In honor of tomorrow's white supremacist, anti-Semitic National Day of Hate, I welcome all of you to join me in a National Day of Kiss My Ass, You Pathetic Losers.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) February 24, 2023
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
In honor of tomorrow's white supremacist, anti-Semitic National Day of Hate, I welcome all of you to join me in a National Day of Kiss My Ass, You Pathetic Losers.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) February 24, 2023
९५ टिप्पण्या:
Shapiro has composed a pithy riposte, perfect for tweeting, and seems to believe it communicates something. I have no idea what he's talking about, and that Twitter tone of wit and bite comes off as mean-spirited and petty when you're not in the know.
Both factions in this “controversy” are VR programs.
I doubt that the purported confrontation between these two VR programs will escape the confines of Twitter.
After the purported virtual event, VR actors will interview one another on their podcasts.
Never heard of it. I'm sure the media will be glad to demonstrate their virtue by amplifying the message.
I thought February 25th was the day the nation celebrated Marie Boyd scoring 156 points in a Maryland High School basketball game (163-3) in 1924. She was the first player, man or woman, to score 100 points in a basketball game, a feat that was unmatched maybe until Wilt Chamberlain come along.
Controlled opposition.
I don’t even know what he is talking about. Now I have to go see what this day of hate the Con inc people and the wef billionaires have ginned up to keep the little people divided and fighting.
I hate Illinois Nazis.
I saw the warnings yesterday and wondered if it was real. I'm optimistic enough to be skeptical, but it could be real.
The National Day of Hate sounds like a fraudulent hoax to me. Right now the bulk of the anti-Semitism I see is coming from the Left. Berkeley Law School today, can Wisconsin Law be far behind?
Best guess, some of society’s losers have been conned by FBI provocateurs, sort of like the Whitmer kidnapping hoax, with planted stories aimed at gullible liberals.
Here's what one government official sent us through a neighborhood email list:
"I want to make you aware of something, not to alarm you, but to keep you vigilant. Tomorrow, Saturday February 25, has been dubbed a “National Day of Hate” by anti-Semitic white supremacist groups. Online chatter, monitored by federal agencies, has described calls for supporters of anti-Semitic white supremacist groups to “shock the masses with banner drops, stickers, fliers, and graffiti” and take photos of videos and participants engaging in these activities to spread on social media. I want to stress that, at this time, authorities are not aware of any specific activities planned in Wisconsin to support this horrible agenda, but if you see anything worrisome, please do NOT confront individuals distributing propaganda, conducting banner drops, or spraying/stenciling graffiti. Please call 911 and report what you see. The Madison Police Department is aware of this initiative, and is ready and able to respond accordingly. And, if you can, try to do something with your day that is meaningful and loving. That will be the best defense of all."
Online chatter, monitored by federal agencies...
Exactly what is being talked about, I wondered.
Also, I found it creepy to be told by a government official to "try to do something with your day that is meaningful and loving." Try to mind your own business, government. I'll decide whether to use my freedom to pursue love and meaning. If I want to think about things I hate or fritter my time away on nonsense, that's my prerogative.
Althouse said, "Try to mind your own business, government."
Amen. The depressing part is that the government's "own business" has pretty much expanded to encompass just about everything in the last 40 years. That was the mistake, letting it get that way, not necessarily whether it minds it or not.
I never heard of this. Perhaps Shapiro is giving the event more publicity than it deserves.... I went through the tweets to see what it was all about. According to the leftists who posted there, a substantial number of Ben Shapiro fans are anti-Semitic. I find it very confusing.
I hate National (anything) Days.
I hate being compelled to do something on a particular Day.
I hate Hate Crime Laws.
Laws against assault, harassment, threats of violence, acts of violence, terrorism, vandalism, etc. should suffice, and whether or not the perpetrator hates the victim is irrelevant.
Feel free to Hate me for my views on this.
