Said Mike Pompeo, at CPAC, quoted in a WaPo column titled "Pompeo’s personal dig at Trump."
If you're going to tell people to stop fixating on the big person, you have to offer some big substance. You can't just invoke generalities like leadership and fighting "power." You're seeking power. And you've already allied yourself with the big celebrity in your rise to power, so I can't even understand your point. You want us to follow you because you're not a celebrity, after you followed the same celebrity we're — some of us — still following?
I'm limited to what the WaPo columnist (Aaron Blake) chose to quote. I searched for the full text of the speech. Couldn't find it. Not even in his Twitter feed.
७८ टिप्पण्या:
Power is a reification. It doesn't exist as a thing you can acquire, lose, quest for, etc. It's a confusion of the chassical terms officium, imperium, auctoritas, and potestas. Always ask which one he means and see what happens to his point.
People like this - known in DC but with single digit name recognition elsewhere - who run for President are really angling for another job (TV talking head or cabinet position) or just using the run to promote themselves.
Partly, he’s saying don’t put loyalty to an individual over loyalty to a cause. There’s nothing inconsistent with aligning yourself with the big personality when that serves the cause and dissociating yourself from the big personality when that serves the cause.
I vaguely recall this exact issue (false claims of hypocrisy) coming up here a couple weeks ago over someone arguing the world should be a certain way while living in the world as it is.
A religious fealty to Federalism then as antidote to the Caesar like big personality.
Next go if there is one, Trump would get better results hiring a bunch of store managers from Target, Wal-Mart and Macy’s. Those folks know how to solve problems.
It all changed under Obama. There is no justice, no peace...unless YOU are a Progressive now.
"If you're going to tell people to stop fixating on the big person, you have to offer some big substance."
I don't know...being against tit and dick-choppers seems to be working pretty well. I'd agree big substance is important, if the world and the modern left were normal and this was 1965. But it isn't normal and the left has gone insane and this is 2023 and we're fighting a political movement that has been hijacked by people who diddle kids and believe they are purple non-binary pyrofoxes.
So, at least for me, all anyone has to be is "not that", and have a militant and almost homicidal desire to harm these degenerates, and they have my vote.
Pompeo is just another super smart guy. What did he accomplish when he was in the Trump Administration? Clean up the CIA? Peace with Kim? A real plan to contain China?
Mike Pompeo hates Trump because Trump didn't start any wars in the four years he was in office. End of story.
"Lookin’ for a new fool
Don’t follow leaders
Watch the parkin’ meters"
Bari Weiss did an Honestly podcast where she interviewed Pompeo last summer. I don't remember much about it other than I became irritated listening to him. I may have to relisten to remember why he annoyed me so much.
Would Blake have made up the quote? Just asking. It is WaPo (such is my level of trust for that organization today).
I like Mike Pompeo, but I would not vote for him in any primary. He's too much a part of the established DC. But, does the fact that he served under Trump make him a follower of Trump? That he has, at times, defended Trump makes him more of a soldier in line than anything else. It's what used to be called doing your job.
Pompeo is more experienced and smarter than most anyone running or certainly more than most in Congress (or the current White House). I like his strength and knowledge geopolitically. I do believe we'd be a stronger country under him. But...I don't trust his ties to all of those institutions which have turned on us. And I don't believe he would avoid war. I believe he would jump right in.
One thing though: he is strong against China. That's not a small thing these days. He'd make a strong Secy of State (again) under someone else.
I agree with Pompeo's point and don't think he should be discredited by having had high level positions during Trump's administration. Trump was POTUS and there's nothing wrong with working for his administration if you mostly agreed with his policies but had reservations about his style or personality.
But even though I agree with Pompeo's point, it's not good politics in the US at this time. Larger than life personalities get the attention. And silly proposals by Conservative POTUS candidates involving unwarranted government power, such as DeSantis wanting to register Bloggers in Florida, or Haley proposing an unconstitutional competency test for POTUS candidates over 75, get sorely needed media attention.
Blake is a middle school girl writing about middle school issues in a middle school fashion.
“digs” and burns and pulling pigtails.
