I'm reading "The bewildering descent of Scott Adams and ‘Dilbert’/‘I shook the box intentionally,’ Scott Adams told The Post about the comments that prompted newspapers to drop his comic strip" (WaPo).
Adams had grown up as a fan of “Peanuts,” he told The Post, and was thrilled to hang out with creator Charles M. Schulz after joining United. By 1990, United had signed several future stars, including Adams... and Lincoln Peirce, creator of “Big Nate.”...
Peirce said: “It was clear to me that they thought ‘Dilbert’ was going to be their next game changer — something that could eventually join ‘Garfield’ and ‘Peanuts’ in the pantheon of heavy hitters. The funny thing was, some of the sales staff seemed to really get ‘Dilbert,’ and others didn’t.”...
One devoted reader at the time was future cartoonist Mattie Lubchansky (“Boys Weekend”), who became “weirdly a huge fan” as an adolescent.... “He’s been acting stranger and stranger in public for the last 10 years — and even if you read his comic collections from the ’90s with his commentary, there’s all sorts of anti-‘PC’ rambling that was always there,” Lubchansky said. “I think society has just stopped lionizing this kind of guy.”...
Adams acknowledges that while he intended [his recent] remarks to break through beyond his “bubble,” which includes about 135,000 YouTube subscribers, he was caught off-guard by the extent and the impact.
He told The Post he was surprised that “the cancel-culture people” were able to get to the “choke points” that were his various publishers.... Over the sudden loss of so much income, Adams said, “Politics is the reason for the cancellations.”
But he seems undeterred. Famous figures such as Elon Musk and Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk have come to his defense.
“Only the dying leftist Fake News industry canceled me (for out-of-context news of course),” Adams tweeted Thursday. “Social media and banking unaffected. Personal life improved. Never been more popular in my life. Zero pushback in person. Black and White conservatives solidly supporting me.”...
[O]n his Saturday show, Adams cited a favorite quote as he seeks his commercial outlook going forward: “In chaos, there is opportunity.”
८४ टिप्पण्या:
Victor Vyssotsky, a friend and important management person, on being spotted scrounging an office chair during a division move, "In chaos there is opportunity."
Apparently "my body, my choice" isn't a thing when it comes to putting your eyes on the comics page.
So Charlie Kirk is supporting Scott Adams.
Well, he's got that goin' for him. Which is nice.
I saw a few people note that this freed Scott Adams from the papers and allowed him to pursue his own brand on Locals. Now it appears those people are correct. Nearly all of the Dilbert cartoons I’ve read have not been in a newspaper.
I’ve never noticed Althouse blog to depend on external publication to be successful.
I see the LLR-democraticals, like Chuck, are very very upset that Adams did not simply accept the rulings and pronouncements of Chuck's Maoist allies and instead, has incrementally moved the overton window in forcing a conversation that is uncomfortable but grounded in reality and somehow found a way to leverage a potential new revenue stream based off it all.
LLR-Democratical Chuck's whining about Adam's mirrors closely LLR-Democratical Chuck's whining about Elon Musk.
More speech is good. I'll be interested to see what his characters say.
Haha. “Locals.” What is that, like an Only Fans site for unemployed bigoted doodlers? Dilbert-man will henceforth be known for as unsuccessful an attempt at racial theorizing as Rudolph Hoess.
What a shock that a guy who glorified life in cubicles turned out to be a fascist.
In any event, what makes this moron’s banishment from a life approximating normality (at least to the best of his meager ability) interesting?
Scott Adams has "fuck-you money" going for him, which is nice.
This is the substack model. See, e.g. Barri Weiss inter alia.
This was the plan all along. Newspapers are dying. Bypass them and collect the money directly from consumers.
"You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."
Instapundit has a partial list of Biden's past overtly racist actions and comments (though it doesn't include his friendship with the loathsome MS Senator James Eastland), but he gets to speak and make up shit on the anniversary of the Edmund Pettus Bridge crossing to applause and back pats.
