Those of you who would like to make this about Biden's descent into dementia — I think you're missing something. Biden is doing a kind of humor I recognize. He thinks he's cute and he thinks he's funny. He sees someone leaning out a window or off a balcony or rooftop, and he shouts to them "Don't jump."In Philadelphia, Biden stops and randomly yells: "Don't jump!"
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) April 2, 2023
Have you never amused your friends with such an outburst or been the amused friend of someone who did?
९७ टिप्पण्या:
Democrats must always be given the benefit of a doubt and have the best interpretation put on their actions. Republicans must be assumed to be evil/stupid and the worst interpretation put on their actions.
If that had been Trump we would be told how insensitive he was to those thinking of suicide, and it's not right to make fun of those who are suicidal.
Yes, but this is politics and not that.
He only said it about 100 times already since he has been president. It wasn't funny the first time, and it is ghoulish the other 99 times. He is one sick puppy.
Maybe the joke is a cry for help? Is Biden suicidal?
Or this is an attempt to be clever from someone who is not.
since jumping out of window or balcony means person in despair >>
- is Biden also saying don't despair to USA denizens?
"Have you never amused your friends with such an outburst or been the amused friend of someone who did?"
Not when I was President, in front of dozens of cameras.
Yeah, it's a joke.
And one he's worn out over the years.
Sadistic is Biden’s best description. He destroyed his family and he destroyed the United States and laughed. But the massive ChiCom bribes make it all worth it.
And I bet you got a laugh out of Biden Blowing up Russia’s pipeline supplying Germany. That one was actually funny. But wrecking our energy supplies to create 40% inflation leading to Fed induced Bank failures and the end of dollars was not funny.
He must have some kind of dementia to continue to do this while thinking it is still fresh and still amusing each time he does it. He was a strange dude 35 years ago when he first ran for president. But 81 million voters* thought he was the leader our country needed in 2020. We get the politicians we deserve.
I'm certainly willing to concede that his perverse sense of humor can be distinct from his dementia.
I wonder if Althouse will vote for Biden this time because his sense of humor trumps his pathological fairy tales.
And as for this: "Those of you who would like to make this about Biden's descent into dementia — I think you're missing someone."
That sounds like something Trump would say.
He thinks he's cute …
And you think he thinks.
I dunno, Ann. This kind of "joking" behavior seems entirely consistent with dementia. It's the kind of clowning around that little kids do -- kids who have yet to gain control of their impulses in situations that call for some maturity, restraint, and decorum. I would grant you that he's trying to be funny, but he's the president and this didn't take place during a private weekend in Delaware while he was romping around with his grandchildren. He's out in public, BEING the president, and he's acting like a seven-year-old.
Try this on for size: If you took an 80-year-old uncle out on errands, and he decided to wear one of those red plastic fireman's helmets you can buy at costume shops and toy stores everywhere he went, would you dismiss that as merely an attempt to be funny?
A follow up to wendybar's comment above ...
At an event in March 2021 in Washington D.C. he told an audience viewing him from the second floor of a business store "Don't jump, we need you."
In October 2020, at a live news recording, addressing an audience member standing at the top of the studio, Biden said: "Don't jump, Cedric, you look like you're way up there."
In August 2020, while meeting first responders in Pittsburgh, the president was heckled from a nearby building, to which he replied "Don't jump, don't jump."
While the comment at the White House might be thought of as unwise or tone deaf (Biden has previously referred to himself as a "gaffe machine"), the social media posts decrying him (which speak to a critical and ongoing narrative about his competency) failed to mention who Biden was talking to and where those people were.
The posts also fail to clarify the self-referential nature of this in-joke, including the numerous times the president has said "Don't jump" elsewhere.
Fact Check: Does Viral Video Show Joe Biden Tell Paralympians 'Don't Jump'?
A "gaffe machine" in a suit.
