2. "Black waiter forced to serve N-word spewing diners decked in Confederate flags: report" (Raw Story). As one server tells it: "A party full of people wearing Confederate flag gear just tried to f---ing come eat in our restaurant. One of our Black servers had to take them.... They’re N-word this, N-word that, while he’s there at the table. They’re not even trying to stop." The black man who waited on the table said that it was a reservation for 11, and he'd started working on the table after only a few had showed up, "including a baby wrapped in a Confederate coat," but he didn't really notice until more arrived. Then, the managers asked if he had "any issues with this table," and he continued until someone addressed him as "boy." He "couldn't return to the table, after which the group demanded the managers force him to return and correct their orders." We're told the "managers tried to defuse the situation," but "he's considering a lawsuit," presumably against his employer. ADDED: Assuming the accuracy of this account, I think the managers ought to have told the customers they had to leave. It shouldn't have depended on the server's declaring an inability to soldier on.
२ मे, २०२३
For the annals of servitude.
1. "2 Wisconsin Republicans want 14-year-olds to be allowed to serve alcohol in restaurants" (Insider). There's currently a labor shortage, and the bill would only allow the 14-17-year olds to serve alcohol to those who are seated at tables, not those at the bar. Oddly enough, in Wisconsin, underage kids can drink alcohol, even at the bar, if they're with a parent! Anyway, 14-17-year olds already work in restaurants and wait on tables. To let them deliver the drinks to the table would simply enable them to do all the ordinary tasks that are part of the job. What are we afraid of? Child labor? But they're already waiting on the tables. That they might, if entrusted with a small tray of drinks, surreptitiously sip on one? It can't be that we feel a need to protect them from a drinking environment, because they are already working in restaurants. They already see people imbibing. It's not as though we're letting them see an orgy.
employment discrimination,
८७ टिप्पण्या:
Just be the best waiter ever. Black strategy as it's set out today ensures black failure.
I used to live in MD where you had to be 21 to bartend. We moved to Texas a few years ago. Recently I noticed a very young looking guy serving us at a restaurant. I told him he looked quite young to be 21 and he confirmed in TX you can bartend at 18.
On a side note, we go to the water park a few times a year. They have quite a young workforce and serve beer. And whenever we order it at the food stands, f the worker is under 18 they have to get their manager to come over and open the beer and give it to us. And sometimes that takes a few minutes since the manager might be doing some other task. It is a bit annoying.
Well, I wasn't there, but, #2 sure sounds like shit that never happened.
It can't be that we feel a need to protect them from a drinking environment, because they are already working in restaurants. They already see people imbibing. It's not as though we're letting them see an orgy.
Now do drag shows in elementary schools!
Yeah #2 didn't happen. If you believe that it did I have unused SNL skit scripts to sell you.
i believe, that the time honored correct response would have been: Spitting into their food
Regarding #1–i think it might have more to do with protecting the younger waitstaff from potentially drunk and belligerent patrons. That’s not a bad thing.
And #2–if true, it’s awful. But, IF.
Presumably the 14-17 year olds will also be checking the IDs of the restaurant patrons? Perhaps the concerned is that they won't, or could be intimidated out of doing so?
but in today's brave new world...
Now do a white server, and a table full of Black Nationalists and the words "honky" and "cracker"
Again.. The time honored correct response involves spitting into their food
I expect the original reason not to allow minors to serve alcohol is we don't trust them to enforce the drinking age laws. You certainly would not want to have a 14-15 year old tending bar solo, even if you might allow them to staff a newsstand or dry cleaner solo for a few hours at a time.
While waiting tables, the minor is subject to supervision, with other waitstaff and maybe other front of house employees keeping an eye on things. But the table waiters and waitresses still are the front line for carding and refusing service.
I think either position is reasonable here.
Yeah, those customers at Texas Roadhouse were idiots. And gosh, an incident every seven years at a national chain is really telling. Raw Story connects up the dots--both of them.
