ADDED: Musk's tweeting this is ambiguous. He could mean I am this person. But he could mean Guys like this are pathetic and dangerous. Presumably, he intends the ambiguity. And the simplest interpretation is that he wants us to heat up Twitter with debate about what the hell this means.
७२ टिप्पण्या:
Hostility? Please don't morph into a snowflake on us.
There is no hostility here.
Just a statement of sound moral values as opposed to the sins of sloth, gluttony and lust.
The Ten Commandments are not statements of hostility.
I speak as a sinner.
It strikes me as fiction.
Matriarchal compassion unbalanced by patriarchal discipline is destroying our kids.
The triumph of satanic feminism is the underlying cause of those tents cities full of drug addicted, aimless kids, and the wilding savages terrorizing our cities.
Our kids are desperate for direction and discipline. They face a hopeless life of drifting with little prospect of marriage and family to support them.
All they have is the carnival of the appetites.
I think it's a suggestion that you better learn to ride the AI horse, or you will be trampled by it.
When his toilet overflows and he needs a plumber his chest thumping will look silly.
Ah, the call of the incel. "I would have sex, really, but I am just too busy with my ML and neural nets."
There are plenty of people in data science who live normal lives, you know.
We are all living Kurt Vonnegut's first novel, "Player Piano." Oh yeah, throw in "Infinite Jest" and "Shibumi." If you had read those three novels and taken them to heart, nothing happening today would surprise you.
Someone is jealous that other people are getting all the attention these days.
And unlike full self driving, their systems actually work.
And they didn't have to bend over for Modi to get there!
Ann, this is a self-deprecating joke. It's playing off of memes that make fun of "mall ninja" boys. The original references are lines like "While you were getting drunk at parties and hitting on cheerleaders, I was studying the blade", set over a picture of a chubby, shaggy 17-year-old posing with a $40 katana. Do a search for the phrase "Master forgive me" for similar content and explanations.
"Go west, young man."
"Ah, the call of the incel."
Eddie Van Halen spent his teenage years alone in his room mastering guitar solos of the greats while his friends went out to dances, or whatever. Who ended up with more pootang?
I think this link provides the context needed to appreciate the humor involved.
I know our daughter voiced something like this.
She called me toward the end of her Jr Year in college. Kind of stressed and needing a little ego massage. She was bummed out. Her friends were heading off for the weekend, but she had reading to do and a couple of papers due in the next 10 days.
Why? she sniffled, did she have to work so hard and all her friends had it so easy. So I pumped her up, helped with a short gratitude list, and told her my experience informed me, the harder I worked, the luckier I got.
After graduation in Education, she started the Job hunt dance. Her first and second interview went well, she called after the second and talked. She called an hour later, her second interview had called her back with an offer. Despite claiming they had 10 more interviews, they offered her the job and interviewed the other candidates. They were not going to allow her to get away.
Fast forward a year, and she's back at home for the weekend, because one of her happy go lucky friends was getting married. Sunday at lunch she talked about all of her friends, more then half of them still looking for jobs.
Hard work always pays dividends.
Boys today are often raised by divorced parents, and often spend a large parentage of their time playing video games. Those are works of fiction involving cartoon females with huge, bouncing boobs and heroes/heroines who use swords and weapons to slay vast numbers of enemies. Easily. It's not even a competitive *game*, as many are set up for pay-to-advance. You just click, click, click, and go along for the ride. The AI plays the game for you. These are likely the same young 'investors' who poured $$$$$$$ into garbage 'stonks' throughout the crypto bubble and most recent taxpayer-fueled 0% interest loan giveaways.
Boys today are struggling and need guidance, but they find none from parents nor media nor games nor anything. So, they become people like those in the image: skinny arms, swords, and fantasies of world domination. 'Cause they've never had a real test in life. Some clever competitive males become transgendered females so they can passively-aggressively walk over their smaller, weaker competitors. 'Cause that's how you win in a video game. Jordan Peterson was the first public voice to offer them help, and he was pilloried by those who needed him the most.
So, I see this not as a threat but Musk pointing out a serious cultural and societal issue. These young men will be your leaders in 20 years.
