Here is today's episode, the one with what WaPo calls "a long, quasi-Socratic defense." You can judge for yourself:
२५ फेब्रुवारी, २०२३
"Newspapers across the United States have pulled... 'Dilbert'... after the cartoonist called Black Americans a 'hate group' and said White people should 'get the hell away from' them...."
"The once widely celebrated cartoonist, who has been entertaining extreme-right ideologies and conspiracy theories for several years, was upset Wednesday by a Rasmussen poll that found a thin majority of Black Americans agreed with the statement 'It’s okay to be White.'... [O]n his YouTube show Saturday... [Scott Adams] offered a long, quasi-Socratic defense of his comments, which he said were taken out of context, and seemed to define racism as essentially any political activity. 'Any tax code change is racist,' he said at one point in the show. He denounced racism against 'individuals' and racist laws, but said, 'You should absolutely be racist whenever it’s to your advantage. Every one of you should be open to making a racist personal career decision.' In the same show, Adams suggested that he had done irreparable harm to a once-sterling career. 'Most of my income will be gone by next week,' he told about 3,000 live-stream viewers. 'My reputation for the rest of my life is destroyed. You can’t come back from this, am I right? There’s no way you can come back from this.'"
१०६ टिप्पण्या:
The sad thing is... He's not wrong.
Adams was a Trump supporter, in that he didn't condemn Trump, which is required in the business that he's in (liberal newspapers). He didn't support Trump, but didn't condemn him, so he is a sinner and must be cleansed.
He's rich though, so he can say whatever he wants until Google [YouTube] is forced, via threats by Democrat fascists in Washington to end their illegal monopoly, to #Cancel Adams.
Which they will immediately do.
Still doesn't explain why I should avoid people who actively hate me orr don't think it's OK to be white, such as al Queda, or you know, black people.
Black people have gotten the message from their white masters (women, mostly unmarried, and Democrat) that they cannot say it's OK to be white. Or they risk cancellation themselves. So of course, being at the mercy of the #Cancel whip, they do not wish to be #DigitalHighTechLynched by white Democrat women, most of whom are Jewish.
"The once widely celebrated cartoonist, who has been entertaining extreme-right ideologies and conspiracy theories for several years ...."
By which the WaPo means, he seemed to have a mostly favorable opinion of Donald Trump. I wish the folks at WaPo would wipe the shit off their tongues before they breathe on us. Or at least swallow. When they sit around all day, sucking on a single big turd, it can get foul.
Scott Adams is a loon from way back. Dilbert’s a great cartoon and Adams was one of the first to predict a Trump victory, but he’s been wrong about pretty much everything else he’s offered an opinion on. He may have a huge twitter following, but to go by the responses, it’s mostly to heckle him. (And even the Trump call—he predicted a landslide.)
Critical Racists' Theory (CRT) presumes diversity [dogma] (i.e. color judgment, class-based bigotry).
DIEversity is a religious practice of diversity, inequity, exclusion.
Better, look at the original Episode 2027 which was the initial offending act.
What he's doing, by way of cancelling his newspaper income to show seriousness, is trying to undermine cancellation by showing it's anti-truth and everybody knows it, on both sides. The cancellation of his newspaper income is the "in spite of" ground, against those who cancel. He'll show them as cowards, and the persuasion is that you don't want to be with the cowards.
I say the same thing but there's no income value at risk so nobody cares.
Derbyshire said the same thing for a different purpose - just putting it out as truth - and got fired from NR by the coward Lourey. The Talk (Nonblack Version)
Derbyshire this week didn't much see the resemblance but suspected that the humorist Adams was putting everybody on, not agreeing with him; but Derbyshire doesn't follow Adams except through the cartoon.
The thing to remember about The Talk is that it's actually written for the other side to read, not one's own. It's a "You guys are so bad that this is what we think of you" essay.
Fascinating. I was listening to Adams and wondered if Althouse had decided to blog about it. And what do you know.
I'm 25 minutes in, and I'm beginning to think Adams will do his usual individualistic, spock-like logical, -spergy take and assert he's unfairly been "Cancelled". He is not racist, he judges everyone on an individual basis, etc. And he tells a truth (not the truth). And He will be right. And he will stil stay cancelled.
Adams is an old-timey libertarian boomer. He doesn't understand the way the world works, and never will.
Important context to Adams original rant that "it's ok to be white" is a well-known meme, not just a regular statement. Unclear when or why Rasmussen started polling people's opinions of memes, or what percentage of people disagreed with the dog surrounded by flames saying this is fine.
The sad thing is... He's not wrong.
Be wary of anyone exercising liberal license to indulge diversity [dogma].
