FROM THE COMMENTS: Sean Gleeson said:
I think your headline is wrong. The Mothers Day message was not for the Lunatics and Maniacs, it was for the mothers of the Lunatics and Maniacs. His request to "Please make these complete Lunatics and Maniacs Kinder [etc.]" was directed to the mothers.
On reflection, I agree. But I also I see why I read it the way I did. The text is subject to 2 interpretations. The second sentence introduces the term "these complete Lunatics and Maniacs." You have to figure out which of the 2 sets of persons in the first sentence are the lunatics and maniacs. The first sentence stresses the mothers, so it's natural to assume that the second sentence has the same stress. I was also influenced by the stereotype of mothers, that they are or should be kind, gentle, and soft. But once I think about the other possibility — that DT wants more kindness, etc., from the offspring of the mothers — I see that meaning makes more sense.
The first sentence is also ambiguous. He could be saying the mothers are trying to destroy America.
It really is badly written! Notice the all-caps "ALL." That's the most important word. Why he's saying Happy Mother’s Day to all — the way you'd say "Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!" — I don't know. Just extract Mother's Day and it makes sense: To ALL who are doing everything within their power to destroy and obliterate our once great Country, please become Kinder, Gentler, Softer and, most importantly, Smarter.
The first sentence doesn't address just the mothers of left-wingers. It addresses "ALL," including one subgroup, the mothers of lefties. Then the second sentence — I agree with Sean Gleeson — makes a superficially polite — "Please" — request of the these mothers.
But it's not polite to ask people to do things that can't be done. How are mothers supposed to "make" their offspring into something different? Apparently, the offspring are old enough to have their own ideas about politics. What is mother supposed to do about that? Maybe have rational conversations. But that's not "making" anybody into something else. And, ironically, it's not kind, gentle, and soft to "make" someone into something.
ALSO: I see I've been blind to the words "Wives and Lovers"! It was Mother's Day, not Wife's Day or Lover's Day. Noticing these words, at long last, I'm more irked than before at the sexism of Trump's tweet/"truth." He thinks it's women's work to fix the young. I know "lovers" could be men, but following the principle of ejusdem generis — and my understanding of the Mind of Trump — I think he meant female lovers.
९७ टिप्पण्या:
The GOP can pick two lawyers as their candidate. Neither has any baggage. They speak and write in a coherent manner. They have good policy ideas. Neither has been charged by any woman of sexual assault.
Both Ron or Vivek can win suburban women in swing states. With Trump, there is no hope.
I will, however, vote for Trump in the general; even if he is in jail.
But I'm sick and done with Trump's drama.
And as I wrote previously in the comments, I saw ALL the candidates in 2016 and 2020. Vivek was the single best speaker and most impressive candidate. Ron is impressive too.
The GOP can do better than an 76-year-old lunatic. Yeah, I said. Trump is a loon. Our country deserves better. And the GOP needs a winner. Trump is a sure loser.
Buffett and Munger are big on the concept of nor committing unforced errors. They are referring to the investment arena, but the idea applies in politics too.
If the GOP nominates Trump, it is an unforced error; like hitting the ball into the net.
The GOP has two great options: Ron and Vivek. Pick one of them and the GOP has a chance to win. Picking Trump means a sure loss.
Trump is a fucking lunatic, and I voted for him twice. Does he think this will actually get him voters and supporters from the Independents and undecideds who will determine the result of our next presidential election? Trump doesn't have a fucking clue about reality.
Trump's siding with the women against their estrogen-fueled men.
If he hates the Left and Communists so much, why is he attacking DeSantis so much?
Ann Althouse is not the typical suburban female voter, but she's a fair proxy. She didn't vote for Trump because she wanted normal.
With Vivek or Ron, we get normal. And a young normal.
With Trump, more chaos from a guy who is old right now.
We need to move our country forward with sound conservative policies to fix the damage that Biden has done.
Added bonus. Neither Ron or Vivek have been bribed by foreign countries. Vivek has a net worth of $600m. You can't bribe that guy. And Ron is a honest man too.
I don’t disagree, but I’m not sure that’s a compelling argument.