Now, females on the other hand have by and large joined convents (universities; female-oriented careers). They remain virginal until >30 and thereby are likely to die without very marrying or having children. Because of constant social media, because of manipulative media propaganda that aggravates their natural anxieties about global warming, overpopulation, etc. etc. etc.
Welcome to the 21st Century evolutionary subcultural die-off. Gonna happen. We're not gonna stop it.
In the Middle Ages if you didn’t know how to make a sword most people could fathom what it did and how it was made and roughly what it was made of.
Today 99% of people including the vast majority of computer science majors could barely describe how virtual memory works much less implement it.
We are entering an age of magic. There are wizards and sorcerers among us doing things most people cannot even begin to understand with their law and psychology degrees.
Watching people who still use the term Artificial Intelligence as if it actually describes what is being done try to pontificate about the effects of machine learning over the next years is just kinda depressing really.
You people may or may not need to feel fear. But you should realize that your existence will be decided by what happens in that arena. The killer robots are here now.
Soon they will be unleashed. They are being tested in Ukraine. Go watch the videos of drones dropping mortar shells.
Soon we are all going to know fear.
Speak no evil toward the man dragging us kicking and screaming into the future. He can be as nerdy as he wants.
"And they didn't have to bend over for Modi to get there!"
Got your shot in on Modi too! Good work. Is there some kind of scoring system there where the more enemies of the CIA and the Military Industrial Complex you slam in a post, the better you do? You kind of remind me of the "hackers' group," Anonymous, who always seem to have the exact same enemies as the CIA.
Remember that anybody who is beloved by the people, like Trump, like Modi, like Musk, is an enemy to the elite and must be constantly slimed. What Twitter Files has shown us is that any leader who allows Twitter to function in their country unregulated, and has a US embassy, and doesn't play ball with Biden's cronies, is begging for a "color revolution."
I read what Achilles had to say at 7:19 and I concur. I think it's almost funny, and has been written about in scores of books, short stories, movies, that humans would build technology and get surprised when they cannot keep up with their own inventions, which shortly exert power and control over humanity.
Imagine the militaries of the world working to unleash technology that they think they can control. The same people tasked with noticing a giant balloon entering your airspace, and missing it. The technology is there. Humans are not.
Every time I see another video released from Boston Scientific, showing the latest thing that they'll allow us to see, I see the live remake of an older "Black Mirror" episode. (Who knows what Boston Scientific isn't showing us?). We are a few short years away from 'Bad Robots'.
After reading "Our Final Invention", by James Barrat a few years ago, I've just been watching the accumulating tech advances and glancing at the calendar.
Seems to me to include by implication, 'When I was this guy, you were insulting me, cancelling me, diminishing me...." And now you have the audacity.....
Sort of like the veiled threat in the last two lines of Kipling's "Tommy".
"An' Tommy ain't a bloomin' fool,"
"You bet that Tommy sees."
As former military, I felt like that a time or two in the seventies and eighties.
Achilles- I recall reading somewhere that soon after the Wright Brothers made their flights, a certain segment of the world was absolutely terrified that the next thing would be people dropping dynamite from aeroplanes, from which there could be no defense or escape. I don't pretend to understand AI, but while a killer robot may drop a bomb on me, it can't kill everyone, and the people who remain can take a step back and beat it if it comes to that.
At the risk of following the corollary of Godwin's Law, which states that eventually all internet threads degenerate into a mention of Trump, when I read Ann's headline for this piece, my mind immediately went to thinking that Musk, like Trump, has a lot of great ideas and is extremely good at implementing them, but why does he express himself that way?
I'm sure it's just me.
Iconochasm has the right interpretation. This is just a multi-layered meme: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-studied-the-blade
Ah, the call of the incel. "I would have sex, really, but I am just too busy with my ML and neural nets."
Musk has 9 kids...he's hardly an incel.
Musk, like Trump, has a lot of great ideas and is extremely good at implementing them, but why does he express himself that way?
The flippant answer is because they can.
Musk is also on the autism spectrum.
This is hostile?
Just like the 2020 protests were "mostly peaceful."
It's February of 2023,and people are taking a retweeted, recycled meme as a serious, sincere message? From the world's richest internet troll?
I hope Anne is just clout-chasing, doing a reverse troll. If she is sincere, someone needs to help her find some modern internet culture to study.