The stench of civility calls is ripe. But to answer the question, no. Nobody I know walks down the street, stops occasionally, and tells complete strangers not to commit suicide for giggles. I have known a few that have walked down a street, noticed an attractive person, and made a scene about it, but I don’t recall others thinking this was “a sense of humor”. I also don’t know a father that has showered with his grown daughter, so I guess I just can’t relate to Joe Biden. I have seen male coworkers give female colleagues shoulder massages, but overtime, that is frowned upon.
Sorry, no,
We have been 7 years with the left taking everything Trump said literally. Like when he asked if Russia might have those mysterious missing Hillary emails. It was a very sophisticated bit of sarcasm. But actual lawyers used it Hias evidence of collusion.
Nope, the rules have been set by Biden and the Left. (of course evidence abounds, tracking Biden's desent into dementia. His wife is Doctor, she should be up on elder abuse charges....hey! There's a local charge that can get filed by the end of week!)
It is all part of Biden's empty, stupid and vicious personality.
Biden has done this "joke" about five or six times in recent months, including at inappropriate times.
Have you never amused your friends with such an outburst or been the amused friend of someone who did?
Absolutely! When I was Boy Scout. I've grown slightly more sophisticated since then.
Slightly. I'm not as impressed with the New York skyline as I was when I was eleven years old, consequently, the temptation to yell don't jump! is easier to conquer... a bit, a bit... usually it's just the D sound that escapes, which trails off to an embarrassed doh.
Or he really thought the person was about to jump.
Proof that he is a nutcase...
@Aggie, for the win. Exactly the point.
If Trump had made that comment while president - esp. multiple times - imagine the media coverage and comments about how "unpresidential" the comment and the man were. (Yeah, I know it's a cliched observation but that doesn't mean it's not true.)
"Interestingly sadistic."
Thank God is not boringly sadistic. That would be a real faux pas for Althouse.
Anyway, let's check with Ashley Biden about the effects of dad's interestingly sadistic suicide humor.
punch drunk humor
Inappropriate for someone in his position - which is frequently a sign of dementia. Not that hard to understand.
Looks as if WEEKEND at Bernie's, Sleepy Joe in a lot of heads up in here, c'mon man have a life. DONT JUMP! :)
I think "Good God, Don't Jump! The boy sat on the ledge... the old man who had fainted was revived (he's all right)...and everyone agreed twould be a miracle indeed if the biy survived......"
I'm with Aggie! Biden shows us, when on his meds, he's an adolescent prick! When off meds, per-nursery school prick.
Somebody should have told Joe Biden "Don't Jump!" into the shower with your daughter.
I agree. It is just a joke. It is not a particularly good joke, a standard "Dad joke."
If Trump has made the joke, the MSM would have crucified him for calling for the death of hard-working Americans. Then the next week they would be all in on government mandated suicide of undesirables, because that would be the new Democrat cause. "End of life affirming" care they would call it. California would declare it a sanctuary state to bring your children to the state to be put to death, to the praise of all "right-thinking" people.
This does not change the fact that Biden is a very unlikeable person, being a corrupt, amoral, mean, dishonest jackass who was stupid on his best day, has been consistently wrong about anything that does not involve graft and getting elected, and is now suffering from dementia, to the obvious detriment of the country on all fronts. We will be fortunate to survive this.
If anyone thinks Biden is making jokes with his bursts of dementia speech, you and he both need help.
Its embarrassingly immature. Anyone over 18 doing this type of thing makes himself look like a fool
No Ann... I've never seen or did a "don't jump" thing like Buffoon Biden did.
Gad, in 6 months he will be sucking his thumb in public. Just watch.
He trips up the stairs... soon he will trip going down... but no, he won't jump.
And that dog won't hunt either.
This, like all his homey, but untrue, stories he slips into speeches. They're Chamber of Commerce fodder that is built into his head from years of rubber chicken dinners. They just pop up and he spreads them broadly, when they were intended to be for specific audiences.
I don't know anyone who's ever done that -what if they slipped and fell?
If its humor, its low-level humor. But then Joe's intellect was always borderline adequate for his position. Trump has a diffent sense of humor. He's actually funny.
Its very American that we want our Presidents to be "funny". I don't think the Japanese, Indians, Germans or French want their Pols to be "Funny". The Brits love wit, but that's not cracking jokes.
