April 24, 2023

Sunrise — 6:00, 6:07, 6:08.





Kay said...

Laser pointer off.
Laser pointer on.

rhhardin said...

My iPhone says my usage this week is down 87%, to 0 minutes a day. It seems to be less addictive than people are claiming.

tim in vermont said...

If you want an explanation of how the US caused the war in Ukraine, here is one that is crystal clear, by one of the United States pre-eminent "realist" thinkers on geo-strategic matters. He is not a shill of Putin, he is not a shill of China, he is an American tenured professor at the University of Chicago who speaks all over the world.


Of course if you have never read a history book, you may find it incredible that country A will do every thing it can to force country B to start a war that country A desperately wants to fight.

He has five rules, but the most important one is that it is impossible to predict the future intentions of a rival great power.

This means that you cannot allow a rival power to peacefully grow, because there is always the possibility that it will turn on you as soon as it acquires the capability. We provoked this war not because we thought that Russia was strong, and a threat to Europe, but because we thought that Russia was weak, and now was our chance.

It's accepted that England entered WWI against Germany because Germany had started to build a navy, meaning that at some future point, Germany could become a threat to England. It had nothing to do with Germany's current, at the time, intentions towards England. A similar calculus has informed out strategy towards Russia, except that Russia is a declining power, with terrible demographics, so war with them was not necessary.

gilbar said...

If only America had elected a caretaker president in 2020.
In the NBC poll voters disapproving of the job Mr. Biden is doing on the economy outnumber approvers by 20 percentage points. Is this because his economic policy has been too bland and moderate, or because his reckless spending ignited the biggest inflation bonfire in four decades? What American consumers have wanted more than anything in this era is predictable old price stability.
Mr. Biden will face a challenging re-election campaign in large part because he has not been the boring old non-radical guy that voters thought they were selecting..

So, Professor Althouse? how IS Boring working for You?

tim in vermont said...

What I should have pointed out is that a slavish devotion to the principle that no other power can be allowed to grow to rival the US creates an inevitable fixation on de facto world conquest. It's built in to the paradigm.

Narr said...

This morning I was at the bank cashing a check when a youth attacked the petite Asian teller, pushing her to the floor from her high stool as she counted and entered the night deposits.

I was literally endorsing the check when I heard a commotion/scuffle and a thud, followed by multi-point squeals from all the female staff and officers. I thought for a moment that a rat had jumped from a drawer or something the way they all carried on.

The robber grabbed as much as he could from the drawer and left through the front door, ran across Old Perkins and through the Sprouts Market parking lot, and then south of the building, eastward at last site.

The place was locked down while the police were called. They showed up pretty fast--it's the city's crossroads--and in mumbers. There were three or four cars and easily eight or nine cops at one time, taping off the parking lot etc.

I filled out a report for the bank, and was told to wait for the investigator. A lieutenant showed up and took reports from the cops and I then told him I was diabetic and had been on my way home. He apologized but said I had to wait for the investigators--"You're not one?"--and the bank people found me some sweets and I drank their coffee and water.

A while later two plainclothes detectives showed up.


Narr said...

One of the plainclothes guys was white. Until that moment, everyone involved except me and the little teller was B/black. All the bank employees and all the cops.

I repeated my statement for the detective's camera and described all I saw of the perp--skinny, very dark, in dark pants (others said jeans) and a white tee-shirt. I never saw his face or head clearly, and said no when asked if I thought I could identify him.

Then he showed me a printout with the faces of six young B/black men, and I knew none of them were dark enough and skinny enough and said so. Nobody saw a weapon or heard any specific threats--he came in, asked about seeing an officer, was asked to wait and lunged suddenly behind the desk. If I was a teller I'd demand a complete barrier--they have the worst of both worlds design: high portions of the counter that obscure vision, but nothing to prevent anyone from going behind it at will.

They finally let me go after a while--just short of an hour ending about 1155. When I got home ten minutes later my blood sugar was on the low side but not yet dangerously so.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Tucker spoke to a conservative group, after his last show, last Friday night.

About the changes going on and how people are seemingly going along to get along...

DINKY DAU 45 said...

Tomorrow Sleepy Joe,the hair sniffing, father of the laptop, old man, going to dementia and incumbent weekend at Bernie's guy goes against the 2x impeached,1 term, facing RICO charges soon in Georgia, more fraud in NY, espionage act in Florida, sexual abuse in NY ,old man in the next TOP CHEF contest IN 2024.The world waits (NOT)Maybe will have another Ross Perot event and pick among the triad! Yipee! But at least we'll have the Kentucky Derby 1st. and "I don't really care ,do you? floats thru the air from Melodys famous words printed on her raincoat. Yup, you get it all right in the good ole US of A. FORTE fades to 3rd after a ridiculous early pace.

gilbar said...

