[I]t was Carlson’s comments about Fox management, as revealed in the Dominion case, that played a role in his departure from Fox, a person familiar with the company’s thinking told The Post.... His Fox News colleagues were stunned by the departure, which seemed out of the blue.
He's already done his last show, and there's no one cued up to take his slot, which will just be filled with "rotating Fox News personalities" for now.
The NYT article brings up a lawsuit filed by "a former Fox News producer, Abby Grossberg, who claims that he presided over a misogynistic and discriminatory workplace culture." She says "that on her first day working for Mr. Carlson, she discovered the work space was decorated with large pictures of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wearing a swimsuit."
Also at the NYT, there's a piece by Hart Seely that went up 2 days ago — "The Fearful Verses of Tucker Carlson" — consisting entirely of overheated sentences spoken by Carlson, mostly begin with the words "This is" (each linked to video): "This is chaos," "This is shocking," "This is what the collapse of civilization looks like," etc. etc.
२२१ टिप्पण्या:
221 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Good. He has a horrible fake laugh to cover over his weak arguments.
This seems like a mistake on the part of Fox. I never watch any of it, but my impression based on the comments I see on twitter etc. would indicate that he is their biggest draw.
Fox News is dead to me.
That's the best the disgruntled ex-employee has? Pelosi in a swimsuit? Loser case; even in NYC.
Tucker was the only worthwhile program after Brett Baier.
Atlas Shrugs again...
‘there's no one cued up to take his slot, which will just be filled with "rotating Fox News personalities" for now.’
Will their entire bodies rotate, or will just their heads be spinning?
Good riddance to Fucker Carlson. Too bad they fired him only after it cost them $787.5 million. If they had any integrity they’d have fired him for lying his ass off to millions of people who are vulnerable to conspiracy theories. Now do Hannity and Ingraham.
Fox stock down 3.7% now.
I've seen Nancy up close in SF. She's trim - and quite swimsuitable.
Fox is blaming Carlson for their own cowardice in caving in on that frivolous lawsuit by Dominion.
His is the only Fox program I watch. Oh well.
"The NYT article brings up a lawsuit filed by 'a former Fox News producer, Abby Grossberg, who claims that he presided over a misogynistic and discriminatory workplace culture.' She says 'that on her first day working for Mr. Carlson, she discovered the work space was decorated with large pictures of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wearing a swimsuit.'
Nancy Pelosi in a swimsuit? THE MIND BOGGLES.
That is Felony Harassment, open and shut. With Enhanced Sentencing.
The day the free press died, and they were singing,
Bye bye Miss American Pie
Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry,
the good old boys are drinking whiskey and rye
singing "this will be the day the day that it dies."
Ray Epps has some serious juice in the halls of power, is all I can say.
Also at the NYT, there's a piece by Hart Seely that went up 2 days ago — "The Fearful Verses of Tucker Carlson" — consisting entirely of overheated sentences spoken by Carlson, mostly begin with the words "This is".
I'll take that, and raise the NYT one of their many...
"Here's Why"
Now he has more time to devote to his true passion, White Supremacy
“Nancy Pelosi wearing a swimsuit”.
I have a question: is it ever ok to insult someone, say, a woman (what’s a woman?) without it being misogynistic?
Because it sure seems women want to be immune from insult. Previous snowflakes, one and all?
These pathetic women are an insult to womanhood.
Just cancelled my Fox Nation account. The stock is down 5%. His show was the only thing I watched on Fox. Goodbye Fox. Maybe Paul Ryan can take over his spot.
Do you think it's a coincidence Carlson just interviewed Elon Musk?
Carlson is going to do something from the right that welcomes to the discussion the likes of Tulsi Gabbard and RFK, Jr. on the left.
Twitter TV?
This makes the wrong people happy.
In other news this morning, Don Lemon is leaving CNN.
1. Inevitable to anyone who tuned in to see the J6 footage and we could plainly see after night one he pulled back without explanation and did nor show more. From that moment on it was obvious they were no longer compatible.
2. What a weak charge of misogyny if this photo from the NY Post (again) is the one in question.
3, "Fearful verses?" What claptrap. Nobody will ever exceed the sheer stupidity and fearmongering of the Left and their "ten minutes to midnight" BS, their "global warming doom" BS and we are already DEAD anyway because Net neutrality passed. Bigger question: when does the Left not fearmonger and demagog because I'm having a hard time finding a time it wasn't happening.
If CNN was a real business, I'd hire Tucker.
Tucker on Friday:
"You see people going along with this [Democrat/Uniparty-evil/insanity], and you lose respect for them...That's certainly happened to me at scale over the past three years. I'm not mad at people, I'm just sad. I'm disappointed. How could you go along with this?"
Tucker gave a poignant speech at the Heritage Foundation. I think he expressed what many Americans are feeling. It's hard to fathom or accept that we are in a "destruction for destruction's sake" moment in our history, but here we are. I've accepted it.
COVID, lockdowns, masks, mRNA poison, 2020 summer of 'mostly peaceful' riots, rising metropolitan crime rates, lower education output, transgender bullshit, global warming bullshit, proxy war in Ukraine, rigged elections, inflation rising, reals wages dropping, pretend reparations...
And NOBODY seems to be a bigger fan of all this than...college educated white women. Fascinating phenomenon. I feel bad for my kids. Generation Z is in for some serious regret. Much of it thrust upon them by liberal educators from Generation X and the Millennials. Even more sad of the little kids who really don't know what is going on around them and all that is being lost.
This is a blunder for Fox. If this is punishment for the Dominion business, then why not include Pirro or Hannity?
Tucker will land on his feet. He may end up on CNN.
Who's next? Gutfeld?
Don Lemon is leaving CNN.
He has tweeted that he was informed via his agent that he was terminated.
Abby Grossberg, who claims that he presided over a misogynistic and discriminatory workplace culture." She says "that on her first day working for Mr. Carlson, she discovered the work space was decorated with large pictures of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wearing a swimsuit.
Is this all women have? You take a job producing for a well known conservative opinion broadcaster, and you're shocked to see Nancy Pelosi mocked? Pelosi is evil.
Now Abby Grossberg is looking for the fame and pay out. She says she has "more evidence" about the dominion bullshit (we all know the fuck with vote totals) etc...blah, blah, blah...
At this point I'm glad I'm a glorified ditch digger. Women avoid these jobs.
So Nancy Pelosi in a swimsuit offends the sensibilities of women, but Hunter doing crack with Russian hookers and avoiding child support doesn't.
