rescue Team" burned women and children alive after gassing them with an illegal substance.
Marcus Bressler: "Inga still believes."
She doesn't just "believe", she "BELIEVES"! In every aspect of every hoax. She still believes ALL of them.
Go ahead! Pick any one of the hoaxes over the last 7 years and ask her and then sit back and marvel at the idiocy. Russian bounties hoax, Trump feeding goldfish incorrectly in Japan hoax, the fine people hoax, the drink bleach hoax, the "suckers and losers" hoax, etc. It doesn't matter.
How about that. The NYT found a needle of anti Trump spin in that huge haystack.
"So NeverTrumps got their way. Trump is not president. Sure, maybe the policies they support are on the back burner for four years. Sure, some teens had to lose their genitals. Sure, our rights like free speech and equal justice under the law had to be eroded, but no mean tweets, no President Trump."
An army of Levene's played along and enabled it all....and now want to pretend they are shocked, SHOCKED, at that has been done in their name....
....while still gleefully enabling the current corruption.
Don't worry Levene. I'm sure your deep state heroes have something very special planned for the republicans/conservatives for 2024.
The only conclusion is that there is a deep state and that it hates our guts.
@Josephbleau, and if you had lived in the Washington, DC, metropolitan area (as I did) you would have known for the past forty or fifty years that there is a Deep State and that they really do view anyone who isn’t a liberal extremist with unveiled contempt, since these Deep Staters would be your neighbors. They would have assumed that you share their world view because they are intellectually incapable of imagining that any intelligent person could hold any other opinions.
Members of the federal intelligence bureaucracy illegally spied on a candidate and eventual winner for President of the United States.
They did so on behalf of a rival campaign.
The real scandal is that this is likely not the first time.
The real timeline looks something like this:
1. The Federal government, in the interest of securing the nation shortly after 9/11, starts capturing all domestic electronic communications. They don't look at it, they just capture it. They establish the FISA court to preserve 4th amendment rights of its citizens. Snowden all but confirms this.
2. Sometime during the Obama administration the bureaucracy starts using these communications not for prosecution but for intelligence. By keeping it in the intelligence realm it can remain a secret. Admiral Rogers confirms this through congressional testimony. (Unauthorized FBI contractor access).
3. During the Trump administration the FBI actively spies and makes up allegations to thwart the elected leader of the United States. (Crossfire Hurricane - Durham report)
4. During the Covid Crisis, the federal government uses people they have placed within the communications companies to control citizens speech. (Twitter files)
The White House plumbers and the Watergate break in was jaywalking compared to this.
From "A Man For All Seasons"
"William Roper : So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law!
Sir Thomas More : Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?
William Roper : Yes, I'd cut down every law in England to do that!
Sir Thomas More : Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned 'round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man's laws, not God's! And if you cut them down, and you're just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake!"
Levene = Roper
But the advantage the modern Ropers have is that they have structured the system such that after they've "cut down every law in" the US to "get after" Trump, they know that there is no possibility of anyone "turned 'round" on them to hold them accountable under the same system. Its completely rigged.
We have reached that point in the fall of a republic where there is almost zero chance, short of some cataclysmic event, of recovery.
Of course, as with other historical examples, our scale and residual power means we'll continue on for many decades if not longer along this path of slow descent. Mass and inertia are powerful things.
Might take several lifetimes. Or it might not, given our open borders.
One short, perfunctory post. Inga knows. And she's good with it.
Pretty slimy.
“She doesn't just "believe", she "BELIEVES"! In every aspect of every hoax. She still believes ALL of them.”
Drag Queen aka The Moscow Trained Propagandist (real or wanna-be) was taught mind reading at the Propaganda school in Mother Russia? Or he’s just lying his ass off again. Does Drago even really care about issues, or does he care more about what other commenters opinions are and if they are “wrong” in his opinion. Or he is desperate to engage someone in some interaction. Is he a lonely incel? Who knows what the hamster in his brain is chewing on at any given moment? He reminds me of the meme cartoon of the frantic keyboard typist who is yelling “Someone is wrong on the internet!”
Roger Sweeny: "Paging Frank Church. Paging Frank Church."
Frank Church is lucky to be firmly in the ground because if he were not, and if he were threatening to do now what he did in 1975, he would end up dead or setup by the very entities he was investigating.
And lest we forget, NONE of what was perpetrated would have been remotely possible without the full and unwavering support of the hoaxers by Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, John McCain, Richard Burr, Mitt Romney, Lindsay Graham (yes Lindsay, you were right there with McCain pushing the hoax dossier in the summer and fall of 2016) and a host of other "republicans".