I would like a low-key, intelligent President, but I just don't see Pompeo making a mark. Pointing to what he lacks — star power — isn't enough.
Ugh - Everything is about loyalty to Trump or disloyalty to Trump.
so tired. so pathetic.
They have stolen this country from us, and we live in the ruins i found his memoir unremarkable
I do agree that listening to any of these candidates peddle stale talking points - it's just not enough anymore.
Recently, the lamest most pathetic interview I've heard from a loyalist who was out making the media rounds supporting Trump - was by Dick Morris.
Dick kept repeating this tired quote "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." mmmm kay? he kept saying it over and over.... and then that was the end of the interview. So strange.
Wake me up if/when Trump is truly being challenged
It was a jab at Trump as flip side to the left.
I think there is a bit of truth to that. People forget Trump was a big spender.
Trump and Pompeo kept us out of new wars while Trump was prez. There is that.
I have a lib friend, who concedes that Trump is and was actually a centrist in his politics, who asks me whether I think that Trump would be far more successful as President if he wasn't such an abrasive jerk.
My response is that if Trump wasn't the outrageous character that he is, he would never have gotten elected, and would not have accomplished anything after being elected.
I see Trump as the battering ram. The problem is that, Trump having breached the barricades, the Republicans who were supposed to follow him through the gap and take the citadel left him high and dry, and even pitched in to rebuild the walls.
We still need a battering ram. And a force to follow.
Some tanks, bulldozers, heavy explosives...
"You're seeking power."
But the dilemma for actual conservatives is always that they are seeking power in order to restrain its use.
"And you've already allied yourself with the big celebrity in your rise to power, so I can't even understand your point."
Why? Pompeo "allied" himself with a celebrity in order to serve as SoS and pursue policies they agreed on, not necessarily because he liked the celebrity shtick. There's no contradiction or hypocrisy in criticizing what he views as the excesses of celebrity politics. Of course, whether it is persuasive is another matter.
"I would like a low-key, intelligent President, but I just don't see Pompeo making a mark. Pointing to what he lacks — star power — isn't enough."
Pompeo is clearly very intelligent. He is, by comparison with most politicians, "low-key." But then the second sentence adds another implicit criterion--something else to fill the "not enough" box. What is it? Actual policy? A sense of direction?
So, basically Pomp a NO is saying: THEY WON, WE LOST.. Get used to it?
I admire Pompeo for his intellect and service to our country. He has a quieter demeanor but he is not shy. I’m interested to hear more from him. It’s way too early to discount people like him, imho.
That said, given the assault our country and culture (values) is under from the open borders, gender-denying, energy ignorant and climate ignorant globalist crowd, a strong larger than life personality is what we need, I think. The media, social media and intelligence communities need to get back in their lanes. They won’t do so willingly.
Pompeo has less energy than Jeb. For him to think he has a chance of becoming President is delusional.
I don't really care what he says. The only way to begin to solve our problem with government is to take money away from politicians and the federal government. Their spending gives drunken sailors a bad name.
No more spending more than we take in in taxes. It's got to stop.
The only obligation we have that can be defaulted on is interest on the debt. Spending less on other programs is not default. It's prudent fiscal management.
Oh and move most departments out of Washington DC. The only thing that really needs to be there is the white house, Congress, and the supreme court. Keeping it all in one place is a national security risk, too.
"If you're going to tell people to stop fixating on the big person, you have to offer some big substance."
Alas, Republicans have pretty much punted on offering anything distinctive and positive. Instead, there's been a lot of, "I'm against". Republicans ran against Obamacare but offered nothing in its place when they got power and, surprise! surprise!, it's still there.
Mr Wibble said...
The GOP political class don't want small government, they simply want to be in charge. Paul Ryan should have had bills lined up like 747s at O'Hare the week before Christmas. He and McConnell had the biggest opportunity in a generation to push through conservative reforms and they blew it.
They didn't blow it.
They sabotaged it.
And they were fully supportive of Obama using the FBI against the TEA party.
The GOPe is open borders all the wars free trade with China without the purple hair.
That is why the trans shit is being pushed now. They are doing it to give Desantis something to fight without having to deal with the core economic issues.
