Said J.K. Rowling, interviewed in Chapter 7 — "What If You're Wrong?" — of the podcast "The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling."
AND: Here's the full transcript, which I'm delighted to see. I wanted to highlight the part where Rowling agonizes over the politics of the left wing, which she wants to be a part of. It's very difficult without a transcript. The interviewer, Megan Phelps Roper, prompts: "There are a lot of critics who say, you and your comments are giving fuel to the right."
Rowling answers:
Well, my answer would be, I think you’re giving fuel to the right. This is why many left-wing feminists in particular are sitting with their head in their hands. The right has wanted for years and years, not all of the right, but certainly the further the right and the religious right, have wanted to castigate the lesbian and gay and bisexual movement as is inherently degenerate and part of the left’s broader degeneracy.
When you defend the placing of rapists in cells with women, you are handing the right a perfect opportunity to say, you see, we told you the moral degeneracy that would result if you say homosexual relationships are okay, and I think for many leftists, for many feminists, we are despairing of the fact that people are, in our view, colluding with a deeply misogynist movement, which is benefitting, politically speaking, the far right.
And I worry very deeply that, as the left becomes increasingly puritanical and authoritarian and judgmental, we are pushing swathes of people towards not just the right, it’s pushing them to the Alt Right.
She said "Alt Right." I've corrected the transcript here and below. ("Alt Right" was mistranscribed as "OutRight").
That’s what scares me, that particularly young men, when they’re being told everything in the world is their fault, and they have no right to a voice, and they are everything that is wrong with society. It is, unfortunately, a human reaction to go to the place where you will be embraced, and if the only place where you can make a joke or be accepted is a place that is full of poisonous ideas, then you’re likely to go there, particularly when you’re young.
So I think that the left is making a tremendous mistake in espousing this kind of, in my view, quasi-religious, incredibly sort of witch hunting behavior, because there will be people who will just feel when they’ve been shamed and abused, and they feel it was unfair, where are they going to go? That worries me very deeply.
In my lifetime, we’ve seen such a shift on the left, and I still would define myself as of the left, but I was born in the 60s when transgression really was the preserve of the left, when challenging authority, and when making the dark joke, and when breaking societal norms was very much the preserve of the left.
I’ve lived to see the left become incredibly puritanical, and rigid, and watching the Alt Right, and this isn’t a new phenomenon. The Alt Right is not the conservative right, with whom I disagree on many, many things. I’m just saying, we’re seeing a growth of something very much facilitated by the internet, that the alarms and disturbs me, and it worries me that the left are absolutely playing into that demographic’s hands.
ALSO: Let me comment on that quote, the one line that made me check the time stamp as I was out running this morning, because I wanted to hand-transcribe it for you: "Women are the only group — to my knowledge — that are being asked to embrace members of their oppressor class — unquestioningly, with no caveat."
Women are expected to be empathetic and giving — whether it's in our nature or whether we're conditioned and disciplined into it. It's central to the subordination. We're loved and valued — by others and by ourselves — because we take to this role, so naturally or fakely. It's part of the oppression that we can only win by not winning. Sacrifice! Give! And what a fine woman you are.
८५ टिप्पण्या:
isn't THAT, the Purpose of Women??
Women Give.. and forgive
Man Get..... and forget
This just gives women one more way to be oppressed by men and one more thing to complain about.
Leftist women with daddy issues spend their whole lives gathering things to whine about.
That is what daddy issues are all about.
Watching the Regime bob and spin after one of their trans foot soldiers shot up a school is hilarious.
That school shooting could very well be the last straw.
Rowling has been savaged by the Left quite unfairly, and yet she still says: "The worst thing about bad behavior on the Left isn't that it's bad behavior, it's that it might give more power to the Right."
No enemies to the left...
It might also be the case that the right's concerns about so-called degeneracy were not so far from the mark after all. Sometimes slopes really are slippery.
Rowling's mistake is to believe that today's left is "left wing." They are the 2nd and 3rd generation offspring of the 1960s radical and revolutionary left, and as such they inherited a set of lefty dogmas that were never and can never be challenged from inside. Dogma is dogma is dogma whether it comes from religions or from universities or from governments that propagandize and censor to increase compliance with taxes/vaxes/green/abortion/guns or other pro-power, pro-establishment agenda items.
Rowling and her peers will have an epiphany when they accept that today's left isn't actually the left. It has become the primary source of dogma and thereby neo-alt-conservative itself. The contemporary right is largely comprised of libertarians who are not deep conservatives, while the current religious right tends to keep to itself.