I’m with Kate. People on Twitter get lost in their world and assume we all know what is trending on Twitter. Ben forgot 99% of us aren’t on the fucking platform to begin with. Not even Elon can lure most of us back.
"[A]nti-Semitic white supremacist groups"
Okay, Government. Provide some names and locations of these 'groups' and their leaders, or it's all bullshit. Which is what I'd put my money on.
If I want to think about things I hate or fritter my time away on nonsense, that's my prerogative.
Love it! This is one of the many things that keeps me coming back to your blog, Ms. Althouse.
So "white supremacists" are going to put up fliers and Sounds terrifying. Be careful out there Peoples Of Color, you may see mean words. Thank, uh, something that our benevolent and trustworthy government is looking out for us.
This sounds like a government created program. anti-Semitic white supremacist groups...
Really? There are multiple " anti-Semitic white supremacist groups". Where do they meet? Do they have parades? Take out advertisements in the newspaper? Publish books? Do they have headquarters? Newspapers? Magazines? Boards of Directors?
I've never met an "anti-Semitic white supremacist" personally. Has anyone? What's his name? I'll call him and ask about it.
Here's good news for everyone. Anti-Semitism, White Supremacy, Fascism, Nazism. These are all discredited and defeated ideologies that have very few adherents. So Relax.
Unfortunately, we still have anti-Semites but they are mostly on college campuses along with people who think it's a good idea to mutilate childrens' breasts and genitals. Like almost everything that comes out of academia, they are best ignored.
Yeah. This sounds like something the proggs thought up to scare their base. You know. Like the Jan. 6 "insurrection". Fake as hell.
"Oh. Did you know Feb. 25 is the "National Day of Hate"? Well. No. Because I'm not a leftist who makes things up to scare people. Did you know that Feb.21 was national Paczki day? I bet you didn't because leftists are racists.
All those marching FBI guys in matching outfits probably need something to do.
I personally think Taco Tuesdays is a really good thing and I'd like to add hot pastrami on rye Saturdays to the, you know...fight anti-semitism or something.
In last week's Taibi, Kirn podcast they covered a concerted effort to overclassify hate speech using algorithms and other AI bots to silence people found to be inconvenient.
Darkhorse has also been keeping an eye on these efforts.
A National Day of Hate would work like an invitation into the capitol building on Jan6.
Some people are, at long last... stupid and they will say stupid stuff. I hate using the word stupid. There is no other word, however. That's why I'm not back a twitter, and I don't believe I'll ever be back there.
Anti-Semitic white supremacists.
I wonder how many of them there are in the USA?
I smell a rat.
"911, what is your emergency?"
" I saw someone exercise a first amendment right! I'm !iterally shaking! "
Robert Marshall: "Okay, Government. Provide some names and locations of these 'groups' and their leaders, or it's all bullshit."
The people doing it are in many different places but they all answer directly to the folks on the 7th floor of the Hoover building in DC and annual bonuses become sparse if there isn't alot of "chatter" generated each year.
The FBI is also reporting their Federal Anti-Elephant Stomping US Citizens To Death Program is working gangbusters and they will be asking to increase their annual program budget from $76.52 Billion to $638.97 Billion for Fiscal 2024.
Mitch McConnell has already signalled his full support for the increase.
FBI leadership is just now beginning its annual program detailed budget development weeklong meeting in Sao Paolo, Brazil since Carnivale is just about to start.
Given historical posting patterns, its highly likely that the only people at Althouse blog with "deep" insight (wink wink) into this newest and bestest "threat" "from the right" will be longtime leftist posters Inga, gadfly, hpudding, Dumb Lefty Mark, LLR Chuck and a few assorted hangers on.
Exit question: when these recently"discovered"..white supremacist Day of Hate types are at their computers in their tree house forts posting their totally "original" and "spontaneous" and most certainly non-centrally directed hateful posts.....are they wearing hawaiian shirts?