I think he’s throwing gas on the fire.
Make America Bright Again?
Yeah. It's too late to abort the little fascists. Or is it? It's only a thousand weeks or so since conception ...
Must be hard for women who visit their children in jails and lunatic asylums on Mother's Day.
Ha, like his mother did for him, eh? Atta boy Trumpy, that’s how to get the women folk to vote for you.
I'm thinking back to the time that I cut and pasted Trump's infamous September 11, 2015 Tweet as if it were my own comment on these pages. No attribution, no bold type or italics, no quotation marks, no hyperlink. Just this:
I would like to extend my best wishes to all, even the haters and losers, on this special date, September 11th.
And left it for a few hours. Glorious. Anybody recall what year that was?
Blogger lonejustice said...
Trump is a fucking lunatic,
Well, I'd say "it takes one to know one" but I'm too polite.
As for the resident dullard,
Inga said...
Ha, like his mother did for him, eh? Atta boy Trumpy, that’s how to get the women folk to vote for you.
Trump's mother was mugged in New York City. He paid off the mortgage of the guy who came to her aid. You would seem less stupid if you were a little more careful about what you post.
With Trump, more chaos from a guy who is old right now.
Dave, I have a lot of respect for you but I think you have decided too early. The only foreign policy statement made thus far by DeSantis was an objection to all the money sent to Ukraine and he quickly retreated when his war mongering billionaire supporters slapped him down. That's not courage.
Counting down until the emergence of a meme based on the grapefruit scene from The Public Enemy, with Trump's face replacing Cagney's and Whistler's mother in place of Mae Clark.
Not a word about his mother or mothers of his children. WHO ARE HE MANIACS AND THE LUNATICS? THE MOTHERS? This is your nominee, sometimes you do get what you deserve, if he makes it, he looked old, obese, slovenly and his sitting posture makes him look like humpy dumpty, You think Sleepy Joes got a health problem, I would keep an eye on this cheeseburger eating fella. Happy Mother's Day you scumbags he says, Brilliant! C'mon man.
“With Vivek or Ron, we get normal. And a young normal”
Incredibly blinkered. We only get normal if the Democrats say we can have normal.
And guess what? They will never allow “normal” with a Republican in charge of anything.
Shocking to me the number of older people (who have some memories of a relatively civil society) who have fallen for this blatant shuck.
Dave Begley said...
"Ann Althouse is not the typical suburban female voter, but she's a fair proxy. She didn't vote for Trump because she wanted normal."
Peace and prosperity isn't normal? Lowest black unemployment in memory isn't normal or at least a norm to strive for? The closest we've ever come, in my lifetime, to the Arab world accepting Israel. Do believe that the shit storm we're living through today is normal? Is what we have now the normal you voted for? If what we have now is normal I'll take the drama and the solid results.
"Incredibly blinkered. We only get normal if the Democrats say we can have normal."
Apparently, some people think the Democrats won't go batshit crazy if only they're allowed to select the Republican candidate.
I wouldn't bet on that (they picked Trump in 2016), but that's just me.
I’m w/Rusty.
Mamas don’t let your babies grow up to be fascists, marxists and communists. Seems right to me.
Do any of the usual suspects think Trump gained a single vote with this?
Since women tend to skew more Democrat, a lot of those "Radical Left Fascists, Marxists and Communists" ARE the "Lunatics and Maniacs" themselves, rather than their "Mothers, Wives and Lovers." Although Democrats, both male and female, tend to skew more sexually deviant, so they may also be the "Wives and Lovers" as well. (Don't believe me? Just look at the number of them in the Biden regime and in Congress. You can't spell Democrat or Deviant without (D).)
Normal is the Uniparty that gets into wars and spends money it doesn’t have.
Normal has no answer for the problems it causes.
The real problem with shtick like today's is that it's gotten old. In 2016, this sort of thing broke through the noise, but by now we've heard it all before. Why isn't he trying to remind voters about peace and prosperity?
As for DeSantis, he kept the schools open when the whole country was against him, with no help from Trump.