Adams tends to weasel out of things he said badly but he's sticking to the claim. The interesting twist, where my version is that blacks are being equipped with a chip on their shoulder that will cripple them for life, was that (Adams's version) blacks are primed to hate whites by whites who know what they're doing.
To be fair, back... black holes... whores h/t NAACP are cosmic agents of destructive creation.
Whereas white holes... whores to paraphrase NAACP are cosmic agents of creative destruction.
He's likely either albinophobic or chromaphilic, probably a diversitist, plausibly rabid.
Does anyone besides Ann still read newspapers?
"Still doesn't explain why I should avoid people who actively hate me or don't think it's OK to be white, such as al Queda, or you know, black people."
I'd go further and say that not only should you avoid people who say they hate you, or that it's not OK to even BE you, that you probably shouldn't hire them in your business. Or go to their businesses. Or move into their "territory." You would discount the value of their homes. Maybe even charge them extra if they wish to purchase insurance from you, seeing as how they don't think it's OK to even BE you. Because you know, some guy 200 years ago owned some slaves.
If, for example, al Queda terrorists say that it's NOT OK to be you, then you would want to avoid the territories that they control, or avoid hiring al Queda terrorists or even eating in their restaurants. If Rasmussen ever decides to ask purple people if they would eat you and more than half of them said that yes, the WOULD EAT YOU ... then you should probably avoid PURPLE PEOPLE EATERS.
Point being it's not about being black. Has nothing to do with black people. It's just a general principle. Don't hang out, hire, associate, or promote, or even quote news organizations who hire Rasmussen because they're stoking racial hatred.
A witch hunt? A warlock trial? He's a baby... fetal-baby. Abort, Cannibalize, Sequester (ACS).
If you've never read the Derbyshire article from 2012, now would be an excellent time.
Give keen attention to Rule 10.
I heard the original episode live and it is him being his usual provocative self.
He doesn't come off as a racist to me at all...
His "any tax code change is racist" argument is based on the Left's premise of "disparate impact" being equivalent to racism. His argument is that if you adjust the tax code, you're going to have disparate racial impact, whether you want to or not.
Scott Adams just fell on his sword. His career, as he knew it, is over. He'll still have ways to communicate and he will. He was not talking as a racist. What I heard was a man completely frustrated with the state of race in this country: How it's manipulated, taught, censored, and now Government mandated to get everyone to act as if all of us were part of the slave trade.
What Scott Adams said is something that goes through the minds of millions of Americans. Of that, I'm sure. We do see daily videos of Black men and women beating up on random people of other races. All other races. Couple that with DEI coming out of our pores, and Black people demanding segregation in places such as university dorms and corporate lunchrooms. Imagine. Hating White people so much because of the color of their skin that you want them removed from your area. Nice touch. Another feather in the cap of our universities today. Forward into the past.
This isn't a good thing for anyone. And most people don't want things to be like this. Yet, we're getting worse and worse. The more Progressives are in charge of in our society, the worse our race, gender, religious, and class relations get. Why- it's almost like it's by design.
If you wanted the US to tear itself apart from within, who would you put in charge to make it happen?
Of Pointy Haired Bosses (PHB) and human rites departments.
Scott Adams feels free to say whatever he thinks to be true. The First Amendment protects him from government punishment for such speech. Nothing protects him from the economic and social consequences of his speech, and that is why the vast majority of the public does not feel free to say whatever they think to be true.
Consider this though: the world would be a harsher, less comfortable place if everyone just said whatever they thought to be true. All of us have, and ought to have, social instincts that include tact, empathy, an awareness of the likely misunderstandings a statement will cause, and a sense of what fights are and are not worth fighting. When God was handing out social instinct, Adams was standing behind the door.
Don't have patience to listen to Scott Adams but if the quotes in several articles are accurate of course some publisher responded by terminating his contract. He should have googled John Derbyshire first. (Whom I miss. Read him regularly, even bought several of his books, and just skipped over his racialist stuff until he went full VDARE.)
This has nothing to do with Adams and Trump. Black History Month sure poor timing though.
Hate Group
The newspapers are always fanning this sentiment. For some odd reason, this thinking sells.
I'm pretty sure this is captured in an episode of the original "Star Trek".
Full disclosure: I don't watch TV, and I don't read the newspaper.
I used to listen to his podcast before COVID when I had a commute. I'm trying to figure out what extreme right ideologies he's entertained.
James Baldwin's “Negroes Are Anti-Semitic Because They're Anti-White” was written in 1967. In the next six decades, our country would spend trillions of dollars on African-Americans and their communities. Affirmative action helped tens of millions of extremely unqualified African-Americans get into elite universities and then onto high paying jobs. But the extreme hostility and antisemitism remains. When is enough, enough?