Meanwhile, Adams, who has apparently committed none of the racial crimes that Biden has, is canceled for pointing out what's true about race relations--according to blacks themselves.
The emperor continues his naked parade through the kingdom of Bizarro.
The left dominated media messaging's partisan spin at least since Vietnam and Watergate. They will soon discover that cancellation leads to either (1) an uncontrollable black market, or (2) a powerful parallel culture fully outside their control. They are setting themselves up to be in a weaker position moving forward, and will understand this only after they've lost control.
Today's left are creating and enforcing "any" lefty moral standards for the first time since the 1960s or before. As such, they lash out at marginal targets or non-targets who deviate from simplistic grade-school rules: Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, Jordan Peterson, Scott Adams, Tulsi Gabbard, etc. Those on the left or right who demand real, daily, sincere moral standards must break away from those who do not. They must abandon party labels and recognize that actions speak louder than words.
hpudding wrote, "What a shock that a guy who glorified life in cubicles turned out to be a fascist." Dilbert glorifies life in cubicles? One has to admire this commentator's Inga-like attention to actual content, no?
Blogger hpudding said...
Haha. “Locals.” What is that, like an Only Fans site for unemployed bigoted doodlers? Dilbert-man will henceforth be known for as unsuccessful an attempt at racial theorizing as Rudolph Hoess.
What a shock that a guy who glorified life in cubicles turned out to be a fascist.
In any event, what makes this moron’s banishment from a life approximating normality (at least to the best of his meager ability) interesting?
For those of us who are not fluent in incoherence, what are you babbling about?
Adams said a while ago in his Twitter feed that he felt ready to move on, and that he was economically secure enough to do so, so this whole thing seems like a long range project on his part. The last place I would look for the truth of what is happening here would be the Washington Post, I can read Chuck if I want to know what is coming out of the mouth of the DNC, FBI, and CIA.
LLR-Democratical Chuck and hpudding should put their democratical heads together to see if they can come up with more effective talking points for Team Left.
What a shock that a guy who glorified life in cubicles turned out to be a fascist.
Dude (used in a gender-nonspecific way). Have you ever read Dilbert?
(Also: do you know what a fascist is?)
"What a shock that a guy who glorified life in cubicles turned out to be a fascist"
Best of Breed response from the Dancing Poodle Journo-Lefty Show.
Blogger hpudding said...
Haha. “Locals.” What is that, like an Only Fans site for unemployed bigoted doodlers? Dilbert-man will henceforth be known for as unsuccessful an attempt at racial theorizing as Rudolph Hoess.
Pudding head's wisdom. Glenn Greenwald is on Locals, another of your "fascists." As Forrest Gump used to say "Stupid is as stupid does." Try to do better.
He's come across as autistic in this whole affair, hyper-literal and oblivious to social context. And it was reckless to give his enemies such an opening to go after him. He could have made changes to his business model without completely blowing himself up first.
Question for the newspapers (what a funny term - News? Paper?) ... Did cancelling Scott Adams have a positive or negative effect on revenues and readership?
Mr. T. said...
Blogger hpudding said...
"For those of us who are not fluent in incoherence, what are you babbling about?"
He doesn't even know. His brain cells are like brand new. They've never been used.
(Also: do you know what a fascist is?)
Of course he does. It is anyone who disagrees with him.
I question the "told the Post" assertions. Adams did say most of that but on his podcast. I would be surprised to learn he actually "told the Post" in an interview as he's stated all the mainstream media has only asked him for a quote and not wanted to do a real interview.
If he didn't "told the Post" directly, perhaps he will expose their overt lies. None of the people who take the WaPo seriously these days will care, but it will be another nail in the MSM coffin.
"In any event, what makes this moron’s banishment from a life approximating normality (at least to the best of his meager ability) interesting?"
What banishment? Adams lives in an upscale exclusive area outside San Francisco. The brats of his neighbors may or may not want to banish him, but they do know not to cause problems in their parent's neighborhood lest daddy cut off their stipend.
