Who thinks the message is "nothing bad happened"? Isn't it more about unskewing what had been a skewed message? I understand the urge to say let's just stop talking about it, but when your opponents are obviously not going to stop talking about it, why should you stand down? The answer seems to be, because that's what well-behaved Republicans traditionally do.
८ मार्च, २०२३
"Inside McCarthy’s conference, few if any members would say outright on Tuesday night that their speaker made a mistake by sharing the footage with Carlson..."
"... in fact, only a handful admitted to watching the segment at all. One of those is McCarthy himself, who defended the move in the name of transparency when pressed by reporters Tuesday night.
But some House Republicans aired their displeasure with being forced to revisit the attack on their workplace. 'It’s definitely stupid to keep talking about this.… So what is the purpose of continuing to bring it up unless you’re trying to feed Democrat narratives even further?' Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) said in an interview, noting the videos didn’t show 'anything we don’t already know.' 'I don’t really have a problem with making it all public. But if your message is then to try and convince people that nothing bad happened, then it’s just gonna make us look silly.'"
१७१ टिप्पण्या:
Crenshaw is from the Cheney-Romney line of Republicans. Give him credit for spotting a career opportunity…
They want to stop talking about it, because they are caught in a lie. 2020 was a fraudulent election, and the GOPe, was in on it with the Progressives to take down Trump. PERIOD. Now they are outraged that the truth is coming out, that most of us knew already, and are trying to save their own asses. THIS is why the GOPe isn't any better than the Progressives. They are a uniparty that hates the people of this country. All they want is to enrich themselves. Fuck them all. Let it burn. Too bad it wasn't a REAL insurrection.
The answer seems to be, because that's what well-behaved Republicans traditionally do.
They've also been trained to do tricks. Romney is particularly good at rolling over and showing his belly.
Releasing all the tapes to Tucker was a litmus test. We've found out who in the Republican party is really in the Uniparty.
IOW, when the tide goes out you find out who is swimming naked. Cocaine Mitch is one of the naked swimmers. (Put that image in your head all day.)
It sound's like some of our enemies are self-identifying. I never thought Crenshaw was much of an ally but had not realized that he was an enemy.
I consider anyone against the release of the tapes to be an enemy.
I would much prefer to see a broader release. Just put all 40,000 hours up for download on the web. I hope they will do this eventually. I doubt they will.
The argument is that that this would show secret stuff. But in a public building like the capital, how much is really secret? Let it all hang out. Maybe a compromise is to upload all the video of public areas. Millions of tourists have already videoed anything there is to video. Perhaps control video of non-public areas more closely. But I would really prefer to put it all out there.
John Henry
Hahahaha! Crenshaw complained. Of course he did.
Sad to see Crenshaw parroting dem talking points, really shows how deep the rot goes
Crenshaw has exposed himself to be a self serving squish.
With 90% of the media promoting the lies of Democrats its a laborious task. But the hours of videos show there were a few people using violence. Far fewer than have been sentenced. This is exculpatory evidence, prosecutors hid from Defense.
That Crenshaw is willing the ignore the lies of Democrats, because he doesn't want to put in the work to spread the truth, defines his existence.
Pelosi's Poodles. Meanwhile, the Whitmer-event is being exposed, and the Dezis, Politico et al are burdened by by the People's choice.
Need to add. It is no surprise the GOPe is voicing objection. They are working hard to protect their rice bowl.
"Falsely characterizing the violent riot"
What is being falsely characterized? I did not see much violence Other than the 2 women murdered by capital police.
Maybe some of this violence will come out in the videos.
It is bullshit on top of bullshit covered in horseshit.
They do not want to disrupt the narrative.
John Henry
Crenshaw thought he could stand on some principle, but the released video shows his principle is a sham. Rather than admit a mistake, he’s doubling down. It is harder to do insider trades when you can’t claim legislative privilege.
You cover up a story, a grave injustice john petef senger would stab you with his quill.
An american maidan doesnt appeal
I think it's possible that they don't know what we don't know.
It happens to me all the time - I have seen a thing that, it seems to me, everyone must have seen because in my world it's everywhere. But I'll be brought up short by, say, my father-in-law's total unawareness of it, because he gets all his news from what's fed to him on his iPad through whatever feed Apple uses (I am the world's last holdout on Apple products).
And meanwhile, my husband, a better man than I, checks in with CNN and MSNBC to make sure he knows what the other side is talking about, and he assumes that I know the things he's seen.
But in both of our cases, we can forget exactly where we saw the thing we saw.
So maybe, giving him the benefit of the doubt, Crenshaw thinks these videos aren't showing anything we haven't seen because he has seen them and doesn't recall that it wasn't on TV or some social media feed, but in closed session.
I mean, it's more likely that politicians are going to try "nothing to see here" if they think that we have largely moved on and revisiting any part of Jan. 6 will only remind us of the tiny portion of the protest that got out of hand. (In my world, he'd be wrong - in my world the images of police ushering calm protesters between the ropes is a diptych with Ashlie Babbett's shooting, and I'm still filled with outrage over the "insurrection" spin.) But I usually like Crenshaw and so, as I said, am willing to give him some leeway.
The Left is so panicked that they will lose some of their power that they have embraced Marxism over traditional liberalism.
I wonder how many leftists think about what it means to censor opposing opinions and stage law fare against their political opponents.
I am glad that I am in my seventh decade and will not live to see the day when America becomes a Stalinist dystopia. It's coming unless you lefties take the red pill and start thinking independently like Tulsi Gabbard, Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, Matt Taibbi and other honest liberals.
Althouse: "I understand the urge to say let's just stop talking about it, but when you're opponents are obviously not going to stop talking about it, why should you stand down?"
The reality is many of these republicans are NOT opponents of the democraticals on many key issues, including framing Trump and his supporters.
These republicans are actually collaborators with the dems to throw Trump and his supporters down the drain, just as they gleefully did with the Tea Party, except now the methods used are much more malicious and dangerous to the republic, which basically is on its last leg.
These republicans dont want any exposure of what has happened over the last 8 years because they were central to it.
Crenshaw, "eyepatch McCain", is one of them.
But these GOPe-er sellouts have a real problem: a plurality and perhaps solid majority of the republican base has shifted more populist and working class focused and they are aware of too much of the truth about the sellouts so the sellouts have to try and walk a fine line.
Note: McCarthy gave Tucker the videos because he needs a distraction from the fact nothing is going to be done with the Weaponization Subcommittee headed up by Jim Jordan. Jordan was given only a couple of million dollars and a few staffers.
Thats a recipe for a Committee designed to achieve nothing.
So yes, its good to get some of these videos out but in the end, overall, its going to be bread and circuses.
The political dynamic was Trump versus "the swamp." That included all people in DC other than the MAGA crowd. It certainly included Mitch McConnell and everyone who attended the beatification of John McCain (as the spreader of the Russian "pee" dossier) in the National Cathedral.
We live in an oligarchy, not a republic or a democracy. Trump will be remembered for ripping the masks off a few pretend "republicans" and pretend "democrats," and then luring the rest to reveal their oligarchic practices. Then, COVID insanity and tyranny continued and magnified their oligarchic souls.
Trump laid out the political dynamic for what follows the 1945-2017 UN globalist optimism era: Dystopian totalitarian globalism or respecting differences through semi-independent nationalism/regionalism? That's the main question.
The reason anyone would want to “stop talking about it” now is b/c the narrative was set- & the Truth will ruin the good guy/bad guy plot line.
&… @this point: what difference does it make.
Which was never a question; it was a statement.
But, c’mon, man. We ALL know Trump is a bad, bad, BAD man.
Be best.
America last.
Next question?
