३ एप्रिल, २०२३

The forest floor in early spring.

IMG_0735 2

३१ टिप्पण्या:

Gusty Winds म्हणाले...

The mugshot tomorrow, right? Wow. I knew this was the trajectory, but it's hard to believe we're here.

You know why they hate Trump and the MAGA movement so much? Because it's big. And it elected a President by surprise in 2016. They had to cheat to take it away in 2020. Use a pandemic and a summer of racial riots as a backdrop.

Milwaukee DA John Chisolm (Soros guy) hounded Scott Walker and his donors with John Doe 1 & 2. Didn't indict Walker but was trying to. Harassed his supporters. The Left and Democrats use lawfare. Crazy to see. Hard to believe.

That was like ten years ago...but this is the trajectory we've been on...

Gusty Winds म्हणाले...

Trump is being indicted because he started the MAGA movement. And he won. Depending on the pole, he's got a 10 to 30 pt lead over DeSantis, who I think is a good guy.

Trump is being arrested because he and his supporters don't go along with the plan.

He's respecting the "rule of law", even though he and everybody else know it a political hit job. He got on his Trump plane and flew home to NYC, and is showing up to be arraigned.

Do you think the NYC Judge will gag him? Will Trump obey that order?

This is HUGE. It's crazy...

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

There was a theme today.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Report: Manhattan Judge to Put ‘Gag Order’ on Donald Trump.

n.n म्हणाले...

Snow-covered with a chance of snow.

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

"As long as the roots are not severed, all is well. And all will be well in the garden. In the garden, growth has it seasons. First comes spring and summer, but then we have fall and winter. And then we get spring and summer again."

President Joe Biden.

Narr म्हणाले...

An early lid on posts and comments, due to some anniversary woo?

You kids. Enjoy your break.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

I got to get me a dashcam.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

Must see TV - part 1

Part 2.

rehajm म्हणाले...

While you were sleeping in then blabbing about the latest whatever Biden did today Twitter has continued to lock out accounts if conservative journalists. The tsunami of undesirable information seems too be overwhelming the censors as more of the lesders of the government industrial complex coordinating censorship are being exposed…

boatbuilder म्हणाले...

Old and Slow: In response to your question on the earlier open thread, I am an amateur (very amateur) boatbuilder. My day job is lawyer. Boatbuilding is therapy.

I have built several small boats. I was just finishing up a 16" San Juan Dory skiff and was quite proud of myself when I first started commenting on Tom Maguire's Just One Minute Blog, and chose "boatbuilder" as my moniker (quite a while ago!)

I am thinking that I will probably build another boat when I retire (soon I am thinking).

In terms of trying to figure out what to build, it is indeed intimidating--all boats are tradeoffs--speed, comfort, portability, cost, sail, power, oars, etc.

I would suggest a subscription to WoodenBoat magazine, either paper or online--they do a wonderful job showcasing the wide variety of boats you can build, and the pluses and minuses, and they have all sorts of articles on tools, techniques, etc. They have serial pieces showing how to build various craft, with photos showing the process as the boat takes shape (I built my first boat, a 13 foot Beach Pea double-ender, from their articles and plans--which you can buy from them). Also lots of "boatcake"--beautiful boats built by people who know what they are doing--for us amateurs to envy and admire.

If you have time and patience, like to work with wood, and enjoy the process as much as the product, it is a wonderfully satisfying pursuit. (If you are trying to save money, forget about it, unless you place absolutely no value on your time--you are better off buying a boat built by a pro). And there's nothing like that first time the keel hits the water.

What sort of boat are you thinking about (sail, power, row)? Something you can trailer or keep in the water? Best of luck, and let me know if I can help.

You can never have too many boats, no matter what your wife says.

gilbar म्हणाले...

Nebraska’s Legislative Session Is Tangled Up in Transgender Rights Fight
State senator behind filibuster helps launch political-action committee called Don’t Legislate Hate, which will support lawmakers nationwide who are opposed to legislation they say aims to marginalize members of the LGBTQ commun
The ACLU says the bans are discriminatory and violate the equal-protection clause under the 14th Amendment. “It’s a concentrated effort to dim the possibilities that young trans people see for their own future,” Ms. Branstetter a spokeswoman for the organization said.

Apparently, You are now required.. BY THE CONSTITUTION.. To chop off your children's sex organs

gilbar म्हणाले...

New Testimony Confirms Ballot Tampering in Maricopa’s 2022 Election

Dave Begley म्हणाले...

Creighton beat Connecticut once this year. Congrats to UConn and coach Dan Hurley. Great team.

Last Final Four for Jim Nantz. Goodbye, friend.

Rt41Rebel म्हणाले...

Do you want to know how stupid the Trump haters are? The chatter I'm reading is that they are seriously distraught that there may not be a mugshot. Do they not know how many millions that Trump will raise with a mugshot? Do they not know how Trump will use a mugshot to propel his campaign ads?

I'm pro-Trump, and I'll be really pissed off if there is no mugshot.