Management should boot customers who disrespect their employees. Why didn’t they?
2. I'll take things that never happened for $500 Alex.
Leftist fantasy by people who have never spent time In the South are particularly aggravating to those of us who lived through the civil rights movement here, became better for it, and watched as they burned buses in Boston when they integrated 20 years later.
It's when I stopped apologizing for my homeland.
In Arizona the drinking age is 21, serving age is 18, and anyone may drink in a bar if their parents are present. That said, no bar I've ever heard of would allow it. The liability risk would be unacceptable, other patrons would disapprove, and you would certainly draw the attention of the liquor enforcement department. I've allowed an under 18 to be in the bar while his father was drinking, but only because the father was profoundly handicapped and needed help. That was rare and made me quite uncomfortable, but it was a small town.
1. Jeffrey Morgentahler has habitually described Wisconsin drinkers and drinking culture to be the most evolved. Perhps it is because you start em young?
2. Its probably all fake but if true the guy was probably serving Feds. Sue the government instead of the employer- mope money and a sympathetic corruptocrat would appreciate credit for settling this one...
first - most of these "racist" stories turn out to be false. (or trumped up) so -
this story could be real... but it seems odd to me. Seriously. People do this?
Wrap their kids in confederate flags? Show up and toss the "N" word around?
Did anyone take a photo or use their phone to record?
A nation in decline. Both sides suck... tho I contend the left suck more by full length football fields and empty swimming pools lined up to the moon.
Oddly enough, in Wisconsin, underage kids can drink alcohol, even at the bar, if they're with a parent!
Same in Texas. Each establishment can decide for itself whether it wants to allow this, I believe, but it's legal if they do.
As for the server who was insulted etc., I would hope that restaurant had the standard "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone" sign. Servers shouldn't have to take customers' abuse (civil disagreement and pointing out problems with the service or the food are different); this seems like a situation ideal for the manager to point to that sign and boot the offenders out. Too bad that wasn't the course of action.
#2 did not happen. Shades of UVA frat story.
Its up to the parents, not the government. This is legislative action, meaning the people have spoken, at least for this legislative cycle.
The black server? I cant get to source, The Daily Beast, I would like to see how much "reporting" was done. Seems the waiter posted a tik tok. I'm old, but I still remember Juicy Smollett. It is very possible, all of it is staged. The whole thing seems to be over the top amplification of stereotypes. I'll hold my opinion for a couple of days.
2. Sounds like another lame stunt by the groomers at The Lincoln Project.
Bad customers are part of the job. Some are racist. Some are misogynistic. Some are drunks. Some are pigs. Knowing how to handle it is part of the job. Some people apparently go through life with a lawyer on retainer.
#2 Sometimes accurate bullshit meter pegged.
The first idea is ok with me. Let the 14-year-olds bring drinks and make money. Just don't cut off their genitals...ok???
When I was a teenager in the 1980s my relatives would buy me beer at the local taverns. I loved it. It's still legal in WI, but I don't see anybody doing it anymore. Even WI has become a state of tight asses. I the early 1970's the local taverns would rent flat beds and had out FREE BEER to the parade watchers on Main Street in Sussex. Lion's Daze parade...4th of July...etc... Who stopped that???
I don't believe the second story AT ALL. It's too perfect. Everyone dressed in Confederate Flag gear, "get me water with lemon boy"...bullshit.
Reads like a Jussie Smollet version of events. And with all the restaurant brawls captured on cell phone video, nobody got a photo or video of the Confederate Flag wearing family? Bullshit.
Of course it's the Texas Roadhouse... or they could pick Cracker Barrell or Chik-Fil-A. Problem is Black people LOVE Chik-Fil-A, so you gotta leave them alone. Damn good Chicken Sandwiches. And the Chicken Biscuits for breakfast are even better.
Let Liberal Suburban White women complain about Chick-Fil-A.
In the 80's, when Ohio went 21 for alcohol, you also had to be 21 to serve it. It was the dumbest thing I'd ever heard up to that point in my life. I hadn't yet grasped how pointlessly stupid government could be.
