२५ एप्रिल, २०२३
"Members of an 'autonomous movement' called Tyre Extinguishers said they recently 'disarmed' 43 SUVs in 'one of the wealthiest areas' of Boston by letting the air out of the tires..."
"... The point of this extremely annoying if generally harmless act, according to the website of the Tyre Extinguishers, is to get people to ditch their SUVs for transportation that’s less harmful to people and the planet, like public transit or smaller cars.... The group doesn’t claim central leadership, stating that anyone 'can create your own tyre-extinguishing group,' but the spelling of 'tyre' instead of 'tire' betrays its U.K. origins...."
१०१ टिप्पण्या:
"Generally Harmless" is that like "Mostly Peaceful"?
It's funny, because the people driving SUVs in Boston are almost certainly big liberals. "Comme Saturne . . . ."
The founder of extinction rebellion (Dr. Gail Bradbrook) was just spotted doing the exact opposite of everything her organization terrorizes people to believe. What do you think are the chances these losers grew up in Arlington, drive Teslas, and have a trust fund?
Make no mistake, these are ALWAYS top-down enterprises, timed and coordinated for maximum press coverage. Sometimes paid for by your tax dollars for maximum delight...oh, and they will NEVER catch the perpetrators, but somehow the press managed to acquire a few anonymous photos during the act. Fuckers...
The whole SUV thing has always been stupid. Seven people sharing fuel is more virtuous than one Prius driver. How far do you drive the rig in a day/week/month? Doesn't matter to these rubes. I lived in Back Bay for seventeen years and walked everywhere. No virtue trophy for me...LA rules take precedent...everywhere. LA wouldn't be caught dead walking anywhere except the valet stand...
So what you're saying is, to save the planet, you have caused 43 rich people to call 43 tow trucks to come out to their 43 houses and re-inflate their SUV tires. I mean tyres.
Nice job, Limeys.
John Kerry lives in Louisberg Square. Did they hit his rig? It's the one in the parking space he created by getting the fire hydrant moved around the corner...
The successful brainwashing of the Global Warming / Carbon lie is amazing. Funny that these liberal "environmentalists" live in packed cities which are probably the biggest contributors to their carbon pollution fantasies.
How do you get to the point in your life where you think letting air out of someone's tires is some sort of accomplishment or virtue. Must have learned it in college.
I've stopped feeling bad for liberals who live in metropolitan liberal areas. They get what they have asked for. Please leave the rest of us living in peaceful sane communities alone. Thank you.
Back in 2003 the activists burned up a bunch of Hummers:
I wonder how the Tyre Extinguishers move from one venue to another. Walking? Bicycles? Because it certainly couldn't be by car. Or plane. Or train. Those things pollute.
This will end in one of three ways:
A. It was a one shot publicity stunt and has already ended.
B. Cops arrest people.
C. Violence.
generally harmless act,
For Your Average Person.. say, a retired Professor Emeritus in Madison Wisc...
How much would it cost that person in time/money to get the tires inflated?
Personally, gilbar keeps a air compressor in his car.
Back when gilbar used to let air out of tires*, he'd take the valve stem from each tire as an added benefit
when gilbar used to let air out of tires* IF gilbar ever actually did this..
a) it was Well past the statue of limitations
b) it was BAD! and Wrong!! and no one should do these things, because that would be mean
c) you could NEVER prove that gilbar did it, so stop trying
The point is to use to physical means to push through an agenda that doesn't have political support. Terrorism is an applicable tag.
Hang them. BECAUSE they are progressives, they get away with this shit.
Well that's annoying. I love that the act is "generally harmless" as if deliberately stranding someone and their property is "generally harmless"
Please, tell me more about how a woman alone stranded at night with her tires left flat feels in that moment that it was "generally harmless."
I would argue that this is illegal and that such acts should result in fines and potential jail time.
So otherwise perfectly good tires with lots of tread life left on them must instead be sent to landfills while greenhouse gases are generated by the ton to make otherwise unnecessary replacement tires. These guys don’t think about consequences to the environment, do they?