If you spend any time in the comment sections of predominately black social media you will see he is right. I have lived and worked with black people all my life and have NEVER seen the outright hatred and racism against whites as high and widespread as it is now. It’s so easy for people who live in areas where blacks are a small minority to think they are not a real threat if a significant percentage of them decide to “kill whitey”.
While I still have a few black friends who are 50+ the younger ones have zero interest in interacting with whites unless they are groveling and profess black supremacy ideology. It’s getting bad in the urban south. Stay out of the black dominated areas of Atlanta and New Orleans. They have gone from “the black criminals will prey on you because you look like an easy target” to “the young black kids will prey on you because you are white. Period”
It’s been a long strange experience listening to Scott Adams these past six years. There’s a streak of self destruction running through his monologues. There was an attempt to sell his comic strip which was unsuccessful. There was talk of severe depression which was solved (according to him) by getting off of asthma medication. There was the marriage which even the most casual observer could see was doomed to fail. Then the predictable divorce and hostility toward women in general. Then there was the fantasizing of blowing up (figuratively) his comic strip by making it increasingly political. Slowly his monologues have been taken over by the theme that he’s always right in his predictions. He’s said that his listeners should take an oath to find not guilty anyone who kills a fentanyl dealer - though he emphasizes that he condemns violence. There was the threat of suing a political cartoonist who made fun of his vaccine stance. He’s said he would win if he ran for President and also if he ran for Dianne Feinstein’s seat. He’s a lefty but his views were interesting and he saw life from a different perspective - calling life a simulation for example. This latest monologue makes it clear he’s not the great communicator he’s always believed he was. I used to listen to Adams for his original thoughts. Now all I hear is his life spinning out of control.
Adams lost me when he tried to blame black underachievement on teachers' unions. First, teachers unions are not strong everywhere and not even legal in some states. Same old black pathologies.
Second, teachers deserve combat pay for the violence they're expected to tolerate.
But Adams can't be arsed to lurk a little and see how other people live.
Plus he's the creep who thinks mushrooms will cure mental illness. He reminds me of *that guy* who always wants you to get high esp if you're young and female.
"In light of Scott Adams's recent statements promoting segregation, The Washington Post has ceased publication of the Dilbert comic strip," a spokesperson for the newspaper said Saturday, noting that it was too late to stop the strip from running in some upcoming print editions, including Sunday's.
That's the funniest line in the piece. Cancellation is not enough, it has to be instant.
The news is run by morons.
It's about time. He is a racist, misogynistic, and an all around bad guy. Finally. Hope his empire is destroyed and he has to live in anonymity, hopefully joined by Kyle Rittenhouse.
Vicki from Pasadena
Chicago Claims Lax Gun Laws Make Atlanta Too Dangerous to Host the Democrats’ National Convention. - Insty
Apparently even leftists are avoiding blacks.
It's amusing to see the outrage from the usual sources. Here is a story about how dangerous it can be to work with a disturbed black.
Another example.
To be a Negro in this country and to be relatively conscious is to be in a state of rage almost, almost all of the time — and in one's work. And part of the rage is this: It isn't only what is happening to you. But it's what's happening all around you and all of the time in the face of the most extraordinary and criminal indifference, indifference of most white people in this country, and their ignorance.
That was 1961. Before Obama, I think things were getting better but he chose to use racism as a club to push blacks into voting for Democrats. Look how black Republicans are treated by the left. Blacks are now self segregating and maybe that's for the best right now. The war on merit, however, is dangerous.
Adams says repeatedly:
1. “I’ve got fuck you money. I can do or say whatever I want.”
2. I’m taking the hit for you. I can say what you can’t.
He’s taking the hit. Adams, in his own words, is in the persuasion business. Sometimes, he decides to take on an issue that seems untouchable… because he can and, I think, because he thinks he’s doing a good thing.
Black racism is every bit, or more, objectionable than white racism. He’s persuading people of this. He’s taking the hit for pissing everybody off. And, I think his ideas will prevail.
Maybe someone could point out just what was 'racist' about his comments. Going around screaming 'Racist!!!!' doesn't count.
I've been listening to Adams to fall asleep pretty much nightly. He is often full of shit but also often even when full of shit. He also has a soothing and I can trust him not to have any loud noises just as I'm trying to fall asleep.
He has said that, perhaps a year ago that he was going to start acting outrageous on purpose to get canceled. As I understood it, he has fu money so doesn't need the income. Also, he wants to go out (of his cartoon career) with a bang and is going to say what he really thinks. Not necessarily what is commercially necessary.