The Oligarchs want the differentiating issues to be about dick chopping and breast mutilation while everyone in DC agrees over importing cheap labor, starting new profitable wars, and shipping all manufacturing overseas and punishing their small competitors that try to make things in the United States.
Wibble: "The GOP political class don't want small government"
Neither does the anti-GOPe base, nor Trump.
The dirty secret of American politics is that politicians get elected and reelected by giving the majority of the people what they want. What they want most is other people's money, which in in recent years has meant other people's borrowed money.
Ann Althouse said...
I would like a low-key, intelligent President, but I just don't see Pompeo making a mark. Pointing to what he lacks — star power — isn't enough.
You might check out Vivek Ramaswamy.
I think he has promise.
But he supports merit and fundamental principles though so that may be an issue for you.
I also assume the Regime will attack him and you don't like people the Regime attacks.
tim in vermont said...
Mike Pompeo hates Trump because Trump didn't start any wars in the four years he was in office. End of story.
3/4/23, 6:57 AM
Althouse there is an extensive thread of clipped video from CPAC Day1 by Aaron Rupar.
He includes parts of Pompeo. (However much is left of Pompeo after his bariatric surgery. Wait! No! That is entirely unconfirmed. Pompeo has NOT confirmed it!)
Rupar's fabulous Day 2 clips are here:
It really is glorious, for all of the lead speakers. Aaron had been getting his CPAC from one of the insane-outlier cable news channels at first, but by formal Day 1 it was all from C-SPAN I think. C-SPAN has a wonderfully searchable home page and database of video feeds. You might be able to find what you want there.
Marjorie Taylor Greene and <a href=""Nikki Haley each speaking, separately, to a conference room -- not even a very big conference hall -- where it appears that perhaps 60% of the seats are empty.
Pompeo is staying out of it until Trump has destroyed himself and any other declared candidates.
Trump said...
Congratulations to Kellyanne Conway on her DIVORCE from her wacko husband, Mr. Kellyanne Conway. Free at last, she has finally gotten rid of the disgusting albatross around her neck. She is a great person, and will now be free to lead the kind of life that she deserves…and it will be a great life without the extremely unattractive loser by her side!
It's the economy, stupid.
Trump has suggested -- wtf? -- communities of opportunity built on federal land. It's an idea, even if it sounds loony. His willingness to brainstorm is one of my favorite things about him.
If Liz Cheney is the Hillary Clinton of Mitt Romneys and Mike Pompeo is the Liz Cheney of Ron DeSantises, then the Republican Primary next year just might be a Trump/Hillary rematch.
Hope this helps.
It will always be celebrity politics in the public domain for politicians. The mediaswine will take a minute or two to mislead the country about their policies and then focus on Republican fascism, racism, sexism, anti-LGBTABCism, etc., of the person. For Democrats the focus will be on compassion, kindness and courage.
This works both ways since Dem policy is about corruption and dismembering the Republic and the remaining Democrat base must be led to believe those are the goals of Republicans. Of course, those may be the goals of some Republican, e.g., Paul Ryan and Liz Cheney, but not the rank and file.
One can't help but wonder about rank and file Democrats. It has descended to a choice between ignorant, stupid or malicious. I mean Biden, Harris, Fetterman, Buttigeig, Waters, etc. Really?? I take it as significant that they have lost decent people like Turley, Greenwald, Gabbard and Dershowitz.
Amexpat said...
...such as DeSantis wanting to register Bloggers
If you've got information tying that proposal to DeSantis, I think you should share it. Every story I've seen had indicated that it just came from one rando legislator.
Blogger Chuck said...
(However much is left of Pompeo after his bariatric surgery. Wait! No! That is entirely unconfirmed. Pompeo has NOT confirmed it!)
One invaluable thing about Trump is that he caused his opponents to drop the facade that they're any less nasty than he is.
Pompeo might be warning that following tarnished celebrity will lose the contest.
Its a not so clever diss on trumps focus on industrialization and non interventionism
Ryan and McConnell had the biggest opportunity in a generation to push through conservative reforms and they blew it.
have they even articulated any in detail? except bloviating Pompeosities?