They want to erase biological women hence the two minute hate against rowling
Old and slow said:
Absolutely, spot on.
The Left has begun the descent into the sexualization of every human relationship. Gay 'mirage' was merely the camel's toe.
**Consider: "if two people truly love each other" was the rallying cry of the homosexual lobby (take a look at the masterful manipulation of language by the Left: homosexual=gay, pro-abortion=pro=choice, and the soon-to-be common pedophile=minor-attracted-person)**
We're already used to polyamory relationships; incest cases are working their way into public consciousness/approval. Pedophiles are slowly following the "gay" path to acceptance, i.e., "born that way". Ultimately, there will be only sexual relationships - transexuals are already insisting that any sexual preference AWAY from transexuals is, yep, you guessed it, bigotry.
Every relationship will be subsumed in the demand for sexual "equality". (Heaven help us if that gives way to demands for 'equity'.) Somewhere there will be sisters, brothers, parents and children (adults, hopefully, though, to be fair, see the moves by the pedophiles), indeed, every relationship will be vulnerable to sexual predation by someone who "truly loves" the prey. I am not kidding, I am not exaggerating. That transexuality came so soon is just one deviant group pushing ahead of the others. But the others are close behind.
So, the slippery slope is a fact, but don’t admit it because… well, your political opponents were right.
The moral collapse caused by feminism, gay worship and the ultra sick as fuck trans dementia is everywhere, and Althouse is resolutely closing her eyes and ears and refusing to see and hear. My grandkids are being constantly propagandized in public schools to go gay or trans, so that future perverts will have a steady supply of fresh meat. This devil worship is now the state religion, the only one allowed in the public schools.
Thousands of years of Judeo-Christian theology were right, and you were wrong, Althouse. Nostalgia for the 60s won’t allow you to admit it. The devil always tempts eggheads by telling them that they are pioneering intellectuals. He got ya.
Here’s your script for how to do your bit to stop the descent into pigs fucking in the mud. Say: “I really fucked up when I was a kid. That bullshit about the oppression of women was just a fun S&M game I played with the men to get what I wanted. They were so agog with my tits and ass that they would say anything for a piece. It was fun playing with them, but I got hooked on the lie.”
She says a lot that makes a lot of sense, but she still hasn't freed her mind. The problem with the left is that it pushes people to the right?
No. She'll have made her real breakthrough when she lets go of the identity that she still loves even though it doesn't fit and faces the truth--the problem with the left is that it is disgusting, degenerate, violent, selfish and, worst of all, authoritarian.
"That’s what scares me, that particularly young men, when they’re being told everything in the world is their fault, and they have no right to a voice, and they are everything that is wrong with society. It is, unfortunately, a human reaction to go to the place where you will be embraced, and if the only place where you can make a joke or be accepted is a place that is full of poisonous ideas, then you’re likely to go there, particularly when you’re young."
Why is it unfortunately human to go where you'll have a chance to be liked? She'd prefer to have a group that would volunteer to yoked and blindered.
"I still would define myself as of the left,"
Nice try, but to actually be of the left she would have to give away the billions.
We need both mercy and justice (good judgment) to form a desirable society.
What we don’t need - what will do us all in - is that every decision is made based upon which side of some imaginary divide it seems to help. That is a recipe for endless conflict and struggle in society.
Why can’t she just say A is A, and I don’t care which side it helps or hurts? And did she every consider that perhaps the argument about degeneracy was actually correct? What a novel concept. Some slopes actually are slippery.
Trans-fascism is a war on women and children, not to mention reality. According to the trans-neobarbarians, it's ok to mutilate children in the name of "gender affirming care", which is to say removal of the genitals and breasts to create eunuchs and crones. It's ok to place sexual predators into women's prisons and shelters. It's ok for 10th-rate male athletes to dominate women's sports. After all, men make the best women. Just ask the trans-neobarbarians.
What if all the talk about Freedom! (Richly Havens singing at Woodstock) - what if it was all the setup to someone gaining more power? If you asked men of almost every century what would be their dream-society, would it be much different than it is today? Unrestrained sex and no responsibility if I don’t want it. How was that ever a women-loving society?
Oh, and a note to JK Rowling: yes, the Right predicted this: it was obvious then and now. That she's 'shocked, shocked' by her 'side' merely demonstrates, yet again, that the Left, always and forever cannot answer the challenge of Chesterton's Fence.