I suggest /pol
hmmm. He was formerly adored by all the right people. then he purchased twitter and shook it upside down and out pooped the leftist lies, deceit and censorship. Now leftists hate him and show Musk nothing but hostility.
Somewhat analogous to WWI in my opinion: destabilized institutions and decaying, unclear rule sets and international power relations. A lot of 2nd and 3rd rate people in charge using yesterday’s maps and few clear visions.
Bigger powers can easily stumble into a war where a lot of the new technology will be deployed. Automated warfare elements and assistive technology up and down the chain. ‘How did they know’ or ‘what the hell was that?’
Revenge of the Nerds. Best served cold - and on Twitter.
What Shouting Thomas points out above, I’ve been calling social sentimentalism. Reasoning through a problem in the old way=questionable Compassion/empathy good. Masculinity=Pretty Bad. Femininity=Mostly good. God/tradition/the past=bad. (S)cience/reason attached to collective ideals=good.
Lefty logic=Oppressor bad. Oppressed good. Activists have their hearts in the right place.
Freedom is next. Liberate your (S)elf, just like those troubadours and brilliant artists. Make it new. Join up.
A lot of the above, as meta ideas go, simply arent true. They have truths in them, but fail in key ways. But they are the containers many, many people use to drink the world these days.
You don’t really need to hollow out your institutions of tradition, competency, and wisdom, and also as Shouting Thomas points out a lot=(gay men and women overvalued, straight men undervalued). See our bureaucracies and news outlets and what’s left of a lot of our institutions to see how this alignment with human nature and reality is working out (sycophancy, new forms of authority, infighting)
This could just be a glide path to a more classist, envious society, with bitter politics and slow growth economies and a lot more war (less opportunity and more violence and tribalism).
Or it could be something else, not sure.
Learn to code? Grumble on an old school blog?
Here's a very interesting take on whether Elon is "ambiguous." Or, as Kyle Orton puts it HERE, "just a crazy and/or stupid person." Kyle doesn't think Elon is just crazy, or stupid, or ambiguous. Well, Musk may be all of those things. But he is also pretty clearly intentional.
Kyle Orton
"If Elon was just a crazy and/or stupid person, half of his misadventures into geopolitics would go against Russia, and yet they never do. Not a single time. Yet here he is, twice in one day, giving credence to the most sinister pro-Kremlin garbage about Ukraine and NATO."
Musk literally started a company neuralink so that we could be mind merged with AI/Internet and be able to keep up with it and have as much knowledge as it does. He figures that if we do not integrate with AI, we will be taken over by it.
Maybe/maybe not, but a pretty big thing to leave to chance.
"he intends the ambiguity"
Let's hope. Elon could use a few days at the gym, or at least a personal trainer to whip him into shape. And get some sleep, Elon.
@Althouse, you think this is hostile? No, hostility is someone who reads a rant about Elon Musk in the New York Times and starts mindlessly pushing articles hostile to Musk on her blog, as though she — or the Times — had the slightest idea how to be successful in a high tech industry,
It's not hostility, it's a comment about who will actually run things.
And the nerds shall inherit the earth...
'When his toilet overflows and he needs a plumber his chest thumping will look silly.'
You forgot about the part where these programming nerds have so much fucking money they don't care about paying plumbers...
“ @KyleWOrton
"If Elon was just a crazy and/or stupid person, half of his misadventures into geopolitics would go against Russia, and yet they never do. Not a single time.”
Starlink to Ukraine.
I don’t think he’s this guy but he understands this guy very well because he’s been working with these people for years.
So much of what Elon has done and is doing is for the betterment of life on this planet and beyond. He’s committed to protecting human life from the fragility of being limited to Earth, for example. Developing the Boring Co to alleviate traffic, etc. Musk has certainly not been an incel. He’s close to his mother and his children. He’s different but not alienated. He bought Twitter after all to protect freedom of speech.
I think he’s warning us about how angry and alienated some people in the tech field are. They need to be helped before they lash out. That’s my take anyway.
The kid in the picture is clearly the person others are coming to for help--he didn't have pre-marital sex, he didn't spend his days at the gym.
What Musk seem sot be saying is the geeks shall inherit the earth. Which is true.