Putin, has a sarcastic sense of humor. So did Stalin. Zelensky is a nightclub comedian. So, maybe the Slavs are more into humorous leaders. Black humor.
Sounds like you are making excuses for him, Ann.
John Heny
My grandmother had stock humor. "You can call me whatever you want, just don't call me late for dinner." "I see, said the blind man." And she always said it in a self-deprecating, charming way.
Althouse is for boring. I'm ready for a POTUS whose humor is boring, like my grandmother's. "Don't jump" is not boring.
Biden must have seen an American whose President is Joe Biden.
Psst, AA, Biden's not funny. Never has been. He's mean. Every so-called joke, this Don't Jump one included, has always been delivered and directed as a put-down of another. Leno, Carson, Hope, he ain't.
I do think that Biden is exhibiting signs of mental deterioration. This little jape is not evidence of that. You're right, it's a little spontaneous humor that shows that today, he knows what's going on around him.
Our Professor said (about Biden)..
He thinks he's cute and he thinks he's funny.
truer words Never spoken (or typed)..
Now, let me try: Biden thinks he is a wit.. He's half right
Yeah. But I'm not the president of the United States. Don't you think a certain amount of decorum is called for? After all. As the president he can start wars. Ruin whole economies and through his policies starve millions of people across the world. As a rational voter I'm not seeing the funny.
A jerk would shout "jump!" and laugh. He got his laugh by shouting "don't jump!"
Nothing wrong with that.
Darkisland said...
Sounds like you are making excuses for him, Ann.
I see Althouse pointing out, that BIDEN thinks Biden is funny; I don't see Althouse AGREEING with Biden
If he has repeated it so many times, I wonder if it's part of his phatic speech which would fit in with dementia.
He has about 5 jokes
Hes stupid compared to [pick family member]
I like ice cream
I'm Irish, but not stupid, like they are. Sometimes he substitutes Irish with White BOY
He mixes his tough guy bit in there.
And theres dont jump
Media always laughs. Always.
Most of his life anectodes are known to be false.
He likes kids because theyre simple. They have to be under 10
Biden was speaking to a nation that is dispirited, brought to its knees by his moronic, divisive rule.
A moment of clarity for Dementia Joe?
Recall when President Soiled Pants told a wheelchair guy this: "Where's Chuck? Stand up Chuck". Now that was a real knee slapper.
Repetitive, not funny, and inappropriate. There's no awareness of self and the moment.
More striking than his "humor", our President comes across as ignorant, and often a bully. He doesn't seem capable of discussing the macro (global view) or the micro (policy details) in any meaningful way. "Boob" is a word that best describes him.
'Biden is doing a kind of humor I recognize. He thinks he's cute and he thinks he's funny.'
Grandpas and dirty uncles tickle kids too.
There's a thin line between funny and creepy...
Never, because I don’t hang around sociopaths. That “joke” was never funny. Biden isn’t just demented, he was always batcrap crazy.
Biden’s honed his schtick to a perfect final product after 50 years in Washington. He began as a frat prick and has grown into a smirking, corrupt family crime don. I give him credit: he really has it down. George W. Bush began similarly but never quite got to the finished form. He’s just an old frat prick.
That joke was funny. Once. Circa 1977. For about 20 minutes. What does that say about our President's mental acuity?
Onset of dementia often exhibits relaxed inhibtions and inability to control behavior. He also sniffs and fondles.
Yes. I enjoy stupid humor as long as it's stupid enough.
That's not to say I like cornball humor which lacks the intentional dumbness of stupid humor. And to be clear, I prefer both to lame-ass humor which is just witless w/o irony.
Teh Boogeyman is on the move! Teh Beast slouches toward Manhattan!
American Bar Association bites its pillow. Film at 11.
What happened to all those articles with snide references to "dad jokes?"
Regular people--in many cases, well-meaning dads--were subjected to 1,800 word articles on how square and "cringey" they were just because they told "corny" jokes or dropped too-clever phrases or spun out Ted Lasso-like aphorisms in the presence of the hip, all-knowing children.
