That's the headline at The Washington Post.
I remember when it was considered important at least to pretend that judicial elections where nonpartisan and that judges decided cases according to something that was quaintly called "the law."
The article does throw a crumb of nostalgia to those of us who remember:
Judicial candidates in Wisconsin do not run with party labels, but...
10 words and then the "but" grabs back any concession to the old pretense:
... the race was steeped in partisanship....
Lots of political money sloshed over both candidates. And:
At Protasiewicz’s victory party in downtown Milwaukee, the three liberals who sit on the court marched into the hotel ballroom arm in arm to Lizzo’s “About Damn Time.”
Marched, did they?
Speaking of "About Damn Time," there has never been a black person elected to the Wisconsin Supreme Court. There was one black justice appointed by the governor to fill a vacancy in 2004, but he was defeated the first time he faced an election.
"About Damn Time" begins "It's bad bitch o'clock, yeah, it's thick-thirty." That's the song they chose to blast as 3 white female justices "marched" in celebration of political power acquired through the election of another white female justice.
They later joined Protasiewicz onstage, and the four of them — the court’s incoming majority — held their hands aloft as the crowd chanted “Janet!”
Meanwhile, in the Republican camp, the loser Dan Kelly gave one of the least gracious concession speeches you will ever hear:
On Tuesday night, Kelly accused Protasiewicz of spreading “rancid slanders” and said he did not have a “worthy opponent to which I can concede.”...
“I wish Wisconsin the best of luck because I think it’s going to need it,” he said, speaking from a rural, lakeside hotel 70 miles north of Madison.
१३४ टिप्पण्या:
My position in this election was cruel neutrality. I have not even told you whether I voted.
One step closer to a National Divorce.
I get that judicial elections are never as non-partisan as we're supposed to pretend, but this is a bit rich--the 4 liberal justices forming a bloc and celebrating their win last night. Were the other justices even invited? Or were they excluded because they're not the cool kids anymore?
Kelly's words at least have the virtue of taking the event seriously. The display by the victors falls into the category of the degeneracy of our system.
It's the concession speech he was born to deliver. What a loser and a crybaby.
Given Kelly worked for the RNC and WI GOP to challenge the Trump 2020 election, the whole thing was partisan as hell.
That Lizzo song is weird lyrically for this event, but sure is a banging tune. Reminds me of Trump playing Born in the USA unironically at rallies.
"three liberals who sit on the court marched into the hotel ballroom arm in arm to Lizzo’s “About Damn Time.”
Arm in arm the three combined probably weighed as much as Lizzo too. Madison's flute not included.
Judges became partisan activists when...FDR attempted to pack the court? When Civil Rights laws were enforced in the 1960s? With the abortion and death penalty ruling of the 1970s? Back in the 1800s regarding the twisted defenses of slavery?
The nominations of Bork, Clarence Thomas, and Ruth Bader Ginsberg set the contemporary partisan rules.
As politics is downhill from culture, Lizzo is perhaps a future SC Justice or President.
And the a contentious issue (abortion) will be rendered by the States and not the Federal government as the framers intended. I call that a conservative win as much as I deplore the issue of abortion itself.
Remember the days of voter ID & election integrity? Yeah. Good times.
I agree with the man who lost. Good luck, Wisconsin. You do get what you vote for.
Meanwhile, in Chicago, just when you thought things could not get worse, they voted in the guy who's loudly and proudly stated he'd get rid of the police. In Chicago.
Yes, cruel neutrality. Just surprising that every time you express an opinion, it supports the left's view. But neutrally, of course. God, what sophistry.
Candidate quality matters. Kelly has no personality and just came off as nasty. The left knew he had no chance in the general, and spent copious amounts of money destroying the candidate they feared, Judge Dorrow. A couple days ago they launched a multi-million dollar effort to do the same to De Santiago in the hope of running against Trump. Will those of us who are interested in actually stopping leftist nonsense notice this and act and vote accordingly? I have my doubts.
Why? Why not comment?
I could understand not voting, and even not voting because you felt that you had no preference.
I can very well understand your revulsion at how state judicial elections have fallen prey to partisan politics. I share that revulsion.
But I can not recall a single time when I felt that I could not discuss why and how I voted. Is your teasing of this issue related to a personal policy position, or is it to maintain a certain persona for purposes of blogging or otherwise being a public figure?
Cruel neutrality looks to me like the least-bad position a blogger can adopt. An extension of your idea that “nothing is a high standard” (or similar but better words that escape my recollection right now.)
That said, I wish all Wisconsinites joy of their bargain. An out-and-proud partisan court is exactly not what the rule of law requires. As with Bragg’s persecution of Trump, blind partisanship is regnant. God help us.
What a sorry sight.