Gentlemen do not read gentlemen’s mail. But success in targeting of enemies requires reading their mail. Then ambushing them before they ambush you. Everybody reads Sun Tsu in DC. Or just read Chester Nimitz .
"Listen, as even now, Garland lies. He talks about officers assaulted on “that day” and then says, “Five officers died.” No officers died that day. The only person “killed” that day was Ashli Babbitt who was shot by a Capitol Police officer. Now multiple police officers committed suicide in the subsequent months. That might raise other questions as to why that might be. But it’s a lie, and grossly misleading to say that they were killed or that they died that day.
But this is just an example of why Tucker Carlson’s Jan. 6 coverage was so important. Dems and media have been lying about this specific point since the beginning, as Carlson noted, to make the riot worse, to add “deadly” to it. That’s why this lie is so disgusting, yet even now, it’s continuing, proving Tucker’s point. The Democrats don’t care about honesty or the facts, just that narrative."
The Republicans are largely a fucking disgrace. Crenshaw with his eye-patch is among the worst of them. Forgive my language please.
Of course Dan Crenshaw is ready with a disapproving quote. These idiots are begging for Trump to win the nomination with their arrogance.
Democrats were waving the bloody shirt for years, making emotional calls to avenge the blood of police officers who died during the January 6 riots. Carlson's tapes demolish their lies. No police officers were killed or seriously injured (PTSD doesn't count). If anything, the police behaved like rat bastards -- shooting an unarmed woman in the head and shooting another unarmed woman something like 26 times in an out of control frenzy. Both police officers were given medals and publicly honored. What a disgrace.
It was fake news on that morning
It was fake news in the evening
It was fake news all the time
When the MSM does the reporting
You consume fake news everytime
Tucker had it right last night. When Chuckie Schumer called for the show to be censored and Cocaine Mitch also had bad things to say, the hysterical reactions said it all.
The Uniparty doesn't want the electorate to know the full story.
The central issues are:
1. Why didn't Nancy Pelosi adequately secure the Capitol even though there was advance intelligence of problems and Trump had offered the National Guard? The guy in charge of securing the Senate chamber asked for help and got no response.
2. Did the FBI and others help instigate this? Who is Ray Epps? Was his interview under oath? Were the questions good? How about the guy on the top of the scaffold who was egging on the crowd with a megaphone? Who is he?
This was America's Reichstag fire. It was all planned by the Dems to get rid of Trump once and for all and crush any opposition. It also was a distraction as to how the Dems stole the election. And, yes, it was stolen. Not with the voting machines but with mail-in ballots and all the other crap the Dems pulled. Zuck spent $500m to defeat Trump. Why isn't that investigated?
Got to hand it to the Dems and the Fake News. Smart plan. And it worked.
I thought I couldn't be further disappointed by the GOP in Congress, but these objections by Crenshaw and others leave me absolutely gobsmacked. I agree that the purpose (and I hope the effect) of the release of the tapes, and Carlson's presentation of evidence obtained from the tapes, is to "unskew" the Narrative. For two years we have been told what to think by people who purport to Know All and assure us that their Narrative is The Truth. We were assured we could Trust Them, and unfortunately for Security Reasons (i.e protecting their precious posteriors from Domestic Terrorists) they could not allow us to see the record --all 40-odd thousand hours of it, plus the so-far-unsolicited testimony of interesting characters like Ray Epps-- but we were not to trouble our pretty little heads with all that forensic stuff, the Narrative is the Truth.
Except it's not. I would hope some members of the DC Bar would want to refer to the Bar Disciplinary Committee the conduct of the prosecutors in the J6 cases, who it seems knowingly withheld material exculpatory evidence from the defense of people charged in the J6 matter. And I would like to know, since Jacob Chansley was charged with the crime of entering the Capitol, why were the Capitol Police not also charged as accessories, for escorting him and encouraging him to move through the Capitol?
This story is much more complex --and far less favorable to the Democrats on the J6 Committee-- than we've been told.
Why would the Congressional GOP not want to get to the bottom of this? They want us to forget J6 even happened? Nope.
“few if any members would say outright on Tuesday night that their speaker made a mistake …”
Another odd phrasing.
So some did? Who were they?
Pretty sure this should say “none would say…”
If someone said this, they’d have been referenced specifically (either quoted outright or “said on condition of anonymity because of the fear of retaliation”).
No, the “few if any” line is a ‘too cute by half’ effort to claim it was true (none said it) but also make it sound like several did.
Lib Media Fake News/narrative/propaganda continues apace.
btw- The footage doesn't excuse the people who were acting badly.
The narrative doesn't want anyone to know that many in the crowd were being spurred-on by hidden FBI agents.
The answer seems to be, because that's what well-behaved Republicans traditionally do.
That's part of it, but there is the fear among the GOPe that showing the footage helps Trump. Also, most of them quietly accepted citizens being kept in inhumane conditions and railroaded for what amounts to trespassing during a peaceful protest. There has to be a reason for that.
Good choice quoting Rep. Dan Crenshaw. At least he has some credibility with conservatives.
Why are GOP House members criticizing the decision to release the videos? Transparency is important and less divisive than only releasing videos that suit a narrative.
By the way, Crenshaw is probably going to be primaried.
"noting the videos didn’t show 'anything we don’t already know.'"
This is false. For example, we didn't know how police walked with the Q guy to the Senate chamber.
"But if your message is then to try and convince people that nothing bad happened, then it’s just gonna make us look silly.'"
This is also false. Carlson specifically and repeatedly called out the actual acts of violence--by the "minority."
"slammed the Fox News host for falsely characterizing the violent riot"
So, no specific objections to any specific claims.
"Isn't it more about unskewing what had been a skewed message? I understand the urge to say let's just stop talking about it, but when your opponents are obviously not going to stop talking about it, why should you stand down? "
Exactly. And thanks.
What's wrong with transparency?
What's wrong will seeing all of it?
Ray Epps is the most disturbing. He is on tape telling people to enter the capitol. Also, the footage proves he is a lair. (oops - we cannot know that. Not allowed!)
It used to be the media wanted all the information.
Data is data. Film and footage IS just that. film and footage.
Now - we live in a Potemkin Village - where only the gate-keeps of the narrative are allowed to disseminate the narrative.
And now Ken Burns is on the leftist pile-on. He has the audacity to call reveling data and footage "Potemkin".. NO, Ken - hiding the footage and context is the real fakery.
*fixed *
As compared to j 20 when cars were burned on conneticut avenue flashforward to when they burned lincolns church nothing happendd
Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) is a bought and paid for globalist, war mongering RINO.
The 2020 Election was fraudulent and Trump should still be President. Biden accepted the Presidency knowing all of this. Crenshaw knows is too.
J6, like the violent summer of 2020, and COVID are all propaganda setups for the stupid half of America to eat as it is spoon fed to them by a corrupt media.
The GOPe along with Democrats support holding Americans as political prisoners.
Let’s be clear. The story was that this was an insurrection that could have toppled our democracy. That was the narrative. All of which is shown to be bullshit by these tapes. Yea people were in the building, but that wasn’t the claim. The claim was that shaman guy was leading barbarian hoards against the government.
Meh. I watched Tucker. He showed video of the events that I, a consumer of both right- and left-leaning media, had seen before or was aware of. The overwhelmed Capitol cops were clearly trying to de-escalate where they could.
To describe Ashli Babbitt's death as a "murder" (as Tucker did) was careless at best, and that particular cop should have been fired--but there was no new Ashli Babbitt video revealed.
I think Althouse said months ago that this was a demonstration that turned into trespassing and then a riot. It was not an insurrection. But Trump, in his passive if not pleased reaction at the time (let's see what happens, I can almost hear him say), lost my respect forever.
It's not all or nothing.
Some people made some really stupid decisions that day.
