"During the transition from the Trump Administration to the Biden Administration, the outgoing Administration provided no plans for how to conduct the final withdrawal or to evacuate Americans and Afghan allies," the assessment said. "Indeed, there were no such plans in place when President Biden came into office, even with the agreed upon full withdrawal just over three months away."
१३९ टिप्पण्या:
The buck never got here!
They've had this long and that's the best they can do?
In other news........the dog ate my homework.
......and after Biden was installed. They still didn't have a plan!!
NPR should be de-funded as well.
Poor Joe!
Biden screws up, blames Trump.
2nd easiest prediction, after "Sun will rise in the east tomorrow."
Shorter version: The Devil made me do it.
"During the transition from the Trump Administration to the Biden Administration, the outgoing Administration provided no plans for how to conduct the final withdrawal or to evacuate Americans and Afghan allies."
Probably because if they had, the Biden administration would've then spun those plans to blame Trump for the Afghanistan withdrawal which they would do anyway and are doing because today is another day ending in "y".
If there were no plans, then:
1. Don't withdraw.
2. Write your own plan.
Is that report the optimum work of the best and brightest?
"Not me". I think the Family Circus has this administration pretty well covered. Not many adults there, and it would be unusual for NPR (‘state-affiliated media’) to feature them.
he should have talked to his 2 buddies Bush and Cheney
apparently, extending the deadlines and making a reasonable plan never was an opion for these incompetents.
If there was no plan, they knew there ws no plan, yet they went forward anyway, then the results are still on them.
The old “Bay of Pigs” defense.
Biden shares/shifts responsibility to Trump, as Obama shared/shifted responsibility to Bush.
Didn't see that coming!
:roll eyes:
Apparently, the buck stops in Mara Lago. Criminal negligence. Indict Trump. We are blessed to have such honest and competent leadership.
Utter incompetents clear themselves of incompetency. Give everyone medals!
As I recall, less than a day after Biden got into office he was issuing EOs reversing many Trump policies such as revoking authorization for the Keystone XL pipeline.
Consider that proof the current crop of Democrats only know how to destroy things, not plan or build them.
Withdrawal and evacuation seem to be something the military and state department would (or should) have permanent contingency plans for.
The full withdrawal was contingent to facts on the ground. There was no compelling cause to repeat Obama's premature withdrawal and funding the Iranian proxy in the second Iraq war and its segue to the World War Spring series including [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] immigration reform (CAIR), and Americans left behind, aborted, perhaps forgotten.
8 months of Biden Administration with its hands tied? What horseshit.
". . . the outgoing Administration provided no plans for how to conduct the final withdrawal or to evacuate Americans and Afghan allies," the assessment said. "Indeed, there were no such plans in place when President Biden came into office, even with the agreed upon full withdrawal just over three months away."
If Trump didn't leave a plan ( a point I rather doubt), then do what an adult would do. Create a plan, a thoughtful plan.
No deadline is written in stone. Push the deadline back.
US state-affiliated media parrots administration talking points.
So, simply delay the withdrawal. I thought the Biden admin was supposed to be composed of competent adults. Biden had 50 years of national security experience and knew to listen to the senior military leadership.
In reality, if there were no plans on how to withdrawal it was because the military and diplomatic leadership was dragging their feet because they didn't think we should withdrawal, and then were caught by surprise when Biden decided to do so. Also, even if we didn't plan to withdrawal, there should have been contingency plans for doing so just in case. That's military 101. Always plan on how to withdraw from a position.
Joey B was busy picking gays and trans to make his own war plans. That needed Marines. And he was busy picking ice cream flavors to attract little girls. Being the big guy is all that he ever learned how to do. Getting away with this selected President act proves the propaganda media is 97% owned by the Dems.
I could be wrong, but I seem to remember a lot of people weren't blaming Biden for the withdrawal because he was simply following Trump's plan.
Now we're being told it's not Biden's fault because Trump didn't have a plan?
This is the smoking gun- how you know the Obama Administration is still in charge. Obama inherited a mess and Barack’s accomplishments weren’t evident until his replacement was in charge so he got all the credit. Poor Barack. The absolute worst timing of any President ever. Sads…
"...even with the agreed upon full withdrawal just over three months away."