This entire effort depended on republican support, and they got it. In spades.
When the Democrats controlled the southern state judicial process, denying due process to minorities or anyone else not in the favor of the establishment, we had the federal courts and the Justice Department to look to for relief. DC is now a Democrat company town. They control the District and Federal Courts, no Democrat will be convicted despite the evidence and no Republican will escape convention on the flimsiest of evidence.
This was abou as good as we could have gotten. Multiple people in the FBI broke laws. Likely DOJ and maybe even CIA. This includes Strzok and McCabe. We are talking at a minimum Obstruction of Justice and Depravation of Civil Rights under color of law. They knowingly lied (mostly by intentional omission)to the FISC to acquire the 4 FISA warrants on Carter Page, and thus the electronic surveillance under those warrants was illegal. No different than police lying on their search warrants. Durham could do nothing, except for this report, because the statute of limitations had run, any indictments would have been killed by AG Garland, and the Deep State at the FBI and DOJ would have prevented it.
Never forget "Juggs" Pelosi and Adam Shifty Schiff swore they had evidence of Russian Collusion...
Inga clearly appears to be aware that her 7+ plus years of psychotic conspiracy mongering doesn't look all that great right about now.
Even algae responds to light stimulus.
Inga could easily clear up which conspiracies she pushed for 7+ years that she now accepts were hoaxes.
Lets see if she does.
There is nothing in this report that people with triple digit IQs shouldn't have known 6 years ago- the entire foundation of the Steele Dossier was laughable on its face.
But, let's be clear here- the FBI wasn't duped into taking this seriously- the people running the FBI and the DoJ from August 2016 to present day knew all along that the allegations were bullshit on stilts. The only reason it was pursued because they wanted to take Trump down by any means necessary.
Inga, I read the report last night and this morning, and I assume you have not given your two comments. The report lays out in great detail that the allegations against Trump were false, false, false (the Mueller Report had already done this, but in a purely self-serving manner, which you apparently never comprehended then, either)- literally every single one of them. Even worse, the report describes in excruciating detail that the people behind the Steele Dossier- Clinton's lawyers and Fusion GPS- knowingly fabricated the details. The FBI agents in charge of the investigation knew the allegations were bullshit but ran with it anyway because they were politically biased.
In short, Drago and Achilles were always right- the Durham Report confirmed everything they and I believed about the Russian Hoax, and confirmed literally nothing about what you believed.
Update: according to the Durham Report former CIA Director John Brennan briefed Obama and staff on the plot by Hillary Clinton to create a false narrative about Russian interference in the election and colluding with candidate Donald Trump. High ranking democrats all knew about this plan and still wasted millions of Us Taxpayer money investigating Trump with Robert Mueller. No one is being held accountable. Brennan lied to congress and stated that he found evidence of collusion, even though it is now being reported that he fully knew the story was created by Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton was able to use disinformation with the help of the DOJ and spy on her political opponent and sway an election. She then used the democrats in congress and Robert Mueller to persecute Trump after he won the Presidency. If this happened in any other country the US would be disavowing them.
Why are democrats above the law?
would it have been more fun if Durham report had been sealed by FJB like JFK files?
Agree with Yancey Ward. The Durham Report supports not just what Drago and Achilles alleged was true, but frankly what the Mueller Report acknowledged. The only news here is that the government bureaucracy is refusing to police itself. So far, it was only BLM and Antifa rioting because of this failure of government to hold itself responsible. I doubt they'll be alone from now on.
Inga will never admit that it was all a hoax, and that she was fooled by it. She will either never mention it again, or she will start claiming that she always knew it was hoax.
wendybar, 5:24 AM …
Fuck you. Where were the indictments? The trials?
You, and the fuckhead maniac Kash Patel HAVE GOT NOTHING. Nothing but a weasely, meaningless, bullshit “report.” Here’s what I’m going to tell you; before anyone on your bullshit “guilty” list is actually found guilty in a court of law, Trump AND Kash Patel will be found guilty.
You keep going as you wish. Keep claiming that the 2020 election was rigged and stolen. That Trump is innocent. We’re going to have an election and, I expect, several Trump criminal trials. So we will have much more to say to each other in the near future. Do not expect me to be nice when Trump is indicted, tried, convicted and an election loser. I’ll be just as magnanimous in victory as Trump is in losing.
Ben Shapiro
The Durham Report shows, in essence, collusion between the Clinton campaign, FBI, and the Obama administration to weaponize government power against Trump. It is appreciably worse than Watergate. It was far deeper in the bowels of the government and reached to the highest levels.
9:33 AM · May 16, 2023
Inga defends a party that does bad things.