The left, meanwhile, characterize someone who walked into the building, stood there, took some photos, and exited the building as... A VIOLENT EXTREMIST INSURRECTIONIST CRIMINAL.
That is some serious Soviet behavior from the democrat party and the corrupt portion of the GOP.
Crenshaw’s too busy making money off stock tips.
I remember when Pirate Crenshaw was a heartthrob. Hell, I remember "Hey, Girl, It's Paul Ryan" when he confronted Obama with wonky economics and we all tittered over a workout photo of him afterwards.
Tiger Beat Republicanism is dead.
Dave Begley @ 8:52: What you said.
Republicans are their own worst enemies and they follow closely behind the media and the Democrats as the publics' worst enemies.
The pretrial incarceration of J6 trespassers is one of the most blatant civil rights violations of my lifetime and a tribute to the political corruption of the DOJ and their enabling judges. Transparency is anathema to these abusers and should be applauded by responsible public officials.
The footage of the so-called QAnon Shaman, who got four years for his activities, should give anyone cause to wonder about a Brady violation or the competence of his counsel. Indications are that this guy is a harmless crackpot whose "trespass" was abetted by capital police.
DC-addicted, Republican bedwetters would do well to applaud the exposure of the lies told by Democrats about J6. Unless, of course, they silently approved the telling.
The only person McCarthy gave the videos to was Carlson, and his message is nothing bad happened. Coupled with Trump's message of TREASON.
Isn't it more about unskewing what had been a skewed message?
"Inside McCarthy’s conference, few if any members would say outright on Tuesday night that their speaker made a mistake by sharing the footage with Carlson..."
Which might be because the vast majority of them don’t believe it was a mistake.
And I want to add that Dan Crenshaw has evolved a long way from the rough, tough, combat vet who first ran for office. He could change parties and no one would notice.
The answer seems to be, because that's what well-behaved Republicans traditionally do.
The actual answer is, "We know, from hard experience recently, that 'The STOLLEN 2020 election', and claiming the J6 rioters as 'PATRIOTS' is a disastrously losing electoral strategy."
Something I don't understand... Sean Hannity, Steve Bannon, Tucker Carlson, Ann Althouse, Laurence Meade, and MOST of the Althouse blog's most active commentariat... none of them claim to be Republicans. They largely explicitly claim to be independents, with greater or lesser degrees of conservative leanings. But want nothing to do with the Republican Party/ They are mostly profoundly critical of Republican leadership. Critical of President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Senate Leader McConnell, Senator Romney, Former Speaker Ryan, Former Rep. Liz Cheney, etc. "The GOPe" is a pure epithet. It is nothing less than loathing of the Republican Party.
Why on earth do you care about the Republican Party? You clearly don't care a whole lot about Republicans winning elections. You all (I would notably exempt Ann Althouse here) care more about owning the libs and exciting the base with right wing media shitposting. That's okay if you want to do that; it's a free country. But why are you so determined to drag the Republican party down?. Just go away and form a new political party.
Blogger Darkisland said...
It sound's like some of our enemies are self-identifying. I never thought Crenshaw was much of an ally but had not realized that he was an enemy.
I consider anyone against the release of the tapes to be an enemy.
McCarthy did the right thing by giving Tucker first shot at the videos. Carlson is fearless. He has been questioning the Ukraine boondoggle for a year in spite of accusations of being "Putin's Puppet." He moved out of DC because his family was threatened. That did not faze him.
I hope someone is keeping score as the weasels self identify.
Kudos to Speaker McCarthy. He has been and remains steadfast in the journey to transparency. It’s wacky that the journalists are even challenging this, as well as the one Rep Rep from Texas.
1971: NY Times runs stories on the Pentagon Papers. Nixon and AG Mitchell accuse the paper of violating the Espionage Act by releasing classified docs. NYT fights the injunction and prevails. Justice Black: The press must "bare the secrets of government and inform the people."
I don't care what politicians say about the J6 footage. I care that the press has decided that gatekeeping for one side is now their job; ergo, keep the footage unseen.
That gatekeeping is the worst thing that's happened to this country over the last 20+ years because it allows all the other shit to go on.
Wow, I'd heard Crenshaw'd gone RINO but this is the first hard evidence I've seen of it.
What a shame. I used to admire him.
8:52- Dave B..
Their plan worked. Sadly - Trump and his sons once again walked his people right into the trap.
The pretrial incarceration of J6 trespassers is one of the most blatant civil rights violations of my lifetime and a tribute to the political corruption of the DOJ and their enabling judges. Transparency is anathema to these abusers and should be applauded by responsible public officials.
Exactly, and the fact that MTG was the only Congress critter to try to visit them is a huge reveal about the GOP. Louie Gohmert also went and Goetz tried to go but was blocked.
These are political prisoners and the GOPe has abandoned them.
Crenshaw is probably going to be primaried.
Crenshaw was primaried last year, but he kept his mouth shut until after the primary and his opponent was from Louisiana. Crenshaw was at least born and raised in his district. But he’s now pissed off everyone of his local backers. Crenshaw still has a big war chest and lots of money coming in from outside the state, but he’s lost the ground game, which is what brought him to office over the GOPe originally. Crenshaw will definitely be primaried again and the only negative is voters likely won’t care who the challenger is.
So what is the purpose of continuing to bring it up unless you’re trying to feed Democrat narratives even further?' Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) said in an interview, noting the videos didn’t show 'anything we don’t already know.' 'I don’t really have a problem with making it all public. But if your message is then to try and convince people that nothing bad happened, then it’s just gonna make us look silly.'"
There's "bad," and then there's worse.
Aside from due process, with equal and proportional justice for individual defendants, which clearly most in Congress don't seem to give a shit about, it's about matching-up and determining which of the people who are observable actually making "bad" things happen were (1) identified and (2) charged with a crime.
Is that why they insisted on turning off facial recognition, so that these "bad" actors can't be traced, identified, or matched to individuals charged or not charged, including agent provocateurs and, more ominously, government agents?
Understandably, Carlson has endeavored to make simple but overarching points needed to expose the prevailing J6 Committee narrative as false, but hasn't gone the distance, at least not yet.
That Herculean task will probably fall on individual defendants or researchers.
Who thinks the message is "nothing bad happened"?
Nobody. They don't want to talk about what actually happened and who did what and why.
These people live in terror of truth.
let's just stop talking about it
Wife beater logic.
Your wife beater never wants to talk about it. He just wants you to stop making him do that to you.
It is particularly offensive that Politico and the DC Chief continue the Sicknick fraud. The media and the Democrats lied repeatedly about his death. Carlson cleared that up nicely.
Regardless of the medical examiner's unprofessional speculation, there is no credible evidence that Sicknick or any other police officer died "because" of J6.
January 6th turned into a riot the damage from which was insignificant compared to BLM/Antifa riots condoned by Democrats and their media pimps. It was not an insurrection. It did not rival September 11 or the attack on Pearl Harbor as claimed by left wing idiots.
If it’s gone from “worse than 9/11” to “something bad happened” it’s progress. It should embarrass the democrat narratives toting media.
Kentucky needs to get rid of entrenched Pelosi-type insider $$$ named McConnell.
The tree of liberty needs refreshing.
Crenshaw is such a disappointment. If he thinks the videos did not show anything we did not already know, he either has no idea what was on the video or he is a liar.
I suppose it is nice to know what the official propaganda line is. Politico is always good for that.
The insurrection was the sabotage of the 2020 election.
Crenshaw is just Mitt Romney with an eye-patch. All these guys: Miss Lindsey Graham, McConnell, Crenshaw, Romney, Tillis, etc. LOVE to go on TV and get some sweet Leftwing MSM Love. You'll notice they are great Ukraine supporters, hate Trump and other MAGA Republicans, support open borders and Amnesty, etc. They were first to flip on Gay Marriage, not because they give a damn, but because they got some MSM attention for doing so.