The drones dropping grenades have already been defeated by EW that detects them and when they get close, jams them, forcing an emergency landing. Next will be drones that autonomously locate the source of the jamming, and attack it kamikaze style, or simply defeats the jamming by flying straight up out of range., next comes…
Nothing about the Tweet was clear to me. I don't even know what most of the acronyms stand for, and that much only because I read stuff here.
None of us typing here are in more or less danger*, or more or less control**, than we were a week, month, or year ago.
Embrace your powerlessness and lack of influence, and enjoy the ride as long as you can.
* Whatever amount it is
** None whatever
That's not Musk being hostile toward non-techies. Just the opposite. Musk is cautioning non-techies to beware of the threat posed by naive, immature, and potentially hostile techies with their hands on and in the power tools of the near-future.
Shouting Thomas said...
There is no hostility here.
Just a statement of sound moral values as opposed to the sins of sloth, gluttony and lust.
The Ten Commandments are not statements of hostility.
I speak as a sinner.
Ann does not understand how condescending and snotty she sounds.
We all think we are the center. We all think we are the neutral ones.
Everyone else is a splooge stooge and extreme and emotional and hostile.
In about 1983 I attended a conference on advanced computer networking, in SF. Keynote speaker was Lynn Conway, Carver Meade's collaborator. She was, IIRC, on some DoD advisory board. One of her slides showed an autonomous attack helicopter firing at a Soviet tank, in a typical cold-war environment. After, first question from the audience was, "Did you really intend to show us an armed, independent computer-controlled weapon?" Awkward pause, followed by nervous chuckle and flapping hands.
It's a joke based on a widely spread meme that's been around for years. The joke isn't targeted at anyone, it is a joke about AI that plays on a pre-existing meme. That's it.
tim in vermont said...
The drones dropping grenades have already been defeated by EW that detects them and when they get close, jams them, forcing an emergency landing. Next will be drones that autonomously locate the source of the jamming, and attack it kamikaze style, or simply defeats the jamming by flying straight up out of range., next comes…
Would it be worth pointing out that even basic Electronic Warfare techniques like signal jamming are not understood at a basic level by more than what maybe 1% of the population?
Some people know that Amplitude Modulation is what AM stands for. But just the basic knowledge of Radio Frequency transmission is really quite limited. You can transit data by varying the amplitude of a carrier wave? I can't even keep it all in memory for even the basic elements.
The issue is that we have so much more information and technology available to us that no normal human can really keep up with it all.
The singularity is when no unaugmented biological intelligence can keep up with the rate of technological change.
We are a few years from this happening. Nobody can predict what is on the other side of that event.
And we have the most corrupt worthless people in our society in charge in Washington DC.
The best we can hope for is the augmented intelligence's that take over are benevolent and want humanity to continue.
Chuck said...
Here's a very interesting take on whether Elon is "ambiguous." Or, as Kyle Orton puts it HERE, "just a crazy and/or stupid person." Kyle doesn't think Elon is just crazy, or stupid, or ambiguous. Well, Musk may be all of those things. But he is also pretty clearly intentional.
Kyle Orton
"If Elon was just a crazy and/or stupid person, half of his misadventures into geopolitics would go against Russia, and yet they never do. Not a single time. Yet here he is, twice in one day, giving credence to the most sinister pro-Kremlin garbage about Ukraine and NATO."
This is an object lesson in bad faith.
No person on this planet has done more to support Ukraine than Elon Musk.
Not one. single. person. Elon Musk is the only reason that Ukraine is still fighting Russia. His facilitation of communications through Starlink that he funded for years by himself for free was the single most important thing in that "war."
He has done infinitely more than Joe Biden or any of the corrupt shitheads laundering US tax payer money through Ukraine.
Chuck is back to remind us what a truly dishonest and terrible person he is and always has been.
Long-existing meme as rewritten by an AI chatbox.
Chuck is pretending that nobody has heard of Hamilton68, and the investigation of the lies that his favorite outlets told us for years. LOL.
