March 25, 2023

Trump's Waco rally.

 I'm watching on YouTube, here.


FleetUSA said...
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FleetUSA said...

We'll get more than enough of this next year. I'll pass for now.

J Melcher said...

Next, Oklahoma City

Chuck said...

It's fantastic!

I had a feeling that this one was going to be vintage insanity. Not disappointed.

Warmup act Ted Nugent calls President Zelenskyy a "homosexual wierdo."

This maniac is going to win the Republican nomination, with something like 38% of "Republicans." Which will of course be bad for the country, but it gives the rest of the country another opportunity to kick Trump's ass in a general election.

Althouse, what are you going to do with this speech? Fact-check any of it?

Inga said...

How strange Fox isn’t showing it.

madAsHell said...

Next, Oklahoma City

On Friday night, several tornados touched down around Amory, Mississippi.

Dollars-to-donuts says, he's going to rally in Mississippi with truckloads of food, and water.

Biden will be trying to remember the color pudding he had for breakfast. Kamala will be contemplating "the significance of the passage of time".

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Ugh. used car salesman. "who can blame them.. for sending us their worst"
"Like never before"


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

How many people are there?

Chuck said...

This closing music will be perfect for Trump's sentencing hearing.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

He's got some red state appeal. Not enough to win again. Plus +pretty hate machine left cheat machine.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

evangelist. That's what he sounds like. A tele-evangelist.

ronetc said...

"Next, Oklahoma City" . . . no, but maybe Ruby Ridge.

Will Cate said...

I heard Ted Nugent was to play the national anthem on his guitar as he got off his plane. That's the part I want to see.

Michael K said...

I'm not watching but this is a clue to the campaign. We'll see.

Limited blogger said...

Make America Trump Again

Kathryn51 said...

forgive me Althouse, but you stated multiple times that you aren't interested (or, perhaps, not invested?) in the 2024 election because you believe the die is cast, so to speak. I'm paraphrasing, but I was under the impression that you were not interested.

I probably misunderstood, but would like to understand WHY you are watching this. You don't owe me an answer, but I would like to know (if you wish to explain).

Maynard said...

I am interested in a response to Kathryn51's question.

Mason G said...

At this point, everybody has made up their own mind. If you support him, you have to know his detractors will never come around to your side. If you despise him, you have to know his supporters don't share your disdain.

Readering said...

Person woman man camera TV. Damn he's smart.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I know how to say Wako because I recognize the place from the Janet Reno, ATF fiasco days. But reading that just now, I read Waco as Trump's Whacko rally.

Hashtag What Althouse did to pro-Trump commenters.

Drago said...

HBTPFH: "Ugh. used car salesman. "who can blame them.. for sending us their worst"
"Like never before"


All Ron DeSantis had to do was to stand up to his GOPe advisors and go with what he has to know is right re: Ukraine, economic issues and the Deep State, etc.

And he couldn't even do that. Precisely as predicted based on his advisor team composition and major funders (who provide about 96% of DeSantis' funding).

Given that, it's no wonder HBTPFH has basically become MSNBC around the clock now (HBTPFH would fit in nicely on Morning Joe) and no longer, thankfully, wastes anyone's time pretending we could have "all of Trump's policies without the Trump drama with a better candidate".

Looks like we've put that one to bed forever, eh?

It's become perfectly clear that Ken Griffin and the GOPe-ers will never allow Ron enough "leash" to go "rogue", even a little bit, just as we saw when DeSantis was a congressman following Paul Ryan around like a puppy dog and voting precisely as he was told.

And now there are rumblings amongst the GOPe and Dem adjacent donors to DeSantis that he has already screwed the pooch and clumsily given the game away far too early in the process and has probably already fatally diminished his chances for 2024....and possibly for 2028 as well.

This is what HBTPFH will never figure out: a significant chunk of the republican base isn't going to accept being lied to again and again by all the cats that have sold us out for 30 years, then simply smile and pull the handle for the latest McConnellite clone. Not everyone in the republican base is as gullible and sheeplike as she is.

And they aren't going back.

Drago said...

Case in point: "Though Manchin is waiting until the end of the year to make a decision on his political future, and Rep. Alex Mooney (R-WV) has already declared his candidacy for the seat, Collins and Murkowski both indicated they would back Manchin if he ultimately decides to run, Politico’s Burgess Everett and Ally Mutnick reported.

“He’s a close friend. Should he choose to run again, I would anticipate endorsing him,” Collins told the publication, while Murkowski contributed to Manchin several weeks back, a source said."

Or, as HBTPFH might say, this is a dreamy and "respectable" and "nice" way for "republicans" to behave.

Thank goodness they aren't like Trump and his icky deplorables, right HBTPFH?

Drago said...

Twitter comment that is spot on in describing the sheep-like dolts such as HBTPFH.