Drago said...
LLR-Democratical Chuck and hpudding should put their democratical heads together to see if they can come up with more effective talking points for Team Left.
"Never try to get in between your opponent [enemy] and an angry press..."
I don't know who gets credit for that quote.
MR T (to hpudding): "For those of us who are not fluent in incoherence, what are you babbling about?"
With hpudding and his pal LLR-Democratical Chuck, its never about coherence or logic or reason.
It's a volume business baby and the key is to layer so many ludicrous, debunked, transparently fake lies into each posting that to even begin to try and unwind the Onion Of Dumb is a fools errand.
I suspect its done to disrupt threads and as we move closer to the 2024 campaign we will no doubt see much more of this from the left.
LLR-Democratical Chuck has explicitly made his intentions clear to disrupt Althouse blog by attempting to drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers as well as to lie about and smear conservatives.
Hpudding is the other half of this lefty effort and his/hers/xers effort to is to simply throw as much mud into each thread as possible.
Between LLR-Democratical Chuck and hpudding it appears the left's gameplan for Althouse blog is set.
Note: No, I'm not including The Poor Man's LLR-Democratical Chuck: gadfly, in that as gadfly is just a sad sack that is desperate to fit in.
"LLR-Democratical Chuck and hpudding should put their democratical heads together ..."
They'll have to pull them out of their asses first.
"You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."
I think we are beginning to understand what Rahm was talking about.
Let another unfunny comic without any sense of irony make a comment. Great job WP!
Mattie doesn't even know.
Tom T.: "He's come across as autistic in this whole affair, hyper-literal and oblivious to social context. And it was reckless to give his enemies such an opening to go after him."
There is NO WAY to begin to address these subjects without his "enemies" coming after him.
They don't need "an opening".
That's one of the fundamental points being made and it was demonstrated in sp...er, completely! (see what I did there? I didn't "give" anyone "an opening". Watch what happens next)
The idea that one could engage on any facet of this roiling conversation without the left blowing up is ridiculous and implies someone hasn't been paying close enough attention for the last 40 years.
It's a completely provocative and interesting question which many black commentators are taking on in a helpful way and leads to other interesting questions:
- who really tried to "cancel" Adams? Was it the black community? By and large, no. It was white liberals who live nowhere near the hood and send their kids to schools with few or no blacks. (another Adam's point)
- Is it insane to not want to live around people who might, statistically, hate your guts? Malcolm X certainly didn't think so. Lots of interesting back and forths along those lines.
- How can we even measure how much one group hates another? The complexities here seem endless.
All good stuff though, and fantastic content for discussion, particularly for us who grew up in minority - majority areas where these topics were resonating decades ago.
We'll see if Adam's vision for where he wanted to take this is correct.
Glenn Greenwald’s not a fascist? Oh, that’s right. Neither was Neville Chamberlain. Greenwald’s just a useful idiot for fascist insurgents like Tucker Carlson who will lie at any price to keep an audience for their foreign-owned propaganda network.
I forgot how much right-wingers like being lied to, and how much of a lie they’ll buy. My bad. Apparently FOX getting their asses sued off wasn’t enough of a wake-up call. (But then, right-wing media hid any reporting of their downfall as badly as a dog burying a bone).
Carry on.
P.S. It’s interesting to be accused of incoherent writing by illiterates who find cartoons to be a form of “reading.”
I can understand mistaking "Sympathy for the Devil" for a pro-Devil song.
I can understand feeling squicked out reading "Lolita." The narrator is so eloquent, you could at times almost forget what a monster he is.
But "Dilbert" glorifying life in cubicles....hmm. Hey, have you ever seen "Office Space?" It's all about how awesome it is to work at a software company.
“Hpudding is the other half of this lefty effort and his/hers/xers effort to is to simply throw as much mud into each thread as possible.“
I would never sully a watering hole as pristine as this fine online pub that drago queen and his fellow unemployable incels hang out at every minute of every day without regard for work, life, or a normal relationship of any sort. They need it as badly as a drunk needs his drinking establishment to make his habit look the least bit respectable.