And actually I’m perfectly certain that they don’t give a crap about the environment. “Environmental* activism” is just a fig leaf that lets them get away with their desire to break thins and burn it all down, to the applause of the lefties.
* Yes, they put the “mental” in environmentalism.
Why not do this to EVs?
The amount of minerals that need to be mined for an EV is a big, big number and uses lots of diesel fuel to extract. And, of course, kids in the Congo mine for cobalt.
And if this doesn't convince you, a concentration camp or some other violent act will be next. If you do not bend the knee to our religion, we will put you on the rack.
I'd like to create my own group to extinguish some Tyre Extinguishers. I've known people like this; they'll come for my Hinda Civic in due time.
I'm sure they'd have no objection if I found out where they lived and fucked with their stuff, right? I would explain why I did it in my mission statement.
Good to know about these folks. Unfortunately they hide among us and there is no central office to which to direct the prosecution which is desperately needed. I wonder if the authorities will stir themselves to investigate? I think they’re fully booked with the tangled forensics of noose-shaped garage door-pulls and the mental anguish suffered by the trans community when anyone offers even mild objections.
If these vandals want to persist in this activity, they should expect to be brained with a tire iron or just run over and left for dead. Not that I would ever advocate such measures, but my modest studies into human nature suggest that this is a classic FAFO case.
"The group doesn’t claim central leadership..."
Yeah, right.
Nothing like a little vandalism to get people to join your cause. A sure fire winner!!!
Pretty soon, Boston will be suing tire manufacturers for making tires which are too easy to slash.
Annoying act? So you’re rushing to get to the hospital and … four flat tyres. Or you’re on your way out to the big night on the town with your $300 concert tickets in your pocket and … four flat tyres. Or you’re just going to dash out to grab a bite to eat and … four flat tyres.
You know what else is annoying? The 2nd Amendment .
Were the tires deflated?One report I saw said slashed.Another aprroved.act of violence and vandalism.by eco terrorists?Maybe we need a seal.of approval for that?
"Boy, I wish I could've caught him doing it. I'd have given anything to catch that asshole doing it. It'd been worth him doing it just so I could've caught him doing it."
- Vincent Vega (Pulp Fiction)
"(G)enerally harmless" is nonsense. It greatly inconveniences people, which in some cases can mean missed planes, missed interviews and other appointments, etc. It also adds to the general sense of anomie building in society, which is unlikely to end well. And it serves no purpose other than to gratify the juvenile egos of the perpetrators.
"(G)enerally harmless" is nonsense. It greatly inconveniences people, which in some cases can mean missed planes, missed interviews and other appointments, etc. It also adds to the general sense of anomie building in society, which is unlikely to end well. And it serves no purpose other than to gratify the juvenile egos of the perpetrators.
"The point of this extremely annoying if generally harmless act..."
If you have to be an asshole to make your point...
Two items:
First, rather interesting that a photographer just happened to be there to get that picture. Getting the news or making the news?
Second, if someone crashes due to underinflated tires or cannot get to a critical appointment due to underinflated tires who gets sued / arrested? None of this cutesy "disarmed" phrasing as they used. These are criminal acts that could have real life consequences to the victims.
Blogger Dave Begley said...
Why not do this to EVs?
Logic and knowledge are not their strong suit. These are the children of wealthy or upper middle class parents who never taught them anything useful. Probably Humanities majors in college.
I would say "That kind of thing will anger people and hurt their movement," but it never does, does it?
Block traffic, set fires, riot, loot...has it ever caused a setback for the progressive movement? Not that I can recall. They have immense power.
I would say "That kind of thing will anger people and hurt their movement," but it never does, does it?
Block traffic, set fires, riot, loot...has it ever caused a setback for the progressive movement? Not that I can recall. They have immense power.
Given the spelling: They flew on jetliners from Europe to Boston to deflate tyres, seems like a big carbon impact.