Perhaps is talking TO another group than the one he seems to be talking AT? A spectator group, so to speak.
The mothers of the little Hitlers and soy boys aren't going to be moved. Who will?
Really, people still like DJT after he says such hateful and slanderous things about other people? No real "christian" would disparage anyone like that. Wake up, he is trash.
Vicki from Pasadena
It's interesting that he wants mothers to make "the lunatics," as he describes them, kinder and gentler. After George H. W. Bush said he wanted America to be a kinder, gentler nation in his 1989 Inaugural Address, Trump was critical, saying that the country was already too kind and gentle.
Bender: "Do any of the usual suspects think Trump gained a single vote with this?"
I wonder.
How aware are you of how vicious the trans/marxist/antifa ideology has become against all women, children and even LGB folks?
If you are even remotely aware of what is happening on the ground with this battle, both in the US as well as the other English speaking nations in particular the UK and Australia, and what is happening with an awakening amongst normal women of all political stripes in recognizing and increasingly pushing back against this wave despite being attacked at every step, you might be wondering the same thing.
If you have some time, I'd check out a few twitter accounts such as #LetWomenSpeak, Kirralie Smith @KirralieS as a starting point.
I believe we are reaching a quiet tipping point where the typical suburban moms have just about reached their fill of this stuff shoved down their kids throats and into their heads and by this time next year it might even be a wave.
Even if its not a wave, there is no reason not to be as out front as possible against it, because its sure what we are up against.
But I can see that the polite and respectable republicans continue to have some problems with calling things out directly. I suppose a quick but very dignified harrumph and tersely worded Letter to the Editor might be enough to fight what we are up against.
Then again, perhaps not.
DINKY DAU 45: "Not a word about his mother or mothers of his children."
Note to self: you haven't really thanked your mother or mothers of your children if you haven't included Dinky Dau in the communication.
In the same way that you can't really be black unless you vote for Joe Biden....which is coming to quite a shock to the black democrats in Chicago this last weekend when they found out they were literally being politically diluted and dare I say, replaced?
Michael K: "The only foreign policy statement made thus far by DeSantis was an objection to all the money sent to Ukraine and he quickly retreated when his war mongering billionaire supporters slapped him down. That's not courage."
Well, I guess folding when Rove and Ken Griffin tell you to do so is a form of "courage" in that DeSantis is guessing it won't affect his followers. And it didn't, did it?
So that move sure paid off. Kept DeSantis' funders happy and didn't hurt him with his core voters...although everyone else did sort of notice it and it makes the entire populist portion of the republican base go..."yeah, I think we've seen that before".
Dave Begley: "The GOP has two great options: Ron and Vivek."
That's great news.
Good luck.
madAsHell: "I don’t disagree, but I’m not sure that’s a compelling argument.
I think he’s throwing gas on the fire."
The fire is already at full blaze.
Tom T: "As for DeSantis, he kept the schools open when the whole country was against him, with no help from Trump."
Trump didn't leave it up to governors to decide how to run their states and not impose a Federal shut down rule?
Would allowing Governors to decide what is best for their individual states without a Federal overrule be considered a form of "helping" those Governors enact their own policies?
Seems like it would be.
There is no path to 270 for any Republican candidate.
Ballots, not votes.
For those who seek normal. Normal has been the uniparty stealing your money and freedom for 60 years if not longer.
Dave Begley: "Neither has been charged by any woman of sexual assault."
Sounds like Justice Kavanaugh has to go too, right? As well as Clarence Thomas. Uh oh, the lefties have also been accusing Jim Jordan of all sorts of things like that in addition to coverups. Not to mention Matt Gaetz being set up by some dems but, hey, under the new Begley rule, he's got to go too.
I wonder if Begley's new rule will encourage even more false charges against republicans by the democraticals?
But hey, who cares as long as it rids of us OrangeManBad now without having to go through an actual primary, which, weirdly, we are also told is going to DeSantis in a breeze anyway.
We'll just have to deal with that other uncomfortable democratical-lie-rewarding fallout later!
Great Strategy!
Anyone who think you'll get normal if they select a moderate Republican voice forgets about binders of women and dogs on cars.