High level Russian officials have threatened Musk "who plays the clown on the internet," but instead they just learned to jam Starlink. This whole "Musk is with the Russians" thing came from the Ukrainians the first time their StarLink failed them in battle. They put him on a kill list, a list where other people on it have ended up killed, BTW, and not by "suicide," but by open assassination. There have been a couple of big tech things in the war. The HIMARS definitely set Russia back, and when the Russians learned to jam StarLink, the tide changed back, also Russia learned to cope with HIMARS. Right now trends are in Russia's favor, putting Biden's holdings in Ukraine at risk.
The thought of The Big Guy not being able to come through for his clients in Ukraine has to have Chuck in a tizzy!
That's a funny story, but when you think that WWI introduced motorized, piloted box kites with the pilot throwing bombs at trenches...
Incel may be a bad draw, perhaps earned, perhaps of limited perspective. Volcel is worse. A friend with "benefits" is worst.
Role models. It's his choice. It's her choice. Ladies and gentlemen, choose wisely and humanely.
That has a familiar ring to it, something of a warrior's lament. 'Shane' was based on such. The only thing missing is that they shunned him prior. But failing to make the sacrifice to prepare, now they demand defense/help. Of course, the outcome is either, returned to peace, those who failed to prepare and were protected again shun the warrior.
I see similar with the Climate Change activists. None seem to be willing to study math, science or engineering. They demand the enslavement of those who did to "do something" to save them from their existential delusions. If the threat is existential then none should be studying the liberal arts, social science, law, fine arts, but should be put to efforts to fight the coming calamity. It is John Adams' statement to Abigail:
" I must study Politicks and War that my sons may have liberty to study Mathematicks and Philosophy. My sons ought to study Mathematicks and Philosophy, Geography, natural History, Naval Architecture, navigation, Commerce and Agriculture, in order to give their Children a right to study Painting, Poetry, Musick, Architecture, Statuary, Tapestry and Porcelaine."
Now is the time for math and engineering....for the children. But few of the activists seem willing to pick up a hard book.
Iconochasm and Mark Harrison have it right here.
Musk is reposting a meme. If you take it at face value, I guess it's deprecating people who went out and partied when they were young. But it's a mistake to take it at face value. Rather, it's also a meme that pokes fun at (or perhaps is just humorously self-deprecating about) people who say self-serious stuff like "I studied the blade."
It's like the one copypasta from someone who claims to be an ex-Navy Seal who knows 10 kinds of kung fu and will hunt you down (or whatever -- too lazy to go find it. If you know what I'm talking about you know exactly the one I mean). If you take it at face value, it's a man bragging about how he's going to beat you up for disagreeing with him on the internet. But that's wrong. It's actually someone making fun of internet blowhards who brag about how dangerous they are. And how it gets used is a mix of people just using it to mock internet blowhards, and people who I think are using it to express a humorous, mild animosity towards whoever they're replying to. No one uses it seriously.
This is similar. A lot of internet culture is knowingly ironic, and Elon Musk is very embedded in internet culture.
Achilles: "Chuck is back to remind us what a truly dishonest and terrible person he is and always has been."
Democratical hack LLR Chuck is back to do what he has always done and just in time for the 2024 campaign: run interference and deflect for his beloved dems, try to direct as much traffic to far left media sources as possible, advance every daily democratical narrative by outright lie and omission of key facts and, in his very own loud and proud words,....
1) Smear and lie about Trump and Trump voters
2) Drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers
And if this is the same Kyle Orton guy as I think it is, everyone should look this "zoology major" up and take a good hard look at this little wienie that the ever more self-immolating National Review is vomiting up.
The National Review is basically the Weekly Standard about 24 months before Phil Anschutz had enough of their lefty antics and shuttered the operation.
Remember, the democraticals have declared Elon Musk persona non grata so LLR Chuck is simply doing what he always does when the democraticals promulgate new talking points and narratives and identify new Emmanuel Goldsteins: falling in line immediately, without question and without hesitation.
It is true, as tim in vermont suggests, that Musk’s Starlink has been invaluable to Ukraine opposing the Russian invasion. Although last fall Musk said that Starlink could not continue to provide services indefinitely without payment. And since then, the EU is apparently organizing payments to Starlink.
I’m quite happy to credit Musk on that. And then, I’m happy to criticize Musk for his weird goddamned Russian-sympathetic Tweets.