And they comment at it as commonly and as knowledgeably as the mailman Cliff Calvin on “Cheers.”
Everybody knows there are places you don't go. Some you don't go at night. Some you don't go at any time. That's where the 26% live. You do want to stay the hell away from there. You know that what those areas need is more policing and more real education, but you also know that to say it out loud is to be labeled a racist. So you don't.
Tom T wrote:
"He's come across as autistic in this whole affair, hyper-literal and oblivious to social context. And it was reckless to give his enemies such an opening to go after him."
I think his on the spectrum as they say, but one cannot speak hard truths without speaking hard truths. The only way in this situation to avoid giving "his enemies such and opening" was to be silent- that is the way cowards live their lives.
BTW, Erin Brockovich is now on the "outs" with the lefties/LLR-Democraticals/dems (but I repeat myself) because she dared to be consistent and principled in her criticisms of Boot-a-judge-judge and the Biden admin over the East Palestine train derailment.
Brockovich should have contacted Code Pink to ask how that was going to go given the disappearance of Code Pink once Obama got into office and began his many military adventures and Code Pink had the momentary (it didn't last long) idea that they were supposed to continue to be anti-military engagement.
Silly lefty cannon fodder foot soldiers.
When "Dilbert" first hit the papers, I was a freelance journalist/trainer/technical writer supporting my first wife as she got her Ph.D.
During that time I didn't understand why people thought Dilbert was funny.
Once she got her doctorate we moved for her post-doc and I took a corporate job with an HMO. After a few months Dilbert was hilarious.
I wish Scott Adams well.
A video tour of Scott Adams home on YouTube. It's a really nice house.
Scott is a very wealthy man and has plenty of what he termed "f**k you" money. He doesn't care at all about losing the newspaper market, which is dying anyway. He is a founder and investor in Locals, I think, so he has no danger of being canceled there. He can move entirely to that platform and do whatever he wants. Or, he can take his money, his nice home, and his beautiful wife and just enjoy the rest of his life.
Adams just putting his "Win Bigly" thesis to the ultimate test. Watched SNL and would say he's off to a slow start. I'll check back in a couple of years.
"Bewildering descent...." It was neither bewildering nor a descent.
He was cancelled by the usual suspects for stating the unwoke obvious.
I’m just admiring the ratio. No need to pile on the chuckpudding show. Dilbert is free. By the way iPhone attempted to change his name to Filbert repeatedly. I hate when my phone goes woke and tries to change what I’m saying.
One can find some measure of Scott’s success by the quality and intelligence of the sort of person that finds his expressed thoughts and doodling offensive.
Cretins and others fueled by their inadequacies, in large part.
Haha. “Locals.” What is that, like an Only Fans site for unemployed bigoted doodlers?
I would love to read your early years description of YouTube. What was it, "A site for losers to upload home movies"?
Sure, he's taking a risk, but that's how innovation happens. Maybe it's a mistake. Maybe it's what needs to happen to attract new talent to the platform.
I've been following Scott for years (though not as long as I have Althouse!) and this drama enacts the core of so much of his take on things. People fully addicted to their bubbles will stay that way, but he seems to be reaching a lot of people at least partially open to new ways of thinking, and that's the only way out of the polarized situation we're in. You could make a case it's his version of "cruel neutrality" ;-)
One of Adams' strengths in his comics is found in how you read a situation and a "moral", and you think "aha! that's exactly right - he's captured what I have always felt but never put into words."
And that's what he's done now, again. He's made explicit something we've all felt: stay away from people who hate you and wish you harm.
He's rich, he's getting up there in years, and I get the feeling he went into this chapter expecting most of what has happened. He's spent the last six months being excoriated by many on "his side" for his vax opinions, and I think he just tired of the game, and went out with a bang. Good for him.