Another day ending in y in Trumpworld.
"Radical Left Fascists, Marxists, and Communists."
Fascism found a home in Nazi Germany and Mussolini's Italy as violent government-controlled brownshirts and black shirts stomping Marxist movements. And of course, Marxism and Communism are but a small phase different from one another. Donnie opened his stupid mouth and inserted his foot yet again.
Dave Begley, bless your middle-American soul, but nice Republicans (Dole, Bush, McCain, Romney) either contributed to the march of the Progressive left, or failed to stop it. Trump didn't stop it either but at least he went down swinging. Many Americans, me included, are ready for someone to pull the drivers of the crazy train right out of the engine and start beating ass. Please tell me how a nice Republican is going to manage it. Or am I supposed to simply shuffle off the mortal coil, mourning the country I grew up in, until middle class heterosexual white people are living in camps like the displaced whites in South Africa?
Shorter version: Blah blah blah.
You would seem less stupid if you were a little more careful about what you post.
@Michael K., no she wouldn’t.
Come on, folks.
This was funny.
End of story.
@Gadfly, what color shirts do Antifa members wear?
I appreciate and understand the comments above. Your points are well taken.
But I’m about winning. After I wrote the above, I saw an interview of VDH on YouTube. His point was that the Dems and Fake News want Trump to win the nomination because he would be much easier to beat in the general.
I’m also convinced Trump will be in prison by November 2024. Fortunately or unfortunately. A DC jury will ignore the facts and the law. We saw that in NYC.
I think your headline is wrong. The Mothers Day message was not for the Lunatics and Maniacs, it was for the mothers of the Lunatics and Maniacs. His request to "Please make these complete Lunatics and Maniacs Kinder [etc.]" was directed to the mothers.
I read that as a message of unity, asking mothers of Radical Left Fascists, Marxists, and Communists to help their children be kinder, gentler.
I for one think Trump is being too optimistic about their personal salvation, but unfortunately dead on balls pessimistically accurate about the dire state of the country he will be asking to elect him president in 2024.
gadfly said...
"Radical Left Fascists, Marxists, and Communists."
"Fascism found a home in Nazi Germany and Mussolini's Italy as violent government-controlled brownshirts and black shirts stomping Marxist movements. And of course, Marxism and Communism are but a small phase different from one another. Donnie opened his stupid mouth and inserted his foot yet again."
You know Mussolini was a communist, right? He developed fascism to make communism more palatable to the Italian middle class. Who he needed to complete his revolution. Fascism is just another aspect of socialism.
Hope you didn't teach history.
Trying to capture lightening in a bottle again. You guys can fight over the Republican nominee all you want, but Tom T. is right. The schtick is old and tired. It's no longer shocking and amusing. He's trying too hard to get the magic back.
Not a good sign.
Trying to capture lightening in a bottle again. You guys can fight over the Republican nominee all you want, but Tom T. is right. The schtick is old and tired. It's no longer shocking and amusing. He's trying too hard to get the magic back.
Not a good sign.
Remember the viral video of the black mother who went looking for and found her son participating in a BLACK LIVES MATTER protest? Remember what happen? Mom found her masked son, ripped off his disguise and slapped him silly while she pushed him back home. She had some raw language for him too, but sage advise nonetheless, to get his a** home and away from the sh**. Now, that’s parenting. She’s also an example for all the moms who have sons and daughters who fancy themselves budding communists or fascists. Parents need to be benevolent authority figures not condoning pals.
victoria said...
No real "christian" would disparage anyone like that. Wake up, he is trash.
Are you a “real” Christian, v?
The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...
“With Vivek or Ron, we get normal. And a young normal”
Incredibly blinkered. We only get normal if the Democrats say we can have normal.
And guess what? They will never allow “normal” with a Republican in charge of anything.
Shocking to me the number of older people (who have some memories of a relatively civil society) who have fallen for this blatant shuck.
5/14/23, 8:07 PM
THIS^^ AND I agree with RUSTY too.
Trump is such an eloquent writer.