Ann Althouse said...
My position in this election was cruel neutrality. I have not even told you whether I voted.
i seriously doubt you thought you'd need to.. YOUR candidate won, in a landslide.
IF, YOUR candidate had Needed your vote.. THEN you would have voted, for sure
Nostalgia and cruel neutrality don’t mix well, do they? I very much doubt there was a time party politics didn’t matter in Wisconsin judicial elections. Even the fact that they are held in April was likely designed to suppress the vote that might be obtained in a November general election.
the three liberals who sit on the court... arm in arm
Tell me? Again? About how they Used to Pretend, that the court wasn't political?
So much cruel neutrality, the other candidate was Dan Kelly, not Mike.
What this tells me is that the folks bailing out of Chicago in the next few years will primarily be moving south, not north. Was talking Cubs stuff with a newly arrived retiree from Gurnee down here in Duval last week.
The people voting are the people who have decided to stay. Looks like it will be getting bluer in Wisconsin while the great sort continues.
Did the liberal justices twerk to the Lizzo song?
I like the pseudo-concession speech. Screw these people.
So this was a judicial partisan election to change the law in Wisconsin. That’s not democracy. If they think it is because the judge is elected, just know that democracy in the court room results in mob rule, not justice.
Here in Chicago, the liberals won another one. Of course, the election deniers and the "racists" are claiming that the winning side had their people complete tens of thousands of absentee ballots for elderly voters, "retards" and other people unlikely to vote. There are also allegations that the winning side had volunteers collecting absentee ballots in precincts that overwhelmingly favored the loser and then threw the ballots out! (Nobody is alleging voter impersonation or computer shenanigans like Trump and his scummy people.)
I hope the Wisconsin Supreme Court does the right thing and guarantees the secrecy of the ballot. And then I hope this spreads to the rest of the country. The mail ins have got to go...
I never again want to see a Democrat calling for a judge or justice recuse himself. In this election, Protasiewicz’s entire campaign was a promise to vote for the Democratic position in upcoming cases on abortion and redistricting. That’s a flat out out violation of the judicial ethics rule that judges should not prejudge cases and should recuse themselves if they have publicly made remarks that suggest they might have prejudged a case. The Democrats don’t give a fig about judicial ethics and all of their complaints henceforth should be tossed in the circular file.
And now I understand why your position was what it was. Poor Wisconsin !
While the right was yelling about abortion, the left gets to alter voting so that Wisconsin will never elect another Republican in statewide elections. All the dirty tricks of 2020, are getting added to another state. the Republic is circling the drain
AA: Will you spill the beans at some point today?
WI and Chicago doomed....about to become NJ in the Midwest...
When I saw the election results this morning, my first thought was whether fraudulent voting had played a decisive role - perhaps in Wisconsin, definitely in Chicago.
How big the exodus will be from Chicago? Were "the wealthy" sticking it out hoping for Vallas to be elected? No reason for corporations or families to stay any longer. Talk about a run on the bank...
So the liberal judges took a victory lap together? How dignified.
Be happy in your work, escape is impossible.
I don't know what is in store for Wisconsin, but voters were offered a clear choice between two people that should be nowhere near power--a failure by both parties. I guess it is a warm-up for the 2024 presidential election where the current likelihood is that we will be offered a choice between two people who should be nowhere near power.
Meanwhile in Chicago, the voters (Johnson over Vallas) tell us crime isn't a problem, and we don't need more policemen. What world are they living in?
I eagerly await the new mayor's plans to address "the root causes of crime", tired rhetoric that I have been hearing since the 1960s. I guess a root cause of crime was not enough Gucci bags among the downtrodden of Chicago.
We have seen something that works to reduce street crime, so-called broken windows policing. There is less crime when the bad guys are sitting in jail. But we won't do that again...yet.
I have seen this movie before. It was called the decline of Detroit. Coleman Young, mayor for 20 years, viewed every white family that moved out of Detroit to the suburbs as a personal victory. It won't be long before Brandon Johnson wears that old Coleman Young smirk.
Lizzo. Wow. The opening line to that song says so much, none of it good.
"gave one of the least gracious concession speeches you will ever hear"
Judging by the rest of the post, it fit both the winner and the state.
When the court demands abortion on demand up to the point of birth, will there be an actual legal decision released or will it be a decree?
Democracies always commit suicide. Laws made by an elected judiciary are the closest we have to pure democracy.
Ann Althouse said...
"My position in this election was cruel neutrality. I have not even told you whether I voted."
Don't care. It's none of my business.
Having read this is see Wisconsin marching toward Illinois. You don't want to be like Illinois. For you and the children of Wisconsin's sake you want to be the opposite of Illinois.
Illinois is asshole.
