४ एप्रिल, २०२३

This sentence conflates too much.

Let me screenshot this little squib from the upper left corner of the NYT website:

Clicking on that doesn't get me to more context, but I'll trust the reporting that Trump's legal team is presenting a wider perspective in which all 3 criminal matters merge into one story of politically motivated persecution. But Thrush puts too many things in one sentence: 1. By using the word "wants," he makes an assertion about the inside of the lawyers' head, 2. By using the word "conflate," he's inserting his own opinion. The lawyers don't want to "conflate"!

If you're reading their mind, you should say they want to convey the view that these 3 things really are parts of a single phenomenon. Maybe they even believe that is the case. 

I think Thrush is telling us what he wants — what his "team" wants. The Trump antagonist team wants to portray Trump's legal team as conflating what are in fact 3 separate cases, each arising out of a distinct set of facts and subject to proceedings undertaken by prosecutors within our system of the rule of law. 

२९ टिप्पण्या:

Chuck म्हणाले...

This may be the most oddly indecipherable blog post in the history of your blog.

I think that Glenn Thrush's bland little point makes sense just as he wrote it. And that your stated view isn't much different from Glenn Thrush's.

Quayle म्हणाले...

"...with the continuing Georgia and Justice Department investigations..."

Were I Trump's lawyers, I wouldn't be limiting my assertions to the continuing investigations. I would be adding in all the prior investigations that turned up nothing.

Iman म्हणाले...

I should’ve known that Thrush would be a bald-headed mook. What a cypher.

Saint Croix म्हणाले...

The public will do this for sure, regardless of what the reporters say.

The first prosecution (Bragg) is flimsy and a joke. It will discredit further prosecutions.

It's obvious that they're going after Trump.

I like when people talk about "Soros prosecutors" and I wonder how many of these fit under that rubric. Soros is the dark money behind this shit.

Mike (MJB Wolf) म्हणाले...

"This is fine. This is normal." Uh huh. I picture Thrush surrounded by flames drinking hus coffee saying that. The NYT is just one meme after another lately.

farmgirl म्हणाले...

I’d say conflation began in 2015.

I’d always thought the word conflate meant to unfairly compare and by confusing the least problematic situation w/&/or above the most important, thus diminishing the issue- to switch up and confuse. I am always learning.

Great job of catching the criminal in the act, Dems.

America 1st.

Temujin म्हणाले...

How, in any way, is Alvin Bragg's case against Trump anything other than an attempted political beheading? Bragg spends his hours refusing to prosecute criminals daily in New York. But takes this on, uses the peoples time and money to 'nail' Trump for paying off his mistress? How is this even happening in the USA?

Well...there is no way this results in anything that is good for anyone, except Russia and most assuredly, China.

Narayanan म्हणाले...

what are in fact 3 separate cases, each arising out of a distinct set of facts and subject to proceedings undertaken by prosecutors within our system of the rule of law.
when the main question: is there a "/one/ our system" >> that would be a major conflation and wishful witless

DINKY DAU 45 म्हणाले...