Birches 7:05
"[His] The schtick is old and tired"
Shhh don't tell Trump-Humper Drago. It's Trump or death. No one else can claim the mantle like an old tired billionaire loser.
Nothing like asking for kindness after a good Drago-esqe ego insult.
Oso - will respect - the idea that Trump kicks ass is ... laughable.
Ann said:
"It really is badly written!"
Yes. Very. Trump's writing skills are embarrassing. To place the word "skill" next to his writing capabilities, is embarrassing. There is no skill. It's poor, confusing and similar to the way he speaks. He gets himself into trouble with his inaccurate inarticulate clumsy dick-stepping blather. He hands the left embarrassing blather gifts on a silver platter... daily.
and it creates a side show... It's as if he is working for the SNL writers. So stupid.
I'm no great writer, but we expect the leader of the free world to have a basic understanding of proper writing, articulate speaking, and proper sentence structure.
His writing makes him look like he is an un-educated dolt. It's embarrassing.
I visited my folks yesterday for mother's day.
I asked them what they thought of Trump.
(my folks voted for him, twice)
They simply said this: "Trump needs to go away."
@Dave Begley
"But I’m about winning. After I wrote the above, I saw an interview of VDH on YouTube. His point was that the Dems and Fake News want Trump to win the nomination because he would be much easier to beat in the general."
I think this is true. The dems know what they are doing. They create the plot, and the plot is to destroy Trump... and make him the nominee.
That Trump helps them, is curious.
Can't these mothers abort their babies after birth?? Kind of like the partial-birth abortion they love so much.
Drago's bad faith red herrings are so tired and tedious... much like BS that streams out of Democrat asset Trump's pie hole.
Trump compliments women as the superior sex at dealing with our savage passions.
The professor takes it as a sexist insult and imposition of an unfair obligation.
He complimented women as the superior sex? Where? Do quote.
… maybe it was a dig at Hunter’ lover/mother of his child…
I agree with those who say this schtick has gotten old. He did good things as president, but he can't stop himself from being a carnival side show.
Flip-side Inga - Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker: "Drago's bad faith red herrings are so tired and tedious..."
Point out the worst example of a "bad faith red herring".
Dont worry, we wont be holding our breath.
Drag Queen - Trump-Humper extraordinaire--
Example? Easy.
Your crap, accusatory, red herring, bad faith response to Dave Begley @ 10:49.
He didn't exhort men to get tough on their crappy commie children, relatives, and spouses.
He exhorted women to appeal to the better natures of their crappy commie children, relatives, and spouses.
To me, that is a compliment to women as being superior at successfully modifying antisocial behavior like Marxism.
Bender: "Do any of the usual suspects think Trump gained a single vote with this?"
Drago: blah, blah, blah, yada, yada, yada
Bender: So, by your non-response, the answer is "zero."
Hunter Biden’s - let me go Althouse on you. Re-read my comment. I said Trump went down swinging. I didn’t say he would be the one beating ass. I can understand the confusion as the sentences were contiguous. Cheers, Oso
Oso - went down swinging and kicking ass sound the same to me. But - OK. cheers.
Drago - If we don't properly worship your false god, you roll out the false accusations and red herrings. over and over. Tried .... like your daddy.
Bender: Drago: blah, blah, blah, yada, yada, yada
So, by your non-response, the answer is "zero."
You blahed blahed blahed and yada yada yada'd past my answer which was quite clear then pretended I hadnt answered at all.
I'll dumb it down for you, hopefully sufficiently but there are limits: in another 18 months the psycho marxist/trans radicals will have gone so far over the edge in attacking the rights of women and girls specifically and children in general, as they already are in many places, that Trump's comments in describing them will seem tame, even to those suburban women who are just coming to grips with how lunatic this fringe is becoming.
On the other side of the coin, comments like this will only solidify support amongst Trump's base and there are clear indications latinos and black males between 18 and 45 are not buying into that crap at all.
Or, as Bender would say "yada yada yada", usually with his fingers in his ears as he scoots about.
Flip-side Inga - Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker: "Drag Queen - Trump-Humper extraordinaire--
Example? Easy.
