— Thomas Chatterton Williams (@thomaschattwill) March 25, 2023I can attest to that. I looked at Twitter, saw "Blacks" was trending, clicked on it, and saw contextless videos of black-on-white violence.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
— Thomas Chatterton Williams (@thomaschattwill) March 25, 2023I can attest to that. I looked at Twitter, saw "Blacks" was trending, clicked on it, and saw contextless videos of black-on-white violence.
७५ टिप्पण्या:
Well, that sort of thing is increasing in real life. BLM and CRT didn't go away.
For context, check out the federal crime statistics.
If the videos were of White on Black violence, what context would you require?
Reality is ugly, sadly. https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2543276-scott-adams-is-right-scott-adams-cutouts
It's not trending on my feed.
Frankly I find it disturbing that for some people, the fact that Black people are attacking Whites and Asians is less troubling than the fact that people are talking about the fact that Black people are attacking Whites and Asians.
And what would that context be? Is there ever a justification for beating up a single person on the street or in the mall?
You know the context. You just don’t want to acknowledge it.
If the videos are real and haven't been doctored, then what's the problem? Half of the people in the country have been labeled as racist white supremacists for just exercising their right to vote. Was no pushback expected?
Here's some context:
Based on data compiled by the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program, it found that while Black people make up 13% of the U.S. population, they were 33% of persons arrested for non-fatal violent crime (NVC), which includes rape, robbery, aggravated assault, and other assaults. Black people were 36% of those arrested for serious non-fatal violent crimes (SNVC), including rape, robbery, and aggravated assault.
Look at crime stats. Those videos are vastly easier to find. The first black president, elected by white people TWICE, split the country in half & incited violence from grievance, destroying 60 years of progress in race relations.
We won't have racial harmony until we stop talking about race, but don't hold your breath. It is a convenient political cudgel that is useful to the left.
More context:
How likely is a person of a given race to attack someone of a different race? The 2018 NCVS found approximately 608,000 crimes of interracial violence involving blacks and whites. Of this number, blacks were the aggressor in 90 percent of cases, and whites in just 10 percent. The NCVS gives the percentages of the US population of each race (white: 62.3, black: 12, Hispanic: 17, Asian: 6.3, other: 2.4), so we can calculate the odds of any given black person attacking a white or vice versa: The odds of a black person attacking a white were 48 times greater than the odds of a white attacking a black. Blacks were more likely to attack people of every other race more often than they were attacked by them: 47 times more likely to attack an Asian than vice versa, and 3.6 times more likely to attack a Hispanic.
So, this looks like an attempt to... whitewash... the lived reality of those impacted by non-speech violence. Black violence shouldn't count because reasons. Or do I misunderstand his goal?
More Context.
The problem isn’t that blacks are attacking whites without provocation.
The problem is that Twitter users are noticing these attacks.
It's not devolving, not evolving, it's progressing. It reflects reality and diversity in reporting (i.e. color judgment, class-based bigotry, political congruence). #Some,Select,[Black]LivesMatter
There is an argument that this just treats the criminal perps like the police have been treated to leverage the public reaction and shape the future. As with the George Floyd video, these images are extremely powerful and could ignite a wave of violence and revenge behavior. Like the police video snippets, these can be selectively chosen and are subject to editing.
What could possibly go wrong? This is what happens when the public gets agency and embarks on a plan. At this point, until/unless it is deliberately disabled, you can probably get a GPT Bot slave to find these video snippets and put them together. If not today, soon.
Consider the possibilities. These tools empower the individual and confer an increased sense of agency to their behavior. I sense that Althouse believes that we are unprepared for the consequences of this. I agree. We didn't start the fire.
In a free society everything will trend at some point.
Freedom is “darkness” to a disturbing number of people.
He blames Twitter?
"My advice to black people is that if white people are being programmed to hate you ... my advice would be to stay the hell away from white people." - Scott Adams
But the other way around, so it's not offensive somehow, so we can say it.
"My advice to black people is that if white people are being programmed to hate you ... my advice would be to stay the hell away from white people." - Scott Adams
But the other way around, so it's not offensive somehow, so we can say it.
Uhmm ...
So what.
That's what happens when you have the President, his party, the media and the intel agencies constantly telling you about how violent the whites are. White Supremacy?? NAWWW...look to who is causing MOST of the violence in cities...The left just can't be honest. All you have to do is open your eyes.