They are Uniparty Globalists, who throw out some Conservative campaign rhetoric every 2-6 years to stay in office. Its up to the R Primary voters to see through their BS and vote them out.
Finally, I don't understand why the public can't see J6 footage, and None of these people expressing HORROR at Tucker Carlson, have given even a half-way decent reason for keeping it hidden. Its just dumb chants of "This is bad". Just what you'd expect from Mitch, Romney and Crenshaw.
Carlson edited the Kanye video so that he would not appear deranged.
Carlson was perfectly willing to bury what he believed to be the truth in order to lose viewers.
He is a narrative slave instead of a truth seeker.
It was a mistake to give him the video because he has no credibility.
then it’s just gonna make us look silly.
you mean? Because you're ALL a bunch of lying liars, that lie? Is THAT why you'd look silly?
Don't Worry! it doesn't make you look silly.. It Makes you look like Fascist Thugs
Pro Tip for Crenshaw: If the Democrats thought showing the videos was "feed(ing) Democrat narratives" they wouldn't be demanding Carlson be taken off the air.
In fact, they would have released the videos themselves.
Amadeus: "To describe Ashli Babbitt's death as a "murder" (as Tucker did) was careless at best...."
Murder is "the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought." The definition fits Babbitt's killing just fine. In a legal setting the shooter might succeed in getting off with a lesser included, but the proper initial charge is murder.
It should all be on a website somewhere for the world to see.
Tucker pulled punches last night...
McConnell and the Uniparty don't like Trump.
That's their right.
McConnell and the Uniparty want to keep you from voting for Trump.
That's exceeds the power of their office.
What Duke Dan said @9:10am. Schiff was claiming this was worse than 9-11. Because we all remember fighter jets escorting the planes to the World Trade Center and the images of Representatives leaping from windows to plunge to their death and the heroic Capitol police pulling Senators from the rubble of the smoldering remains of the Capitol. Yet here is the video, whose release is a threat to our democracy, showing the nominal odd mix of protesters being lead into the Capitol as if it was a Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearing. No legislators were harmed in the making of the video.
Though I'm pleased that the propaganda is being revealed as such, the big J6 story is still the ineptitude, shortsightedness,and gullibility of Trump and the idiots who thought it was a good idea to behave as they did.
What a gift they handed to the uniparty.
Readering: "The only person McCarthy gave the videos to was Carlson, and his message is nothing bad happened."
Did you read that in another hoax dossier?
Because that is not what Carlson's message was/is.
But then, like your lefty ally LLR-Democratical Chuck, you probably already knew that.
None of the Republicans criticizing Fox and Tucker did a damned thing to get the truth out. They were satisfied with the DNC-Media blob being the only source for J6 news and opinion. And idiots like Crenshaw are firmly against telling the whole story of J6 just like their “honorable” colleagues are. In no way does it fit the definition of an insurrection so the more people see it has been misreported by the misinformation media the more weasels like Schumer and Crenshaw and Mitt-Mitch will squeal. Pretty weird how all the “right people” have the same take on Carlson showing a few DIFFERENT minutes of the day than the few minutes the J6 cover-up committee has allowed us to see. They are apoplectic over less than .0025% of the available video.
I’m waiting for the DOJ rebuke since they have falsely claimed there’s only 14,000 hours of video footage. But no. The Stupid Party is angry at Tucker.
Rip Van Randomizer: "Good choice quoting Rep. Dan Crenshaw. At least he has some credibility with conservatives.
Why are GOP House members criticizing the decision to release the videos? Transparency is important and less divisive than only releasing videos that suit a narrative."
Have you just woken from a very long sleep?
Crenshaw has zero credibility with conservatives. GOP House members, and Senate members, are criticizing the release of the videos because....and I want you to make sure you are seated when you read this next part, these members are part of the coverup and want Trump and all Trump supporters to be driven from the party so that they, the GOPe-ers, can return to pressure-free grifting off the American taxpayer with their democratical allies.
Mike (MJB Wolf): "None of the Republicans criticizing Fox and Tucker did a damned thing to get the truth out."
Because they would be implicated. Its not complicated.
Coverups, when uncovered, stir the passions of the cover-uppers.
The point is this- this event took place over 2 years ago. All of this footage should have been released over two years ago, like by January 7th 2021. Instead, we were spoon-fed edited portions of the footage by the January 6th committee and the mass media, including FoxNews, none of whom petitioned Pelosi for full access to the entire archive of video- none. The DoJ, in prosecuting the "offenders", most of whom did nothing except walk through an already open door and strolled through Congress have often been held in pre-trial detention without bail for months to now years awaiting a trial where they will not be judged by an unbiased jury pool.
I have no problem with prosecuting the few offenders who assaulted the police officers, and sentencing them to proper terms for physical assault, but I have big problems with sentencing people, most of whom had no previous history of law breaking, to months and years in federal prison for what is nothing more than trespass. Even worse, these very same prosecutors have ignored similar offences committed by self-identified Democrats in the past. In other words, I see the two-tiered justice system we now have at the federal level, and I am not OK with it. A true liberal would never be ok with this, either, so we are getting an answer to who "they" are- it now includes Dan Crenshaw and Mitch McConnell.
Ampersand: "Though I'm pleased that the propaganda is being revealed as such, the big J6 story is still the ineptitude, shortsightedness,and gullibility of Trump and the idiots who thought it was a good idea to behave as they did.
What a gift they handed to the uniparty."
Oh, that's the "big J6 story"? Not the complete weaponization of the federal government against domestic political opponents and the destruction of the republic.
Well, I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.
The People were wrong. Civil rights is for [Anti]fascists, [KKK] Black Lives Matter, and Occupiers.
Human rites are for abortionists and Rolling Stones.
Democracy dies with Democrats, Decepticons, and at NYeT, WaPo et al.
What is it, exactly, that I'm not supposed to see?
That implies that something is being intentionally hidden from me. Isn't better that all the information come out than to be wandering around in darkness? Wondering what the facts are? So let's talk about it. Let's see it. Let us discover the truth for ourselves.
Oh. And.
Piss off Chuck.
yes the deaths of babbitt and probably boyland are murder, the third is manslaughter
justice deferred is justice denied,
we know the only way this wrecking crew of brigands could be installed was through a lie, like in v or running man,
Bad, Bad Tucker...
He Made little Chuckie Schumer cry!
Those that ran like little girls, found out they were fooled, and can't admit their part in the prank can't face the fact they might could save face by admitting their error. I doubt they will, since it doesn't fit the narrative created.
It’s more like “some people did something” on Jan6.
Poor, poor widdle Jakey Tapper is so sorry that Tucker is telling the truth to the world, he is apologizing to Pelosi's special little boy cop, Michael Fanone, who hasn't met a CNN camera he isn't in love with, and crying Adam Kinzinger who cries at the thought of the Shaman being led through the Capitol by the Capitol police. These people make me sick. So transparent they are devastated that the truth is making them out as the liars they are.
Just go away and form a new political party
Shorter Chuck: "It's my party and I can cry if I want to, cry if I want to..."
Trump, in his passive if not pleased reaction at the time…
Cmon Amadeus, the same media that lied about the event has lied about Trump in every report. Perhaps Trump was “pleased” because he had reports about the crowd being mostly, nearly overwhelmingly peaceful! His attempts to activate the National Guard also indicates Trump was trying to prevent the protesters from getting out of control. All of his accusers were working diligently to hamstring the police response not assist them. Yet Trump “lost you” by allegedly being passive. Tell us who did MORE than Trump to prevent trouble?
