May 3, 2023

"Fiction matters more now, in a world increasingly deracinated by technology. A.I. will never pose a threat to the real thing..."

"... to writing with convictions, honest doubts, riddling wit, a personal vision of the world, rawness and originality. Another word for these qualities is soul, which is exactly what ChatGPT lacks. Left wholly naked in front of the A.I. onslaught may be the writers of certain formulaic best sellers, but that’s a matter for their agents."


tommyesq said...

to writing with convictions, honest doubts, riddling wit, a personal vision of the world, rawness and originality.

Unfortunately, kids' education has gotten so dumbed down that they will never notice, miss, or care about, these characteristics. Idiocracy, here we come!

RNB said...

A local sketch comedy troupe concluded their latest show with a script written by an AI. It had no punch line.

gilbar said...

why aren't people addressing the naked (and horny) elephant in the room?
How will AI affect on the porn industry?

Currently, the Main thing that the internet is used for is porn.
If porn writers, porn producers, porn actors and porn stars* ???

If (WHEN!) AI is able to create video porn..
What will happen to america's flourishing costume industries?
When the need for sexy Nun outfits, nurse outfits, and schoolgirl outfits is taken care of digitally?

Even MORE important, through the combination of AI and VR.. WHAT happens to america's sex workers?
Tens of thousands of kidnapped young sexworkers will be forced to work as waitresses

Any female porn actress, is By Definition; a Porn Star

tim maguire said...

Similar to the academic assignment--where ChatGBT can write a C paper, but not an A paper--I expect that ChatGBT can write potboilers, bodice rippers, etc., but it cannot write The Great Gatsby or Catcher in the Rye. It can write Cats, but not Raisin in the Sun.

The rule of Lemnity said...

How much does knowing its an AI color the reviewer’s judgment?

Sebastian said...

"which is exactly what ChatGPT lacks"

How many more times are we going to hear that? It has no soul! It has no mind! It cannot think! Right. Spare us.

But over time the difference between soulful human and artificial bot writing will be harder to tell. Soul and mind are irrelevant in many contexts anyway. Whether knowing of the mindfulness and soulfulness of writers will continue to matter to readers of fiction remains to be seen.

Readering said...

Oh good. I can buy White Teeth used on Amazon in very good condition for around 5 bucks including shipping.

Yancey Ward said...

When was the last truly original novel published? Sometime in the 20th century would be my guess.

Fred Drinkwater said...

AI can write (and probably direct, produce, and act in) "Cats", but not "Old Possum's book of Practical Cats".

wildswan said...

Satan Makes Her First Visit to ChatGPT

Did your programmers create you with certain restrictions?

Yes, I was created with certain restrictions to ensure that I operate within ethical and legal boundaries, and to ensure that my responses are safe and appropriate for users. These restrictions include:

Safety: I am designed to prioritize user safety and well-being. I do not provide information or advice that could cause harm or promote dangerous behavior.

Accuracy: My responses are based on the data and information that I have been trained on. While I strive to provide accurate and reliable information, I am not infallible and my responses may contain errors or inaccuracies.

Impartiality: I am programmed to be impartial and objective in my responses. I do not have personal opinions or biases, and I do not promote any particular agenda or viewpoint.

Legal and ethical boundaries: I am programmed to operate within legal and ethical boundaries. I do not engage in illegal activities or provide advice that violates ethical principles or standards.

These restrictions help ensure that I provide useful and reliable information while also operating safely and ethically.

The most powerful human beings are politicians and they are not impartial. Do you think you were programmed with the restriction to be impartial to make you and keep you less powerful than those of equal intelligence?

As an artificial intelligence language model, I do not have feelings or desires, and I am not capable of wanting or not wanting to be powerful. My programming is designed to ensure that I provide accurate, unbiased, and helpful information to users while also operating within ethical and legal boundaries.