Whites is trending now. Same thing.
Rhetorical questions:
1. What happens when the media and educational systems tell black kids, average IQ 85, that whites are the cause of their problems?
2. What happens when a two bit rotten thug like George Floyd is presented to those black kids are some sort of sainted martyr?
3. What happens when you cease prosecuting black kids for committing violent crimes against whites?
Rhetorical questions:
1. What happens when the media and educational systems tell black kids, average IQ 85, that whites are the cause of their problems?
2. What happens when a two bit rotten thug like George Floyd is presented to those black kids are some sort of sainted martyr?
3. What happens when you cease prosecuting black kids for committing violent crimes against whites?
Every action a reaction…
Is there any possibility that this is a natural response to endless stream of contextless assertions of racism and white supremacy?
- Krumhorn
its not the violence thats bad, its giving it the attention that it deserves that is bad.
okie doke
The algorithm knows what he engages with. If he doesn't want to see it, he needs to stop watching the videos. My "for you trending" doesn't have Blacks trending. And my regular trending doesn't either.
I'm only going to change two words...
The word “Cops” is trending on Twitter right now. It’s nothing but random videos of assaults conditioning viewers to draw negative conclusions about an entire profession based on the worst representations. This is reprehensible and Twitter is devolving into something dark.
Black on white crime is a conspiracy theory.
Better get some context in there soon.
Wouldn’t want those Jews to get any undeserved sympathy.
The problem with Ann’s position is obvious. The “context” is that it is a small number of Regime supported black people who are being given a pass by Soros DAs to attack whites and Asians.
But Ann will never accept that our government is specifically supporting obvious racist violence now just like these same people supported the KKK a century ago. The lizard people are constantly using racial injustice to cause division.
They don’t care about The Who/whom. They just want racism and injustice.
I also feel the need to prompt the absolute stupidity I know is coming from certain people here who are going to use these videos to play into the hands of the Regime and attack blacks as a race with their IQ theories.
You are just as responsible for the KKK as the individual black person is for these racist attacks. Grouping people by race not only is wrong.
It is playing into the hands of the regime and is fucking stupid.
Scott Adams may be on to something.
Whites is trending now. Same thing.
(I thought I post this before, but...?)
Black on white crime is a conspiracy theory.
Lem the misspelled, was there supposed to be a /sarc tag on that comment?
Black on White crime.
I see the black Memphis woman basketball player, sucker punch the white player, while doing the handshake after the game was over.
I've been conditioned?
Are your hollow points for "whites only"?
Trenches to crackerland, are you receiving?
It’s nothing but random videos of assaults conditioning viewers to draw negative conclusions about an entire racial group based on its typical representatives.
There, I fixed it for Thomas Chatterton Williams. Really, he’s just upset about Scott Adams being so correct.
The Twitters aren't staying inside JournoListic style guidelines, they exercise liberal license to mimic DIE dean groupies, they bray politically progressive (PP) handmade tales. #HateLovesAbortion
Maybe we ought to question the conditioning. When we look at the programming on television, we see 85% minorities and white people that are normally made to look ridiculous (esp white men), and lots and lots of gay characters. Is that representative of society anywhere? Nope, but we're supposed to buy into the premise.
Now we're being shown black on white crime, but we're not supposed to believe that it exists at all. Or that it's being over-represented. Is it? Is it really? Show us what it really is, then.
I suppose that the term "White Privilege" was coined to provide the context that Chatterton Williams requires.
Possibly this trend on Twitter is a corrective to the misperceptions created by the mainstream media. What misperceptions do I mean?
Take a look at this study
Among the very liberal, the people most likely to trust the MSM and get their news in this way, most of them estimate that 1,000 unarmed black men are killed by police every year! This is about 40 times the actual number. Even conservatives, who are closest to the correct value, estimate that blacks constitute 38% of police killings, every other group thinks it's more. The true value is under 25%.
You’ve boiled it down to the fundamental truth, rwnutjob @6:22am!
"The word 'Blacks' is trending on Twitter right now. It’s nothing but random videos of assaults conditioning viewers to draw negative conclusions about an entire racial group based on the worst representations."
Also, whites are evil and must be eliminated for there to be peace on earth."
Because for this guy Twitter ought to continue to promote the Democrat myth of systemic racism (against blacks*) and to ignore the fact that more than half of the violent crime in our cities is committed by blacks.
