... I'd rather wait and get the transcript. And here it is: The Transcript.
This is my effort to cherry-pick some substance (and style):Well, I am running for President of the United States to lead our great American comeback....
It's like "make America great again," but with different words. I don't like weakening it by beginning with "Well," but it was a Reagan trademark. You have to do it... well. Can't know from the transcript.
He said "well" again, and "vigor" is a JFK word. "Flounders in the face" has me looking up the old Monty Python fish-slapping dance. But he got his own trademark across: "the woke mob."And our president, well, he lacks vigor, flounders in the face of our nation’s challenges, and he takes his cues from the woke mob....
American decline is not inevitable, it is a choice. And we should choose a new direction, a path that will lead to American revitalization.... This... means replacing the woke mind virus with reality, facts and, enduring principles. Merit must trump identity politics.
He said "trump"! Maybe he'll say it a lot in an effort to lower-case the ultra-famous name. "Merit must trump identity politics" sounds like a slogan. He's continuing to talk about fighting wokeness. He's said "woke mob," and here is "woke mind virus." We need to re-infect the national mind with something better: "reality, facts and, enduring principles."
(more later)
६१ टिप्पण्या:
Laura Ingraham complained that there was nothing about the economy. Gas needs to be at $2.30. The language was too abstract. Needed to be simpler and more direct. IOW, connect with the poorly educated.
I’m voting for whatever ham sandwich they nominate. I have no illusions this will impact the outcome…and I don’t mean that in the old fashioned ‘my vote doesn’t count’ way. There’s too many actors up for long prison terms if law and order are restored, so they can’t let that happen. That reminds me- Is Nancy Pelosi still alive? What about Mitch McConnell? I guess they’re hiding, for the betterment of the nation…
I read that the number of instantaneous viewers wasn't supported by the servers. That's a pretty good crowd. For me, I still don't listen to speeches. I rather see actual result. DeSantis does seem to have them. Rebuilding bridges days after a hurricane puts him ahead of most leaders I've seen in my lifetime.
"Merit must trump identity politics."
Oh snap. Them's fightin' words!
“ But we also understand, governing is not entertainment. It’s not about building a brand or virtue signaling. It is about delivering results.”
Direct attack on Trump without saying Trump.
The debate will be dynamite if Trump shows up.
We don't need a substitute Trump, we need the REAL thing.
He has to attract women voters. That more or less limits how upstanding a President can be.
Q&A was much more interesting than the announcement. You can listen to it on Twitter on a recording.
There’s a silver lining in the “disastrous” Twitter failure.
The gleeful reporting may be enough to tap into the spirit to help?
I don’t know.
He is the real deal. I’m seeing various weak attacks on him today. He’s a serious man who will do what he says, unlike Mr Trump. And certainly unlike Mr Biden.
"Q&A was much more interesting than the announcement. You can listen to it on Twitter on a recording."
You can also read it in the transcript. Much faster (and easier to blog).
Trump, I prefer to listen to. It's about timing and inflection. DeSantis is very dull to listen to. That may be okay, but I'm going to have to go to the transcript.
"Merit must trump identity politics."
The left always singles out this concept as a racist dog whistle. What in the hell about that statement could be interpreted as racist?
The fascinating thing about them calling that a dog whistle isn't that they're substituting "merit" for "white" in that statement, but the subtle acknowledgement by saying so that whites are more capable of "merit" than others. It's the unspoken subtext of them calling it a dog whistle. They all but imply that in a "meritorious" system whites will always prevail over their pet minorities.
Proof positive that the white apologists who believe it's a dog whistle are themselves unmeritorious, talentless trash who's sole defense can only be identity politics. It's the only thing that covers their shame for meritless achievements based on nothing real or tangible. They're middling achievers and they know it.
“I read that the number of instantaneous viewers wasn't supported by the servers. That's a pretty good crowd. For me, I still don't listen to speeches. I rather see actual result. DeSantis does seem to have them. Rebuilding bridges days after a hurricane puts him ahead of most leaders I've seen in my lifetime”.
When California was sane they were able to fix Major interstate bridges and structures within a few weeks after the ‘88 or ‘89 earthquake. They had a Republican governor then.
"Merit must trump identity politics."
So, vote for Trump to choose merit over identity politics ("diversity"). DeSantis is a credible choice, too. Both are just human, and come up short in execution. Trump in medical pricing, DeSantis in corporate conflicts (Disney notwithstanding).
He has to attract women voters.
