From "Kamala Harris Is Trying to Define Her Vice Presidency. Even Her Allies Are Tired of Waiting. Ms. Harris is struggling to carve out a lane for herself in what may be one of the most consequential periods in the vice presidency" (NYT).
"Aides have encouraged her to liberate herself from the teleprompter and show the nation the Ms. Harris they say they see when the cameras are off, one who can cross-examine policymakers on the intricacies of legislative proposals and connect with younger voters across the country. Ms. Harris has acknowledged her reservations about leaning into the more symbolic aspects of her current position. 'My bias has always been to speak factually, to speak accurately, to speak precisely about issues and matters that have potentially great consequence,' she said... 'I find it off-putting to just engage in platitudes. I much prefer to deconstruct an issue and speak of it in a way that hopefully elevates public discourse and educates the public.'"
Do you think there is this other Kamala Harris who springs to life "when the cameras are off"? It's hard to believe... it's like the Phil Hartman Ronald Reagan:
७५ टिप्पण्या:
Americans proved in 2020 that they are satisfied with a stupid president. I don't see why they would not double down in '24. Harris would be even less of a president than Biden, completely captured by staff and cabinet.
A nice reminder that SNL used to be funny.
"It is time for us to do what we have been doing. And that time is every day."
-Kamala Harris
OMG, laugh out loud. If that Kamala Harris exists, a left leaning version of Condoleeza Rice, please put her on display. I would vote for her.
Aides have encouraged her to liberate herself from the teleprompter and show the nation the Ms. Harris they say they see when the cameras are off, one who can cross-examine policymakers on the intricacies of legislative proposals and connect with younger voters across the country.
"She's got the whole White House press corp asking each other how to spell erudite."
Those among us who have watched the HBO comedy VEEP can't help but see Kamala as a weak imitation of that show's protagonist.
She's made Dan Quayle seem like Richard Feynman.
Does anybody REALLY believe that anyone can become President in 2024 based on and fair and auditable election in the United States? You think Madison & Milwaukee, WI are going to be transparent? Philly? Maricopa? Fulton County, GA? Detroit?? If after 2020 you believe this, you are kidding yourself.
The 2016 Trump surprise ended all that. They will NEVER let the working class decide again.
Anyone (DeSantis included) will have to have the approval and blessing of the Deep State, WEC, China, NATO etc...
The absentee fraud is now baked in, and we are all "moving on". Right?
If these people want Kamala to be President, she will be President. You really don't have to mess with much to swing the Electoral College. That was proven.
Pretty sure this post should get a "misinformation" tag.
Kamala is an idiot. Why the money men in Silicon Valley chose her is just a mystery.
Forest for the trees... One of her "assignments" is the border, which is a gobsmacking disgusting mess, causing misery and death both inside and outside of our country. That she doesn't even seem to care about it completely disqualifies her from any future public role.
"Americans proved in 2020 that they are satisfied with a stupid president."
They've proved than in many election years preceding 2020. There's 2016, for instance.
"Aides have encouraged her to liberate herself from the teleprompter"
Seems to work well for Joe.
My bias has always been to speak factually, to speak accurately, to speak precisely about issues and matters that have potentially great consequence
For real? Really for real?
So all her circular say-nothingness was because someone typed it into a Teleprompter?
Wow, the quote from her above amply displays why she is the poorest public communicator in my memory.
Was that quote intended to display "the Ms. Harris (aides) say they see when the cameras are off "? In the words of Barbara Nichols as Chickadee Laverne "Wowee wow wow wow!"
And yet, if Kamala runs, I fully expect that in yet another election shocker she will garner...ohhhhh...around 102,000,000 votes. Just for the Big Blue Counting Machine to be certain that it drags her across the finish line with a win.
and if Kamala Harris is known for anything, it is for her ability to "speak factually, to speak accurately, [and] to speak precisely" about the important matters.
Live by racism and quotas, die by racism and quotas. The democrat party way.
The number of bizarre speeches Harris has given over the past 2 years (and can still be viewed online) shows that she is unintentionally funnier than anything SNL tries so intentionally hard to be funny about and failed over the last couple of decades.
Harris has gone through an incredibly large number of advisors and speech writers as veep. I don’t believe that they are writing what is coming out of her mouth, just like the gaffes and the daily whoppers that Biden tells about his past experiences aren’t on the teleprompter.
Really too bad what happened to Phil Hartman. But, that's what you get for marrying a mentally ill woman.
First, you woke. Then, you take a knee. Sure, why not. Maybe she can save Biden's Obama's world war legacy, shared responsibility (e.g. progressive prices), CAIR, DIE, etc.