Simple logic demonstrates, that once you've discarded obvious sexual compatibility, vis a vis homosexual relationships, mere quantity (polyamory), prior relationship (siblings, et al), and age (pedophiles) were all going to come under assault. After all, we were hammered with "love is love". In their eyes, there is nothing distinct about marriage. Therefore, all bets are off.
By making these issues public issues, demanding public recognition - accommodation, even PRIDE month! - perhaps now, today, they've finally recognized THERE ARE NO MORE LIMITS.
I learned the phrase "What if I am wrong?" from Gen. George Marshall of Marshall Plan fame. That's the exact phrase I used when I testified in favor of Nebraska's Let Them Grow Act.
One of the leaders against the NE bill is Sen. M. Cavanaugh. Right before the Nashville shooting she wrote on Twitter, "Attacks on trans youths must stop." More like, "Trans attacks on youths must stop."
JK Rowling is right. We are in the last stages of Western Civilization.
Rowling’s mistake is being political at all. She will never find a political “home”. The group think from political groups like the puritanical left is toxic. She needs to get over her youthful rebellious stance and go back to basics. Start with a philosophy of love and forgiveness. She will find many, many more on the conservative side with that philosophy.
She is reminding me a little bit of other voices from the Left. They don't realize that they've been left, as in 'left behind'. They have retained their sense of reason, their critical thinking, their commitment to rationality and the principles of The Enlightenment - which they instinctively conserve these core elements of progressive humanity, without recognizing their own Conservatism. They can't bear to admit that Progressivism is a lost cause, and that the cautionary warnings of embracing illiberal ideas is destructive. They trot right up to the edge of acknowledging this, but can't bring themselves to look over.
Rowlings has a lot more in common with Conservatism than she can bear to admit. She wants to reference all things that aren't Left, to the Far Right.
Pornhub lists dozens, if not hundreds of kinks, Althouse. Your and your son’s kinks are, of course, sacred and deserve a great civil rights crusades.
What about all the others?
Are we destined to go through a great civil rights crusade for every disgusting kink? People fucking like pigs in shit and mud in public?
After all, who does it hurt? It’s just another preference.
Rowling knows nothing about the right, let alone the mythical Alt Right. She speaks about the right like a heartsick Nazi might speak about the Jews, if they weren't so Jewish, it's a shame the Führer has no choice but to exterminate them.
Enigma writes, "Rowling and her peers will have an epiphany when they accept that today's left isn't actually the left."
I emphatically disagree, the left is the left Rowling grew up amongst with admiration. The one difference is today's today left is the left with power. Learn its history, from its beginnings, and one must reach only one logical yet bitter conclusion, which is the true epiphany.
The Left is degenerate. Rowling may eventually understand this, her attackers never will.
From the transcript:
"Well, my answer would be, I think you’re giving fuel to the right. This is why many left-wing feminists in particular are sitting with their head in their hands. The right has wanted for years and years, not all of the right, but certainly the further the right and the religious right, have wanted to castigate the lesbian and gay and bisexual movement as is inherently degenerate and part of the left’s broader degeneracy. "
She may want to consider that the promotion of LGBTQ lifestyles is a backhanded way of discouraging reproduction, thus avoiding the 'population bomb' - though it is also, itself, a means of repressive control, always highly valued by the political left.
"When you defend the placing of rapists in cells with women, you are handing the right a perfect opportunity to say, you see, we told you the moral degeneracy that would result if you say homosexual relationships are okay, and I think for many leftists, for many feminists, we are despairing of the fact that people are, in our view, colluding with a deeply misogynist movement, which is benefitting, politically speaking, the far right. "
The players in the "deeply misogynist movement" are the useful idiots, and if a few rapes happen, no biggie. The larger picture, as the radicals see it, is that it's a step toward the ultimate goal of state control. You want to make an omelet...?
The transgender spectrum. Political congruence ("="). The Twilight faith. The Pro-Choice ethical religion. Progressive liberal sects. Diversity [dogma] (i.e. class-disordered ideologies).
The left is authoritarian. The right is libertarian. The far-right is anarchist. The far-left is totalitarian. The left-right nexus is leftist.
Libertarians are independent. Liberals are divergent. Progressives are monotonic. Conservatives are moderating. Principles matter.
Rowling thinks she can abort the baby, cannibalize her profitable parts, sequester her carbon pollutants, and have her, too. #HateLovesAbortion
isn't THAT, the Purpose of Women??
Keep women affordable, available, and taxable, and the "burden" of evidence sequestered at the twilight fringe.