Selectively quoted from the assessment by NPR to give the appearance that the withdrawal actually took place in that timeline and the Biden administration was limited by the short schedule. The retreat actually took place in August.
A deliberate distortion. It fooled some readers here. It fooled many, many in the NPR audience.
Gosh, if only those executive branch departments that don't switch personnel when the President leaves office had some people whose job is planning. You know - planners who plan plans for them. Too bad there just weren't any to be found in the DoD or DoS in 2020. Maybe the next President will hire some planners to plan plans.
Gosh, if only those executive branch departments that don't switch personnel when the President leaves office had some people whose job is planning. You know - planners who plan plans for them. Too bad there just weren't any to be found in the DoD or DoS in 2020. Maybe the next President will hire some planners to plan plans.
NPR is a Monster.
I remember their sound bites when Biden was breaking the news of his timeline to leave afghanistan. They babbled about our dark history in Afghanistan, talking about George Bush and his seven years of occupation, and then about Donald Trump's time, and
wait, what? GEE, skipped right over 8 years in between. Never mentioned the name of the One President that Won a Pulitzer Prize in anticipation of what he promised would be done right away, but only "pondered" instead, and eventually deciding to use Afghanistan for our drone warfare development -- eight solid years.
As much as I am used to @NPR's sleight of hand, my jaw dropped at their audacity.
Maybe Trump should’ve invited the Taliban to Mar a Lago instead of Camp David.
Kirby lost any remaining credibility he may have once had with that bologna.
NPR has been very defensive about being labeled what they are- state run media.
Here’s one more data point for the pile…
Next up, Biden uses taxpayer dollars to buy back the weaponry left behind.
Claims it is a good deal because we got a discount.
I suspect that if there really were no plans, that's because the generals and senior snivel servants at the Pentagon were confident that they could convince the new Admin to postpone the withdrawal essentially indefinitely.
Of course, if they had paid attention to Biden during the Obama Admin (I know, who did, right? But stick with me), they would have known that he's been very pro-GTFO for a long time. So this was one of the few areas where Trump and Biden were essentially on the same page. But after almost two decades of "managing" Bush and Obama, they were pretty sure that Trump was just a weird aberration, and they'd be able to manage Joe "Return to Normalcy" Biden just fine.
Another miscalculation for a Pentagon that's made far too many miscalculations lately.
With Joe Biden, you really do have to spoon feed his transition for him.
To be clear, there was a President elected precisely because he promised to leave Afghanistan and close Guantanamo Bay ASAP. He even won the Peace Prize in anticipation of what he never did.
That name will not be heard in regard to this coverage on @NPR.
Even if Trump HAD turned over a plan, Team Biden would have done the opposite.
I would also note that we're in a sticky situation with China in the WestPac because we have a Navy that wasted a huge amount of time and money on the Seawolf subs, and even more time and money on the Zumwalt destroyers and LCS PoS.
So now we have an attack submarine fleet enduring the mass retirement of the Los Angeles boats with an inadequate number of Virginias coming in to replace them. The Virginia is a good design, but there was so much time and money wasted on Seawolf, and the Virginias cannot be built and bought fast enough to replace the Los Angeles subs. If you don't build any subs, you soon lose the ability to build many subs - and now we also need to replace the Ohio SSBNs - and there's only two yards that can build subs, and both are suffering from a lack of skilled labor and a snarled supply chain.
In the surface fleet, the remaining Ticonderoga cruisers will be retiring soon - leaving no surface combatants with real command and control facilities. Practically speaking, the surface fleet is down to a single class - the Burke destroyers. A very capable ship, but the design is getting to be 40 years old! It's still a very good air defense destroyer and decent surface warfare ship (though with only 90+ VLS missile cells, it can't be great at both simultaneously), but it's too big and expensive to be a sub hunter (that needs frigates, which we are just starting to build again - after retiring all the Perrys) and it lacks the hardware to be the command ship of a surface action group (and there's no new cruiser on the horizon). The mismanagement of surface ship design and procurement in the three decades since the end of the last Cold Wars has been nothing short of criminal - and we may very well find ourselves paying the price for that in lives (thousands, or tens of thousands if we start losing carriers) if the balloon goes up in WestPac.
Biden had no plan.
