March 1, 2023

Every American President, re-envisioned wearing a mullet.

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I'll single out Lincoln:


Joe Smith said...

Just saw these...they are awesome.

Love the LBJ as well...

PM said...

This is what the web was invented for. Thx yo.

Readering said...

Funny for sure. Such dedication. And scroll down at link for red light road rage video.

n.n said...

Smooth and sweet like honey... Thank you very much.

Brian said...

The Obama one is good too.

traditionalguy said...

An exercise in defacing political opponents. Really good smears of some great men. I guess it’s open season on the minority of old white men.

Drago said...

Calvin Coolidge as Phil Collins.

Ampersand said...

Does anyone know what technique of image manipulation was deployed? Very impressive.

Also, does anyone know why our host blogress has adopted a new epigraph in the last month: "an endless succession of beans and nuts"

Was it something I [we] said?

Dave Begley said...


lonejustice said...

That does it for me. I'm going to grow back my mullet.

Old and slow said...

I was just looking at this! They are great.

Michael K said...

Lincoln looks like Clint Eastwood. A Lot like him.

Leland said...

Now do shorts.

Lilly, a dog said...

It's clear to me that the AI was trained on Pro Wrestler hair rather than mullets.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Glad to see AI is being put to good use.

Also; his Chester A Arthur looks like Rip Taylor.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Perter Fonda?

tommyesq said...

Howard Stern meets Geddy Lee.

MadisonMan said...

@Leland: LOL.

Mr Wibble said...

Our national anthem is now "Free bird."

Ice Nine said...

Andrew Jackson lookin' very studly.

Ice Nine said...

Biden looking like Dog The Bounty Hunter. (Dog would puke...)

Lurker21 said...

James K. Polk's actual mullet was better than the Harless version.

Chuck said...

Long-haired LBJ, four years out of office at home on his ranch:

BG said...

Me thinks he really, really hated Nixon.
I suppose Dwight was just plain hard to work with.

7.62x54 R said...

At least 50% of them are improvements.

farmgirl said...

What’s on the chain around his neck?

Gravel said...

Ford looks like a hockey coach.

Quaestor said...

Stretch a concept too far and it becomes incoherent, e. g. the Cam Harless presidential mullets.

mongo said...

LBJ did the mullet thing for real after leaving the White House.

Mr Wibble said...

Teddy Roosevelt looks like a minor league pitcher.

Coolidge just wants you to listen to his band's D&D themed album.

boatbuilder said...

Lincoln looks like Ric Okasek.

Josephbleau said...

How sad for humanity, that this thing was done.

Paul Zrimsek said...

Emancipation in front, party in back!

rastajenk said...

O'Bamarama looks like he just stepped out of a Tom Wolfe essay.

Looks like Madison is the first one to take it to the next level.

Anthony said...

This is what the Internet is for.

Bill said...

Talented artist, but the likenesses are flawed. Nixon's nose is all wrong.