In any case, the fat cats who live on Beacon Hill probably don't use their SUVs for local errands, driving around there is slower than walking. Those SUVs are to get to the country place on weekends and I'm pretty sure that's not close to any T stop.
Since they hit streets, just set up a response of rolling in a giant diesel compressor in the AM with multiple hoses to reinflate the tires.
Or on a personal level invest in
MORRFlate Multi Tire Inflation & Deflation™ Kits
All 4 tires reinflated at once at the speed of your air source.
Also, compressing gas is very energy inefficient. So by letting the air out of the tire, all that old stored energy, and requiring the owners to capture and store more energy is not very environmentally friendly.
they are evil, consequences are not in their wheelhouse,
I bet they don't skip those flights to comp lit conferences. And since they spell tire as tyre, how exactly did they get here from Britain? Swim?
They aren't leaderless; they aren't autonomous: they are part of a very well organized international movement. Why don't reporters report?
It is all fun and games until one of them gets shot, which I hope is soon.
With the unpopular antics that make up their repertoire, they really shouldn't put suggestive words in their name.
I have to admit that if one of these assholes got shot dead doing this, I would think that was a bit of an overreaction and had to be prosecuted.
On the other hand, if (hypothetically) a big dog lying in wait in his master's front yard guarding the SUV all night were to catch one of these morons in the act, bite him repeatedly, and leave him scarred for life, I would laugh and laugh and laugh and maybe even toast the dog with a fancy cocktail. Whether that makes me a bad person or not would be a good question for a formal debate.
Look what $2 a day gets ya...
Think they're humming spirituals?
Yes, it is stupid and obnoxious. No, it doesn't warrant hanging or indicate the incipient arrival of concentration camps. The young are ignorant and energetic, what the fuck else is new? Coming here and reading comments makes me feel youthful and idealistic. Thanks guys!
More communists.
Maybe a few need to be treated to the business end of a baseball bat.
Chicken Little lives and multiplies. Normals beware.
Calls to mind a phrase from the past...
"Arbeit Macht Frei".
btw, HolyTeamGreen, your bicycle tires are likely synthetic - all the best-performing bike tires are - made from crude oil.
In other words, Obey! Do as I say.
If it was actually harmless, they wouldn't be doing it.
Let them try this in gun totting Georgia. Start with Ford 250s assholes.
sean 8:52 - Agreed.
rehajm 8:55 - Agreed.
tim maguire 8:55 - Agreed.
TreeJoe 9:15 - Agreed.
Big Mike 9:15 - That's incorrect, isn't it? Were they puncturing tires, or were they unscrewing the valve stems?
Dave Begley 9:17 - Agreed. This is my favorite comment and my inspiration for this post. We could add; why pick on a new-model SUV that might get 32 mpg, versus an old-model Corolla that gets 33 mpg?
This was some tasty catnip, Althouse.
As soon as I realized that the linked article wasn't paywalled, I read it.
Big Mike; it is plainly indicated that the tires were not punctured. I am aware of no reason why good tires could not be reinflated. I presume that nothing went to any landfill.
And if you go to the Tyre Extinguishers' website which is linked in the article, you'll see that these urchins don't even bother with the proper tools* to remove the valve stem. They just remove the valve stem cover (conveniently letting you know which way to turn, to unscrew it) and stick a pebble or a lentil or some other debris in to open the valve.
*To all environmental extremists: you can support the Althouse blog while you engage in your illegal activities by purchasing your Slime 20088 Valve Tool through the Althouse Amazon Portal linked on the blog's home page.
My first reaction is to condemn this behavior, but I am in a position where I can throw no stones.
One year my parents were helping move into university housing at USC. It was an off campus apartment owned by USC, and there was a graduate student, a "resident assistant" who was in charge of the building. He was extremely rude to my parents. So for the next four years (he went for a Master's and a PH.d) at least once a week, I would find his car and let the air out of at least one of his tires, often all four. he tried to hide his car in various lots for three years, but I always found it. The fourth year he bought a second car, and I did it to both cars. He confronted me twice about it, but I played the whole "who me?" routine.