The withdrawal was a disaster.
And he absolutely didn’t leave anyone behind.
"During the transition from the Trump Administration to the Biden Administration, the outgoing Administration provided no plans for how to conduct the final withdrawal or to evacuate Americans and Afghan allies."
This is like a kick directly in LLR-democratical and Violent Homosexual Rape Fantasist Chuck's balls...assuming he still identifies as a male.
Recall LLR-democratical Chuck spent weeks and weeks on this blog lying about Biden having to follow the precise Trump plan for the withdrawal...only to have Chuck's co-democraticals throw our admitted smear merchant under the bus!
What a perfectly perfect case study in LLR-democratical Chuck's consistent mendacity.
Biden moved Trump's planned withdrawal date back three or four months to coincide with the 10th anniversary of 9/11/2001 and give him a opportunity for a cute little public appearance.
That would have given Biden more time to develop his own plan, and if Biden could change the date for a photo opportunity, couldn't he have postponed the withdrawal until his plan had been conceived and set in motion?
They worked on this excuse for over a year?
Good! About time, that we had a good hard national argument on the Trump Administration role in whatever anyone thinks went wrong in Afghanistan in 2021.
For my money, I’m happy to blame Trump AND Biden. You know who looks good at this point? It’s Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger and Mitt Romney and the other anti-Trump Republicans who opposed the Afghanistan withdrawal through both Administrations.
Baloney from Team Biden. Wasn't the Trump deal subject to conditions?
Biden just cut and ran.
How to demoralize the country: do a colossally poor job of getting out of A-stan, abandoning untold numbers of Americans and Afghanis who were marked for death because they helped us. Abandon also a MOUNTAIN of equipment worth many billions . Abandon also any pretense of a foothold (e.g. Bagram air base). Do this in an impulsive, incoherent, finger-pointing goat-rodeo with unnecessary casualties on all sides. Crawl away in utter humiliation
Then, years later (when you think people have forgotten this travesty and your role in it) roll out this ridiculously transparent lie that would embarrass a three-year-old, and expect everyone to go along.
We're doomed.
I am holding my breath so I don't say a bad word.
Plenty of blame to go around on this one.
Wow, Dog Bites Man! Stop the presses!
The argument from the JCS is Trump didn't do the work for them. A reason for low recruitment in the military is the incompetence at the very top of it. But that's just the JCS portion of the assessment.
Then there is this beauty:
"National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby told reporters at the White House Thursday that the decision to withdrawal from Afghanistan was the right one but that the previous administration had not done sufficient planning for the withdrawal and put Biden in a difficult position."
Oh my, Biden was in a difficult position. This was even more than the slayer of Corn Pop could handle. Perhaps the real story is Biden wasn't up to the job. He got more time than a 3am wake-up call, and it was just too difficult for the man that keeps his fridge full of Jenny's chocolate chip. Yeah, more US personnel died and Afghans that supported the US were tortured and killed; but it was because Biden was in a difficult position. Afghan women can no longer go to school, but Biden, it is difficult for him.
Perhaps it wouldn't have been so difficult had Biden fired the incompetent Gen. Milley, who failed to draft a plan under two Presidents. To be fair to Biden, military planning should be done by the military and then reviewed by civilian personnel to assure it meets US political and strategic goals. If there was no plan, then JCS is the failure.
Why wasn't a plan being worked on by the Biden transition team if this was a known gap in the Trump's admin planning? And, who's fault is it if the Biden transition team didn't know that there was no plan for the withdrawal?
Sorry, guys. Bullshit all around.
PS: I'd also like to hear a statement from the Trump State Dept people on if there was a plan or not. I bet there was but the Biden people didn't like what was in it.
The United States Military has a plan for everything. This includes an organized withdrawal. They do this because equipment is expensive and has to accounted for. They also have a plan to destroy equipment they can't leave with.
Am I correct in remembering that Trump said he had a plan in place for the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan?
The Biden administration wasn't shy about cancelling whatever Trump administration plans the felt like. Most of the time they didn't bother thinking it through. Is it perhaps a backhanded compliment that they figured following Trump's timeline would be foolproof? Even sans any implementation plan?
“ Dave Begley said...