Just send the meteor already. I was almost thinking about not drinking today.
OK... what is her complaint about the poster of Pelosi? Is she seriously suggesting that this was creating a hostile work environment? If you are the type to think that way, why would you ever go to work for Carlson?
“We’ll be back on Monday”, Fucker Carlson’s last words on Fox TV. Oh man, this could just not be better. I wonder if he had that confused look on his face when they gave him the news.
Oh the humanity. Poor media figurines. And in DC, Susan Rice has shown herself the door. Maybe she can slip into the Lemon spot.
and another one ...
Susan Rice to step down as Biden’s domestic policy chief.
As I mentioned on the other thread, Tucker out at Fox is a huge win for Team DeSantis and the GOPe.
Congratulations to Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH). Paul Ryan and the Murdoch democratical boys really paid off for you.
I suspect we'll be seeing lots of Ron DeSantis interviews in the 8 to 9PM ET hour for Fox News moving forward along with additional political insider segments from Karl Rove.
It would be so funny if Tucker went back to CNN and revived their ratings.
FWIW, I've found the only Fox News show worth watching is their weather broadcast which I get via YouTube TV.
Tucker is the best journalist out there. His show and The Five have been the best of Fox. I’ll follow Tucker wherever he goes and say adios to Fox
Jack Poso 🇺🇸
Tucker out at Fox one day after Ray Epps goes on 60 Minutes
Are you paying attention yet
Is Don Lemon leaving or being forced to leave?
Fox just dug their own grave. The Progressive Murdock boys don't realize that there are too may progressive lying channels on TV today, and NO progressive is going to tune into their hated station. Progressives ruin everything they touch.
Rupert Murdoch is breaking off engagements of every kind and description. "Today we settle all the family business." But this is for real, not a movie. There's a lot of ruin in a 93 year old patriarch.
Hmm... If Ben Shapiro can find the money, and get Tucker to show up at the Daily Wire that would guarantee the Daily Wire's existence as a media group.
They can replace him with Dylan Mulvaney. He/she seems really popular with Progressives.
"...Don Lemon is leaving CNN." We are left with the ancient puzzle of Fall versus Push. Would it be more accurate to say "CNN is leaving Don Lemon"? Or simply "CNN and Don Lemon are parting ways"?
She says "that on her first day working for Mr. Carlson, she discovered the work space was decorated with large pictures of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wearing a swimsuit."
My God! The misogyny! It burns! Of course, if it had been Raquel Welch, that would also have been misogyny. Maybe some stills of Burt Lancaster, from The Swimmer? Or are pictures of people in swimming attire inherently "misogynistic"?
Will Tucker run for President?
One of them will run for president, and it won't be Lemon.
The Post reports.......I'll wait for more information before I accept The Posts reporting.
There goes the last reason to watch Fox News.
Wonder where he'll land?
The entire apparatus of state power is working overtime to shut down truth and critical thinking. They just got a major scalp, and it wasn't even an election year.
It will be easy to forget that Don Lemon was booted from the Corn Cob Network, but we will never forget the starting pitcher rotation for the 1954 Cleveland Indians - Hall of Fame honorees, Bob Lemon, Bob Feller, Early Wynn, and Mike Garcia.
As for Fucker Carlson, he has tried on-air broadcasting at all the major cable shops, CNN, MSNBC, and Faux. And he started "The Daily Caller" news magazine on the internet (now controlled by Fox) before selling out. But Newsmax and OANN are too low on the totem, so he will now attempt to save Don Trump's 2024 campaign - or possibly run for president if Trump goes to jail.
Heh...I wonder how much CNN stock went down after firing Lemon?
The Murdoch's continue to foul their own nest. Beck? O'Reilly? Ailes? Carlson? Really?
And Len Goodman, former judge for DWTS has passed peacefully at home with family after retiring at the end of last season. The tribulations of controversial news personalities become white noise compared to, by all appearances, a life well lived.
"a former Fox News producer, Abby Grossberg, who claims that he presided over a misogynistic and discriminatory workplace culture." She says "that on her first day working for Mr. Carlson, she discovered the work space was decorated with large pictures of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wearing a swimsuit."
So on her first day at work, she was gathering material to attack Carlson. His crime? Lèse majesté. This is an orchestrated hit. Washington Post is happy to print the official line, as if it had nothing to do with Tucker's speech on air.
Excerpt from pages 166-73 of They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45. They interviewed 10 Germans who talked about what it was like during the transition from normal to crazy Nazi nightmare. How it happened and how so many people went along with it.
Oh, goodness. NYT takes the opportunity to pile on. Surprise!
My gosh! Nancy Pelosi in a swimsuit? If it was a recent photo, can Fox be sued for things you can't unsee?
"a former Fox News producer, Abby Grossberg, who claims that he presided over a misogynistic and discriminatory workplace culture."
"the work space was decorated with large pictures of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wearing a swimsuit."
Boo fricken hoo. Grow up and get on with your life.
Misogynistic = Things Women Don't Like
these 2 firings are they like alt+trade / anti+trade
each part of UniParty gives up something?!
these 2 firings are they like alt+trade / anti+trade
each part of UniParty gives up something?!
Who is Abby Grossberg? Why in the world would any sane person hire a black person, a woman, an alphabet soup person who is going to bring their agenda to the office and on Day One, unleash it on the "'boss" and prevailing environment.
There was a time when certain work environments were marked by irreverence, conlict of views, dark humor and other toxic behaviors. Making certain people uncomforable was the feature, not the bug.
I wonder how Abby Grossberg felt about Nancy gleefully tearing up Trump's State of the Union speech behind his back on national TV.
I wonder how she felt about the chick "comedian" parading aound with what apeared to be the President's blood-soaked severed head.
This country is OVER if this kind of crap continues. In the meantime why not rename HR, The Victims Advocacy Department?
"...Don Lemon is leaving CNN."
I keep seeing the word "stunned" everywhere to describe his reaction. How can Don "I rectally entertain penises for fun and prizes" Lemon be "stunned" he was let go? That's like a promiscuous gay man who's been having unprotected sex for 5 years being "stunned" he contracted monkeypox.
The only one "stunned" is you Don. Only you.
well goggles do nothing there,
but denying women's identity thats the new feminism
Murdoch never should have settled with Dominion.
Epic failure.
What does Ron DeSantis have to do with Tucker?
Drago the Trump Humper?
Trump Humper Drago is as obsessed with Ron DeSantis as his super-Hero - the dick-stepping Democrat asset, Trump.