She's not worth paying any attention to.
@Drago: Feel free to search my earlier comments about the Russia hoax. Go right ahead. But you should stop making up shit about me. It just reflects badly on you.
Douglas B. Levene: "@Drago: Feel free to search my earlier comments about the Russia hoax. Go right ahead. But you should stop making up shit about me. It just reflects badly on you."
Yes, of course, you opposed it all. Every step of the way. A solid principled bloke are you.
Your dreams of the FBI finding weapons caches tied to the Proud Boys which can be tied to Trump is simply a one off.
Levene dreaming of ways the deep staters can take Trump out? Perish the thought. Pish posh.
so did not FBI use federal funds in their sleuthing after Trump ?
can they be taken to task for various monetary crimes? like inter-state travel etc. or somepn
He proved that the FBI is a corrupt shit-show.
Why I won't be voting for Trump in the Primary: he was President for 4 years. In the year after the Mueller bust came out, he could have fired people at the FBI, and kept on firing until the corrupt ones were all gone
instead he sat on his ass, and let the corrupt ones stay in charge.
So that they could help sabotage his campaign in 2020, pushing the "Russian disinformation" fraud about Hunter Biden's laptop and its expose of Joe Biden's corruption
Trump is not capable of putting together a team that can beat the Deep State.
If you're into mental masturbation, I guess you can enjoy him ranting about it.
I'm not interested in rants, I'm interested in winning.
Thus I support DeSantis, who actually does fire people, and replace them with people who fight for our side
Why are democrats above the law?
A: because republicans are on their knees reverently beneath it??!!
I should put 'reverently' >> it is performative any way
Douglas B. Levene: "@Drago: Feel free to search my earlier comments about the Russia hoax. Go right ahead. But you should stop making up shit about me. It just reflects badly on you."
Keep telling yourself all that.
And btw, your "muh principles" and "muh precious norms" is delightfully Bulwarkian/Lincoln Projectian and every single bit as "sincere" and "principled".
Greg: "Why I won't be voting for Trump in the Primary: he was President for 4 years. In the year after the Mueller bust came out, he could have fired people at the FBI, and kept on firing until the corrupt ones were all gone"
I disagree, since I'm convinced a significant chunk of republicans would have joined with the dems to remove him and he knew it.
But reasonable people can disagree on that point.
Greg the Class Traitor: "Thus I support DeSantis, who actually does fire people, and replace them with people who fight for our side"
Ken Griffin and the GOPe presidential campaign consultants working with DeSantis "fight for our side"?
Quick question for Greg: Why would billionaire funders who despise everything about Trump policies be funding DeSantis if DeSantis is going to "fight for our side"?
Note: longtime readers at Althouse blog will recognize this question as a variation of the question that was asked every day for months and months without a single answer being provided.
Honest question there.
Because, the way I see it, these cats have agreed to let DeSantis run wild against the wokies, which is great and which I believe DeSantis truly believes in doing and it shows in his passion which can't be faked, but will completely constrain DeSantis and bend him to the globalist way in every economic/trade issue which I believe DeSantis is okay with based on DeSantis being a Paul Ryan acolyte while in congress.
@Drago: Unlike you, I can chew gum and walk down the street at the same time. I can condemn (and have frequently condemned) the many false criminal charges that have been asserted against Trump -- that he was a Russian agent, that he plotted to overthrow the Government on January 6, or whatever it is that Bragg has charged him with -- while still condemning Trump (for whom I voted) for his campaign of lies about election fraud, with which he intended to put public pressure on other elected officials to overturn the election that Trump lost, and that he could have won with a modicum of self-control. You apparently think that both Democrats and Republicans are engaged in an all-out war of lies and disinformation to gain control of the government, and that it's better if someone whose policies you support wins that war, and to hell with what happens to our democratic republic, because that's already lost. That's why you refuse to answer my questions about whether there's anything that Trump can do to gain power that you wouldn't support. Do I have that right? Have I misstated your position? Correct me if I have. In the meantime, I'm voting for DeSantis.
Look back to Barr's announcement of Durham's original appointment of April 2019. A laugh that all the predictions here about what Durham would accomplish have resulted 4 years later in 1 guilty plea for altering an email, 2 acquittals, and this tendentious report.
For those who didn't read the Mueller Report 4 years ago, I will tell you the time-line of their investigation- Mueller's team stopped investigating the Russian/Trump Collusion story about 1 month after they started up because that is how long it took to figure out the Steele Dossier was load of horseshit that had been fabricated by Clinton and her legal team. Mueller and his team spent the rest of their 20 month investigation trying to figure out a way to charge Trump for obstructing that investigation of a hoax and came up with bupkis.