If there were no plans, then:
1. Don't withdraw.
2. Write your own plan.
This isn’t total nonsense from Mr. Begley. You’d get support fr Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger and Mitt Romney. Probably me too.
The problem is, Trump’s late-administration fucking-around made the situation very bad. And it wasn’t just a matter of a tidy pullout plan. We needed to re-craft a new Afghanistan strategy at that point, thanks to Trump’s recklessness in trying to get out in time for the election (which never worked out for him).
Trump in fact did negotiate a withdraw. But there were multiple trip wires that allowed the US to keep troops in theater. Like always, the important facts are omitted by the state sponsored media outlets
In other news, Biden continually stumbles up the stairs to Air Force One because Trump left grease drippings from his Big Macs all over the steps.
Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary/FBI Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "Maybe Trump should’ve invited the Taliban to Mar a Lago instead of Camp David."
Inga is still upset that Biden only gifted $85B in American weaponry instead of $150B.
Not to worry Inga, billions of additional US weapons and armaments are hitting the black market via the Ukraine money laundering scheme.
So, congratulations on that I suppose.
Note: Inga STILL believes the russkis invaded Crimea when Trump was President!
Did the DoD not have a plan? I know it's subject to the Commanded in Chief for final say, but for eight months that was Biden.
If the DoD did not have plan(S) with multiple contingencies then some brass heads should have rolled.
Horse hockey.
Trump didn't abandon the airbase.
Trump didn't draw down to 6-700 troops.
Trump didn't fail to allow the trigger to be pulled on the bomber.
Trump didn't blow up a man who aided people and his kids then claim they blasted a terrorist.
Trump didn't do a quick about face, load up every available warm body without review then brag about our airlift.
STFU Chuck. The left always blames everyone else for their failures (which they consider successes). The Pentagon had no plan, because Obama cashiered a lot of the top generals and admirals during his tenure, to replace them with woke generals and admirals. As a result, the top brass are focused on vaccine requirements and CRT training rather than readiness. Recruitment is cratering, because the military has deliberately vilified the populations that provide the most recruits. We'd probably lose a war with Grand Fenwick under this regime, but that's ok with you, because it would be Trump's fault. God, what a bunch of fascist lunatics we are currently ruled by.
We all know that the Biden administration wanted to pull out at such and such a date so they could have a photo op and then praise themselves for keeping a campaign promise. The idea that they were handcuffed by whatever Trump did is laughable, especially after this administration has gone out of its way to repudiate everything that Trump implemented, even if it was not in the best interest of the country.
If they are going to blame Trump for everything, then they might as well put Trump back in the Oval Office. Obviously, he is still running things, not the poo-headed, amoral, corrupt failure who is also senile.
iowan2: "Trump in fact did negotiate a withdraw. But there were multiple trip wires that allowed the US to keep troops in theater. Like always, the important facts are omitted by the state sponsored media outlets"
This has been well established but democratical pollsters know how bad this looks for Biden so they've launched their voice-actuated NPC smear merchant automatons like LLR-democratical Chuck and Inga to push the newest lies.
You know whats really fun?
When the democraticals SIMULTANEOUSLY argue Biden had to follow Trump's plan which they also claim never existed!
And, as noted, they will also literally argue those points simultaneously in the same way they blame Trump's election in 2016 for the russki invasion of Crimea in 2014 and for the russki invasion of the rest of Ukraine in 2022!
Coming in due course: Brack Obama will be indicted for the murder of Abdulrahman Anwar al-Awlaki, an American citizen who was never tried for a capital crime. Presidential war powers do not extend to the killing of potential enemies. Obama supporters probably think otherwise. It's time to test their theory in court
Were any of you in the Military>? Sounds like a couple people were, the rest are just spouting off like fools. Three month deadline, new Commander comes in, becomes an 8 month mission, the new Commander owns it. Basic shit.
Are you sure it wasn't russia, russia, russia.
The idea that ANYTHING coming out of the democrat white house is believable, is amazingly naive.
Three months? That’s not right.
So Biden reversed 99.9% of Trump’s policies and plans day One but this one conditional timetable was somehow untouchable to this perversely meddling administration?
Nope. Not buying that bullshit. If they were really proud of the outcome as Kirby said today from the podium they would appropriate it not blame Trump.