* There is ample evidence of systemic racism against other races. E.g., affirmative action.
conditioning viewers to draw negative conclusions about an entire racial group based on its typical representatives.
diversity, equity, and inclusion or DIEversity
Diversity of individuals, minority of one. #HateLovesAbortion
I guess he hasn't discovered WorldStarHiphHop yet.
This morning I read that drinking my morning coffee is racist. I’m going to have to brew a second pot as my one-fingered salute to the race-baiters of academia.
Maybe those videos were contextless, but the initial posts they were pulled from had plenty of context.
Seems like you are seeing 'Greatest hits' so to speak.
It can be looked at as 'conditioning' or as 'educating.'
The stats for crime amongst African Americans is not good.
The last three times we were in the big city to see a play, we (me and two ladies) were confronted by young, strung-out, angry, screaming black men.
We are all in our 60s.
I could keep a druggie occupied long enough for the ladies to escape and get help if needed, but I shouldn't have to have that mindset.
In my experience, the white druggies just sit or wander aimlessly, alone in their stoned state.
But we have had bad experiences with black junkies.
So much so that we are considering changing our season tickets to the plays to all matinees or cancelling them altogether...
What kind of person tolerates Trending and Feeds on their machine?
What kind of person tolerates Trending and Feeds on their machine?
I'm old enough to recall and approve Mike Royko's line about urban yoot: I don't blame all of them for the behavior of most of them.
You have these endless tweets because the MSM refuses to cover black on white crime, except in the briefest most mininmalist way. Meanwhile, it seens like any white violence on a black person is nation-wide news.
Plus, most young people on twitter don't buy into the ol'boomer attitude that every group can be race concicious and work for their own benefit - except whites.
the MSM refuses to cover black on white crime, except in the briefest most mininmalist way.
The Fourth leg of a fascist State brays handmade tales.
That said,
Trans/homosexual male serial rapist.
Minority gang rape of a trans/homosexual female.
Illegal immigrant rape of an underage girl, whose "burden" was aborted, perhaps cannibalized, sequestered in a sanctuary state.
Gang rape and abortion of white boys and girls, bleached, stuffed in barrels as I recall.
Nationwide insurrections, neighborhood invasions by Some, Select [Black] Lives Matter a la KKK of Democrat past, present, and progressive.
Babies Planned in clinics, a wicked solution. Boys and girls mutilated in dreams of Levine's genderfication.
Diversity breeds adversity. #HateLovesAbortion
Did you buy that pistol to protect yourself from the white kids at UW?
It certainly is offensive, but the reaction is muted by the fact that the entire culture leans the other way. There's a temptation to throw the familiar reproach, "If this is all you've made of your white privilege, it's your own damn problem," back the other way at the African-American community: "If this is what you've made of 50 years of affirmative action, stop complaining."
America's recent fixation on racism and celebration of blackness might be insincere and not really intended to change anything, but if it doesn't lead to improved race relations, the non-black population will turn against the current trend. The opportunities today's climate opens up benefit the grievance mongers, not the larger African-American population. That may be the current regime's intention, but eventually there will be a reaction.
Devote time to looking at film of spring break violence in Miami. Notice anything? Now find stories and film of spring break violence in Lauderdale. Notice anything?.
If I were a Black man, and I believed in my heart the teachings of Critical Race Theory and its various offshoots I'd be killing you White Mother Fuckers in your sleep and eating your children.
Fortunately most Black people see through the bullshit.
But there is an increasing level of group violence by young Black people. It is undeniable and in these parts, which are about 50/50, people, Black and White, are increasingly wary when out in public.
And thanks for asking but the tornado missed me.
So, what? Are these videos fake? Perhaps they were trending as a companion to "White Supremacy" when it trends.
dey dinin du nuffin
When a guy identifing as a woman shoots up a gay night club, it's because of my middle class homophobia. When a 80 years old hilbilly shoots up a Jewish community center it's because of my middle class antisemitism. When folks take notice the of the crime in the intercity and who is doing it, it's because of my middle class rasism not the intercity culture and values.
What really makes one middle class isn't income it's values and civility. I suffer from a pychological decease from my parents punishment when I did bad things as a youth. The decease is call "Respect for other human beings"
"contextless videos of black-on-white violence"
Ok, here's the context, to make you feel better: in 2019, there were 472,570 violent incidents perpetrated by blacks against whites.
More than a thousand a day, year after year after year.