John C Dvorak knows him personally and said on No Agenda podcast that his recent divorce really affected him in a negative way. Adams thought it was love but all it was was hustle. Scott has spoken bitterly about marriage and relations between the sexes in general several times over the past year.
We hear all the time how black people can't be racist. Since Scott identifies as black, it is impossible for a black to be racist.
Since Memphis, we have seen that this idea "is no longer operative". And yesterday or the day before Adams announced on his podcast that he is no longer black.
And as rhhardin said, he's not wrong.
John Henry
The funny thing is, anyone with any knowledge of history should be easily able to identify the exact same thing going on here in America today that went on during Hitler's rise to power. First, demonize the enemy. Second step, deprive them of positions in government, education, and commerce. Third, drive them entirely out of public life, and into the graveyard.
The only difference here is that the targeted demographic is the majority, and that parts of that majority are actively participating in the attempt at their own self-destruction. I imagine that the Rachel Dolezal types recognize this truth, and are trying desperately to get ahead of the coming pogroms, by blending in with the nascent master race. It won't work, because once the stage is reached by which you're having the witch hunts, the Dolezal types will be hunted down just the same. Whoever winds up on top...
Used to be, I'd have termed thinking like this utterly insane, a sign of derangement. Now? Watching what's going on around me? Having experienced the changes I have just during my lifetime? I no longer consider this "crazy thought".
Not too sure how it's all going to work out, what with blacks only constituting 12% of the population, and them terming anyone like Mexican-Americans and Asians as white, but... They'll do them, and we'll get that race war everyone wants. I rather doubt there will be any winners, when it's over, but I'm also pretty sure that the 12% is going to drop to somewhere around what it is in Mexico, which is 2% of the population. And, most of those will likely be hidden deep in the hinterlands of things, out in the country. The urban populations of blacks are too easily found, too easily dealt with. Witness how few black gangs have survived the onslaught of the cartels.
It'd almost be humorous, if it weren't actually so tragic. For all of us.
That John Derbyshire column can be reduced to: "Black people are inferior and dangerous."
It's not exactly an innovative point. It's actually the oldest point of all. It's the most foundational racism possible, and also helps explain why racists get upset at being called racist.
Imagine a national poll showing 55% of White Americans (note capitalizations) said it is "OK to be black." Imagine the anti-white denunciations erupting from every media outlet with cash at stake.
(Note to the editors of the Washington Post: Scott Adams' comment was neither Socratic nor quasi-Socratic. The Socratic method is neither sarcasm nor facetiousness, you miseducated morons.)
I'm reminded by the article of The Cambridge Affair, a letter sent by established philosophers complaining about awarding an honorary degree to Derrida because where he write anything intelligible at all it's just something obviously false.
The standing of the author is used against a person they don't bother to understand.
"The once widely celebrated cartoonist, who has been entertaining extreme-right ideologies and conspiracy theories for several years ..."
He believed that certain conspiracies exist. Yea. So what. A lot of conspiracies really do exist. My favorite conspiracy theory is about conspiracy theories. I truly believe there is a vast international conspiracy of businessmen, big media, and politicians (of all persuasions) to do all sorts of very bad and unlawful things, and they are behind the notion that anyone who believes that a particular conspiracy exists is a "conspiracy theorist" i.e. nutjob.
All mainstream press, including FOX News, adhere to this definition of conspiracy theorist. Call someone a CT and nothing else needs to be said. Gives a little extra cover for the really big conspiracy.
Oh, yes, Scott Adams will be canceled. But, believe me when I tell you as someone who lives in the very Democratic & liberal Washington, DC suburbs, that "stay away from black people" is and has been practiced by all the white liberals around me for as long as I've been here (1979).
Do you think affluent white couples send their kids to any DC public school except for one or two in primarily white NW DC? Look at Prince Georges' County. When I got here, it was till middle class white. For some time now, it has been the wealthiest majority black county in the country, with a large black upper and middle middle class. You think young white couples buy there?
And is it any different anywhere in the country?
Scott Adams will be punished, but white liberalism is punishing him for saying the dirty secret behind their lived experience out loud.
Know your meme: It's ok to be white
Regular people: racists are people who believe that other races are inferior.
Racists: I'm not a racist! Black people are just inferior. Also, they don't want to hang out with me.
Regular people:
I will guess Daniel12 has never once walked through a majority black neighborhood in his entire life that wasn't, at a minimum, part of some official parade.
Hope his empire is destroyed and he has to live in anonymity, hopefully joined by Kyle Rittenhouse.
Maybe you should go wander around in some of the predominant black areas of Southern California. Prove him wrong.
“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.”