A number of elections ago there was a big shift to mail in voting. At that time there was a big shift in results and flipping of results in many counties. Since no honest explanation was ever given for that I stopped trusting the honesty of our elections.
The strong do what they will the weak suffer what they must is where we are now at.
Ann, I think it is pretty clear to anyone who has followed this blog casually over the past few years that you didn't vote. Good for you I guess.
Wisconsin will turn in to Illinois and Minnesota. Walker's reforms will soon be erased.
Abortion is EVERYTHING to liberal college educated white women, and they have convinced Generation Z to join them. Probably because liberal women run the educations system Kindergarten through PHD.
At least the four liberal female justices on stage aren't pretending to be neutral. I can respect that. They are Democrats and liberal advocates and will use their power on the court to try and turn all of Wisconsin into Madison.
Well...except Milwaukee. Milwaukee will continue to decline as crime rates will continue to increase. And we all know liberal white women don't give two shits about the suffering going on in Milwaukee.
But hey, how about a round of free third trimester abortions for everyone!!!!!
I lived in and around Chicago for many years. It was a great city of commerce, broad shoulders and all that. Now it will follow the destiny of most large cities: A home for government workers, welfare recipients and a few rich people. Crime really wasn't the big issue in the election. The central question was, as usual, who gets the boodle. The answer was, "government workers."
I expect the marching was more mincing, to be frank.
"May counsel approach the Bad Bitches?" As long as he doesn't refer to anyone as a lady.
WAJ, baby! Wet Ass Justice.
The nominations of Bork, Clarence Thomas, and Ruth Bader Ginsberg set the contemporary partisan rules.
Like a blind squirrel finding a nut, you're actually right this time. Bork and Thomas were unfairly savaged by Democrats who opposed their nomination. Bork ended up being rejected by the Senate and Thomas was approved by a vote of 52-48. while RBG, who was an extreme Leftwing nomination, was treated respectfully and was approved by a 96-3 vote.
In my mind I’m going to Indiana. Or yes, even Carolina.
My position in this election was cruel neutrality. I have not even told you whether I voted.
As if any of us care whether you voted. You made it pretty obvious in your posts who you wanted to see win. You wanted it bad; I have a feeling you’re about to get it bad. My neutrality is that I do not care whether you come to regret this election or spend the balance of your life turning cartwheels down the street on your way to Whole Foods.
I do believe that you should abandon plans to sell your house and move from Madison, and certainly not out of Wisconsin. Your city and your state are the way they are because of the foolish way you and other liberal white women living there have voted over the years. The rule for liberal women ought to be that if you shit your bed, you should say to clean the sheets.
As far as I can tell, the Republican party in almost every state has done zero to make sure the elections free and honest. And to cut down on mail-in ballots and absurdities like "election day registration".
And why have the judicial election on a day in April? This turns the election into a race over turnout. Whoever turns out the most voters, wins. The liberal/left only has to get some $ from the DNC or Soros, and boom they win in a flood of mail-in ballots.
Lets see how it works out, for the conservative on economics, liberal on social issues crowd. Somehow, I think they're going to be disappointed.
One good thing about winconsin, is they'll be another judicial election down the road. In some states, its just 18 years or a lifetime appointment, and you're screwed.
Speaking of "About Damn Time," there has never been a black person elected to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Wisconsin is apparently one of the most racist states in the Union, judging from its having had the largest black-white student achievement gap among all 50 states for decades, beating out states like Mississippi and Alabama. If Wisconsinites were not proud of this fact, then why did they twice re-elect Tony Evers as Superintendent of Public Instruction, and then elect and re-elect him as Governor? This could only be true if Wisconsinites like it that their black population is I’ll-educated.
The corrupt left eat another state.
Chicago's new radical leftist mayor wants to ban the police. Go Bernie Sanders and Soros!
Serious question: why even have a judicial system when it becomes this politicized? These "judges" have all the cruel neutrality and judicial temperament of activist block leaders. The "law" becomes irrelevant, because no matter what it says it will be made to mean whatever these judges want it to mean. As a kind of super-committee of the legislature, they'll just make up desired changes to the written law as they go.
Frankly, it would be fairer to live under vigilante justice. At least one could fight back when accosted by persons from a protected class. And I believe this is where we are heading nationally because of the completely slanted lawlessness of our judicial system.
'Lots of political money sloshed over both candidates. And:'
Didn't she get far more money than him by a large amount?
And why do lefties make it their life's work to kill babies by any means?
Must be a weird way to go through life...
"And now I understand why your position was what it was. Poor Wisconsin!"
Judges have always been partisans.
And H.L. Mencken would be laughing his ass off this morning.