"[A]nti-Semitic white supremacist groups"
So, large segments of the DNC?
"...sounds like a fraudulent hoax to me." Redundant phrasing.
"Right now the bulk of the anti-Semitism I see is coming from the Left."
"Anti-Semitic white supremacists.
"I wonder how many of them there are in the USA?"
A lot!
New name idea for the day:
The National Day of "Just in case you are a White Supremacist Anti-Semite - You will be ordered to repent, grovel and disavow, Day."
You will be counted as a "hater" unless you repent up front. That goes for those of you who refuse to obey the woke Transgender obsessives, too.
The FBI know how to no-knock raid your ass, with CNN in tow.
Step 1: gin up a controversy or amplify a rumor, using scary sounding rhetoric.
Step 2: sweep in and claim that you are in control of the situation, and everyone is safe because of your vigilance.
Professor Harold Hill would be impressed.
The implication here is that most Jewish people aren't White? I bet that would be a shock to all the Caucasian Jews, which is almost all of ones in my circle of friends and acquaintances. BTW who among us has ever seen or known of a White Supremist organization or group or even a lone White Supremist? What's the supposed benefit to dedicating one's life to denigrating other groups of people? This is pure Leftist propaganda, and this type of bullshit is sure to ramp up as the election season approaches and the Dems need to roil the base.
Nasty comments from people who elect the likes of Biden, Harris, Schumer, AOC, Fedderman, Pelosi, Waters and the like citing insignificant "White Supremacists", etc., having nothing to do with Shapiro are telling. Unfortunately, identity politics, incivility and ignorance are no longer the exclusive province of the left.
The tweet by Shapiro was pandering and unwise.
First Agent: Complete Loser group. I'll never be promoted due to being undercover there. It's not fair.
Supervisor: Oh come now. It's up to you to make the group significant. You've just been leaving it to them and now you see what happens when you wait for them to act. Talk, talk, drink beer, talk more, nothing happens.
Second Agent: I say it's not fair and I've been to 23andMe and I was brought to this country as a slave in 1619. I claim victim privilege.
Supervisor: I thought you came in the Mayflower in 1620, what are you, some kind of time traveler? The Mayflower, that's how you get in white supremacy groups.
Second Agent: I'm a dynamic duo, white and victim privilege and, in fact, I'm feeling fragile and like going the HR.
Supervisor: No need, no need. Well, then, you need a community that will just love to find a white supremacy group operating in their midst so as to be indignant. So, so so, Madison, yeah, Madison Wisconsin. Get some flyers, pass them out, paint some swastikas, maybe a noose. You know the drill or were you being fragile in class that day?
First Agent: Cold and dark right now for that stuff. I've been to 23andMe and I'm descended from Kamehameha and could infiltrate in Honolulu
Supervisor: I've been to 23andMe and I'm descended from Shaka kaSenzangakhona. Go.
Hell, if I'd known it was National Day of Hate Day, I'd have got up earlier.
I heard that it's National Clam Chowder Day. Clams . . . kosher . . . yep, it must be part of the National Day of Hate Day too.
'"I want to make you aware of something, not to alarm you, but to keep you vigilant. Tomorrow, Saturday February 25, has been dubbed a “National Day of Hate” by anti-Semitic white supremacist groups.'
The only groups like this that still exist are 80% Fed undercover agents.
They are invariably either Democrat false flag operations, or remnants of the Democrat KKK and the Democrat Jim Crow South.
Scott Adams on the National Day of Hate
He is such a jerk. Ben Shapiro i mean.
Vicki from Pasadena
Ho hum. Another fear mongering disinformation campaign run by the government. Just another day ending in “y.”
Amadeus 48 said...
"Anti-Semitic white supremacists.
I wonder how many of them there are in the USA?"
Six. There are six of em'.