Drago and Inga are equally excited and happy that Tucker is fired.
wendybar: "Fox just dug their own grave. The Progressive Murdock boys don't realize that there are too may progressive lying channels on TV today, and NO progressive is going to tune into their hated station."
This was not a business decision. In the very same way that Fox capitulating on the Dominion lawsuit was not a legal decision.
In both cases the Fox leadership has made a political decision to advance the political interests of their team. Whatever financial hit they take is already viewed as perfectly acceptable.
Look at Hollywood burning billions to advance plotlines/movies that fail repeatedly in formulaic fashion. Politics outweighs all other considerations.
Rupert Murdoch is 92 years old.
These old dementia patients should not be making decisions. Glad I do not watch Fox news anyway.
That said - Tucker was a breathe of fresh air most of the time (I watch youtube clips etc)
I didn't care for some of the style - but his content was solid.
without some right of center balance in our news - our news is 100% The Party leftwing.
Inga and Drago celebrate.
Babylon Bee: Fox News Fires the Only Reason People Watch Fox News.
Stock down 4%.
I wonder if he can continue his J6 video reveal now since he will no longer be hamstrung by Fox management. That’d be awesome….
Dumb Lefty Mark: "Now he has more time to devote to his true passion, White Supremacy"
Why would a "White Supremacist" come to the public defense of black radical leftist socialists?
Let's see if Dumb Left Mark can answer this (spoiler: he can't).
hombre: "The Murdoch's continue to foul their own nest. Beck? O'Reilly? Ailes? Carlson? Really?"
Bongino was already let go and Maria Bartiromo is next up on the chopping block.
Again, this is a great development for Team DeSantis.
"Inga said...
Good riddance to Fucker Carlson. Too bad they fired him only after it cost them $787.5 million. If they had any integrity they’d have fired him for lying his ass off to millions of people who are vulnerable to conspiracy theories."
OMG. Our resident dullard forgets all the shit she spouted here, from the likes of CNN, MSNBC, WaPo and the NYT.
Apparently, Don Le'Mon lied.
CNN Communications
Don Lemon’s statement about this morning’s events is inaccurate. He was offered an opportunity to meet with management but instead released a statement on Twitter.
12:59 PM · Apr 24, 2023
One of my first thoughts was does he have a covenant not to compete and what does it say.
“The View” host Ann Navarro led the audience in a singalong of “Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye” to celebrate Tucker Carlson’s departure from Fox News. - Variety
This is how naziism takes hold. Vicariously taking pleasure from the ruthless exercise of power.
Inga said...
Good riddance to Fucker Carlson.
Blogger gadfly said...
As for Fucker Carlson,
Remember folks, that these are the people who lecture you on 'hate speech' and claim everyone to their right is driven by 'hate.
I hear he is practicing his Russian for his next gig.
Inga said...
Too bad they fired him only after it cost them $787.5 million. If they had any integrity they’d have fired him for lying his ass off to millions of people who are vulnerable to conspiracy theories.
Meanwhile, in the real world..
That's a long way of saying we took Sidney Powell seriously, with no intention of fighting with her. We've always respected her work and we simply wanted to see the details. How could you not want to see them? So we invited Sidney Powell on the show. We would have given her the whole hour. We would have given her the entire week, actually, and listened quietly the whole time at rapt attention.
But she never sent us any evidence, despite a lot of polite requests. When we kept pressing, she got angry and told us to stop contacting her. When we checked with others around the Trump campaign, people in positions of authority, they also told us Powell had never given them any evidence to prove anything she claimed at the press conference.
Note that this was published on November 19, 2020.
I know people who work in the local college (CU) science labs - and the labs are 100% polically hostile with anti republican mockery posted all over.
Again - It's OK for the left to mock the right. NOT ok for anyone to mock the Soviet Left.
To the gallows.
Remember when Sen Schumer said Rubert Murdoch had a "special obligation" to stop Tucker Carlson? Apparently, Rupert agreed strongly with Schumer.
Of course, we all recall Murdoch committed to make Trump a "non-person" in an email as part of the Dominion discovery process and to put in a pivot to DeSantis as the alternative.
Liberal/leftists are ecstatic. Now, instead of hearing the same ol' tired liberal establishment shit on 96% of all major media platforms, they can listen to the party line on 96.5% of all major media.
But don't forget comrades, the struggle continues. Faux News will just replace Tucker with some other Non-leftist. Get your insults and outrage on Standby.
The women in our family are sooo much stronger than these supposedly “well-educated”, yet emotionally weak and whiny gurls like grossberg.
Inga: "Too bad they fired him only after it cost them $787.5 million."
Carlson was the one vociferous Fox host who did push back on Sydney Powell and refused to have her on after she made her claims unless she submitted proof of her Dominion arguments prior to the next appearance. There was no "next appearance" as the trial testimony made clear. So unless Inga accidentally veered into the truth, Carlson was fired for being the only one who told the truth about the Kraken during that sorry post-election period, it seems to be Inga spreading the Liberal Myth "Tucker lies" without proof or context.
Sad. Expected. But sad nonetheless.
Who has the best delusion? Drago or eee -Gadfly?
I've found the only Fox News show worth watching is their weather broadcast
Really? The one where every fucking day there is a SEVERE WEATHER ALERT somewhere for shit we used to just call "weather"? Cuz they kinda make me sick with their willingness to adopt and endlessly repeat liberal bullshit like "severe weather." They went woke and now we can watch them go broke.
Hannity is 100% Trump Trump all the time Trump. While it's true that the corrupt left/Hillary paid for the Steele dossier - I really don't need to hear about it and that stupid escalator anymore.
As with Greenwald, Taibbi, Weiss and others, Carlson will now take his audience independent and be an even larger voice than before.
"Fox is blaming Carlson for their own cowardice in caving in on that frivolous lawsuit by Dominion."
I just don't see how anyone can consider the lawsuit frivolous at this point. This was a stupid series of mistakes on Fox's part and they knew it was likely going to court would have been pretty bad for them. Murdoch is rich, but even the settlement is not a small financial hit. If the Smartmatic suit gets any traction, I wouldn't be surprised to see the Murdochs dumb the network. I can't imagine Roger Aisles would have let things get so out of hand.
Inga talking about people vulnerable to conspiracy theories is hilarious
Running out of people and institutions that you can rely on to tell you the truth about anything. Eventually, the lies become all consuming
Lemon says on Twitter he was told by his agent he was fired, and nobody at CNN offered to meet with him personally.