All the news fit to print except Stalin's death camps and the Holmodor Holocaust. Look up the editor under whom that happened.
That's why you refuse to answer my questions about whether there's anything that Trump can do to gain power that you wouldn't support.
I don't know about him, but I'd refuse to vote for Trump if he rolled over and showed his belly to the Democrats like Romney, McCain, and the GOPe did in their quests for power.
But at the very least, if they can't be charged with crimes, everyone at the FBI who had anything to do with the bad faith "investigation" into Trump ought to be fired (if they are still working there) and their pensions terminated.
I wonder what Lois Lerner thinks about that?
Chuckie...NOBODY wants to fuck go fuck yourself. Idiot. YOU are the problem.
Douglas B. Levene: "@Drago: Unlike you, I can chew gum and walk down the street at the same time."
No evidence supporting this claim has been submitted for review.
Douglas Levene: "You apparently think that both Democrats and Republicans are engaged in an all-out war of lies and disinformation to gain control of the government, and that it's better if someone whose policies you support wins that war, and to hell with what happens to our democratic republic, because that's already lost."
We have witnessed 7+ years of the full weaponization of the corrupted federal govt, democraticals and many GOPe republicans against a domestic political opponent.
Full. Stop.
You retreat into hypotheticals because this reality is too much for you to deal with.
Its all been a lie. Russia collusion, the Whitmer fednapping "plot", the RNC/DNC "pipebomber (wink wink), all the way back to even more ridiculous setups like the Cesar Sayoc case.
Levene: "That's why you refuse to answer my questions about whether there's anything that Trump can do to gain power that you wouldn't support."
Give me the rest of the context for your hypothetical first. Has the FBI armed BLM and antifa members to murder conservative supreme court justices and republican lawmakers in your hypothetical? Is the DHS arresting parents concerned over CRT/Radical trans agenda in schools. Have the dems imprisoned 5 republican House members in order to force thru mandatory national gun confiscation?
Seems to me you've got alot of work to do to complete the full "painting" of your hypothetical instead of asking me to squint and offer a speculative course of action on my part based on a "single brush stroke".
So go ahead: paint the FULL CONTEXTUAL picture for us.
This should be good.
@Gahrie: OK, let's play that game. Would you have refused to vote for Trump if he had marched with the January 6 rioters to and into the Capitol? Suppose he had declared martial law and ordered a new election, as some of his advisers suggested? Suppose he had declared martial law, ordered the arrest of the congressional leadership and suspended elections indefinitely? Is there any point along that spectrum where you might have said, stop, this goes too far, or is whatever it takes to gain power your standard? Because as far as I can tell, that's what the will-to-power crowd believes in. How about you?
Readering wrote:
"Look back to Barr's announcement of Durham's original appointment of April 2019. A laugh that all the predictions here about what Durham would accomplish have resulted 4 years later"
I did exactly what you pretended to have done since I was pretty sure you were full of shit. I scanned every comment in the Althouse post from April 2019 and the post from December 2020. There weren't any commenters that expected anything much to come of the Durham investigation- the closest was Begley pondering if Durham could get Strzok or McCabe to roll on one another, but I think his comment was sarcastic. Many thought it was a good thing to do an investigation and that Durham was better than nothing at all, but the vast majority of us expected that Durham was just another cover-up operation for the DoJ- a way to make it look like something was being done about the malfeasance without actually doing anything about it. Which is pretty much what did happen, even though I do think Durham's report is a full exoneration of Trump in the matter, but I already knew that from the Mueller Report, so it wasn't anything really new to me, but then I am probably one of the few people that bothered to read both reports closely.
I see Chuck has gone all in on stupid.
I guess we can expect shamed face apologies from our usual suspects. Inga? Viki? Gadfly? et al.
The minor mental accomplishment of chewing and walking is not going to convince people to identify a crime others could accuse Trump of that will exonerate the subornation of perjury to remove him from politics. Regular commenters to this blog have full awareness of BS calls for civility.
@Leland: I’ll ask you the same question: Do you think that whatever Trump does to gain/retain power is OK given how awful the Democrats are, or is there some line you won’t cross?
Douglas B. Levene said...
@Leland: I’ll ask you the same question: Do you think that whatever Trump does to gain/retain power is OK given how awful the Democrats are, or is there some line you won’t cross?
5/17/23, 8:51 AM
What do you care?? Democrats crossed that line years ago, and you are still doing everything in your power to protect them. Take a good long look at your own side, before you spout crap that isn't happening with Trump, that people like you were fainting over, saying he would do everything YOUR side IS doing.