That is why the trans shit is being pushed now. They are doing it to give Desantis something to fight without having to deal with the core economic issues.
I'm concerned that Achilles is right here. DeSantis, so far, is all about cultural issues and I don't hear much about economics. Trump was about economics and was pretty libertarian about culture.
If you've got information tying that proposal to DeSantis, I think you should share it. Every story I've seen had indicated that it just came from one rando legislator.
Saw the article at Drudge. Because I'm overseas, I couldn't access the article. Because it was in large headlines and it was the lead there for a couple of days, I assumed DeSantis was behind it, as he's being promoting legislation that puts him in the forefront of the cultural war. If, as you say, it's just one rando legislator pushing it, then Drudge was sensationalizing something that was insignificant. Wouldn't be the first time he has done it.
the demolition derby on our entire society is total, one can only do so much in one state, offer a model of statecraft, they don't have their own trade or foreign policy, that's the pirates,
Is it really true that one party is currently more dominated more by charismatic leaders than the other? Is a party that avoids such leaders likely to win elections or bring change? I'd say no to both questions.
Some "charismatic" leaders fizzle out and achieve nothing because it's their personality that's attractive to people, not their ideology or policies. Sometimes an effective leader's successes create a charismatic aura; even those with less prepossessing personalities can come to have an attractive presence if they get things done.
But if a party nominates boring, charmless nonentities, they are less likely to win or achieve much. The inability to leave much of a mark in people's hearts and minds may result in a failure to leave a significant mark on politics and policy.
DeSantis, so far, is all about cultural issues and I don't hear much about economics.
That may be a matter of the media downplaying good news. Unemployment in Florida is very low, and remember that DeSantis cut pandemic unemployment benefits ahead of schedule. Manufacturing employment in the state is up.
And some of his cultural moves reflect favorably on economic issues: he undertook an unprecedented and highly effective initiative to embarrass the Biden administration over its open-borders policies with the Martha's Vineyard flights. He picked a fight and won against Disney, one of the most aggressively globalist of corporations. Yes, these were symbolic, but there are limits on what one state's governor can accomplish on national issues. So far, I see little reason to distrust him over economics.
Kellyanne won't be truly free until she can divorce her daughter.
"DeSantis wanting to register Bloggers in Florida"
A great example of why that proposal from a Florida legislator was so incredibly stupid.
LLR-Democratical Chuck is back to pushing Aaron Rupar!!
I love it.
And I mean that.
There is no more hiding for LLR-Democratical Chuck and it only took 8 years for him to admit his cover was blown way back in 2015.
Achilles: "That is why the trans shit is being pushed now. They are doing it to give Desantis something to fight without having to deal with the core economic issues."
This is basically what Ken Griffin said in his Politico interview as to why he was supporting DeSantis. Griffin indicated he didn't care much about the social issues and wanted a return to the US-As-Globalist-Team-Member on the republican side....and he's backing DeSantis. Hmmmmmmmm.
This is why, for Early DeSantis supporters, you'll need to address whether or not this is the strategy that is actually emerging from the DeSantis campaign or not: harping on the woke stuff to hide GOPe-ness on the global/national economic/trade policy side.
Quick notes which I've mentioned in the recent past that need to remembered: DeSantis HAS been making rumblings seemingly at odds with his DC staffers and major funders:
- Forever Wars - DeSantis hedged when being asked about continued Ukraine funding
- Open Borders - DeSantis gave general indications he would be much stronger on secure borders (though DeSantis has never mentioned completing the wall, a bit of a tell)
- ChiCom trade policy - DeSantis gave hints that he was going to be tougher on the ChiComs in terms of trade policy (though he did NOT indicate he would be reshoring jobs to the US)
- COVID lockdowns- DeSantis has given some pushback against the deep state on their power abuse in this area and is looking to capitalize on his arguably better response to COVID lockdowns over Trump (though there are arguments on the other side, but still)
DeSantis was already going Full Anti-Woke as his parallel major campaign theme along with the vision of Freedom as in Make America Florida type stuff, which is an effective theme.