CNN statement says this is inaccurate, and he was offered a chance to speak to management but instead put out a statement on Twitter.
You'll never know who is lying, because they both lie so much.
But the catfight is fun to watch.
Elon Musk's Twitter 2.0 is becoming more and more relevant every day.
""This is chaos," "This is shocking," "This is what the collapse of civilization looks like"
Chaos at the border, shocking mutilation of children, western civ has got to go for decades now--so?
OH, NO! Two not-news-hosts-I've-never-followed are gone. Whatever shall I do?
Tucker Carlson has crossed the line. He was right about the January 6th event at the Capitol, and he had the gall to show the proof on his show. His airing of the surveillance videos was cut short abruptly. Last week he called out the media for lying about the source of the covid-19 virus and the lack of safety and efficacy of the vaccines, and Biden's intelligence agencies have begun to back him up. Now the Ray Epps story Carlson has been following is getting legs. With the Biden crime family's story taking hold and with Biden about to announce he's running, Carlson needs to disappear. Fox has been systematically cleansing the people they find hardest to control. Bongino, Pirro, and Bartiromo, and now Tucker Carlson. It's going to cost Fox a great deal of money to support Biden's re-election. They've already made a contribution to the people who provide voting machines. All four of the people will land on their feet. Spreading them out might have been a big mistake.
Old & Slow said: "My impression based on the comments I see on twitter etc. would indicate that he is their biggest draw."
No, you have it wrong: He is the biggest draw in all of cable news programming. At any time. Since cable television was invented.
His single show is the highest rated cable news show on the air. By far. His audience is quadruple that of anything on CNN. And he wants to tell you about political prisoners being held unjustly in Washington, DC prisons by a corrupt junta. Fox News wouldn't let him.
They are not about to allow that.
The country is lost. We are an oligarchy now. This act is merely the crumbs being swatting off the table by the rich.
OOOH the New York Times! Magic fills the air. Can't you smell that smell?
Friend just sent me:
Bud Light:
We made a dumb move and lost millions of customers and billions in revenue.
Fox News:
Hold my Beer.
Tucker's got a ton of money and will easily find more work is he wants to.
My own uninformed opinion is that 1) he probably pissed off the owners by criticizing their Dominion cave-in, and 2) the owners are going full pro-War.
Tucker was proof that you don't have to be brilliant to be smarter, more open-minded and more curious than 80-90% of network nitwits.
It'll be interesting to see what The Five get to say, and Gutfeld!
Tucker's got a ton of money and will easily find more work is he wants to.
My own uninformed opinion is that 1) he probably pissed off the owners by criticizing their Dominion cave-in, and 2) the owners are going full pro-War.
Tucker was proof that you don't have to be brilliant to be smarter, more open-minded and more curious than 80-90% of network nitwits.
It'll be interesting to see what The Five get to say, and Gutfeld!
Reminds me of the sexual harassment claim brought by that skank a few years ago--that he, in her very presence--changed his coat and complained about missing his family.
This is as if the Angels released Shohei Ohtani.
He'll land on his feet. Foxnews? Not so much...
Wow. Fox just became irrelevant.
If they had any integrity they’d have fired him for lying his ass off to millions of people who are vulnerable to conspiracy theories.
Huge lol. How's that Russia hoax coming along, nutbar?
Who needs to go at Fox are the Murdock boys. Which isn't going to happen.
this will go down in business school history as an example of a company that owned their market & then pissed it away their lead with bad business decisions.
It's probably a good time to buy Newsmax stock.
You gotta be crazy to hire a liberal Jewish woman.
-All Jewish men.
"Fox fires @TuckerCarlson five days after he crosses the red line by acknowledging that the TV networks pushed a deadly and ineffective vaccine to please their Pharma advertisers. Carlson’s breathtakingly courageous April 19 monologue broke TV’s two biggest rules: Tucker told the truth about how greedy Pharma advertisers controlled TV news content and he lambasted obsequious newscasters for promoting jabs they knew to be lethal and worthless. For many years, Tucker has had the nation's biggest audience averaging 3.5 million — 10 times the size of CNN. Fox just demonstrated the terrifying power of Big Pharma."
James O'Keefe, anyone?
Budlight: I know how to destroy the entire company.
Fox News: Hold my beer.
Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH): "Hannity is 100% Trump Trump all the time Trump."
Hannity is considered acceptable opposition by your teammates.
Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH): "While it's true that the corrupt left/Hillary paid for the Steele dossier - I really don't need to hear about it and that stupid escalator anymore."
Yes, its unsurprising you would want that swept under the carpet.
I didn't pay much attention to Fox News until a couple years ago. The main reasons I watch anything from Fox have been (1) Gutfeld and (2) Carlson. The reasons for watching Carlson have been he points out things no one else talks about, raises concerns almost no one else brings up, says out loud what is royally screwed up with the current regime that almost no one else dares to say. Basically "thank goodness someone is saying this". His departure as a significant loss.
If we stipulate Carlson somehow messed up badly then I must ask who else is still employed that messed up far worse and for much longer. I am aware that constitutes whataboutism.
Was Carlson perfect? No - my only real criticism is his occasional weird laugh. But he was a much welcome voice crying in the wilderness. There are forces at work that wanted him gone. They claimed a scalp. Hey sometimes the bad guys win a round.
Having watched a lot of Carlson over the last couple years I repudiate the insinuation that he was somehow promoting "white supremacy". That casual slur is a lazy dog whistle for "doesn't possess critical consciousness and is not working to advance the American Cultural Revolution".
Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH): "Who has the best delusion? Drago or eee -Gadfly?"
Rove was just on Fox this last weekend fighting for your boy DeSantis.
But since you make it a point of pride to not actually know anything you remain invincibly ignorant.
Blogger Indigo Red said...
OH, NO! Two not-news-hosts-I've-never-followed are gone. Whatever shall I do?
Wise up? No that would be too tough for you. Stick with CNN.
Inga: "Too bad they fired him only after it cost them $787.5 million."
Mike: "Carlson was the one vociferous Fox host who did push back on Sydney Powell and refused to have her on after she made her claims unless she submitted proof of her Dominion arguments prior to the next appearance."
Its pointless delivering facts to either Inga or Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH).
Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH): "without some right of center balance in our news - our news is 100% The Party leftwing.
Inga and Drago celebrate."
Tucker was fired by your pro-DeSantis teammate Murdoch.
You truly are the Flip-side Inga.
Blogger jim5301 said...