The Raw story is bullshit. The only possible way that it happened is if they were a theatre troupe and the restaurant manager knew what was going on.
Easy to opine after the fact. It sounds as if the ugliness evolved and quickly, so that by the time the restaurant manager and the server started to get a handle on things, it was too late. How fast is a restaurant supposed to react —in a manner that survives 20/20 hindsight— when people start to act like garbage? How soon do you know that the whole party (a dozen?) is jointly responsible if Uncle Elmer starts mouthing off again?
"They’re N-word this, N-word that, while he’s there at the table."
Not that unusual, really. Perhaps that's why the source is called "Raw Story", the go-to place for unprocessed journalism devoid of insight and proportionality? Tomorrow's lede: "Bat Boy Eats Own Foot".
What we aren't told by "Raw Story" (or Althouse, who might be interested in her readers' assumptions, clever girl) is the skin tones of the N-word spewers. There exists a certain species of racist who is inclined to damn some people who utter the forbidden word and indulge others with tacit approval based solely on the skin color of the speaker. These racists try to excuse their prejudicial verdicts with absurdities like white people use the N-word as an insult, but proceeding from black lips, it's a term of endearment. Really? Always? What sort of metaphysical power makes these silly people privy to the emotions and motivations of others, particularly people they have never met whose existence they did not even suspect before the meme went viral. Answer: None, no power at all, just the assumptions the racialist mind is wont to make in defense of its part pris.
so a guy on tiktok, complains to the daily beast, and raw story buys it sure,
Alternate Headline: FBI gathers for dress rehearsal dinner at Ohio restaurant.
What really corks me is that an underage grocery clerk in Wisconsin can’t check out any alcohol bought in a grocery store. One must wait until a legally aged adult taps their legally aged fingers on the keys. What is that underage checker going to do, break open one of YOUR bottles and start chugging?
Is this one of those Confederate Flag stories that is presented 'without evidence'?
I forget which state it was that I lived in- Michigan? Illinois? California? But at the grocery store, under age checkout clerks could not handle alcohol sales. Could not put a full bottle of alcohol into a bag. Had to call over a manager to do it. It's ridiculous.
Wiki says Texas Roadhouse has 627 locations nationwide. Such an organization would have an equipment manifest showing how each restaurant must be outfitted. Surveillance cameras would be part of the required equipment.
This smells like bullshit. After so many stories of people in MAGA hats or Let’s Go Brandon shirts being refused service or booted from safe space restaurants we are supposed to believe a party of eleven shows up in Confederate gear dropping N bombs and still got to enjoy a meal served by a black waiter who went ahead and did it? Were Santa and the Easter Bunny there too? Was this at one of those gay Puerto Rican black Irish quincieras that Joe grew up attending with his segregationist buddies?
gilbar said...
It can't be that we feel a need to protect them from a drinking environment, because they are already working in restaurants. They already see people imbibing. It's not as though we're letting them see an orgy.
Now do drag shows in elementary schools!
5/2/23, 7:10 AM
Breezy: "Management should boot customers who disrespect their employees. Why didn’t they?"
Management usually doesn't take time out of their day to kick non-existent people out of their restaurants.
Exit Question: Why didn't a single one of these Confederates(!) yell "This is MAGA Country"?!
From now on I insist that any future hoax that will capture the imagination of gadfly, Inga, LLR-democratical Chuck and lonejustice et al at least contain 1 or 2 more colorful items for which Trump can be Future Impeached.
The 14-17 being allowed to drink with their parents, must be part of Winsconsin's Germanic heritage. The whole "Beer Garden" thing. I don't see anything wrong with it.
As for the whole "They were all dressed in Confederate flags" strikes me as fake, or maybe they were Civil war re-enactors. Did they call the waiter the N-word? No. But anyway, hope he sues and makes a fortune. And we should go even further in stamping out the "N word".