Maybe they meant " Hats ". "National Day of Hats"
Many years back, someone started papering Southern science fiction conventions with flyers supposedly produced by a group calling themselves the 'Southern Hostility Suite,' promising to trash various hotel guest and function rooms at future conventions for (vaguely stated) anarchistic reasons and to make science fiction conventions in general unwelcome at major hotel chains.
Large numbers of con-goers flew into a rage over this and demanded that Something Be Done, up to and including hunting the miscreants down and beating them. An acquaintance of mine posted counter-flyers, attempting to reason with the SHS.
In the end, no hotel rooms were trashed and no members of the SHS were ever uncovered. It was all a prank on the part of some science fiction fan with a peculiar sense of humor.
Maybe they meant " Hats ". "National Day of Hats"
are MAGA hat also allowed?
Here in NYC I've heard a lot about this. On the other hand, I was out today in a heavily Jewish area with lots of synagogues and saw no sign of anything. It does sound like a false flag. Most of the anti-semitic acts here are perpetrated by Muslims and blacks. Every day is a day of hate.
If Ben Shapiro ever gets his own TV show, they should call it "Fast Talk with Ben Shapiro"
victoria said...
“He is such a jerk. Ben Shapiro i mean.
Vicki from Pasadena”
Why? Because he’s an Orthodox Jew?
How can we be sure you are not an anti-Semite, Vicki?
“I thought February 25th was the day the nation celebrated Marie Boyd scoring 156 points in a Maryland High School basketball game (163-3) in 1924. She was the first player, man or woman, to score 100 points in a basketball game, a feat that was unmatched maybe until Wilt Chamberlain come along.”
Marie Boyd Day — I like it! Let’s go with it!
I love how the Press and others constantly MAKE UP these fake MANUFACTURED incidents and imaginary events and then react to them like they are REAL.
There is no "Day of Hate". There is no "Shadowy Group" of Jew haters. THere is no KKK. If these Nazis who proclaimed a "Day of Hate" exist, give me names, statistics, and proof.
We've had an explosion of fake so-called "Hate Crimes" in the last 15 years. Blacks hanging up nooses. Jews painting swaztikas or calling in bomb threats to Synagogues, Muslims and Hispanics contenting some white guy called them a name. White women claiming someone at the college send them "rape threats" and painted KKK on their car or college office.
FAKE, FAKE, FAKE. But no matter how fake the accusations are, they get NO punishment for lying. And the next fake "hate crime" is reported as if all the fakes never happened.
As for Ben Shapiro, he's a total clown. A never-trumper who wanted Trump to drop out in October 2016 and hand the election to Hillary, then flipped to being a Trump supporter in 2018, and in Jan 2021 was back to trashing Trump again. That he has any conservative followers just shows how DUMB the Right is.
"National Day of Hate" sounds exactly like a Reddit hoax, or something cooked up by the FBI. Wasn't aware of it until just this moment.
Every day is [rabid] diversity [dogma] (i.e. color judgment, class-based bigotry) that forever lives in infamy in class-disordered ideologies including DIEversity policies under a State-established secular ethical religion, sometimes celebrated for 30 or more days consecutively in mainstream media, parades, etc.
I haven't heard about any National Day of Hate locally. Maybe it's a northern thing.
DIEversity Springs Forward
Some, Select [Baby] Lives Matter #HateLovesAbortion
victoria: “He is such a jerk. Ben Shapiro i mean."
Meade: "Why? Because he’s an Orthodox Jew?
How can we be sure you are not an anti-Semite, Vicki?"
Calling an Orthodox Jew a "jerk" is such a left wing anti-semitic, anti-Israel, pro-islamic terrorism dog whistle, as everyone knows.
There should be some consideration as to whether or not such language by victoria should be allowed on "Teh Interwebs" and whether or not victoria should be reported to the federal authorities.
Filed under: One Set Of Rules For Everybody
To be perfectly honest, I originally read this as a National Day of Pâté, which I thought was a little odd for everyone to get worked up about.