I hear he is practicing his Russian for his next gig.
Boy, the dullards are out today. Murdoch paid $700 million to Dominion and then gave another billion away by firing Tucker. What a genius !
Poor poor Abby. “Former producer “
Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH): "What does Ron DeSantis have to do with Tucker?
Drago the Trump Humper?"
DeSantis supporters fired Tucker.
Can you really be this dumb? It appears the answer is an emphatic "yes".
Blogger Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
What does Ron DeSantis have to do with Tucker?
Drago the Trump Humper?
You are really getting tiresome.
Reposted for the very, very "slow" kid in the class (HBTPFH): "Remember when Sen Schumer said Rubert Murdoch had a "special obligation" to stop Tucker Carlson? Apparently, Rupert agreed strongly with Schumer.
Of course, we all recall Murdoch committed to make Trump a "non-person" in an email as part of the Dominion discovery process and to put in a pivot to DeSantis as the alternative.
Crazy World: "Inga talking about people vulnerable to conspiracy theories is hilarious"
Its even funnier watching Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH) desperately avoiding the fact that it was Team DeSantis backers that dumped Carlson!
Both Ingas have a tough time dealing with reality.
Fucker Carlson should take them up on their offer. He may as well get paid for the service he’s been giving them for free.
“In an email to Carlson posted to Telegram, Vladimir Solovyov, an anchor on Russia-1, said he “wholeheartedly” supported Carlson’s decision.
“You have our admiration and support in any endeavor you choose for yourself next, be it running for president of the United States (which you probably should totally do, by the way) or making an independent media project,” Solovyov said. “We’ll happily offer you a job if you wish to carry on as a presenter and host!”
Solovyov is one of the most influential propagandists in Russia. He has been an anchor on the television show “Evening with Vladimir Solovyov” on Russia-1 since 2012. In March 2022, YouTube blocked Solovyov’s channels for violating the company’s “incitement to violence” rules.
Carlson has become a frequent reference for Russian media, along with other Fox News hosts, for defending Russia in its war on Ukraine.
In a tweet, the Russian-backed English-language news outlet RT News also appeared to offer Carlson a job.
“Hey @TuckerCarlson, you can always question more with @RT_com,” RT News wrote.”
I'm old enough to remember when a guy named Glenn Beck was King of All Media -- shortly before he was fired by Fox.
The white nationalist goes the way of the tea partier Glenn Beck and the groping Oreilly and the drunk judge Pirro. Wait until SMARTMATIC blows thru few more veracity violators may see the door. Bring back SHEP the only guy who ever told it for real. Rupert and the boys on tilt since last big payoff, $787,000,000 wonder if Tuck will take the J6 McCarthy conspiracy tapes and try to sell? sell maybe to trump? FOXERS will be told tucks on vacation or working with STEVE BANNON AND THEY'LL NEVER KNOW THE DIFFERENCE. The big lie and liars are having their pants taken down and being spanked. When SMARTMATIC wipes out OANN and Newsmax Tuck will have to go work for that famous Glenn Beck (I think he's still alive) What an aberration of the airwaves and millions of duped seniors. Sean and Laura are now wearing huggies why Rupert is on tilt. Finally entertaining TV. EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY what no severance? Where's the tapes tucker give em back....
"You gotta be crazy to hire a liberal Jewish woman.
-All Jewish men."
Liberal and leftists Jews are among the biggest civilizational problems the West faces. We've been dealing with this neurotic matrilineal death cult since Marx stole his best ideas from Engels, and even before that, and somehow people still haven't connected the dots. Socialist Jews are the foot soldiers of the most reprobate economic and societal ideas of post-industrial Western Civilization. When not even moderate and religious Jews can get on board with your ideas that should be a dead giveaway you're heading in the wrong direction. They're not even welcome in Israel, they're so extreme.
Socialist/leftists dialectic Judaism has been a bane in society's side since Simon Bar Giora and Eleazer Ben Simon and their zealots screwed their own people with their extremism, scattering them to the 4 winds 2000 years ago. If you can't tell, I am genuinely sick of their shit.
This may help explain this shit...
Rupert jes hepin the folks!
Indigo Red ... Maybe Wise Up?
Question, "What do tv news personalities do after they're fired?"
Bing Chat responds, "According to an article on nickiswift.com, fired cable news anchors have gone on to do a variety of things. For example, Shepard Smith is yet to share any news after his departure from Fox News. Megyn Kelly is hosting a podcast. Tiffany Cross will continue with her journalism career. Chris Cuomo has a show on NewsNation. Ed Henry dropped his defamation suit. Bill O’Reilly has a podcast. Matt Lauer is apparently planning a career comeback. Dan Rather has a newsletter."
Those who pine for "the good old days" of television news may enjoy the Wikipedia piece on The Huntley-Brinkley Report.
Maybe we will find out what is really going on here. In the meantime, that was the only Fox news show worth watching. I say that, despite his laugh, which I too found grating.
Inga: "Too bad they fired him only after it cost them $787.5 million."
No one here expects the Resident Dullard to have even the slightest grasp of the facts, but she still astounds me with her ignorance.
As to Tucker, I have a great deal of respect for him, but did not watch the show for the last 2-3 years. Actually, I have not watched any TV opinion shows for the last 2-3 years.
Why was he fired? Simple. The Uniparty is making its moves before the 2024 election.
TC's greatest sin was not being all-in on Fox's Dominion claims. He pushed back on it, and maybe even (unwittingly) provided Dominion with some evidence that there was disagreement within Fox about those claims.
So, Fox pays out $700B+, and fires TC in a rage.
(Fox had to settle. The new political danger across the country is, getting pulled into a court in which the jury will hate you on Day One.)
Oops. Million, not billion.
Total white pill.
Ace of Spades Headline: "Bush, Obama, and Clinton Set Up Non-Governmental Organization to... Fly Illegal Aliens -- "Migrants," the Euphemism Goes -- All Over the US For Free"
All too true. And it gets "better" (worse)....
Ace of Spades: "Oh, and they've -- get this! -- partnered up a Woke Financial Services corporation to do this.
Oh, and they've also -- get this! -- partered up with a George-Soros-funded NGO."
Interesting factoid: The Bush clan is backing Desantis.
Now, watch Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH) spin spin spin.......
This is about the Jan 6th footage released by Tucker. Drag queen clueless.
Poor Drag Queen. Ron Desantis has nothing to do with this - and yet - there's drag queen, Trump's loyal butt-boi, delivering the insanity. Good Trump butt-boi.