I have no problem with prosecuting the few offenders who assaulted the police officers, and sentencing them to proper terms for physical assault
Exactly. Whatever the prelude, the progression is separable and should be independently judged under the civil rights of individuals, not color blocs.
Wow Ann! You sound positively MAGA. Dem lunacy forces everybody to that eventually.
It may be worthwhile to characterize how bad bad is. Were they trespassing? They were invited in, even escorted to parts of the building. Those folks who broke windows- that’s bad. Did we get everyone that was in on it, including the government handlers?
Honest question for all here:
How did the Jan 6 event end? Did the crowd peacefully disperse at some point or was violence (tear gas and restraint, etc) used to get the building back? AFAIK, it peacefully ended and the crowd simply dispersed. Is that the hallmark of a violent, destructive event or of a simple protest? How does the left continue to get away with this mischaracterization?
Dave D.
Four hours of silence from Trump on the day. What was he waiting for? He was POTUS. The protesters and rioters were waving "Trump" signs. He needed to tell people to go home.
No one should suspend his or her critical faculties because we hate Joe Biden.
Chuck Schumer conflated “democracy” with the success of the Democrat Party. Not unexpected.
Trump, in his passive if not pleased reaction at the time…
Mike (MJB Wolf): "Cmon Amadeus, the same media that lied about the event has lied about Trump in every report."
There are a significant number of republicans who would very much like to move on from Trump. Okay, that's a perfectly acceptable position.
However, Trump supporters will need to be convinced that the next set of "leaders" put up by our GOPe "leaders" will actually represent them and all the old lies the GOPe leadership have told over the years to retain power are no longer operative.
So, what is left for a "Let's Move On From Trump" type to do? Well, you could actually try and present an argument for why another candidate or candidates will actually support the economic/foreign/trade etc policies that Trump pushed that worked so well for the working/lower classes.
But the "Let's Move On From Trump" crowd can't really do that because its thus far it's not clear yet any other candidate will do or ever do any of that. Including DeSantis. Perhaps because DeSantis remains a Paul Ryan clone as he was during his congressional career or perhaps because DeSantis is not a Paul Ryan clone but doesn't possess the campaign cash/infrastructure independence to do that.
So the default argument, by necessity, becomes Trump is so dumb and yucky and this and that and the other that we simply have to dump him and hope for the best!
But that won't work in 2023/24 because if that is truly the only argument put forth then the bulk of the base voters know, intuitively, they are going to get screwed again. So they'll stick with the only guy that has ever fought for them in those economic/foreign affairs/trade matters and actually seemed like he liked them over the candidates pushed by people that literally and explicitly despise the base voters.
But hey, knock yourselves out and make your case to the people. Stop kissing up to the democratical narratives because you want Trump gone so very badly but you don't want to bother with the much more difficult task, which requires hard work and reasoned persuasion, of convincing your fellow republicans that things truly can be better with an alternative candidate.
Steve Pitment: "Wow Ann! You sound positively MAGA. Dem lunacy forces everybody to that eventually."
The list of political positions that now constitute a far right/MAGA/extremist radical is basically a laundry list of every reasonable position a citizen could adopt over the last 100 years.
That's how far left the dems/LLR-democraticals/lefties have run. All the way off the cliff.
Guess what? Apparently Russell Brand and Woody Harrelson are now wild-eyed conservatives.
Imagine their surprise.
Jamie, you are not the last holdout against Apple.
I'll go to tin cans, string and etch-a-sketch before I use an Apple product
John Henry
It is interesting how desperate Crenshaw seems to be desperate to not have January 6th open up to an adversarial process, which releasing the video archive does. He has never wanted an open discussion of the events.
They want to stop taking about it because THEY didn’t have the courage to call out the travesty of injustice these people were being subjected to by THEM, THE GOVERNMENT. Which they conveniently distance themselves from when anything of consequence is on the line. Cowards all, every damn one of them.
Big Mike: "Chuck Schumer conflated “democracy” with the success of the Democrat Party. Not unexpected."
And remember, Chuck Schumer stated clearly that he and Mitch McConnell share the exact same vision for the republican party.
Ironically, given it was Chuck Schumer, truer words were never spoken.
Similar to Schumer's slipup on Maddow's show, the show LLR-Democratical Chuck praised as "brilliant" and "magnificent" because that's what all "conservatives" who are "conserving conservatism" would say, where Schumer laid out the deep staters would find "six ways from Sunday" to get back at Trump.
Of course, we now know that the deep staters were already years into a hoax operation designed to bring Trump down, funded by democraticals and executed by the political stasi arm of the federal government.
There is no free press in this country anymore.
Maybe there never was...
I like Dan Crenshaw as a human being. But (like me) he often opens his mouth and inserts his foot.
I assumed, from the Politico article, that Crenshaw was hostile to the Speaker and was one of the guys fighting McCarthy when he was trying to become Speaker. No! It's actually the opposite.
Back in January Crenshaw got in trouble for calling the right-wing anti-McCarthy brigade "terrorists". And when McCarthy won the Speaker job, he did not reward Crenshaw for his rabid support.
In fact he denied Crenshaw the chairmanship of Homeland Security.
That makes sense to me. If you're just throwing around words like "terrorist" on people you perceive as enemies, maybe you shouldn't be in charge of Homeland Security!
Crenshaw tried to walk it back.
“Obviously, to people who took offense by that, it’s pretty obvious that it’s meant as a turn of phrase,” the lawmaker told “State of the Union” host Jake Tapper. “To the extent that I have colleagues that were offended by it, I sincerely apologize to them. I don’t want them to think I actually believe they’re terrorists. It’s clearly a turn of phrase that you use in what is an intransigent negotiation.”
Anyway, he was fighting hard for McCarthy, got mad, said some things, had to apologize, and was not given command of the committee he wanted to have.
So now it seems like he's mad at McCarthy. So in an interview he says that it was a mistake for McCarthy to release the 1/6 footage to a friendly media outlet.
“It’s definitely stupid to keep talking about this … So what is the purpose of continuing to bring it up unless you’re trying to feed Democrat narratives even further?” Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) said in an interview, noting the videos didn’t show “anything we don’t already know.”
Wow, that's just sloppy as shit. I don't for a second think that Crenshaw has watched all that footage. So how do you know that it's all useless information and there's nothing of interest in it?
I presume Crenshaw gave that interview before Carlson started scouring all the videos for newsworthy stuff. It reminds me of Elon Musk doing a document dump of the Twitter files for Matt Taibbi. Nobody knows what's in all that data unless you take the time to examine it!
Kevin McCarthy = Elon Musk
Tucker Carlson = Matt Taibbi
Once you make those analogies, it's hard to see how Crenshaw was in the right with his criticism of the Speaker.
I realize D.C. and the media is kind of a hothouse environment of daily outrage. But there are a lot of Republicans who are worried about this rabid partisan anti-Republican insanity (show trial on TV, multiple impeachment attempts, raiding an ex-President's house for documents) that trickles down to where innocent people get sentenced to 4 years in prison for the crime of being angry Republicans.
If Crenshaw can't see that, maybe he should go camping in the woods for a week and think about it. (Not in Georgia, just in case they make it illegal while you're doing it, what the fuck!)
Meanwhile there is a genuine insurrection going on down in Georgia, with real violence such as cops being shot and equipment burned. The nearly three dozen arrested people include Europeans, lawyers (@Althouse, what do you law professors teach these days?), and, of course, the offspring from wealthy families (Mums can Dad can easily make bail for me).
As someone said
“These are political prisoners and the GOPe has abandoned them.”
For the most cynical reason as well, to squash them like the tea party so they can regain control. Disgusting cowards, tar and feather would be my choice of action.
Why on earth do you care about the Republican Party?
