April 25, 2023

"This shouldn't be a redurburdution..."


gilbar said...

he's Absolutely Right!
we, as a Nation are Done with redurburdution
Bring Back President Trump!!

tim maguire said...

I heard "red or blue issue." Maybe slurred a bit, but still clear. The jaw dropper to me is his claim that his first term has been about personal freedom. His handlers really are shameless.

BUMBLE BEE said...

JB's Take...


tim maguire said...

I want to say I'm surprised that he actually declared himself for reelection, but I often under-appreciate the value of arrogance and personal ambition. And so here we are, RFK Jr and Ron DeSantis the only things standing between us and another Biden vs. Trump election.

At 3 minutes of boring nonsense, who but a dedicated Biden voter would watch this? If he wanted to reach beyond that audience, it should have been 30 seconds.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

One eye blinking uncontrollably: "Clouseau! Clouseau!"

Iman said...

This shouldn’t be redurburdution, but fubar is no way to end your life, gramps.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The old crook puppet running for re-installation.

rehajm said...

One more data point we're living in a post-election United States. They don't even try to hide it anymore. Shit, they're putting it in their re-election ads. They're just taunting us at this point...

Michelle said...

If I had been given ten guesses as to the concept or phrase Biden would run on, “freedom” would not have made the list. Apart from abortion, what’s the plausible freedom claim?

He ends the full video by saying he can “finish the job.” Once he fixes everything, it will stay fixed? You can’t finish the job of democratic governance!

Enigma said...

I know that I won't have good karma for hoping that both major presidential candidates become too ill to continue or die peacefully in their sleep. But that is my hope for 2023.

Jaq said...

The ruling cabal is using him the same way they used the senile and decrepit Robert Mueller, as a figurehead that allows the most radical elements to control the levers of power with deniability.

Social media has revealed their playbook, voices like Tucker and Taibbi, who is next, oh yeah and Musk BTW, have shown their tricks to all who step back and see, and so all opposition voices must be destroyed.

IMHO, climate is driving this whole thing, what is going too far if you are trying to save the world? Even if prior to the onset of the current geological era, the Quaternary, four million years ago, the entire planet was warmer than the worst scenarios of the climate models for tens or hundreds of millions of years, and there were 34 species of great apes, like ourselves, thriving, that we know of. Still, this imaginary risk to the planet justifies their bid for world domination, and the smothering of all opposition by any means necessary.

Who would have thunk that sociopaths would step in front of a movement of such raw power and ruthlessness, and take it over.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Engineered outcome as noted by blog host and... me.

Biden v Trump.

That outcome is already a forgone conclusion.

Leland said...

He is an excellent figurehead of the Democrat Party.

Christopher B said...

The contrast between Biden hidin' in his WH bunker and all of the other candidates, both Democrat and Republican, stumping across the country is not going to be a good look this time around.

Ann Althouse said...

I listened to it 10 times without understanding it -- really having no idea.

Meade told me — and I see tim has written — that it's "This shouldn't be a red or blue issue." Having read that, when I listen, it seems reasonably distinct.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Gilbar - with all do respect - we don't bring back anyone... WE vote. Reminder that Trump is a one man democrat-get-out-the-vote machine. (with a side of Blue ballot box stuffing/blue shenanigan/3AM blue county *counting*)

rehajm said...

He ends the full video by saying he can “finish the job.”

The best twitter take- it sounds like a threat...

narciso said...

another invitation for putin to invade some other space,

they cherry picked the most corrupt counties last time, but sure go with that,

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"finish the job"... the march to full blown left-wing fascism - accelerated thru the old crook puppet. (A crook who should be indicted - but is instead, protected)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left have abortion.

The trans fascism? Good luck, leftists.

Inga said...

We older folks may have “slurred” hearing. I heard red or blue issue, but it was fast and slurred.

“What are 3 common hearing changes in older adults?
The following are the most common symptoms of age-related hearing loss: Speech of others sounds mumbled or slurred. High-pitched sounds, such as "s" or "th" are hard to distinguish. Conversations are difficult to understand, particularly when there is background noise.”


Dave Begley said...

I heard the Morning Joe people on this. They got the talking points from the campaign. Joe is normal. No chaos. Trump is chaos. Vote normal.

robother said...

The local Channel 7 news site has the headline President Biden Announces Bid to Run for a Second Term, under a picture of him talking live from the White House portico.

Amadeus 48 said...