I imagine the Republicans in the Wisconsin legislature will be rolling over and displaying their bellies over the next several months as the court takes over their job.
I would expect this court to get rid of Wisconsin's voter ID, and make any form of ballot harvesting legal.
"AA: Will you spill the beans at some point today?"
Only for you and only because you said beans, and, as everyone knows, this blog is an endless succession of beans and nuts.
The answer is: I abstained.
I’m here for the cruel neutrality.
Early after moving to Portland Or area 18 years ago, the town made history for electing a fourth woman to their school board, a majority. A progressive sisterhood! But within the first year, that fourth one sometimes actually disagreed from the other three, horrors! So the trio did the Mean Girls routine, shunned her, disempowered her, and that was that. It foreshadowed the terrible failure of our (democrat/"liberal") women to actually lead at all, and it's only gotten worse.
Best of luck everyone.
I guess they just had to vote for her because of her pronounced Midwestern accent.
Where is my comment? I submitted a comment long before most of the ones I am seeing on this page.
A straight-up directly on-point comment, with a question to Althouse, about the interesting circumstances of this election. Where, as a devoted Althouse reader, it had been my impression that Althouse very much liked Ben Wikler (Chair of the Wisconsin Democratic Party), at least personally, as a family friend. And this election was nothing short of a personal triumph for Ben Wikler.
Marching or dancing female justices who know Lizzo songs provide great fodder for the "women should never have been given the vote" crew.
Are they also Lizzo- or hippo-sized?
Maybe electing judges wasn't a great idea.
Severe Republican county rejects in counties that went 15-30 points for trump,More for Romney. Areas flipped to blue, and women aint having the antiquated right wing mess. Its happening over the country since 2020 and after the perp who was in office that was defeated. Some say this area is the most gerrymandered in the whole of the US, I would have to do deeper handicapping on that to know for sure,dont interest me, Typical whining loser Kelly looked like a jerk in a "oh poor me" speech after getting his butt whipped by at least 10.It's the new age of trump/Lake whine when you don't win you claim foul ,rigged, illegal everything but you got your butt kicked. If you can't take the pain you shouldn't be playing the game. If you didn't participate you really got nothing to do but read the results and grin and bear it.1st change in 15 years, lets see where it goes. Kelly a 2 time loser and has a bad head. This group of reps should start looking for winners instead of whiners.
Static Ping said...
"When the court demands abortion on demand up to the point of birth..."
It is certain that the court will do so; that was the whole point of the election. Then, Republicans will run on "overturning" the diktat, and will be trounced. Running against abortion has killed the Republican party in my state of Arizona, and will do so in Wisconsin.
we all know liberal white women don't give two shits about the suffering going on in Milwaukee.
Not just them, nobody does. Does anyone seriously think that if dozens of young White kids were killing each other and random innocents every weekend in America's cities everyone would be ignoring it? But when it's Black kids killing Black kids nobody gives a shit! Black Lives Matter? If they really believed that they'd be protesting for more police, not less.
Here's what happened in Winsconsin:
Out of the 1.6 million who voted for Biden, about 1 million showed up to voted for the liberal justice.
Out of the 1.6 million who voted for Trump, 800,000 showed up to vote for the conservative.
In terms of money there was a big difference between the two campaings. The Liberal justice spent $23 million in total. But her campaign spent $12 million of that. Kelly spent only $2 million. Outside groups buying TV airtime spend $15 million for kelly and $10 million for the liberal. (This is from the AP report which is confusing. As you'd expect. )
Once again, the Democrat has a MASSIVE advantage in campaign funds. YOu can't "get out the vote" with TV ads! This same massive disadvantage in one reason the R's lost Senate races in Arz, NH, and NV.
"As far as I can tell, the Republican party in almost every state has done zero to make sure the elections free and honest."
I'm so sick of the crybaby pouting. The GOP has gerrymandered Wisconsin to an absurd degree. Both sides are trying to "rig" the elections in their favor. The democrats are just winning.
Here's an interesting trend though, with both Michaels and now Kelly the hard right has attacked a front runner female candidate in favor of a "macho" loser who got his ass kicked in the general. Maybe stop doing that and see if you can win an election again.
Enjoy the outcome of dumb neutrality
Liberal, Conservative, libertarian, or Party
It's fools who feel too precious to participate
who make this a banana state.
Someone said it would be better to "live under vigilante justice". No, its better if the Judges stop being a "super legislature".
There's zero reasons for "State Supreme Court" to be overturning state laws through Judicial Supremacy. We have the federal courts to protect the bill of rights, and make sure the Congress doesn't run wild. In theory at least.
We don't need state courts to write election election laws or decide abortion. THe sensible thing would be to DRASTICALLY reduce the sort of laws they can rule on, or overturn. Of course, good luck with that, since the R's love Judicial power when it helps big business.