"Gaslighting? What's that?" - Joe Biden
"Did it work?" - Harry Reid
"Pass me that crack pipe, whore." - Hunter Biden
Obama and Biden were in the White House for 8 years. What did they do?
The lines of vehicles and pile of abandoned equipment that the Taliban twitter account taunts us with? My son is a former scout platoon leader with the 101st, and now a Special Forces OD-A officer. Anyone losing a piece of equipment had the cost deducted from their pay by the CIF, and if a pair of NODs (night-observation devices) are missing, the entire base is locked down to prevent this high-tech from falling into unfriendly hands. Even blood-stained items from Ranger School and SFAS were charged, so please don't tell anyone connected with the military that Biden did a great job.
Chuck and the resident dullard agree. It's all Trump's fault. Probably blame him for the XL pipeline close an the wild spending that is going to crash the economy and ending fossil fuels, which put us back to the age of horses and wood ;piles.
This isn’t total nonsense from Mr. Begley. You’d get support fr Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger and Mitt Romney. Probably me too.
That's reassuring you idiot. Kirby shows how you get from PIO to admiral without learning anything.
Reminds me of the "Trump was to blame for East Palastine" because he got rid of a regulation. Biden had 2 years to put the regulation back in, and never did. Here Biden had months to come up with his own plan, and came up with a bad one.
Look, the Democrats and Biden are NEVER going to stop blaming Trump or Republicans for their failure. They are NEVER going to accept Responsiblity. They don't apologize. They don't play defense. They play by Alinsky's rules.
Don't like it? Stop voting for them.
And frankly, i don't care that biden came up with a bad plan. A bad withdrawl was better than no withdrawl. we should have gotten out of that Afghan hell hole 10 years ago.
And of course, all the massive problems that were going to happen to the USA if we left, havent happened. Just like always.
Now, Biden needs to get us out of Syria, no matter how much Mitt Romney cries.
Yes, Trump, Trump and Global Warming!!!!! (HT to the Python crew)
"NPR has been very defensive about being labeled what they are- state run media."
Ask the traditional question:
NPR, when you made this news statement, were you stupid or were you lying to me?
Uhh, both.
This isn’t going to be popular, but no President was going to be able to withdraw from Afghanistan without some form of debacle happening. The withdrawal debacle was baked in the first moment the Pentagon/defense industry C-suite in conjunction with our intelligence agencies; decided to deploy regular Army units.
Piss off, creepy Chuck.
Organs of State Security investigate themselves, find they did nothing wrong. (NPR = Nakedly Partisan Radio)
Holdfast recognizes the gap--between Presidents' stated goals and intentions and the willingness of the brass to take them seriously.
Clearly both Trump and Biden were naive if they thought that just because they wanted, or even ordered, something done, that any move would be made to do it. Trump more than Biden, since Trump had no reason to think that the DC Ghouls would support him in any way on any question.
Crook Biden is president. If he and his marionette handlers thought Trump's non-plan was terrible - why follow it?
oh right - Inga's drool basket of deceit is ace (D).
Of course it was Trump’s fault. The Biden administration would never rescind any Trump policy. They were honor bound to obey every policy that was promulgated by the Trump administration.
If Trump did anything wrong - it was based on his bad reactions to the corrupt left's non-stop harassment of him and and non-stop lies about Russian Collusion (Hillary paid dossier)
So who in the Trump administration would have been responsible for developing withdrawal plans conforming to Trump’s announced schedule? Why that would have been four star General Lloyd Austin, Commander of the US Central Command (CENTCOM). Was it difficult for the incoming Secretary of Defense to meet with retiring General Austin to assess the state of withdrawal plan? Probably not, given that they were one and the same person!
So the incoming Secretary of Defense knew that there were no usable plans to disengage in Afghanistan, when the Biden administration took office in late January. And eight months later there still were no usable!plans. Contrast this with Patton’s 90 degree pivot from attacking Germany through the Saar region to relieve Bastogne, plans developed in a handful of days. But back 1944 we had generals eager to win a war, not just accumulate fruit salad on their chests.
Rusty said...
Piss off, creepy Chuck.
Comments may need to pass through moderation. Comments should respond to material raised in the post. I encourage brevity and substance and discourage personal attacks and repetition.
"Biden screws up, blames Trump."