Tom T. said...
He's come across as autistic in this whole affair, hyper-literal and oblivious to social context. And it was reckless to give his enemies such an opening to go after him. He could have made changes to his business model without completely blowing himself up first.
If you want some insight into what he was thinking when he did this go here: Adam's interview with Hotep Jesus.
Caution: Racist Leftists will be triggered because there is a black person in the video.
Your primary problem Tom is that you are looking more than 20 IQ to the right on the curve.
“Dude (used in a gender-nonspecific way). Have you ever read Dilbert?”
There are plenty who have read a Dilbert strip or two, and didn’t understand the humor. My father loved his strips. My humor impaired mother never had a clue. Indeed, I would expect few of those we call Karen’s would have a clue. It’s pure counter culture. Their pointy headed boss is an idiot. They spend their lives at work dealing with his idiocy. Much of it involves working around him, and him not having a clue what they were actually doing. Dilbert himself, is the straight guy. Wally is the ultimate BSer, able to use corporate-speak to his advantage, so he never has to work. Alice is the one who calls BS on their boss. Dogbert is the evil schemer who can turn woke corporate directives on their head. Etc. They go through life at work, doing the right thing, getting products to market that work, despite the bumbling obstruction of their boss(es). This is the type of humor that abounded in the later Soviet Union, but was dangerous to the lives and careers of those who got caught - so most didn’t.
My favorite Dilbert strip of all is the Etch a Sketch series. There was actually a whole week of this gag. You have to know what an Etch a Sketch is, of course, to get the joke, and the boss clearly does not. I got diverted for a pleasant half hour by Dilbert cartoons, when I was searching for these cartoons:
It’s easy to put FJB in the place of the Pointy Headed Boss, but it applies just as well to many at the top, of both parties, but esp the Democrats. I can see Kamala Harris, Mayor Buttplug, Crooked Hillary, etc, in that role almost as easily. There is the nominated FAA head, who just admitted that he knew nothing about airlines last week in hearings. Fauci and the rest of the public health bureaucratic incompetents. Etc.
"[O]n March 13, Adams plans to launch 'Dilbert Reborn' on his subscription site, Locals."
I would have preferred, 'Dilbert: Bigger and Blacker' but Chris Rock might have objected.
hpudding said...
What a shock that a guy who glorified life in cubicles turned out to be a fascist.
What I get for jumping in late is that what I was going to say has already been said. With Jamie most approximating my first thought on reading the drivel:
Dude (used in a gender-nonspecific way). Have you ever read Dilbert?
The problem with Scott Adams is you never know if he's telling you the truth. Was he really suprised they got to "His choke points"? And was this whole Kerfuffle planned by Adams or was he truly take aback by the reaction?
I dunno. Just cause you're smart doesn't mean you don't make mistakes. Judgement and IQ aren't the same. And Adams always struck me as a high-IQ individualistic, logical goodguy type that mistakenly believes everyone else is just as logical, individualistic, and "Good".
All these liberal/left newspapers were just waiting for a chance to cancel Scott Adams. The elite papers had already done so. He was on their hitlist, and as a white man he probably was on it even before Trump. One misstep, and he was gone. They finally were able to justify cancelling him and now can get high fives from the other liberal/leftists. It feels good to follow the party line and clap for Comrade Stalin.
Mr. Adams just got out of his contracts without a law suit in an extremely efficient fashion. Getting exclusive rights to Dilbert back would have taken years of negotiation and probably litigation.
If Scott Adams ain't somewhere along the scale for autism, I'll happily eat my shorts. Dude is brilliant, flaky, and actually marching to the beat of his own drum. Like a lot of the autists. The people abusing him ought to be gone after for abuse of the differently-abled, but because he's a successful white guy saying things that are anathema to their little lock-step world... Well... Yeah.
He's got a skewed worldview, and it's worked for him, so far. I suspect that he's just ahead of the curve, because he's saying a lot of the things I hear coming out of a lot of mouths about the issue of race relations. As well, he's not wrong; race hatred and violence is being ginned up by all this BS, and it won't end well.