But those rumblings need to be watched to see if he is going to push any further because those are just the areas his GOPe big time backers oppose passionately. If DeSantis doesn't push it harder faster in those areas, a reasonable person could come to the conclusion that his backers approved those toe-in-the-water comments to try and fool the rubes.
Final note: DeSantis' best primary campaign strategy would be to out-Trump Trump in every policy area. We'll see if his campaign and he is willing to get there. And even that might not be able to dislodge Trump supporters who simply don't believe any republican other than Trump will ever fight for them because no republican in their lifetimes has fought for them other than Trump.
That "uniqueness" buys alot of campaign/voter support goodwill.
as i pointed out, it's the corporate press that has it's hobby horse against brodeur and a half dozen other state reps, which gave desantis his supermajority, because there was a spoiler candidate on the ballot,
People like Pompeo forget what propelled Trump to the nomination in 2016- it wasn't personality, or a cult of personality. I wrote in these very threads sometime in early 2016 that Trump was likely to win the nomination because he was the only candidate willing to stake out policy prescriptions that no other Republican had been willing to stake out in my lifetime, and also policies that almost no Democrat was willing to take either. Illegal immigration was the big one, followed by the US's abandonment of its industrial base in trade treaties.
DeSantis is taking some firm positions on the culture war, but it remains to be seen if he become Trump without being Trump on the other issues. Pompeo, Haley, Pence, etal. clearly aren't. If it is just Trump with Trump policies running this year and next, then it will be Trump the nominee once again. Someone else has to take up those positions to get the nomination. I think DeSantis will do this, which is why I think he will be the nominee, but he hasn't really done that yet.
Jeb and the rest of the Medicis including W did much damage with the constructivist educational frameworks inbedded in the standardized testing system, 'what are they good for, absolutely nothing'
Is less government really possible? Can the people who claim to want less government ever agree on what to cut and win majority support for the cuts? If less government ever does happen, it will be on a small scale and part of a much larger package of changes -- or it will be because the government runs out of the ability to borrow money. And tell Kevin Williamson, that a fiscal collapse would not be "awesome" -- not in a good way -- but if he wants we can always direct the angry mobs to his house when it happens.
Tom T. said...
One invaluable thing about Trump is that he caused his opponents to drop the facade that they're any less nasty than he is.
One invaluable thing that Trump taught us all was, "Never bring a Jeb to a Trumpfight."
I thought you guys liked "a fighter"? I can't think of anything too nasty for Trump and Trumpism.
"If, as you say, it's just one rando legislator pushing it, then Drudge was sensationalizing something that was insignificant."
You bought the story that DeSantis had bypassed Nazism and gone full Stalinist by forcing bloggers to register with the government and pay fines for criticizing him or other officials.
Blaming Drudge for your gullibility is a stretch.
except how well did trump get in those policies, of course personnel is policy, and all those wall streeters were against really firm tariffs or reindustrialization,
the uniparty will sell its first born, to keep this caucasus crackup going, war is the health of the state, but these zombie policies, make any successful military campaign impossible on border policies, it seems even those at the America first institute, spent most of the administration, undermining national sovereignty,
Pompeo is your typical GOP Establishment loser. "Don't use the Government". "Dont impose your will your agenda through Government power like the Left".
So, when the D's are in power they use Government power. When the R's in power, they don't. Why? Because they believe in smaller Government.
Over time that can result in only one thing: Society going further and further to the Left. When the Left has the ball they want to score a touchdown and win 55-0. WHen Conservatives have the ball, they stop at the 50 yard line and punt. They want a 0-0 tie. Guess who wins?
And what does "Smaller Government" mean in REALITY? Its meaningless rhetoric. The Republican Senate leadership under Biden has signed off on every big spending bill and TRILLIIONS of Debt. Spending exploded under Bush 43. It went up under Trump. And Pompeo cheerleads for $100, $200, $300 BIllion for Ukraine. We are acutally giving Ukraine $$ to pay their PENSIONS!
I hate stupid fucks like Pompeo. They don't want to do ANYTHING the average Republican wants. They DO want to give us endless, needless wars. Spend $zillions on Weapons. Cut Social Security and Medicare. And push for amnesty, open borders, and tax cuts for the Rich. And do nothing about crazy left Drag queen story hour, Tech censorship, election integrity, etc. etc.
