April 30, 2023

Trout lilies.


From the 27th. Today was rainy. Tomorrow: May!

Write about whatever you want in the comments.


The rule of Lemnity said...

Another "nature finds a way" video

The rule of Lemnity said...

YouTube: Hunter and dad have a sit-down

wildswan said...

Free Tucker Carlson!

Apparently Fox News has Carlson Under contract but not themselves. He has to work for them if he works but they don't have to enable him to work.

Free Tucker Carlson!

The rule of Lemnity said...

There were more Billboard hit duets from 1980 to 1985 than any other time in the short history of the Billboard charts. Here is a list for 1980 alone.

1980) Barbra Streisand - What Kind of Fool (feat. Barry Gibb)

1980) Andy Gibb & Olivia Newton-John - I Can't Help It

1980) Billy Preston and Syreeta - With You I'm Born Again

1980) Kenny Rogers & Kim Carnes - Don't Fall In Love With A Dreamer

1980) Neil Sedaka & Dara Sedaka - Should've Never Let You Go

1980) Olivia Newton-John and Cliff Richards - Suddenly

That was just 1980.

Dave Begley said...

Went to a Latin Mass for the first time in about sixty years. Surprisedly, I remembered all the words.

Full church. Lots of kids. The women and girls covered their hair. I was one of the few men without a tie. It was 1960. I was 3.

After all this trans stuff, a relief.

The rule of Lemnity said...

WSJ: Jeffrey Epstein’s Private Calendar just dropped. The calendar includes meetings with the man who’s now the current Director of the CIA, William Burns, among other prominent names including Rothschild, Kissinger and many more. Noam Chomsky?

(behind paywall - no link for you)

Narr said...

Speaking of Barth's "Sot-Weed Factor" (and because I will be away for a few days and might forget)--IIRC there's a pages-long exchange of profane sexual insults between two women somewhere in the story.

At the moment I only recall "peddle-twat," but that's a good one.

wildswan said...

Reading about the Ukraine war, you come across stories about changes in the Russian command structure along with speculation on what a given change means. I disregard them all because I can't possibly know what's true and can't remember Russian names anyhow. But I found this diagram of the changes in the Russian command interesting because it makes one simple point - there have been a lot of changes. Never mind who's in or out or why - these are a lot of changes.


The rule of Lemnity said...

Not reading ‘click for more’ missed out on a bunch of stuff.

wendybar said...

"Democrat/Leftist/Anti-Republican protesters have been taking over state houses and disrupting legislative proceedings multiple times in the past couple of months. It’s not like it’s a new tactic.

I’m so old I remember the insurrection against Scott Walker in Wisconsin during 2011-2012.

It was what I called Wisconsin’s Long, Strange Trip"


wendybar said...

I'm sure they had more than meetings...


rwnutjob said...


Dave Begley said...

The people at the Latin Mass are a reaction to the dominant leftist cultural. They are such a threat that the FBI has to investigate them. But they are a tiny number of dissenters.

And Trump? Another reaction to the dominant leftist and globalist culture. That’s why he had to be destroyed.

rhhardin said...

Trout Quintet

tim maguire said...

wildswan said...Never mind who's in or out or why - these are a lot of changes.

It does look like a lot of changes, but as with the other issues you brought up as outside our understanding and therefore not worth the effort to examine, I have no way of knowing if this is unusual. Lincoln went through a lot of generals at the start of the Civil War until he found one who could get the job done. It might be normal to shake up the leadership staff a few times in the first year of war.

tim maguire said...

Dave Begley said...Went to a Latin Mass for the first time in about sixty years. Surprisedly, I remembered all the words.

Memory's a funny thing. I can remember the lyrics to many commercials and TV shows from 40 or 50 years ago, but hardly any from 20 or 30 years ago. Partly, of course, jingles just aren't catchy like they used to be, but it goes for all sorts of things. How many guys here can still recite the Boy Scout oath? I can.

I can learn the big themes more easily, but the details don't stick like they used to.

wendybar said...


Iman said...

1980: a year of horrible duets!

wendybar said...

Bar Owner that banned criticism of the little boy pretending to be a little girl for Bud light is getting his just deserves. Asshole. I wouldn't step foot in his bar....Let it go bankrupt.


Saint Croix said...

Dropping my puppy off to get fixed this morning

(yes, I am still a Protestant, Althouse blog! I do not believe Jesus has a theological position on puppy birth control)

(although, and now I'm getting side-tracked, I do kinda think there is a vet conspiracy to get dogs fixed to stop dog overpopulation, so watch out for that one)

and I'm trying to use Google AI, again, to help me drive to a strange destination

actually I think it was Apple AI, I don't actually give a shit, it might be bigotry but fuck it, you ain't human and I'm not apologizing for shit, robot

and I'm not fucking you either!


anyway I'm trying to give the Apple AI another chance, that's how open-minded I am

also I didn't know the fucking way, and I was in a hurry

I was going to a strange vet because my dog Blue is a rescue and they're paying for the operation

And the AI got me there right on time. Amazing. Really cool.

And then, driving back home, the damn AI decided to take me on a different route than the one we took getting there

I'm like, "What the fuck, Google, this is not the way we came!"

Lost all faith in the robot. Now I want to remake Star Wars into a comedy and focus on how fucking annoying C-3P0 is. Lucas humanizes C-3P0 (and R2-D2) by having them bicker all the fucking time

that's humanity, we bicker

But they bicker with each other. The humans never get mad at them. Wow, what a fantasy that is. The future where humans never get mad at technology for shutting down or taking us to the wrong fucking place.

Anyway, I backtracked back to the vet and AI decided we could go our old route after all. And then after a few miles, my damn phone died and I had to read signs and shit to get home. Old school!

wendybar said...

"A TikTok user named Paulina was recently terrorized beyond imagining while at the Rainbow Oaks Country Market, in Fallbrook, California. No, she wasn’t shot at by an illegal alien with an illegal gun. Nor was she beaten by screaming men claiming to be women. This was even worse than being misgendered. The National Anthem played on the restaurant’s television and sound system, and diners stopped eating, stood up, and placed their hands over their hearts. For Paulina, this triggered fear and, on her part, racism. That’s depressing. Even more depressing is that the most popular commenters shared her fear, outrage, and disgust."


IF YOU HATE AMERICA so much...LEAVE!! YOU are the RACIST. The haters and dividers are on the left trained well by Progressive Professors to hate us. Go to a Country where you feel more comfortable and leave us the hell alone.

wendybar said...

THIS freaking guy is an ASSHOLE. Keep sending him money so he can denigrate anybody who disagrees with this stupid War that Joe Biden helped get us into.

Take off those stupid Ukraine flag pins Congress and do something to help the American people for once in your lives.


wendybar said...

Again. Defund Ukraine. Who the hell does this comedian think he is??? Barack Obama??


wendybar said...

"Tells the WORLD something when a sitting 'president' GLOATS over the demise of FREE SPEECH."

He SHOULD be doing it from a jail cell.


DINKY DAU 45 said...

JACK SMITH -WIRE FRAUD...perp The Don of the criminal trump organization. RICO charges coming soon
The real perp(see below) while the delusional folks continue to be duped, some seem overwhelmed they can't think of anything else and most likely live alone in the delusion as no one else would want to constantly be around the bitter infatuation with conspiracy and misinformation dug out of fake news sites.
"What Donald Trump said and what Richard Donoghue pretty much testified to, word for word, is actually an incriminating twofer," "And that is because he(the Don) said, I don't care if there was no fraud, just say there was and leave the rest to me and my Republican allies in Congress." JACK SMITH on it.(its on tape, never learned from tricky Dick)