I'd suggest anytime a black person overhears a "N word" from a white person, the white person should fall on his knees and cry out "Please God, Please forgive me for I have sinned. Please Holy black person, please forgive me, I will sin no more".
Did no one take a picture of these folks?
Where are the photos?
The tapes?
The witnesses?
Oddly enough, in Wisconsin, underage kids can drink alcohol, even at the bar, if they're with a parent!
Most (~30 I think) states have similar laws. I believe it's in the law to get around any issues with religious use of alcohol for family gatherings.
As to the confederates, it's got to be a Didn't Happen of the Year Award contender.
Mom and pop places often have the kids and/or the kids friends working in their establishment. There's nothing wrong with that.
As for story#2. Total bullshit.
In many counties in Ohio, one has to be 18 to even check out a person with tobacco/alcohol and have to be 21 to physically serve
Video with clear audio, or it didn't happen. Not only would this behavior be extremely odd, but it would also be odd for any restaurant manager to even attempt to accommodate customers who demanded to be served by a particular employee that they had already harassed.
Were they the only customers in this restaurant? Because any folks dressed and acting like this would have had their pictures plastered all over social media before their appetizers even arrived.
On the second story, I tried to track down the "viral Tik Tok" video, but could find nothing. So, I call bullshit on that story- show me a fucking video of it happening, else I think you are hoaxer.
I am guessing the "viral Tik Tok" is the waiter telling the story itself.
"Wisconsin Democrats want 14-year-olds to be able to cut off their own tits and dicks" would also be true, no?
Like most accusations of racism, this is probably a hoax.
btw- I heard the Hack-D press on the radio announcing that the gov of Texas is transporting illegal entrants (what the media term "immigrants") - to large cities with black mayors.
Since most of of our large cities have black mayors by chance - that is how the media spin it.
NY city - black mayor
Chicago - black mayor
Denver - black mayor
see - that's the "real" reason.
If I were in a public establishment, and I witnessed this, I would be angry. I would do something.
I would take photos of the people, take some video/audio.
or - you know- take some video of the FBI agents.
Assuming the accuracy of this account...
Non-rhetorical question: Why would you assume it's accurate? The accuracy rate for these allegations - at least the ones that make the media - seems to be low enough to hold off on assuming.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
btw- I heard the Hack-D press on the radio announcing that the gov of Texas is transporting illegal entrants (what the media term "immigrants") - to large cities with black mayors.
Since most of of our large cities have black mayors by chance - that is how the media spin it.
NY city - black mayor
Chicago - black mayor
Denver - black mayor
see - that's the "real" reason.
5/2/23, 9:43 AM
AND...surprise, surprise!! They all bragged about being Sanctuary cities for illegals. They are getting what they wanted!
As I recollect, something like eleven of the last ten alleged racist incidents turned out to be hoaxes. This is not to say that people are no longer racist, only that the overt display of such offensive behavior is beyond the pale in polite society. I might believe one obnoxious loudmouth, but a whole party of them seems quite unlikely.
I think that if she were linking to a story that equated a job as a restaurant server to "servitude," Althouse would make one of her signature deep dives into the OED to demonstrate the inaptness of the choice over the mundane but correct "service." Unless, of course, she is purposely alluding to the oxymoronic term "wage slave," which would be disappointing.
Did no one take a picture of these folks?
There are no security cameras?
Extremely skeptical of story #2. Always be suspicious of a story that is "too on the nose" is good advice from Scott Adams. When was the last racial incident that did NOT turn out to be a hoax or a lie???
For the Totally Not a Scam story #2, you should have linked to the Daily Beast article. They include a link to a followup TikTok video with Mandy’s contact information on Venmo and CashApp for Good People to send him money. He's received over $1,000 in donations.
Because it's Totally Not a Scam.
#1 I have no issue with a waiter delivering alcohol to customers, assuming it is legal for the waiter to be working in that restaurant to begin with. I'm not sure it is a great idea to have underage waiters in an establishment that serves alcohol, but if you are going to allow that then transporting alcohol to a table does not seem to be a stretch.