Again - fun to see Inga and Drag Queen on the same "We hate Fucker Carlon" page.
I enjoyed watching Tucker because he made me think and presented different perspectives on issues that you don't see elsewhere in the news media. That doesn't mean I agreed with everything he said. But he is interesting.
Robert Kennedy Jr. is another interesting guy. I thought him to be a conspiracy theory nut but when I actually listened to him speak during the Covid mess, I found his arguments fascinating. Generally, his take was whomever controls the government research money can control "the science". Guys like Fauci and other unelected bureaucrats. You see the same thing with climate change/global warming. Nothing but government propaganda pushing an agenda.
From a smart person (So - NOT drago)
"Rupert Murdoch made the final decision — purportedly over a discrimination suit — but most likely because Murdoch despises his own audience and always has. Murdoch was also none too pleased with Carlson’s willingness to state unequivocally that Big Pharma was granted the power to harm so many of us, or that federal agents were clandestinely placed undercover on January 6, which “60 Minutes” assures us is just plain silly, Mr Conspiracy Pants!"
"Love him or not — agree with him or not — Tucker Carlson’s voice is strong, unique, and bracing. Unlike, say, Sean Hannity, whose narrative brush strokes are driven by instructions on the paint-by-numbers canvas provided by his GOP and corporate handlers, Tucker was one of the few on-air talents on FOX you could see at times wrestling against the network’s hidden restraints, which we’ve all long known were there, and which we’ve all long known were being used to keep certain stories out of the news cycle and to foster certain narratives that the Uniparty favors or even promotes."
-Jeff Goldstein
Drago's position is the opposite and it's DeSantis' fault... and Jeb! LOL - loser.
And Len Goodman, former judge for DWTS has passed peacefully at home with family after retiring at the end of last season.
So unfortunate. I quit watching FoxNews long ago, but I enjoyed DWTS for much longer. Len Goodman was a major reason. However, I quit watching DWTS even before it moved to pay for streaming services only.
To get this back to topic, the last time I watched Tucker Carlson on TV was when he was on DWTS. That was Season 3 in the fall of 2006, and he was eliminated first.
I've been following this log for forever, and many commenters here often laugh and gloat about the Left eating their own. Well, the Right is eating their own when they get rid of Tucker. It goes both ways, and that's why the Left is so giddy about this. Sad day for me.
cnbc fired shep like a year ago, megyn kelly hasnt done terribly badly with her podcast
These things come in threes; Aaron Rodgers is leaving the Packers.
Doesn't Inga have some leftover kid (con or lib) she can send to the front lines of Ukraine to up her cred?
I think this is a decision Shiv let Lukas Matsson engineer, Kendall is ok with it, but Roman knows it will kill the brand.
"I'm old enough to remember when a guy named Glenn Beck was King of All Media -- shortly before he was fired by Fox."
Beck's media power came from radio, not his stint on Fox.
"a former Fox News producer, Abby Grossberg, who claims that he presided over a misogynistic and discriminatory workplace culture."
Misogyny. Racism. When you cannot defeat the other side's arguments with facts and logic, and damned few liberals can do that anymore, then you hurl words like "misogyny" and "racism" and "islamaophobia" or "homophoboia" the way monkeys in the zoo hurl feces.
Jews are among the biggest civilizational problems the West faces
The moment I heard a Presbyterian fired an Episcopalian I knew the Joos were somehow going to be blamed.
Looking at all of these comments, I sense that this news about Tucker Carlson and Fox has produced much anger and anguish in the Althouse commentariat.
I just wanted to say; there's a whole lot more where that came from!
More Fox defamation cases; more Donald Trump defamation cases; more Mike Lindell/Sidney Powell/Rudy Giuliani defamation cases; more Donald Trump criminal cases; more Donald Trump sex assault cases; more January 6 insurrection cases; more fake elector criminal cases; more Trump Organization civil and criminal cases.
Shocker: National Review continues its descent into The Dispatch/Bulwark Mode (as their current google and facebook funder masters require) by supporting the dumping of Carlson.
As predicted, ALL, but only ALL, of the traditional "muh principles"/"True Conservative"/"LLR" will end up as explicit democratical-controlled "opposition" for the dems.
My wife watched Tucker nearly every night. What Tucker did was speak truth to power for real, not the fakery young leftists pride themselves on. When you do it for real, it comes with real risks.
I see the transpeople like Inga and Dinky proving once again how insane and hateful they are. How surprising.
For those claiming Carlson was canned due to the Dominion settlement (which was voluntary and not ordered), the actual facts fly in the face of transparent falsehood.
The NYT provides the documents that supposedly prove Carlson was front and center in the case here: https://int.nyt.com/data/documenttools/redacted-documents-in-dominion-fox-news-case/dca5e3880422426f/full.pdf,
Carlson's name appears to pop up around 89 or 90 times or so (not precise) but in each case its a reference to Carlson speaking with Sydney Powell and telling her there was no proof of her assertions.
Here's a direct Carlson quote from the show on Nov 17 of 2020: "You keep telling our viewers that millions of votes were changed by the software. I hope you will prove that very soon. You've convinced them that Trump will win. If you don't have conclusive evidence of fraud at that scale, it's a cruel and reckless thing to keep saying"
Nope. This was about Rupert fulfilling his pledge (from exposed emails made public due to the lawsuit) to turn Trump into a "non-person" and provide a "pivot" to an "alternative"....Ron DeSantis.
Gonna be difficult medicine for some to swallow, but there it is.
What an amazing collection of hysterical reactions, from all the usual characters. How Dare F*cker Carlson leave Fox News without being Fired !!!! " .
I found his Happy Preppy commentary brave in the context of the Legacy Media, in the state that it's in, but otherwise, it was pretty boring and predictable. He didn't say anything that we weren't already thinking - but I guess a lot of people find some comfort in that.
Fox News, well.... they depend on the steady push from conservative viewers listening to Tucker and Hannity and such to propel the Super Tanker forward, all while the Murdochs insistently steer the ship hard to port, meaning 'Left', as if they think this will convince their viewers to change their mind. I think we'll have to hear from them, next.
For Carlson: Who cares? He's got his Maine Lodge Studio, he can sit there and spit out a 2 hour syndicated broadcast and put it on Rumble - and then go fishing. You think he won't clean up? Of course he will. The Legacy Corporate Main Stream Media is tottering, make no mistake. Nobody needs broadcasting infrastructure anymore. You just need a popular personal brand to climb aboard and ride.