"one who can cross-examine policymakers on the intricacies of legislative proposals…"
I watched Harris question Mike Pompeo (IIRC, it was a CIA Chief appt.) and Brett Kavanaugh, in two Senate nomination hearings. No doubt in my mind that she can not hold up her end of such an exchange. Frankly, she's just not very smart.
Newsflash: Up is down. Hot is cold. Kamala Harris is an articulate person who hates platitudes, yet her speechwriters put repetitive drivel on her teleprompter.
Dan Quayle seem like Richard Feynman
A handmade tale, serially brayed, can make a baby into a carbon deposit, a dirty residue of sex, a first-order forcing of [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] climate cooling... warming... change, so, yes, it happened to Quayle, it could happen to anyone, even Feynman.
HEY! People!!
Kamela is an African-American, and a Black, as well as a PoC.
She is: Female, and Lesbian, AND a mom!!..
PLUS! She is Trans, and Jewish! AND Jamaican..
EVEN MORE!! She's a Native American Indian!!
Kamela checks EVERY box on the list.. Some that don't even exist!
Not Only THAT! She sucks a mean cock!!
And you Transphobes say you don't want her, just because she can't walk and chew gum at the same time?
Well! Look At THAT! She's Handi-capable too!!! PLUS! She's Mentally Challenged !!
Afraid I agree with Gusty above. Unless mail-in balloting (note: not "voting") is quashed and elections are cleaned up, the populace doesn't really matter very much. Unless legit voters can get past the margin of fraud, which seems to get wider every year. . . . .
"Aides have encouraged her to liberate herself from the teleprompter"
[Flounder voice] This is going to be so great! [/Flounder voice]
"I find it off-putting to just engage in platitudes."
Yes, Madame Vice President, we've noticed.
"A nice reminder that SNL used to be funny."
Not that there hasn't been a decline in median quality, but remember survivor's bias. An insightful article I can't find points out, those awesome SNL skits we recall are the ones sifted from hundreds, even thousands of hours of dreck.
The same article counseled, if we're tempted to think how much more awesome pop and rock were back in the day, just remember that the #1 hit song of 1969 wasn't (e.g.) "Gimme Shelter," by the Rolling Stones. It was "Sugar, Sugar" by the Archies.
She probably couldn't even win the nomination.
hawkeyedjb said...
"Americans proved in 2020 that they are satisfied with a stupid president."
Robert Cook responded...
"They've proved than in many election years preceding 2020. There's 2016, for instance."
Well, Hillary Clinton did "win the popular vote".
(Yes, I know the popular vote doesn't mean anything.)
Biden is a senile goofy puppet. Harris would be a dumb female puppet. No reason to think the Liberals and the D voters wouldn't vote for Harris and elect her.
They'll vote for anyone with (D) after their name.
If she remains on the ticket, will it be because they are confident of winning or will it be so they can blame her if they lose?
When it comes to the Democrats, it doesn't really matter who they put in charge. WHoever they put on SCOTUS votes the Liberal/left party line. Whoever they have as House speaker or Senate Leader follows the liberal/left party line. If harris replaces Biden nothing will change.
Aides have encouraged her to liberate herself from the teleprompter and show the nation the Ms. Harris they say they see when the cameras are off, one who can cross-examine policymakers on the intricacies of legislative proposals
I find this hard to believe when insiders have complained that she doesn't bother to reading briefing materials her staff prepares and then blows up on them when she looks like an ignoramus as a result.
That said, she is a lawyer, so she may be able to fake her way through these "cross examinations" just by picking up on stuff policymakers say and "drilling down," even if she has no background knowledge.
Well Vice-President Joe "shoot a shotgun in the air" Biden became President, so anything is possible.
Robert Cook said..."Americans proved in 2020 that they are satisfied with a stupid president."
They've proved than in many election years preceding 2020. There's 2016, for instance.
Say what you want about him as president, but you'd have to be awfully stupid to think Trump is stupid. And I know you're not stupid. You have, however, been getting careless lately about signing out of your Robert Cook account and signing back in as Howard when you want to make some dumbass troll post. You're damaging your brand.
The fact that this idiot is one breath away from the Presidency is terrifying.
Terrifying: this idiot is one breath away from the Presidency.
Stay healthy, Joe.
Should Mr. Biden actually seek a second term, the verb "run" does not seem appropriate. Nor even "walk". "Stumble", perhaps. "Joe Biden is stumbling for re-election".
She's been proving her competency level via her handling of the border.
Joementa may get behind her.
Dr Jill will play hardball to keep old Joe in office. She knows that either he dies in office or under indictment. Just a matter of time before Hunter goes down. I wouldn't put it past him to try to take mom and dad down with him, but Joe is untouchable as long as he is the Pres.