Also, with social progress: two men and a womb. The transgender spectrum is trendy.
Horrendous treatment has been inflicted upon Rowling for merely speaking obvious truths. Her ensuing mental gymnastics show intense cognitive dissonance. She acts like one of those supercomputers in Star Trek episodes who blow up when presented with an insoluble paradox. Rule 1: must avoid giving aid and comfort to the dastardly right.
Rule 2: must avoid erasure of my existence as a female in a sexually dimorphic species.
She can't comply with Rule 1 without violating Rule 2. She might have to rethink Rule 1. Maybe the worst baddies are on the left.
The Left are Rowling’s oppressors.
We aren't your grandmother's leftys, we're the zany left, the brutalist feminists, the anarchist bombers, the pedophiles, the anti-semites, the book-burners. It sometimes seems to me that if the Left's Lost Legion, the people who believe in the image projected by Sixties leftys, want a direction they could just double down on the image. For example, they could actually support free speech as Althouse does. They could actually speak the truth to power as Matt Taibb is doing in the Twitter files because social media like Facebook and Former-Twitter are now dangerous, uncontrolled and indifferent. Their jokes, like those of Bill Maher could actually mention incongruities in the way we are - more correctly in the way our Overlords are and the way they see themselves. When you try to live up to your own true vision of right and wrong you learn a lot about real, present realities. And take the next step - still trying to live up to your conscience. Yes, you may turn into white Protestant America but, like Justice Thomas, you will still be black Catholic - or whatever. Human life is a mystery.
why does Rowling still maintain taht believe Left / Right are terms with any cognitive content for purposes of discussion?
The term for Rowling's quote is "the patriarchy".
She doesn't use that word in this transcript, only "misogyny". Like racist or bigot, misogynist is an accusation tossed around a lot. Rowling will throw it and the TRAs will hurl it right back. It's all meaningless. Hearts and minds won't be moved by "misogyny".
Yesterday's mass murder in Nashville is a minor example of the left with power, as is Wayne State University English professor Steven Shaviro's Facebook comment.
why does Rowling still maintain taht believe Left / Right are terms with any cognitive content for purposes of discussion?
Ironically, she is a traditionalist steeped in historical empathy and a not so modern "secular" religious family.
Men, women, and "our Posterity" are from Earth. Feminists are from Venus. Masculinists are from Mars. Social progressives are from Uranus. #WarOfTheWorlds
One must affirm and promote the lie for Gaias sake and that of equity
Rowling is a real hero. Risking a lot for a cause she believes is important. The podcast series was really well done. My only criticism is that they didn't hold JK's critics feet to the fire enough on the difference between what she actually says vs. what her critics publicly claim she is saying.
That’s what scares me, that particularly young men, when they’re being told everything in the world is their fault, and they have no right to a voice, and they are everything that is wrong with society.
Now she's going to object to this because it's sexist, evil, and wrong to tell people that their sex makes them inherently bad.
It is, unfortunately, a human reaction to go to the place where you will be embraced, and if the only place where you can make a joke or be accepted is a place that is full of poisonous ideas, then you’re likely to go there, particularly when you’re young.
Ah, no, she's totally ok with sexist bigotry. She's just worried that it will politically help the other side.
That, boys and girls, is what a moral leftist looks like.
They're not actually moral, decent, principled human beings. They're just aware that reality exists, and they have to deal with it
"embrace members of their oppressor class"
Still playing the old victim card, I see.
Since nothing can stop the long slide, and the JKRs aren't about to ally with us deplorables, might as well enjoy the left-on-left battle while we can.
Oh, the misogyny. Oh, the misandry. Oh, the transhumanity. #HateLovesAbortion
Narayanan said...why does Rowling still maintain taht believe Left / Right are terms with any cognitive content for purposes of discussion?
A point I make from time to time is that if you want to call yourself liberal, you must first reject all liberal values. If you hold liberal values, you should be voting Republican.
Me and JK are close to the same age.
In the U.S. at least, I've seen the left go from 'Burn it all down, man' to 'All government all the time.
'Don't trust anyone over thirty.' Remember that one?
And now the Democrat party is run by octogenarians. Go figure.
The ACLU used to defend the free speech rights of Nazis. The Free Speech movement was born on the campus of UC Berkeley.
Now, misgendering someone on campus will get you ostracized. Speakers are shouted down.
The left has turned into authoritarian scolds espousing a tyrannical, rigid, quasi-religious ideology.