"...the three liberals who sit on the court marched into the hotel ballroom arm in arm ...."
Marching in lockstep is what lefty judges do. Virtually any departure from the predictable on SCOTUS, for example, comes from the "conservative" side. It is not the "right" that is destroying the rule of law.
I see that Chicago along with Wisconsin will be getting what it deserves "good and hard." (Mencken)
As for marching, there will be nothing but temporary reprieves from the inexorable march of Marxism in the US because, God knows, the Democrats and their consorts have been oppressed by tsarism long enough.
Gahrie said "...Thomas was approved by a vote of 52-48."
And eleven of the 52 yes votes for Thomas were Democrats. There were two GOP nay votes, Jeffords (senile or hen-pecked?) and Packwood (had his own problems).
They were different times.
And every time an elderly woman gets raped to death
In the once idyllic Madison house she cherished
Then you can find a mirror and look straight in it
Because your cruel neutrality let him do it.
But enjoy the abortions and crime and other gruesomes
Because your idiotic gesture made them fulsome.
So the liberal judges took a victory lap together? How dignified.
After passing Obamacares, Pelosi did a victory lap wielding a hammer... mallet.
Forced unionization returns to WI.
What is the difference
between abstaining in the booth
Or just staying home?
An "I voted" sticker plastered on your fine wool coat
A feeling that you contributed to the vote
And an ego bigger than a cockscomb.
With WaPo's gracious breach, six weeks to baby meets granny in legal and biological state. Ideally, civilized women... people... persons of feminine gender will offer sanctuary states for undesirable travelers from conception, but legally there is a six week window open for negotiation and reasonable compromise.
"Wisconsin is apparently one of the most racist states in the Union, judging from its having had the largest black-white student achievement gap among all 50 states for decades, beating out states like Mississippi and Alabama. "
Oh, knock it off. You know as well as I do that this is a result of the extremely generous welfare system Wisconsin set up, back when it was nearly all white. Wisconsin bought itself the dumbest and most useless negroes Chicago had to offer. Which is saying something.
ga6 said..."WI and Chicago doomed....about to become NJ in the Midwest..."
That might be a better analogy than many people realize.
I was born in NJ in the mid 60s. For all those years through my college graduation, NJ was a centrist "red" state, from Nixon through GHWB. Even after GWHB's first term, there were one or perhaps two elections where NJ was legitimately still in play (Bush/Clinton/Perot and maybe Bush/Kerry).
In retrospect, it's amazing how quickly NJ went from being a moderate, centrist state to being overwhelmingly "blue." My recollection is that an "activist" state court played a significant role in the process of increasing costs and shaping demographics.
Chicago seems committed to becoming the next Detroit, and Michigan is giving itself back to the unions. I wish I could be optimistic about Wisconsin.
To protect nostalgia from the current blight
One gets off their ass and chooses what is actually right.
Or twirking justice is all that you will get.
So don't whine when Marquette becomes the next Detroit
Because it's you who voted vote to not prevent it.
At least admit that cruelty towards others
Is how your vote
Will now be spent.
There is no lower cowardice than choosing to not choose.
Unless, perhaps, bragging about it.
Chicago and Wisconsin have voted to destroy such civilization as remains at present. I hope they remember this as those voters are dragged out by the mob.
People of today's left are not liberals in the classical sense. They are, however, defined by abortion. 60 million dead and counting!
I'm an old guy and at the end of the day the only ray of sunshine I see about these baby killers is from Luke 3:17:
"His winnowing fork is in his hand to clear his threshing floor and to gather the wheat into his barn, but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.”
It's pretty clear who won't be with me in God's eternal barn. I pray for them here, but won't have to tolerate them there.
Abstemious Althouse.
Voter ID in person.
It will never be "fair" until that happens.
there has never been a black person elected to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Cut yourself some slack, Iowa.
Oh wait, you're Wisconsin.
Not as honky white as Iowa -- I've never been to either of these states, so this is internet knowledge at best -- but I would assume Wisconsin is honky white, with maybe some black people spread out in Milwaukee and Madison and a few other places?
Racial reporter: "I'm trying to track down the racial migration patterns of the African-American diaspora. What brought you and your family from the slave fields of Mississippi to Wisconsin?"
Black guy on the street: "Slave fields?"
Racial reporter: "You told me your family was from Mississippi."
Black guy on the street: "Right."
Racial reporter: "I saw Roots. Your family was brought here in chains. If you know your family. Do you know your family?"
Black guy on the street: "Do I know my family?"
Racial reporter: "I'm talking about your ancestors. I want to be sensitive. Your ancestors were slaves, right? Or did your family immigrate here from Africa?"