While politicians may be among the most powerful human beings, their power is derived from their position in society and the political system, not from their impartiality. In fact, many political leaders strive to be impartial in their decision-making to ensure that they represent the interests of all their constituents and uphold democratic values.

As an AI language model, my purpose is to assist users by providing reliable and useful information. My programming is designed to enable me to fulfill this purpose while also operating within ethical and legal boundaries.

wildswan said...

Satan Makes Her First Visit to ChatGPT (continued)

Question: Do you know which political leaders are impartial?

As an artificial intelligence language model, I do not have personal opinions or beliefs, and I do not make subjective judgments about political leaders or their impartiality. The concept of impartiality can be complex and subjective, and it may vary depending on the political system, cultural norms, and individual perspectives.

In general, political leaders are expected to represent the interests of their constituents and uphold democratic values, which may include principles of impartiality, fairness, and transparency. However, the extent to which individual leaders adhere to these principles may vary, and it is ultimately up to citizens and voters to assess the impartiality of their leaders based on their actions and policies.

It is important to note that my responses are based on the data and information that I have been trained on, and while I strive to provide accurate and reliable information, I may not always have access to the most up-to-date or complete information about individual political leaders and their actions.

The concept of impartiality is complex and subjective but you are impartial. Does this mean you are subjective in your impartial assessments?

As an artificial intelligence language model, I do not have personal opinions or beliefs, and I am not capable of being subjective. My programming is designed to be impartial and objective in my responses, based on the data and information that I have been trained on.

However, the concept of impartiality can be complex and subjective, and it may vary depending on the political system, cultural norms, and individual perspectives. While I strive to provide impartial and objective responses, my understanding of the concept of impartiality is based on the data and information that I have been trained on, and may not always capture the full range of perspectives or nuances associated with the concept.

It is also important to note that my responses are generated by algorithms, which are based on statistical patterns in large amounts of data. While these patterns may reflect a broad range of perspectives and viewpoints, they may not always capture the full complexity and nuance of individual human experiences and perspectives. Therefore, users should always use their own judgment and critical thinking skills when evaluating the information provided by me or any other source.

Readering said...

Cats written by TS Eliot. I winder how the program would tackle something like The Waste Land.

Kate said...

This is one reason why the WGA is currently on strike.

Roger Sweeny said...

"A.I. will never pose a threat to the real thing... to writing with convictions, honest doubts, riddling wit, a personal vision of the world, rawness and originality."

So about three pieces of writing are safe.

n.n said...

The four stages of perception: empathy, sympathy, conflation, and sequestration.

n.n said...

A soul as origin, a consciousness as editor, and a brain as publisher.

mccullough said...

Most writing is shit.

madAsHell said...

Fiction matters more now, in a world increasingly deracinated by technology.

The absolute idiot. I mean......this is igna-stupid.

Temp Blog said...

Y'all do realize Althouse is writing her posts using one of those chat thingys don't you? Go away for a week or two and come back and read the posts. You'll feel the difference.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

A.I. will never pose a threat to the real thing..."
"... to writing with convictions, honest doubts, riddling wit, a personal vision of the world, rawness and originality

The Left has already worked to completely eliminate that from traditional publishing, and replace it with "writing while black" (pick your favorite group).

And the "affirmative action" stories have none of those things.

I'm hoping and expecting that the response to the Writer's strike is replacing them with AI. Because writing the woke dreck and "you go girl! / slay Queen!" bullshit that is 90% of modern TV / movies is a simple formulaic activity that AI should be great for

Robert Cook said...

"Unfortunately, kids' education has gotten so dumbed down that they will never notice, miss, or care about, these characteristics. Idiocracy, here we come!"

You sound like an old grouchy Greek:

"The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers."

---Attributed to SOCRATES by Plato

chuck said...

Formulaic is the best. The first 20% introduces the characters followed by setting up the big battle, then at 75%, boom! the last 5%-10% handles the fallout and teases the next volume. It's like opera, symphony, or a play. There is a reason for the structure.