Biden probably figures, "Blaming others and acknowledging/claiming only successes for himself works for Trump, it should work for me."
Former SecState Pompeo does some shoving back in a Fox interview.
Headline says it all, doesn't it?
Of course they blame Trump! Strategic withdrawals are taught in OCS, how to vacate an area without getting your ass kicked. What fools, that cost lives and left billions in gear. Prior planning prevents poor performance.
We have entered the Orwellian world that I have been fearing since the Obama-MSM-DNC cabal took control over all our federal agencies.
Inga is too stupid to understand, so there is no use in confronting her. Chuck is too pathological, so be careful when you criticize him. He may show up at your doorstep, or that of your 10 year old grandson.
So supposedly Trump had a timetable for over a year and didn't write down a plan to implement that time table...
That exit was in the making for over a year. THERE HAD TO BE A PLAN. But we see Joe just does not remember there was one. Neither does his generals. And they just decided to run, right?
What we had was Joe altered the timetable Trump made and sped it up for an early exit. And he f*cked it up just as he does everything he touches.
As I recall, Biden unilaterally pushed back the date of withdrawal from May 1 to Sept. 11th, the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks that led to the war.
He did this for 2 reasons, both political. 1) The significance of the date and 2) to distance the end of the war from the previous administration so he could take full credit. Biden forgot that the enemy gets a vote and started drawing down forces immediately. US troop numbers were at record lows.
Biden's unilateral decision to change the date was considered by the Taliban to be a violation of the negotiated agreement. In their view it abrogated the treaty and it's cease fire provisions. With US troop strengths down, the Taliban attacked all across the theater and by the end of August, the US was forced out.
So Biden did have a plan. It just wasn't a good plan.
Are we sure Inga isn't hitting open mike nights at ComedySports in Milwaukee?
Hmmmm.... Let's see.
1 - Cut.
2 - Run.
Doesn't seem that difficult.
JAORE said...If the DoD did not have plan(S) with multiple contingencies then some brass heads should have rolled.
I spent three years at the Pentagon on a planning staff. Elsewhere, I had been responsible for creating, or reviewing, operational and contingency plans.
There is no doubt CENTCOM had a disengagement plan, and backups to that plan.
And there can be no doubting that the Biden administration preferred the political appeal of leaving at a set date, rather than leaving on the best date. The thought that the US needed to kowtow to the Taliban on timing is repellant nonsense.
Nevertheless, Biden decided to go with short term political appeal rather than operational effectiveness.
Blaming the debacle on Trump is to completely shirk responsibility. No wonder recruitment is plummeting.
It emanated from a penumbra, a boy get carved simulates a girl, a girl gets scalped resembles a boy, a fetus becomes viable and sovereignty dies, two men and a womb, shared responsibility through progressive prices, NIKE profiting from labor and environmental arbitrage in Green deals, several self-impeachments, DIEversity, a premature evacuation twice, a World War Spring series with "benefits", excess rail traffic, then reality really becomes conflated.
Almost as foolish a claim as the NYT would make. But... NPR has the measure of their listeners. Upon a time, they were thought to be intelectuals.
Let's face it. The withdrawal was a clusterfuck. It was predictable as there was no way to get that equipment out of there. Afghanistan is land locked. We should have been edging out of there for years before Trump. Remember it was Obama who said it was the only moral war. Biden, who is a shitbird follower of Obama, is trying to cover up his mentor's mistakes.
Saddest is that this came from the NSC, not the DNC.
Jake Sullivan heads the Council. Seems dangerous to let it get totally politicized as it's make-up is partly uniformed military.
First step if you don’t want to be called an asshoe is stop acting like one.
Such ludicrous times we live in. Why are so many people dim-witted these days? I know; let’s blame the teachers. After all, who else could have made stupidity the norm?
Yes, and the Biden administration will spread it anywhere but where it obviously belongs. Shoved up its own ass.
very Catholic of them to share product from 'FJB's Depends'
Trump ate my homework.
I'm old, but I still remember back to 2015.
The MO is exactly the same. Some govt agency writes a report. Devoid of facts, written from the conclusion with 'facts' filled in from unknown sources, or such hot intel it is classified so high even the President cant see it. It points to Trump being....fill in any accusation...