It's about time. He is a racist, misogynistic, and an all around bad guy. Finally. Hope his empire is destroyed and he has to live in anonymity, hopefully joined by Kyle Rittenhouse.
This comment, by a hate-filled leftist, represents REALITY. Its 2023 USA. Its 1917 Russia. and 1936 Spain Boys and Girls and "Victoria from pasendana" (LOL) is the true voice of the Left.
She'd love nothing better than to "Liquidate" or send Scott Adams to the Gulag. And good, ol' Dumbo Scott adams thinks everybody is just "individuals" and "Trying to get ahead". While totalatrians like "Victoria" run the USA.
One doesn't know whether to laugh or to cry.
Do people like scott adams EVER LEARN? Or has Scott learned, and he's just is doing what he can? I dunno. I'm just average Joe-six pack IQ 100.
I guess Scott knows what he's doing. He's a zillionaire and I'm not. But this dumb libertarian, "Hey we're all the same, we're all 'murcians no matter what our skin color" isn't what the power elite believe anymore.
The pro-groomer democraticals are really out in force on this one!
Interestingly, none of the pro-groomer democraticals will actually address the results of the poll in question nor will the pro-groomer democraticals state categorically that it actually is ok to be white.
I guess the pro-groomer democratical maoists know better than to go against the mob and risk a struggle session or two along with cancellation.
Lets ask daniel12, victoria, readering et al: is it okay to be white? Is it okay to hate all white people based on the color of their skin alone?
Stand by for lots and lots of "crickets".
That John Derbyshire column can be reduced to: "Black people are inferior and dangerous."
It's not exactly an innovative point. It's actually the oldest point of all. It's the most foundational racism possible, and also helps explain why racists get upset at being called racist.
Who decided that being successful in school is "acting White"?
Who accuses Black people of acting White when they are successful?
Who created and posted a poster in the Smithsonian proclaiming that all the attributes of success in the modern world are "Whiteness"?
Who is killing dozens of young Black men in our inner cities every weekend?
Who is forcing 75% of Black children to be raised without a father?
Who is driving businesses out of Black neighborhoods due to theft?
Why aren't Black people held responsible for anything?
“….that his recent divorce really affected him in a negative way. Adams thought it was love but all it was was hustle.”
An ugly, old weirdo w/ money married a hot young woman.
What? You’re telling me that It wasn’t true love?
Like Adams, I’m shocked!
What's the point?
Falling into the left's race obsessed game is a loser.
None of it needs to be said - because we already know it's a war on white men.
The point is to push back at PROGRESSIVE WHITES.
Well, if I wind up having to pay to read “Dilbert” then it will be hard to afford my subscription to the Winchester Star.. Oh, well.
We can’t talk honestly about race in this country.
I was labeled as a racist by Mayor Pete. I phrased my question poorly. Crime is sky high in tiny South Bend. Why is that?
Scott is right. Just give up about race.
I really don’t care about Black-on-Black violence. I don’t care about drug use in the Black community. I don’t care about Black illegitimacy, I don’t care about the sorry state of Black education. They have brought it on themselves.
But congratulations to the likes of Clarence Thomas. To the Blacks who graduate from Creighton, Wisconsin and UNL. To the Black boys who graduate from Creighton Prep and the Jesuit Academy in Omaha. They are working hard and taking advantage of the opportunities America provides.
Same for all the Blacks in the trades, cops and firemen.
Obama had the chance to change Black culture. He could have said, “Be like me.” Stop using drugs. Take school seriously. Get married before you have kids. He did none of that.
But, hey, Mayor Pete called me a racist. He’s a Rhodes Scholar. How could he be wrong?
Can't We ALL Agree..
That being white; is EVIL??
That white people ARE EVIL?
That Anyone that is not a POC MUST NOT BE ALLOWED, to Exist??
Any Other Thoughts.. ARE RACIST!!!
It’s a good thing that Big Brother and the Thought Police don’t read the Althouse blog comments as otherwise I’d be in jail.
I sure hope Scott doesn't harm himself in the coming weeks and months.
I want to hear him discuss Trump's first sentencing hearing over a steaming mug or cup or chalice of delicious steaming covfefe.
Anyway, it looks like the Daily Stormer is ready to pick up syndication of Dilbert.
At the last Creighton home basketball game, former player Josh Dotzler had a video commercial for his Abide organization. It was a woke commercial about how Abide was going to fix and save the Black community in Omaha. It won’t work. Nothing has worked for the last 50 years except for the Jesuit Academy.