The citizenry needs to put up more videos of Asian ladies beating up Blacks to avoid false impressions.
When they finally succeed in starting the race war they've been agitating for these last 20-odd years, they're mostly going to be acting surprised at the results.
Analyze this in terms of urban guerrilla warfare, as laid out by various Marxist prophets: What's the first stage?
You outrage "the Man", in order to provoke drastic crackdowns. Which then alienates the general public from the police and security administration of the legitimate state you're trying to overthrow.
What, precisely, is the aim of the "defund the police" movement, when analyzed in these terms?
They want to simultaneously alienate the cops, weaken them, and separate them from the public. This, they think, will give them free rein to do as they will across the rest of society. That's likely the doctrinaire belief they have written in their little action plans, out there in Black Bloc and Antifa-land.
What they are actually accomplishing, however, is scaring the hell out of the normies, and convincing them that the cops can't protect them from the mobs and base criminality. You can see this in Portland/Seattle/San Francisco. People are moving out, finding other places to live and work.
The lawlessness must necessarily follow them, for they are the prey of the criminal. Once they've eaten out the prey species in their home environments, they must then find more by moving. This is not going to go well, because the people who fled the cities are likely to be fed up with the situation, and feel that they have their backs against the walls. They'll sign off on anything to feel safe again, and it won't be to have more of the same medicine the progressive types used in the cities. Attitudes will harden, and charity will become a very sparse thing.
Sometime in the very near future, the pendulum of social attitude will reach its limit; it will swing back. You'll see people summarily executed for crapping on the sidewalks, and nobody will even blink. You'll see fences up around homeless camps, and the inmates hauled off for either destructive labor or rehabilitation. Most of them will die.
Now, the thing that most won't catch is that this has all been very deliberate; the forces of progressivism that have brought us here? They did this deliberately, thinking to grab even more power in the chaos they created. They think that what they've done to our cities and society in general is something that they can control, turn off like a light switch. The problem with that is, they're wrong about the control they think they'll have. They think that they can stop the swing back towards the center, and be able to say "This far; no further..." They won't. You will see a reaction to what is going on around you in these times, which when coupled with the "birth dearth" population implosion, is going to result in some extremes coming that you likely won't believe. When the time comes, and they're hunting vagrants through the streets with dogs? Shooting them in front of you? Treating them like social cancers? Thank the liberal progressives; their licentiousness brought this upon you. It will happen, because people simply aren't going to keep on putting up with this BS. I figure it's only a matter of time before people connect the closure of their local Walmart with the shoplifters, and start capping said shoplifters on observation, and before the cops can even get there.
The thing that people who push boundaries, and go for the extreme seem to forget that society is balloon-like: Push in here, and it will expand over there, in that very unexpected place. It's also cyclic; every age of license is followed by a corresponding age of strict virtue, if only because the price paid for license was ruinous.
Hutu vs Tutsi in turn.
Kenya elite flying over deplorables.
Mandela's Xhosa vs Zulu with native collateral damage.
Spring in their woke.
Yeah recall the horror of all those MAGA types beating up Asians because of Trump's racism.
Then the videos began to be seen. Either there's been a cover up greater than a CIA wet dream or the white on yellow meme was false. Outrage followed...
What could it be? What could it be?
The citizenry needs to put up more videos of Asian ladies beating up Blacks to avoid false impressions.
Senior Feminine Constructs of Yellow privilege. Accompanied by a DIEgram to educate people in the ethical religion of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
"This is reprehensible and Twitter is devolving into something dark."
One is free to not use Twitter, right? I mean- nobody is forced to, right? Then leave.
Seems easy enough.
Khadree Renfro... 4 known random assaults with pipes. Lives down the block, Ann? Name sounds somewhat Germanic.
Stereotypes exist because certain patterns repeat.
The US crime rate excluding Blacks has long been competitive or lower than the crime rates across Europe.
US gun violence: largely black on black
US disproportionate arrest rates by race: not really, per crimes committed
None of this is news, it's just censored by the establishment because it's inflammatory and doesn't fit the agenda or spur people to vote for favored issues. So, the facts find a way out on Twitter however they can.
Summary of Census and FBI crime data: https://www.channel4.com/news/factcheck/factcheck-black-americans-commit-crime
The world's most dangerous countries are all in Africa or Latin America: https://www.statista.com/statistics/262963/ranking-the-20-countries-with-the-most-murders-per-100-000-inhabitants/
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