Rinse and repeat, over and over and over.
We can count on all the federal agencies, in turn writing such a report, and the State controlled media, adding seasoning.
This thing is just as pathetic as Braggs indictment that fails to cite a felony.
In real time the Biden apologists tried all this to justify the massive FUBAR, and one by one, facts put them to bed.
Next month look for another govt written report, smearing Trump.
Trump was being harassed with impeachment by the Dems during his last few months in office. It wouldn't be surprising if he didn't put much effort into Afghanistan planning.
How Pathetic
I could have written a better plan on the back of a napkin...
Back when I was an active duty Navy Officer in the 80s (LT/LCDR), once a new CO takes command, he's responsible for anything and everything that happens 1 second after he assumes command.
Biden's flunkies had 7 months to come up with a decent withdrawal plan. This particular debacle is on them.
Man up, Mr. Commander in Chief!
And if the democratical BS "report" blowing up in their lying faces wasnt enough today, Hickenlooper in CO was forced by reality to admit Bidens/Dems/LLR-democraticals child trafficking policies can no longer be denied by any sane person (which clearly counts Chuck and Inga out!)
"What Border Crisis?
Democrat Hickenlooper Admits Migrant Children Being Exploited for Illegal Labor ‘Reflect a High Volume’ of Kids Coming"
Of course, I did experience a moment of concern knowing that by posting that article headline re: children being trafficked it might be enough to ...how should I put this?..."energize" LLR-democratical Chuck.
Plenty of blame to go around, just like IndoChina.
Sometimes thinks work out. Like Japan, Korea, Taiwan so far.
For my money, I’m happy to blame Trump AND Biden. You know who looks good at this point? It’s Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger and Mitt Romney and the other anti-Trump Republicans who opposed the Afghanistan withdrawal through both Administrations.
4/6/23, 4:25 PM
Your money has no value in this country. They are all Progressive democrats. Congratulations Chuck. You are a Democrat!!
Current chairman of the joint chiefs was carried over from Trump admin...
Assuming purely for argument purposes that there is any truth to this, the question which presents itself is:
And you did it anyway?
I guess the next question. Did try not tell the allies about the withdrawal because they had no plans, or did they tell them they were leaving without a plan and the allies couldn’t believe anyone would be that profoundly stupid? Who are they going to blame for telling the other nation’s involved?
How very much the European Experience...
"In addition, the IG report states that many Afghans brought to the U.S. by the Biden administration needed immediate medical treatment because they suffer “with mental and physical health issues” while others arrived in the U.S. with COVID-19."
Women's Sports?
Not Any More
The View came up with a better, more plausible explanation for Whoopie's farts than this.
Biden just executing Trump's plan? Did Trump's plan include leaving all the high tech weaponry for the enemy? This is laughable.
You know who looks good at this point? It’s Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger and Mitt Romney
Just in case anyone wonders why Michigan turned from a solid red state to blue this statement should provide a clue.
I disagree with a claim above that this was somehow the result of the pointy-headed staff in the DoD and DoS not being able to 'manage' Biden.
They didn't withdraw under Obama because Obama's position was that Afghanistan was the 'good war', and because the premature withdrawal from Iraq was a monumental mistake done for entirely political reasons. All the evidence exists that Trump definitely did want to withdraw from Afghanistan (setting aside any debate on whether than was a good idea or not) but was staunchly opposed by the Resistance inside DoD and DoS. There were mid-level staffers boasting to the media about how they stymied his orders regarding troop deployments.
When Biden got in the Oval Office, that all changed, and giving him a 'win' by withdrawing from Afghanistan before the anniversary of 9/11 was an unquestioned priority.
Lying corruptocrat Biden admin let in over5 million illegals...Trumps fault!
If you aren’t smart, work for the government. Or the media. NPR is a double win (not sure for whom, but just being positive about taking stupid people out of rotation).
Readering said...
"Plenty of blame to go around, just like IndoChina."
Funny as shit. You. Chuck. Inga et al. Would all rather eat a giant bag of dicks than admit you voted for incompetent, geriatric loser. Your guys whole career was one of one fuck up after another. But you marched in that booth and pulled that lever thinking, " This time he'll do the job right. Orange man bad!"