At least half of women subscribe to conservative philosophy: Declaration and Constitution, less the Twilight Amendment now repealed, and would not vote for class-disordered ideologies, social progress, redistributive change (e.g. shared responsibility/progressive prices in single/central/monopolistic solutions), or war without borders (e.g. World War [ethnic] Springs).
Hmmm...very dull to listen to, Q&A more interesting than the announcement, results not virtue signaling...
Sounds like, "Return of the Normals." I'm in for that.
I think we are looking at this backward.
Whats the down side of naming Trump VP? I have not thought this through much. I think Trump would accept, but there are few people self confidante enough to play second fiddle to your underling.
Trump would be great taking all the heat for bringing up new ideas. The old fashioned trial balloons. Trump has the verbal dance, down to quality unique to Trump. Keeping DeSantis out of the direct line of fire. But unless DeSantis can pull it off, it wont happen. Remember, Trump would have signed an Amnesty bill. But Pelosi's ego could not handle the optics on Trump's signature on an Amnesty bill. This is just one agenda item, Trump, the non-politician is able to take a run with, giving the youngster DeSantis a way to not be tied in perpetuity to the Amnesty, thus protecting DeSantis with the Constitutional base of conservatives.
Needs much more war gaming.
If Musk had hosted Gavin Newsom and the Twitter servers had crashed because of the high demand for access, it would be celebrated as an overwhelming vote of confidence in Newsom by the American public, proof of the superiority of progressive ideas.
DeSantis was much more relatable in the Q&A, so the flat-voiced, low-affect persona receded. Like Althouse, I prefer transcripts for efficiency reasons, but listening to the Q&A made me size DeSantis up differently and more positively.
Trump makes me laugh on his best days. DeSantis feels like a chore.
Oh dear, sounds like another Scott Walker moment.
We don't need a substitute Trump, we need the REAL thing.
It's interesting that when a discussion about DeSantis comes up the bottom line is that he is inevitably compared to Trump. Is he Trumpian enough? Can he follow through with Trump policies? Can he thread the needle that Trump couldn't? His personality is less abrasive than Trump's.
DeSantis supporters want Trump policies, just enacted by someone else.
At present I a remain in the Trump camp for pretty much the same reason as wendybar, but my main concern is the down ballot races. The Senate race in '24 heavily favors Republicans. I wasn't impressed by Trump's coattails in '22. This is a concern.
"He has to attract women voters. That more or less limits how upstanding a President can be."
PILF, I think that DeSantis would have to be seen as leading in that category. In comparison to Trump or Biden at least.
Politicians...I'd like to...
He does come across a litle stern though. Although some may find that appealing.
I have found myself agreeing more and more with Ace of Spades and his takes on DeSantis over Trump. Don't get me wrong...I will crawl over an ocean of broken glass the size of Illinois to vote for either one, but I've begun to lean DeSantis.
This is largely for no other reason than Trump's missed opportunities and unforced errors - Trump will say 5 things I like and then boom, pow, out of left field here comes Leroy Jenkins with the most batshit thing you've ever seen. His trading card NFTs are but one screwball oddity that takes him from the realm of masculine confidence in knowing what's right to seeming egotistical and desperate to stay relevant.
There are things about DeSantis I dislike immensely too. I dislike his recent signing of legislation in a foreign country (Israel). I dislike the very high likelihood he is a deep-state toadie (i.e. an acceptable 'selection' for the peasants, US Navy officers are well known for their sycophancy...sorry to any naval officers who are offended) who will fall into line when taking orders from the real entities that run this country, the NIC.
But DeSantis isn't the lightning-rod Trump is...yet.
Trump is poison to the down ballot. I voted for him twice, gave him money, went to his inauguration but I am done with him after the midterm. He needs to grow up. You can overlook an asshole but only up to a point.
He has to attract women voters.
@rhhardin, perhaps I’m misinterpreting this sentence, but I would have expected you, of all commentators, to realize that eomen fo not constitute a monolithic voting block. Althouse is a woman (or so Meade assures us). So are Freeman Hunt, Tina Trent, and wendybar. As I’ve said before, Althouse is not a winnable vote do DeSantis can safely ignore her concerns because she’s never going to vote for either Trump or DeSantis anyway. Inga either. The other three ladies I mentioned are very winnable (at least one of them — you know who you are!) is practically not a losable vote.
"He's said "woke mob," and here is "woke mind virus." We need to re-infect the national mind with something better: "reality, facts and, enduring principles.""
Anything wrong with that?
"very dull to listen to"
Which is good, right?