"The Loser Right insults blue collar voters all day long and look stunned when they don't vote when Trump isn't on the ballot, like no shit these people aren't going to vote if you insult them constantly and don't offer them any policies they support"

gadfly said...

During the infamous Waco siege in 1993, as members of the Branch Davidians religious sect were barricaded inside the Mount Carmel Center with federal law enforcement agents outside, curious onlookers routinely gathered at a hill three miles away. It was the closest civilians could get to the standoff, with the compound just barely visible in the distance.

On March 16, one of those onlookers sold pro-gun, antigovernmental bumper stickers and slogans off the hood of his car. They included slogans such as “Fear the government that fears your guns,” “When guns are outlawed, I will become an outlaw,” and “A man with a gun is a citizen. A man without a gun is a subject.”

His name was Timothy McVeigh, and two years later, he and Terry Nichols would detonate explosives outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people and injuring hundreds more. His anger at the government over the Waco incident was one of McVeigh’s motivations for the attack. He wanted revenge.

And now another white nationalist by the name of Trump seeks revenge as well. Deliberately scheduling political rallies at Waco followed by Oklahoma City is sicker than Timothy McVeigh and I have never known of anybody any sicker mentally than McVeigh.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Again DRago - If the Trump-Only arm of man-boi hand it all to Biden - that's on you/them.

Trump is a democrat asset... who speaks like a sad tele-evangelist. Trump appeals to groupies for the get rich quick ponzi scheme multi-level marketing dupes.

NO amount of whining about McConnell-tards and your hatred of DeSantis will wipe away the Saudi money stench, and the dick-stepper who walked into every Deep State Trap ( all while you called Trump's dick-stepping moves - acts of brilliance and 3-d chess)

Drago - your change of subject to Murklowski or Manchin or whoever you use as a distraction to ignore the subject (TRUMP) ( this time old democrat senators I would never support) - is tired and boring. AS usual, you must divert conversation away from your man-love for your favorite washed-up Ponzi-scheme tele-vangelist.. Captain bubble gum card for dupes - the magic Trumpie.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

How many people at this rally?
Trump hanger's on remind me of people who show up to multi-level marketing schemes, dreaming of vast riches.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Chuck - you are right. Trump will "win" the nomination...

As planned.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Drago - I don't insult blue collar workers - Trump does.

But you are too stupid to understand that Trump is using his supporters for his ego.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Drago - You are pathetic. You use the same types of lies, red herrings, and false accusations the left use on Trump.

What's next? Am I a Russian asset? You and Gadlfy are the same coin. A bad penny.

lane ranger said...

Trump is an effect, not a cause.

Leland said...

Deliberately scheduling political rallies at Waco followed by Oklahoma City reminds us of the harm brought to us by the Clinton Presidency and gives gadfly the sads.

Mark said...

gadfly nails it with precision.

Inga said...

“And now another white nationalist by the name of Trump seeks revenge as well. Deliberately scheduling political rallies at Waco followed by Oklahoma City is sicker than Timothy McVeigh and I have never known of anybody any sicker mentally than McVeigh.”

Trump is longing for…

“American Carnage, death and destruction”.

wendybar said...

Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
Drago - You are pathetic. You use the same types of lies, red herrings, and false accusations the left use on Trump.

What's next? Am I a Russian asset? You and Gadlfy are the same coin. A bad penny.

3/26/23, 5:18 AM

Well, you have the same mindset as Chuck and maybe YOU should look in the mirror.

wendybar said...

Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
DRago is obsessed with DeSantis - just like his clown, Trump.

3/26/23, 4:45 AM

And YOU are obsessed with Drago.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Trump is clearly the only fighter in the ring.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Ahem... "Precision" in the real world does require attribution.

lonejustice said...

This thread should be titled Trump's Wacko Rally.

Rusty said...

I never figured Gadfly to be a racist. Mark yeah, but not Gadfly. Can one of you show us all how Trump is a racist? What do you think of people of color attending Trump rallies?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Drudge, MSM(D), Trump - all out to destroy DeSantis.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Not quite, Wendy.
Drago responds to and obsesses over my posts.
I never address him otherwise. Drago is a mosquito .

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The white left are terrified that Trump might appeal to non-whites.

So they lie.

AMDG said...

Among the destruction that will occur if Trump wins the nomination the one amusing thing is that it will result in the biggest ego maniac in the history of this country having to live with fact that he will be most remembered for having lost to Creepy Joe “Loaded Diaper” Biden twice.

For a man so obsessed with winning (although he as a track record of losing that runs from Atlantic City to 5th Avenue) even he won’t be able to deny what a loser he will be.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

While True that no one wants to see old Crook Joe talk about the blonde hair on his old-man hairy legs and all the made-up BS that spews from his liar mouth... The crowd at this Trump rally was very small in comparison to Trump's past glory days on the stump.