Petty I know, but I'm ashamed to admit I found it extremely satisfying.
"... The point of this extremely annoying if generally harmless act,..."
Harmless? People depend on their transportation. What if an emergency situation arises and you find that some activist who understands nothing about science or economics has deflated your tires to make some ill-thought-out point? If the result of delay was some physical damage or death, could the activist be charged as an accessory to a crime?
In my neck of the woods people would get shot pulling stunts like this. Just saying. Of course one is unlikely to find "Tyre Extinguishers"-type people out here in the relative boondocks.
Garmin 010-02504-00 Dash Cam Mini 2 ...
The Parking Guard feature (requires constant power and an active connection with Wi-Fi technology; access via the Garmin Drive app on your compatible smartphone) monitors activity around your parked vehicle and alerts if an incident is detected
Access the camera remotely for Live View monitoring (requires constant power and an active connection with Wi-Fi technology; access via the Garmin Drive app on your compatible smartphone) when you’re away from your parked car.
Forewarned is Forearmed.
"As the loons fly northward ..."
Keep in mind that these people from Tyre Extinguisher are much better than you.
Generally harmless .... unless someone has a medical emergency, or to pick someone up after work, or a funeral with which to go. It's a real hoot to impose your values on someone.
How much would it cost that person in time/money to get the tires inflated?
Replacing those tires/tyres will mean buying at least 2 tires, if not all 4. I had to replace my tires on my RAV4 with 50% tread left because of a nail puncture to close to a previous puncture. Not repairable. Replacing only 2 of those tires was not sensible because of the resulting tread differences between left and right sides.
Four new tires at Costco were about $900 with the Costco tire discount. I got credit for the 50% tread left, so total cost with tax was only about $500.
If you had to get the airport, a dialysis appointment or pick your child up at daycare, all this would hardly be "harmless".
If you had to get the airport, a dialysis appointment or pick your child up at daycare, all this would hardly be "harmless".
If you had to get the airport, a dialysis appointment or pick your child up at daycare, all this would hardly be "harmless".
SUV driving Progressives experiencing the ire of Progressive fanatics makes my day.
"Please leave the rest of us living in peaceful sane communities alone. Thank you."
Conservatives want to be left alone, Progressives want to 'win'.
This will progress to slashing tires soon enough.
"The point of this extremely annoying if generally harmless act, according to the website of the Tyre Extinguishers, is to get people to ditch their SUVs for transportation that’s less harmful to people and the planet, "
I retired from a major, multibillion dollar electric utility and here is a fact that the greenies, who keep pushing electric everything -- like EVs -- never tell you.
A full TWO-THIRDS of the energy used to generate electricity is lost between the generation plant and the end user during the transmission/distribution process. Two-thirds. How in the fuck is that green?
It's EXACTLY like filling up your car's twenty gallon gas tank, and then pulling a plug that lets more than 13 gallons of it run on to the ground.
This is how I know with incontrovertible certainty that this green nonsense is a scam. And as is the case with all scams, follow the money.
Blogger rehajm said...
"John Kerry lives in Louisberg Square. Did they hit his rig? It's the one in the parking space he created by getting the fire hydrant moved around the corner..."
I was living on Beacon Hill when Kerry got the hydrant moved. This was around 1992-93, I think. The building Kerry and his wife bought had been a long-empty Anglican convent and needed a boatload of renovation to convert it back to a single-family home. This had been a convenient smokescreen for the hydrant move. I doubt any sort of special permit had been pulled, and when the neighbors in the Square found out they were not happy. But, being Boston, no one dared to confront Kerry once the damage was done.
Back when I was an engineer, my boss had a pretty Porsche that he worried about someone damaging it or stealing it. H hooked a Ford Model T ignition coil to the frame. There was a hidden switch to turn this coil on. It produced 10,000 volts but only a few milliamps. If someone touched the car they would get flattened by the volts but not seriously injured. Sounds like an option for this.
I was living on Beacon Hill when Kerry got the hydrant moved.