OK, guys, now do Susan Rice!
Well, the Right is eating their own when they get rid of Tucker.
OK. I'll bite.
Who on the 'right' got rid of Tucker Carlson?
Good riddance to Fucker Carlson.
I'm not sure what it is that makes a certain sort of person find amusement in mangling a person's name. This kind of humor has never appealed to me, even when the object of it is someone that I think deserves mockery.
It might be less obnoxious if it were clever, but it seldom is. Even then, it's only clever the first time and it sounds stupider and stupider with each parroting.
I didn't expect this. Open minds should indulge...
I may be wrong, of course, but Tucker appears to be genuinely unnerved by all that’s transpired here without normal investigative journalism acting as a check and balance. He’s lonely in this plight. I’m hopeful that he can expand his truth seeking reach without Fox guarding his henhouse.
Wince writes “Twitter TV?”
Imagine if you will, “The Twitlight Zone”
"the work space was decorated with large pictures of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wearing a swimsuit."
Boo fricken hoo. Grow up and get on with your life.
Misogynistic = Things Women Don't Like
So unless you can arouse yourself in the workplace to hate-fantasies of doctored semi-nude wall murals of House speakers then you need to find a different company?
Yeah, this is why even corporate America is done with these right-wing bozos.
And it’s not like you didn’t have time to prepare. Didn’t McNear trustafarian Swanson Tucker replace that O’Reilly guy after he forced employees to listen to him jacking off on the phone? How long does the learning curve have to be?
Well, given that your House speakers include a convicted pedophile like Dennis Hastert it’s no wonder what right-wingers would think is workplace-appropriate treatment of political leaders.
And non of it even matters, anyway. Your guy was canned for leading the way to the wrong side of a $785 million defamation suit, after being outed as too schizophrenic to know if he wanted to kiss Trump’s ass or castigate the despotic lunatic liar in private emails.
In the real world, money talks and bullshit walks. Add Fox Broadcasting to the growing list of Americans showing you the same bright dividing line between a productive livelihood and BS that you refuse to see.
If they feared him at Fox, their heads will explode when he shows up again, bigger, freer, and stronger than ever. We're not going away. And by 'we' I mean Tucker and those who watched him regularly. Those who are disgusted with the state of things in this country, our current administration, the open border, the vegetable Senator from Pennsylvania, the Deep State and their media division, our schools, trans-cultists, and Democrats ruining our major cities.
This frees him up. And I don't care who they plug in. I won't be there.
I see the transpeople like Inga and Dinky proving once again how insane and hateful they are. How surprising.
I was going to mention how passionately Tucker articulated his own “hatred” for the same Trumpster he’d glorify in public, but then I read the 3:52 PM post on this thread and realized how much hate right-wingers regularly harbor. Wow. Never figured anyone would be so depraved as to find an inspiring role model in Robert Bowers, but there you have it. And from the same faction that’s trying to resurrect konzentrationslager pink triangles.
No, those psychotic lunatics aren’t entitled to any extra love and neither is Tucker the trustafarian frozen food empire heir, either. Just the expectation to conduct oneself sanely in the progressive country that’s far too generous to these degenerates holding on to the same anti-American, Tory conservative unpatriotic ways they fought for and against General Washington in 1776.
"... a person familiar with the company’s thinking told The Post ..."
So, a company has a thinking.
The elites desire to kill the nation.
Decimating Fox viewership is just a bump along the road.
Meanwhile, the young Murdochs get some attazirs at the juice parties.
So glad I have not been exposed to Spaz Pelosi in a swimsuit.
I will always remember her shuffling papers around and throwing them in the air behind Trump.
Class Act.
Crazy World said...
Inga talking about people vulnerable to conspiracy theories is hilarious
4/24/23, 1:51 PM
Boogaloo! Boogaloo!
Nobody knows what Mueller knows.
Hell's Bells Take Profitable Fish Home?
How Badly The President Fondles Hair?
It’s bizarre that Murdoch would can Tucker for starting to show the truth re Jan 6 through the video files. Why? It’s the naked truth! It’s his job to be truthful! Who and what is Murdoch protecting?
We've been dealing with this neurotic matrilineal death cult since Marx stole his best ideas from Engels, and even before that, and somehow people still haven't connected the dots.
There was a shrieking, goose-stepping, mustachioed pagan who thought he could clearly see the same problem you believe you do from 1933 - 1945, leading to the decimation of his country and the deaths of about 80 million people globally. Maybe you’d be happier if you joined him.
Behold the moral depravity and civilizational idiocy that ensconces itself in the typical right-wing “thought,” above. One wonders if can be congenital as well as symptomatic of lthe pathetic incel life led by Nick Fuentes or the cuckoldry of Kanye West.
Some real unhinged types among these anti-American fascist conservatives.
what a potty mouth inga has. Sheesh, take a midol.
Blogger Big Mike said...
My wife watched Tucker nearly every night. What Tucker did was speak truth to power for real, not the fakery young leftists pride themselves on. When you do it for real, it comes with real risks.
My sister just called me, upset to find no Tucker on Fox. I estimate that Fox will lose about 50% of viewers. The other half leave the TV on for company and can't stand the CNN or MSNBC characters. What would be amusing is if the new owners of CNN decided to really clean house and put Tucker in prime time and hire his senior producer.
Earnest Prole: "I'm old enough to remember when a guy named Glenn Beck was King of All Media -- shortly before he was fired by Fox."
Known Unkown: "Beck's media power came from radio, not his stint on Fox."
Shh! Prole is on a roll!
"Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?"
Well, the Right is eating their own when they get rid of Tucker. It goes both ways, and that's why the Left is so giddy about this. Sad day for me.
No, lony. It's the left eating a lean left network. Tucker was about the last vestige of the right there.
Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH): "Again - fun to see Inga and Drag Queen on the same "We hate Fucker Carlon" page.
Looks like someone is about 5 highballs into her early evening.
alanc709: "I see the transpeople like Inga and Dinky proving once again how insane and hateful they are. How surprising."
Dont forget to include Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH).
She has certainly earned her place within that "august" group
The resident dullard: Carlson has become a frequent reference for Russian media, along with other Fox News hosts, for defending Russia in its war on Ukraine.
no, you idiot. He's been defending America from your communist heroes. Now California has gone all the way on electric bills.
They are onboard with idiots who want top end fossil fuels and who know nothing about petrochemicals.
lonejustice: "Well, the Right is eating their own when they get rid of Tucker."
"the Right" did not get rid of Tucker.