Rupert Murdoch has concluded that Biden is going to win, so he is getting rid of intelligent and uncontrollable populist opinion broadcasters on Fox News. Tucker Carlson goes, Sean Hannity stays. He is going to pay out Tucker's existing contract in full. See Rupert's turnaround support for Tony Blair in 1997, where he dumped the divided and warring Tories who clearly were goin to lose. Why now? Fox Corp. is already going to take a big loss in this quarter because of the Dominion settlement. There is an old saying on Wall Street: if you are going to take a bath, take a big bath. Next quarter's earnings will look good by comparison.

The news story today in WSJ about Fox News "parting ways with Tucker Carlson" is such a jumble of unlikely and ridiculous speculation regarding pretexts for the "parting" that it is an insult to WSJ readers. Not even a child would swallow that mush.

Gusty Winds said...

The only thing that comes to mind anymore when I hear Joe Biden's voice is "What an asshole".

MadTownGuy said...

I also heard "a red or blue issue." That, to me, is a tell. I've seen this kind of dissembling on bumper stickers that say "It's not about left vs. right - it's about top vs. bottom." Statements like that are about class struggle, and therefore absolutely are about left wing doctrine.

Mr. Biden might as well have said, 'It's about good people vs. deplorables.' He's playing to the blue crowd, and lecturing the irredemable folk.

Mark said...

Joe Biden: Let's Turn Back the Clock!

Let's stay mired in 2021, let's run the EXACT SAME PLAYBOOK the Dems have run for the last 40 years - the promotion of baby killing.

Original Mike said...

"We older folks may have “slurred” hearing. I heard red or blue issue, but it was fast and slurred."

Wow. He didn't slur his words, we all have slurred hearing.

JK Brown said...

Was that real? Not a parody? Also, love the seizure provoking flash cuts at the end.

I try to be open-minded when I watched it, but I didn't see it as being a good thing for Biden. It looks like an opposition ad to me.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's a forgone engineered conclusion.

Biden V Trump.

The normalized crook v the dick-stepper.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hannity is going to ride that Trump train express all the way to another Biden win. toot toot.

RoseAnne said...

I wasn't impressed by the production values. The jarring tones at the beginning would have had me turning it off under normal conditions. I also thought the first minute or so was somewhat washed out. My initial response was "why so many white people?" but then realized it was the lighting and there were people of all races.

I am not his base so I found his "freedom" issue a conflict with his actions for the last two years.

And Enigma ... personally I am hoping they decide to step out of the race to play with their grandchildren, but I understand your response.

Michael K said...

Who would have thunk that sociopaths would step in front of a movement of such raw power and ruthlessness, and take it over.

I don't doubt it for a moment. The climate scam is the fear generator.

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

H. L. Mencken

Paul said...

YES!!! Four more years of INFLATION! Four more years of FINANCIAL RUIN! Four more years of China EXPANSION! And four more years of 'Big Daddy' getting his 10%!

DINKY DAU 45 said...

Can a convicted sex offender, (see Jean Carroll) Indicted under the Espionage Act,(obstruction of classified info) and RICO charges for election tampering and witness badgering, and indicted for dereliction of duty for the j6 riots and fraudulent tax filings in an already criminal organization (convicted) still run for president? Asking for a friend. Sleepy Joe once again takes on the only "Repub" he can beat, this time in a real blowout. (as the right keep up the gun and abortion issues and culture wars(1939 book banning) with no direction and against will of the country, brilliant) Rupert will have to dial his allegiance back to the Don as his empire is getting shaky!

tim maguire said...

Ann Althouse said...Having read that, when I listen, it seems reasonably distinct.

Maybe it's like those optical illusions where you can't see it at all until you do, and then it's obvious. I've heard audio clips where the sound is so badly distorted you can hardly hear a voice at all, but through a few re-listens, your brain learns to pick out the voice to the point where you can hear it clearly. (I went looking for the relevant podcast episode from You Are Not So Smart, but gave up as I couldn't come up with the right search terms.)

Wince said...

If Biden wins, the USA is "finished" alright.

Joe Smith said...

The worst president in history.

He's set this country straight down the road towards socialism or worse.

Chick said...

It's a Travesty of a Mockery of a Sham.

SteveWe said...

Biden, and anyone else, must pass a cognitive ability test to serve in office. The US Senate already has one vegetable Senator and one invalid Senator.

The US cannot have a vegetable President. We tried this before with Woodrow Wilson and the results were not good. FDR was physically disabled, but cognitively very good. Ditto Kennedy.

Narayanan said...

no linked video and on search not loading at all!!

Gunner said...

He will fool enough dumb White voters in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan again no matter if he is against DeSantis or Trump.

Gunner said...

He will fool enough dumb White voters in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan again no matter if he is against DeSantis or Trump.

Duke Dan said...

Hope this launch is like the rocket launch last week.

gahrie said...

I heard the Morning Joe people on this. They got the talking points from the campaign. Joe is normal. No chaos. Trump is chaos. Vote normal.