My daughter-in-law was visiting a pal on Beacon Hill when Kerry was running in 2004. They heard the commotion when his motorcade arrived at his home and they ran down there in pajamas and robes to see. They spent some time talking to cop and secret service guys. Two cute girls in PJs at midnight. The cops told them stories about responding to fights between Lurch and Teresa. Even the SS guys chimed in. They had fun and heard some good stories.
Free Manure While You Wait! @1:33: Very interesting point about power losses between generation source and ultimate consumer. Why is this fact not emphasized more often? I imagine the losses will grow as we try to move the power even farther to compensate for local surpluses/shortages due to solar/wind intermittency?
PS: nice pseudonym!
If a few car owners fired a few loads of birdshot into these perps, the fun and games would be over.
Haven’t read all the comments but from the spelling of tyres isn’t this Boston in the UK?
I used to work nites, get home and every nite the car across the steet was in my spot. None of these people worked and they had 4 cars and room for 2.
One night I was drunk. Take off the air cap, put a little pebble in there and put the cap back on.
You have to do 2 tires to make it pay off. Part of the beauty is, theyll bring it in and more than likely never see or find that little pebble.
I only did that once. I pretty much quit drinking years ago. Maybe 5 drinks a year.
I did stupid stuff when I drank. They deserved it.
I must add............it was "generally harmless". I didnt ruin any tires.
People helping people.
@Chuck, my information is that the tyres are stabbed in the sidewall, which is irrepairable and “deflate” is used as a euphemism to sugarcoat the damage these sleazebags are doing for the benefit of the gullible. Some day a woman whose bag of waters has broken will be unable to get to the hospital on time. Then what, Chuck? Will it just be omelets and eggs?
BTW, has anyone besides me noticed how many American car makers no longer make sedans? Lincoln now sells only SUVs. Ford’s only “sedan” is the Mustang. Buick still sells luxury sedans, but only in China.
It's all fun, and games until someone gets his/her head blown off.
They better not try this out in the wilds of Deplorable country. Then again...maybe they should.
I wonder how long they will continue with this before flitting off to the next big virtuous thing.
43? It's amazing this even made it to the news.
Free Manure While You Wait! wrote, "A full TWO-THIRDS of the energy used to generate electricity is lost between the generation plant and the end user during the transmission/distribution process. Two-thirds. How in the fuck is that green?"
The eia (U.S. Energy Information Administration) asks ...
How much electricity is lost in electricity transmission and distribution in the United States?
... and answers ...
The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates that annual electricity transmission and distribution (T&D) losses averaged about 5% of the electricity transmitted and distributed in the United States in 2017 through 2021.
Probably associated with the people who vandalize works of art and glue themselves to things.
People who do these things are childless losers who mistake their anger for moral superiority.
Mike of Snoqualmie: Replacing those tires/tyres will mean buying at least 2 tires, if not all 4.
You shouldn't have to replace the tires. They're not slashing them, just opening the valves and letting the air out.
That's how they figure they can call it "generally harmless".
Following the Pelosi Precedent (PP), shoot first, then ask questions later... never. #Hero
I blame the parents.
And Inga.
serious question:
How did they Know, that none of the SUVs were owned by an Black man?
a) a Black man would be exempt from this sort of societal discipline
b) a Black man could Very Well Be, the sort of person that would bust a cap on those honkies
I carry an air compressor in my vehicle. Plugs into A/C outlet.
Also, letting air out of tires isn't going to get anyone to sell their car. It just makes them vote Republican.
Big Mike said...
@Chuck, my information is that the tyres are stabbed in the sidewall, which is irrepairable and “deflate” is used as a euphemism to sugarcoat the damage these sleazebags are doing for the benefit of the gullible. Some day a woman whose bag of waters has broken will be unable to get to the hospital on time. Then what, Chuck? Will it just be omelets and eggs?
(My emphasis added.)