We've come a long way, baby...
Close, but she's not quite to the "Are we the Baddies?" moment.
'The Left has begun the descent into the sexualization of every human relationship. Gay 'mirage' was merely the camel's toe.'
I voted for gay marriage in California, but did it out of common respect and courtesy.
Even then I knew where things were heading, but knew that it was inevitable.
It's not enough to accept; you must now confirm and celebrate 'gayness.'
It might be a useful exercise to rewrite this and take out the "right" and "left." Would that be possible? It ought to be, but that distinction has sunk so deep that it's probably impossible to do so. Would it be possible to rewrite it and take out the victimization trope? That's probably not possible either.
But in any case, whatever the trans movement is doing to feminists it's not the alt-right it's driving them to, though it would certainly be very interesting if it were. Maybe there would be fewer incels and more children.
"The worst thing that can happen to a socialist is to have his country ruled by socialists who are not his friends."
--Ludwig von Mises
Rowling demonstrates the more general rule of the worst thing that can happen to a leftist is to have their movement/country controlled by leftists who are not their friends.
“It's part of the oppression that we can only win by not winning. Sacrifice! Give! And what a fine woman you are.”
I don’t know about that...whenever I see a catfight, they both seem pretty intent on winning.
I sometimes wonder if it’s the democraticals who have moved to the right or if the republic party has moved to the left.
Because men aren't regularly asked to sacrifice ...
At the moment, even though it is indicative of a downward trending society, it's kind of funny to see women with penises winning "Woman of the Year" awards, swim races, bike races etc...
This was what "intellectual" feminism has created. Isn't everyone enjoying this outcome?
I've said in the past the progressivism is a one-way train hurtling down the track with no brakes. People got on the train because they liked the direction it was going, thinking that it would reach it's destination in the mythical land called Utopia. Eventually they realize that the train has gone beyond the stop they wanted, but they are unwilling to give up on the ideal, so they ride it a little longer before finally realizing they have to leap from the train while it is still moving, because it never stops. Rowling is leaning out the side wondering if she should jump. I think Althouse is getting closer to that point too.
And by "members of their oppressor class" she means the Alt Right? Because, bad as Trans aggression toward women is, the real tragedy would be if the women started voting for those terrible Right wingers (who, yes, would refuse to place Trans rapists in women's prisons, but still are so icky).
Ms. Rowling doth protest too little. Sounds like the Stockholm Syndrome is even now taking effect.
"Women are the only group — to my knowledge — that are being asked to embrace members of their oppressor class — unquestioningly, with no caveat."
Hmmm. "[O]ppressor class?" Is this near-billionaire talking about the Islamists imported to the UK to keep the lefties in charge? Maybe she means The trans activists and their enablers who have been trying to cancel her. Or is it "the right?" Christians?" "Men?"
The problem with the "oppressed classes" is that they can't seem to decide who their oppressors are. Frequently, they choose a "class" that mostly thinks they are silly, pokes them looking for a reaction and whines when they get it.
Rowling came close to recognizing the threat to feminism posed by the transgender movement, but faltered when straying from the lefty template.
What is so strange is the feminist left's sense of moral superiority over "the far right".
Just look at the output from the "leaders" that hold full support of feminists, just because abortion is the end all, be all of women's rights.
I see no moral superiority of any given Liberal Feminists over Donald J. Trump. Talk about kidding yourselves.
It's going to be amusing to watch the faces of people like J.K. Rowling when they realize what they've done, and what's coming after it all. I don't think they're going to like it.
The dysfunction they've imposed on the rest of the world is only just beginning to be recognized; the touchy-feely types are what got us our major cities covered in human feces and discarded needles. The fact that their ideas don't work? They are all totally in denial, just the same way they are about the essential and intractable mental illness of their beloved LGBTWTFBBQ flying monkeys. Crazy is as crazy does, and I'm afraid that there are vanishingly few fully sane people out there that are obsessed about their sexuality enough to go chopping off body parts.
Most rational people look in the mirror, recognize the hand of cards that nature dealt them, and then get on with life. The nutters don't, and the insanity oozes out in some unexpected places all around their lives.
“Right before the Nashville shooting she wrote on Twitter, "Attacks on trans youths must stop." More like, "Trans attacks on youths must stop."”
How many attacks on youths or anyone have been committed by trans people? How many attacks on trans people have been committed by non trans people? Are rightists now going to add probable murderer to all trans people?