The GOPe-ers did.
Tucker’s future depends upon the terms of his covenant not to compete.
“My sister just called me, upset to find no Tucker on Fox. I estimate that Fox will lose about 50% of viewers.”
It’s crashing and burning, oh the humanity!
@Dave Begley, I thought all employment contracts had a clause that stipulated that the non-compete covenant was null and void if the individual was fired or laid off.
Inga, as expected, with the 20 watt gloat.
Do you have a Wikipedia page hpudding? If not, how about telling me what your early life was like.
Russia Today, the Kremlin-backed cable news network, tweeted at Tucker Carlson on Monday shortly after he was fired from Fox News to seemingly offer him a job.
Ahead of the invasion, Carlson spent months mocking the idea that Russia’s military buildup near its border with Ukraine signaled an imminent attack. After the invasion, he criticized the Biden administration for sending aid to the besieged country. . . He also demonized Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as an autocrat and – bizarrely – a “strip club manager.”
Jupiter said...
Hell's Bells Take Profitable Fish Home?
How Badly The President Fondles Hair?
By Jove, the abbreviation stands for "Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker"
@Dave Begley, why would Carlson agree to any 'non-compete' clause? Aren't these usually tied to some kind of severance pay, in order to have something worth binding? I would think he doesn't need the money, or rather that it would be a minor consideration rather than a determinate one. Just my unencumbered 2 cents of course.
It did not take long for Fox News to fill the huge gap from the absence of Bill O'Reilly in 2017. How many predicted DWTS alum Tucker Carlson would be the guy? I should think the Fox system will find someone to replace Carlson without too much trouble. The most difficult part may be defending any lawsuits the employer and employee remain joint defendants in.
And I hope terminated Twitter employees will let him into their support group. His legendary sense of humor should be a big plus in their zoom meetings.
Dave Begley: "Tucker’s future depends upon the terms of his covenant not to compete."
Early reports are Tucker received full buyout of his 3 year, $20M per year contract, no non-compete and no NDA.
We will see.
From Larry Correia…
“I am seeing a lot of people not really understanding today’s events in cable news. Ha ha. Tucker Carlson is such a loser. Big dummy got fired!
That shows a very boomer era understanding of media consumption and overestimation of the power of a traditional news channel.
He didn’t need Fox. The last I saw his contract there was something like cheap, which is chump change to a guy with a reliable audience in the millions every night.
Tucker Carlson is now going to go sign a Joe Rogan size contract on a streaming service. He will make the most money of any news broadcaster in history and probably do so by an insane margin.
Meanwhile Don Lemon is a relative non-entity. He won’t bring much of an audience with him wherever he goes.
One of these two will get a pay cut. The other is going to make orders of magnitude more money, and has the investment potential to boost any media corporation he signs with into a very competitive sphere.
And I don’t even watch Fox News at all, nor do I care about Tucker Carlson. But if you are too blinded by goofy partisan point scoring to grasp the business implications of this, it’s a bad look, but it ain’t my problem.”
“It’s crashing and burning, oh the humanity!”
Lay off the coffee enemas and switch to decaf, Inga. It’s your only hope.
rhhardin said...
"Good. He has a horrible fake laugh to cover over his weak arguments."
We deeply value the trenchant analyses and persuasive argments you have ofered us over the years.
This one is a keeper.
the last time I watched Tucker Carlson on TV was when he was on DWTS.
Completely by chance, I saw that, and I've probably watched no more than 60 minutes total of DWTS. He deserved to be eliminated. He must have been really hard up for cash at the time.
“Fucker Carlson”. This is the intellect of a nine year old boy that just learned about obscenities a retard, or an imbecile.
The two cretins who dropped this tonight while knowing nothing about Carlsons are not the first choice.
readering: "And I hope terminated Twitter employees will let him into their support group. His legendary sense of humor should be a big plus in their zoom meetings."
I expect Tucker will take his $60M payout, 3.5 million nightly viewers and the freedom from not having either a non-compete nor an NDA and immediately set up his new Joe Rogan-like payday to kickoff a show completely unencumbered by corporate uniparty types which will allow Tuckers audience to grow significantly beyond the 3.5 million viewers he already has.
What do you think all those unemployable ex-twitter blue-hair highly triggerable gender studies censorious types might have to offer Tucker in terms of useful perspective?
Using coloring books as therapy? Self-mutilation to achieve desired gender status? The evils of corporate coffee? Why using elevators advances the evil patriarchy? Signature gathering tactics to support child drag shows legislation?
“I don’t know what drove Fox News to make this decision. And it was clearly Fox News’ decision because they’re not letting him say goodbye,” [Megan] Kelly said. “That’s my supposition. That’s not inside knowledge … talk about misjudging your audience yet again.”
Chuck said...
Looking at all of these comments, I sense that this news about Tucker Carlson and Fox has produced much anger and anguish in the Althouse commentariat.
The only anger and anguish I'm seeing is coming from the usual suspects like Inga, hpudding, Gadfly, Dinky, lonejustice, and yourself.
The rest of us are having an adult discussion about the implications this has for Fox and Tucker, and trying to counter the fake news you keep spreading.
Trevor Fitzgibbon@TrevorFitzgibb1
.The Left knows how to fight and win. The Right doesn’t. @TuckerCarlson’s cancellation is the end result of a multi-year perfectly executed smear campaign led by Media Matters & straight out of Rules for Radicals. I know. I used to work on these efforts.
It's true, they use these same kinds of attacks to unleash our military "Oh, Country X is a human rights violator! Let's kill hundreds of thousands of their people and then take their oil and minerals. Start a civil war and give 'our side' weapons that they will use to kill civilians because we don't like their government because they won't give us their oil and minerals! That Putin is such a bastard, he won't hand over Russia's 72 trillion dollars in resources to our friends, err, I mean Putin hates gays!"
It's what is called the "rules based order," which means, "we make the rules, and we give the orders." It's all of a piece, and false flags like J6 and orchestrated coups like we. did in 2014 in Ukraine figure large in their playbook. Look, even Althouse is buying the idea that this is over sexism.
Hpudding never disappoints.
It's a peek into the mind of a drunken leftist who thinks they're being smart.
"I'll show those wingnuts how much I know. With big words.
"Hey. Where's my Sane/Freeze shirt?"
"Dude1394 said...
what a potty mouth inga has. Sheesh, take a midol."
No need. Not in 20 years.
Megyn Kelly. I know how to spell her name but Autocorrect doesn’t.
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