Black guy on the street: "Well, my father came from Jamaica and my mother came from Thailand."
Racial reporter: "In chains?"
Black gun on the street: "What?"
Racial reporter: "Not in chains. Right. That was stupid. We're going to have to start this interview over. Bob, stop the camera, let's start over."
Bob: "We're live..."
Racial reporter: "What?"
Where's it written that Kelly's concession speech had to be gracious?
Here in Chicago, the liberals won another one. Of course, the election deniers and the "racists" are claiming that the winning side had their people complete tens of thousands of absentee ballots for elderly voters,
I am a Wisconsin native who grew up in Chicago (50+ years). The liberals did not win. The Marxist community organizers (friends of Bill Ayers) won. I know these people well.
The elderly voter ballots have been "managed" by the Democrat Machine since the 1950's.
Nice Wisconsin people (like my relatives who still live there) vote for Democrats because they believe Republicans are mean, well before Trump came on the stage.
"Political parties have three basic duties: support candidates, raise money, and get out the vote. The GOP sucks at all three.
And no, that isn't Trump's fault."
Pre-Trump the Wisconsin GOP couldn't lose. Now the Wisconsin GOP can't win.
Wisconsin - rubble and corpses, sooner rather than later.
I like to think I'm one of the beans. But I'm probably one of the nuts.
Meade, I like how you deftly planted the 'Carolina' seed. You two would like it there. Very...purplish.
The WI Supreme Court is not very diverse.
There are a lot of candidates, but I nominate the Republican Party of Wisconsin as the biggest bunch of bunglers in the political universe.
"Lots of political money sloshed over both candidates."
Um..another way to sat this is massive amounts of out of state $$ for Janet.
What the court needs is a b/Black Trans wheelchair bound autistic person with Tourette syndrome.
Don't judge.
They are, however, defined by abortion. 60 million dead and counting!
In America, alone. Planned Parenthood Federation, for one, is a transnational corporation, with offices... clinics globally.
Mr Wibble: "Political parties have three basic duties: support candidates, raise money, and get out the vote. The GOP sucks at all three.
And no, that isn't Trump's fault. Those issues existed prior to Trump, which is how he was able to successfully win over such a large part of the base: they were frustrated with years of GOP incompetence and malfeasance."
Uh oh.
Now you've done it. You are calling out the historic failures and weaknesses of the GOPe squishes without blaming Trump for all of it.
There's going to be a number of republican posters at Althouse blog that are not going to like that one bit and you are likely going to be labeled a democrat pimp for not blaming Trump.
Blogger Gusty Winds said...
Milwaukee will continue to decline as crime rates will continue to increase. And we all know liberal white women don't give two shits about the suffering going on in Milwaukee.
Because they move in to Wau counties with their Lefty politics.
In Wisconsin, looking to historical data as to what groups abort the most, it's pretty clear who the libs want aborted.
People of today's left are not liberals in the classical sense. They are, however, defined by abortion. 60 million dead and counting!
"Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:24).
I'm an old guy and at the end of the day the only ray of sunshine I see about these baby killers is from Luke 3:17:
"His winnowing fork is in his hand to clear his threshing floor and to gather the wheat into his barn, but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.”
It's pretty clear who won't be with me in God's eternal barn. I pray for them here, but won't have to tolerate them there.
If you've slept with a woman (I have, multiple women) you might have impregnated her. And if you abandoned that woman (and her child), then if she had an abortion, that's on you, too.
Every abortion has a father.
Some priests stay celibate to avoid a fate like that. But I'm not Catholic and I do not believe that God calls on me to be celibate.
Abortion will not keep us from God's love. Slavery will not keep us from God's love. Crime will not keep us from God's love. Sin will not keep us from God's love.
I love your righteousness and your thirst for justice. But I'm afraid you will run into sinners like me in the afterlife. So be ready for that.
God bless.
Dinky says:
and women aint having the antiquated right wing mess.
Liberal white women living in suburbs are turning this country into South Africa. You don't see much on the news about South Africa but it is collapsing and the US will go the same way. On abortion, I am prochoice to 15 weeks but those middle aged women, like the blog mistress, are destroying the country for an illusion. They imagine they are still young and fertile and capable of pregnancy.
I would be curious to hear from those who voted for the reasonable, but in today's context, "conservative" state referenda items while they voted for JP.
Team JP ran ads accusing Kelly of never putting anyone in jail.
He was a defense atttorney prior to SCOTUS.
Kelly refused to even mention JP's elder abuse, racist,and boozy concerns.
Conservative media largely ignored the race despite the national implications.
Who is this Ronna gal?
Fans of abortion and autonomy
law students
here's a hypothetical...