She still loves Big Brother.
and the soon-to-be common pedophile=minor-attracted-person)
Serious Question:
IF a 11 year old, is Mature Enough to KNOW whether or not it should keep its penis or breasts..
HOW, is that 11 year old NOT Mature Enough to KNOW whether or not it wants to sleep with a 30 year old?
I'm Pretty Sure; that THAT is where all this is going to
" fuel to the right."
Ahhh, a Cardinal sin if ever I saw one. Facts be damned. Truth be damned. Actual harm to women be damned. You MUST NOT give fuel to the right!
then you voted for a lie, an abstraction that was injurious to the body politic
Rory, 9:04:
"Nice try, but to actually be of the left she would have to give away the billions."
Last I read on the subject, and this was maybe a year or two ago, she was worth about $600 million, and it was said that she would be a billionaire if she hadn't given actual hundreds of millions of dollars to various charities.
She may have joined the billionaires club since then. Left/right aside, she seems to be both very rich and very, very generous.
"Women are the only group — to my knowledge — that are being asked to embrace members of their oppressor class" I don't know why she is saying that. That is how it works today. White males are being asked to do the same thing. All of us are being coerced to admit that _we_ are the oppressor class, when right now someone else is doing the oppressing to us.
The Nashville transgender shooter was "high functioning autism".
There is something out there about autism, on line gaming, and transgenderism that is a real phenomenon.
He/She was 28. Born in 1995. That's when the vaccine cocktail injected into Generation Z was at its worst in terms of autism output.
Sadly, liberals do not want to do a real investigation on the cause of the autism spike for kids born in the late 90's and early 2000's. Whey not? Where is the moral superiority in that?
She recognizes that there is a problem, but can’t understand the root of the problem because she was part of that root cause.
The hippie concepts of rejecting everything was not mainstream in the 1960s—it was mostly the offspring of families with means to allow their kids to engage in those concepts. It became mainstream in the 1970s and then practiced by people who didn’t have the structures in place to mitigate negative consequences.
Most people do not do well outside of such structure, we are wired that way.
Destroying cultural fabric and strong family and community structure is a recipe for rot and chaos. These structures normally would stop these leftists and their predatory activity. Now these predators are able to offer themselves up as saviors. This is why leftists are an evil virus that seeks to destroy the host.
Rowling recognizes aspects of the rot, but does not understand how her fantasy world contributed to it.
I suspect there are quite a few of us here who were liberals at one time. We intimately understand how natural and easily attractive it was in our youth, and how difficult it was to finally question that self-identity as we matured. Lived experience is a cruelly neutral instructor. And we resist its lessons. But at some point, if we were classic liberals and had not yet succumbed to becoming religious leftists, the lessons could no longer be ignored.
We saw or we lived through, the long-term logical consequences of unrestricted liberal/leftist thought, either ourselves or through our kids or family. That is the ultimate epiphany.
And furthermore, as we moved toward the right, we shockingly found people on that side of the spectrum more accepting of diverse views and lifestyles than we ever imagined. That was very liberating.
JK Rowling is almost there, as Maher, Musk, and others are too. Hint: it's easier when you drop the labels and just follow the logic of the lessons.
Her knowledge is a bit limited. I am routinely urged to not merely accept my various oppressors, but to be their "ally".
It is a shame that someone who has written about the political issues of today still believes in the left / right axis. The real political evaluation should be done on a freedom vs totalitarianism spectrum. It does not matter if your tyrant is Stalin or an Ayatolla, they both wish to rule.
Once upon a time there were freedom loving leftists. Fighting for speech and the soft tyranny of societal expectations. But they have been consumed by the progressives who believe in their own magnificence and wish to rule us because of it.
JK is now fighting the people who took over her team and so her political identity has been overturned. Hopefully she can find common cause with those of us who have chosen freedom over servitude to someone's nonsense dogma.
(I think republican politicians also fit in the description in the title of the post.)
“I’m just saying, we’re seeing a growth of something very much facilitated by the internet, that the alarms and disturbs me, and it worries me that the left are absolutely playing into that demographic’s hands.”
She can’t see the forest for the trees. She still wants to believe that the alt-right boogieman is the problem, and not the left. The alt-right is on the fringe of society while the left now controls all of the institutions of society. Maybe, just maybe it is the left that is now the “baddies”. At some point she will have to make a decision whether or not 2+2=4.
Rowling should be more respectful of the people who dug up all those studies she loves to cite, The people who did the work for her. I'm glad she's standing up, but she is confused about her own politics. She isn't a leftist anymore. Her values are the values of the Right, whether or not she is honest enough to recognize that. Instead, she demonizes the Right in precisely the same way she complains of being demonized.