Doug said...

Blogger Chuck said...
This closing music will be perfect for Trump's sentencing hearing.

When the walls finally close in on him, right?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Wendy - no.
You really are not paying attention.

While Inga still subscribes and believes wholeheartedly that Trump was a Russian asset who used Russia to defeat poor Hillary, I defend Trump from those lies. That you lie about that fact = says what about you?

Pay attention Wendy - or you're no different than the left you decry.


Drago said...

AMDG: "Among the destruction that will occur if Trump wins the nomination the one amusing thing is that it will result in the biggest ego maniac in the history of this country having to live with fact that he will be most remembered for having lost to Creepy Joe “Loaded Diaper” Biden twice."

All you had to do was offer up a candidate that you said would "deliver the Trump policies without the Trump drama".

Oh how we heard that every single day for months and months and months and I thought, Great! It would be fantastic if there were multiple economic nationalist candidates that would put America and Americans first and could attack Trump from the even more populist side.

Trump left several big openings to do just that.

But then those candidates never appeared. Ever.

Much BS was pushed by the Early DeSantis supporters thst DeSantis was that guy. But thats been blown out of the water in just the last 2 weeks by The Obviously Very Leashed DeSantis himself.

And as that "Trump policies without Trump!" vision has receded its become simply Everything Is Trump's fault 24/7 by the usual suspects because, well, what else do they have?

So Trunp will lose the general...with a great deal of help from the GOPe that loves attacking its own base?

And all the usual suspects will be applauding the GOPe while they do it..along with allowing voter fraud across the board as well.

We probably are too far gone as a republic anyway. Might as well go down fighting for what we believe in then whatever Ken Griffin and the Bushes allow DeSantis to "fight for"...which is globalism on steroids and forever wars and the permanent empowerment of the deep staters over citizens lives.

Drago said...

Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH): "Not quite, Wendy.
Drago responds to and obsesses over my posts"

Its impossible to "obsess over" meaningless drivel driven by the latest MSM talking points....which is all you ever have.

And all you ever will have.

TosaGuy said...

The root cause of all this is George HW Bush exposing himself politically to Pat Buchanan and Ross Perot. Those two weakened him to the point Bill Clinton triangulated 38 percent of the vote into the White House. Clinton proceeded to raise taxes and push Hillarycare to the point Newt Gingrich was able to sweep into Congress. From then on, Democrats were convinced that America was an evil society that needed to be destroyed and remade.

An 1996 election following a term-limited Bush would have stayed closer a natural transition of power within a smaller ideological spectrum.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Drago - yawn.

the only people who suffer your repetitive drivel are Wendy and Achilles.
Bugger off, Mosquito

AMDG said...

Blogger Drago said...
AMDG: "Among the destruction that will occur if Trump wins the nomination the one amusing thing is that it will result in the biggest ego maniac in the history of this country having to live with fact that he will be most remembered for having lost to Creepy Joe “Loaded Diaper” Biden twice."

All you had to do was offer up a candidate that you said would "deliver the Trump policies without the Trump drama".

Oh how we heard that every single day for months and months and months and I thought, Great! It would be fantastic if there were multiple economic nationalist candidates that would put America and Americans first and could attack Trump from the even more populist side.

Trump left several big openings to do just that.

But then those candidates never appeared. Ever.

Much BS was pushed by the Early DeSantis supporters thst DeSantis was that guy. But thats been blown out of the water in just the last 2 weeks by The Obviously Very Leashed DeSantis himself.

And as that "Trump policies without Trump!" vision has receded its become simply Everything Is Trump's fault 24/7 by the usual suspects because, well, what else do they have?

So Trunp will lose the general...with a great deal of help from the GOPe that loves attacking its own base?

And all the usual suspects will be applauding the GOPe while they do it..along with allowing voter fraud across the board as well.

We probably are too far gone as a republic anyway. Might as well go down fighting for what we believe in then whatever Ken Griffin and the Bushes allow DeSantis to "fight for"...which is globalism on steroids and forever wars and the permanent empowerment of the deep staters over citizens lives.


Drag Queen - The issue for Trump in a general election will be with Independents, it GOPe. They will call in line like they did in 2016 and 2020.

Trump’s problem is that independents are repulsed by the very traits that give the Trump Colin Cowboy Brigade tingles up their legs. As Kari Lake and Herschel Walker so ably demonstrated, Trump’s circus act does not play well. He has no path to victory without GA and AZ and he ain’t winning those states.

What do you call a guy who promises to be his base (which is a minority of voters) retribution without doing anything to expand that base? A loser.

3/26/23, 11:15 AM

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

and - Mosquito if you're so insistent on a better-than-Trump alternative - YOU provide that person.