Why are South Carolina republicans such disasters? They give us Miss Lindsey, Pompeo, Nikki Haley, Sanford, and the goof that voted to impeach Trump. Oh for the days of Strom Thurmond and Jim Demint.
Yancey Ward: "If it is just Trump with Trump policies running this year and next, then it will be Trump the nominee once again. Someone else has to take up those positions to get the nomination. I think DeSantis will do this, which is why I think he will be the nominee, but he hasn't really done that yet."
Recognizing reality and thinking about it objectively usually sends Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH) right over the edge.
I'd want to know if Trump was really serious about winning -- if he was going to prepare for the debates and not try to wing it, if he was focused on the country and the future and not on personal grudges and the past, if he was going to deal with election security beforehand and not complain about it afterwards. I'd also want to see a sign that some of the half the country that will never vote for Trump were changing their minds -- or that people who didn't bother to vote last time would do so for Trump 2024. They might for New Trump. They won't for Old Trump. Trump may not be able to change, but Old Trump isn't likely to win.
The Democrats are going to have a spin to deal with Trump's issues of trade and deindustrialization. It may not be anything real, but it will satisfy their voters (who haven't show much sign of letting illegal immigration change their minds about Biden either). If DeSantis is focusing on trans and cultural issues that alone probably won't get him to the White House, but it does reflect the Democrats' willingness to demagogue and deceive on Trump's issues and the willingness of half the country to go along with the Democrat spin. Biden, who cancelled Trump's insulin price cap, isn't above going around the country saying that the Biden administration imposed the price cap, and he won't have any problem saying that he's bringing back jobs, whether he does or not -- and the media will back him up on that.
rcocean: "So, when the D's are in power they use Government power. When the R's in power, they don't. Why? Because they believe in smaller Government.
Over time that can result in only one thing: Society going further and further to the Left."
The dems/GOPe-ers beloved ratchet-effect. Government can only and must only always incrementally move left.
I mean, it would be icky and yucky to fight back against the dems in a bare-knuckled way, harumph harumph! Tut, tut. That's just not cricket laddies! What would the fellas down at the yacht club and in the private jet waiting areas think of us if we actually aggressively opposed the dems! Perish the thought lest we be lumped in with the horrific Deplorables. Besides, we are all basically dems anyway in terms of policy preferences!
If the nominee is Haley, Pompeo, Pence, Rubio etc, the Republicans will get trounced across the board in 2024- it will be a landslide at all levels of the race. You nominate a candidate like that, and a lot of voters like me would just give up if they haven't already given up after last November.
I have written many times over the years- the election of Bushs was the beginning of the end of the Republican Party as a useful opposition to Democrats. Of all the votes I have cast over the years, the one I regret the most, and the race where I firmly believe it would have far better to have lost the race was the one in 2000. I didn't fully realize how awful that result was until 2 years after Bush took office, but I knew it for sure in March of 2003 when we invaded Iraq. For all his faults as a man, I don't Al Gore would have committed us to that war, and I don't think he would have committed us to Afghanistan that long either, though I might be wrong about that part.
rcocean said...
Why are South Carolina republicans such disasters? They give us Miss Lindsey, Pompeo, Nikki Haley, Sanford, and the goof that voted to impeach Trump. Oh for the days of Strom Thurmond and Jim Demint.
Mike Pompeo is from Kansas. Three terms in the House, representing KS-4. Rumored to be the 2020 GOP nominee for Senate from KS. There was a notable effort to draft him to run. But he eventually declined to run.
Does Pompeo live in SC now? It's possible, but I don't know that. I don't think he does. But he might have a home there. The guy is a multi-millionaire.
Pompeo is a lot more likely than Larry Hogan, Liz Cheney, or Nikki Haley, however his successful nomination is still not a high probability event.
Lurker21 said...
...I'd also want to see a sign that some of the half the country that will never vote for Trump were changing their minds -- or that people who didn't bother to vote last time would do so for Trump 2024.