@ Temujin
"He is the real deal. I’m seeing various weak attacks on him today. He’s a serious man who will do what he says, unlike Mr Trump. And certainly unlike Mr Biden."
The attacks are all narrative-scripted too. The anti-DeSantis crowd certainly have their talking-points all worked out. Reminds me of the hack-D press when they do it.
And yes - they are weak talking points.
"He's GOPe, Jeb!, Bush, no trade deals like perfect macho Trump...' blah blah blah
I doubt DeSantis will let himself be consumed by the corrupt mob-left like Trump did.
"Lovely Hillary"- Trump 2023.
Wild Chicken
Trump makes me laugh too - but not funny haha - more - holy shit - what a joke.
Dave B - Some Trump supporters like Trump's odd-ball simplistic televangelist way of speaking. Like Laura Ingraham.
I want the leaders who went nuts during COVID to pay. I want them to have to answer for what they did. DeSantis is the best person for that, and so he'll have my support through a lot.
He is NOT an exciting speaker, but he has a stellar CV and is killing it in Florida.
It would be nice to wake up in the morning and not think, 'I wonder what bonehead thing the president said today.'
I want 'No-drama Obama' except in a conservative politician...
Biden, Trump, DeSantis, which passes the beer test?
I am not sure with all but a few up in here making believe they will have a choice when it comes to voting for the former losing president (and lose again) and thinking the base of that group will allow any other nominee (multiple indictments or not) You might just as well cast your vote and listen to it go down the toilet. Its already set up as Dark Brandon has fixed it; you'll just have to grin and bear it. (THE GUILLIABLE THINK HE CAN REALLY DO THAT) C'mon man toe the line then read em and weep. The Frankenstein monster has been created and the towns people are running in fear. Burn the house down.
Blogger rhhardin said...
He has to attract women voters. That more or less limits how logical a President can be.
I don't know why we need to keep having boomer presidents. Trump is old. He's not as bad off as Biden, but decline happens quickly, especially after 80.
One would think that intelligent people in the 21st century would be sufficiently tech-savvy to associate the Twitter servers crashing with Elon Musk instead of Ron DeSantis. Which leads me to conclude that people who write for the Times and other members of the Left are ultimately not very intelligent. Perhaps this is confirmation bias on my part, but then I think back to “mostly peaceful” demonstrations that left dead bodies in their wake and I suspect that I’m right about the lack of brain power.
If Trump was twenty years younger, I'd be marching in the streets for him, but he's simply too old. He's capable now, but things happen fast among the elderly.
I'd vote for Joe Rogan and/or Ben Shapiro, but I doubt either is running.
At this point I think Tim Scott and Keri Lake would be the best ticket.
"Merit must trump identity politics."
The left always singles out this concept as a racist dog whistle. What in the hell about that statement could be interpreted as racist?
The results.
Yeah, he's got a thin voice - a tough obstacle to overcome in a public figure.
"He's said "woke mob," and here is "woke mind virus." We need to re-infect the national mind with something better: "reality, facts and, enduring principles."
If it didn't test well, he wouldn't be saying it repeatedly. And it's the oldest of tactics. Make the accusation relentlessly until the opposition scrambles to disassociate itself from it. Which, at this point, the Left is going to be unable to do. They're locked in. Not least by the media echo chamber.
Not that any of this matters. The Donks Vote Fraud infrastructure guarantees they can steal any national election.
DeSantis seems to have been successful so far in choosing loyal and competent people to work for him, and he understands the importance of pushing his policy agenda through the bureaucracy. I can't argue with Trump's business success, but he was an outsider to government, and his personnel choices ran into a lot of unnecessary drama.
US Navy officers are well known for their sycophancy
When I was a Beltway bandit in the 80s, the Pentagon saying was "Army dumb, Air Force devious, and Navy defiant." But PC and Diversity uber alles took over all the services.
@Birches, point of information. Joe Biden is too old to be a Baby Boomer. The Baby Boom is defined to begin with babies born in 1946. I realize that math is hard, but the oldest Boomer is 77 this year.
My opinion is that once people get to know Governor DeSantis better - they're going to be a bit disappointed.
"Merit must trump identity politics."
The left always singles out this concept as a racist dog whistle. What in the hell about that statement could be interpreted as racist?
The fascinating thing about them calling that a dog whistle isn't that they're substituting "merit" for "white"
There's no problem with merit. The problem is when people say "merit" but actually mean going to the best schools, having access to capital and powerful networks, having every conceivable opportunity, etc. To put in a way that might be familiar -- when the word "merit" is actually a stand-in for access to the best stuff. George W Bush is a good example -- a man with every conceivable privilege who merited nothing yet got everything (and in the process wrecked the Middle East, destroyed the American economy, and left office with a 20% approval rating). In other words, the precise opposite of merit.
