May 18, 2023

"Cross Plains area. Steep hills heavy brush and tons of thorns. Worth it. Find the dying Elms."

Today is a good day
by u/winnar72 in madisonwi


Jake said...

That looks so gross to me. They better get you real fucked up.

tim maguire said...

I think it's irresponsible for people to promote picking your own mushrooms. Not many people know how to do it right and the consequences of getting it wrong are dire.

wendybar said...

Also on wood from old train tracks. Morels are the best!

rehajm said...

There goes that stash. Even if the Cross Plains area is half the size or WI never tell where u found them…

iowan2 said...

Find the Dying ELMS?

I'm in my late 60's I remember cutting up the Elms at the top of the lane...I was 7, I remember the bicycle I got for my 7th Birthday, and was riding it around the felled trees. Wisconsin, still has Elms, to die?

We have bought a couple of big baggies from friends and had several nice sized servings. $40lb

Old and slow said...

Foragers are the bane of every outdoor marijuana farmer. They're worse than hunters. There is simply nowhere unpleasant enough that they won't go there.

robother said...


Old and slow said...

A gorgeous haul of mushrooms. I'd spend a day scrabbling through thickets to find that! And to whoever said it ought to get you "fucked up", why not just take a trip down to the dope dispensary or the local fentanyl market if all you want is to get fucked up?

Rusty said...

Beautiful! What a wonderful haul! Hunting for them is so much fun.
I like mine in omelets and stews. Or sometimes sauteed in an egg wash.
Is this Meade's doing? Good job Meade!

Ann Althouse said...

"Is this Meade's doing? Good job Meade!"

Amazing how the commenters credit Meade for stuff. It's like the way people credit God.

Joe Smith said...

Ah, the phalluses of my enemies...

MadTownGuy said...

Mmm morels. There used to be a restaurant by that name west of Middleton but all that's left is a dead end street in a housing tract, called Chalet Street after the building style of the restaurant. They had a great morel gravy, served over roast beef.

pacwest said...

Meade isn't a god?? Not even a lesser one? I'm crushed.

Rusty said...

Ann Althouse said...
"Is this Meade's doing? Good job Meade!"

"Amazing how the commenters credit Meade for stuff. It's like the way people credit God."
You notice I posed it as a question. Leaving open that it could have possibly been you, or both of you. Plus you have to admit Meade comes across as a more hands in the dirt kind of guy.
Did you have a hand in this?
Kind of thrilling isn't it?

rehajm said...

Wisconsin, still has Elms, to die?

He's referring to tress what been ex- for sufficient time to exist in the zone between fallen tree and mound of organic soil. Mushroom high end real estate...

Dagwood said...

Nah, we just think he lives under the same roof as God.

Jake said...

"A gorgeous haul of mushrooms. I'd spend a day scrabbling through thickets to find that! And to whoever said it ought to get you "fucked up", why not just take a trip down to the dope dispensary or the local fentanyl market if all you want is to get fucked up?"

Talk about dense.

Birches said...

I've been looking for mushrooms this week. Saw some very small sprouting today. There will probably be a ton around in the next few weeks. It stayed colder here longer than normal.

Birches said...

I've been looking for mushrooms this week. Saw some very small sprouting today. There will probably be a ton around in the next few weeks. It stayed colder here longer than normal.

Geoff Matthews said...

"I think it's irresponsible for people to promote picking your own mushrooms. Not many people know how to do it right and the consequences of getting it wrong are dire."

Morels are really hard to mess up. I don't think there are any other mushrooms that look like them.

Having said that, what's wrong with promoting an activity that could be dangerous as long as you stress the danger involved? Hunting for morels is pretty benign. Foraging for shitakes? Maybe a little more dangerous. Oysters? Grow your own, or stick to the store.

Chicken of the woods? Too many imitators, I'd have thought.

Joe Bar said...

Ew. Unless this things bestow immortality or something, I am nor going near them.

Temujin said...

Wow...quite the haul. Spring in the upper midwest yields some wonderful culinary delights. Any fiddlehead fern sightings up there?

farmgirl said...

I understand way more about morality than I do morelity.
FYI: it sounded way better than it looks in print.

farmgirl said...

Close, Althouse!! Lol

Daniel said...

No Jake, not dense, just dismissive of people who make moronic comments.

mikee said...

I have seen a fairy ring over 50 feet in diameter. No fairies. Just big old mushrooms in a perfect circle growing out of an otherwise perfectly mowed green lawn. This was in the 1990s, at the Naval Research Lab in DC, on the banks of the Potomac. I recall wondering if the fungus was thriving due to any escaped research or lab accidents over the decades at the Lab, or perhaps due to the DC sewage treatment plant being right next door.

Mea Sententia said...

Cool photo. But the only place I look for mushrooms is on my half of the pizza.

LakeLevel said...

Morels have a shape (pattern?) that makes them hard to see on the forest floor. I always love the moment when I finally see one and suddenly realize that I am surrounded by them, almost as though they had revealed themselves to me.