#2 As soon as the customers become abusive to the staff, the manager should have asked them to leave. I also would not have assigned a waiter to a table when conflict was necessarily going to happen, if at all possible. That applies to all scenarios. The story itself seems a bit ridiculous such that I am not sure I believe it, but reality has been ridiculous recently. Could be true?
Living in the south as I do and knowing rich executives, middle class neighbors, dirt poor rednecks I have not heard the N word uttered by a white person in forty years. Maybe more. I am not writing about City folks either. Red dirt road rednecks. Confederate flag rednecks. The word seems to have been left to black people. So Ohio? Doubtful.
Went to a family restaurant in Mexico.
The 'waiter' is the 12-year-old son.
Of course we order margaritas.
He walks behind the bar and makes them before bringing them to the table.
The black guy should get a pass.
Or if forced to be the waiter, just bring them only crackers : )
I think its obvious they should have been thrown out, they're causing a disturbance. I'm as Caucasian as you can get and I don't tolerate anyone using the N-word around me. I would have complained to the manager that they were ruining my dining experience and if nothing was done I would have left.
At a White House event today, Biden told a Muslim man to "Hush up, boy".
This one is true. There's video.
Blogger Gahrie said...
There are no security cameras?
I'm sure a chain like Texas Roadhouse does have video cameras. They'll review to protect themselves, and the Hatfields and McCoys will mysteriously not be at the Texas Roadhouse that day.
Blogger Jake said...
Did no one take a picture of these folks?
You know how it is. They just..froze.
If there are 11 people, including a baby, walking around Ohio with Confederate Flag attire and tattoos, how has no one taken a picture to dox them online?
If there are 11 people, including a baby, walking around Ohio with Confederate Flag attire and tattoos, how has no SJW taken a picture to dox them online?
If there are 11 people, including a baby, walking around Ohio with Confederate Flag attire and tattoos, how has no SJW taken a picture to dox them online?
This didn't just happen once. This happens every day. Everywhere. To every black person in Amerika. Really! It really, really, really does! That is their lived black experience! Can you say "lived black experience"? No, you can't. That would be cultural appropriation. And don't ask to touch their hair, either.
. "Black waiter forced to serve N-word spewing diners decked in Confederate flags: report" (Raw Story). As one server tells it: "A party full of people wearing Confederate flag gear just tried to f---ing come eat in our restaurant. One of our Black servers had to take them.... They’re N-word this, N-word that, while he’s there at the table. They’re not even trying to stop."
Gee, looks like someone else wants to demand that someone "bake the damn cake!"
NOW you find it problematic?
Personally, I think the management should have booted the assholes. But then again I'm a decent human being, so I also think that any baker, florist, photographer, caterer, etc. should have an absolute right to refuse to have anything to do with any sort of "gay" event.
It's you fascists who demand that Christians bow down to your bullshit desires that are the ones enabling the above
tim maguire said...
"In the 80's, when Ohio went 21 for alcohol, you also had to be 21 to serve it. It was the dumbest thing I'd ever heard up to that point in my life. I hadn't yet grasped how pointlessly stupid government could be."
When the drinking age went from 19 to 21, the 19-21 year olds were grandfathered in and could still drink. I know a guy who was just a couple of weeks short of 19 when the law went into effect. He was stuck waiting another two years before he could go out to the bars with his peers.
It really pissed him off when he asked a girl that he had the hots for if she wanted to get together, and she told him "Sure. You wanna meet up with me and my friends at this Friday night?"
When you're president, they let you say "hush up, boy"
At least if you are president Brandon talking down to a Muslim in the white house
Video at the link
John Henry
No m>f tranny post today?
John Henry
When my grandmother was a little girl, it was her job to go to the local bar and get her father's daily beer for dinner. Since she was too small to be seen over the bar, she was allowed to go behind the counter, fill up the pail, put the nickel on the bar, then walk home with an open container of beer in hand.