They're middling achievers and they know it.
Actually they're superlative achievers who lack merit, and they know it.
Understandable. Apparently, many prefer Biden's gibberish and will continue to do so over the flat, monotonous speech of DeSantis.
As a flat voiced man who has struggled to get his message across to people who have absurdly high expectations of vocal variation, RD has my sympathy.
What's worse, "woke" or "deplorable"?
I'm open to seeing where the primaries go and how Trump or DeSantis navigate their strengths and weaknesses. Trump has a strong tendency to be goaded into fighting battles others choose and goading others through personal attacks. He is used to getting his way and dominating those around him with his strong personality.
DeSantis has, I think, the potential to out debate Trump by choosing the battles and not being drawn into Trump's strengths. He seems to have Scott Walker's ability to keep standing in the face of opposition but with a stronger personality and offensive skill.
Trump can't fight DeSantis on the usual MAGA topics, since DeSantis has shown actual results in key ways, that leaves open what I'm seeing as tagging DeSantis as GOPe. DeSantis defends against that and returns with where Trump is weak on that (Trump rhetoric is very different than Trump actions on this topic), it could get really interesting.
How will DeSantis goad Trump indirectly into making really big mistakes that would cause core MAGA folks to step away? That's is really the big question going into primaries. If DeSantis can do that (and MAGA folks will say it's impossible) he'll defend himself on the right, be able to go all out against the Left, and show political skills that will be effective in global negotiations.
I think DeSantis can be much more strategic in all this, we'll see if his JAG background can actually display a firm grasp of the art of war.
Likewise, Trump has a chance in this campaign to show he won't be goaded and led into the fields where others choose to fight and to show he has addressed his weaknesses over the last four years that could, potentially, even expand his base into independents more. I don't at all think anyone ever deserves to be President no matter what happens (even famous winning generals, except for Washington), so Trump has to show he goes beyond trying to get revenge for the past.
I have less confidence about that, but hope he can, as that would make the primaries really shine.
"That more or less limits how logical a President can be."
It might be worth digging into history, but I honestly can't remember any Presidential vote that was decided on logic, and that's true even well before 1920.
Woodrow Wilson, I guess, was a really logical vote for some, what with his academic credentials.
Althouse likes boring...except here.
@Ralph L
Each branch has its own version, but I've never seen so much ring-knocking as I've seen among the Annapolis boys...it's like skull and bones or something. Pointers do it too but it seemed less so. I never felt 'excluded' because I was an ROTC commission.
In 2012 a colleague who was an SWO said it was practically impossible to get a surface command unless you gave the Rear Admiral head. I don't know if that applies to jags so maybe DeSantks is different...I'm willing to be open-minded.
DeSantis is carrying the millstone of GOPe around his neck.
This is a melding of JEB! and Cruz camps. Those advisors have pissed away multiple victories.
I hear all the Trump weakness being cited, and can't help but recall he actually won with all those weaknesses.
That's not the definition I was referring too. Moreover I think the number of people who have that idea pop into their head when they see "merit" is miniscule.
I have a problem with connected as a stand-in for merit regardless of politics or party affiliation. I think everyone does. The vast majority of us do not have the appropriate last names that provide entree into golden parachuted opportunities, and for the overwhelming majority of us that don't, we're willing to accept that certain people get to certain positions so long as they got there because they were the right person for the job, even if it means you or I didn't.
It's a shitty deal, but royalty kinda sorta still exists. I think that's what you're on about, and in the world most of us occupy superlative achievers are recognized, mostly by your peers, regardless of the population at large.
"Needed to be simpler and more direct."
Simpler than *that*? If that's true, we're doomed.
Future stump speeches:
"You want country good? I want country good. I make country good for you. Country good now. Country more good with me. Good me. Good country. Both good. You vote me."
Dinky Dau 45
I don't think I'm going take any advice from someone who voted for Biden.
If you're posting here you're not researching the ponies. If you're not researching the ponies you're not a very good gambler.
I confused about Twitter people criticizing DeSantis. Well maybe just a little! It's just that the idiots from MSM trying to get attention. What I read is that DeSantis raised $8 million on that one day. Now why did the MSM not mention this? You have idiots like Whoopi Goldberg saying that we'll have a 'Race War' if DeSantis gets elected. Everyone just take a deep breath and stop this B.S., from Twitter, Social Media, etc.
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