So I want to know where the fuck you got your "information." It wasn't from Althouse's linked story, which stated plainly:
"Members of an 'autonomous movement' called Tyre Extinguishers said they recently 'disarmed' 43 SUVs in 'one of the wealthiest areas' of Boston by letting the air out of the tires, according to a post about the demonstration on Twitter. A number of these were verified by the Boston Globe, which also reported that none of the tires had been punctured.
So that was my "information." What is your "information"?
The linked Boston Globe reporting stated, "Boston Police officer Coleman Danilecki responded to ten individual victims Thursday whose tires had been deflated, spread across a few blocks of Beacon Hill, according to a police report. The report does not note any tires had been punctured."
Now, again, you have made an interesting claim, if true. But I think it isn't true. You have now claimed that lots of tires are going "to landfills," after having been "stabbed in the sidewall.
I don't really want to know what you think, or what your opinion is, or the multiple ways in which innocent car owners might suffer as a result of this vandalism. I already made it clear that I don't understand or accept the protesters' actions, and that I side with the car owners.
All I want to know is where you got the notion that in Boston, the Tyre Extinguishers have been essentially slashing the tires of their victims. Rather than simply deflating them via their valve stems.
Power generated in power stations pass through large and complex networks like transformers, overhead lines, cables and other equipment and reaches at the end users.
It is fact that the unit of electric energy generated by Power Stations does not match with the units distributed to the consumers. Some percentage of the units is lost in the distribution network.
The technical losses are due to energy dissipated in the conductors, equipment used for , transformer, subtransmission line and distribution line and magnetic losses in transformers.
Technical losses are normally 22.5% , and directly depend on the network characteristics and the mode of operation.
When you deflate modern low profile tires and try to drive the car the sidewalls crack and can't be repaired.
But it's just liberals eating their own. So it's all good, man.
""The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates that annual electricity transmission and distribution (T&D) losses averaged about 5% of the electricity transmitted and distributed in the United States in 2017 through 2021."
According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), the answer is 34%. In other words, 66% of the primary energy used to create electricity is wasted by the time the electricity arrives at the customer meter. It is estimated that of the 66% lost, 59% of it is lost in the generation process."
I provide links.
More communists.
Maybe a few need to be treated to the business end of a baseball bat.
Maybe a few need to be treated to life under "communism."
Our German foreign exchange student, back in the late '90s, grew up in Soviet East Germany until he was 11, when the wall came down. He showed us a picture of himself and like six of his friends as kids, sitting on top of a wall kicking their feet... all in identical ugly black-and-red bowling shoes, because they were the only shoes they could get.
His family actually owned a car!! Its body was made of cardboard, literal cardboard, and he and his two brothers could lift it. They called it (in that ineffable German way of creating neologisms) the Papercar.
He lived with us when he was sixteen, so it'd been five years since the reunification of Germany. He would come to the regular old grocery store with me and marvel at the variety and quantity of everything.
It's the atheists, right, who use the term "human thriving" all the time, to express a reason for doing stuff? Any bets on how many of these Tyre Extinguishers are also atheists and in favor of "human thriving"? Of course, they're probably in favor of it in a Thanos -like way: fewer humans (including of course themselves) can thrive more. Because there's no societal cost to getting rid of human capital.
"harmless" but sports the terrorist tag.
BG said...
They better not try this out in the wilds of Deplorable country. Then again...maybe they should.
4/25/23, 3:33 PM
"I may not have much in common with my redneck neighbor, but we both have land and a shovel".
Of course, they're probably in favor of it in a Thanos -like way: fewer humans
While I oppose this ideology (I believe the more humans the better, and that we aren't anywhere near carrying capacity) there is a certain basic biological logic to it. The fewer humans around, the fewer competitors able to pass down their genes. To be honest, it's probably what happened to the Neanderthal and Denisovians.
BTW, has anyone besides me noticed how many American car makers no longer make sedans?
The American companies make most of their money off of pickup trucks and SUVs. People remember the K cars and buy their sedans from Japan and Germany.