People up in here quote Adam's religiously.Scott Adam's says. Scott Adam's says, just don't care what Scott Adam's says I rather use my own judgement on things rather than rely on what Scott Adam's says! Cmon man think for yourself geesh How many times I see Scott Adam's says ad nauseum.Cmon man.I just don't idolize people that are supposed to be significant. Silly
No opinion of the Washington Post is valid or credible. No story reported can be considered truthful. They destroyed their reputation long ago.
Where it all started, I believe.
Link to Scott Adams YouTube clip
“Based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from black people. Just get the f*** away,” Adams continued, after commenting further on race relations and crime. “Wherever you have to go, just get away. Because there’s no fixing this. This can’t be fixed."
You can't say that, but how is he not right? And the sad thing is, this state of affairs was purposefully constructed to the advantage of the left. They need the constant state of agitation, and they got it.
If this guy had read John Derbyshire The Talk, he might still be alive:
No, I’m not sure on the race of the perpetrators, but with no pictures or description the absence is telling.
Or the Florida teachers aid:
Whites per woke dogma are inherently racist, and have inherent biase. And this is propagandized. See what Disney did:
It’s terrifying what the Left is doing in race, using it to keep power. They need an outsized amount of Black to vote Democratic, or the Democratic Party will be destroyed.
When the old "I'm ok, you're ok" doesn't hold, seems to be breaking down, problems of the existential kind are inevitable.
While on the verge of some of the greatest technological advances the world has never seen, we are acting as though we had no hope.
It's truly incredibly sad.
Plenty of papers previously canceled Dilbert because Adams did not hate Trump.
I follow Scott Adams pretty closely and this is false: "[Scott Adams] has been entertaining extreme-right ideologies and conspiracy theories for several years"
Blogger Quaestor said...
"Imagine a national poll showing 55% of White Americans (note capitalizations) said it is "OK to be black." Imagine the anti-white denunciations erupting from every media outlet with cash at stake."
If it was a Rasmussen poll, I doubt anyone other than the idiot Adams would pay much attention to it.
Quaestor said...
"(Note to the editors of the Washington Post: Scott Adams' comment was neither Socratic nor quasi-Socratic. The Socratic method is neither sarcasm nor facetiousness, you miseducated morons.)"
Quaestor actually matriculated for two semesters at Trump University, and now he's trying to impress everybody.
Perhaps Scott Adams looked ahead and asked: what will be the consequence of DEI being mandated? And the answer might have been: something bad. After all, we just had a mask/lockdown mandate and the consequence was a switch to working at home and a move away from the cities and states most interested in enforcing those mandates. And so the consequence of these DEI mandates will be .... well, I'm not sure what he thought. But look at what he did. He voluntarily sought cancellation by saying something he knew would cause it, like someone setting themselves on fire so that their words would be heard. In a sense, he was just saying that CRT and DEI increase division which many people are saying but I think he saw a dangerous future if division increased. So dangerous that he sacrificed his career, an attention-getting move, to underline the words of his warning. He isn't saying "step back from blacks"; he's saying "step back from DEI before both blacks and whites begin to act on the words they hear."
So that these podcasts are the first act in which the life-changing event happens, or, in this case, is done. He delivers his warning and in retaliation, the scarlet letter, "R" for racist, is attached to him. The second act is when he becomes a wanderer on the face of the earth, an unknown man on a European boat trip, a shadowy form leaving a flower on Churchill's grave, Churchill whose warnings seemed to have destroyed his career. People begin to claim to have seen him. In a dive taking opium in Viet Nam. Driving an expensive car toward the winter sports at Davos.
Too-late advice to Scott Adams: When Mr Electrode comes a-knockin, endeavor not to be Mr Frogleg.
DINKY DAU 45: "People up in here quote Adam's religiously."
Another made up Dinky Dau "fact".
When the premise has careened into a ditch, the "conclusions" end up there as well.
LLR Chuck said: "Anyway, it looks like the Daily Stormer is ready to pick up syndication of Dilbert."
Sounds made up. Be sure to provide that first all important link to back that assertion up.
Have you formally met your teammates Dinky Dau and Mutaman?
Daniel12: "Regular people: racists are people who believe that other races are inferior."
You just described almost half the black adult population per the poll, assuming the poll is sufficiently representative of US citizens that are black.
I'm still trying to figure out why longtime Althouse blog racist poster LLR Chuck believes this is an appropriate thread for him to offer his hot takes.
LLR Chuck should apologize for his racist posting history before going any further.
What he said sure is different from the headlines.