Most of us are Republicans and would like the party to represent us, not the Democrats. My first vote was for Nixon in 1960. There was a time when Republicans stood for small business and entrepreneurs. The finalization of the economy and the crony capitalism that is indistinguishable from fascism are now shared by both parties. Chinese money seems to be shared now, too. The Democrats have gone crazy left with communists from Moscow U being nominated for the fed. Anita Dunn, a senior advisor of whoever is running Biden, is an open admirer of Mao Zedong. Only two GOP Congress members visited the political prisoners in the Garland archipelago. One other tried and was turned away.
Chuck reminds me of the 1930s Republican Party.
Democrasses and Replicons.
Brand noted it, and it is worth repeating: be wary of overlapping and converging interests.
That said, religion (i.e. moral, ethical, legal) for people capable of self-moderation. Competing interests to mitigate progress of others run amuck.
"Let’s get some truth on the record: @Liz_Cheney has a hell of a lot more backbone than most, & is a principled leader with a fierce intellect. She will continue to be a much needed leader in the conference, with my full support."
-Dan Crenshaw, January 13, 2021
Michael k: "Chuck reminds me of the 1930s Republican Party."
LLR-democratical Chuck reminds me of the 1930's democrat party, particularly with how he viciously and racistly attacks minorities that refuse to go along with what the democraticals are peddling.
So they'll stick with the only guy that has ever fought for them in those economic/foreign affairs/trade matters and actually seemed like he liked them over the candidates pushed by people that literally and explicitly despise the base voters.
Where Drago encapsulates my view in a nutshell. I'll remain an ever-Trumper until someone can show me how he can be replaced. And I'm highly dubious of the claim that Trump can't win a fair election. 80 million! And any Dem will be carrying Biden's domestic and foreign policy disasters with them this time.
Saint Croix: "Once you make those analogies, it's hard to see how Crenshaw was in the right with his criticism of the Speaker."
Crenshaw, like everyone, has to choose a "team". In fact, lets call this an updated version of Reagan's 1964 speech: A Time For Choosing.
Well, Dan has chosen, and he has officially chosen Team GOPe. There's no walking that back now.
Further, Crenshaw appears to be one of those guys that has been sucked into the Money-Go-Round and is looking for big paydays. I can only imagine what they've promised him.
Chairmanship of the Homeland Security Committee would have really advanced his cash needs and when he didn't get it, he was even more upset at McCarthy than usual. Not to mention that its been hard for him to deal with people knowing how much cash he has been getting and from who. You'll note Dan wasn't around for alot of the early republican congress votes estabishing committees, etc. Dan was pitching a little hissy fit.
tsk tsk tsk. Poor Dan. Arrived in Congress about 20 years too late for the real payoff while being able to snow the republican party base. Timing is everything Danno.
Rusty said...
What is it, exactly, that I'm not supposed to see?
That implies that something is being intentionally hidden from me. Isn't better that all the information come out than to be wandering around in darkness? Wondering what the facts are? So let's talk about it. Let's see it. Let us discover the truth for ourselves.
Oh. And.
Piss off Chuck.
Simple questions: Why not release all of the video publicly, to all media and interested parties? Why release only as an exclusive for Carlson?
Simple answers: It was a political deal between McCarthy and Carlson. Matt Gaetz wanted a long (basically as long as he could imagine it) list of things during the Speaker election, and one of the things was a release of all of the Capitol video, preferably to Carlson. The exclusive release was a huge favor to Carlson, and a huge victory for Gaetz, as it would lead to Carlson's being able shape a narrative for as long as he had the exclusive. Fox would owe Gaetz, and McCarthy, for the immense favor. Everybody is happy.
Right now, the parties that are withholding the video from full public release are McCarthy, Carlson and Fox. Full stop. They could release it all, but they aren't. You -- we all -- should demand hard, direct answers to that.
Mind you, I don't actually give a fuck about the videos. I am simply responding to the complaints from your side that the videos were wrongfully denied to the public and that bad people were the ones who denied the public its right to that video.
From PowerLine blog today, another curious bit of Carlson's reporting that went unmentioned by the GOPe-DNC conglomerate:
Democrats have voiced a faux concern that there might be something suspicious about Carlson’s editing of the clips he shows on his program. Of course, there is no evidence of that. On the contrary, it looks as though the people who have deceptively edited January 6 footage are the Democrats, through their risible “January 6 Committee.” Carlson’s team says the J6 committee added audio to silent CCTV footage, inserting screams and other crowd mayhem sounds, to make it seem more ominous.
Nancy's deselect committee was quite happy to create propaganda for the monoparty. Quite. Haven't heard Crenshaw criticizing that.
Michael K said...
Why on earth do you care about the Republican Party?
Most of us are Republicans and would like the party to represent us, not the Democrats. My first vote was for Nixon in 1960. There was a time when Republicans stood for ...
I'll help you finish that.
"There was a time when Republicans stood for responsible budgeting, for sober analysis of entitlement programs, for free trade and resistance to crony capitalism (as well as governmental threats against businesses whose values depart from the Executive), for the projection of American military power for international good, for fierce opposition to foreign despotic authoritarians as in North Korea and Russia and Syria, for a robust NATO alliance... and most of all, for a rule of law and appropriately modest and moral leaders on a personal level."
Michael, it is you who sound like a 1930's Republican. Two 1930's Republicans I am thinking of, were Charles Lindbergh and Henry Ford. But unlike Trump, Lindbergh and Ford were intelligent, inquisitive thinkers. And they ultimately changed their 1930's outlooks forever.
Oh nothing 'bad happened'... so jailing people, and calling them terrorist, for doing a sit-in, is not bad?
Crenshaw, by the way he speaks, is in the tank for the Democrats. He'd like to just join the Democrats in attacking Tucker Carlson, but he has to keep the mask on. So, he goes to the RINO standard talking point: "Why are we wasting time on this?"
Well, gee Mr. Gay pirate, if we all know about what Tucker showed, and its all a waste of time, why are YOU talking about it? WHy are all your Democrat Buddies so upset? Why can't we see ALL the footage, since its stuff we "already know"
See how dishonest Crenshaw is? And why isn't he supporting the R's and attacking the D's, even if its a "waste of time"? Why is Crenshaw CONSTANTLY claiming to be a Republican, and yet CONSTANTLY giving the D's a pass and attacking his own side?
Some people can't help regurgitating the lies they are fed. Amadeus still clinging bitterly to that #fakenews "4-hour window" story. Maybe because he cannot provide an answer to the question of who did more than Trump to prevent J6. Gen. Milley confirmed he asked for the guard. The Capitol Police chief confirmed he asked for the guard and Nancy and Mitch turned him down. AP is on record saying Trump asked for the guard and Bowser refused. So who was preventing the violence Amadeus. Please tell us.
Democrats and GOPe are counting on you Amadeus! Keep up the evil work of spreading Trump myths. Those lies don't get around the world on their own.
Have not watched and don't intend to, but everything I have read convinces me that releasing the footage was correct and I have absolutely no doubt that the Dems/J6 committee manipulated the footage for their own purposes. The louder the D's squeal the more I am convinced that Carlson is "over the target."
Here's the real takeaway from the event: Trump wasn't smart enough to see this coming, the likelihood that his political enemies would see the rally on the 6th as a golden opportunity to put a nail in his coffin.
The prior thing he didn't see coming was the onslaught launched against him from within the executive branch after his election.
The #3 thing he didn't see coming, didn't prepare for was the flood of dark money aimed at manipulation of the 2020 election.
So, he was elected to drain the swamp, but the swamp drained him--more than three times if you count the shampeachment.
I like Trump, ran a county-wide campaign for him and a Republican slate, but this revisiting of Jan 6 just highlights his lack of cunning and vision. Nothing he's said since convinces me that he's learned anything from the experience.