A notorious boxing promoter decides to have a MMA (mixed-martial arts) fight between two pregnant women. He pays them both $1 million dollars to fight in the Octagon. He sells the televised rights for $10 million.
The two fighters both sign contracts warning them of the medical dangers of fighting. They are both aware that fighting during a pregnancy might cause a miscarriage. They agree.
Millions of people are watching the fight. They have paid to watch the fight.
During the fight, one of the fighters kicks the other in the midsection. She has a bloody miscarriage and the baby is born dead, with horrible injuries.
Who should be arrested, if anybody?
And just like that many laws were changed.
Or rather the interpretation of those laws, once advanced in the court system, will change. They will read the same but with different effect.
At Protasiewicz’s victory party in downtown Milwaukee, the three liberals who sit on the court marched into the hotel ballroom arm in arm to Lizzo’s “About Damn Time.”
This seems so middle-school to me.
BTW, Althouse -- I noticed that the (re-elected) Mayor's garb in the picture of her this morning in the State Journal was that Blue Dress again.
“Abortion will not keep us from God's love. Slavery will not keep us from God's love. Crime will not keep us from God's love. Sin will not keep us from God's love.
I love your righteousness and your thirst for justice. But I'm afraid you will run into sinners like me in the afterlife. So be ready for that.”
I so agree with this. I’ve often thought about the holier than thou mortal’s surprise when they get to Heaven and see someone they were so sure would be be burning in hell.
“Fans of abortion and autonomy.”
I seriously doubt there are many “fans” of abortion. As for autonomy of one’s own body, yes, there are many and in all walks of life. When women abort their own precious child, they will one day answer to a loving God in Heaven. I doubt they will be proud of what they did on earth.
During the fight, one of the fighters kicks the other in the midsection. She has a bloody miscarriage and the baby is born dead, with horrible injuries.
Who should be arrested, if anybody?
Both women, the enablers as accessories to planned parenthood, and the "good people... persons" in the audience should be censured for anthropophobia, cruel spectators, and other crimes against humanity. There are diverse precedents for these citations, indictments, convictions, and forward-looking sentences.
People of today's left are not liberals in the classical sense
Not necessarily in the classical sense, but they are in the spirit and letter of the liberal philosophy of divergence.
"After passing Obamacares, Pelosi did a victory lap wielding a hammer... mallet.
4/5/23, 10:46 AM"
So THAT'S why Paulie P got his kinks with hammers./s
Voter ID in person.
With indelible marks to mitigate redundancy, and improve integrity, is the UN plan for third-world nations. Democrasses and Decepticons have the audacity to hope and dream for the novelty of fourth-world status.
“On abortion, I am prochoice to 15 weeks but those middle aged women, like the blog mistress, are destroying the country for an illusion. They imagine they are still young and fertile and capable of pregnancy.”
An incredibly dumb comment by a self centered someone who obviously doesn’t understand that there are women who are beyond the childbearing years who actually care about other women’s rights which include their daughters, granddaughters and women of the society in which they live.
bobby said...
"In Wisconsin, looking to historical data as to what groups abort the most, it's pretty clear who the libs want aborted.'
What a horrible racist slur against the good people of Wississippi. But it's there. It just runs a little bit further under the surface.
Yes, I've been waiting for a chance to use that.
Real elections (in person, on the designated day, and with ID) are never coming back. Oh, we will still have the two parties "competing" with each other, but that hasn't meant much for a very long time. Never again will an outsider like Trump have the temerity to run for office, or have a chance of winning. He is a loudmouth and a crude buffoon just like they love to say, and he was still a far better president than any of the cookie cutter figureheads from either party since Reagan.
"mezzrow said...
What this tells me is that the folks bailing out of Chicago in the next few years will primarily be moving south, not north."
Liberals should not move south. They are quick to tell everyone how uneducated and backwards southerners are in the U.S. Plus, we are apparently "-cists, -cists, and -phobic" own a lot of guns, and red MAGA hats.
So, to liberals, stay in the dark and in the nest you fouled and wallow in it. We do not need you here fouling our nests. The first nuclear plant built in the past 30 years in the U.S. is currently being completed. Unit Three at plant Vogtle should come on-line in about two months, and Unit Four by the first quarter of next year. We will have electricity, light, and warm weather. Nope, liberals need to remain in the north where you belong!
An incredibly dumb comment by a self centered someone who obviously doesn’t understand that there are women who are beyond the childbearing years who actually care about other women’s rights which include their daughters, granddaughters and women of the society in which they live.
Except of course for their daughters, granddaughters and women who are still in the womb. Fuck them.
Frankly, it would be fairer to live under vigilante justice.
Yep. And that's what's coming.
Rules for all or rules for none.