DNA ties Michigan businessman, 'avid golfer' to decades-old fairway rapes

That Life Long Liberal? You know? The rude person from Michigan? The one that was Always fantasizing about sexually assaulting people? (tittie twisting?)
Didn't HE, always claim to be a golfer? Just Asking

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Tucker was fired by big pharma.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr: "Fox fires @TuckerCarlson five days after he crosses the red line by acknowledging that the TV networks pushed a deadly and ineffective vaccine to please their Pharma advertisers. Carlson’s breathtakingly courageous April 19 monologue broke TV’s two biggest rules: Tucker told the truth about how greedy Pharma advertisers controlled TV news content and he lambasted obsequious newscasters for promoting jabs they knew to be lethal and worthless. For many years, Tucker has had the nation's biggest audience averaging 3.5 million — 10 times the size of CNN. Fox just demonstrated the terrifying power of Big Pharma."

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

It’s not a coincidence that Project Veritas founder was sacked after exposing…. Big Pharma.

Tucker meddled with a primal force of nature

Readering said...

Gilbar, keep asking, maybe you are on to something about golf. That guy going on trial in the morning in Judge Kaplan's courtroom in SDNY. The guy sued for defamation for denying he raped a woman. Isn't he almost a daily golfer? Will it keep him from jury selection?

Readering said...

Tim in Vermont: there are a lot more people in the US who believe we have appeased and allowed PRC to grow too powerful than believe we acted in fear of Russia growing powerful.

Big Mike said...

Tucker fired at Fox. Aaron Rodgers leaving Green Bay for New York The world turned upside down!

gadfly said...

Who is nasty enough to fill the eight o'clock news hour at Fox? Judge Jeanine Pirro cannot stay clear of box wine while doing live TV, so that leaves us with Jesse Waters . . . and "No, Jesse, [Jeanine] won't make the wine cold for you."

Kate said...

Amazing experience, Narr. Glad you're safe.

farmgirl said...

Narr, I 2nd Kate. It could have gone very wrong for all of you!!

In a world full of greed- 3new souls were baptized into the Catholic Faith Saturday night, at Mass. All related in the mixed-up American way ;0). We were the grandparents of 2- Aunt/Uncle of the 3rd and also her Godparents. It filled our aging/shrinking congregation w/Hope. An ancient traditional rite.

A sacrament.
A Covenant.

wendybar said...

This Is Fine.

Our enemies told us;

If you love your country, you're a Nazi.
if you love your family, you're a Nazi.
if you love peace, you're a Nazi.
if you love your people, you're a Nazi.
if you love order, you're a Nazi.
if you love justice, you're a Nazi.
if you love traditions, you're a Nazi.
if you love family values, you're a Nazi.
if you love financial independence, you're a Nazi.
if you love a functional civilization, you're a Nazi.

Obviously, Nazi means "good person".

wendybar said...

The regime’s love for Ray Epps is the strangest thing

100s of peaceful protestors have been arrested & called “insurrectionists”

An unarmed female Veteran was shot dead & some say “she deserved it”

But the guy yelling to go into the Capitol multiple times on video?


Humperdink said...

My spouse's aunt died a few days, viewing at the funeral home was last night. A visiting relative from Tennessee asked how in the world was Fetterman elected? Mail-in ballots, the gift that keeps on giving.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Napolitano on Fox...

"They just lost Babe Ruth".

Humperdink said...

I dumped DISH and switched to FUBO to save money. It seemed I only watched the regional sports network (AT&T Sports Net) and Fox News, so why not. Now it appears my regional sports network is teetering on the financial brink and Fox News canned my favorite host. I'll be saving more money.

MadisonMan said...

@Narr, I'm glad to read the unexciting denouement of your exciting story. I wonder how I would react in a similar situation. I don't think I correctly imagine how quickly things start and end.

wendybar said...

SEGREGATION NOW!!! SEGREGATION NOW!! Why is Progressivism so regressive?? They want to keep their followers on the Democrat plantation. Ignorance is bliss, and Americans are getting more and more ignorant every day.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Credit where it's due...
Judge lets 'em off EASY.

Narr said...

Thanks for the comments, yall. I should specify that I was at another teller about eight feet from the crime, and that the whole thing took about 15 seconds from lunge to escape. I think the assaulted teller must have pressed a button because every employee in the place was up and shouting at once, and I was standing in the middle of it trying to figure out what was going on.

I was quite calm, but might not have been if I had seen a gun or knife.

Narr said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Doug said...

Release the Audrey Hale manifesto NOW!