I didn't realize until reading this what a hypocrite she is. If she doesn't like false accusations being hurled at her, she shouldn't hurl false accusations at others.
And that ex-Westboro Church woman is hypocritical too -- and making big bucks with her big apology tour. She claims she was just following the Bible and believed she was acting with love. That's dishonest. Their actions were not sanctioned by Biblical values and directives for acting towards sinners, and it is impossible to believe that she thought she was acting with love. She knows that blaming Christianity plays better with the crowds she moves in now, rather than taking responsibility for what she chose to do.
Think of the children... babies... fetal-babies!
I mean, think of the women, girls, daughters, babies... female babies!
"Women are the only group — to my knowledge — that are being asked to embrace members of their oppressor class — unquestioningly, with no caveat."
Babies do that.
I know feminists don't know what a baby is.
But they are a class of human beings, and they embrace their oppressor class all the time.
Rowling is rich as shit, possibly a billionaire.
You're a billionaire in the patriarchy!
You should think about that for 10 seconds before you whine about your class status as an oppressed woman.
Stop being a feminist!
Start being a humanist!
If there's one thing you should learn from identity politics, it's that it's a dehumanizing and ugly ideology that helps zero human beings.
It would be laughable, observing the fact that Rowling apparently doesn't actually understand that the things she objects to are all part of the same package she bought into, and apparently still believes in. She rather reminds me of those Germans who were all for Hitler, right up until the consequences of all those "good things" he did for Germany came due in the form of the Allied bombs falling on German cities...
Raw fact is that much of the same progressive cant that she's so supportive of leads directly to where we are today, with regards to women in society. It's just that she and her like-minded sisters didn't understand that fact. Wasn't in the brochure, see...
Only, it was. Had you the wit and wisdom to examine the fine print, and consider the implications.
Rowling rather reminds me of John Cleese, who spent his youth tearing away at the foundations of British culture, only to look around in his near-dotage, note the changes he'd help bring on, and realize that "...they (always a "they" in there, somewhere... Never himself...) went too far..."
Chesterton's Fence, darlings... You tore it out, now you suffer the perils it kept at bay.
Don't take it personally, JK: "It's just this war and that lying son of a bitch, Johnson!"
the worst thing that can happen to a leftist is to have their movement/country controlled by leftists
There can be only one. You will be assimilated.
Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling... drew a round of applause from a packed house in New York's Carnegie Hall on Friday after making the revelation in response to an audience question.
Rowling, appearing in New York as part of a North American book tour, was asked if Dumbledore ever found "true love."
"I always thought Dumbledore is gay," she said and explained that the character had fallen in love as a young man with Gellert Grindelwald, who later became a rival....
Rowling added that she always regarded her novels as a "prolonged argument for tolerance."
It was (so we're told) all just so grand and trendy and brave of her. But now that she's chosen to draw a line in the sand, she's become the most visible target of a twisted secular fatwa. And its adherents are, at least in part, products of the slippery slope that she helped fashion.
Just want to say that the interviewer was fantastic, at least from the transcript. She really brought out the best in Rowling through her questions and framing of the responses.
"The left has turned into authoritarian scolds espousing a tyrannical, rigid, quasi-religious ideology."
I didn't know scold was a synonym for concentration camp guard. Always grateful for new information, though I wonder why the Nuremberg accused didn't point that out in their defense.
I like Rowlings’ feminist stance. She fights for herself. In this world a woman either backs up a good man and raises his children, or she fights for herself. Either one is good. And either on is respectable. Because they are both based on reality.
But the new idiocy of chopped and channeled men being called women destroys civilization. All it’s good for is as a cover story for the real purpose which is the making of women into barren eunuchs. The purpose behind it all is to eliminate child bearing.
So it’s RACIST. It snuffs the HUMAN RACE.
What we don’t need - what will do us all in - is that every decision is made based upon which side of some imaginary divide it seems to help. That is a recipe for endless conflict and struggle in society.
Excellent point.
Words like "class" or "race" are just tools people use to divide and conquer. Hate the other and deny that you could ever be in that club.
If you can't recognize human beings (a.k.a. "persons"), you have no business being in the government, and politically you're very dangerous.
Sex, to my mind, is way more definitive than race or class. Sex is biological and natural. But because of technology, sex is becoming more and more of an "imaginary divide."