Black America is going to learn a horrid lesson in the next few decades, mostly about demographics and the perils of a minority thinking it can be the tail to wag the dog. There are a lot of Mexicans and Central Americans coming across the border that loathe blacks on general principle, and who're simultaneously not too prone to look at themselves as having common cause with the blacks. They don't want to be black; they want to be white, and that's their aspirational goal. The race charlatans are playing with things they don't understand, because underneath it all, they're the worst racists in the country; they see a brown skin, and they think "Oh, that's a black guy...", when the reality is that if were to tell some kid from a rural Mexican town in the wrong part of Mexico that he looks black...? You'd better have running shoes on, and be decently good at knife-fighting, 'cos you gonna get cut.
The tensions were damping down, finally. Then, Obama got himself elected, and here we are. I really doubt that it's going to end well, for anyone. It's going to end the worst for black Americans, and I don't really feel all that bad about it when you start talking about the Louis Farrakhans and the Jesse Jacksons. The decent guys I served with in the military? The vast majority don't deserve what's coming. But, they're going to get it in the neck alongside the rest of the "activists" when the time comes.
I can't wait to watch what happens when the assholes in California try telling a majority-Mexican-American state that they have to pay every black in the state $5,000,000.00. The Mexican-Americans getting that bill ain't going to react well. At. All.
Hell, one of my casual acquaintances who's from Guatemala made the remark that I think they were all thinking, the other day: To wit "Bills won't be as high if there ain't that many around, will it...?"
Dangerous, seriously f*cked-up times coming. And, the responsible parties have no idea, no idea at all, what they're calling up out of the darkness. Swear to God, it's like half of the politicians in the country have decided that Helter-Skelter was a guide to good governance, or something...
By teh way, can we have that "National Conversation About Race" now? Apparently not. That can only be done in a format where all living whites are guilty are guilty of the sins of their forefathers, but no one else is. Some samples from google about that.
A National Conversation About Race? Political Discussion Across Lines of Racial and Partisan Difference
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 September 2019
Jun 30, 2020 — We Are Having A National Conversation About Race And Policing. Why Aren't We Having One About Race And Long-Term Care?
A National Conversation About Race? Political Discussion Across Lines of Racial and Partisan Difference
September 2019The Journal of Race Ethnicity and Politics 6(1):1-27
Note: There's a Journal of Race Ethnicity and Politics? Wow!
A Conversation on Race and Research
In a virtual event, experts featured in Pew’s “After the Fact” podcast explore how race intersects with a range of research fields Thursday, November 4, 2021
A National Conversation About Race in Early Childhood Leadership
The history of the Electoral College and our national conversation about race
Racial Justice Resources for Activists, Advocates & Allieshttps://guides.libraries.uc.edu › racialjusticeresources › fac...
Feb 23, 2023 — These topics have only become more urgent as the national conversation about race is increasingly acrimonious.
Scott Adams isn't an approved speaker on the subject, and not allowed to opine. Though he has. Same with John Derbyshire and "The Talk". Nice thing about theis crowd, I can refer to "The Talk" and most everyone will know what I'm referring to.
According to city-data.com my town is 92.4% white alone, 1.8% black. Town next door where I buy gas, Chinese takeout food, and frequent the Dollar General only 83.8% white alone, 2.6% black.
Recently the town next door had someone found guilty of muder. A black woman of that 2.6% offed her husband and two acquaintances, one relative, also both black, helped dispose of the body. Only murder in 20 years of living here. Most of the serious crime here, as in much of rural America, ends up, one way of the other, to be drug related. Whether wife beating or assault or shoplifting, drugs end up being involved. Including the ever harmless marijuana. Secondary cause is alcohol- we have our fair share of DWIs. But that very small percentage of blacks ends up severely overrepresented in the few assault and other violent crimes category the two towns have. Amish and Mennonites in the two towns are severely underrepresented in all crime categories. The Mennonite family next door, by themselves, is 0.8% of the town's population, more then Asians or American Indians in town. And they're not the only Menonnites. No breakdown on them or the Amish.