Now this fucking creep--in the process of driving the country off a cliff-- gets a pass?
How's "Fuck you?" Does that work? Works for me.
Biden is funny, if you think clowns are funny.
Don't jump. Forward! Sympathy, empathy, perhaps, an American Spring.
Here's a gutbuster...
Why is there a fence around the cemetary?
Cause people are dying to get in.
Captain Billy's Whizbang.
"Have you never amused your friends with such an outburst or been the amused friend of someone who did?"
We all have at least one asshole friend. They look around and lean in before a racist joke and think calling someone a retard is funny. They also grab their congressional staffers and fire them if they complain. (Well, maybe not that last one).
Another Biden "joke" that is not funny: He makes the sign of the cross and says "Bless me Father for I have sinned.". Like he is going to confession. He does this whenever he says something nice about Republicans. He even said it after reading a list of Bruce Springsteen's awards and accomplishments at a recent award ceremony. I didn't even understand what sin he thought he was confessing!
Not as funny, but more sadistic...
The rationalizations about what Biden is doing in front of us are the things I find amazing. If your neighbor was doing this sort of thing routinely, your first question would be "Does he have caregivers...?", and what the hell they are doing letting him wander around and yell at clouds.
Elect a mentally-dysfunctional and essentially corrupt elderly man to the highest office in the land? Well, that means you can't possibly question your decision.
Frankly, I think that anyone who voted for this senile cretin should have their mental competence evaluated. If you thought he'd do a good job? You're entirely delusional; he can't even be allowed to attend the coronation of King Charles, for fear he'd embarrass himself and the nation.
I don't think what Biden said is any worse than when Trump joked: "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK? It's like, incredible.”
Lighten up, people.
Biden is doing a kind of humor I recognize.
Ann do try to appreciate the asymmetry you constantly dish out- count how many times you've called Trump behavior unpresidential while every day there are instances of Biden acting like a child or a nursing home patient're here to defend and offer a bit of mocking of your commentariat...'re not obligated to be fair but many of us think much less of you- if not for the asymmetry but the fact you lack the awareness to recognize it...
'He sees someone leaning out a window or off a balcony or rooftop, and he shouts to them "Don't jump."'
Yeah, and he does it very often. I expect that his owners have talked with him about this, but talking to Joe doesn't work so good any more.
Biden says that whenever he notices a balcony.
The "jump!" is louder than the "Don't," so maybe sometime this will end very badly.
This is why we are fucked. NONE of what this idiot said is true. All you have to do is open your eyes to see NYC is NOT safe, and they do NOT respect the rule of law.
"“We’re the safest largest city in America because we respect the rule of law in New York City,” Mayor Adams said, admitting there are no specific threats. New York City prosecutors allow murderers, violent criminals and rapists to roam the streets but Trump supporters will be arrested and held accountable."
Have you never amused your friends with such an outburst or been the amused friend of someone who did?
Sure. When I was 12.
“You must always remember that the President is about six.” -- British Ambassador Sir Cecil Spring Rice about his friend Theodore Roosevelt.
People used to call dementia "second childhood" before we faced up to how horrible it can be.
Biden's sense of humor on display.
Democrat voters were smarter then.
How's "Fuck you?" Does that work? Works for me.
Ann used to have a game she play with students (or was it her children?):
"Suppose you had to argue for X?", and then she would turn it around and say...
"Now suppose you had to argue against X?"
Now she's playing it with us.
Ann used to have a game she play with students (or was it her children?):
"Suppose you had to argue for X?", and then she would turn it around and say...
"Now suppose you had to argue against X?"
Now she's playing it with us.
I have two friends who repeat lame jokes at inappropriate occasions. One is so far out on the spectrum that you need a telescope to spot him. His remarks might have been charitably described as 'clever' -- the first hundred times.
The other had a series of strokes that destroyed his impulse control and social filters.
I would not trust either of them to drive a car, let alone a country.
A bad dad joke is when one says “Safe” and displays the baseball safe sign when they witness someone fall
I have never heard Don’t jump
I think it's funny. Especially if no one was up there. I also thought Trump was funny. Funny is no respecter of politics.