It's entirely possible you can think a person is a woman, and discover that she is a man. And vice versa. People can take drugs or have surgeries and blur the lines drawn by nature.
On the other hand, if you want to make a baby, we still need a man and a woman to do that. Baby-making is not imaginary.
I understand why a person who is a "feminist" would be rigid about what a woman is. But it's dangerous (and boring, actually) to constantly define men as the other, as if there is something inherently evil about half the human race.
What's so strange about our "intellectual class" is that they are so opposed to biology now. They're committed to their mind fantasies and reality has to be denied. Rowling objects to the denial of biological reality, but she's holding tight to her old school fantasies about how good women are and how evil man is to blame for everything.
It would be mean to kidnap her and give her a penis but it would be a fun Twilight Zone episode.
Your Choice, her Choice, State's Choice. All's fair in lust and abortion. Karmic irony.
Take a knee, bray, "donate".
It's amazing to me that they worry so much that they "give fuel to the right" as if that's their greatest sin. OH NO! We can't let THOSE PEOPLE be right about something! Maybe they are right. Probably, they are. This is the immoral left's problem, which is they don't understand what the problem is and they don't know why things are the way the are...or were. Everything must be HATE. They don't know why the fence is there and are still determined to rip it out because feelings rule their decisions - like children.
They're "giving fuel to the right" because they can't help themselves. Their moral failing are predictable and predicted. We weren't born yesterday. Humans cannot be perfected and will often make the same mistakes again and again. Societies, too. There's a way to avoid that, ya know. It's understood that societies that succumb to degeneracy crumble every fucking time.
I believe the Israelis also are being asked to support and embrace those who wish to kill them. But it's a solid point about women being require to consent to their erasure.
Inga @ 11:08: “… Are rightists now going to add probable murderer to all trans people?”
I like the direction you’re headed there. Trans people are by definition mentally ill, so much so that they accept —actively seek— self-mutilation and a kind of death, this being life without hope of procreation. Given this degree of derangement, trans people need to be kept away from sharp objects and firearms, because anyone willing so to destroy themselves, is presumptively willing to destroy others.
There’s no need to polarize this with talk of left or right. It’s a simple matter of public health and safety.
I believe the Israelis also are being asked to support and embrace those who wish to kill them.
That could easily be turned around to note that in some quarters Palestinians are expected to embrace those who wish to displace them and to accept that displacement as justified. Yet another sign that victims and persecutors aren't always clear-cut categories.
I believe the Israelis also are being asked to support and embrace those who wish to kill them.
That could easily be turned around to note that in some quarters Palestinians are expected to embrace those who wish to displace them and to accept that displacement as justified. Yet another sign that victims and persecutors aren't always clear-cut categories.
First, Jews have the same claim as all "indigenous" peoples, we were here first. But the Jews have a second claim, that the land of Israel was given to them by God, the same God that Muslims believe in.
Gahrie writes, "First, Jews have the same claim as all "indigenous" peoples, we were here first. But the Jews have a second claim, that the land of Israel was given to them by God, the same God that Muslims believe in."
According to the Quran Jews and Christians enjoy a special status above the pagans and idolaters as peoples of a book. However, as true believers in the arkān ad-dīn, the Muslims have inherited all of Allah's dispensations, including the dispensation to Abraham and his descendants, such that Jews and Christians may own nothing except what the Muslims allow them to own, except themselves, as the earlier surahs exempted the peoples of a book from slavery, though Allah later changed his mind about that as he frequently did on other Islamic theological points.
Furthermore, Muslims insist that Abrahams's birthright belongs to his son by the slave Hagar, Ishmael, rather than Isaac, the son of Sarah, his wedded wife. They also insist that Hagar was the wife and Sarah was the concubine. Myths have a way of validating whatever chain of events favors your dominance, whether you're a Roman senator demanding the destruction of Carthage or an Iranian mullah drooling over the prospect of an Islamic Bomb, so let us agree instead to the evidence from archeology which has demonstrated the settled occupation of what we deem to be the Holy Land by Hewbrew-speaking people more than a thousand years before Muhammad was born.
The amazing thing is the deference Israel grants to the Muslims living in their midst, especially in regard to their exclusive access to the Temple Mount. Muslims demand and receive the right of exclusive access to hundreds of shrines from Timbuktu to Mindanao, yet the Jews, with their historical association with just that one tiny spread of 37 acres, must make do with the Wailing Wall. Does anyone believe the Palestinians would grant even that if the political boot was on the other foot?
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