Joe will run with a new VP, drop out of the race 2 weeks before first primary and endorse the VP selected for him
Women usually display a sort of passive stupidity. Kamala is actively stupid.
"Kamala is an idiot. Why the money men in Silicon Valley chose her is just a mystery."
No mystery as she is a useful idiot! Checked all the Affirmative Action boxes, easily distracted by yellow school buses, unable to perform her duties even in looking for those "root causes", and the perfect foil against the impeachment or assassination of Joe.
If Kamala is reading from a Teleprompter, who the hell has she hired to write her speeches for her?
But, I am also a realist. If the media and the Dems want her to be president, she will be president.
There will be nothing that can be done. That will stop it.
"She's made Dan Quayle seem like Richard Feynman."
That so-called final e was actually a quantum mechanical subscript. The erudite diner needs to know the mass of his spud in electron volts.
"They've proved than in many election years preceding 2020. There's 2016, for instance."
Writes the maladroit Wilde-wannabe who lacks the wit to delete his misspelled witticism. Nothing discredits a critique of another's intelligence more than poor orthography.
Never mind erudite, can anyone on the left spell that?
Harris’ price not to run as Biden’s VP again is astronomical.
Biden can’t get rid of her. She has to publicly say she’s not running for VP again and why.
Given Biden’s age and frail health, there’s a decent chance Biden dies before the next election and a high chance he dies in office if he’s re-elected.
So Harris’ price is whatever she would make in graft as president. Biden got ridiculously wealthy in graft as a Senator and Vice President. So Harris is asking for twice Joe’s net worth and future revenue stream for the Biden family.
Harris just became Biden’s sole heir
"'My bias has always been to speak factually, to speak accurately, to speak precisely ...,' she said.."
Good to see that she has overcome her bias.
Michael K said...
"Kamala is an idiot. Why the money men in Silicon Valley chose her is just a mystery."
No mystery. All the right boxes were checked. Anything else, like say, qualifications, was superfluous.
I didn't think a corrupt blowhard who has been wrong about everything for 5 decades, is obviously senile, and ran his campaign out of his basement could get elected president. I didn't think a proven failure who can barely communicate could get elected senator of Pennsylvania. For that matter, I didn't think Trump could get elected.
There are no rules anymore. Kamala could very much win the Presidency. Actually, it is hard to imagine any Democrat who is so tainted that would have no chance, given the media and the Deep State will be dragging them across the finish line.
That said, Kamala is an absolutely terrible campaigner. Unless the party were to line up behind her, she is not going to survive the primaries. In addition, anyone sane would not want her near any sort of actual power, given she is obviously incompetent, but that obviously does not matter anymore.
The people that installed her with Biden are trying to figure out how to uninstall them. It would have been easier if they stuck to democracy, because polls then and now show Harris isn’t popular with the electorate. But the electorate is now a fantasy, and it is DC parties that pick the winners and losers. If it was otherwise, this article would be written differently.
Tim Maguire beat me to it, but I have to add ...
My personal opinion of Trump prior to 2016 was he was a self-aggrandizing blowhard. After 2016 I had to revise my opinion. He's the greatest self-aggrandizing blowhard ever. You can't be a stupid person and have that kind of achievement. (Don't get me wrong, I'm very supportive of his policies, but he does have his flaws.)
Going backwards:
Obama - definitely not stupid whatever else one may think of him
Bush - despite what the left has to say, graduated HBS at a time when that was no joke. Not stupid.
Clinton - Rhodes scholar, outstanding political skills. Not stupid.
GHW Bush - Maybe our most connected deep state president. Definitely pretty far from stupid.
Reagan - Perhaps the most maligned intellect to hold the office. Certainly not stupid. Alzheimers setting in after his terms notwithstanding.
Carter - A modest intellect certainly, but not dumb. (That whole nuclear engineer thing was actually much more revealing if you knew what that job entailed.)
Ford - wasn't elected doesn't count. I have no idea what his actual cognitive capability was like when he was in office.
Nixon - say what you like about his character, clearly highly intelligent.
So, no, I don't think the American people have shown they are happy with a stupid president.
If she wasn't a quota hire this wouldn't be a problem...
Democrats built an electoral system where a dementia patient running from his basement could win. With the Dems advantages in methods, money and media, it no longer matters who they run. The only mystery left is in determining who the D nominee will be and that will be determined by DNC party bosses.
Does it really matter how stupid KH really is? America seems to have settled on its tribal memberships, and now that's how people decide when they vote. "Not gonna vote for any R!" "Not gonna vote for any D!"
We have devolved.
just remember that the #1 hit song of 1969 wasn't (e.g.) "Gimme Shelter," by the Rolling Stones. It was "Sugar, Sugar" by the Archies.
Great, now I'll have that in my head all day!