Wendybar gets it.
Levene, your behavior in this thread is nothing but an example of a bad faith actor. No one answers your question, because we understand you identified the man and now want us to identify the crime. Go be a Stalinist elsewhere.
As expected, no, "Look, I was wrong about the Trump/Russia Collusion story," from dumbass Chuck, Readering, Inga, and all the other lefties who, to their credit, at least had enough shame to not show up in this thread to try to deny the truth of what happened.
Blogger Douglas B. Levene said...
The Durham report confirms that the Clinton campaign engaged in a dirty trick to try to sabotage Trump's campaign and later his presidency by framing him as a Russian agent, and that the FBI took the handoff from the Clinton campaign and ran with with it even though they knew it was a crock of horse manure. Is framing your opponent for a terrible crime itself a crime
Perjury is a crime
obstruction of justice is a crime
Using your non-partisan office to fraudulently advance a political agenda is often a crime
Every person involved on the Federal Gov't side should be fired, regardless of whether or not they're prosecuted.
But Dougie doesn't call for any of that, because he's an amoral crap-weasel who is very happy with the fraud they carried out
I know a lot of people will be disappointed that the violation of a fundamental democratic norm is not a crime. That's how a lot of people on the other side feel about Trump's campaign of lies about election fraud
So, was it "election fraud" when the Democrat accused the republicans of stealing the 2000 election? How about Stacy Abrams in 2018?
Or when the Democrats call it "vote suppression" when States Clean out their voter rolls of people who have moved / died?
Isn't it amazing how it's "a violation of the fundamental norm in a democracy" for Trump to claim that there's fraud involved when Democrat "vote counters" kick out all press and poll watchers because they're "done counting votes for the night", and then immediately start "counting" more votes once the watchers are gone, as was documented with video evidence in Fulton County.
And when that "counting" flips three races in the Democrat's favor? Oh, that's not fraud, that's just random happenstance.
Has there ever been any point in your life where you were a decent and moral human being, Dougie, or have you always been the scum that you are now?
Drago said...
Quick question for Greg: Why would billionaire funders who despise everything about Trump policies be funding DeSantis if DeSantis is going to "fight for our side"?
Because there are two options: Trump, and DeSantis
And they like DeSantis better.
Who else would they fund who has the slightest chance of being the GOP nominee in 2024?
If they're going to get involved, their choices are Trump and DeSantis. They want to get involved. Therefore they fund DeSantis and "hope" for the "best".
Watching DeSantis' actions, which are always a better metric than someone's words, they're going to be disappointed.
Now Drasgo, let's turn it around:
Why is the Left fighting so hard to make Trump the 2024 nominee?
Which is what they're doing with their bullshit charges against him.
The answer is because they understand that Trump will talk a good game, but won't actually accomplish much. They know this because they repeatedly rolled him 2017 - 2020
DeSantis, OTOH, has actually repeatedly beat them, so they don't want him
Drago said...
Greg: "Why I won't be voting for Trump in the Primary: he was President for 4 years. In the year after the Mueller bust came out, he could have fired people at the FBI, and kept on firing until the corrupt ones were all gone"
I disagree, since I'm convinced a significant chunk of republicans would have joined with the dems to remove him and he knew it.
But reasonable people can disagree on that point.
Sorry, but I dont' believe that's actually true, that reasonable people can disagree on this.
2019, Mueller report came out, finding Trump committed no crimes.
The next day, Wray should have been fired
And could have been fired.
But Trump absolutely sucked at firing people who supported the Deep State.
2020: Atlas vs Fauci. Fauci should have been fired. Instead Trump fired Atlas
Because Trump completely, utterly, absolutely sucks at personnel
And you can not accomplish jack as President when you dont' have personnel.
@Greg: No one bothers to read any more. They just make assumptions and go from there. Just to correct the record, however, on this very thread I wrote: "But at the very least, if they can't be charged with crimes, everyone at the FBI who had anything to do with the bad faith 'investigation' into Trump ought to be fired (if they are still working there) and their pensions terminated." Do I wish Durham had charged Comey with lying on the affidavit in support of the FISA warrant on Page before the statute of limitations ran? Sure. Do I blame him for not bringing that case before a very hostile DC jury? I'm not a criminal trial lawyer and I'm prepared to trust his judgment on that, especially after said hostile jury pool rejected the two cases that he brought that I thought were slam dunks.
I don't want to pick a fight with you, though, because you don't seem to be advocating the will-to-power. We can have our disagreements about whether Trump was lying about massive ballot fraud and still both vote for DeSantis.
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