The four investigations
There are four known government-run investigations into Trump or his business.
On the national level. The Department of Justice has appointed a special counsel to look into two broad areas: the classified documents found at his Florida estate Mar-a-Lago and efforts to interfere with the 2020 election.(Obstruction etc)
In New York state. The New York attorney general is behind a civil lawsuit alleging the Trump Organization lied to lenders and insurers about its assets.(CEO ALREADY SERVING TIME FOR FELONY CHARGES Trump Organization Crime fraud)
In Georgia. The district attorney in Fulton County, Georgia, is considering charges surrounding efforts by the former president and his allies to overturn the 2020 election there.
In New York City. The Manhattan district attorney has been working with a grand jury on whether Trump hid payments that were hush money to silence Stephanie Clifford, aka Stormy Daniels, about an alleged affair with Trump.
Trump has repeatedly and vociferously denied wrongdoing in all of these cases. He has alleged prosecutors have open political bias against him, and that he is being targeted by left-leaning officials.
What are possible charges?
Accounting fraud. According to The New York Times, the charges may include falsifying records, a violation of the New York Penal Law. The idea is that the payments to Clifford were falsely written as something else in the books of the Trump Organization, and Trump knew, “with intent to defraud.” That offense is often a misdemeanor. However, it can be elevated to a felony if the fraud is covering up other, serious criminal activity.
Campaign finance charges. There could also be charges that the payment was a hidden campaign activity, because it was intended to help Trump as a then-candidate for president.
The Georgia election case
What is this case about? Whether Trump interfered with, including if he tried to overturn, the 2020 election results in Georgia. This case includes the January 2021 call from Trump to Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, in which Trump repeatedly said he needed 11,000 more votes.
What are possible charges? There is a wide range of potential charges here, and some may not be clear yet. A member of the grand jury convened for this case told the Atlanta Journal Constitution that the group recommended multiple indictments.
They could include:
Election violations. These include, per the Washington Post, soliciting others to commit election fraud, as well as conspiracy to commit election fraud and interference with an election.
Racketeering. This charge — essentially that an organized criminal enterprise is operating to break the law — would be among the most serious in terms of potential prison time. It is among those Willis laid out in her initial announcement of this probe.
Threatening public officials. In her initial announcement, Willis also indicated she was looking into any threats to public officials from Trump or as a result of his actions.
No perjury charge for Trump. While most of the grand jury’s final report remains secret, a portion was made public. In it, the grand jury stated a belief that one or more witnesses lied to them, committing perjury. However, Trump himself did not testify before this jury.Any perjury charges would be leveled at someone else.11 of trumps admin and associates already charged with felonies.(Manfort,Stone,Flynn,Bannon etc) Cases by far not all the same

hombre म्हणाले...

Given the reported circumstances of the cases there is a strong likelihood that they are political, particularly in Georgia and New York.

The documents case may involve procedural crimes, but Hillary, Biden and Pence do not seem to be in jeopardy for similar conduct.

n.n म्हणाले...

I think he has the thrush (sic) of the matter, but overlooks more than seven years of political consensus in the glen, where Pelosi and Schumer fell down, broke their crown, her mallet, and demos-cracy came tumbling after.

tim maguire म्हणाले...

Shorter New York Times: Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

iowan2 म्हणाले...

All the cases have the same denominator.

Braggs persecution was examined and turned away by the DoJ, the FEC, and The lower district of Manhattan, by Bragg himself.

The Georgia case is based on Trump asking Georgia to look at counted ballots that, by law, failed to qualify as legal. If this goes to trial, Trump is going to ask for all the chain of custody proof, and all the signature verification proof. I think I read the absentee ballots signature envelopes have been destroyed in violation of retention laws.

MAL is nothing but a document negotiation, that was on going when Garland decided to raid the ex-Presidents home. The PRA is a violation of separation of powers. That is why every President negotiates and the National Archives gives up eventually. Putting the PRA in front of a judge to get a ruling, will get appealed to SCOTUS which will follow the Constitution.
There were/are zero classified documents at MAL.

All of these would have never been investigated for any other ex President.

Rollo म्हणाले...

"Little sqib" pretty much describes everybody at the New York Times.

Darkisland म्हणाले...

The idea is that the payments to Clifford were falsely written as something else in the books of the Trump Organization, and Trump knew, “with intent to defraud.”

Who was he attempting to defraud, Dinky?

He had no partners in that account. He did not claim it on taxes.

If I make a payment to a lawyer, it seems I would be entitled to call it a "legal expense". If I had made the payment to a plumber and called it a legal expense I would be on much shakier ground.

John Henry

Kevin म्हणाले...

Isn't this what the Democrats feared all along?

That the overtly-politicized prosecution in NY would only serve to highlight the overtly-politicized prosecutions elsewhere?

Kevin म्हणाले...

Does he conflate himself?

Very well then he conflates himself.

He is large, he contains multitudes.

Mike (MJB Wolf) म्हणाले...

Nice summary Iowan2. The first impeachment was based on a hoax and lying FBI ahents (still unpunished). The second impeachment was after he left office so not legal anyway, as well as being based on a lie about his phone call.

ZERO convictions now Dinky. Zero convictions forever!