He was mostly a good captain, but hitting the iceberg three times is the limit. Time to find another, better skipper.
As I remember the video of Ashli's murder was taken from her side of the door. Many feds came rushing through the crowd and arrived post haste with their M4s in hand. No serious threat was present from that angle.
That was the people's video collection that they were sitting on after all. But that's why there were "speedy trials. Oh... wait.
Big Mike said...
Meanwhile there is a genuine insurrection going on down in Georgia, with real violence such as cops being shot and equipment burned. The nearly three dozen arrested people include Europeans, lawyers (@Althouse, what do you law professors teach these days?), and, of course, the offspring from wealthy families (Mums can Dad can easily make bail for me).
3/8/23, 11:15 AM
And the "Hate" lawyer is already out on bail (the only one of the domestic terrorists arrested to be freed)...no doubt paid for the SPLC
Any Republican who talks to Politico reporters is not a Republican whose judgement I would trust as to what is good for the party. As DeSantis' press guy does, just say no.
Too bad Tucker got stopped. Tuesday show was rearranged, and he didn't show any new video, because he was shut down by Murdock. Censorship lives. Tar and feather time yet??
the brigatte rossi, the red army faction, action directe, all came from left wing student backgrounds, this is what so called antifa, stems from
Carlson was perfectly willing to bury what he believed to be the truth in order to lose viewers. He is a narrative slave instead of a truth seeker. It was a mistake to give him the video because he has no credibility.
In other words, don't believe your eyes and ears, nor your common sense.
Believe the Democrat narrative because Big Brother loves you and wants to take care of you.
so we are told, but then it was said he couldn't show any
Rationalizing Trump's personality deficiencies isn't going to make him or us better. Would I vote for him over any Democrat? Sure, but I'd be playing with fire. A man who has spent his adult life belittling people, including people who have served him well (see Bill Barr, Mike Pence, Paul Ryan, Ron DeSantis, etc.), is unlikely to do better in another term. Who needs the Donald Trump Revenge tour? Listen to him as he heats up his campaign.
And the worst thing about Trump is that by losing in 2020 he gave us Smilin' Joe Biden, the worst president in American history, and by influencing candidate selection in 2022 he cost the GOP winnable Senate seats in PA, GA, and arguably AZ, NH, and NV.
People in these comments show commendable loyalty to Trump, but loyalty by itself is not a virtue. Trump is going to take us someplace no one should want to go--the world of resentment, envy, revenge, and social control. And that is true whether Trump wins or loses. Joe Biden needs to be defeated and his evil works undone. The 47% of the electorate that Trump can draw isn't going to do it.
We can do better than Joe Biden and Donald Trump.
"Believe the Democrat narrative because Big Brother loves you and wants to take care of you."
Of course, at the end of the book, Winston loves Big Brother.
Winston: "He was mostly a good captain, but hitting the iceberg three times is the limit. Time to find another, better skipper."
Go ahead. Find one and then explain why the base should trust him or her.
Amadeus: "We can do better than Joe Biden and Donald Trump."
Then go ahead.
Start with this: Why do you believe DeSantis was a Paul Ryan clone on economic and trade matters while in Congress and do you believe as President, DeSantis would not be a Ryan clone? Feel free to show your work.
"He was mostly a good captain, but hitting the iceberg three times is the limit."
Enemy action. Not an iceberg.
I have no problems with Paul Ryan's service in Congress. He was a Tea Party champion, and DeSantis was a Tea Party candidate. Ryan was realistic about the fiscal challenges facing the US and how to solve them over time. the Tea Party got squashed by the Obama IRS, and fiscal responsibility went out the window (see all Congressional activity since 2012). We now are engaged in a period of magical thinking embraced by both parties.
It is important to remember who your enemies are--Chuck Schumer, Joe Biden, Hakeem Jefferies. Not Paul Ryan and Ron DeSantis.
By the way, look at wheat happened with DeSantis in FL from 2016 to 2020. DeSantis has built a GOP culture in FL. I say, bless him.
Dave Begley said...
The central issues are:
1. Why didn't Nancy Pelosi adequately secure the Capitol even though there was advance intelligence of problems and Trump had offered the National Guard? The guy in charge of securing the Senate chamber asked for help and got no response.
I think it is pretty obvious that Mitch McConnell was inside that decision circle.
Looking like Eye-Patch McCain was also in on it though I have no idea why.
People in these comments show commendable loyalty to Trump, but loyalty by itself is not a virtue. Trump is going to take us someplace no one should want to go--the world of resentment, envy, revenge, and social control.
I don't know about"social control" but I agree these are a risk and I will be looking for them.
I don't believe DeSantis is a Paul Ryan clone. DeSantis is actually doing things, not just talking about doing things. When the rubber meets the road, Ryan uses his power to cut taxes, DeSantis has helped families and individuals be free.
The Paul Ryans of this world hate the social conservative agenda. DeSantis has embraced it. I don't actually care what he thinks in his heart, kind of like Trump and the prolife agenda. The fruits are what's important.
Birches: "I don't believe DeSantis is a Paul Ryan clone."
I was quite explicit in explaining DeSantis' Paul Ryan clone days were while DeSantis was in Congress and on econonic/trade matters.
I dont care if you "believe" it or not because I have DeSantis' voting record while there as evidence.
If you want to pretend none of that happened you are free to do so...but I guarantee the democraticals will be reminding DeSantis of his vote on TPP and other legislation as well.
Amadeus 48: "I have no problems with Paul Ryan's service in Congress. He was a Tea Party champion,..."
I think I have found the problem.
"We can do better than Joe Biden and Donald Trump."
What evil did Trump commit against the American people? What moral line did he trespass? We had prosperity. We had peace in much of the world. I what world are those things not desired?
I just read about Tavis Smiley -- the former PBS host canceled (or so they thought) by #metoo charges -- buying a radio station in L.A. and returning to the air. I'm sure many advisors were telling him not to talk about the past. He is talking about the past, defending himself. Because he wants to go forward with power.
The message from the whiners is:
We supported the Democrats in their lies about Jan 6, and are upset that the fraud is benign dispelled.
I appreciate creatures like Dan Crenshaw speaking up, and letting the rest of us know that they are utter scum
If the videos were simply showing what we've already seen before, they wouldn't be screaming like stuck pigs.
If Tucker is being throttled by his Fox overseers, then they should release all the videos to the public arena, and let the crowd source the nuggets, context or no context. The elites would likely like that a whole lot less than Tucker’s careful (no one imperiled) summaries.
“Shorter Chuck: "It's my party and I can cry if I want to, cry if I want to..."
You would cry too, if you happened to be Chuck.
I think what has been unveiled is a bit more clarity on what happened. A confirmation that many of us had for over two years about this thing. They have protested too much- they being the left and their media mouthpieces. Both since the actual event and now once it was known that Tucker would get and show the videos.
What's most alarming is the level of fear these people are displaying in their renunciation of Tucker and all things Fox News. But we're clearer on what occurred, what did not, and who worked to make it worse than it actually was.
I'll use my random 7 year old standard again and I'll say that any random 7 year old in America could have told you that we'd need some security around the Capitol if Trump was speaking in the area post election. It was a heated election and there was and remains a lot of uncertainly among millions of Americans about that election. Certainly an emotional crowd would be gathering that day, no? That Nancy, Chuck, and Mitch didn't think any additional security was needed is unconscionable unless you figure it was their plan to be unprotected. That the FBI acknowledges they had people (instigators) in the crowd, but won't tell us how many or who, is another loose thread that any journalist from another era would have gladly taken on. But today's crop of journalists instead looks to Nancy, Chuck, and Mitch for direction on how to stay The Narrative.
We are in a very bad place here in America. The UniParty vs the citizenry.