Don’t forget your chapstick, Kammy!
Predictions out the window after last two presidential election cycles. Harry Truman would also be amused.
"Most Democrats interviewed, who insisted on anonymity to avoid alienating the White House, said flatly that they did not think Ms. Harris could win the presidency in 2024."
Bold type mine.
I doubt it's "the White House" they're worried about. Seems to me Biden has not demonstrated himself to be a white (supremacy) knight ready to ride to Harris's defense; I imagine it's the notoriously short-fused Harris herself they're trying not to alienate.
Aide to the VP, however Junior, has got to be a great gig for a Democrat; you don't want to jeopardize your letter of recommendation. (Aide to a Republican VP is only a sinecure if you immediately turn your coat upon either your or the administration's exit.)
Step 1: Twist Sotomayor's arm to resign.
Step 2: Nominate Harris to the Supreme Court.
Step 3: Use the 1 vote Dem majority to confirm Harris to that post.
Step 4: Nominate Hillary Clinton as VP to replace Harris.
CA Gov. Newsom is already campaigning for President on a daily basis against Ron DeSantis, seeing him as his adversary for 2024. And Newsom has a huge war chest so he's making his move, putting up billboards in Texas and Florida. IMO, this is the most non secret open secret unless you follow him on Twitter. I agree that these decisions are being hashed out by elites we don't even know.
Kamala Who? I'm not saying she doesn't have some political skills but even as a prosecutor she f'd up with policies all over the place, many of which would be considered non starters at this point. Inside Kamala Harris’ polarizing record as a prosecutor By Lia Eustachewich August 12, 2020 NY Post And yet she's been continually promoted up the ladder politically. It's truly amazing.
Who wants - let alone needs - a war mongerer with dementia?
She’s impressed by the sound of her own voice.
HTML is not easy on an iPad.
There is only 1 person perfectly situated, and is being positioned and handled accordingly, to become the dem nominee in 2024: Michelle Obama.
Michelle Obama would be good for "schtruggle." Maybe release her Princeton thesis too.
What a sad state to find herself in- Harris might well be the only person in D.C. capable of making Joe Biden look smart.
Ah yes..the ever ambitious Moochelle.
It's a testament to how shoddily Kamala has treated those around her - the fact that her people are not beating the drum for invoking the 25th Amendment. Of course, should she do that, Biden (his handlers anyway) would freeze her out of any government responsibility but they couldn't take her office and her congressionally mandated staff away. She could set up a Shadow Cabinet and have them ready to take over once people came to their senses. All this could happen except for the fact that NOBODY LIKES HER.
No mystery as she is a useful idiot! Checked all the Affirmative Action boxes, easily distracted by yellow school buses, unable to perform her duties even in looking for those "root causes", and the perfect foil against the impeachment or assassination of Joe.
Yes, but the Democrats had lots of smart blacks to choose from. Oh, er....
I guess Sheila Jackson Lee is a reach.
Let's assume DeSantis makes a serious run for the (R) nomination. If so, The Trumpster should announce that he's running in the (D) primary. You know, just for the fun of it.
If Lightfoot can win re-election in Chicago, I would say that that augurs well for the candidacy of Harris. Also, if it happens that someone even worse than Lightfoot becomes the next Mayor, then that also augurs well for Harris.....Harris doesn't provide many inspirational moments, but, on the plus side, she's not actively obnoxious like some other Dems of similar provenance.
The same article counseled, if we're tempted to think how much more awesome pop and rock were back in the day, just remember that the #1 hit song of 1969 wasn't (e.g.) "Gimme Shelter," by the Rolling Stones. It was "Sugar, Sugar" by the Archies.
Interestingly enough, according to Micky Dolenz the Monkees were supposed to record "Sugar, Sugar," but Mike Nesmith, under the misapprehension that he was a genuine musician, led what Dolenz described as a "palace revolt" that resulted in the group breaking up. For those who were not watching TV back in 1969, the Archies were a cartoon group, so even less authentic than the Monkees.
No, I couldn't resist.
Someone further up mentioned that Harris won't even get through the primaries to become the nominee, which I tend to agree with. And that would take tremendous pressure off the five or six urban vote harvesting areas to come up with the massive amount of ballots needed for Dems to win.
As many commenters have pointed out, above, the criminal organization that calls itself the "Democratic Party" can elect anyone they want to the Presidency. Their ability to garner 81 MILLION votes for a corrupt hack politician with no political/legislative accomplishments to his name, who didn't campaign at all, and who was already noticeably senile clearly demonstrates the awesome power of voter fraud.
Whether Kamala is the candidate depends on the Party's assessment of her potential for manipulation.
RC Belaire's comment made me laugh. I'd love to see Trump run as a Dem.
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