Drago said...

Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH): "and - Mosquito if you're so insistent on a better-than-Trump alternative - YOU provide that person."


What a dolt.

YOU said you had a better candidate that could deliver "Trump policies without the Trump drama".

YOU did that.

My point remains the same: despite all of his flaws, Trump is STILL the ONLY candidate that is advocating for the policies I agree with, with the possible exception of Vivek whom I am watching carefully.

Because, and its amazing how many times I have to explain this but then again HBTPFH simply isnt that bright, I am ONLY interested in the policies and those who will fight for those policies.

HBTPFH will never understand that because she doesn't seem to really understand anything, which is why she is flip-side Inga and despises the deplorables and The OrangeManBad.

Drago said...

AMDG: "What do you call a guy who promises to be his base (which is a minority of voters) retribution without doing anything to expand that base? A loser."

You seem to spend ALL your time NOT giving us an alternative candidate that will fight for the policies we support.

So stick with insulting the base.

That should work.

Drago said...

Flip-side Inga (HBTPFJ): "Bugger off, Mosquito"

I think not.

Get used to it.

Inga said...

“Bugger off, Mosquito"

“I think not.

Get used to it.”
April Adam’s Apple, you silly woman, do you really expect a probable Moscow trained propagandist like Drago to just bugger off because you say so? You are his bread and butter.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Fine - then Mosquitos get swatted. Like Trump Humping bitches.

Chuck said...

Doug said...
Blogger Chuck said...
This closing music will be perfect for Trump's sentencing hearing.

When the walls finally close in on him, right?

3/26/23, 10:11 AM


Drago said...

Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH): "Fine - then Mosquitos get swatted. Like Trump Humping bitches."

Sounds impressive.

Drago said...

Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary/FBI hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "...Moscow trained propagandist like Drago..."


Inga and Flip-side Inga. Peas in a pod baby, peas in a pod.


Jim at said...

Trump is longing for…

“American Carnage, death and destruction”.

Leftists are pissed Trump threatens their monopoly.

Inga said...

See? Drag Queen, Putin and Trump, three peas in a pod.

Drago said...

Jim at: "Leftists are pissed Trump threatens their monopoly."

Leftists and GOPe-ers are pissed Trump threatens their monopoly.


And Flip-side Inga seems none too pleased with the idea as well.

lonejustice said...

I was amazed how small the turnout was for Trump's big presidential announcement. He used to be able to attract thousands and thousands of followers. Not any more.

Drago said...

Russian Collusion Truther and Hillary/FBI Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "See? Drag Queen, Putin and Trump, three peas in a pod."

That makes as much sense as anything Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH) has written in the last year.


Drago said...

lonejustice: "I was amazed how small the turnout was for Trump's big presidential announcement. He used to be able to attract thousands and thousands of followers. Not any more."

Sounds like DeSantis will win the nomination easily. Without even breaking a sweat. Barely an inconvenience.


Drago said...

And now we hear that its the Bushes and Karl Rove advising/backing DeSantis.

I will wait to react to this news until its absolutely confirmed instead of just something declared on Kudlow's show by Mark Simone.

However it would mean the last 2 weeks of DeSantis caving to his handlers makes perfect sense in that scenario.

If true, DeSantis has already pulled a "Scott Walker" in the 2024 campaign.

For the idiots in the class, like HBTPFH, thats not exactly where you want to be in this republican election cycle.

lonejustice said...

Drago has 14 posts on just this one thread. Remember that kid in high school that you hated, who always had to be the center of attention, who had to have the last word on everything, and who thought he was smarter than everyone else, when we all knew that he was just a chuckle head? Well, that's Drago.

Drago said...

lonejustice: "Drago has 14 posts on just this one thread."

Powerful commentary. Compelling. Substantive. Persuasive.

Drago said...

lonejustice: "Drago has 14 posts on just this one thread."

Morgan Freeman Narrator Voice: "When lonejustice posted this, Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH) had already made 17 posts."

For those victims of the "new math", 17 > 14.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

@ 10:50 - lol NO.

Try – Delusional, weak sauce, tired, boring, lame, recycled, Trump can do no wrong hero-worship, & more delusion

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga... That you still hurl lies about Russian influence - reveals to all your level of insanity.

That you think everyone non-leftist is a Russian plant. wow - you really do drink the insane MSNBC propaganda juice.

Drago said...

Flip-side Inga: "Try – Delusional, weak sauce, tired, boring, lame, recycled, Trump can do no wrong hero-worship, & more delusion"

Demonstrably false, as always.

I consistently point out where Trump has weaknesses and where he could effectively be attacked by other candidates and from which political direction.

However, like regular Inga, you are far too hopelessly dense to recognize it.

Inga and Flip-side Inga. I guess every side has to have one.

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