It's interesting that he counsels black people to use the overtly racist affirmative action Borg and throws out the shocking mainstream statistic that nearly half of all blacks think it isn't right to be white, and points out that saying so is, indeed, hate speech by the official definition. That saying, by the way, has been around for decades. When I was at Emory, before I was thrown out of one department, I was forced to buy my textbooks at a feminist bookstore, Charis Books, that was plastered with the slogan "if you're white, it's not alright." My green money was OK though. I was later forced to spend hours in another department learning that teaching composition was racist (hilariously, the course was "Teaching Composition") and even how black graduate students were being oppressed by being offered too many tenure track jobs (which the vast majority of white students in the humanities had no hope of getting by then).
When DEI obsessives say exactly what Adams says here, only directed at whites, nobody at WaPo calls them "right wing radicals." They call them "the editorial staff."
I agree with Temujin and John Henry, wildswan and others here and thank Scott Adams for saying uncomfortable things (which, indeed, James Baldwin said decades ago, with equal and opposite cause then -- it's quite an essay).
But it's still a shame. I have a few dear black people in my life, and they don't deserve this any more than we do. And so here we are, all subject to the leftist/democrat racists in charge who have been steadily fomenting race war in America since the Russian Revolution because they correctly anticipated that it would lead to eventual communist revolution.
Look at the stats on young people who believe in communism and that white isn't right. The plan is working.
Just ask Anita Dunn in the White House. Or Bill Ayers. Or any nutcase selling Worker's World or The Final Call on a sidewalk. Or anyone working in a Dean's office. Or Human Resources. Scott Adams is one brave geek.
And yet, Al Sharpton has said WAY worse, and he gets invites to the White House (Over 80 times under Saint Obama) and the Democrats have to kiss his ring before they can run for president. We live in an upside down world.
This will sound, Completely Incomprehensible to some of you; but..
Scott Adams is 65 years old. If he NEVER works another day in his life.. That is: Normal
Oh! The BRAVERY! (or, Stupidity!!) of a 65 year old ending his career!!! WHAT WILL HE DO NOW??
Planned-Demic and race bating assholes like Crook White Biden.
(Biden just came out and said that Lynching is a modern problem in the US)
It's all the same stew , people.
Who do the left install?
and he's White.
Thank you, wendybar. Sharpton called the raped, nearly murdered, brain damaged jogger a whore who lured those black men into the park. He incited a riot, trying to access her, shaking the police van taking her to the courtroom to try to pull her from it and murder her. Lynch her.
She identified no defendants. All she testified to was that she had no memory of the event, having sustained severe brain injuries.
And the Central Park Five were guilty as hell and falsely acquitted. Read the trial transcripts and Ann Counter and Linda Fairstein books. Yet Sharpton was one of Obama's closest advisors. How is that ethical or "healing"? Democrats? Democrats?
Obama had the chance to change Black culture. He could have said, “Be like me.” Stop using drugs. Take school seriously. Get married before you have kids.
@Dave Begley, Barack Obama did only the last of those three.
As with Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan, endless efforts at cancellation will make him stronger and untouchable over the long term. Hate is not the opposite of love, rather, hate reveals that the other party is attached to the target and cannot shake the target.
People on the left routinely lose focus and some change their minds -- they thereby consolidate into 'new conservatives' who are happy with the status quo. Scott Adams said what used to be dogmatically accepted as true, and what was a valid topic of debate and discussion before Social Media Morality took over. The screw will rotate and Mr. Adams will recover...or remembered as principled after he dies...
Barack Obama's presidency effectively destroyed three quarters of a century of progress in race relations in the United States.
So-called "DEI" is essentially "Hate Whitey" on steroids. Race hatred in this country is mostly one-way -- blacks hating whites.
"I will guess Daniel12 has never once walked through a majority black neighborhood in his entire life that wasn't, at a minimum, part of some official parade."
Of course you would guess that Yancey. It helps you maintain your worldview.
Sharpton is a race-bating white left whore.
Al Sharpton is a pile of hot rotting garbage.
5:33 Temujin.
Well said.
Adams will have to make do living off the remaining subscribers and his estimated net worth of $50 million.
Meanwhile, sane people of all races, can ponder the implications of a poll suggesting that only 53% of blacks think it is "okay to be white" coupled with the extremely disproportionate propensity of black men toward violent crime.
Not to worry Daniel12. You, like your President, can still favor your "truth" over actual facts that give rise to the aforementioned pondering by saner folks. After all your "truth" is what's so. Facts only foster conservative "worldviews." LOL!
Hombre I direct you to my several efforts up thread to point out that Rasmussen was polling a well-known meme. Which is weird, but less weird than Rasmussen randomly polling the phrase "it's ok to be white".
It's very important to folks here to ignore this, lest they lose fodder for their own hate. Meanwhile even Scott Adams has said questions about the validity of the poll are legit.