You went and pulled that lever and everything that has happened since is a direct result of that action. How does that make you feel?
Bunkypotatohead: "Trump was being harassed with impeachment by the Dems during his last few months in office."
Trump was being harassed with impeachment by the Dems and GOPe-ers during his last few months in office.
Amazing that NPR can put out an article with specific quotations from people within the Biden admin as well as "experts", but not a single person within DoD or Trump Admin involved in Afghanistan withdrawal.
Trump began a drawdown and had committed to full withdrawal. Which, to be fair, we were 20 years in and had no endgame. I have no problem with that being a viable conclusion.
But Biden came in and executed multiple operations including:
- In April 2021 the Biden administration committed to pulling all forces out by September 2021 without any residual presence.
- This precipitated the collapse of the Afghan National Security Force
- Biden stipulated the withdrawal timelines in April and curtailed air support
- In early July Biden admin said Kabul would not fall anytime soon
- Kabul fell promptly
- Biden admin then led Operation Allies Refuge to surge troops, stabilize an airport, and get people out.
- Biden admin left over 1,000 behind while claiming they left no one behind.
- At the end of September, U.S. Sec of Defense, Centcom, and Chairman of Joint Chiefs all testified that Biden lied and they had advised him to keep a stabilizing force in place in Afghanistan.
So you take all this enormously public, recent information and then you look at an NPR report saying "Hey look, Trump didn't plan and Biden admin couldn't handle it" and you go...
NPR are sacks of journalistic crap
Biden admin wouldn't know integrity if it bit them in the ass
Own your shit.
Remember, it was Trump who appointed Mark Milley to be the Joints Chief of Staff Chairman.
Readering said...
Plenty of blame to go around, just like IndoChina.
Sometimes thinks(sic) work out. Like Japan, Korea, Taiwan so far.
It's hard to tell if this is historical ignorance, wishful thinking, or just plain full-on gaslighting because you can't tie Trump to anything regarding the Afghanistan withdrawal.
IndoChina is on JKF and LBJ. Nixon wanted to get out, and did so. (Why does blaming Nixon for a war started years before he got elected that sound familiar?)
We flattened Japan with two A-bombs (and Germany, too, minus the nukes so don't bring them up)
Korea is working out? Like Lil Kim (and his father) building nukes and lobbing missiles over Japan?
Taiwan so far? Likely meaning you all haven't figured out way to blame a Republican President for losing it when Biden f's things up there, too.
can Trump be post-impeached for hiding plans in hand for 9 months?
Hey Skipper said...The thought that the US needed to kowtow to the Taliban on timing is repellant nonsense.
That's probably exactly what somebody in the Biden Administration said in the meeting that led to the decisions that led to the disaster.
The Pentagon openly admitted to not withdrawing from Syria, despite clear orders from Trump (which is at least insubordination but might well be mutiny), so why should we be surprised they never drew up any plans to withdraw from Afghanistan?
He Chuckie Baby... New talking points...
Sorry not sorry
I think it's funny. The liar known as "Chuck" demands the rules be applied to everyone except himself. Who does not belong here anyway. You're not taken seriously here , Chuck, because your reputation as a liar and a creep proceed you. You cannot run away from your online history.
So let's get this correct, D-day was planned and implimented in 24 months. We had no secure beech head to begin with.
Biden couldn't plan and pullout of Afghanistan in 7.5 months. In Clown World you use an unsecured Kabul Airport, not an secured easy to control US military base.
The Pentagon openly admitted to not withdrawing from Syria, despite clear orders from Trump (which is at least insubordination but might well be mutiny)
They tried, and tried, and tried again, for more than 4 years. Yes, I recall that. Once again, benefit of the doubt stays with Trump.
Rusty, I voted out of office the incompetent geriatric loser. He hasn't taken it well.
Ultimately, the greatest fault for all of it rests with Bush/Cheney, who initiated the baseless war, and for Obama/Biden and Trump/Pence, who kept the pointless war grinding on for no purpose. Withdrawing from Afghanistan was the necessary thing do to.
"At the end of September, U.S. Sec of Defense, Centcom, and Chairman of Joint Chiefs all testified that Biden lied and they had advised him to keep a stabilizing force in place in Afghanistan."
In other words, not withdrawing.
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