3/4/23, 1:38 PM
There were more votes counted in the 2020 election than any election in American history, almost 20% more than the highest number recorded previously, the 2008 election when Obamamania made normally apolitical Americans rush out to the polls to join the crowd and prove they weren't racist by voting for the half-black Democrat Party member. In 2020, Donald Trump got more votes than any Republican candidate in history by a wide margin, and increased his vote total from the 2016 election by over 10 million votes. On the Democrat party side, Creepy Joe, after the leaky toilets were repaired, picked up over 10 million more votes than Obama did at the height of the pro-Obama hysteria. And this after failing to draw more than a few dozen, at most, attendees at any one of his rallies prior to the election.
Just how many voters do you think stayed home because they didn't like Trump? How does a candidate improve his vote total by 20% from election to election, yet somehow be untenable to half the country? You ight want to ponder these questions, look at the numbers, and ask yourself how Joe Biden ended up as president.
Why are South Carolina republicans such disasters? They give us Miss Lindsey, Pompeo, Nikki Haley, Sanford, and the goof that voted to impeach Trump. Oh for the days of Strom Thurmond and Jim Demint
I’m eligible to run against Miss Lindsey. I could get enough sigs and $$ from my neighbors. I’d be on par with today’s ‘ham sandwich’ candidates. Prolly wouldn’t win but I’d garner a fair share of the not Miss Lindsey vote..
Nobody seems to have posted the Pompeo transcript. Here is one of the several links to the 24 minute video. It's not so much a "policy" type speech. It's more of a a "we're all on the same side" speech. He does criticize Trump's spending, adding 8 trillion to the debt.
I'm surprised that so few of the right of center posters seem seriously troubled by Trump's high unfavorability numbers. What Trump policy initiatives or stylistic changes will change that? Dems and Trump-haters are so tribal that they will vote for individuals with literal physical and mental incapacity. If Trump is the candidate, and Dems and indy Trump-haters are told by Wapo and the NYT to do so, they will vote for Biden, Granholm, Harris, Buttigieg, Whitmer, Newsom, Ms. Obama, or any of a host of others.
which debates are these, where the likes of wallace ran defense for biden on fossil fuels on the terrorist group that calls itself antifa, on the corruption at the heart of his family fortune,
corporations are fine with burning down 100 cities, mutilating children, shipping all our weapons to ukraine, disarming ourselves utterly against the criminal hordes, we see with the train derailments that the altar of esg proferred by black rock, makes them ignore all safety protocols,
For all his faults as a man, I don't Al Gore would have committed us to that war, and I don't think he would have committed us to Afghanistan that long either, though I might be wrong about that part.
I agree. I think Gore went crazy after the 2000 election but I always thought he was more sensible than Clinton. Still a crook but they all are. How did Pompeo become a millionaire?
How much do these voters hate their country men their children apparently
"There is no more hiding for LLR-Democratical Chuck and it only took 8 years for him to admit his cover was blown way back in 2015."
His dishonest douchebaggery was evident from the get go. He never fooled anyone. Least of all out hostess.
Trump was under 50% approval in the polls I think all throughout his presidency. Much depends on where one lives, but my impression was that Trump haters were much more likely to vote than people who ought to have been on his side. COVID did a lot to discourage potential Trump voters. I don't doubt that there was fraud in 5 or 6 key swing states, but it's clear to me that half the country didn't vote for Trump and is very unlikely to in the future. The disappointing performance of Republicans in the midterms brought that home to me. It's not Reagan's America anymore.
Ampersand: "I'm surprised that so few of the right of center posters seem seriously troubled by Trump's high unfavorability numbers. What Trump policy initiatives or stylistic changes will change that? Dems and Trump-haters are so tribal that they will vote for individuals with literal physical and mental incapacity."
The answer is really quite simple then. Give us a republican candidate that doesn't despise the republican base and wont stick a knife in our backs and will fight tooth and nail for the economic nationalist/America First policies that Trump espoused.
Go ahead.
Name a few options. Dont hold back now. List them all.
So how has that been going since Reagan? Pompeo and the rest of the GOPe are like the generals that Lincoln had to keep firing, until he found one that fights.
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