'There is no KKK.'
It's called the Democrat Party and it still exists.
The most racist organization in the country.
The ones that believe black people are so stupid they can't function on a daily basis without the help of white elites.
tcrosse said...
“If Ben Shapiro ever gets his own TV show, they should call it "Fast Talk with Ben Shapiro"”
Shapiro’s is the only podcast i listen to for which I don’t have to set the speed function higher.
Marie Boyd Day — I like it! Let’s go with it!
Okay, let's do it! We're starting the movement right here, right now. Tell your friends. We're going to smother National Hate Day in the cradle and we're going to celebrate Marie Boyd Day on February 25th from now on with party whistles and hats and lots of dribbling.
Some, Select [Black] Lives Matter invading neighborhoods to intimidate families and residents.
Antifa denying civil rights and carrying out nationwide insurrections.
Occupy running protection rackets.
Parades full of hate without pride(s).
Mengele mandates, Levine's personal affirmation through surgical, medical, and/or psychiatric corruption of underage girls and boys.
Class-disordered ideologies that deny agency, sequester "burdens" of evidence in darkness, and normalize human life as negotiable commodities in a wicked solution.
DIEversity policies denying individual dignity, individual conscience, intrinsic value, and advocacy for color blocs, color quotas, and affirmative discrimination.
One step forward, two steps backward.
I'm celebrating by watching one of the funniest scenes ever.
I Hear You're A Racist Now, Father! - Father Ted
Ron DeSantis is taking this “National Day of Hate” seriously, it seems.
National Day of Pâté,
Mmmm... liver. Tastes like chicken.
I stand with Amish, babies... and albinos.
Meade: "Shapiro’s is the only podcast i listen to for which I don’t have to set the speed function higher."
Shapiro’s is the only podcast i listen to for which I CAN'T set the speed function higher.
There you go, Drags. That’s it. Well said.
I didn't get the memo.
Did any of the rest of you fellow Right-Wing Haters get the memo on this?
It seems like this would be right up our alley, according to all our lefty friends here.
I think that, as well-informed and well known Right Wing Haters, we all should have been let in on this. But no, we got nothing.
And now here we are on the actual historical first National Day of Hate and we don't even have any placards, flags, or kinky leather outfits to show off.
It's embarrassing.
Shapiro only speaks in "burst transmission" mode.
@Bob, freezing here at the moment but I’m not gonna let that stop me—from now on, every February 25, I’m going out to practice and I won’t come back in until I’ve sunk 156 from the line. In Marie’s honor. (Or at least dribbled 156 dribbles which I should be able to manage right up to my penultimate day in assisted living.)
If anonymous on-line White Supremacist hate groups did not exist, lefties would simply invent them.
Wait! Maybe they are invented.
Here is some helpful information you might want to use to interpret the many signs, posters, and, God Forbid, chalkings you will undoubtedly see scattered all over Madison today.
But it's best to stay inside and keep your pistol handy. You better believe they know you have or had a connection with The Tribe. Let caution be your watchword.
Also, be especially wary of anyone wearing a Fred Perry polo and suspenders. Danger!!!
I suspect someone's fund raising is down a bit.
Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary/FBI Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "Ron DeSantis is taking this “National Day of Hate” seriously, it seems."
Siri, show me an example of someone who doesn't understand the demographic makeup of Florida voters and why it costs DeSantis nothing to be seen responding to a Federal Warning.......and voila! Inga appears!
Just like the little voice-actuated NPC automaton she is.
This "National Day of Hate" sounds like a 4chan stunt. Why are people taking this seriously?
Doesn't the Bible address this in Esther? The proper response is to arm and defend yourself, not rely on the government that supported anti-Semitism.
boatbuilder: "I didn't get the memo.
Did any of the rest of you fellow Right-Wing Haters get the memo on this?"
No conservative or republican poster on Althouse blog or anywhere else for that matter knows what is happening with "The Right Wing" until the leftists show up and clue us in.