“The statement, “It’s OK to be white,” was first pushed on right-wing websites and then picked up in speeches by influencers. It has since been decried as a hate chant by the Anti-Defamation League.”
“Vicki from Pasadena”
It’s the little old biddy from Pasadena!
Go! Get out of Brooklyn, baby, go, go
Get out of Brooklyn, better, go
Get out of Brooklyn, better, go, go
Get out of Brooklyn cause you sound like a far-lefty
And you might just be a Commie
Better get out of Brooklyn
Better get out of Brooklyn
Adam's mistake is ascribing a trait to an entire race. That's racist, no matter what race the speaker is.
To avoid being labeled a racist, one must agree that the only cause of any black problems is racism. To mention the high black crime rate or the huge gap in educational achievement is considered racist.
Preventing us from talking about the real problems of blacks in America discourages us from solving the real problems of blacks in America. Is it too nasty to suggest that this is what liberals really want?
I am NOT even going to try to entertain the idea Scott Adams is racist. Stupid sometimes. Crass sometimes. Insensitive sometimes. But he ain't a racist. Trying to conjure that accusation out of one statement is silly.
Therese Bottomley, the editor of my local newspaper, The Oregonian, wrote the following in support of their decision to drop Dilbert:
"As my colleague Chris Quinn, editor of and the Plain Dealer, said so well: 'We are not a home for those who espouse racism. We certainly do not want to provide them with financial support.'”
The explanation of the decision ended:
“I don’t know whether those views will make their way into “Dilbert,” and now I don’t have to worry about that.”
It is sad in this day and age that we cannot separate the man and his brilliant satire that does not espouse his racial views. No, his art must be censored, she says, lest he might at some time in the future cross the racial divide.
The Oregonian's editor encapsulates the same righteous tyranny that would have suppressed T.S. Eliot because he expressed some views that were considered antisemitic. Suppressing T.S. Eliot would only be right so that she wouldn't have "to worry about that".
Lincoln Wolverton
La Center, Washington
Scott Adams is displaying a lot of the symptoms/signs of Asperger's Syndrome. I think it's pretty clear that he's somewhere on the spectrum, and like all such people, you have to take their work-product and conduct with a bit of forbearance. They tend to get a lot wrong, when it comes to interpreting and reacting to other people, because they don't think like "other people" and they are also typically lacking in empathy.
Adams is a perfect example of what I've been saying for years about the perils of taking the results IQ tests as being some sort of sign of virtue. Yes, they measure a kind of intelligence that has an illusory quality of "success" in the real world, but the reality is that you wind up elevating guys like Adams to positions where they're manifestly incapable of functioning. He's very, very smart. He's also not all that good with people. At. All. He thinks he's saying reasonable and undeniable things, and he is; to his own way of thinking and processing the world around him. Is he correct? Does that mode of thinking work?
Unknowable things, those. We shall see. I suspect that Adams might just be "Crazy like a Fox", and aside from marching to the beat of a different drummer, I think he has his own plans. What those are? No damn idea. None. He's a bit of a loose cannon.
Linc said...
"The Oregonian's editor encapsulates the same righteous tyranny that would have suppressed T.S. Eliot because he expressed some views that were considered antisemitic. Suppressing T.S. Eliot would only be right so that she wouldn't have "to worry about that".
When I read Dilbert, T.S. Eliot is always the first person that comes to mind.
People don't even try to understand other people. Witch, burn!!
It's obvious what Adams is saying, but people will not try.
He happens to be rich enough that he can throw his whole Dilbert business away to make his point.
The ADL has not recently been a reliable participant in our national dialogue regarding racism. They are on a par with the SPLC in lumping non-racists with racists, and in their tendency to see racism as a specifically right wing phenomenon. Commentary Magazine pointed this out not too long ago.
Obama had the chance to change Black culture. He could have said, “Be like me.” Stop using drugs. Take school seriously. Get married before you have kids.
You mean Obama could have changed black culture by saying, be like me. Be born to a white mother and be effectively raised by your maternal white grandmother.
"Adam's mistake is ascribing a trait to an entire race. That's racist, no matter what race the speaker is."
Of course nothing is absolute - Pit Bulls are not all agresssively lethal but Golden Retrievers they are not.
Racism in the USA will NEVER go away because it is the foundation of an entire industry. There is a lot of money and celebrity to be gained by fighting racism.
Ann, you are wrong.
'It's alright to be white' is a response to the much-disseminated leftist slogan 'it's not all right (or right, or other variations) to be white' floating around the left since at least 1990. Either present your source or retract, please. I can present mine.
Cruel objectivity cuts both ways. I'm tired of your outrage posing as expertise.
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