"The problem with Scott Adams is you never know if he's telling you the truth."
That's that whole clown nose on/off problem.
As usual, the democrats and their propagandists are accusing others of what they are actually doing every day.
PPS: that’s not pudding!
hpudding got triggered, hence the ineffective shitstorm.
+1 Leora
Readering: "Watched SNL and would say he's off to a slow start."
SNL as the measure of progress!
You couldn't make that last readering-ism up if you tried! No one would have believed even readering could be that obtuse.
See what I mean? Not a damn thing up there that hasn't been placed there by somebody else.
Even if Dilbert is a mealy-mouthed effort to satirize cubicle life, the bland setting and flatter-than-2D characters are too depressing and dystopian for anyone to even look at who’s not inclined to find corporate cubicle culture endearing in some way. It’s like asking to see the wonder and beauty in Auschwitz. A tall order for any creator, let alone one as talentless and gullible as Scott Adams.
Before Matt Groening drew an increasingly colorful cartoon eventually known as “The Simpsons,” even he knew how to appropriately name his earlier creation depicting Bart-like and Homer-like creatures, but without the character he would later add to them. He called that predecessor strip, “Life in Hell.”
If Scott Adams had done something like that it might be easier to take his silly creation (or even him) just the least bit more seriously.
Dilbert reeks of amateurish underdevelopment as far as comic strips go, but I suppose that’s sort of the level at which his fans operate.
Ut-oh, hasty pudding, you just hastily equated an office job with a Nazi concentration camp.
Slip on your pudding? Not good optics, no matter which spoon you use.
Maybe you did go to Harvard after all. Myopic and anti-Semitic is no way to go through life, son.
It seems like there’s not much of a problem re being cancelled. Adams needed to support explicit racist segregation before he could get himself cancelled. Though as he noted, he’s canceled from some stuff, but now he can do all sorts of other stuff, where racism is a feature.
Here is a video where he is talking w/ Molyneux (about Kanye) in 2018 re cancel culture:
Pretty cool! Adams/Molyneux/Kanye/2018. It’s too perfect.
I spent an afternoon with Adams at his house, along with a couple others, doing diligence on a medical device startup. (Scott decided to fund the whole round himself, but that company was not a success.)
Anyway, I found him to be direct, a bit more blunt than average, attentive, a decent host, and not noticeably odd. Politics did not enter the conversation.
Adams has been on locals for some time. I used to subscribe, but dropped support because of "lack of content". I find it funny that so many jumped on the "racist" bandwagon. What we have here is a mindless mob who are also happy to support Biden, a man whose racist history is well documented.
I'm pretty sure Adams knew what he was doing, and it wasn't just responding to a poll. He probably underestimated the response, but there may be opportunity there.
Bruce Hayden, thanks for the link. Great fun looking at all those comic strips.
If Scott Adams had done something like that it might be easier to take his silly creation (or even him) just the least bit more seriously.
Dilbert reeks of amateurish underdevelopment as far as comic strips go, but I suppose that’s sort of the level at which his fans operate.
H pudding head is an expert on cartoons and no doubt is a billionaire.
Why hang around here and annoy us mediocre types ?
What fun. Was I just called anti-Semitic by a goy from the party of Hitler-lover Kanye West, Holocaust-denier Nick Fuentes, Klansman David Duke, Charlottesville Tiki Torchers, and Evangelical End Times apocalypse-welcomers?
The same party that crashed the global economy in 1929 and made European fascism and WWII inevitable?
Well so be it, then!
Tina Trent for Anti-Defamation League president. Because she just cares so much about truth and not stereotyping or character assassination on any level.
BTW, I see that this thread includes referring to so-called FU money.
Assuming, as has been reported, Adams has seventy five million, he’s one of—something like—twenty thousand Americans.