I simply can't follow this at all. How can it be bad for Republicans to have the ability to counter the Democratic narrative with their own narrative?
Because the truth is not a narrative there was no violence except from bureau provocateurs
McCarthy Skewers Media for J6 Footage Hypocrisy
“I said at the very beginning: transparency. What I wanted to produce for everyone was exactly what I said, so people could look at it and see what went on that day.”
McCarthy is proving his mettle. Stay true.
"Let’s get some truth on the record: @Liz_Cheney has a hell of a lot more backbone than most, & is a principled leader with a fierce intellect. She will continue to be a much needed leader in the conference, with my full support."
-Dan Crenshaw, January 13, 2021
OTOH, Crenshaw called out members of the House Freedom Caucus in December, referring to them as "performance artists" and "grifters."
"Albert Watkins, Chansley’s attorney through sentencing in November 2021, said he had been provided many hours of video by prosecutors, but not the footage which Carlson aired Monday night. He said he had not seen video of Chansley walking through Capitol hallways with multiple Capitol Police officers.
“What’s deeply troubling,” Watkins said Tuesday, “Is the fact that I have to watch Tucker Carlson to find video footage which the government has, but chose not to disclose, despite the absolute duty to do so. Despite being requested in writing to do so, multiple times.” He no longer represents Chansley and said he could not comment on what remedy might be sought for the defendant. Watkins suggested that all Jan. 6 defendants who were convicted based on video from the riot should have their convictions vacated."
This is pure Soviet style evil.
Remember when it is time for mercy just how shitty the Regime and it's supporters truly are.
They want you in jail for disagreeing with them.
I posed this question to Amadeus: "Start with this: Why do you believe DeSantis was a Paul Ryan clone on economic and trade matters while in Congress and do you believe, as President, DeSantis would not be a Ryan clone? Feel free to show your work."
Amadeus chose to not even attempt an answer except to say essentially "I don't believe it."
That's not going to cut it in a primary campaign and it sure won't cut it in a general election campaign.
MikeR: "I simply can't follow this at all. How can it be bad for Republicans to have the ability to counter the Democratic narrative with their own narrative?"
That is a stellar question, and the answer is quite simple.
It's not bad in the slightest for republicans to have the ability to counter the Democratic narrative with their own narrative.
However, for the GOPe-ers that are aligned with the democraticals and have been explicit in all the hoaxes for the last 8 years and perfectly aligned with the democraticals in grifting their own taxpayers, its very bad indeed.
Conclusion: the GOPe-ers are literally aggressively working with the democraticals against the GOP base voters, a duly elected republican president and anyone who opposes the globalist agenda.
It's undeniable at this point.
"Trust but verify" wrt whatever the government says has now become "Bullshit - prove it." And access to the raw data is required for proof.
154 Comments (so far).
There is only ONE issue that is driving this sort of engagement on your blog, Ms. Althouse. And that is the farce of the J6 hearings and (finally) the counter-punching.
The Democrat Party has shown what it intends to be: show trials, no attorneys for the accused, selectively leaked testimony, absolute falsehoods from the judges.
Our country can go that way. It might already be too far gone. I'm not sure the jury is out on that question, but it's getting very close.
Blood may have to run.
We should stop talking about a president trying to overturn the results of an election? Why?
"Mistakes were made . . . ."
"Why rehash unpleasantness?"
Both "sides" will eventually be able to see much of the video, and then assemble their own collections and mixtapes to make their own arguments about what happened. This is how free speech and open government is supposed to work.
jim: "We should stop talking about a president trying to overturn the results of an election?"
Hillary wasnt the President when she, her democratical minions, deep state allies and lefty media types constructed a collusion hoax to impeach and overthrow a duly elected President.
So get your facts right when laying out a scenario.
To describe Ashli Babbitt's death as a "murder" (as Tucker did) was careless at best, and that particular cop should have been fired--but there was no new Ashli Babbitt video revealed.
I would suggest 1st degree murder with lying in wait. She was foolish to climb through that broken window. There must have been 20 cops standing right behind her. He knew she was harmless. I wonder if there was a racial motive there?
Democrats are only half the reason why we're on the verge of a Glorious Socialist Revolution.
Dan Crenshaw is one of the most disappointing people in politics. What a fraud.
If it was what you already knew, then why the fuck did you not get up on your hind legs and scream about it, istead of letting your ostensible political opponents put on an outrageously dishonest propaganda show?
And what's the big deal about a few hundred innocent people being railroaded and held in jail for two years? Old news, according to Dan.
I heard McConnell on the radio today, harrumphing that it was grossly irresponsible for Tucker to put out video that makes it appear that the report of the chief of the Capitol Police was inaccurate.
Well, yeah, it did. Because the report was propaganda. And the video shows that rather starkly.
Whatever shred of belief I might have had that McConnell isn't really working against his voters went away today.
If releasing the footage changes the trajectory of any of the J6 prosecutions, isn't that enough reason to justify the release? Shouldn't all Republicans (and for that matter Democrats) be in favor of broad release of the footage?
Still hoping for more/better footage of the slaying of Rosanne Boyland. One way or another, exonerating the police or not, we should have better information than is currently available.
Let people see the videos. If you haven't done anything wrong, you've got nothing to be afraid of.
There must have been 20 cops standing right behind her. He knew she was harmless. I wonder if there was a racial motive there?
I have no idea if there was a racial motive, but from the tape I saw it was completely premeditated murder.
It would be interesting to know more about the Capitol Police in general.
Why did four of them commit suicide within a year of the "insurrection"?
Amadeus 48 said...
Meh. I watched Tucker. He showed video of the events that I, a consumer of both right- and left-leaning media, had seen before or was aware of. The overwhelmed Capitol cops were clearly trying to de-escalate where they could.
Really? So you saw the video of the J6 Shaman being led around by the cops, and thanking them?
Even though neither his attorneys, nor the court that sentenced him, ever saw that video?
Thank you for outing yourself as a lying left wing troll, and thank you for letting us know the new official left wing lie / "talking point"
Sometimes Tucker Carlson makes me wince, but he does have more credibility than the vast majority of the media have.
Crenshaw (I keep thinking his first name is Marshall) is probably flattered by the attention he gets from the DC "in crowd" and doesn't want to lose it.
Did we really replace Trump with a "modest and moral" President? That so many people assumed Biden was modest and moral makes me distrust that kind of morality talk and despair for the republic.
Unskew that there was an unauthorized invasion of the capitol that upset the peaceful and legal transfer of executive power re the USA?
IOW lie and lie and lie some more, otherwise yur just a typical well-behaved Republican. You sux.
Althouse is funny.
Amadeus 48 said...
Four hours of silence from Trump on the day. What was he waiting for? He was POTUS. The protesters and rioters were waving "Trump" signs. He needed to tell people to go home.
No one should suspend his or her critical faculties because we hate Joe Biden.
Nice of you to fall back on media and democrat lies to get your way.
A lot of masks are dropping.
Just go be a democrat already.
Didn't you see months ago clips of Chansley and others wandering around the Senate chamber with Capitol cops right there? I did. I didn't see the new clips of him walking around the Capitol corridors with a couple of Capitol cops trailing him until Tucker's show, but so what? It was clear that he was a well-behaved, colorfully costumed trespasser from the beginning. The idea that Royce Lamberth, of all people, gave Chansley four years plus in the clink is obscene.
There are a lot of blustering, bullying blowhards in these comments. I wonder what or who inspires them.
Amadeus 48 said...
The idea that Royce Lamberth, of all people, gave Chansley four years plus in the clink is obscene.
He DID give him that sentence, claiming that Chansley was the face of violence.
The defense did NOT have the video to show the judge to prove that wasn't so
What part of this history are you unclear on?
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