Some people call this "voting boring".

minnesota farm guy said...

Churchill said something about democracy being the worst form of government - except for all the others that had been tried. (loose paraphrase!) It appears the US is doing its best to test that observation. I hope that DeSantis and Kennedy and some others have the courage to fight against a rematch of the Trump/Biden fiasco. We deserve better than either of these two.

Readering said...

Just watched a documentary focused on the McGovern 1972 campaign. What an impressive guy. (Yeah--acid, amnesty, abortion.) What a descent from then to now.

Fun fact. Eligibility required delegate petition for VP-scores of signatures. McGovern gathered them for Boston Mayor White. Learns of Kennedy family veto of White. Operative holding petition called and told to get signatures for Missouri Senator Eagleton. BUT THE DEADLINE IS 10 MINUTES! Do what you have to. So he whites out White and types in Eagleton on the petition.

madAsHell said...

Was Gov. Le Petomane not available?

FWBuff said...

It was interesting to me that Kamala Harris was featured so prominently. I guess this means he (or the party machine) expects her to be his running mate again in 2024?

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

Not even Death wants this motherfucker.

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

"Blogger BUMBLE BEE said...
JB's Take...


Hey Swifty, this post is about Joe Biden, not Tucker and Fox. I thought this blog moderated comments for relevancy.

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

"The only thing that comes to mind anymore when I hear Joe Biden's voice is "What an asshole"."

For me, it's "What an ass-canyon.".

Bob Boyd said...

Biden's expiration date has passed. His bulb is flickering. The cheese has slipped off his cracker. It's obvious.
This shouldn't be a red or blue issue.

Inga said...

“Wow. He didn't slur his words, we all have slurred hearing.”

“I heard red or blue issue, but it was fast and slurred.” Maybe you didn’t “hear” this part of what I said.

JaimeRoberto said...

Well, he's not wrong about that.

Bob Boyd said...

Biden speaks. A loon
Frozen, struggling, lies far from
The open water.

Bob Boyd said...

Joe stares. The dry wind
Has blown a cherry blossom
Into the river.

phantommut said...

That was the best take they could get? Jeez.

Original Mike said...

"“I heard red or blue issue, but it was fast and slurred.” Maybe you didn’t “hear” this part of what I said."

I read what you wrote. You either implied that Biden didn't slur his words, that it was our flawed hearing, or you chose to just ignore the point of the post.

Maynard said...

I really don't get the Biden criticism.

He is just a figurehead for whatever causes that will propel him forward, just as he always was.

He never understood those causes before. Why should he make sense at age 80?

Narayanan said...

Biden, and anyone else, must pass a cognitive ability test to serve in office.
I am sure according to Miranda ruling :
ignorance of USConstitution is armor against impeachment

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

with Trump - Trump will lose.

with someone else - we might have a chance. Why not go for the chance?

Nah - Trump and the Dems are fine handing it to crook Biden.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Joe Biden is an evil pile of shit. That so many people support him,.. big phat celebrity democrats from on high - support him - is sad. They support the evil that props him up.

walter said...

Biden/Fetty for..you, you know the thing!
That's it.
That's the ticket.

Drago said...

minnesota farm guy: " I hope that DeSantis and Kennedy and some others have the courage to fight against a rematch of the Trump/Biden fiasco. We deserve better than either of these two."

All you have to do is what you guys promised long ago: get someone who will more effectively deliver the Trump policies without the Trump drama and keep the populist republican voters on board while re-attracting the dem-adjacent white suburban women.

Be sure to let us know right away when you find this magical creature.

Drago said...

Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH): ""finish the job"... the march to full blown left-wing fascism - accelerated thru the old crook puppet."

He's getting lots of help from the GOPe which isn't surprising considering they share many of the same objectives.

walter said...

Team Juice quietly accelerates applications to less demanding government teat jobs.

Bunkypotatohead said...

I've noticed if I don't read or watch any news, nothing Joe Biden says or does has any bearing on my life.
Ignorance truly is bliss.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I watched the news early today - PBS news.
Everything is about Trump.
They smear him on every level - then promote him as a given for the R nominee.


mikee said...

Rush Limbaugh used to often play a clip of Teddy Kennedy, LION OF THE SENATE, descending into authentic northeastern gibberish at the end of some of his stemwinders. Maybe that's where Biden gets his speeking style. Blurgurnishmargle!


mikee said...

Rush Limbaugh used to often play a clip of Teddy Kennedy, LION OF THE SENATE, descending into authentic northeastern gibberish at the end of some of his stemwinders. Maybe that's where Biden gets his speeking style. Blargurntyishmarple!


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