That includes a lot of people with FU money that don’t publicly support racist segregation.
Associating Adams with people that have FU money is unfair to people with at least seventy five million dollars. Correlation is not causation.
Dilbert is free.
For now. His obvious next move is to make them available by subscription.
Anyone besides me remember all those times Liberals called for a national conversation on race? Well Adams did start a national conversation on race (perhaps inadvertently), and look what happened.
“H pudding head is an expert on cartoons and no doubt is a billionaire.“
This hilarious piece of senility presumes one can’t just be a consumer of a cartoon or not to critique or like, criticize or dislike it. They have to be a billionaire with “expertise on cartoons!”
Behold the conservative philosophy of authoritarian impotence. No Floridian can blog about DeSanctimonious without government approval and people in general can’t comment on a stupid cartoon without being “an expert on cartoons” or a billionaire!
So when will the re-education camps be starting up, Mike?
“and look what happened.”
It turns out that a lot of folks decided to oppose supporting racist segregation.
Is that something that is news to you, Big Mike? You needed this national conversation to see where people/institutions/companies fall re the question of supporting racist segregation?
"That includes a lot of people with FU money that don’t publicly support racist segregation."
I don't have FU money. I say FU to people who HAVE FU Money. Maybe there are some good people who have more than $75 million but they seem to be in the minority.
I also say FU to people who toss around charges of "racism" knowing they're false. Or lie about people like Scott Adams. Of course, when you call them on it, they give you some bizzaro definition of "racism" is. Or they play word games. So maybe its just better to say "FOff"
Big Mike: "Anyone besides me remember all those times Liberals called for a national conversation on race? Well Adams did start a national conversation on race (perhaps inadvertently), and look what happened."
Indeed. Although Adam's did not start a rigged lefty/dem/LLR-Democratical (but I repeat myself) "conversation" with standard lefty calvinball rules so naturally the idiot lefties like an adSs or LLR-Democratical Chuck have to jump in to try and short circuit a normal conversation between normals.
The good news is that conversation is moving forward anyway and its heartening to see the normals of all races sharing some basic truths and their perspectives away from the Left's Maoist/Stalinist Conversational Gulag.
Question for the newspapers (what a funny term - News? Paper?) ... Did cancelling Scott Adams have a positive or negative effect on revenues and readership?
Being profitable is of no consequence for hardly any of the media. They are a small division of a conglomerate. The owners are more than willing to subsidize the media loss. It is the price they are willing to pay in order to wield power and advance the leftist narrative.
“You needed this national conversation to see where people/institutions/companies fall re the question of supporting racist segregation?”
It appears the push for segregation has infected many major colleges. Separate graduations, living arrangements, parties, dances, other social gatherings all established or arranged along racial lines. Excluding all others. Most if not all of the people who promote this are of the Left.
hpudding is proud OF THE FACT that slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, lynchings, and other inhuman horrors were established and promoted by his Democrat Party. These sons a bitches even filibustered against the Civil Rights and Voting Acts of the mid-60s.
Make that Spazzaturda… these assholes are hard to differentiate.
It turns out that a lot of folks decided to oppose supporting racist segregation.
Maybe. OTOH, lots of folks practice racist segregation, so there's that.
Althouse stole my thunder. 👆🏽
I dunno - He's over 60 now and filthy rich. Creating a daily comic strip has burned out many a writer before, and quite a few of them give it up when they run out of gas - if they've got the courage. He's lasted a lot longer than some and his material is still pretty fresh IMO.
Now let's see. Stepping away from a daily grind, with syndication responsibilities and deadlines for creative output, balanced with increasingly hostile and constrained editorial influences. Yeah - I can see that adding up to persistent chafing.
Or, alternatively, part-time retirement and crank out Dilbert et al a couple of times per week with no editorial constraints in a more relaxed atmosphere, free to get a little saucier, a little more risque, perhaps a bit more confrontational. I can't see what there would be not to like about this?
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