DINKY DAU 45 म्हणाले...

Tomorrow 7:30 am sharp vote in Wisconsin to halt the insanity Janet Prosa"the wits"I''ll be laying 3.5-1 on the Witz to chase away that Kelly dude' that whole group are ill. 😞

Mutaman म्हणाले...

Dave Begley said...

"Creighton beat Connecticut once this year."

So what? Marquette beat Connecticut twice this year. Beat Creighton twice too.

gadfly म्हणाले...

Gusty Winds said...
Trump is being indicted because he started the MAGA movement. And he won. Depending on the pole (sic), he's got a 10 to 30 pt lead over DeSantis, who I think is a good guy.

Trump is being arrested because he and his supporters don't go along with the plan.

He's respecting the "rule of law", even though he and everybody else know it a political hit job. He got on his Trump plane and flew home to NYC, and is showing up to be arraigned.

Do you think the NYC Judge will gag him? Will Trump obey that order?

This is HUGE. It's crazy.

Trump will be convicted of most of the 34 counts that he is being charged with by the Manhattan Prosecutor - the same counts that put his chief accountant, and his former legal fixer behind bars. The Trump Organization and its CPAs were also convicted of cheating on taxes in New York. In case you haven't noticed, a single judge, who used to work as a real estate auditor, did all this dirty work against Trump the crook.

April rain brings May flowers when Betty Jean Carroll's lawsuit hits the fan as well. Trump will lie to the court and quickly lose this civil case. 425 Fifth Amendment pleas will do him in, for sure.

BUMBLE BEE म्हणाले...

Good Dog!


Humperdink म्हणाले...

60 minutes did a highly edited interview with my senator John Fetterman (D-Disoriented) over the weekend. The money quote for me was Fetterman stating his indifference as to whether he lived or died. Just the person we need voting on national security issues.

Humperdink म्हणाले...

I watched the Canadian sandwich sign guy get assaulted by a trans guy, dressed as a woman. The video showed the crowd surrounding the lone protestor. His sign said children cannot vote on puberty blockers. The crowd shouted profanities and got closer and closer. You can see the rage building in the long-haired blond guy/lady. He/she finally erupted and assaulted the lone guy. Did I say "lone"? Why yes I did. These people are violent. Am I generalizing? Yes I am. They clearly have mental issues.

The video: https://twitter.com/i/status/1642024373484912642

The cops smirked and said he brought it on himself.


Humperdink म्हणाले...

Watched a financial analyst this morning talking about the employment situation in the US. He said the following (paraphrasing): "Companies can't find truckdrivers at $90K /year, but can hire all the MBA's they want at $60K".

Big Mike म्हणाले...

Milwaukee DA John Chisolm (Soros guy) hounded Scott Walker and his donors with John Doe 1 & 2.

Do not forget that John Chisholm graduated from the Wisconsin Law School in 1994. He was taught how to do lawfare by Althouse and/or her colleagues.

farmgirl म्हणाले...

I can’t wait til little sprouts and such pop up: it hasn’t been quite warm enough yet for that here- yet. Maybe this week!!

Rusty म्हणाले...

Manufacturing has been down for the last three years. That being the case so are manufacturing jobs. At least under Trump the economy and the jobs it creates were roaring along.
Why does the left hate the working class so much?

Curious George म्हणाले...

"Last Final Four for Jim Nantz. Goodbye, friend."

Oh god, the guys a pompous 'bag. He gives his tie to the winning team like that's some kind of prized possession and tradition.

Good riddance.

Old and slow म्हणाले...

Boatbuilder: thanks for the response. Ever since I have been looking online at boats and considering building one, I have been getting pitched ads for Boatbuilder magazine. I'll take a closer look at them now. I'm interested in a sliding seat rowing boat with watertight bulkheads and a fair bit of storage. Something that would be suitable for moderately rough coastal waters. I'd rather not drown. I've been looking at the rowcruiser (actually has a small berth) and the expedition rower. Both available as plans or kits. There is a French company that makes a row/sail boat with a small cabin, but it is quite pricey. Surprisingly, the cheapest way to get a boat of this general description would be to buy an older ocean rowing boat (designed for ocean crossings). I see some listed for 10,000 to 15,000 pounds sterling. It's just more boat than I really want.

Dave Begley म्हणाले...


I had the Marquette Warriors winning it all.

Saint Croix म्हणाले...

this mini-doc is amazing

I wasn't paying much attention to the fight over Speaker

but now I am pulling for the 20.


walter म्हणाले...

To all Wisconsinites and friends of, push pull or drag eligible sane voters to the polls today.
For Kelly (Determinative WI SCOTUS seat), for the state referenda items.
For friends of Wisconsites, the weather is crappy and the NYC televised circus may depress day of turnout, which hurts Kelly
Even If you care about only 2024, this seat is crucial in this swing state for voter id, maps, drop boxes etc

Big Mike म्हणाले...

@Mutaman,@Dave Begley, I suspect that any of the top four teams in the Big East could have gone all the way.