Your crap, accusatory, red herring, bad faith response to Dave Begley @ 10:49."
Uh, that wasn't a red herring you complete dolt. So very Regular Inga like you are.
If you don't like the criteria that Dave Begley himself offered up as a reason for rejecting or not supporting someone, then take it up with him.
But if being falsely accused of a sexual assault is something that should make republicans/conservatives reject or not support someone, well, as I showed above, the list of falsely accused republicans is very long and its quite moronic to hand that weapon to the dems.
Flip-side Inga doing her best Regular Inga impression again.
Oso Negro: "Hunter Biden’s - let me go Althouse on you. Re-read my comment."
It won't do any good for her to re-read it.
According to Drag queen - If you don't worship Trump blindly - you're a "suspect."
How progressive.
Flip-side Inga - Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker: "According to Drag queen - If you don't worship Trump blindly - you're a "suspect."
How progressive."
I think what's most interesting is that you seem to really and truly believe you are being effective with your schtick. Just like Regular Inga.
Keep trying though. I can see its all you've got.
Flip-side Inga - Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker: "According to Drag queen - If you don't worship Trump blindly - you're a "suspect."
How progressive."
I thought you and Regular Inga had already agreed I was a Moscow Trained Propagandist. Have you reverted back my being a Super Secret Progressive Democrat?
It's hard to keep up with the Inga Twins possibly chemically induced hysteria.
In other words Drago, you miss the point entirely to rant and rave with some non sequitur.
Drag Queen is doing his best to impersonate a Moscow Trained Propagandist. How uncanny his impersonation is.
Drago the liar. the boring repetitive Trump-Humping liar.
I never called you a Moscow trained propagandist, and you know it. You fucking liar.
Fewer and fewer buy your tired, boring hot garbage, Drag Queen. Now - off you go to hump your Trump super-hero bubble gun card blow up doll. *squeak squeak*
Bender: "In other words Drago, you miss the point entirely to rant and rave with some non sequitur."
I answered precisely the issue on the table: where this might help or hurt Trump and with which groups.
I'm guessing you weren't expecting that and are in no position to challenge it, so its better to pretend nothing was said at all.
That should work out for you.
Inga -
Since your fake husk Mueller didn't find any Russian Collusion - why are you still obsessed with it?
If anyone was/is in bed with Russia - it would be Obama, Hillary and Biden. Not Trump.
Drago is many things - but to call him a "Moscow Trained Propagandist" is downright stupid.
@ Bender
In other words Drago, you miss the point entirely to rant and rave with some non sequitur.
but but but - he spelled it out for us, Bender. Trump is loved by so many. Never mind Trump's dick-stepping world salad. The base is holding! The base is strong! Like never before!
over and over and over an over... So tired.
The Inga Twins are in rare form these days.
Good luck breaking into that act Bender.
Flip-side Inga: "Drago the liar. the boring repetitive Trump-Humping liar.
I never called you a Moscow trained propagandist, and you know it. You fucking liar."
So, you, Flip-side Inga, will simply stick with my being a secret progressive democrat and Regular Inga (of Russia collusion fame) will stick with my being a Moscow Trained Propagandist.
I wonder.
Is it even possible.....could you two have been separated at birth?
Flip-side Inga: "but but but - he spelled it out for us, Bender."
I did indeed spell it out. Completely.
Which is why Bender went the classic "in other words" route because the actual words more than sufficient.
The same people travel around to see him at his rallies. But rest assured, he is really popular. The leftwing polls are real, man.
Ha ha, Drag Queen aka The Moscow Trained Propagandist (fake or real?) is having commenters serve him some of his own borscht, taste good?
Inga - seriously - Your obsession with Russia is downright insane.
It's a fraud... like you.
Even Jake Tapper(D) knows the Russian Collusion BS is a fraud.
Considering you're a liar too Drago - perhaps you and Inga were separated at Birth?
No Drago - you are the same type of dick-stepper as your super-hero.
Drago - you're just an bad faith troll at this point.
You should find your Trump Humper twin Achilles and tree-house it with him.
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