Igna showed she was Pretty ignorant, when she said...
I seriously doubt there are many “fans” of abortion.
'I'D DO IT AGAIN' Woman reveals why she’s ‘proud to have had an abortion’ after falling pregnant at 19
Actress Busy Philipps Screams She's Proud of Her Abortion at 15-Years-Old Because It Helped Her Career
I'm Proud of my abortion , and a want others to have one too
"Real elections (in person, on the designated day, and with ID)"
That would seem to exclude many elderly, disabled, and military voters ... but if you want to disenfranchise those generally Republican voters ... go ahead.
For some reason, I am guessing you want to waive the requirement for some of these groups, which makes your whole stupid talking point a load of bullshit.
Kelly tried to run on a load of bullshit and ended with his second electoral loss in 3 years..
No Republican should be gracious in conceding to such a partisan hack. Why be gracious to the party of murdering the unborn and mutilating the young, the party of slavery?
Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary/FBI Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "I’ve often thought about the holier than thou mortal’s surprise when they get to Heaven and see someone they were so sure would be be burning in hell."
"holier than thou mortal"
Look in the mirror.
LLR-democratical and Violent Homosexual Rape Fantasist Chuck: "Where is my comment? I submitted a comment long before most of the ones I am seeing on this page."
It appears our blog "karen" would very much like to speak with the manager.
Hope you enjoy your blue-state perks: schools fully under the thumb of the teacher unions, whacko-level crime under stealth-defund-police-Soros-decarcerators, abortion allowed up to birth, higher taxes, lower employment, intermittent "green" energy at exorbitant rates, LBGTQ+++ sex-ed for pre-schoolers, green farming limits, pretend-women in women's sports, subsidized EV's for the rich, homeless encampments on the sidewalks, etc.
An incredibly dumb comment by a self centered someone
The elderly resident dullard tries to justify the chaos the left creates. It's white women like you who poison the politics by emotionally losing control over things you don't understand. You know nothing of science or economics and pretend the political left does not intend destruction of all we know and cherish. Maybe you will live long enough to come under the care of one of those "equity" medical school graduates.
Meanwhile, North Carolina republicans now have a veto-proof super majority in their legislature,
because a dem switched parties. Dem Governor is now impotent. Something to do with abortion or something
@tastid212 4/5/23, 7:32 AM
How big the exodus will be from Chicago? Were "the wealthy" sticking it out hoping for Vallas to be elected? No reason for corporations or families to stay any longer.
You may be surprise when you read this from Chicago Contrarian, Affluent Chicago Business Leaders Increasingly Falling into Two Camps: Packers and Victims:
"I used to think that if blood spilled within a family or friend circle, it would get people to question the narrative,” says a business leader in the finance sector. “Instead, it’s made a number in my city peer group, especially women, who have opted to stay, even more steadfast in their commitment to progressive causes, including supporting no-bail for violent offenders, drug decriminalization, anti-racist re-education and extreme affirmative action in the workplace and, of course, gender ideology in schools."
Interestingly, many of the men that remain want out and are planning their exodus, though they are not speaking up, except to their friends in private. It’s their highly educated spouses – both working and stay at home – who have the progressive leash on, one that is often reinforced by their children, often daughters, who have bought hook, line and sinker into the progressive narrative and critical theory being taught in private Chicago schools like Latin and Parker, as well as Select Enrollment high schools."
The justices did more of a goose step, that's what fascists do.
cruella nuetered ally means
the aborsh candidate will win
Drago said...
"LLR-democratical and Violent Homosexual Rape Fantasist Chuck: "Where is my comment? I submitted a comment long before most of the ones I am seeing on this page."
It appears our blog "karen" would very much like to speak with the manager."
Our, " Where's my red stapler." moment.
Given the bodily autonomy apology, ex-utero viability criteria is a pro-life statement that forces a woman to birth her child. In fact, any criteria that denies reproductive rites before birth is a restriction of a woman's right to choice. Around 80% of Downs Syndrome babies are aborted when abortionists detect the genetic marker. Around 50% of female clusters are aborted soon after conception in some liberal cultures. Here's to medical and technical progress.
The elderly resident dullard tries to justify the chaos the left creates... Maybe you will live long enough to come under the care of one of those "equity" medical school graduates.
Planned Parent/hood. I hear Michigan is nice this time of year. Perhaps New York or another forward-looking jurisdiction.
Re: most gerrymandered state, WI isn't in the top ten...
The Great Migration has been operating in reverse for a couple of decades already.
If the quality of the three progs (they're beyond liberal) is indicated by the music they chose (which sounds as though it was written by an eighth-grader, and not one either bright or talented), WI is in trouble. In the absence of a video though, I wonder: were they swinging their asses as they strutted in?
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