Inga, for instance, for years now, has gained deep insight and perspective on the Boogaloo Boys/hawaiian shirt wearing supposed neer-do-wells, Qanon et al and she is always happy to share that deep insight and perspective with the rest of us who are in the dark about it all.
Most interesting is Inga's apparent singular ability to describe in detail what these types are always thinking about all manner of things. Most illuminating.
From Inga's own link, which she did not read (Inga trademark move is to only read headlines and never the article itself):
"According to the Anti-Defamation League, the “National Day of Hate” is expected to see a surge in activity from hate groups. The ADL stated that while there is no information yet about specific threats of violence, the distribution of antisemitic fliers, protests and graffiti is expected."
Did you catch that?
There is no information on actual threats, but hey graffiti and fliers and "protests" might be on the way.
I expect to see at least 4 Bubba Wallace "noose" "incidents", at least 17 university campuses where leftist activists scribble hate speech on walls are caught and then never discussed again and at least 1 appearance by The FBI U-Haul Ridin' Khaki-Pant And Radio City HighKick Brigade.
Beyond that? The usual: Nothing at all. Maybe a hawaiian shirt wearing "boogaloo boy" complains that there aren't enough mild hot sauce packets available in the Taco Bell in downtown Tucson or some similar "terrorist" event.
There was some resistance from the moderate-liberal crowd for a time to consumption of pâté de foie gras due to the treatment of the geese who were (so it was said) force-fed feed to enhance the livers they ultimately surrendered to provide the delicacy.
Rusty said...
Amadeus 48 said...
"Anti-Semitic white supremacists.
I wonder how many of them there are in the USA?"
Six. There are six of em'.
I seen 'em!
They was standing right next to Glenn Youngkin's bus!
Watch out for FBI boogaloo, too. Eeeek!
to Listen to shapiro I put my podcast speed on x1.0, and reduce my IQ by 20 points.
And then its sounds great!
National Hats day.
I'll take a fedora please.
I read somewhere else, this whole "national hate day" is made up the SPLC and the ADL. Its based on their "Monitoring" of a "Hate Group" in Eastern Iowa.
Honest to fucking God.
15,000 people get murdered in the USA every year, and they get every publicity, but we all have to hear about a mythical threat from a non-existant NAZI group in fucking Iowa
So it's Ukrainians, then.
Bonkti said...
"Rusty said...
Amadeus 48 said...
"Anti-Semitic white supremacists.
I wonder how many of them there are in the USA?"
Six. There are six of em'.
I seen 'em!
They was standing right next to Glenn Youngkin's bus!"
They were probably lost. Dem simps are easily mislocated.
Jew Lives Matter!
Let's buy Ben a house, shall we?
There is no information on actual threats, but hey graffiti and fliers and "protests" might be on the way.
Plausible is the novel standard of social justice. Plausible is the novel method of scientific inquiry. Plausible is the social distance from a probable "burden".
The ADL is like the "Law & Order" take on NYC: Manhattan is full of neo-Nazi white supremacists, and Christian anti-abortion extremists. Muslims and blacks just get wrongfully accused.
National Hats day.
That clearly has sexist intent. It's National - Pussy Hats - Day.
In the spirit of the game, I post this when the comment count is 88. (Get it? 8 = H, 88 = HH, HH = YKW.)
In the spirit of the game, I post this when the comment count is 88. (Get it? 8 = H, 88 = HH, HH = YKW.)
So, when is National Hate Month?
That "National Day of Hate" sounds like a Boycott, Divest, S[don't remember] activity. Perfectly inline with leftist progressive, neobarbarian activities. They'd fit right in on any college campus.
What? No appearance by Jussie Smollett?
Kirk Parker: "Drago,
What? No appearance by Jussie Smollett?"
In the Smollett case, I'm afraid its "Definitely NOT Back By Popular Demand".
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