" lonejustice said...
I don't think what Biden said is any worse than when Trump joked: "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK? It's like, incredible.”"
The difference is, Trump said it once, not 100 times like Biden does.
Like Trump, (and for that matter most sucessful politicians) Biden is a raging narcissist. It's always all about him, whether it's the inappropriate "ice cream" introduction to his Nashville shooting remarks, or this, wholly inappropriate, joke.
I had a friend since the 5th grade who always was the 'life of the party', making cracks exactly like this, who, much later in life, was diagnosed a narcissist. It was like a light bulb going on.
Is there anyone who heard Joe say "don't jump" and said to themselves "How clever. I wish I had thought of that."
“Have you never amused your friends with such an outburst or been the amused friend of someone who did?”
Actually, I don’t believe I have.
I have never heard Don’t jump
It's said in jest as a taunt.
wendybar said:
"lonejustice said...
I don't think what Biden said is any worse than when Trump joked: "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK? It's like, incredible.”
The difference is, Trump said it once, not 100 times like Biden does."
But that's the whole point. Biden has said this stupid joke 100s of times. So we all know it was a dumb joke, and we didn't take it seriously. When Trump said that he could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and he wouldn't lose any voters, and then bragged that this was incredible, he only did this once. One time only. He never once repeated this joke, because he knew how many voters would be offended by it. Many people didn't take it as a joke, which is far different than what Biden joked about.
Can we confirm the repetition is intentional? He might be marveling at his improv every time. Limits of the juice.
You are in denial. His repeated inappropriate attempts at “humor” are classic dementia.
The funny caption to the still photo is: ‘Eeeeeaaaggggh! IRON BIRD!!!’ …like Biden is so old and senile he can only recall a time when there were no airplanes…
I can see how the joke would seem sadistic, and perhaps it is, but to me the joke is in the pattern, and in the randomness, and in the interaction to see if the person the joke is aimed at understands the joke.
It's like seeing someone wear a Captain America T-Shirt and saying "Thank you, Captain, for your service."
Also, as always, agree with Freeman, Yoda does. And so do I. Biden himself is a pattern joke, and a sadistic one at that.
I think he try’s to hard.
That’s never funny.
On brand. He's an asshole.
Juvenile humor by a man his age is evidence of senility.
As evidenced by the well-known grandpa joke: "Pull my finger".
Such juvenile humor by a man his age seems clear evidence of at least early senility.
As evidenced by the well-known Grandpa joke: "Pull my finger".
"don't jump" is not sadistic humor
for fuck's sake!
I heard in New York, sometimes people on the street yell
"Jump! Jump! Jump!"
At the fuckers who are standing there for hours, filled with ambivalence, risking the lives of the cops who are trying to tackle his ass and save his ass and not die in the attempt
and "Jump!" is not "sadistic humor" either
(maybe a little)
you could just as easily say "reverse psychology"
which is a thing
some people
I'm like this
often do the reverse of what you tell them to do
Doctor: "I'm ordering you to do more sit-ups and eat less. That's an order!"
Me: "I hear you, Doc."
(I used to say, "I hear you," to my father when he ordered me to do something, and he said, "I didn't ask if you heard me, I want to know if you're going to do it")
I love "I hear you," it's such a passive-aggressive way to resist!
or ambivalent, anyway
("I hear you" but that does not mean "I will follow you")
anyway, few of us cheer suicide
except for mean fucking liberals who think suicide proves some damn shit
and the people who stand on the street staring at the guy who's ambivalent about jumping
get a job, you fuckers!
whose got time to stand on the street and gawk at maybe-suicides?!
life is about more than entertaining ourselves
(I am super-guilty of that last sin, all the time, I like the fun, can't help it, that's one of my big sins, don't ask me how the hell a comedian becomes a pro-lifer, I'm a human being, I contain multitudes)
(not like legion the Satanic asshole)
(when Jesus sent those animals off a cliff to die, I felt sorry for the animals)
Yes I agree. And it reminds me of my 97 year old father in law
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