I’m drawing the line at “Hamilton68” on topics too collateral to discuss on this comments page. I want to try to respect Althouse’s basic topics. I hope she blogs it. Because I really want that fight. I want every fight, every day, with Trump World.
Rejecting the lefty boomer party hard “values” of Althouse’s youth is “dangerous”. Saying you will not spend your life and skills saving people from their own sloth and sinfulness is now bad. Huh. Typical commie hippie Boomer.
"too collateral to discuss on this comments page."
LOL, of course, Chuck.
"for his weird goddamned Russian-sympathetic Tweets."
Remember when he said that the people living in the areas should decide by a vote, rather than by killing hundreds of thousands of people in a pointless war? Why would that be Russian-sympathetic unless you knew that the people in Donbas were sick and tired of the eight years of combat foisted on them in an effort to resist the CIA backed coup. Or that the govt in Crimea invited Russia in after the ... let's call them "hyper-nationalists," overthrew the legitimate government in Kiev and installed one approved in Washington.
You do know that Kiev has been using cluster munitions on civilians in Donbas for nearly a decade, right Chuck? I can see why Kiev doesn't want anything to do with a vote over their right to rule over Donbas.
Chuck will fight you! He studied the blade. Or something. What an annoying little girl you are Chuck.
LLR Chuck: "I’m quite happy to credit Musk on that."
Your "credit"-ing of Musk is irrelevant, time late and transparently dishonest as your next comment demonstrates.
LLR Chuck: "And then, I’m happy to criticize Musk for his weird goddamned Russian-sympathetic Tweets."
Musk has no "weird goddamned Russian-sympathetic Tweets". Its another of your many, many lies in service to the democraticals.
And along those lines, Tim in Vermont has it correct: TiV: "Chuck is pretending that nobody has heard of Hamilton68, and the investigation of the lies that his favorite outlets told us for years. LOL."
Quite so.
LLR Chuck apparently believes its still 2015 and he has not been thoroughly exposed for what he really is, a quite pathetic democratical apparatchik.
I guess it's a way for Elon to distract folks from the fact that his $8/month monetization plan was going for 10 million subscribers and barely cracked 250,000 globally.
The image was so dim I didn't see that the geek is holding a katana. Now it makes more sense.
Dumb Lefty Mark: "I guess it's a way for Elon to distract folks from the fact that his $8/month monetization plan was going for 10 million subscribers and barely cracked 250,000 globally."
Dumb Lefty Mark doesn't seem to realize that Twitter, losing $billions/yr prior to Musk, is now expected to hit its break even point this calendar year while continuing to improve service, improve functionality and improve UX all the while rewriting massive amounts of muddled/idiotic/censorious code the other dumb lefties put in place prior to Musk's arrival....with accelerating work to create the foundation for Twitter to become a direct competitor to Paypal. As predicted.
Meanwhile, readers will recall Dumb Lefty Mark was predicting the rapid demise of Twitter, even a collapse of the app!
Readers will also recall Dumb Lefty Mark and readering spending lots of time lamenting the inevitable demise of Tesla as well.........right before Tesla reported record production numbers, record sales and record profits.
All this while SpaceX looks to be within just a month or two away from the actual maiden flight of Starship, the rocket/ship combo that will alter the course of Space operations again....after Musk and team already altered the course of Space operations with their Falcon/Falcon Heavy systems!
Yep, between peas in a pod dumb leftists like LLR Chuck, Mark and readering, you could get rich running in precisely the opposite direction of these ignoramuses.
Drago, unmatched eggs have yet to be counted.
Also, I only discussed how around Super Bowl time Twitter would show its cracks. It sure seems like those are coming out, given their initial monetization scheme is a pittance.
Dumb Lefty Mark: "Also, I only discussed how around Super Bowl time Twitter would show its cracks."
Sure, sure.
Now that you've got those goal posts moving, it would be wise to keep up the momentum.
You're going to need it.
Strange tweet followed by stranger thread of commemts.
Drago, prove I changed my forecast about this.
Should be easy, right? Then do it.
Musk is also making Twitter into a YouTube competitor.
And he funded ChatGpi that is a Google Killer.
And Twitter was down for many folks today lmao.
The chickens are coming home to roost.
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