(While it was never explicitly stated, I always assumed it was her mother's cousin's establishment where she was allowed to go pour her own beer.)
"They’re N-word this, N-word that, while he’s there at the table. They’re not even trying to stop." "
No different than what that black waiter would be hearing in Minneapolis if he rode the Number 5 bus to work and back.
I live in the inner-city. I rode that bus for 25 years. I am white and I say the "n-word" with impunity. To demand that I refrain from doing so is to deny me the right to utilize my regional dialect. Fucking regionalists.
The word seems to have been left to black people.
Hispanics use the word with impunity at my high school.
"Just don't cut off their genitals...ok???"
Gender affirming surgery: Good
FGM: Bad
Go figure?
"What is that underage checker going to do, break open one of YOUR bottles and start chugging?"
Sell alcohol to an underaged friend? Seriously. No adult, no adult oversight.
I worked at a big box for years. I never served people with Nazi tattoos or people wearing Communist regalia like Che T-shirts. Openly ignored them. Never asked them if they needed help. I know that over the years at least a few of them complained to managers I was ignoring them. I overheard them doing so. Funny thing- no one in management ever asked me about it or noted it to me at all.
Never heard anyone use the N-word. And compared to people wearing Che T-shirts- people wearing The Battle Flag of Northern Virginia- what most people refer to as the Confederate Flag - in public are virtually non-existent. At least in CNY. So that never came up.
The story sounds like complete bullshit. Like a regressive's fever dream. The article doesn't even give a town name, just...a town in Ohio? Or did I miss it?
It's a tale and it made it to the internet where it will become true, because many in this country want it to be true.
But...if it really did happen, the manager of that restaurant is a putz. I would have had them leave my restaurant. I wouldn't have been nice about it. I would have had my employees backs. And I would have had enough regular customers behind me- having my back- to insure it all went as planned. In this day and age, a display like that merits no service and no remorse for their 'feelings'.
I did some research, the Ohio Texas Roadhouse restaurants are on Montgomery Road or West Chester near Cincinnati No chance any part of this story is true
Looks like Daily Beast may have pulled the story on 2. How can anyone be so gullible to believe this?
Free Manure: I wouldn't be so sure that FGM will still be criminal a decade from now. You will have noticed that where Muslims and women conflict these days, the Muslims are almost always on the winning side. And the Muslims are pretty keen on "gender-affirming" procedures. At least Iran is -- this is how they can claim that there are no homosexuals in their country.
Re: "No. 2," I am with Static Ping and a few others, in that I think this might possibly have happened. Unlikely, but possible. Though someone's suggestion upthread that the entire crew might have been actors in costume on a break seems more plausible than a passel of Good Ol' Boys imported from 70 years ago.
Doing more research re 2, this was alleged to be at the west Chester location. One of the wealthiest areas in Ohio and no reason any family from Kentucky would go there. Total fabrication. Shame.
Most states require that those engaged in selling beer, wine, and distilled spirits (also called liquor) for on-premise and off-premise consumption must be adults, at least 18 but sometimes 19 or 21 years of age.
But in the 18 years that I lived in the Wisconsin outback, bars that I frequented did their own thing and nobody "squealed."
Gator said...
I did some research, the Ohio Texas Roadhouse restaurants are on Montgomery Road or West Chester near Cincinnati No chance any part of this story is true.
Google Maps finds the Texas Roadhouse in question, as named in the Daily Beast, at 7309 Kingsgate Way, just off I-75 north of Cincinnati in West Chester township.
However, it has been my experience that Texas Roadhouse Restaurants are always jammed with patrons, and management and staff are always pleasant with customers. It is called service. They want you to return.
I have spent many a night at a restaurant in Stevens Point frequented by Confederate bikers, etched with flag tattoos, who were always pleasant. But who can judge if the Ohio bunch was not so nice?
First, social progress, and, second, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI)
I heard the baby had a confederate flag tramp stamp.
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