Pro tip: only deflatee 3 of the 4 tires, so the car insurance won't cover it as a disabled vehicle. Or so I have read. And puncture the sidewalls, so the tire is not repairable. Maybe steal the catalytic converter while you're at it, if you're serious about your revolution.
Anna Keppa wrote in part ...
The linked reference is to an August 2013 article that referred to power distribution in India, not the US. The article has 59 comments and unanswered questions including this: "Please, I would like to see the references,you used in making this claim for percentage losses at distribution, and transmission losses"
None of the questions have been answered.
From the InsideHook article...
"“SUVs and 4x4s are a disaster for our health, our public safety and our climate,” the mission statement on [the Tyre Extinguishers] website reads..."
Except the vehicle in the picture is neither an SUV nor a 4x4.
The Mercedes GLC is a crossover, not an SUV. An SUV is a body built on a full frame. And that frame is probably sourced from that company's truck lines. A crossover is styled similar to an SUV. However, it is a unibody construction. In essence, it is a car on stilts. The advantage of this approach is that the crossover can be smaller, lighter, and save on gas than an equivalent SUV - all goals one would think the Tyre Extinguishers would be in favor of. And the buying public seems to agree. The crossover is what the minivan was in the 80s/90s, and the station wagon in the 60s/70s.
Nor is the vehicle a 4x4; it is all-wheel drive. A 4x4 locks the axles, which puts strain on the drivetrain components on normal, dry roads. 4x4 mode is intended for part time use in slippery conditions such as mud, dirt, and snow. All wheel drive is designed to be used full time for additional traction on regular roads. It usually does this through sophisticated clutch packs and computer-controlled wizardry.
Nota bene - Today these categories are becoming increasingly blurred. For example, the Honda Ridgeline is a legit pickup truck despite being unibody. And the Ford Explorer, long a body on frame SUV, is now unibody.
From the InsideHook article...
"“SUVs and 4x4s are a disaster for our health, our public safety and our climate,” the mission statement on [the Tyre Extinguishers] website reads..."
Except the vehicle in the picture is neither an SUV nor a 4x4.
The Mercedes GLC is a crossover, not an SUV. An SUV is a body built on a full frame. And that frame is probably sourced from that company's truck lines. A crossover is styled similar to an SUV. However, it is a unibody construction. In essence, it is a car on stilts. The advantage of this approach is that the crossover can be smaller, lighter, and save on gas than an equivalent SUV - all goals one would think the Tyre Extinguishers would be in favor of. And the buying public seems to agree. The crossover is what the minivan was in the 80s/90s, and the station wagon in the 60s/70s.
Nor is the vehicle a 4x4; it is all-wheel drive. A 4x4 locks the axles, which puts strain on the drivetrain components on normal, dry roads. 4x4 mode is intended for part time use in slippery conditions such as mud, dirt, and snow. All wheel drive is designed to be used full time for additional traction on regular roads. It usually does this through sophisticated clutch packs and computer-controlled wizardry.
Nota bene - Today these categories are becoming increasingly blurred. For example, the Honda Ridgeline is a legit pickup truck despite being unibody. And the Ford Explorer, long a body on frame SUV, is now unibody.
@Idiot child Chuck, last summer Fox News covered a Tyre Extinguishers assault where they slashed — slashed! — tires on the New York Upper East Side. Also NBC last summer likewise reported them slashing SUV tires in affluent neighborhoods of Washington, DC. They’re targets, per Tyre Extinguishers’ own admission, in lede small SUVs and econoboxes like the sheep Compass. Last December the lefty news sources started using the euphemism “deflate” in lieu of “slash” when reporting on Tyre Extinguishers. That fools no one who doesn’t want to fooled. That they took a reporter for a self-proclaimed lifestyle “news” source along and did not on that night slash tires is meaningless.
@Rocco, good analysis, but if you can work past the typos in my comment, you’ll see that Tyres Extinguishers has announced that they will decide what an SUV is, and their list explicitly includes the Jeep Compass, an underpowered vehicle I personally regard as an econobox.
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