Static Ping म्हणाले...

When your side engages in obvious misconduct, it does tend to taint everything you are doing.

rcocean म्हणाले...

oooh, we mustn't conflate. we must be serious and never say anything without firm, hard, evidence.

When it hurts the Left. Or the Democrats.

Otherwise, its A-OK to speculate, interpet, use anonymous sources, go off with unproven assumptions, and just plain fucking lie.

Except. Not when it hurts the Left. then we must be very, very careful.

wendybar म्हणाले...

This is what a Banana Republic looks like....


Michael K म्हणाले...

Dinky has nicely summarized the left's nonsense cases. Thanks a bunch.

Drago म्हणाले...

LLR-democratical and Violent Homosexual Rape Fantasist Chuck: "This may be the most oddly indecipherable blog post in the history of your blog."


LLR-democratical Chuck does not respond well to any criticism of his beloved legacy media leftists.

Christopher B म्हणाले...

"Boy who cried wolf fights charges of stealing sheep" - Babylon Bee

Saint Croix म्हणाले...


Be sure to use ALL CAPS when you tell the jury that all of these TRUMP PROSECUTIONS are all different.

Different from what? That clown circus of a televised Trump prosecution that the House did for two years or some damn thing?

(I didn't watch that show, nobody did, boring!)

Technically my mom (not a lawyer) watched that show, religiously, on MSNBC, right after Morning Joe, she loves Mika and the guy who used to be a Republican, whathisname. Anyway, after two years of that shit, not to mention the four years of constant anti-Trump media blitz, my poor mom has been subject to six years of virulent Trump hatred on her lovely MSNBC show. And my mom is an honest woman, so if she had to sit in a jury and the attorney asked her, "What do you think of Donald Trump as a president?" She will speak her mind. (And be off the jury).

I don't know how to break it to the liberals in the room, but unlike the TV networks, the American judicial system is not wall-to-wall liberal hacks. There are some liberals with principles in the American judicial system. And if that's not enough, there are a heck of a lot of conservatives with principles. And conservative hacks!

Your goal -- and we all know what you're trying to do -- is to keep Donald Trump out of the White House in 2024. That's your obsession. It's driving you mad. You're not trying to get him convicted of anything. That's why this Bragg complete fucking joke of a prosecution doesn't embarrass anybody on the left, apparently. Your vile Trump hatred (6 years of it now!) has rotted your brains out.

What all of these prosecutions have in common, numbnuts, is Trump. You want to pretend like Trump is so evil that four separate criminal investigations have proven it? Why not have 79 prosecutors file charges! It's the Bill Cosby move, and what started to be the Brett Kavanaugh move. Just keep piling on, piling on, piling on, playing "Kill the Man with the Ball" and hope that the sheer number of prosecutions will make people think "where there's smoke, there's fire."

But what more and more people will think is that the Trump attackers are worse than Trump.

I dare anyone on the left to say something nice about Trump. I double-dare you!

(hints: Iraq war, pretty normal kids, vanilla ice cream, professional wrestling, wanted to bring Al Sharpton to the Republican convention, I could do this all day, he's not the anti-Christ and y'all need to lighten the fuck up)

Left Bank of the Charles म्हणाले...

Althouse wants you to conflate what Thrush thinks Trump’s lawyers want with what Thrush and other Trump antagonists want. Or am I conflating what Althouse wants?

Drago म्हणाले...

Left Bank of the Charles: "Althouse wants you to conflate what Thrush thinks Trump’s lawyers want with what Thrush and other Trump antagonists want. Or am I conflating what Althouse wants?"


You know, you didn't really have to write that down and hit "Publish Your Comment". You really didn't.

MikeR म्हणाले...


gadfly म्हणाले...

Trump told the truth last night when he said at his typically bad political rally that his son Barron was tall.

Sadly, Trump's lawyers were bending the truth declaring that Trump was really upset and selling the idea that Bragg didn't have a case when they haven't yet talked to a single witness and may not until December.

One thing is certain, Donny will not testify in court at this trial nor at every other court trial appearance because he lies under oath. period.amen.

So keep those nickles and dimes a-comin', children.